Diablo 4 - Stop THESE Mistakes - Free Greater Affix Gear, Easy Masterworking, Temper Trick & More!

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ladies gentlemen in Herod of all ages as we move further and further into season 4 there are more bits of knowledge that I pick up more things that I either see other people do and realize maybe they don't know it's the wrong way to do something or even just things that I've done myself before figuring it out as well so today we're going to go over a nice collection of mistakes to avoid making or just things that you may not know that could either help or hurt you as a result starting off from the top then the first thing that I want to talk about is masterworking but a specific part of it masterworking can get quite pricey especially as far as actual pit materials that you need to spend on the higher ranks and as oftentimes happens in games like this you will eventually have an item drop that is an upgrade and replace an item that you've already invested masterworking upgrades into when this happens don't sell the item for gold Salvage it at the blacksmith this will refund a portion of the actual masterworking materials themselves that were used on the item it's not a full refund by any means but it is quite a noticeable amount especially on items that have more upgrades on them to begin with so this is just a really easy way to recoup some of the cost that you have spent when you are upgrading your gear on a similar note to that one this is a tip that has been around since the game launched really but it is far more relevant now than ever which is when you Salvage equipment that has gems inside of it already slotted in the gems will come out of it automatically for free this matters because I still often see people go and use the remove gem option at the Jeweler before salvaging an item just because they are afraid that it will destroy the gems if they do that but that doesn't happen you just get the gems back so you're wasting Gold by doing that however if you are going to sell the item you should probably get the gems out of it on the topic of gems then that does bring us to a big thing that applies specifically to season 4 which is the existence of gems in armor slots that give various main stats and high amounts this is a new thing this season and the all stats AIX has also been removed this season from any non-unique pieces of gear which makes it a lot harder to hit some of the stat requirements on different Paragon nodes that we used to hit regularly this can cause a lot of people to be missing some relatively important stats including a lot of Defense most notably but these are pretty easily recouped by using the Royal versions of the stat gems for plus 100 to each of the stats you actually need to hit these break points usually you only need one or two of these at most depending on the build but having those in as long as you know when to use them can absolutely be worth a fair amount more than just having a ruby in your armor while we're here it's also worth talking about vendors vendors have always had some surprisingly high value in the game previously they could sell rare items of insanely high value but the RNG chance of this was pretty low and now with rare items just being officially completely useless in the end game these days you might assume that means that vendors are also no longer worth using but no not only can vendors now sell legendaries but on top of that they can even sell legendaries with greater affixes as crazy as that is to say so yes while the chances of you seeing something like this are not at all likely each time you check the vendor the chances of it happening eventually are actually relatively high so just check in with your local vendors when you're in a town around once an hour when they reset and one day you might even have something like like this happen for yourself and while talking about legendaries and greater affixes one thing that I have talked about before but feel like I should always really repeat myself on just the general practices and information around tempering to avoid breaking your powerful items first things first this testing done by a player done by the name of sty not a massive sample size but still 300 rolls which is more than a reasonable one to go from and this generally indicates that there seems to be a waiting of different affixes on each temperary manual in the sense that the developers chose some stats on each one and said that they think they're more powerful so they should show up less frequently when you roll that manual and that seems to be something that may be affecting your tempers if they chose a stat that you are looking for on top of that you need to just know how important a temper is to your build if you are a bash Barbarian for example bash cleave on a high roll is more important than the entire rest of your weapons but for most builds and most items that isn't the case and in the more standard cases you want to focus more on having the correct AIX on a piece of gear more than having a high roll of the right AIC especially when rolling tempers on high value items with greater aices 2o cuz you don't want to just turn them into trash six up then we have a concept that seems to be just more and more advisable the further into the season that we get which is stop using most uniques specifically of course there are some that are full-on build enabling and required but outside of those ones which is usually one or two per build even including things like uber uniques 2 you shouldn't just be using uniques for the sake of using them anymore in the old system it was super justifiable for the effects themselves but now with the addition of tempering as a system and the fact that you can get two chosen personalized affixes on any legendary that you can't have on a unique it just sort of tips the balance really really hard in favor of legendaries in the vast majority of situations the exceptions are things like maybe your pants or helmets unless you have really high tier utility tempers just because there are good alternate options of uniques with good stats to begin with overall the point of this though is to favor legendaries over uniques in the majority of situations right now that said uniques can still be masterworked and there is one more thing that I do want to talk about in regards to masterworking I've seen people approach this system in two separate ways really I want to talk about why and when each way could be better than the other the first is masterworking for the sake of masterworking you are using this item and you have the required materials so why not increase its level get it sta bonuses and you probably don't even care where the 25% bonus major upgrade rolles and lands along the way you just want the RW stat increases as a whole right the other way of looking at it is being incredibly particular about your your major upgrades and not accepting a bad role on these in my opinion it is almost always better to play it in the second way here the reason why is that masterworking gets really costly for materials in the higher upgrades and those same materials can be dozens if not hundreds of roles on Lower masterworking upgrades to nail that first 25% bonus and think about it this way if an AIX gets no major upgrades throughout the whole 12-step process it will be boosted by around 45% One Singular major upgrade is a 25% increase in itself so even at 4 out of 12 with that combined in with the standard upgrades that one AIX will already be at a 40% increase but simply if there's any AIX at all on a piece of equipment that is more valuable than the others focus it with masterworking don't just do it willy-nilly it is more efficient for materials and you will get far more out of it in the long run then this next one is a bit more of an abstract concept which is understanding the state of your class the game updates relatively frequently and very little of this information is actually announced inside of the game anywhere you have to actively be on the lookout for news of this type of things mostly outside of the game and if you aren't you could miss some very major things for example up until literally a few days ago there were multiple sorcerer legendary aspects Paragon nodes and parts of their skill treat that affected damage to vulnerable enemies and after various testing by quite a lot of different Sorcerers at this point they all but confirmed it just wasn't working correctly even though blizzard disagreed in the short term but it looks like after being corrected they actually looked into it a bit further and agreed that something was a little bit off and they fixed it and you may noticed now that the sorcerer's highest pitr run completions is now much more comparable to every other class after that havix happened but that havix happened fairly quietly and what it does was just shift the numbers for a lot of things for a lot of classes and it was a pretty big deal there was also a brief scare that bash was getting totally nerfed recently in patch 1.4.1 and if that had actually happened then anyone who was playing bash Barbarian that wasn't paying attention to that news would have been screwed same thing happened recently for rogue rapid fire with scoundrel's kiss got absolutely ruined as a build for multiple days and that was fully a bug admitted by the developers but again something that you wouldn't know about either unless you stay up to date on this information about your class or if you're already in one of the effective builds and you find out the hard way the point here being just try to stay up to date on things regarding your class even outside of the game it may be a little bit of an extra hassle but it will help you out if you are trying to do actually difficult content past that there's just a philosophy around how to make your builds in season 4 that will entirely Define how comfortably you can push deeper into the pit and into higher tiers of of this activity which is understanding your damage reduction sources unfortunately this is pretty class specific so I can't say exactly what you need to do just in general and some classes have more options for this around than others do but right now the biggest hurdle for pit clearing is the boss at the end and pretty unanimously the toughest part of the bosses are the sort of ghostly Echo mechanics that pop up and do massive damage if they hit you the reason this happens is because these attacks aren't attached to the boss they're essentially functioning like traps they have no ual source that they come from they are just damage this means if you have things like damage reduction from vulnerable enemies damage reduction from close enemies damage reduction from bleeding or poisoned enemies all those types of enemy specific damage reductions will have no effect at all on these attacks in the boss fights instead you want to focus more on generalized damage reduction or player based things like damage reduction while fortified these are just much more controllable and all-encompassing and thus way better for these difficult fights finally then there are two pretty rare but but farmable Commodities this season worth talking about that can actually be gotten together quite effectively which are Stitch and Stones the materials that are required to summon the torment versions of the lad bosses the level 200 fights that drop five times the amount of gear that they normally would these are incredibly rare drops from either the pit or from World bosses but you get a good handful of them guaranteed at the end of the call of the Wolves reputation track the other main thing that you get at the actual very end of this activity is a resplendent spark again repeatable on second characters and a resp blended spark is essentially just one quarter of a chosen Uber unique from you you can get this filled out completely in under 10 hours really from a fresh character if you're interested in doing so which gets you both of these sets of goodies and well of course also gets you another character to actually play the game with in endgame so just a really cool thing to consider engaging with if you have been considering a second character in the first place especially with the mother's blessing event coming up that just about does it for today than everyone just a nice collection of things that I think people should either be more aware of or just ways to avoid making mistakes that I've made myself or seen others making all with the goal of making season 4 even more enjoyable as much as possible for everyone like if you like the video subscribe with the notification Bell for more and most importantly ladies and gentlemen until next time stay sweet Josh cotton and Hollow with the videos dropping the humor like a hammer on your tippy toes bringing entertainment on a daily arrangement to take our insanity and turn it into entertainment yes I said entertainment twice to reiterate that it is nice to look your faces on a mostly daily basis when you let us in your homes to make the whole world our stage is uh goodbye
Channel: RageGamingVideos
Views: 61,353
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Keywords: diablo 4 tempering, diablo 4 season 4 tempering, tempering, tempering guide, season 4 tempering brick, tempering brick, diablo 4 gear guide, diablo 4 greater affixes, diablo 4 greater affix, season 4 greater affix, gear guide, best gear, unique, diablo 4 build guide, build, diablo 4 season 4 guide, season 4 guide, season 4, guide, diablo 4 season 4, sorcerer, barbarian, necromancer, diablo 4, gameplay, diablo 4 patch, season 4 patch, season 4 best build, best build, ragegamingvideos
Id: T-dpJyJ-ST0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 37sec (637 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 04 2024
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