Diablo 3 and Reaper of Souls Critique

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This is a relatively old video. I do agree with the points made though especially about the story.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Boogiddy 📅︎︎ Feb 03 2017 🗫︎ replies
Diablo 3 was released in 2012 More than 10 years after Diablo 2 Both game were made by Blizzard Entertainment One of the titans of PC gaming If you know nothing about video games Well.. first of all, how did you ended up watching this? It's likely that you still heard some of their games World of Warcraft Starcraft maybe even Hearthstone My intention is to devote the video to all of their major releases of the last few years Because of the World of Warcraft I've played Blizzard's games more than a half from any other company The way Battle.net is set-up makes their current suite of title feels interconnected and encourages people to try them out The way that your friend list remains active between each of these games can also act as a lure to look into the other games. Anyways, if I follow this line of thought, I'll quickly lose sight of what I want this video to be about. I think a lot about Blizzard's game, and because of Heartstone, I dread the changes that may soon take hold of the company. Maybe I'll get into this at the end of the video. For now, let's focus on Diablo 3. I did not play Diablo 1 or 2. I probably never will. My opinion on Diablo 3 is not influenced by anything except the game itself. So, if you're hoping for a comparison between the games in the series, this video won't have much for you. Blizzard described Diablo 3 as an Action-Roleplaying game. This mangled definition of 'Role playing' is used to main that the game has a leveling system and stat points, rather than a deep-involved story with a cast of characters and choices for the player to make, and a role to play. At the start of the game, you're plopped outside of a town and left to start moving on your own. The main bulk of the game is controlled with your mouse, just like you would use to navigate through your computer's menu and browse the Internet. Clicking to move feels natural right from the start, and my guess is that many new players will click on an enemy out of instinct and discover how to attack just like that. I wouldn't go as far to say that this is a clever introduction, since the game's controls are really simple. But it's excellent that there's no intrusive tutorial that slows the game to a crawl. Before we go any further, I should mention that all of the footage has been taken after the game's expension Reaper of Souls that came out in 2014. Significant changes were made to the game, but much of it is still intact from it's original release. I will try my best to emulate what the game looked like back then before we get into discussing the expansion itself. There are multiple classes that you can choose to play as Each of them has a unique array of abilities and talents that are unlocked as they level up. They all look different, and react with different speeches when something occurs. Despite these differences, overal gameplay is virtually identical regardless of which class you picked at the start. You move throughout the map with your mouse. Some attacks are bound to your left and right mouse buttons, others are assigned to keys at the bottom of the screen Initially, these choices are restricted to certain types of abilities. For example, the left mouse slot can only be assigned to one of the primary offensive abilities available to your class. When you get more experienced with the game, it's best to go into the options menu and activate elective mode. so you can assign any ability from any slot, including multiples to the same category if that's the type of build that you want to make.
Channel: Joseph Anderson
Views: 664,992
Rating: 4.7909179 out of 5
Keywords: Diablo III (Video Game), Diablo III: Reaper Of Souls (Video Game), Action Role-playing Game (Video Game Genre), Video Game (Industry), Blizzard Entertainment (Video Game Developer), video game critique, video game analysis, stories in video games
Id: 5zQgw_rKWT8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 82min 20sec (4940 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 02 2015
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