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what's up youtube all right we're gonna start our grill day two this is the first first tower run here for it oh my gosh what was that i think he was cold and he was cold and what lightning enchant there's a again with the like dual enchant bugs um i believe at the end of every frost nova proc you will also get hit with like the lightning damage as well or something and that stuff is always really messed up good luck with finding mang songs renewing my sub so i can continue to enjoy audio and video well just i mean remember that that's you know everybody gets audio on video don't be fooled youtube this is the first tower run after his death i didn't die do not listen to chat yippie kaye magic finder youtube knows chat is full of lies youtube post in a comment below who lies more llama or the entirety of chat hmm hmm impossible we'll see we'll see those answers in our next video probs llama name one time i lied about something one time dying besides today well i didn't die though just remember that youtube the d2 insider info well that that doesn't count besides the time that i knew about d2r existing before you all and when i knew about the changes before you all as well that doesn't count either i can't besides all of the times that i have potentially lied name a time that i have lied see can't even do it can't even do it oh my god an american exists praise the lord wow about being a rapper i am a rapper and that i'm happy with chat y'all are great i said i would put the signed walking boot on the wall behind me while i was streaming you're right i actually do need to get the boot the boot will make it will join up behind me um all right i just want a soul rune it's like do we keep doing these towers or do we move forward you know lied about the painting being a flower it is a flower what do you think it is actually don't say what you think it is why only 500 items because we found a couple don't no chat no bad chat bad don't you good chat them they're being naughty how much mf right now oh i mean nothing we're we're just getting our runes and doing rune pieces we'll worry about that piece later sauron doll rune all right i guess it's probably good enough let's go to normal good enough dollars one ninth of us all yeah but i've only got like two thousand i need my thaw and my amaroon so no hope things get better for you bud thank you another sub month thank you zero smiley face thanks flakey and elimination razor all right um what do you guys think 35 fcr or higher gosh dang it i hate this stupid game it's okay that's actually fine that's actually totally fine that's the lowest it can possibly be without being uh awful because now we need to hit 63 and 28 gets you to 63. so now i can actually lose 20 fcr are you planning on gambling a gold dagger only about 500 kelvins gold on average really nice mf boost in the beginning yeah i'm gonna jamble one okay okay um let's go tyrial merlama i-k-m-r-l-l-a-m-a-b thanks e-chi-cha wouldn't that be a great first day find or second to you know whatever first time in hell find oh that would be amazing let's go ahead and get our rhyme made i guess just so we can have some magic find ready you know ask and learn it's really hard to see like the sockets on a bone shield not gonna lie uh where's my shell shell f so this gives us 25 mf which is nice we'll just keep that on and off um i don't quite have enough gold to really start going after i think on my next character i'll go after that gold dagger because it's like you want to be level 11 right that's like the best level for it if i'm not mistaken you guys are nerds and i'm here for it who's a nerd there ain't no nerds here eleven okay oh all right well the tower is gonna be this fast maybe we can go get our soul rune just uh just a quickie just a quickie down here you know oh man so close yeah i was gonna i was trying to figure out how i wanted to stream today i was trying to figure it out uh hold on bv just ordered a family shirt mouse pad and hoodie thank you so much hey there's our sauron i can't thank you i don't know why that didn't alert let me actually oh i know why let me go in really fast let me go to my overlays alerts alert box settings okay change video images that seems why can't i select that set image okay [Music] upload sound which seems like a good sound sure i don't know let's see if that works i don't think so uh did it not save edit here variations i don't know um text settings huh okay i don't know why it doesn't work y'all know hmm all right well beats me [Music] good question a b ordering a mouse pad thank you president seven neck or nice i [Music] oh it's so sweet okay we can actually make our art soul as well oh yeah that's right i still gotta do that someday best mercenary aura for hammerton uh i mean holy freeze generally right i hope the sisters appreciate this thing yeah it's a good one for nightmare tower spam for sure it's been a while since i have professed my love for you it still burns with the strength of one thousand suns i miss you like the sun misses the flower in the depths of winter bl with an order of a shirt and sticker thank you i guess it just gives me first and last initial maybe i'm gonna figure out how to get it on the main thing lightning sorceress yeah she's running lightning right now oh boy no let's not pretend like we fought there [Music] what type of build are you planning for end game with this character blizz um [Music] i mean i guess since we're not going to be constantly swapping it everywhere we do need to have our own all right that's right we're on level three orb hydra that'd be fun sell a chalk bag with the logo that that would be nice i don't know if they have that but i want to do that okay ortsol the dream sorceress sounds fun i mean yeah you can do an enchant source with stream and stuff i don't know if they have chalk bags here i can i can look and see if they've got them in there that would be sick might have to be through a different site or something though you know oh here we go questions oh perfect all right they're gonna help figure out okay i set it there are many fish in the sea yeah i don't know why we're talking about fish exactly but it's a nice fun fact thank you on my alerts overlay we're using a stash mods uh not currently like i said i'm gonna get go mule going on it probably because that one nice phoenix is fun i do like phoenix i kinda wanna make a fire source with this character if i'm gonna be honest like i don't think this is gonna be my main depth character you know by depth i mean i'm gonna have a berserk barb that i'll be doing for all that stuff so did i get a waypoint by the way in level two no okay let's do that so we can oh my god stupid i hate this waypoint uh i'm asking about the shirts but i believe so okay let's go back here please tell you this is hardcore no i don't really like the hardcore grail thing i i don't care to lose all my progress for for that long of a thing you know like i don't mind hardcore for anything that's like 20 30 hours and under my first grail took like 3000 hours new item come on andy come on baby unique well that sucks the evil queen has fallen moo hey leima i accidentally funneled into only cold sore and now i am in hell as not able to kill any cold resist right i can respect after i clear hell den but i am having trouble even clearing it because of cole's resistance yep that's gonna be a tough one you're just gonna have to get a mercenary really strong and ease them through it but even that can be super super difficult so underscore veteran 45 gifted a tier 1 sub to nata mart that's going to be tough thank you sir thank you frank and christian um let's go respec we've all been there before we'll go 50 strength i still want a little bit of energy i'm not going to lie and [Music] let's go an anonymous user gifted a tier 1 sub to call 22 thousands 188 thanks thank you anonymous again huh frozen arbor cold mastery i mean uh blizzard an anonymous user gifted what do you guys want sub to marcel 176 frozen arbor blizzard thank you so much oh no my controller took over gross i'm seeing more orbs okay let's go let's go orb 14 skills remaining just do like this all right we'll have some fun with orb today thank you the pez static thank you kraut we'll come back yeah having a few points in static early it's nice i mean i'm gonna get lore which will be another point in static so i say a decent amount the old right next to you paulie thank you not keeping nova cold time thanks for all the great content long time d2 player but short time follower thanks ruling well happy to have you here followers old and new are normal retail fit unisex sizing i like to go a size up as i like my shirts on the larger size that is the information on the shirt i can't carry anymore it says a heads-up rarling and ariel oh i'm about to respect in a three nightmare solo play would you say frost maiden or physical build for a balazon i don't mind gear grinding um i think frost is more fun you really have to gear grind for physical and even then it still doesn't feel great the point in warmth late is nice but much later on thanks foodie i love you guys too dear mr llama as the legally appointed hr representative mr llama synergy company i am writing to remind you about the mandatory pay increase for your mod who has recently been promoted from mr oi to dr oy thank you congratulations mr oy i'm getting your doctorate i can't carry anymore wow is it finally done lower headpiece yeah all right i will double your pay don't say i don't care about you guys nobody cares if it's what the math is exactly impossible just doubled that's all that's all that we're gonna note i gotta turn that in what are you gonna do now dr oi wait let me go there mama used to do a financial stream glad i didn't trust any of it hang on a second i mean glad you didn't trust any of it what's that supposed to mean i'm looking for dang new areas to farm their area level changes yeah i don't think i'm allowed to say which ones are changing i mean i don't know which ones are changing but whichever ones are i'm sure i would be very excited to farm there yeah i think new area level 85s will be really fun you know just kind of freeze up a little more a little more space uh less pit and tunnel all the time probably opens up some new builds right maybe some fire builds will get a few more spots as well who knows right i mean there's so many so many questions that none of us know here so who knows uh oh yeah we can go forward a chat i got a question for you very serious question i think he should get a mod vacation no chat let's be careful not to talk about rent versus buy don't swear go easy on flat earth theories avoid vaccine misinformation and whatever you do absolutely do not under any circumstances talk about my name is mr lama sc i'm a diablo 2 streamer but also a good financial streamer trust me with me you have money than you think i mean look i'm giving twice the money to emroy now because of doctor status that's right twice the pay of zero still better than nothing right trust me guys i know the ways of money emery just got himself a raise for his doctorate look at that i was gonna say this actually how how soon do you think you can have people meet your parents his first date too soon that's too soon okay all right what about like third i'm i'm asking for a friend weird you got to be a few weeks in do you live with your parents i mean i used to mr llama you need to contact chipotle pr reps and get the brisket brought back as part of a mr llama meal deal i agree with that i think that'd be a hit the brisket was great thanks andrew thanks kim it's not too soon assuming you want to screw this up hang on now you'll say months after it's not too soon assuming you want to screw this up no meeting parents until marriage that seems a little long one month at least but like one month since you knew of their existence three months in room 185 bits i graduate from my co-room badge to a fancy new red lamb room badge if i've learned anything from binary a zeotrope it's once you get the red badge you get to increase your trolling by 58 so you better watch out mrl llama lul that does sound accurate thank you hum don't intro her until you've got one in the oven well that seems strange i don't know why we're needing to cook food first oh like do like a dinner date okay that makes sense actually dinner with the parents that makes sense so you want to make sure that the ball is inside of him when it explodes for maximum output see how much extra that did sure i need a little bit of gold actually diablo and bale have escaped me next time vengeance good to see you good to see you too kane uh 23 mf all right it's working you're putting the baby in the oven well that just seems very wrong greetings [Music] almost gg jab gloves i know they're 120s with 23 mf they're almost super super nice make sure it's inside before the magic find do you think they'll bring back kane for d4 i doubt it that doesn't seem like a d4 thing are you keeping a copy of each grail find or just taking it off now i've got i've got the the items over here we got steel driver that's nice uh okay let me try let me try this ad browser okay i just need somebody to buy merchandise now for testing purposes just a little thousand dollar test would be great thank you you'll spend all your extra mod money perfect well we're gonna need somebody else to test then merch exclamation mark merch is out cool shirts fun mouse pads and stickers and things get it while it's hot why did i open the merch store after christmas because i'm not organized thank you for all the great questions flower prince that is not my art to copy and sell i could make my own flower i suppose then you guys could look at my flower instead of some random artist's flower thanks dark angel i'm not organized i mean you know i'm probably organized in some capacity but with merch i was not i actually think i had merch ready to go like two weeks ago but i didn't push the go live button we were dealing with things you know life oh sagan spell let's go pros cons of blizzballer cons slightly less damage [Music] rs with the zip up hoodie thank you so much perfect it works um all right saigon drop beautiful i actually like saigon trap i kind of want to wear it no refunds mika thank you very much with the five gifted subs yeah so pros and cons right pros like i say you have better versatility con your damage is definitely going to be worse and so your overall kill speed for some stuff is definitely lower let's see if this will kick out left anywhere no will it kick straight for us though and do a flare also no will it kick this way no for the third time three no's do not make a yes that's what my mom said you know oh dang it i wanted to go strength no no i'm never gonna have any strength oh this actually connects through that's convenient move volk thank you william thank you and es grabbing a little shield sticker three rights make a left do they i think that's fake news now going to go source into pit circuit for the easy grail i can't easy grail that's just the efficient grail and i'll probably mix in another character or two like i said i'm not going for the exact perfect optimal trail with everything but i still want to get mostly there um all right is our five kick no so it kicks at the three way down here take off your shirt thanks mr llama sugar mama no those videos are on youtube unfortunately take jeff bezos's money thank you zai i will i'm always down to take daddy bezos's money which is of course your daily reminder if you have a twitch prime sub it might not have renewed it might be sitting around waiting for you to use it somewhere anywhere it's just begging to be used saying please use me you can use it here you can use it somewhere else any other streamer partner affiliate it don't matter just make sure you use it every month somewhere on the twitch that's all i can say okay where's this merch at exclamation mark merch and like i say if there's other things you want like somebody was like hey i want the emotes as stickers i'm like yeah that's a good idea so maybe we'll i'll make some little emote stickers or something just do like mr llama happy or you know something simple right are you and jim planning another two-player hell speed run yeah we'll do another one um only 499 items left wow it's going down so fast crazy i remember when it was 500. thanks beer nuts people use stickers lots of people actually like stickers people love putting stickers on like their water bottles and stuff personally i don't really use stickers but that's me did i make a new account for this for what oh yes i mean this is my like i deleted all of my offline characters so everything is fresh here i thought she meant like twitch account or something i was not reading that correctly dang still no waypoint really can you do it without pluggy uh if you spread all the items out among a bunch of single-player characters you can but that's gonna be super annoying right like trying to manage all that and figure out where everything is you literally i guess just name characters like weapons or something you know man those trees guys looked just like trees i didn't see them pluggies not working i don't believe but somebody said go mule is so um i need mono let's look around here super chest need a tube and second helmet holy grail i want to find every item in the game okay let's see i will go to 60 strength how am i dealing with like i said i'm not exactly sure yet man i am just picking up the most garbage i can possibly pick up from him it's insane are super chest affected by players x yes how do i keep track of it like i said just kind of in single-player stuff you can either have a bunch of characters or something to have a stash to hold it all it looks warm over here a little toasty so i heard [Music] ar with the stickers thank you how's the weather today it rained this morning so i went climbing and just for like a little bit like an hour and a half also thank you beer nuts it's supposed to drop to like 20 degrees though or something miserable tgg thank you so much honestly i'm just excited for people to have fun little llama things i think that's actually really fun that's you ghost ninja oh thank you with this shirt and mouse pad and thank you to aj as well tell your meniscus climbing a couple weeks ago that's no fun i broke my ankle climbing a few months ago so i know how it goes i guess thank you um okay let's go here you're gonna keep mentioning a coloring book i don't know if they do a coloring book here but it's a thought s with a hoodie sticker and mouse pad my goodness it's ready to go you sub so everybody in chat could see your messages little known perk not a little known perk not a perk it's not how it works your messages show up regardless yeah weather weather's still nice today as of like right now but like i said it's gonna get cold and nasty pretty soon shattered drink ankle climbing five years ago yeah so now i just like to do more top rope than bouldering seems safer i am going to go get lead certified probably pretty soon 70 there for the weekend that's nice yeah i mean like i said it's like 70 right now for us but [Music] wt with the big ole mouse pad chat again you always have had access to chat gosh dang it how many times do we have to go over this thanks qb you sold your torch to larzac always always hide your torch and annie from anywhere that you can click 60 degrees in arizona nice yeah it's pretty warm all around thanks fate yeah i mean i i always have it somewhere that it just is a little bit safer because we gave who was it who was it that sold the the like one of the first s torches we found don't introduce a girl to your parents until you meet theirs why is that a rule of thumb m r l l a m h thanks riser thank you rm with the mouse pads enjoy ow but then what if her rule of thumb is don't let her meet you you meet her parents until she's met yours now you're just screwed forever then it wasn't meant to be what's the book it's lame essence tome mr llama sc i'm glad that i was able to make it for the end of sub only december not a thing i'm glad you were able to make it here as well for just another stream that happens to exist in the month of december and that is all okay oh man stay awhile and listen hello ek thank you oh heck bezos heck basis that's right sra is your brother i mean you guys are mods and both the part of the llama family so he is your brother um that's interesting with the 40 gold find on it because i feel like there's definitely a character that is going to want that that's going to like kind of gold find with their own hitting like maybe run berserk with it or something oh god but most of the time you're not doing that hey oh we got another another one you an early tyrael iratha's give yourselves the clap give yourselves the clap i gotta turn into the tome 60 more resistances than jacob what's this book you've never seen a book before i should read more may the black book bring a black date i think that is what it is matt how do you enable audio on this stream oh you're not subscribed just make you champion it's so a book is do do you know what a you know a kindle so in the old days we had a kindle for every single thing that you would download on your kindle right so instead of having a thousand books stories on your kindle you would have a thousand different kindles each one with one book on it best way i can describe it for you it's a complicated thing it's an analog kindle yeah that's what a book is i lost a soft core single player character recently a day after making it no breed it happened to others too do you know why it disappears um was it on pc or like ps4 or where was it thanks sketchy it was on nintendo switch oh yeah i think switch has just got some weird issues consoles have have seemed to have more of that stuff going on uh who's ready for saigons ayo let's go llama personally deleted your character don't tell him how is the switch multiplayer all right is anybody able to find any groups or is there just nobody playing hey llama i mean to me to be fair though i feel like if i was going to play on switch i would just be playing single player like it just feels like something where i just want to be disconnected you know just kind of sit in my bed and do mephisto runs or something all day that's a weird oh do i want them to fix cereals mate oh just like make it stronger i think it'd be cool i think it kind of deserves to be something balling right i just bought it for the switch and it's great for single player like you i enjoy playing alone with myself no need for others to get involved exactly i mean i've been playing alone and i can yeah honestly i've played with myself for years and years pretty much ever since college it's kind of when i changed it up i'm round shell room okay okay daddy likey hello little stank on that bad boy well stank on her i'm starting to make my lore if i just go back and buy a two-open socket honestly streamer servers that's right they turn these requests not yet i'm not gonna do anything with the skill points immediately so it doesn't really matter i'll probably jam them into like media or something all right firewall tough one maybe i'm not sure which one how long after character creation until your parents should meet wow the only time i played online was back when open b-net was a thing any chance of that coming back uh no they have removed open battlement you can still play it on on the old but not here unfortunately all right why am i playing so slow i don't think i'm going that slow we found another saigons but terror stocks two new ones berserks and catherine [Music] 4.97 berserkers hatchet and catherine's message nice when are you going to start with the personal coaching sessions which ones regions still rocking the tear tear helm yeah i might shove the irathas on when we get to hell like coaching speedrunning coaching d2 which one and which one am i coaching oh yeah i need to go do a random oh 496. irathas that's right tinder coaching i think i could do a pretty good job about that life coaching i also thought that would be fun to do i just feel like so many times it's it seems not good you know like i don't want people to think i'm scamming which is how i usually probably my perception of life coaches normally it's a tough one you wouldn't take tinder coaching from me wow just wow well i was denying your request anyways like coaching people who have all these questions that want your attention daddy llama tell me how to i o doll i o doll i o doll well that's just normal streaming i'm going to coming to it no i'm not doing any travel right now with with everything you tricked a girl into marrying you that's always good it's good when she feels tricked and trapped which is better blizzard frozen or blizzard's gonna be a little bit better but people wanted the frozen orb so who am i to deny the people what they want right are my parents on my tinder profile yeah i've got a picture of me and my parents there also orb just has the fun of shooting a big old ball at a bunch of dudes you know doesn't get much better than that visually just gorgeous facebook dating what is that it's like facebook marketplace but people put their daughters and sons up on it my mom would probably do that he's a sweet boy looking for a nice young lady i need you know how moms are plot twist llama's been married for 10 years nah damn if i'm looking for cougars facebook is the place to be i mean look i'm i'm not one to turn down a sugar mama it would be rude of me you know that would just be so rude of me where do you sign up for a sugar mama right that's what i'm saying man like you good with me just playing video games all day and you gonna take care of stuff bro dream woman why not i support myself i mean sure you know i'm capable of supporting myself but if you had a sugar mama walk in and say hey let me get you boo would you really turn it down would you be like no yes i would you've got more uh morals or something than me whatever it is or foolishness they're like i love you for your diablo and all be like hold up diablo can stay too sugar mama wants her daily foot massage sugar mama gets her foot massage her arm massage her back massage she gets whatever she wants all right that sounds good to me i love the way grand chaos runs for 10 hours without breaks it's so attractive man words a girl has never said to me also hey honey do you mind if i just grab chipotle for dinner again oh dream i'm a mama who likes sugar that makes me a sugar mama sure snappy what class if i use that the question is do you wanna take care of a 31 year old adult male child guys want one thing in life and it's a sugar mama and chipotle i guess that's two things you have code right now that sucks so many people have it so many i could name four of my friends right now who have coveted all are vaccinated and everything but impossible oh me be flying around a sugar mama who gives them chipotle through that i wanted to switch away from bozo would you recommend it curious city uh i mean boson is a bit tedious but can be very fun but it can take some time there can be some gear farming all that stuff so oh dang grammy yeah my friend got it before like a day before his booster as well sucks hmm finish 500 trav runs today nice also new item let's go the salamander ooh and it's ethereal too hey yo start of the ethereal grail begins [Applause] um all right let's mark it off hey mr lama i visit my sugar mama every week and i get to transfer money to her and usually get her presents and stuff am i doing this sugar mama stuff right no you are the sugar mama that's unfortunate you got it backwards you got it backwards you were so close [Applause] uh let's go fire a wall not gonna be worth anything cranium yeah i like the ethereal because ethereals are 20 times more rare prepping for those cheats whoa now wouldn't donations be like the supporters being my sugar mama yeah you guys you guys are are my sugar mamas right now you know no i'm gonna keep in mind hello v-town how you doing you're my sugar peoples that's right ethereal only grail been completed not yet inferno's close but not done yet thank you sugar v-town my boots are pretty disgusting 25 mf for five more strength done deal thanks for the entertainment for sure drummer thanks for watching and hanging out and furthest up uh what is the highest level low resist ones charges you can shot probably like four or five nice oh yeah i think you're right i think it is three [Applause] it's five is it i i think three but i feel like i've seen a five which is why i said five but i i believe three [Applause] you can shot five and get 97 charges that completes the holy grail bro there's not even a chance it's so oh god come on what's my plan for new year's eve well i was gonna invite a girl to come meet my parents but now i'm not sure apparently that's not a good idea [Applause] not on new year's eve what's wrong with that it's second date [Applause] [Applause] does she insist on me meeting hers no she said that's kind of awkward and weird and it made her uncomfortable but i told her she just needs to loosen up a little bit how bird let's go well going on a date and having a new girlfriend are very different things don't [Music] know you'd be happy to meet my parents thank you bone necros just not good enough there too slow would i have her meet my viewers that seems way too personal that seems like a bit much you know that's a lot of pressure for for someone am i wrong it's a lot of pressure i've been holding off telling her to not google me for as long as possible well no so here's the problem i said don't google me and she said okay i do need to ask you something though because i didn't google you i just typed your name in but i didn't press enter but the autofill came up and it said mr llama sc restraining order and i was like this is why we can't have nice things so this is what happens chat this is probably why i'm not married because of all of you guys [Applause] married to chat now [Applause] my 100 hours a week of d2 has nothing to do with it nope it is purely chat and they're bad jokes as your sugar mamas we do not want to see you get married that actually does sound accurate you guys have been sabotaging me intentionally it all makes sense [Applause] thanks f2 toxic streamer insulting chat i know how is the response to professional streamer as a profession it's not great a ring that got sold for four thousand dollars i didn't see it well dead to us kaloku dead to us it actually uh does autofill restraining order i know chat this is a problem we cannot make it autofill restraining order we need it to autofill something like uh mr llama super rich mr llama puppy rescue thanks nice frontie thanks man i am pretty new to your stream what is the restraining order about xd i really love earthstream by the way thank you that's not yeah mr llama most sexiest man of the year award you know something like that we just gotta we gotta work on it all right oh god uh i'm not really gonna be worth a lot i don't think many people are using moon masters here somebody might want it for a fun weapon though so i mean it still might have some value mr llama saved bus full of children you know some whatever i don't know we just we gotta get on the same page and we gotta all make sure that whenever a date googles me in the future that's what auto fills and not restraining order because that is probably why nobody swipes right on me mr llama cooks children exactly something like that that's a great one to to show up that's nice can we mix them mr lama violates restraining order to save bus full of children really gets the reader thinking let's just not let's just not how about that but now yeah so that was hello first date was her having to confront me about potential restraining orders [Applause] but also she said i don't really understand what you do at all and i was like i i do my own stuff with streaming kind of like live youtube and she was like i don't know what any of that means but it sounds like you're doing something that you enjoy and then you always have your job to fall back on which i thought was a little boomer but still sweet [Applause] lama sc gets restraining order against bus full of children that one definitely not what we're aiming for what is the fallback job well i was a i did data science stuff data analytics before this so thank you eric how did i explain the restraining order well i laughed really hard at first and i was like oh boy this is why i told you not to google me and then she seemed very afraid and i was like no no no no no because the it's not true it i don't know it's very it's difficult when someone approaches you and says hello i saw that you have a restraining order and you have to explain to them that you do not and get them to somehow believe you i don't know if i did a good job or not because what would i say if i did have a restraining order i'd probably also be like oh it's not real you know it's a great conversation starter is it i'd rather the conversation start with i heard you saved a bunch of puppies one time from a burning station you guess i understand why i took it out of my profile no that's the problem because remember my profile before used to say i do not have a restraining order or no it said i have a restraining order but it was the two truths and a lie and that was the lie and it was because otherwise people google it and they think that that was they think that's a truth if you don't you know so that's why i had that in there so [Applause] yeah i've seen new things am i winning i'm trying you just found my personal stats from when i was at tulsa promote those bad boys well once again when my first profile picture was me after we won the indoor championship everybody was like that's a bad photo so now i've dissected and broke down my entire dating profile and it's awful now because it doesn't have any of my athletic achievement like we had before it doesn't say i don't have a restraining order so people think i do i should have never never listened to you guys gifted a tier one restraining order to a bundle of newborn puppies that's right thank you tg [Music] jr with the hoodie thank you so much appreciate that was i kind of hot in high school no i don't think so oh hi my chest rating could probably go on there i have thought about putting my chest rating or sneaking it in because i mean well i'm not you know any title player i could i could beat up some high schoolers 1600. any idea on the 2.4 patch release date good afternoon nope uh if i knew you guys be the first person let's bullet and rapid they're all sixteen hundred my rapid when i was a little bit better was like 1700 those are like my peaks and i don't really play much rapid i think my rapids probably 17 something because my blitz and bullet are 16 and my rap it's always been better i just haven't done much with it but i know raptor and blitz world championships going on over watching new auto phil as mr lomassie beats up high schoolers okay i mean that's probably also not one we want did i ever get into poe i've got probably like 600 700 hours in it so not really it's probably what somebody would say for poe standards do you have key bindings set to custom by default under game settings no i need to change it it's on the on the home screen i have to change it right you dropped from 1900 rating down to 1500 ouch my puzzle rating is like 2400 i think that's a that's a that's a fall that's a big old difference there you'll get back up don't worry about it it'll come back okay i don't really want that anymore i'll be doing multiple characters don't use chess on our dating profile no memes just an honest advice why not i think girls are probably into that i mean they'll know what it means [Applause] it's like putting your iq should i put my q on there because i don't want to lie but i don't want to show off too much i got a pretty good iq no just keep in mind that most people want to have a good time and relax on new year's parents second date equals pressure even if it's unintended low enough iq to believe in it so it must be middle of the road uh look i'm not trying to brag but i have a 97. so not quite perfect but nobody here can be perfect yeah almost a hundred higher than the average i mean probably lk if people are averaging higher than a 97 then everybody's a genius my goodness with the hoodie shirt and sticker order all the llama family you like that one i do i love it [Music] your grandpa has a 140. he must have gone to one of those schools where they give you a bunch of fake extra credit then how may i be of help that's just not possible it's just yeah like those kids with the 4.3 gpa and you're like okay whatever you say mr lama you are smarter than an average bear my iq is 79 so close almost a b that's okay you're still passing which is good not enough girls don't want to know numbers they want to know feelings then why do they keep asking how tall i am and what my credit score is thankfully my credit score passes the test but i'm not tall enough oh no i'm right that's not good women want to feel how tall you are and know the feeling of rolling in piles of money [Applause] well i can tell them how tall i am at least do i have train gloves not yet not yet hopefully soon nope thanks again [Applause] never try to cover a bed in pennies i don't even know what that means mr lama my credit score was 530 and after really trying now it's 412 350 is my goal score i don't think you're doing that right [Applause] didn't say what he was trying to do that's fair i don't know what your goal is my hardcore grail i just don't like hardcore grail not my style all right let's go to hell thanks tara i'm gonna try and gamble any items yeah i think i'm gonna gamble for uh what do you call it gold dagger cold reds is looking a little rough mm-hmm get um move is there a gear tracker exclamation mark d2r grail and we're just getting rolling right now so oh the equipment i'm using no i got nothing there thank you milo thank you i'm doing me moo and again shout out to everybody who got some cool new merch if you uh when you get it please show it to me tweet me a picture posting the discord you know whatever llama llama llama llama kaloku with three gifted subs and massacre with a sub thank you so much how will i do ancients i'll just do cold and fire tristram is no match for diabetes oh wait i think i yeah i can't grab that leg how long it'll take me for what mang songs it might be a minute did i do a request i needed an act no i didn't do go mule installation yet i need to still um i did the den oh god let me think i did den i did visual i did radiment i did anya i did stats and life i think i'm good i've used both of the respects so i've got one more until i get tokens later for respecting i shouldn't need to use the third respect yet so i can save it for later if i want impossible where's my waypoint oh wait i already got it i think unless i didn't get it we'll see at the time like a light source end game um i don't know i'll probably just get a few respect tokens and then bounce around between a couple choices my assumption could also just build another character and you know have a couple sorceresses doing a couple different things ah the monastery on dario yeah they'll be on single player when they shift over to single player not immediately but after that you can enable unlimited respects with dash enable respect in your shortcut really that's kind of wild i hope the sisters appreciate this thing that seems that feels dirty doesn't it it's longer yo i've subbed for eight months now can i get some audio all right fine cougar killoku and likely cactus thank you so much mods can you get him some audio hey audio audio is expensive you know everything i have to do to make it a thing players 8 is dirty no you can just do that in game and that's something that you can have online by having friends also players eight does increase the difficulty as well you know important piece don't like that not enough yeah my players won right now we don't need to be on higher player accounts at the moment you know everything is plenty scary enough want to make a new character for grail well because i'm starting to grow so gotta start fresh you know grail is finding every item in the game unique set and i'm gonna go rune as well i don't know if i'll go for every single rune word because that seems kind of annoying but maybe we'll see that one i'm debating mr llama should i purchase merch now or should i wait for mr llama undergarments i would i would say go for it now you can always get mr llama undergarments later when they actually come out chances that's a good find 32s okay [Music] chance guards 494 left how you build your infinity it is a very long tedious process no way dog i refuse to believe it first essence no unique so more sets the evil queen good day gomuel does work for d2 but you have to shut the game down completely what do you mean by that hello yep andy bug i guess now is a thing time to explain it let's do a quick little video [Music] foreign what's up youtube michela messi here and today we're going to talk about a d2r change that some of you guys probably know and some of you might not because a lot of you are questioning me as i'm playing through the game right now and you're like mr llama aren't you missing this and no we're not so let's talk about it what i'm saying here is when you have killed and dario write the good ol andy bug the way bosses work in this game is when you kill a boss for the first time and you get the quest completion you get better drops now the way it worked in legacy diablo 2 is when you would get these better drops there was a way to essentially glitch andy so that she would always give you her quest drop so every time you killed her again in the future you would always get that and that was by going home going and talking to warv and traveling east and you needed to do this before you left the game and something would get messed up with the flag and how it got set so you would always get that but they actually changed it so andy bug is no longer required because it always exists now so they actually went in and they just said all right we're going to get rid of that whole thing where you have to go and specifically talk to war of before you leave the game and some people thought there was other things you had to do there's always confused around what you had to do to get the quest drops instead andy just always has her quest drops regardless no matter what so going forward you don't have to worry about any of that stuff all you got to do is uh kill andy and then just move forward and uh however you want to and you're good to go so that is that piece and i actually do want to talk about one more thing that they actually changed in that recent patch where they fixed up a few things and that is you can now change um your gameplay settings to have your default bindings there i think that might actually be how it was before if i'm not mistaken yeah regardless i want to talk about this one as well because this is one that i recently was thinking about and i didn't understand what this default key bindings was exactly but then i realized oh all of my custom settings that i've been setting up are right here so i can change it right here and now every time i create a character if i create a new character whatever it is and then we go in you'll see that automatically he has my settings instead of f1 f2 f3 f4 right all of that so the the setting is set up so it's right there you can just adjust it to always use your default custom settings um instead of it being stuck on legacy or resurrected or whatever it is and you having to go in and change it every single time so those are the two things the main one i wanted to bring up was the andy bug and then i thought ah while we're here and it's a short video we can just toss this extra little information in hopefully that gives you guys a little bit more to work with and you won't be freaking out or worrying about having to delete your character because you forgot to bug andy or whatever it is don't forget to like subscribe youtube thank you guys for watching peace everybody okay yeah andy's very solid sorry guys blame the mods super short video yeah i mean it was like too short almost so i figured i'll throw the other thing in but a lot of people have been like uh i deleted my character because i forgot to bug it right i feel i'm trying to get ahead of those people and be like no no no no no you don't have to delete your character it's fine that would have been perfect for tick-tock no please no i'm just going to end my career before i have to go over to tick-tock another unique little robo here big money to be made over there i just don't even care i just can't i can't have yet another platform that i have to do more stuff on i just can't do it you guys yep i'm barely even on my aol instant messenger anymore last time you asked do you start from your sj you can i yeah you can nightmare you can find it at normal diablo nightmare and dario is usually where people are gonna farm it yeah man we'll do rogue and 493 thanks to back reach out to my zoomer audience and embrace the tic tacs i like i just can't get into it and the stupid music that plays over every video i just i'm just too old for it you know i'm just too old for it it's fine i'm happy that the kids are having a good time not super happy you know china just owns it completely but whatever i mean at this point what about my rap career exclamation mark rap i've got a couple songs out working on the third one good day and the fourth one's kind of in works as well oh sorry strike the uh that was my bad the andy bug no longer exists that is what i was saying you now don't have to worry about bugging andy you can just straight up kill her and move forward however you like you can leave the game it doesn't matter andy bug has been removed completely she just always drops quest drops no matter what yep it's always quest drops they just always bugged her for everybody they made the bug standard now oddly generous yeah i was very nice of them yep they changed the bug into a feature impossible basically just gave her a big ol boost drop because that's what i mean once again they want to make the game similar to what we kind of experienced and knew and so they were like you know people this is how they farm this is what they expect from andario so we're not gonna you know change that that was weird to go in they got rid of some other bugs though like f bug strength bug yeah dang oh i love that they fix telekinesis to work properly i ever showcase controller gameplay i mean i've got my controller right here but good day come hello on think of me as ignoring chat so much as trying to read all of chat but missing some of it i believe ignoring requires intent maybe i don't know maybe it doesn't i wonder if it is in the definition i read your message all the time i try to read as much as i can but it's actually definitely harder in resurrected than regular d2 because resurrected's full screen it was much easier for me to read chat when the screen was all right there for me you know i could have like my chat literally right next to my window okay now for this fun jesus no they're up top all right we'll burn them down thanks ferocious i try bless re-jews right so nasty who would have thought that such primitive beings could cause so much trouble [Music] not using a mercenary he would die immediately there is no point in using a mercenary right now without mursbug especially and i'm like you know level 61 i mean not super high level oh wait i just realized my alerts are paused sorry where where is it backed up too three moth gifted a tier one three month genial v town emblem thank you guys it's confusing my haircut caught you off guard sorry we uh we shay we did a mohawk for charity and then i uh shaved it off a few days after that so what is this all that holy grail stuff what's the point fun have a good time how major an impact is no merck bug for speedrunning it's pretty big honestly like we're definitely gonna have to think about some things with that because no i mean it is an edison it's big in that merse bug originally you were able to um lil b smith 60 gifted a tier 1 sub to party time 666. thank you um but yeah so basically you could bug your mercenary where your mercenary would not become the target of any melee hits which allowed the mercenary to survive a ton right still dying like the chaos sanctuary to a bunch of oblivion nights or something like that but for a lot of times you know it's like it was great but um now it's gone now now that doesn't work anymore so now you can't like bug your mercenary i mean he also won't be the target of any of the ancients or anything like that bosses but now you can't get your uh your mercenary to do that so it it hurts speed running because a lot of times we would use it in speedrunning to have the mercenary go and you know get the the hits off on the ancients or whatever it was so we'll have to go back to using some different strategies for that the bigger concern i personally have is like on a guided play through for a lot of people i think it's gonna really kind of suck for them because something that was huge and i promoted a ton in my guided playthroughs was like and you can get yourself a mercenary and what you can do is you can you know oh boy who's soul rune you can have your mercenary like come along and deal this damage to help deal with these immunes and blah blah blah blah blah blah right here once up to dreadlord 1729 this is the now skip sub in the channel i'm just a liar thanks fake fairy okay somebody's asking how to use your prime so you link your your amazon and your twitch and then if you click on the button that says subscribe there should be a little box that says subscribe for free if you click that then it'll that's using your amazon prime subscription that means i can clean out the old guides i mean it kind of makes me feel like i have to a little bit because it's like wow they're still okay guides some of them definitely utilized and took advantage of mercenaries helping out gosh dang it fourth ways minders game it's a cute name thank you so much for the prime sub what build are you rolling for your playthrough and why we went third fourth third third fourth for this awful uh i'm doing frozen orb firewall right now because chat wanted frozen orb instead of blizzard so a little bit of uh for the people there ow stop it this is not the right right one but just gotta get out of there isn't four my favorite number 19 is my favorite number actually but i don't see how that fits in well with this ready for the new ladder me too me too too bad there are 19 pass in the arcane sanctuary i'm not sure i would speed on diablo 2 if there was 19 pads in the same arcane sanctuary because you guys know i would be the guy who 19th weighs all the dang time y'all know it would be horrible being on that world record pace and then 19th way firewall still better than fireball after the nerf and very short amount of like a very very short amount of skill points yes actually that would be a lot of branching paths yeah i would who do i think is the greatest d2 speed runner outside of myself oh not myself at all it's bender i think everybody agrees it's bender kendrick is very solid but indrick is like sorceress grind and maybe a little bit else bender is just everything plus the the contributions that he has brought to it wow all right his creativeness in the space has been insane who's the most attractive speedrunner uh probably jim gravenspine why wouldn't it let me click it now did it log me out or something oh moo sorry i blew up after missing the andy bug details oh good that's touch 491 thanks drake mike i'm a simple guy why don't i make an insight or something well i'd love to make an insight but thanks who better good day but uh my mercenary would just die instantly thesaurus online and when i got it all the pages were blank i have no words to express how mad i am that's very unfortunate see i don't sense any magic amazing no i am not did you get in trouble only for your name holy grail in right now he is already down to 491 items left amazing sad that right you start playing d2 i mean you know you gotta do what uh makes you happy it seemed like he he felt a lot of stress from it you know he's still playing he might come in and dabble but i'd i mean i think he's mostly kind of bounced out of it completely i mean i get it people are very you know oh nice another one they show up when you play d2 and then they don't show up when you play something else and like i said i'm totally good with it because personally i'm like yeah i've just accepted the fact that y'all gonna do that and that's cool do whatever you you wanna do but for a lot of people it's very hurtful still i think because it's a hard thing that you have to kind of you know come to terms with now like yeah a lot of people aren't always here for just you right they're here for you and the content you produce that they like that specific content and so you know when you do different content they're gonna say hey i'm not gonna watch until you do your other content a lot of people are very blunt about it they're you know they could be kinder in that and you know or they just don't show up at all or whatever which is fine like i say i'm i'm all good with it completely but i know it affects a lot of people in a tougher way because well obviously they you know you got to kind of swallow that bill a little bit thanks solid black and white was fun you see a few people look pretty unhappy streaming dude too lately because they don't get in any views when doing anything else yeah i mean it's just it's just a thing that's just the just the way that it goes man thank you deep freeze that's right buddy so it's it's something that every streamer is going to encounter and you kind of have to really try to not let it affect you though you know you just gotta say okay i'm gonna stream you know this or whatever it is and then i'm gonna take some time and you know i think it's still good to make a little bit of time to do some other content just so you don't completely lose your mind thanks stone like i do about five to ten percent variety content or i'll play a little bit of chess or i'll play a little bit of you know fall guys or whatever the heck you know but at the same time it's also my job to stream diablo 2 right kind of be be diablo 2 streamer so if i'm just neglecting that all the time forever then you know it's gonna be tough this is a lot of stuff jesus that was gross but thankfully i've i think i've found a really good balance to it all i mean that'd be fun too i think i've found a good balance to it all where i still really enjoy playing diablo 2 a majority of the time that i'm playing it so i already did that okay that's my girl strategy i mean the strategy is the obvious one which is berserk but i want to get this sorceress get some basic gear with her and then get my um probably get like a rune farmer of some sort to try and get enigma and then get my berserk barb rolling probably after that or i could do like travel runs maybe if i wanted as well i'm actually curious how inferno started his like with his barb what he was doing oops actually it's fine i can go forward i mean i'm always down and open to you know a little if there's some game you want to watch me play a little like sponsorship for the game or whatever i don't have the eye the heck he just farmed lk to oblivion yeah that's what i was afraid was going to be the right answer with the proposed changes to summon skelemages i'm thinking necro with enigma might be a solid mfbr could be decent hmm this is actually very weird because if the waypoint is there this should not lead me to anything this should be the dead area huh maybe i got it backwards yeah i mean bart like i say barb is the obvious one i just i don't know if i want to do 50 60 hours of lower crossed farming doesn't seem like the most fun content i'd rather we do like cows and travel coal and that sort of stuff and then hope from there that it you know we find it a little slower but gosh dang it i keep clicking on it uh i'm probably like 62 or something 63. a little bit over leveled but i mean we're gonna be slightly leveling higher here so it's okay with it i'm good best place to farm griffins tunnels pit those sorts of areas probably gonna be your best pets do i like the idea of introducing better set rings i think it'd be cool if there were a few more set rings that were decent okay drive and go no gosh dang that conviction aura is like actually the worst thing ever i know i don't play pd2 i do sometimes this is hardcore i would have saved quit so fast when i saw that conviction aura what all right now i'm still just gonna save quit anyways let's get out of there yes [Music] i just i can't do conviction auro right now let's get tork away mad warrior 28 hey lama what is the best way to speed run paladin from scratch hammers holy fire into hammers god you all do so much damage and heal each other wonderful okay no all right i was on the good way thanks for answer and keeper beautiful work yeah no problemo not even close orb takes too much apm orb does take a bit more apm because it requires some aiming woof no not dolls thank you dave okay this is the money shot right here i don't like that [Applause] that's shaco get out of here i'm trying line up the balls there we go perfect distance wow erect and bash let's go let's go baby oh jesus don't die there easy easy money good day wow and a barista oh my god what a find what a find you guys geez that's i mean that's a gorgeous start right there that's a gorgeous start thank you blizzard xmas gift came a couple days late no souls good no bad i thought there wasn't souls i thought we had an agreement shoot um where is ishole at i remember as a kid my dad got fired from his job as a road worker for stealing i refused to believe he would do such a thing but when i got home the signs were all there it's unfortunate what do you mean cold enchantment and burn cursed ah good all souls right classic [Music] my reds are not great honestly i should probably put a irathas uh on now at least get a little bit more resistance going for now [Music] [Applause] hope things are well ah you know oh boy life it's all good we work through it day by day all right what do i even want here so i want goals so i can just get another goal and make a vex and then get a hodo do i want is so i can have that for like a cta or just for the magic fine we want to get some like early lamb for a treachery that's tough [Music] but hello it's a tough one you guys impossible let's see it baby it's true big money let's go easy i never get anything you guys so unlucky okay what do we need already find the iraq mephisto baby messiest stash that is a beautiful clean stash it's about as clean as i keep my apartment right there yeah i gotta say a rack and ist is a pretty good start to a grail that's a pretty nice start oh jesus warrior 28 earlier you talked about a roon farmer what character you use for that uh probably just like this 200 fcr sorceress something like that woof come on where is he can't find the boss there so i think once i'll get the next one i'll keep my shirt on or is it tradition now i mean let's not make it seem like i take my shirt off all the time on stream i mean what if what if cute girls are listening and they get the wrong idea about what i do as a streamer you know diablo can't drop one force i don't like those champions at all this is gross looks like a lot of work right now it is foreign just these champion oblivionites are always just so miserable i don't want to get close to him i can all right curse okay this guy oh what's hitting me impossible holy girl shouldn't include ruin words i mean i'm debating it but you need 12 jaw nine bur three cham one zod seven sir there's a lot of things needed for it burn baby i mean we'll find more than one but 12 is a bit much you know berserkers haberk only one more piece and we'll have our first full set how neat is that fully self-found yep frost wind okay terror stalks hell no more little frost wind very nice find another elite wait i gotta update 400 what 88 items left is that right 87. i missed one somewhere let's go baby am i using players command i need i should probably do it yeah i forgot to do barrisa right oh i didn't do it over here so actually 486. good call rarest drop i've got i got arachnid mesh already so that's a pretty ball and first first item drop right there for us just gotta level our way up to it first try yeah 80 can take a tiny bit a couple hours thanks gastric mu you the llama that is me oh boy okay a little roundabout waypoint thanks sean patch the cheat slam is about to use for ancients whoa now ow we need an itemized list on screen so we know exactly what you have left casualist just a self-scrolling list it's a lot of text to have there yeah this girl saw this i found okay nice on you like that thank you ruby good afternoon i've got crystalline let me go let's go make our things now we should have done this a long time ago but that's okay harmony or melody for frost maiden i'm in nm melody is better there right that way the rhyme can go here good to see you yeah melody's gonna be better for just the frost only just as much plus skill as you can get it's what you really want to aim for there i love the flare jungle i mean it's very difficult see you in hell sometimes but thank you nadine wins welcome everybody how are you okay lore very helpful keep some mana for kill low energy skills light res leaf perfect let's go back to hell and let's just level up really fast welcome welcome welcome how you guys doing leaf is for swap yeah evil beware i am overbuilding okay got it i was the biggest tease i know you're always like loren no so close storm guild worth anything no not really how long do i predict this will take like i said i'd like to be done in like year and a half two years it all just depends oh jesus how uh ow ow gosh dang it it's terrible in here all just depends how terrell's might and meng songs kinda do and death web and uh astrians that's it man i got my other grail i found every single item twice except tyrials and ming songs it's awful okay what should gold digger cost in trade nothing good afternoon maybe a fun little sweetener but not really worth anything there oh yeah that's right you can control click i forgot good call it actually wasn't a bad setup but he had teleport um no static yeah i don't need to jump in on him talent can be static but mattock can't [Music] i can't carry anymore just tell a girl you'll propose to her if you find it but don't mean it then you'll find it that night is that it oh that was terrible teleport no come on is he not walking to the wall anymore all right we'll just do this and boy uh i need mana i need mana come on fight him like a man i am i need money this is how a very smart man would fight him yeah he's not getting quite hit with as much as i wanted i get back thank you macabre ain't good enough probably i'll figure out what i need to do for it oh thank you chill the grail thanks norak no happy five mr lama mr llama love appreciate it what's his health very close oh that's nice protein couple more uh i don't know rush the first 50 is a lot faster can you contribute to my grill no it is a single player my own grail self-found journey make sure we get on the right weapons oh sauce oh boy i don't like it thank you nasty get a holy freeze mirrors i can't do nothing huh i mean yeah it's fun to finish my grail so i'm excited excited to start the d2r one i'm excited for it okay i need mana just be sure to take your shirt and pants off when you finish this time of course fire all stronger than hydra yeah hydra is not very good um that is a lot oh there's dolls too all right well crap let's see [Applause] that's very nasty [Music] oh hello but does it count if the game gets patched in the middle of your grail seems like you'll need to restart after the patch to be legit what why wouldn't it still count of course it still counts it's a ridiculous rule come on oh nasty what a sad firewall i miss old firewall old new firewall enough mana painful salutations happened to firewall they nerfed it back to what it was instead of leaving it at its super strong state [Applause] okay just gotta be careful not to go too far down it's all a lot of nasty stuff on the edge of this throne room i do not like it i really need wave five to not be extra fast there's my big in a bowl thank you that's true protein [Music] happy holidays mr llama did you get everything you wanted for christmas yeah pretty much i mean i didn't have anything on my list really so will i sell an soj for annie yeah how do you live uh yeah path of exile you just pick up a lot more stuff in diablo 2 there's a lot less that you just end up picking up you just kind of know what needs to be picked up and not and it just ends up being a lot less stuff so you're not always flooding through everything your chances of getting like rare boots and gloves and those things that you are going to pick up are just lower pee just i don't know feels like you get all that stuff pretty easy i can oh god a little bit spicy you don't really need a filter in diablo it's pretty unnecessary i'd say kill the clone the only time is like players ate cows feels like a filter could be mildly helpful dang it nothing all right well [Music] good stuff at least good stuff hey gtg fine yeah we got a wrecked and mesh and estron to start us off and we got chances as well so i can't complain too much i cannot complain too much at all we also have a perfect and a flawless so that is nice um you three months did you get a haircut i haven't been here for a week yeah thanks kieran [Music] mr llama why did they name the game diablo instead of bell instead of what oh bale well bale didn't exist in the original that's the expansion god they're so fast slow down oh what to do all right griswolds hmm 102 strength but then we could shove three topaz in it but it's okay griswold's heart is down that was that was just players one because you man tech like doing slash player stuff is super annoying but i guess if i do like dash players three and my shortcut then i can open it into players three which could be nice uh what oh continues up here thanks colonel oh no shaco never lucky honestly i should get some macro for it or something yeah that seems smart because you can't even copy paste or anything into the text chat it's like super annoying are you gonna use d2rs in a finite respect or do your rules dictate farming tones for respect on this one i'll probably not do infinite i'll probably have to use respect tokens you do you were able to copy paste wasn't working for me found my first death's fathom the other day rolled 28 34 30 seconds up trading it off but i really like it it's very nice copy outside of the game and paste in game that might be it i was trying to copy and paste from within the game and that might be why it doesn't work oh thanks tank let's see what we got in here i need mana best rare ring i found i had a really nice magic find one with a bunch of stuff on it that i liked let's go down really fast okay cool interesting place for this champion group right now i'm just leveling up a little bit how do i plan to organize my stash like i said i'll either download something like go mule and just use that or i will figure something else out like labeling you know characters one character be called swords or something you know he'll get all the swords level up in ancient tunnels i mean that also works no i just want to check this real fast grump thank you slash players okay we'll try this do i think this character's ready for cows i mean she could do cows at an okay speed probably want to do cows a little bit harder cows oh hey pasting did work nice okay yep offline yeah it might be better to just go down the tunnels might end up being the best way we can see how well we do in cows but blizzard would definitely be better can't believe i let you guys convince me to go orb trying to appease the chat what prompted this you guys did you guys were whining another item uh i rather scuff you should have gone orb chain lightning i've been have a lot of fun with that hybrid i don't know if i'd want chain lightning yet but i have one respect left impossible [Music] would javazon also work here yeah i'll probably have a javazone pop in at some point and do some javazon stuff blow some stuff up later wow nasty things aren't they impossible oh you're mean to physical or cold i mean it's nice [Music] we got a general i need mana frozen or before the delay good old days impossible [Music] not bad decent experience out here general is actually not bad on if you're like running through the game early weapon okay oh god the my dora who's got it i don't want it get away from me hmm this gonna be tough two-man speedrun but hostile the problem is what happens at killing a boss as soon as one person kills a boss the other person doesn't get the quest otherwise yes would be dope i've been farming here before i've i've done my time in the tunnels for sure one could say we've done many years in these tunnels double dream double dragon yeah i've done that before it's kind of fun so slow until i get more plus items i mean i'm also running frozen orb right now which is a massive issue gonna slow us down a lot blizzard will help a ton yo g fox with 10 gifted subs wow that's a lot of subs thank you so much g fox oh my goodness this is players one it was players three over earlier but now it's players one it did it was just going too slow on players three yeah as much as i like frozen orb i don't know how well it's doing here thanks guess guy much as i want it to do well nice sexy i mean we beat the game with frozen orb so that was nice as i said or chain lightning because you can spam both for two extra damage we don't need none of that i can't it just needs more synergies for more damage it's a little bit of help winged knife wow wow grail who let's go baby got ourselves some war strikes got ourselves the general and the beautiful whitsons guard nice throwbarb time right that's what i'm talking about to the next stash we go i already filled one up let's go baby throw source probably not probably not all right let's do it's trick house i can't have an inside verse he will die instantly you guys instantly heavy bracers no way are you serious wow all right little trangs action heavy bracers and arachnid mesh what is going on baby some insane drops right now i can impossible okay i got potions in there if you're set on only using a single skill then just respect to blizzard hybrids are only good if you actively use both of the primary skills at the same time oh yeah i know um i mean oh geez it's hard hello it probably doesn't make sense just to go straight into blizzard right now but got trang al's gloves yeah it's not great our damage is just so low pisto dropped it for us super nice of him just needs so much to do okay you know ring time thank you master hello another new item let's go baby ah the king is calling me as well darn oh this is painful what schedule will grail be i don't know i mean i'll probably go for a few days for sure on it and then figure out what we want to do after that plus when the new ladder comes out we'll probably take a little break on it you know stuff like that i mean if you really want farm cows just get a lightnings on gaba's on [Music] this is painful respect to blizz you guys asked for this [Music] this is your own doing we did enough of it okay schedule depend on how many girlfriends we get it's the order true you all right let's do a halo and uh drinks beautiful finds honestly so happy for him thanks gummies respect to hydra for even more pain does sound painful i think my dad wants to talk coming dad he wants to have the talk why isn't this a punch barb grail you know why there's nothing wrong with an only fans in 2021 dad it's perfectly normal i guess i should check corpse real fast okay full dania did we beat the game yet yeah yep now we're just leveling up and doing some of these questing and stuff like that it's a lot of fire immune or called mean mobs in here be cool if they added a collection login yeah that'd be fun there's a lot of really cool things that they could still do with all that stuff yeah i mean the static is nice but it doesn't do a ton like they burn through pretty quick but it's a small amount [Music] 20 years of content oh yeah homie hits hard man oh uh 20 points in firewall i think yes with with that it's a good song why not inferno instead you serious god i hope inferno could someday have some use like in these cases ah too many ticks rip start over yep yes the inferno thunderstorm build best magic finding character the inferno hydra thunderstormer that's right okay should we just back into full blizzard you guys is that where we're at i don't know if i want to go up to 70 strength now for these things i mean i guess i have to go up to at least 48 so i might as well probably don't need any more energy at this point let's just go pure vita and we'll jump into full blizzard or chain lightning my last plea yes still slower than blizz but you can farm everywhere yeah i don't need to farm everywhere at the moment though we rock inside at some point yeah at some point at some point yes i should have gone back into the cows and seen how it did there you can control click for five no love y'all bro keep pumping good energy thanks s flo you can shift click skills now uh-huh just as god intended hey oh and just like that you guys we have finished the berserker set nice our first set down got the entire berserker set completed would be good for my future berserker barb i know what do you need let's see what's going on up here um right on this level nope level three don't even need them honestly i already got all the gloves i need between chances and drinks good nice okay i want to start a grill of your own i mean it's just a great time it's just honestly so fun highly recommend it oh man we got our first duplicate as well until you get to the last 10 items oh yeah hello first duplicate i mean i've been at that end grind i i know believe me i know the order welcomes you uh still rough but i mean it is an area level 85. those do just take time decent experience though switch to legacy graphics for old times take bring back the memories ah do miss it do miss me some old-timey graphics i mean new graphics are great whoa that lag what the heck oh welcome back my friend remember if you need to return that lag spike killed me sabotage my okay beautiful computer struggling on the old graphics it was man it surprisingly really was i can't carry any more now some birdies one more time fresh haircut kind of refreshing just kind of buzz it all off so it'll come back out again am i doing slash players i don't know what players it's on right now one or three yeah we're just sort of leveling up right now leveling up and magic finding i guess kind of at the same time oh wow it's 8 o'clock 9 p.m no three percent mf i don't even know if it's worth keeping it like ugh such an inconsequential amount on such a tiny thing where'd they rack drop me feast oh what level is she she is 70 right now nice alpha hey man as long as you're having fun yeah i got spirit okay couple new ones why not motric yeah i need to nothing there first arctic's piece and uh the impaler all right let's see where we're at overall now 476 remain wow crushing it you guys crushing it left only 476 left i know so nice angles thanks cheesy thanks replica and tireless tracker shell round another shells nice yeah i'll make some more characters as we go good night military pick let's go more items i've been working at the particle accelerator working on the metaphysics of rune particles last night i found out that the meaning of life is battle belt all right what is the meaning of life my goodness well snow clash action i just don't have strength for it yet but let's start working towards it all i mean all the items right now and tank ridge crowbar belt day yeah this early snow find is sexy for sure but we do overact in mesh so yeah single player little credendum right there though that'll be fun boss over here mm-hmm i don't think i can get to the next break point yet i have what 63 and i have the ability to go up a little bit but not quite there credendum very nice very nice now i just need a blizzard mist really quickly um pendle should be up yeah i'll just have a bunch of trash meals or something for the other stuff could this be a trap why are we keeping these as items that's what you do with the grail you keep all the items the good and the bad could this be a strong mules mules will be a big help for me oh okay not really ever a boss up upwards from there seems to be pretty uncommon chat let's celebrate this fruitful time the time of foreplay the time before the seven year journey climaxing at the arrival of meng songs lesson we're gonna get mang so early you're not even gonna believe it we're gonna get it within like two weeks and y'all gonna be like don't copium me that is not copium it's gonna happen this time and the eight-year journey to finding tyrials please oh no the law of averages says it should drop very early thank you let's try player 7 and just see what experience we can get with it just come down here and kill some stuff my winthrop just hit level 24. i am become halitosis the bringer of bad breath here rare circles no insight merce nah we can't have one right now he'll just die instantly we'll we'll get one of those later let me get a few more items and stuff experience oh but those battle boots rolled unique this would have been the perfect day that could have been the perfect day i mean we already did get pretty nice boots though that have been so good though so clutch don't even don't you dare start the archon staff we do not need those curses going on right now i mean we're probably gonna get a bunch of mings it'll be like super easy this time love averages says we should get a lot of them lumroon okay we could make a smoke that's nice could be helpful with this character sound home gg yeah mangs will come early it's all going to be early and great i cannot wait it rhymes so you know it's going to be a good time rocking smoke on your summon necro i mean smoke's fantastic man great little resistances on it you know get him out okay there's some might aura i can't carry anymore i can't carry anymore there she is i do a freestyle rap after finding ming songs no i don't want to ruin the find let's just enjoy the find i don't think we need a loot filter though game seems pretty good with that one you know it's not enough loot to need a filter where can i take you not enough loot greetings good day let's see what you got for us andy mesh belt wow almost had uh oh it's ethereal too almost had taurashes so many belts my goodness you guys big old belt day the order welcomes you big old belt day hate those charge bolts oh that was rude my cold res needs to be a little bit bigger minus 27 is not amazing that crit to the face yeah ethereal account swords grill [Applause] annoying yeah i don't want to do hardcore girl i like my southcord girls all right we're 73. nice very nice all right everybody
Channel: MrLlamaSC
Views: 174,252
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: games, twitch
Id: GOts2oT2xlY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 237min 16sec (14236 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 30 2021
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