Daredevil: Season 1 RECAP

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welcome to the man of recaps we're talking daredevil season 1 daredevil is a blind superhero he was in a car accident as a kid but the toxic chemicals gave him super other senses so he can hear well enough to see a lot like a bat unfortunately Batman was taken so here we are by day he's Matt Murdock attorney-at-law because justice is blind get it he's got his best friend and partner foggy Nelson who's his goofy sidekick one day Karen Paige wakes up in her apartment covered in this guy's blood with a knife in her hand pretty open-and-shut case but Nelson and Murdock go to check it out and she's like I have no idea I think I was drugged then I'm being set up and because he's got super-hearing he knows that she's telling the truth so they take the case she was working for this big company called Union allied and she accidentally discovered evidence that they were doing crime and stuff so that's why she thinks they're trying to kill her she goes to stay at Matt's apartment for a while it just changes right in front of him you know one of the perks of being blind but not really blind that night she sneaks back to her apartment to grab the USB Drive that she had with all the dead on it but a guy's there to try to kill her oh no luckily daredevil shows up and he's like boom BAM kicking and punching the fight spilled out onto the street and then federal kicks this guy in the face he leaves them on City Hall with the evidence so boom it's in the paper scandal expose the guys win and Karen like gets a job there as Nelson Murdock's assistant cool but the bad guys aren't going to roll over that easily there's a whole gang of them there's the two Russian brothers and there's the white accountant guy and there's the old Chinese lady and then there's the mysterious Japanese dude and then the suit guy comes up he's like hey I represent the boss of all of you but he's too cool to cup the Russians kidnap another kid for their human trafficking ring but the next episode starts with daredevil bleeding out in a dumpster luckily he's found by Claire temple she's a nurse she takes him up to her apartment to fix him up a bit and she's like look this was a one-time thing he's like actually you're going to be a main character in the series this is your life now bad guys come looking for the money gets away but daredevil crabs the fire extinguisher and does an awesome drop nails the guy tie him up on the roof and interrogate him about where the kid is and so he finally tells him then he throws them off the roof I'll really kill some guy now he lives in the dumpster I'm telling you he's exactly like Batman he goes to where they've got the kid and then it's time for the famous one cake always fight you have a camera doesn't move and he beats up all these guys this is what made the show famous and it's like cool because he gets really tired he's still fighting all these dudes he's doesn't have super-strength he's just a guy who was pretty good at punching people and he saves the kids so job well done later this other gangster is bowling and this guy comes up like hey can I bowl with you just kidding here to kill you yeah buddy let's just get the gun out so you have to bash his head in with a bowling ball but the cops pick him up so suit guy comes to Nelson and Murdock he's like hey I'm represent like a really big company and willing to pay you a bunch of money to represent our client and it's like well we only represented guys he's like you know he's a big guy but we didn't like five seconds of talking to him it's very obvious that he's a professional assassin but Matt wants to find out who his employers are so we decided to take the case the boys are doing some actual lawyer but Matt uses his super hearing to hear that one of the jurors heart rate elevated because she's being blackmailed to vote not guilty by this guy so he beats him up he's like now you're going to stop that and then she gets off the jury but then he finds out that like even all more of the jury's all elevated heart rate so the guy gets not guilty so daredevil steps in and he beats this guy up for a bit he's like who do you work for and he's like Wilson Fisk and then he's like no that's the one rule you're not allowed to say his name oh he kills himself right in front of him how scary is this Wilson Fisk guy daredevil is continuing to interrupt the Russians business so soup guy talks them he's like handle this or mr. Fisk will have to say find the guy who daredevil threw up the roof he's in the coma but they give him the super caffeine shot is us all then I'm awake give them Claire's apartment and then dies so they busted and kidnapped Claire bring her to the garage they're like tell us everything you know about daredevil they're still calling him the man in black though at this point but all the lights go off and daredevil boom he comes in he beats them all up he saves Claire it's his time to heal her wait oh these kids going to kiss out yeah yeah they do the Russian brothers get back to garage they're like the man in black did all this inconceivable so this is the big shadowy crime boss Wilson Fisk he just met this hot art dealer Vanessa he takes her out on a first date he's got this funny way of talking he's like New York he's my home then I'll do Benji to save it but their date is interrupted by one of the Russian brothers comes he's like hey we need help taking down the man in black Vanessa is like wait are you some sort of mob boss and he's like yes I am and she's like okay no first kiss for you that makes him super pissed so he takes it out on the Russian brother and bashes his head with his car yes and he's the reserved businessman types but he's also the brutally violent type to Nelson and Murdock have a new case it's this old Spanish woman she's trying to be forced out of her apartment by the landlord he shutting off the power breaking the walls and stuff so foggy goes down to the landlord's attorney where his superhot ex girlfriend works and he's like man I can't wait to go down on you I mean I can't wait to take you down Matt goes down to the police station to pick up some or something but he uses his super hearing to hear of Russian being interrogated and he's like yes our boss is Wilson Fisk and the cops like shouldn't have said his name balloon takes him down so Fisk has got like who knows how many police officers in his pocket Vanessa comes back for a second date with Fisk who's reserved the entire restaurant for them he's like does it bother you that I'm a crime boss and she's like I don't know not really so they are love so the Russians are gearing up for war but first they get a delivery from this blind heroin delivery guy see that's Madame GAO's thing she's the old Chinese woman and fists cops are there to help her take down the Russians so this blind delivery guy is actually carrying a bomb boom exploded and they do it all across the city at the same time so they just wiped out the Russians the Russian brothers survived though but daredevil finds him and they have a little fight until the cops come daredevil surrenders but then the cops are working for fists they're going to kill the Russians that never will have to fight the cops to save the Russian gangster he takes it to this warehouse but pretty soon the cops have him surrounded and Fisk gives the order to start sniping cops starting with the dirty one because he's a liability now and with the footage of him beating up cops this whole thing and the explosions get blamed on the devil of Hell's Kitchen daredevil gets the accountants name from the Russian and pays him a visit but he gets distracted by something and so he gets tased what is it it's a blind guy oh it's his old man sensei stick see Matt's dad was a boxer and the gangsters paid him to take a fall one day but he didn't so they killed him and that was dealing with all his super-hearing and stuff that was very uncomfortable so stick finds Minh he's also blind and he teaches him how to hear well he also teaches them how to fight with the old like I'm just going to hit you repeatedly method so sticks like hey Matt I need your help with something Japanese are importing a secret weapon called the black sky it's coming in the docs night a mysterious Japanese guy Nobu is a man so these two sneak down there and do the whole ninja thing but the weapon the black sky is just some kid what a state is just ready to shoot it with an arrow but Matt's like no don't kill kids so he deflects it that's like what the hell is that and stick explains it's part of an ancient shadow war between good and evil they fight right now that's like I don't have time for this I'm dealing with fists and sticks like you know it's your right I'll be back next season when this is the main plot losing the black sky pisses off Nobu and Madame Gao as well so fix does an epic table flip then the dirty copper gains consciousness and sis goes to his old partner and best friend is like hey are you the type of person that would kill your partner and best friend for a bunch of money and he's like I guess I am so he goes to visit his partner and brings him the meatball sub of death he injects him with it but daredevil comes up he's like look you've already been injected you're dying anyway just tell me everything you know about fists Karen means with Ben Urich a reporter she's like hey you want to unravel corporate corruption murder scandal and he's like yeah that's what I love to do I one day she's attacked by some thugs but foggy comes in to save the day so she brings him on the mystery and they're like oh we just don't know who's at the top so daredevil pays a visit to Benton and he doesn't have any proof to get Fisk arrested but he has enough to write a good expose article since he hates people saying his name but just then fist goes on live TV and exposes themselves he comes across as a really good guy and he's like my name is Wilson Fisk so the articles totally pointless and daredevil is pissed now know whose main goal is to get the apartment building that they're trying to take the old Spanish woman out of and because she refused sleeve they have her killed by a junkie they make it look like a mugging daredevil tracks down the junkie he finds Madame GAO's question mark heroin he gets the information out of him goes to a warehouse where there's nobody except Nobu dressed as a literal ninja daredevil like that's a little cheesy don't you think but there's nothing cheesy about Nobu sharp twirling weapon because he's all like boom cut and who cut again and turtles get all cut up and totally beaten but then he managed to deflect this into light and there was gasoline on the floor from the barrel so cool he sparked him up and he liked Nobu burns alive ouch but Justin Fisk shows up and he's like biggie I hope you and Nobu would kill each other dead I was like I'm gonna punch her in the face I'm gonna kill you right now man but first he's like yo I am a big strong dude and you're all cut up right now he tries to cut this but he's wearing like armor suit what that's cool anyway he beats up daredevil he's like I'm done with him you guys just shoot him but he manages to escape out the window ho town into the river he makes it back to his apartment where foggy happens to be so foggy learns that his best friend Matt is daredevil and after this foggy becomes extremely annoying because the only thing he ever says is you should stop being daredevil because it's dangerous and stuff meanwhile Fisk is holding a big fundraiser he's not like running for an office officially but he's like clearly going to and so Vanessa have some champagne but people start dying and it's like no the champagne it was poisoned then after I so she manages to survive to get to the hospital but he's just like coal super sad the game is still researching this game Karen goes to a nursing home upstate where she tracked down fists mother and she's a little bit senile but she just tell them the story of how when Fisk was a kid his dad like beat her up and so if it's take a hammer and kills him he killed his dad so that's pretty big news physics assistant gets a call from the nursing-home about the visitor first month so he manages to track down Tara and he grabs her he's like well I'm going to kill you probably but he gets distracted by that phone call so she grabs a gun and she gets him and he's like oh you wouldn't shoot me she's like actually yeah I would I have no compliment to shoot you multiple times right in the chest how's that Fisk is super sad again because this wasn't just his assistant it was his best and only friend so he talks to his mom she to see now to remember anything though but when Ben tries to print the article Fisk gets word of it I think goes to his apartment and he's like you want to see my mother and he kills him with his bare hands yeah you don't mess with the dude's mom Daredevils now working on shutting down madame gals heroine operation he beats up some guards and finds Madame Gao he's like you're going down she's like [ __ ] please I'm Madame Gao she meets with the accountant to reveals it was these two that tried to poison Vanessa because she was making fists all weekend distracted luckily Vanessa makes a full recovery but one day fist realizes the account dude's been stealing some money from him and he's like well I'm gonna kill you for stealing money he's like actually now I have an ace in my hole the partner that you had killed the other corrupt cop I have him locked away somewhere and if I don't check in every 24 hours he goes public with all the stuff on you so now that I'm untouchable and there's will tell you I tried to kill Vanessa well shouldn't have said that Fitz decides to just kill him anyway and he's like everyone you'll find that cop before I revealed us luckily met uses super hearing to hear that so when you're got him down at the warehouse all the cops show up daredevil shows up to beats up the corrupt cops and he's like hey you're coming with me you're going to turn yourself in and spill all the beans on Fisk so he does that gets all the corrupt cops arrested and they're coming for Fisk too many last-minute proposes to Vanessa and she's like yes I do so as they take him to jail she goes off on a helicopter to who-knows-where so Fisk is going to jail and the good guys won the end just kidding actually physics convoy gets stopped by a paramilitary group that he hired and they kill all the cops and bust him out of there jumping back a bit after his fight with Nobu daredevil was all cut up so he decided he needs to get some of that armor Fisk and he finds his armored suit guy and he's like turns out he's only working for him because he's got his girlfriend kidding after whatever so he's like look I'll save her if you make me a super suit so he uses his super hearing to find Fisk who's moved into this other truck so Dario comes in boom crashes the truck just comes out and he's like yeah how do you like me now I got an awesome super suit with like devil horns and stuff a little on the nose but whatever it looks badass so these two have their final fistfight in the alley and at the end Fisk is like you can't kill me because you do good guy with your Christian guilt Daredevils like oh I don't know I might have to be the devil but just punches them really hard and fists survives so she goes to jail and the good guys won hooray he officially gets his name daredevil and that's how season 1 comes to an end [Music]
Channel: Man Of Recaps
Views: 232,257
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Defenders, netflix, marvel, summary, recap, review, new season, last season, theory, explained, daredevil, season 1, cancelled
Id: p50KcoP3ffI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 23sec (683 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 18 2017
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