DevOps Engineer Salary 2023 | Remote DevOps Jobs

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so recently I was approached by a recruiter on LinkedIn for a devops engineer role and this one was the remote role requiring skills in Linux CI CD python Docker kubernetes openshift and some more tools and even though at this time I'm not looking for any jobs but I was still curious for the pay or the salary they were going to give for this one so I tried asking them and to my surprise this is what they told me so four thousand five hundred dollars per month which is around uh 3 lakh seventy thousand rupees in Indian currency some of you might think this is fake or too good to be true but companies actually give this or more than this to many devops engineer and that is why in this video we are going to go deep dive in salaries of devops and genius let's go and Welcome to Cloud champ in this video we will be looking at salary of devops engineers in 2023. to start with we will look at salaries offered by top tech companies like Amazon Microsoft Google Adobe IBM etc for devops engineers role then we will move to see Salis of devops engineers in USA or how much a devops engineer can make working in United States where we will also look at some interesting companies which pay double tripling or 5x more than what antiox engineer can make in India we will also cover devops engineer salary in India and remote job opportunities so watch this video till the end a salary of devops Engineers can defer you to various factors like education background years of experience location and the company they are trying to apply but I'm creating this video based on the facts and the research I did if you found any information misleading or wrong you can let me know in the comment section and I'm open for discussion and correction so let's enjoy the video number one is Google Google is always known to offer higher service to their employees and this is the same for devops engineer roles as well according to the data if a person has an experience between 3 to 11 years Google can provide compensation of around 213 000 every year and this is not just the base salary but it also includes stock options bonuses and other benefits but if you talk about just the base salary or the annual average salary it is around 158 000 for Google which is significantly higher than average salary for any other company it's important to note that this is just an estimate and can vary depending on the location and the number of experience you have now let's talk about Apple so average annual salary of Apple devops engineer in 2023 ranges around 191 thousand dollars for someone with experience between two to eight years number three is Facebook or meta so Facebook offers highly competitive salary for devops engineer role in 2023. if you are a devops engineer working at Facebook in 2023 you will be getting around 280 000 per year which is more than many other companies that I know today now if you talk about Amazon according to Glassdoor an average base payoffs devops engineer working in Amazon is around 132 000 per year but this is just the base pay you also get some compensation like cash compensation of 25 000 and stock options of 35 000 which brings up the total around 1 lakh ninety one thousand dollars per year whereas if you work as a devops engineer in Amazon India office you will get a salary of around 15 lakhs per annum let's also look at some Indian companies and the salary they provide for devops engineer roles so if you talk about Indian companies like TCS cognizant web Pro Infosys they have an average base salary of around 6.5 lakhs which can go up to 10 to 11 lakhs depending on your experience so it's the same for most Indian companies that you get around 6.5 likes as a fresher and it can grow up to 10 11 12 13 14 as you vote more and more in this in those companies now before we go ahead and learn about the salaries of devops engineers in USA I want to share with you this amazing postgraduate program in devops by simplylearn this postgraduate program in devops by simply learn is in collaboration with IBM to help you gain expertise in the latest devops tools and Technologies such as kubernetes Docker Jenkins terraform ansible kit and more not only this you will also get hands-on experience working on real world industry projects giving you the Practical experience you need to succeed in your devops career you can check out the learning path here on the website and you can also download it after the completion of this program you will get a certification like this from Simply learn to validate your Knowledge and Skills in devops let's check out some reviews from the previous Learners of this program so if you check here all these reviews are 5 Star reviews which means this is a good program to start learning devops so click the link in the description and to be eligible for this program you need to have a bachelor's degree with an average of 50 or higher marks you don't need any work prior work experience and you can be from Tech or non-tech background because this program is for everyone so click the link in the description click on apply now fill in all your details and proceed with learning devops from Simply learn now let's have a look at devops engineer salaries in the United States so according to Glassdoor a job search website devops engineer rules in United States can get around hundred and ten thousand dollars as an average base pay and you can check out the companies so here are the different companies and their pay average pay for devops engineer rules so format pays around 119 000 for devops engineer whereas if you checked IBM IBM is paying 120 000 for devops engineer rule if you go down and you can also check or Amazon for 125 000 for devops engineer role and there are also other companies like HCL sap or Rackspace which are giving same uh pretty much same you can see gumgum is giving more than Amazon so it's 187 000 so there are many companies who will provide you more salaries than Farm companies or among companies so more than Microsoft more than Amazon and there are many startups as well that will give you double or triple then what you can see here as mentioned earlier devops engineer salary can vary due to different reasons one of them is region so it devops engineer salaries per region so for example as you can see here the report by if you're in New York or California you'll get 150 000 which is more than other regions where such as Texas in Texas you'll get around 131 000 whereas in Hawaii you get around 125 000 in Ohio you get 120 in South Carolina you get 150 and so on so devops engineer salaries can also differ from region to region due to the cost of living and various other factors so this so this is average devops engineering salary in United States now let's look at average salaries for devops engineers in India if you see here here are some companies and their devops engineer salaries by company so we have TCS Tech Mahindra web Pro Accenture all the service based companies as you can see they are giving around 6.2 6.7 or salaries for devops engineer role so these are all service based companies and they provide less salaries compared to the product based another startups in India but if you look at other companies such as if let me sort this on the basis of salary and you'll find many companies which offer you more so Google offers around 21.9 lakh in India for devops engineers whereas Salesforce is 20 and if you go down you can find more names like apple Zeta city cop we have names like Rackspace which is around giving around 17.2 lakhs Yahoo gives around 18 lakhs and you also see Walmart here Microsoft is giving 16.4 lakhs for devops engineers in India and you have a long list so you can go and check it out on you can also see McAfee is giving 16.2 lakhs so here is the average base pay for devops engineers in India as you might have seen there's a huge difference between the salaries in India and us even though engineers in India have more knowledge have more experience they are still paid less compared to salaries in U.S or in other countries and that is why everyone is Shifting or applying for remote jobs so I highly recommend you to check out some remote jobs let me show you some of them on LinkedIn remote jobs on this section here and filter it out based on your priority so I'm going to click on here and select remote option because I want to apply for remote jobs and there are 4 000 applications here so if you check this one which is asking for SRE and devops engineers and you can read the job description but if you scroll down you will find that the base salary for this job is around 120 000 dollars until 180 000 and this is the remote job so no matter if you're in India Bangladesh any country you can still apply to it if you have the skills that they're asking for until this is also a remote job and if you scroll down they're asking for two years of experience devops experience and for two years they're giving you around 69 000 till 121 000 which is pretty good compared to the salaries you get in India so anyone in India can apply to this easily uh because these are all remote jobs so here you can find the list of all the different companies that are giving you more salaries than what you get in Indian companies so I would recommend you checking this out and because there's a high chance you can get this if you have the knowledge and you will get more pay so everything is okay now that you know the difference between the salaries in the jobs in India versus remote jobs I would highly recommend you checking out and applying for these remote jobs if you want to know how I got my first remote internship and the job as devops engineer check out this video where I've shared everything how I got my remote internship and job as devops engineer apart from the salary there are various benefits of having a remote job first thing you don't need to commute to go to your office you don't have to see your manager's face every day you don't have to drink shitty coffee of your office and a lot more so let me give you some tips and tricks on how to get your first remote devops job number one build a strong Professional Network a strong Network can immensely help you get your first job so connect with people in the industry through social media platforms like LinkedIn Twitter or GitHub you can also attend meetups and events or conferences to connect with like-minded people in the industry and to know what is happening in the market number two update your resume your resume should highlight your experiences knowledge and skills in devops you should update your resume according to the job you are applying for so check your job description and update your resume according to that so for example if the job you're applying for is asking for more of cicd experiences or skills you can showcase that you have experiences in Jenkins Travis CI gitlab if your job is asking for more of programming languages you can showcase projects that have more use of python or any other programming language so update your resume according to the job description so that you have more chances of getting that job apply for remote job listings you can apply on different websites that have demo opportunities like LinkedIn indeed remote okay and much more last but not the least practice and showcase your skills keep practicing your skills and stay up to date with the latest trends and the Technologies in devops this will help you stay competitive and increase your chances of getting that remote devops job so there you have it my take on devops engineer salaries in 2023 if you have any questions any doubt let me know in the comment section thank you and have a good day
Channel: Cloud Champ
Views: 26,325
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: devops engineer salary, devops engineer salary 2023, devops engineer salary in india, devops engineer salary in USA, Remote Devops engineer salary, devops salary in india, devops salary in usa, devops salary in bangalore, senior devops engineer salary, devops salary and growth, devops salary for freshers, devops salary vs developer salary, devops salary in canada, devops salary in telugu, devops salary india, how much devops engineer make, salary of devops engineer in india, aws
Id: Dofv_KUik88
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 13sec (673 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 08 2023
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