Day 1 : Terraform explained | Terraform Tutorial for Beginners

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terraform is the most popular infrastructureless code tool used by mostly everyone in the devops space including GitHub IBM slack Pinterest atlassian and so much more so in this video I am going to teach you what is seraphim why is it so popular explaining its benefits and use cases also how it works and why you should learn it along with this I'm also creating a playlist on terraform where I'll be teaching you terraform rights from the basics to Advanced explaining you everything about HCL syntax what is providers into a form resources meta arguments modules State Management and so much more along with projects challenges and exciting things if you haven't subscribed to my Channel Please Subscribe and click on the Bell notification so you don't miss any videos and start learning terraform with me let's start let's start with what is terraform terraform is an open source infrastructure as code tool which is created by hashicop that lets you define and promote Vision your infrastructure in the form of code on various Cloud providers like AWS Azure gcp and also other platforms like VMware openstack kubernetes and lot more terraform supports thousands of different providers so in simple term star form is an infrastructureless code tool in devops to create resources on different shop providers and also various different platforms but what do you mean by infrastructure as code so infrastructure as code is a way of managing and creating computer infrastructures like servers databases network storage using Code instead of manual process so rather than you creating all this infrastructure in the console you can Define it in the form of code which is faster and provides you with so many benefits like you can store this code on GitHub on gitlab which every version control and you can also share it with other guys so they can collaborate with you using infrastructure as code you can scale your applications very fast you can recreate them if there's an issue so your deployments become very very fast my experience with was when I was invited ship we had a project which used to take eight hours per deployment but using terraform we deployed the same application in just 30 minutes so we stayed around 7 hours 30 minutes in every deployment we used to do this is why I love terraformer I've been using it since a long time and I want you to learn it as well because every company is using it now let's understand why you should learn there are firm and why is it so damn popular compared to other infrastructure as code does despite so many different IAC tools in the market like AWS cloudformation Azure Ram templates Google deployment management Chef puppet and so much more terraform still is the most used in flashbacks Alaska tool due to so many benefits but the main one is multi-cloud support So using terraform you can create infrastructure in AWS also Azure gcp Oracle IBM and everything in just one single script so using terraform you can create multiple infrastructures in multiple different cloud and that's not what you can do with cloudformation you cannot create Azure templates or Azure resources using AWS Cloud automation this is why terraform is mostly used second benefit is declarative configuration language so terraform uses HCL or hashicop configuration language and through which you can create your resources in AWS in Azure or AJ Cloud which is very very easy and I'll be teaching you HCL in upcoming videos so make sure you watch it third benefit is terraform has large and active community so if you are stuck at any issues with telephone you are most likely to find Solutions on documentation itself but you can also find forums and blogs and videos on terraform this means the community is big and the documentation is amazing I'm going to teach you everything using the documentation because terraform has the best documentation I would say among most of the devops tools next very important benefit is the state management terraform Works using state so everything you do on the console is all going to be recorded in the state and will be compared every time you run apply and Destroy commands so terraform being so popular it's used in everywhere and this is why there are many companies who are looking for people who know terraform so let's understand how terraform actually works and how we create resources and different providers the first stage is the configuration stage where you need to write down the infrastructure configuration in terraform's own HCL language so you want to have a database server storage write it down interactions HCL language and move to the second stage the second stage is the planning stage so now that you have your infrastructure configuration written down with everything you want in your Cloud you can then create a plan and check what is traffic to create delete or update according to the configuration you have done if satisfied and everything is as you want it to be you can then move to the third stage which is the execution stage here you will apply the plan and terraform will start creating deleting or modifying things in your account in your provider according to the configuration you have written in your terraform scripts at the same time terraform also manages the state with terraform we keep track of all the changes happening in the cloud and make sure it matches the infrastructure configuration you have desired once the applies done you will see your resources in the cloud if you want to have any changes you can then directly update your infrastructure configuration written in the code and then apply the command again and again and follow the same process lastly if you don't want to use your infrastructure anymore you can just run the destroy command and do the cleanup where terraform will destroy everything you have defined in your infrastructure configuration so this is a data from workflow I hope you have understood how diaphragm actually works and this will make more sense when we do Hands-On in the upcoming session this is the only Theory or filler video in the complete playlist but it's very important for you to understand the basics and the concepts before you do the Hands-On so in the upcoming sessions I'll be teaching you terraform right from the basics from hcn syntax to resources input variables outputs modules met arguments provisionals and lot more and why do you want to learn from me because I've been working on telephone for a long time I've taught terraform to many guys also helped them gain terraform associate certification and I myself have terraform certification even because I charged people to teach their firm and I'm doing this for free so enjoy the free thing and I hope you will learn a lot let's understand why you should learn the reference why is it very popular or in demand tool right now in the market so we have already discussed the advantages and benefits of using terraform but there are few more points you need to know to understand how important it is for you to learn they are found in this devops market so right now there is increase in Cloud adoption and every company is shifting their applications from on-premises to cloud and they are using terraform to do that so they created infrastructure in the form of code and stored it on GitHub and gitlab so you should learn can also be integrated with CI CD tools and also other devops tools so learning terraform is no-brainer if you're a person who knows terraform or if you're a data from certified you're able to get more value you will get job or if you already have a job you will get commissions as well so if you want to know how I got my dinner from certification check out this video where I've explained how I got my certifications what resources I used and how you can get your own also please check out the videos I'll be uploading in this terraform playlist which will help you learn terraform from B6 to Advanced hope this video was informative if you have any questions any doubt let me know in the comment section please subscribe like this video and drop a bubble out in the comment to let me know that you're excited to learn terraform with me thank you and have a good day foreign [Music]
Channel: Cloud Champ
Views: 4,208
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: terraform tutorial for beginners, terraform tutorial, terraform fundamentals, terraform basics, what is terraform, how terraform works, basics of terraform, terraform explained, terraform technical guftgu, terraform techworld with nana, terraform tutorial in hindi, terraform project, terraform full course, terraform, terraform course, terraform aws, terraform playlist, infrastructure as code, what is iac, terraform in devops, infrastructure as code with terraform, devops, aws
Id: IyfdN5_fB1I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 2sec (482 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 16 2023
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