ChatGPT's NEW Code Interpreter | What is Possible With It? Will it replace jobs?

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did you hear the news I'm done code interpreter is  the nail in the coffin for me the jobs are going   to be gone tomorrow going to Paradise okay why  not educate yourself on it rather than running   away from it I'm sure we have all felt like  that at some point uh other Tiff can I call you   okay I guess I'll stay around for a little bit  but then I'm gone but the reality is there is so   much more to it than oh my gosh this is going to  take over my job and we are going to get into what   exactly does this mean for software Developers  for data analysts data scientists many different   roles within the tech industry later in this video  but first let's actually get our hands in it let's   see what is this thing actually capable of and  what is just the hype about also to make sure to   hit that subscribe button for more Tech coding and  career related content all right let's get into it   foreign well first of all what are the current  capabilities of code interpretive well to start   with it is only familiarized or it only is  sufficient in Python uh it does not know or   familiarize itself with JavaScript yet or any  other programming language but the keyword is   yet that is to come for now though with python  what it is really good at doing is reading and   analyzing big data sets and we're going to get  into that and I think the main thing it's kind   of it's funny because code interpreter you would  think it would be used for web developers or   that's the tool that it would be mainly primarily  focused on writing code building websites but in   turn it's actually really good at analyzing data  of this moment or at this moment but in turn at   this current moment it actually focuses more on  data if you upload a CSV file and then it can   turn this into these really detailed graphs uh  explain to you what is going on make gifts for   you out of you know what let me show you all  right to start with I have up on screen here   chat gbt and you can see under gpt4 I have code  interpreter now I am a subscriber plus if you   are not you won't be able to see code interpreter  or use it at this moment it will come though just   slowly being rolled out what I didn't realize  at first is because this is better when you   initially if you're a paid subscriber when you  initially go to chatgpt4 gpt4 code interpreter   will not be there what you need to do actually  is go into your settings and ensure under beta   that code interpreter is toggled on that way then  when you go to use it or use gpt4 you will see it   there all right so before we do anything else  though we need to get a big data set so let's   go to and find a data set that we can  start analyzing we meaning code interpreter okay   so you can see on screen here I have up  and this is a great website whenever you want to   build data for this I went to data sets and you  can see here there's trending Sports a ton of   different ones to choose from I actually am going  to go back because I chose one I want to really   focus on which is sleep health and lifestyle data  set and this is interesting because essentially it   is a data set that compromises a 400 rows and 13  columns covering a wide range of variables related   to sleep and daily habits so gender age occupation  so you can really get a good sense or the goal we   will be using this data for is to get a good sense  of who has the best sleep what lifestyle factors   are with that best sleep and see hopefully if  we can replicate it because sometimes I don't   get that good of a sleep that's why I drink so  much coffee so to take this let's go download   and we do have to sign in or create an account  so let's go ahead and do that I'll be right back   all right 20 years later we are back I hate that  you have to create a password for everything and I   just downloaded the file the Sleep CSV so now back  in Chachi PT let's make sure code interpreter is   toggled which it is interpreter interpreter code  interpreter yeah okay now they've got that out of   the way let's upload our CSV file let's go into  downloads and go to sleep data set we could just   press enter and see work its magic but let's just  get a little bit more detailed let's go explain this data set to me in simple terms  all right let's see how it does now while it's explaining and writing it's uh  explanation for us something really interesting   that I like is you can click on show work and it  will show how it got to its explanation which is   really interesting especially for individuals  who are data nerds or really that's their world   to understand okay why okay there is males  the ages occupations sleep duration and now   if we scroll down here it will say the data  set appears to be a collection of personal   health and lifestyle data okay as expected and  then it goes into what each column represents   so it breaks down from person gender age  and then also too it does kind of a nice   summary in simple terms the data set seems to  be examining the relationship between various   lifestyle factors all right let's get into it  a little bit further now let's start actually   building graphs with it and seeing what it's  capable of let's try seeing what some of the   trends are that's the goal of this for uh this  sleep lifestyle what makes people have good sleep   so let's go can you share with me what are some  of the trends in this data and I'm hoping it will   return for me a graph as well but if it doesn't  we will prompt it to so let's see what it returns I don't think you can but if you listen ever  so closely you might be able to hear Mr mug   snoring in the background for me I can hear it a  lot but I think sits in the Next Room you might   not be able to 12 p.m on a Sunday just having  a nap I was gonna say cat nap but he would not   like that dog nap all right based on the basic  summary statistics of the data set here are some   initial trends all right you know what this is  a lot of text let's let it finish and then we'll   ask it to put this into a graph for us and let's  focus on in the graph you just have to do all and   see what happens okay it says this here actually  for a more detailed analysis we could examine the   correlations between variables distribution  of variables for example we could look how   sleep duration varies with physical activity  let's do that plot for me how create a graph   for me with the uh with a detailed analysis let's  use its words to examine the correlation between   house sleep duration varies with  physical activity level [Music]   now let's see this graph come into play I mean  that's where the fun part is it can create so many   interesting graphs I think that's what gets people  excited really all right this is pretty cool look   at this detailed graph it did this is this is  legit I'm telling you and it also too explains   the graph shows how it shows its work this is like  you know when you're in school and they're like   show your work that you did to get to this answer  this is what that is doing right now so let's see   the scatter plot above shows a correlation between  physical activity and sleep okay uh we can see a   positive correlation between physical activity  level and sleep duration yeah I'm not surprised   the level of physical activity increases the  Sleep duration increases as well so we see here   sleep duration in hours so we go to say eight  and then as the physical activity level goes   up in time spent on it it correlates to amount of  time slept so this is pretty cool this is a small   example showing about how you can really uh you  know analyze your sleep or whatnot like imagine   if you had a aura ring or anything else really  and you wanted to have a better understanding   of the data behind your health or maybe you're  doing something for a job interview I'm using   health as an example but this could be used for  anything actually you know what let's go through   some others examples okay I just found this really  cool article on medium I want to take you through   because there are some examples that I have yet to  see being posted on the internet so let's scroll   down a little bit 10 mind-blowing use cases I'll  link this article down below because I'm not going   to go through them all but SM rayan thank you  for this all right so easily create all kinds   of graphs we've seen this we we know what this  is about uh pretty cool though still of course   and gonna be really very helpful for a lot of data  analysts out there all right convert any GIF into   an mp4 I mean I've seen this one before pretty  cool though let's see if we open up Twitter here   upload a gif and then it will turn into a  dramatic slow zoom in effect ah we're not   logged into Twitter I'm on threads I'm not on  Twitter but you can kind of see it there I am   on Twitter but I don't really use it okay so  then this one I found to be really cool this   is you can extract the colors from an image  to create a simple PNG palette that's pretty   wild so what you can do is upload and upload an  image so let's say a PNG and it will actually   you know what let's just watch this I watched this  already and I want to share with you let's go here   play create a script that extracts the top five  colors from a picture and then makes it into a PNG   all right so they're going to  upload an image here [Music] and then it's going to create a new palette Image  new PNG with the palette this is wild let's see   working showing its work come on updating the script extracting  the top colors [Music] can you display the palette PNG now okay this  is worth it I promise you I know it takes a   bit [Music] this is crazy this is so cool there  is the color palette that was generated generated   from that image so this is it's getting pretty  wild out here and it won't be super cliche and   sound like everyone else when we start talking  about this but this is not going to take over   your job it's going to take over jobs of people  who don't Embrace this technology I know if I had   a dollar for every time someone told me that I'd  be like barf I'm done I'm so tired of people here   saying this like come up with your own original  answer about how AI will affect our jobs but it's   really true this technology will be used a ton  maybe not in the form of chat GPT I know that's   the plug-in that we were using right now but as  it continues to expand you can think about how   the technology behind code interpreter could be  used or there's talks about it already articles   online saying it can be used with say GitHub  co-pilot or a different kind of AI tools that   help us code better and what does that look like  and it's one of those things that it's not going   to overtake our jobs we are so far away from that  and I always say when that point comes that jobs   are taken we're all going to be doomed not just  programmers not just people in Tech either doomed   or living on a beach like the chip earlier was  trying to get to but at the end of the day I would   highly suggest you check this out start utilizing  it and playing around with it seeing how you can   build with it because I really think the opposite  if you are able to build some really interesting   things with this it will really make you stand  out to Future employers on your resume showing   you are embracing technology rather than being  scared of it like this I was gonna do mugs [Music] all right someone uh got to listen  to me talk today and it was this one   I hope you found this conversation more  interesting than he did because he didn't   seem to really care about it at all anyways  hit that subscribe button for more Tech coding   career related content and all right I'll  see you all soon thanks everyone [Music]
Channel: Tiff In Tech
Views: 35,643
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Code Interpreter, ChatGPT's BIGGEST Feature, TIFF IN TECH, tiffintech, data analyst, how to become a data analyst, data analyst career, data analytics, data analyst roadmap, data science, data analyst skills, what does a data analyst do, data analyst 2023, data analyst projects, what do data analysts do, how to get data analyst job, data analyst beginner, data analyst day in the life, how to learn data analyst skills, How to become data analyst
Id: x3R0uHVtnOo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 58sec (718 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 11 2023
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