'Devil Woman' of Michigan murders lover before killing husband - Crime Watch Daily Full Episode

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I'm Chris Hansen right now on crime watch Daily from here in New York [Music] City married to one man but did your sister have a lot of Affairs on him maybe two or three and when she lures her secret lover to her house for sex there'll be a date with death you have a missing man you have a love triangle right the men around Kelly conr keep dropping like flies White County 911 he's breeding barely when her husband dies too I knew that Kelly killed him today Anna Garcia investigates a crazy field trip with police you want pizza she's eating pizza truly bizarre interrogation you watched him die right look at me in the doggg at police chief on a mission to outwit a black widow and solve a double murder mystery I finally found you right now go let's go Jason Mata with crime watch Daily I'm Michelle sigona from crime watch Daily this Elizabeth Smart from crime watch Daily it's Anna Garcia from crime watch Daily you got anything to say is crime watch Daily what do you mean you don't know she's 13 you're running away now welcome to crime watch Daily everyone I'm Chris Hansen first up today don't let this smile fool you behind the Sheepish grin and thousand M stair is a woman who police say is capable of just about anything Anna Garcia has today's top story love marriage and murder a bizarre interrogation of a double murder suspect I had two men dying arands I know that a detective holding the hands of a coldblooded killer you watched him die right a crime so gory it defies comparison how did he cut him into pieces the ch it all started nearly 2 years earlier deep in the woods of Northern Michigan a man disappears just before leaving for a new job he vanished cops Wonder did he just up and go without saying goodbye he either killed himself or just disappeared did he drown sailing on the lake the water was up here or was he the victim of a possible serial killer I felt that when I started with this case crime watch Daily hits the ground with investigators combing the forest searching for Clues this is the spot here do the fallen leaves tell the story of what happened to Chris rean driving through the picturesque Countryside of Michigan's Upper Peninsula you can't help but think you're in the middle of nowhere and you can't get much more isolated than the Tiny Town of Iron River Iron River is a small town unfortunately I have to label it as kind of a depressed Community um with a lot of problems a lot of crime for a small town but if you love the outdoors in icy cold winters like Chris rean Iron River is Paradise and it also didn't hurt that an old girlfriend Terry odonnell lived there Chris and I started dating exclusively we had planned a future together we were planning on living together and moving to another area so the next question is rather obvious were you in love yes I he swept me off my feet yeah and and I truly believe Chris loved me but Terry says there was just one problem I think he had just two sides of him Terry says she discovered Chris's other side died when she traveled overseas he decided that he was going to um hook up with other women while I was in England he told me that didn't mean anything it was just nothing it was just sex it was just sex that had nothing to do with his love or our relationship and I didn't understand that part Terry claims Chris's roving eye led to their split but she says amazingly they still remained friends we talked all the time we messed each other all the time Chris an Air Force veteran studying for a business degree decided to stay in Iron River and applied for a job at a local company that makes mining equipment he went in and spoke to them about a job much to my surprise that was not the plan so he gets a job there mhm and that's where he meets Kelly Cochran Kelly Cochran a friendly young woman who apparently liked to swing both ways did he ever talk about Kelly no um we never talked about anybody else that we were dating Chris wasn't dating Kelly I think Chris and Kelly hooked up for sex that was it he never went anywhere with her he was never seen in public with her maybe that's because Chris's new girlfriend was already married the only place they went was his apartment and she was not to say anything about them hooking up Chris rented a small apartment from Terry's parents right above their grocery store and in the next town over Kelly lived in this modest house with her husband Jason Kelly's younger brother Colton says they recently moved here from Merillville Indiana not far from Chicago Colton tells me he doesn't think Jason and Kelly were a good match Colton you got a look on your face I actually said before before they got married but after they got engaged that they shouldn't get married they just didn't fit he was a laidback guy she was more of a go-getter Colton says Kelly's affair with Chris wasn't her first rodeo did your sister have a lot of Affairs on him um that I know of maybe two or three so he was jealous he became jealous but did Jason know that Kelly and Chris got together four or five times a week former Iron River Police Chief Laura frizo knows all the gossip in this town of 2800 was she a married woman who was sneaking around or did her husband know exactly what she was doing he had said that he prior he had not been aware and that um he didn't want to know about it Jason was suicidal and was having emotional problems and whatnot um which again seemed to be stemming from from her extramarital Affairs driving him crazy but what was driving Jason's love rival Chris crazy was a bum knee even though Chris and Terry were no longer a couple he kept this sticky note from her reminding him about a doctor's appointment and he penned a cute response Terry wrote this note for me after I had knee surgery I love her his job at Lakeshire was taking a toll on his knee cuz he was on his feet all day long at work and so he needed a job also that wasn't so tough on his body so Chris found a dust job all the way across the country in Asheville North Carolina he gave his two weeks notice at the plant where he and Kelly worked and started packing he texted me that he was going the next day for his um physical and drug test and he told me once he got back from that he'd get in touch with me we were going to go out to celebrate his new job in North Carolina Terry's dreams of moving with Chris to another place had melted like a spring thaw in Michigan but did Kelly think she was the one who would be moving to Asheville with her lover she did make it seem like they had this like lengthy romantic you know Affair and in fact she even made mention that um he wanted her to move with him out to North Carolina so on one of Chris's last nights in Iron River there was a first instead of Kelly coming over to his apartment she invited him over to her house she called Chris and she lured him over there for sex why would he go to her house if they had never before been to her house for sex apparently Kelly made an offer he couldn't refuse I'll cook you Italian for dinner and give you my body for dessert next did you ever see her with the lasagna what happens when Chris hooks up up with Kelly for a night of lust and lasagna Chris Regan is an Air Force vet with an eye for the ladies unfortunately that eye has focused on a married coworker and when she suddenly invites him to her house for an intimate dinner it appears something else is on the menu here's Anna Garcia Chris rean had just given two weeks notice at work he was about to meet Kelly Cochran his secret lover from the office lasagna and maybe a little fooling around his friend Terry O'Donnell says she never heard from him after that I got really concerned and started asking um people if they had seen him around and one of the guys that he works with just assumed that he had left he just didn't come back to work Terry spent nearly two excruciating weeks with no word from Chris frantic and in full panic mode she went to the apartment Chris rent Ed from her parents the shambles it was a wreck stuff scattered everywhere dirty dishes all crusted in the kitchen sink red goo in the bottom of his wine glass the windows were open the apartment was cool his medication was all there I mean he hadn't in there he was gone it's like he vanished he vanished vanished but where and how Chris recently had knee surgery so he couldn't have walked into the Wilderness somehow his car ended up in a park and ride Lot 4 miles east of town and I said he would never leave his car at the park and ride and so I drove out there and sure enough there was Chris's car sitting there and I looked in and his things were in there inside the car was his knee brace his water bottle so then what did you do I drove over to the police department to report him as a missing person I saw this woman pull up in front of the police department and I noticed the woman was crying and she turned and looked at me and just kind of stood there crying like she needed help Laura frizzo was then the police chief of Iron River I asked her you know who did Chris Reagan hang out with and she did mention to me that she had heard a rumor that he was seeing some married woman at the workplace so what happened next I called the Human Resources Director she also had told me that she heard the rumor that Chris was um having an affair with Kelly Cochran so now two people Chris's friend Terry and the HR Director at his office tell Chief frizo about the affair so right now you have a missing man you have a love triangle and the man who's missing from the love triangle is the boyfriend the the one who was having the affair with the wife right right everyone else thought it was what we had a difference of opinion the detective that was basically in charge had said over and over again that Chris Reagan disappeared cuz he wanted to that he either killed himself or just disappear but Chief friso's dogged determination convinced the other detectives in Chris's car they found a key clue pointing straight to Kelly on the front passenger seat was a small piece of paper with directions written on it and the directions were to Kelly Cochran's house Bingo right what's Your Gut telling you my gut is telling me that we need to make contact with this Kelly Cochran cops in Michigan State Police Converge on the house Kelly shared with her husband Jason and aren't exactly greeted with open arm arms when they arrived there the sergeant said they pulled up out front and one of the Troopers made mention to her that he saw someone standing in an upstairs window looking out when they went to the door they were greeted by a man asked if Kelly was home the man said uh no she's not here and she she hasn't done anything wrong red flag number one Jason lied Kelly was there she was the shadowy figure in the upstairs window shortly thereafter Kelly came down and actually came to the door so Kelly say she hadn't seen Chris for a couple days she had no idea where he could be red flag number two just a couple of days at this point it's been more than two weeks since anyone has seen or heard from Chris did she describe what kind of relationship she had with Chris well she didn't go into detail but she did admit they had a a romantic relationship going on then what happens Sergeant called me and said there's something wrong she asked Kelly would it be unusual for Chris to have left his vehicle at this parking ride Kelly response was yes that would be unusual he loved that car past tense red flag number three he loved that car yes as opposed to saying he loves that car right those red flags were waving in The Winds of Suspicion cops asked Kelly and her husband Jason to come down to the station for an interview Jason is in the hot seat first and instead of talking about Chris he oddly tells detectives if he sneezes he can't walk I have a like back issues we used to call them slip discs now they call them bulging and deteriorating discs so if I sneeze or move wrong A lot of times I can't walk or can't stand up straight for months at a time that's like you have a person missing why are you telling me about your back pain he's trying to um kind of change directions on what the focus is um so that maybe they won't look at him as a possible suspect then it's Kelly's turn and it's probably a good thing Jason wasn't in the room I love Chris she describes in graphic detail the animal passion in her secret love life oh and a lot of times we didn't actually make it to the bedroom you could have been in the living room yeah do you remember where you were the last time I think it was in the Liv room and then Kelly said something that raised everyone's eyebrows she claims Chris didn't come over for dinner even though cop found the directions to her house in his car on that last day you went and brought dinner and you brought what lasagna so you brought a pan of lasagna I plate you brought a plate with pieces of lasagna or what yes brought a plate of lasagna and you made it garlic bre and then cooked it in the oven I'm not I think it was sket her phone records and the communication with Chris ran indicate that she wasn't at his apartment at that time because they were communicating after that and this surveillance video shows Kelly was at Chris's Apartment 2 days after he seemingly vanished did you ever see her with the lasagna no and actually um that was the first thing I looked for when we did get the search warrant to go in uh was any remnants of lasagna no lasagna no Chris and no evidence to connect Kelly and Jason to his disappearance soon after the couple moves back to Indiana Chief frizo thinks they've killed Chris and she wonders could there be hidden Clues still lurking in the house where they once lived next the police chief tries an unconventional approach to finding Chris rean my friend did approach me and said you know I have this friend that she's like a psychic medium help from the other side what did you see in your vision the psychic takes crime watch Daily inside the house where she receives some chilling premonitions a Michigan man is missing and just about every piece of evidence points to his secret lover and her husband having something to do with it but police don't have enough evidence to prove it once again here's Anna Garcia Chris rean stops at a gas station to fill his tank on the way to his lover Kelly Cochran's house this surveillance video the last known image of him alive and police chief Laura frizzo says she knows what happened to him Kelly and her husband Jason killed killed him my theory was that these two people were responsible for Chris Reagan's disappearance definitely believed that they murdered him and that they were going to try and get away with it get away they did quickly moving out of the house leaving most everything behind and heading back to Indiana and chief frizzo says either of them had a motive for murder after all Chris was Kelly's secret lover but the chief doesn't have the proof to make a murder charged stick not just yet when you finally went into the Cochran home did you find anything yes when we first went in I thought that we hit the jackpot what she says looks like blood you could see some patterns on the ceiling above the door where uh you entered the front of the house identical to what it would look like if someone had assaulted someone with a weapon and and the spray you know off onto the ceiling are you trying to say that the patterns on the ceiling look like like someone had been shot in the head and everything went like this or actually more so if if if someone had um been hit with an object like a bat or whatever what else did you find we found a loaded 22 pistol uh under the TV in the living room but without a body it's impossible to determine if that 22 was used to kill Chris Chief frizo was stretched to the Limit because her small force was investigating two unrelated homicides she needed all the help she could get so retired Michigan State Police Sergeant Michael Niger volunteered his help so what is all of this here what is this this is all of the work you know that I did for um chief frizo on this case and what Niger found would shift the investigation from a missing person into a murder case Niger conducted a fresh search of Chris's car that was abandoned in the park and ride lot did you find anything yes we we found a lot of fibers a lot of hair uh and and we found a um stocking cap and there was a discussion about some leaves being seen trapped in the trunk lid in other words the trunk lid was closed on leaves and I'd heard that and I said boy that's important for what I do because we can decide find out what kind of leaves those are what kind of trees and then we might know where uh potentially where the body was disposed of because you know it's it's unusual to have leaves trapped you know in the trunk un usual because there are no trees outside Chris's apartment but there are plenty of leafy trees outside Kelly's house in fact Niger says he and chief frizzo found that the GPS device in Chris's car proves he was at her house the day he went missing the car had been there yes and Niger says he found something even more incriminating in Kelly's digital footprint sometimes people when they're going to commit a crime they will go and search stuff on Google like you know how to dispose of a body evidence I found on the computers were Google Images satellite imagery of the Caspian pit the Caspian pit an abandoned mine pit outside of town filled with deep and murky water divers didn't find Chris but they found something else a burn barrel so when they locate this um burn barrel in the pit um they note that there's like what appears to be like a laundry cable wrapped around it um or tied to it as well as a cement block the Cochrans had a burn pit in in their um backyard and that burn barrel was missing do you know for sure that that was their burn barrel no and did any DNA evidence ever no still not enough so Chief frizzo throws a Hail Mary I mean I try anything in an unconventional move Chief frizo calls upon the spirit world Ro to help the chief hired a psychic medium who in a crimat daily exclusive takes us inside Kelly's house where she says she received visions of violence so this is where I got most of my feeling before the door was open um and as I walked up here immediately I saw all of this and I really didn't need to go any F farther because I knew this is exactly what I had seen in my vision what what did you see in your vision uh the three steps the tile on the floor was exactly the same um and this is where I saw that Chris had been um attacked and did you know how he had been attacked or where he had been attacked what I got was on that day that I came here um that he had walked up the steps got up to the doorway saw something was a Miss he turned around to leave and as he was leaving he got hit with something in the back of the head I thought it might be a baseball bat I didn't know if it was a gun or what Laura asked me to walk up the stairs because she wanted me to come into this area and I didn't need to because I said he never even made it there did you see this as an image did it come across as a voice like how how did you see this it comes as like a knowing and the um as an image so it's combination it's almost like I'm stepped back in reality to that reality I'm like a fly on the wall but a psychic premonition is in proof Beyond a reasonable doubt now the case grows ice cold with Kelly and Jason in Indiana would cops ever find the answers they want what did Kelly and her husband say to all of you when they all of a sudden showed up in Indiana they said they had enough of being harassed by law enforcement over the death of Chris them investigating them for it the Kelly was still up to her old ways Chief frizzo says she was cheating on Jason but this time with a woman she had actually asked this woman that to be in a a serious relationship with her and in you know more meaningful relationship and the girl said she would Kelly was still married but not for long white County 911 he's breathing barely I don't know what's wrong he's throwing off he's sweating she's about to become a widow and the paramedics arrive and what condition is Jason in he's not breathing he's he's dead and what's doing getting in their way acting distraught and overacting Kelly claims her deeply depressed husband overdosed on heroin but is this habitual liar just talking smack next cops take a page out of a detective novel to trick Kelly into talking I thought oh man she's never going to fall for that will the ploy work find out right after the break police are convinced that Kelly Cochran and her husband are a killer couple who murdered a missing Michigan man but before they can put the cuffs on them another person would end up dead Anna Garcia is back with today's story love marriage and murder is Kelly Cochran the bisexual black widow she sensationally claims her husband Jason died from a heroin overdose but is she telling the truth when you heard that Jason was dead what did you think I just couldn't believe it I knew that Kelly killed him why do you think Kelly killed her husband I think that she killed her husband because he was probably a liability for her she was concerned that he was going to end up talking about things and she was going to get in trouble things like the unsolved disappearance of her lover Chris rean in Iron River Michigan again now the suspicious death of Kelly's husband gives Chief frizzo a fresh opportunity to get Kelly to talk about Chris the chief asked Hobart Indiana police detective Jeremy Ogden to speak to her right from the get-go there was some kind of very strange um like attraction or connection that she had to him or whatever it was but she singled him out that attraction seemed to surface in this cat and mouse game of Tex between Kelly and detective Ogden ever been to the West Coast I was driving last night very interesting game on no more play You're move detective see you soon he was able to lead her to believe that he was sympathetic towards her and he believed her and he won her over but Ogden hasn't been able to NAB her yet Kelly had fled to Kentucky US Marshals picked her up and while in the local jail she fashioned these Shanks out of eyeglasses well who do you think she was going to kill well she made comment that she was going to stab female corrections officer but changed her mind you have to right your silent in the interrogation room Kelly says let's make a deal I'll talk for a price immunity from prosecution today I'm here to cooperate however I will not cooperate if there's any charges brought to me I see how easy it is for you to get a search warrant I see how it is for you pretty much to go through any kind of people's stuff um I think you can arrange something like that for me no way would cops ever cut a deal like that so Kelly shuts her mouth now Chief frizzo uses her new tool to pry It Wide Open she was so attached to him is because he actually was able to do to her what she does to everyone else and that is you know kind of trick her and manipulate her so Ogden sets an almost unbelievable trap he asks a friend of Jason's to make up a story that will freak Kelly out his idea was you know I want you to make this phone call to Kelly and I want you to tell her that you received in the mail this letter from Jason and in this letter there's a note that says if something should happen to me please mail this letter to the iron Riv Police Department she fell for it and her initial responses were huge she broke down and started crying and saying please don't mail it so the setup worked it did and that and that enabled him detective Aon to move into the hundreds of hours of interviews he did with her now Kelly is back for a second round I had two men dying Mar I know that emotional holding hands with the detective Kelly finally comes clean about what happened to Jason what did Kelly say um that she had shot him up with a large dose of heroin to kind of subdue him a little bit and she just put her her hands over his uh nose and mouth and suffocated him then comes the moment Chief frizo has been waiting nearly two years to hear you watched him die right look at me where did he shoot him in his body in his head Kelly describes how she lured Chris to her house she and Jason ambushed Chris while he was naked I know that you two had sex upstairs before he got shot and then somehow you end up back on the main level right okay so you go back downstairs is Chris dressed are you dressed and then Jason appears and what happens then what does he say to it Kelly says as she and Chris were still in a sexual embrace at the top of the stairs Jason was lying in wait his 22 rifle aimed straight at Chris's head the bullet tears through his skull you fell down the stairs with him death came in an instant and it happened almost as the psychic said it did he got hit with something in the back of the head I felt that he had tried to get out the door or he had fallen out the door something like that Kelly then reveals the horrible way they disposed of Chris's body tell me what happened whated downsized it how did he downsize it you know of it I do I need to know it all how did he cut them into pieces a chisel a what a chisel like a big chisel you know what I mean a big chisel big wood chisel well that doesn't make any sense though Kelly shifts her story and says Jason used an electric handsaw to chop him into pieces so he completely dismembered Chris in the base did you watch him he got sick he threw up Kelly says they cut Chris up on plastic wrapping they burned the plastic and the saw blade in a burn barrel and dumped the Barrel in the Mine Pit then Jason drove Chris's car to the parking ride and they scattered his mutilated body in the woods and how did he take him there with what what' he do you put him in the truck where the confession complete may I smoke Kelly asked to smoke a last cigarette before she's taken to a cell and while detective Ogden is out of the room she bizarrely falls out of her chair is she high or just tired cops aren't sure later the admitted killer is put into handcuffs facing two counts of murder in two different states I got to tell you I do not like being in this basement retired Michigan state police detective Michael Niger took me into Kelly's dungeon of death this is where they took his body apart with a saw and then put him in Garf garbage bags the fact that you never found his blood in here what do you think that plastic has to do with any of that well the plastic is a you know imper impervious barrier and uh that would prevent they would they would use that to you know prevent any surface in the basement from getting blood on it no one still knows where the remains of Chris rean are but one person does Kelly Cochran next Kelly takes stops on a field trip to show where they dumped the body parts I finally found you you know plus the question investigators all across the country want answered do you believe that Kelly is a serial killer now to the conclusion of today's story love marriage and murder for that let's head back to our Anna Garcia Chris police say Kelly Cochran killed at least two people but now they're wondering wondering if there are more bodies out there Kelly Cochran says she killed Chris Regan for love and killed her husband Jason for Revenge she said he was looking at her right as she was killing him it didn't take long for him to stop breathing she basically said within a minute in a strange way Kelly and Jason's diabolical plot to kill Chris was hatched 12 years earlier in a PCT made in blood when they got married they made this Packa that if one of them um were to have an affair that they had to kill the person that they had the affair with there's no dispute Kelly is a Serial cheater but is she also a serial killer do you believe that Kelly is a serial killer Yes there were times she listed like as many as 21 people do you believe that no more realistically probably five there could be five more people out there that she has killed yes in a recorded Jailhouse phone call with her mother Kelly hints there are bodies out there just waiting to be found you didn't see this coming no I see this coming after it all happened but I didn't know that you guys killed people before all this the cops don't know if Kelly is even telling the truth and they've never found the so-called trinket bag that many serial killers keep now Kelly caged in a windowed Cell almost like Hannibal Lecter is is about to do one final Good Deed this is just you know giving consent to go to your house with you a deed that hardly makes up for a life of deadly decisions we told one of the guys that I was a cannibal that's why I was in a cage Kelly tells cops she wants to give Chris a proper burial so she takes cops on a wild field trip back to the scene of the crime I going do something crazy you can shoot me if I do they arrive at the spot in the woods where Kelly remembers dumping Chris's Remains What would the biggest piece of bone be that you I mean torso torso and I was here so that then we should find ribs and I think that generally the skull should be the biggest though Kelly takes advantage of her day in the sun do you mind if I uh open her door and take her out to smoke on the side you can shoot me if I run okay stopping frequently to smoke I smoke dinner after a morning search Kelly places her order for lunch I chees people just cheese there you cheese pizza maybe a soda you heard right the woman who used lasagna to lure her prey scarfs a slice and washes it down with a big gulp you want pizza I'm good she's eating pizza Iron County prosecutor Melissa Powell says she was stunned watching the video she's having a good time she's so matter of fact about this you're like a horrible murder happened in this house and she's sitting there eating p pizza and talking about it like it's the weather amazingly the murder house is exactly the way Kelly and Jason left it after bolting for Indiana Jason pulled him into here and I from what you were telling me in in this area and that's where he cut them out in the cluttered Kitchen Cops find a pair of forceps there you go you're saying you use those Yep they're clean though Kelly says she used them to try and remove the bullet from Chris's skull they were in the kitchen strainer but had not been washed for whatever reason thank God she wasn't tidy right Kelly's memories of her evil act were accurate in the fields cops found Chris's glasses and then there it is and I'm thinking oh my God it's it's a skull right there Chris's skull with a big Bullet Hole just out in the open you have to stop because I'm going to cry why it just was know I went over to the skull and I I got right down on my hands and knees and looked at him and just knew it was him I mean I was just like I finally found you you know you found Chris at her murder trial Kelly pinned the horrific crime on Jason describing in gory detail what happened when he cut him up he had one of his hands so that last time he be waving to me he waving goodbye to me and then prosecutor Melissa Powell painted a powerful and chilling image for the jury inside this bag Chris's skull it was enough to convict Kelly a first-degree murder she was sentenced to life in prison what do you think was her motivation in telling you all this information that was ultimately used against her and and it now has her incarcerated it might have been part of her defense I'm going to blame this all on Jason I'll show him where the body is but I only know where this is because Jason forced me to do this crimat daily wanted to talk to Kelly Cochran ourselves she asked our producer to meet with her in prison and in our face to-face meeting she agreed to speak hi Kelly it's Anna Garcia how are you then she abruptly cancelled our scheduled phone interview she hung up the hero of this investigation is Chief frizzo who in an odd way got caught up in Kelly's Deadly Love Triangle but with a good outcome she's dating detective Ogden who can't speak since he is still investigating the killing of Kelly's husband Jason we started seeing each other you know um during the investigation and uh we've been we've been together since then so are you in detective Ogden getting married uh eventually we are my guess is that Kelly Cochran is not too happy that you two are together I'm sure not but there is one woman whose hopes for happily ever after were snuffed out with the senseless murder of Chris rean his ex-girlfriend Terry odonnell but he's gone we never had that opportunity to see if we could rebuild things or not Kelly took that away
Channel: True Crime Daily
Views: 131,486
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: -8AWyMKAz4w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 45sec (2385 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 21 2023
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