Father of five shot in Walgreens parking lot by mistress's husband - Crime Watch Daily Full Episode

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I'm Chris Hansen right now on crime watch Daily from here in New York [Music] City an Idaho husband stalks the aisles of a drugstore looking for his cheating wife just pacing up and down these aisles 17 minutes later oh my God oh my God chaos in the parking lot as he comes face to face with the Ms and her lover a married father of five you have five kids with him he's doing this to you it's still hard to believe sometimes that that's real life our Jason Mata with the steamy secret affair between co-workers they were having sex apparently sometimes in the office that ended with three gunshots and left police asking who shot first and I hear pop pop and then pop the only eyewitness to what happens is candy Hall and I grabbed the gun I'm go no no no no she was lying yeah then he was definitely targeted Lee bord ambushed in his own driveway it was looking like a scene from a movie shot Point Blank his buddy sitting right next to him why do you think Lee bord was shot and not Murphy that's something that still you know puzzles me to the day our nerissa night investigates a murder mystery in Tennessee I look down and I see a black mask on the ground do you think the ski mask was planted there right now go let's go Jason Mata with crime watch Daily I'm Michelle sigona from crime watch Daily this Elizabeth Smart from crime watch Daily it's Anna Garcia from crime watch Daily you got anything to say is crime watch Daily what do you mean you don't know she's 13 you're running away now hey everyone I'm Chris Hansen welcome to crime watch Daily first up today two marriages two Affairs and three bullets our Jason Mata is here now with his sorted love story that ends with shots in the night Chris we're here in Idaho where a convicted murderer admits he's a killer he says though he had no choice today you'll hear all the evidence and decide is he telling the truth from a drugstore parking lot in the dead of night comes a frantic 911 call oh my God oh my God a violent showdown between two men buying for the attention of a blonde named Candy sured to find the woman hysterical the only eyewitness to what happens is candy Hall but which man is dead the scorned husband or is it her lover I begged him to stay home and fight for me cops are about to discover a todrey lump triangle it's this kind of salacious story and it's this murder the likes of which a Titanic Community has never seen you've got two families that live really close to each other there's an affair in involved and I opened up the front door to these three strangers they said there's been two shots of a gun candy Hall is the woman behind the harrowing 911 call Candy her husband Rob and their two teenage daughters had just moved from California to Idaho where they settled in Meridian a quiet town at the foot of the Majestic Rockies Rob and Candy Hall had been married for more than 15 years and and by a lot of accounts from their friends were happy Rob worked as a computer guy at the local sheriff's department candy was a pargal but the 40-year-old wife and mother was dealing with career struggles she had recently lost a job at another law firm and so she was looking for somewhere to work and that's how she met EMT was through being a pargal enter EMT Corgan her soon to be boss the rising legal star was boyishly handsome cocky and ambitious and that just 30 years old had just opened his own law practice em it was a by all accounts an upand cominging kind of hot shot attorney EMT appeared to lead a Charmed Life not only did he have a thriving career he had a beautiful wife named Ashley how long were you and Emma dating before he proposed we were dating like two months we dated really fast and we both just kind of knew it was what we wanted they were married in a Mormon temple by the time Ashley's 30 she has five kids uh three girls and two boys the corgin were the picture of the squeaky clean allamerican family and with emt's career on the up and up the future looked bright EMT is very driven very enthusiastic he was going to start taking more clients and be very successful and Candy was thrilled to be part of a vibrant new firm but just as her professional life was making a turn for the better her personal life was falling apart she was having problems in her own marriage candy at times had told people that rob had been abusive toward her that Rob had had an affair of his own reeling from the news of her husband's infidelity candy immersed herself into work logging long hours at the office she was in a place where she was looking for something else and it seems candy found that something else in her Dashing Young boss 10 years her Jun she was looking for something to be fulfilling to her it wasn't long before candy and EMT struck up a touret affair exchanging racy emails spicy text messages and indulging in late night Rendevous they were having sex apparently sometimes in the office they tried to keep the relationship on the down low but soon the elicit Affair became an Open Secret in the office there were a number of co-workers who said they knew what was going going on and clients also knew in some cases and around that time Ashley newly pregnant with her fifth child noticed her husband becoming distant I started thinking there's got to be another woman or something and the kids were starting to say does he live here anymore he's always at work looking back Ashley remembers from the GetGo she had uneasy feelings about emt's new work wife I said em I don't feel good about this one and he was like what do you mean she's like a mother figure like she really believes in me she thinks that I'm going to be this great defense attorney a mother figure who showered new mom Ashley with gifts she had sent me presents when the baby was born for myself and the baby she sent you presents she sent me presents this is while she's having an affair with your husband yep I even took all of his baby pictures with blankets that she had given me did you suspect that she had a thing for your husband or that he may have had one for her to be honest I'd always be like she's like 40 he just turned 30 Ashley no there's no way I mean you're you're 28 years old but despite glaring red flags flying Ashley was convinced she was paranoid when she made an appointment with the therapist EMT didn't show up I ended up going by myself to this appointment and I kind of sat in there asking him to fix me like I think I have issues and just like started going off to this counselor and by the end was like Ashley I feel like something's really wrong desperate to save her marriage Ashley planned a special night she hoped it would finally convince her husband to stay home it was kind of one of those days where I'm like today's it I need him to see us I'm going to have the kids all dressed to the nines and the food and everything's going to be perfect and he came home late the food was cold the kids were tired and he didn't need a bite of my food and like so many other nights EMT picked a fight and then took off em it came and said hey I'm gonna run to Walgreens real quick I'm got this cold I'm gonna I'm gonna go and just get some medicine and I knew he was going to be gone a long time but this night of Deceit would change everything forever at the same time just a few miles away candy tells her husband she's going to run a quick errand so around 9:00 candy her car pulls into Walgreens and then emt's truck pulls into Walgreens and Candy says she got an emt's truck and then they went over to a gas station filled up his truck with gas and then they went to a nearby subdivision and they had sex in the truck love and lust clearly had candy and EMT thinking no one knew until an odd coincidence would change everything candi's daughter just happened to drive into the parking lot and noticed her mom's empty car thinking it was strange she called her dad well Rob starts to wonder what's going on and so Rob called candi's phone phone candy answered the phone and EMT took the phone out of her hands candy says that EMT started to get um threatening to Rob on the phone Robert heads to Walgreens hellbent on finding his wife on a supposed errand as you can see on these store surveillance videos Rob Parks his pickup truck goes through the front door and roams the aisles looking for candy never realizing candy and her lover EMT were in his pickup truck here you can see Rob leaving the store and checking candi's parked BMW then strangely he gets back into his own pickup truck pulls out and Parks again on the other side of candi's car his door is now just out of range of the store surveillance camera but the unseen reality is Rob has a gun Rob Hall was armed with a gun that wasn't in a holster and what happens next is a shocker Rob's gun was a gift from Candy coming up I remember looking around the room and everything just felt dizzy a tragedy of Epic Proportions that will leave one man murdered and tear two families apart they said there's been an accident in a fair we're back now with more of our story shots in the night once again here's Jason Mata Rob Hall high tails it over to Walgreens when he learns his wife Candi is there and she's Rend deing with her lover who also happens to be her boss in January Rob sends candy a message that says basically good luck with EMT once the honeymoon's over karma's a I'll have the last laugh now like a hunter stalking his prey Rob pulls up to Walgreens store surveillance tape shows Rob entering the drugstore he Paces the aisle looking for his wife but there is no sign of candy that's because she's with EMT having sex in his pickup truck Rob goes back out to his car he then moves his truck to the other side of candi's car which is critical because he has now moved his car outside of the surveillance camera shot in that parking spot next to candi's car Rob lays in wait for his wife 17 minutes later candy and EMT pull up and seek Rob what they don't know is he has a gun in his pocket and revenge on his mind candy says at some point Rob provoked EMT by saying why don't you go home to your wife you have five kids at home and then that set EMT off he pushed off of his truck and came at Rob candy says she turned to leave and never saw what happened after that what happened someone was about to end up dead three gunshots EMT was shot in the chest and in the head and Rob had a gunshot wound a graze wound to his head candy frantically calls 911 oh my God oh my God minutes later help arrives but EMT is quickly bleeding out in the arms of his lover candy Candi says she then runs over to EMT and is trying to put pressure on the wound trying to figure out what happened she saw Rob start to get up and she said she grabbed the gun and she threw it she said she threw it like a bowling ball across the parking lot it didn't matter EMT died at the scene cops swarm Walgreens in arrest Rob on the spot but across town emt's wife Ashley is about to get the worst unsuspected news imaginable and I open up the front door to these three strangers they said there's been there's been two shots of a Gun there's been an accident in aair Ashley says what happens next is a blur I remember looking around the room and everything just felt dizzy and I almost felt worthless like three people all were making these choices that I had no idea were going to change the rest of my life as she claimed she had no idea about emt's Affair until that fatal night tragedy of course you lost a husband your kids are now fatherless but the insult to the marriage as well I mean how do you reconcile those feelings just didn't make sense and it was really a mix of emotions wondering like why wasn't I enough why was I enough for a husband who had a moment and a chance I begged him to stay home and fight for me but instead he died fighting for someone else's wife your husband died in the arms of another woman how did that make you feel worthless ugly fat I just had a baby um um just alone humiliated that the whole town heard the same news at the same time I did at the hospital Rob is treated for head wounds cops question him about the shooting he was on morphine he's not being super Lucid about what's going on and he says EMT shot me and then he says I shot and he stops and he never says the end the sentence what happened in that 17-minute gap between the time when Rob waits for his wife by her car and EMT winds up dead their surveillance cameras didn't capture the moment but there is one person who was there there are no Witnesses in the parking lot or customers or neighbors that saw someone pull a gun on someone else and the only eyewitness is candy Hall and cops soon bring her in for questioning oh God oh my god when detectives walk into the interrogation room candy is hysterical me uh candy yeah please help us put this together as best as we can we'll match statements with evidence I mean you know how police work goes I guess I know I do it all day long Okay Candy tells detectives she went to Walgreens to pick up a prescription and it's there she met with EMT her boss she says they are just friends and needed to vent about her marital troubles Rob my husband has um he he has had a really hard time with me working with EMT EMT being um younger and you know this um aggressive attorney and um I have been working with him for since October okay are you in um are you and EMT involved in a romantic relationship no have you ever been romantic with EMT no okay now let's say sexual have you been sexual with EMT no candy is obviously lying to detectives her naughty emails texting co-workers would attest to that then she tells cops she got an emit truck and they went to get gas then she got a phone call so when um I went and got gas at Fred Meyer with um EMT and then I we were driving back my daughter called me and she said Mom where are you and um I I told her I was with Michelle and that is my best friend Michelle because I didn't want to tell her that who I was with but candy leaves out one very important detail after getting asked the couple headed to a secluded spot to have sex in his pickup candi's daughter sends something fishy about her mom's Michelle story that's when she called her dad so then Rob calls and he um calls me and I pick up and he's like what are you doing and I said I am out and he said are you out with EMT and I said I am and he said what are you doing and I said we're just talking and then EMT goes let me talk to him and then EMT got really upset with Rob on the phone and start and said something like a break your head candy brush is off emt's threat and they drive back to Walgreens but when they arrived Rob was lying in wait EMT got out of the truck and I got out and I stood there and Rob came up and and Em's a very aggressive man um he's um he bodybuild you know so he's he's really pumped up all the time and um he got like this close up into Rob's face and I remote and I well hey knock it off this is ridiculous candy says when she turned to leave she heard the tragic sound ring out and I hear pop pop and then pop and that's all I heard and I turned around and both of them were laying on the ground and then I ran over it and I was like I was pretty stunned at that point I was like what in the worlds I didn't even know what a pop pop was it almost sounded like a balloons poppy em it was kind of like on his like this and I I didn't know what was going on and I just na this Blood ging down his rock face so I went over I covered he had this wound on his top of his head up covering and I'm calling 911 oh my God oh my God candy says she never actually saw the shooting she then describes how her husband Rob stood up after being shot he was walking forward and and I see him going down and I grab I'm like because I didn't know what he was grabbing for cuz I I didn't even see it and CU it's little Rob was reaching for the gun a terrified candy didn't know what her husband would do next so I grabbed it and I I was holding on to his shirt because it looked like he was going to fall and I grabbed the gun I will no no no no and I'm I'm no you need to sit down no no and I took it and I threw it in the street and that's that's all and then he collapsed up next who fired first the stunning trial that robbed a small town of its innocence as candy Hall takes the stand the judge said that he's never had somebody change their story so many times she was lying yeah and in court a shocking moment as Ashley finally comes face to face with the couple who changed the course of her life forever her and her husband at the trial were very loving to each other saying I'm sorry I still love you we're back now with more on the shooting death of EMT Corgan once again here's reporter Jason Mata Chris this is one of the wildest stories I've covered a successful married lawyer having an affair ends up dead everyone knows who pulled the trigger but some are questioning who shot first two married couples seven kids and the single moment that shattered it all candy Hall the woman at the center of a twisted glove triangle is under the microscope these two families were forever changed by the actions of three adults her lover emit Corgan is dead and scorned husband Rob Hall is now on trial for murder and unfortunately there were so many other paths he could have taken for a weeks salaa Secrets Spilled Out of the courtroom the defense arguing that Rob Hall was pushed to the brink of Madness a man consumed with jealousy over his wife's affair with her boss but they claimed he shot in self-de defense after an altercation with EMT the defense really worked to paint EMT as an aggressive sort of person who had a temper the prosecution painted Rob as a man obsessed who hunted down his wife and her lover first taking aim at EMT then turning the gun on himself one of the pieces of critical evidence for the prosecution was that in Rob Hall's truck he had been carrying around these printed out emails between him and his wife and these emails were talking about the affair with EMT and so the prosecutor said he's angry he went there angry and then there's the matter of Rob's gun which ironically was a gift from Candy the most damning evidence appeared to be the fact that Rob Hall's gun holster was in his center console and a gun expert that testified said you don't take your gun out of your holster unless you intend to aim it at somebody or something what exactly happened during those critical 17 minutes before the shooting is actually a mystery leaving attorneys to fill in the blanks so there are these wedges of surveillance tape that are missing that don't show Rob getting out of his car so we don't know did he jump out of his car with his gun pulled we don't know did he casually get out of his car and walk over we can't see anything and neither did anyone else there was only a single witness to the fatal shooting candy Hall you also have just kind of this incredible eyewitness who didn't actually I witness anything she says she says being the key Point here in fact a lot of what Candi said on the stand changed depending on the day one of many stories she changes was whether or not Rob and EMT actually had physical contact in the moments before the shooting she would tell them what they wanted to hear basically and as you can hear in this courtroom audio tape even the judge was at his wits end frankly uh any testimony by uh Miss Hall uh in my 31 years on the bench I don't think I've seen a witness more thoroughly discredited in the course of the proceeding the judge said that he's never had somebody change their story so many times she was lying yeah and to add insult to injury Ashley emit wife was shocked by how lovey-dovey the Halls carried on in court the two rekindled their failing love after the shooting what was candi's demeanor at trial her and her husband at the trial were very loving to each other saying I'm sorry I used to love you then after both sides rested the moment Ashley had been waiting for I remember the last day walking in as the judge is standing up to announce the verdict and I thought I was going to have that beauty in the Beast rooftop the light shines through you and everything feels whole and instead the judge stood up and announced everything and all I could see was these two mothers a mother whose son was now going to be in jail for a long time and a mother whose son had been killed and it like it tore me apart realizing that there's other people hurting probably just as much as me now listen to this audio recording as the judge reads the verdict has the jury reach a unanimous verdict yeah and Mr Hall if you could please stand is Robert Dean Hall guilty or not guilty of second deegree murder guilty guilty of murder in the second degree but before the sentencing emt's family had scathing words for Rob Hall second you took out that gun at the holster you already knew what you were going to do with it didn't you you killed my son I miss my I need him to here and he should be here can I can tell you about my baby's pounding on a casket their Hero's body lying inside screaming for him to wake up and screaming at me because I was the thing telling him that we couldn't open the box then it was Rob Hall's turn to speak the shock W was beyond that shatter 's wife Ashley and their children and I'm so sorry but sorry will never fix the pain he's caused so many people Hall was sentenced to 30 years in prison he'll be eligible for parole in 2030 just past his 60th birthday what would you say if you were able to talk to cand you know I'd probably just tell him that I forgive him because holding on to hate for anybody for me hasn't worked all it's done is stopped me from living and as for candy she was sent to prison but not for that fatal night she served 18 months for embezzling from another Law Firm so she's made a series of poor decisions yeah I think a lot of people in my story have but as for Ashley's story her next chapter is one of Incredible strength and courage the mother of five is now a motivational speaker has written three books and as for her kids what do you tell your kids about their father they'd come home from school hey my friend said he saw in the news this and this and this and at first I was tempted to lie he got in a wreck everything's going to be okay and then I realized that lies are what got us where we were so now we talk about his good qualities but we also talk about the choices that he made and how our choices do determine our destiny and I think for them it's given them a a reason to try harder in life and to make good choices and to always put your best foot forward up next a man ambushed outside his home on his 37th birthday then a piece of evidence mysteriously shows up on the driveway is that odd to you it's very odd crime watch Daily digs into the unsolved case and why his loved ones believe Lee was targeted if it was random how did they know when he was coming home coming up our next story starts on a cold and rainy night in Tennessee however that wet weather couldn't dampen the spirits of Lee biford who was celebrating a big day sadly all that would change in an instant our narissa night is here now with more a last minute decision and I'll be right back I said are you sure he's like I'm positive with deadly consequences he's gone leaving some to wonder was it a random robbery or a targeted hit he was definitely targeted none of it adds up it's Lee byford's 37th birthday little does he know it's also the day he will die just hours before the tragedy Lee's mother and miot woke up excited to be the first to wish her son a happy birthday I talked to Lee twice that day because it was his birthday Lee tells his mom he plans to have dinner with his girlfriend Tiffany I'm going to kind of like decorate my living room and dining room and fix him something to eat so he gets off you know he can kind of celebrate his birthday a little bit Lee had just put in a long day at his Knoxville Tennessee auto painting shop with his friend and cooworker Jackie Sutton you were one of the last people with Lee you were with Lee all day the day he was murdered all day long he and I had worked from I want to say it was 9:30 till 6 6:30 somewhere around there and he was going home to eat but when Lee arrives home after work he's unusually late and not alone he came in the house I was like you're late you know I had something planned for you and he was like I know I understand he said but I have to take gerro home gerro is gerro Murphy a new buddy of Le's gerro and Lee were introduced um from Lee's friend Dr was out of work at the time and needing to make some money and asked him do you have anything you need done at your business um where he could work for you a little bit he was trying to help him out he was trying to help him out and on this night that included a ride home and I said okay so when will you be back he said I'll be back a little later I'll promise I said okay but it's a promise Lee won't keep within seconds of stepping outside of his house I heard like something ricocheting off of his truck so I was like what the heck was that panicked Tiffany flings open the curtains oh my God what is going on I seen a guy like about 55 or something with a blue hoodie on like it was all covered up his face like he had a black mask on or something black gloves um he had a gun pointing directly at his SUV screaming at the top of her lungs Tiffany runs out on the front porch the mass gunman doesn't f lch and runs to the driver side window of Lee's SUV now he is mere inches from Lee who has managed to lock the door but he was beaten on the side of his window and I was on the POR screaming please leave him alone go away but the mass gunman won't back off at that point the gunman is trying to open the door Knoxville police investigator Brandon wardlaw says at that moment Lee was in big trouble by puts the truck in reverse tries to back down the hill I would say to get away as Lee biford races away in Reverse Gerard Murphy sits in the passenger seat the next thing you know there's a gunshot at that point he says bord looks at him and says I I think I'm here tragically Lee has been Gravely wounded in the left side of his chest investigators say at that point Murphy stepped on the accelerator after bord shot truck rolls down the driveway okay from where he initially had stopped when he got home it actually gets stuck right here where the driveway and the street meet there's a little ditch here cops are on the scene quickly investigators secure the area but the mass gunman is nowhere to be found Lee bord is still behind the wheel of his SUV and he's not moving bper was pronounced dead on the scene and the passenger in the car Gerard Murphy Mur Murphy didn't have a scratch on him no ma'am police interview gerod he tells investigators he was sitting in the passenger seat waiting for Lee to come out of his house next thing he know the gunman comes from around the fence um bper tries to get back to the vehicle and he's able to get in the driver's side and close the door and that's when gerro says the maskman fired his gun Point Blank at Lee why do you think Lee bord was shot and not Murphy that's something that still you know puzzles me to the day this whole thing is kind of it's mind bment investigators process the crime scene it appears to be a straightforward robbery minus one thing the robbery nothing was taken I think that once um bord got in the truck he messed he messed the whole thing up if they could have got to him before he got in the vehicle and got whatever they thought he had on them I think they would have just took it in Ram investigators Scout the crime scene looking for anything that will Point them in the direction of a potential suspect we were able to locate a piece of chewing gum I think an earring uh that we confiscated um we actually went back the next day with a metal detector to make sure we missed we didn't miss any uh shell casings the one thing cops do have is a partial description of the gunman they blew hoodie or sweatshirt and a black ski mask then just days after the shooting Knoxville police get what seems to be a huge break in the case when they receive a call from Lee's girlfriend I'm at the house I look down and I see a black mask on the ground wait a minute now you tell me you found something as small as an earring in the driveway that night and then the next day you also searched and you found chewing gum and other things but then two days later you get a call that there's a ski mask that just shows up in the driveway yes ma'am is that odd to you there's no way I miss that ski Mas coming up did Lee know his killer this thing's been kept Hush Hush someone in his Circle cops are beginning to wonder if this was a robbery gone wrong or a well fought out execution believe somebody came there with intentions but who does the family think is behind the head a really scared bad guy we're back with more in the shooting death of Lee bord once again here's Nissa night in Tennessee Chris biford had been at work at his auto body shop all day he then made a quick stop at home when he would walk back outside though he'd be walking into a trap Lee bford is shot to death outside his Knoxville Tennessee home on his 37th birthday like to many P sh in the it's just the worst worst thing you can ever imagine police suspect a robbery gone wrong but Lee's friends and family believe it was something else I think he was targeted but who would set up Lee and why Lee's loved ones say you don't have to look very far gerod was in the passenger seat the whole time is what I'm told right next to your son when he was murdered yeah the Knoxville man's Friends and Family claim they have plenty of reasons to believe that Lee's new buddy Gerard Murphy set him up Lee's girlfriend Tiffany claims Lee told her that Gerard was working with him on the day of the incident and according to Tiffany that meant gerro had firsthand knowledge of one key thing Lee told me he was going to get $500 that day and the payment would be in Cold Hard Cash something Knoxville police say could have made Lee A Marked Man do you believe this is someone who knew Lee bord and knew that he would have cash on him yes ma'am but Lee's best friend Dean has some serious questions about the robbery gone wrong theory if it was random how do they know when he was coming home then there's the fact of where Lee lived it's not easy to find you wouldn't stumble across it so how would anybody that didn't know Lee know where he lived or even if they did there's only so many people that had even been there and Lee's mother points to something odd that gerro did right after the murder according to police when they arrived on scene they discovered gerro walking up from the bullet riddled SUV toward Lee's house the fact that he was walking back that's what has always bothered me because the shooter is still out there yes he'd be afraid I would think so and you'll remember Lee arrived home late on the night he was killed now cops can confirm where he was just minutes before he was murdered we have video surveillance of bord and Gerard Murphy going to the stop and go market um before they ended up going to byford's Residence where the incident took place so about 5 minutes before he was shot he was at the convenience store yes ma'am the surveillance video has not been made public but reportedly it shows Lee going inside the store to buy a drink and then gerro is seen walking out of frame to talk to someone then makes Lee's family very suspicious but investigator wlaw says gerro has been cooperative and his story about the night in question appears to be credible he was actually he came in and spoke to me three on three different occasions but he's in a very odd situation from sitting in the car with bord when the incident took place and going from being a witness to being accused by several people that he might have something to do with it or he set it set this whole situation up is gerod Murphy a person of interest right now he's not he is a witness for me I have nothing pointing to him showing that he could have anyway set this up or done it gerro Murphy has not been arrested or charged in any connection with Lee byford's death leaving Lee's family and friends desperate for answers I would love it if you guys could make contact with gerod and and have him retell the accounts of that night you know what really happened we start looking for gerro and find him online in homemade rap music videos he posted to YouTube this one is called money up from last known addresses listed for gerro we zero in on this home gerro was reportedly living here with his brother and the house appears to match the background that was featured in some of Gerard's music videos and as we set up our cameras it appears someone is home the man identifies himself as Gerard's Uncle he does not live here neither one of them now you put that on the air he do not live here this is my house they don't live here they got their own houses I don't care if they shoot videos wherever yes they my nephews I don't know what they'd undone don't come back over here it's been five years since Lee's murder his family has offered a $5,000 reward and still no answers no tips whatsoever not one call January 5th would have been Lee's 42nd birthday tragically his mother now has to celebrate her son's life and death on the same day what would you say to someone who knows who took your son away from you and everyone else I would say as a mother if it were your son what would you do you need to speak up we need uh we need closure and we need Justice
Channel: True Crime Daily
Views: 689,772
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Id: WR3dQnvQ8l0
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Length: 39min 57sec (2397 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 27 2023
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