Devil May Cry 2 is ACTUALLY That Bad - DMC2 Review

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last time on hive minds join me next time for the one that everyone really really [ __ ] hates can't be that bad right right it is that bad it is actually that bad I'm kind of astounded I was told dozens of times that Devil May Cry 2 was the absolute worst in the series I was warned many times how bad this game was and yet I was still unprepared for just how unbelievably incompetent this game is in case this is the first video in the series that you're seeing I'm going through the Devil May Cry franchise for the first time in release order and giving my thoughts as someone who just happened to play the reboot first and liked it I'm trying to get to know this franchise and you can check out my video on Devil May Cry 1 right over here next up after this one is DMC 3 which is really the one I've been looking forward to this whole time but if I'm gonna do this thing right I can't just cherry-pick the ones that people say are the good ones it's time to review DMC - oh no why don't we start with the story this time huh because I've actually heard some people say that the story is one of the better parts of this game and that's an opinion that you can have I guess if you like to be wrong about things alright so you guys want to summary this game story alright here we go this is gonna be a lot there's a lot of complex lore here and crazy twists like it's gonna get really complicated so here we go Dante meets an old lady who says help us defeat this guy and then Dante says looks like it's your lucky day and then he runs around in a bunch of levels where nothing happens and then he kills the bad guy that's all of it know that that's the whole story no I there's nothing more to say about it that's the entire story I'm not what you think I'm holding out on you that's all of it there's just nothing going on here this game doesn't have a story it has a series of events that happen you know a stock bad guy with no personality is pursued by two good guys with no personality and summons a stock evil ultimate God with no personality and then it stops yep now it doesn't end I wouldn't call this an ending it just kind of stops dmc1 had a hell of an ending all right you fight God and then you fly a plane out of a cave and then an island explodes okay that's a [ __ ] ending in DMC - you fight the world's most mindless final boss and then he just dies and Dante rides a motorcycle that's nothing DMC - this this is nothing what you've given me here the story doesn't give you any context for what you're doing in each level it doesn't successfully create any sense of urgency or suspense throughout the game it doesn't even give you anything silly you're fun to watch one of my key complaints about DMC one was the story in tone and how it never really came together for me it felt weird and all over the place and it wasn't bad but left me confused and unsure of what exactly the game was going for but Lord Almighty I will take that any day over whatever the hell this is don't worry I've got you yeah Dante was a big goof in dmc1 and that kind of felt like it didn't jive with the rest of the games tone but at least he had a personality at least he was fun to watch like the way you watch your weird uncle embarrass himself at the family barbecue with his weird stories about doing drugs in the 80s Dante and DMC too is just a cardboard cutout a hollow facsimile of coolness something that could have been made by 12 year-old who just saw one episode of Naruto and thinks Sasuke is the coolest character ever everything about the story in cutscenes in this game is either embarrassingly bad I was or just flat-out boring no we can stop our uses son bition whatever there is basically nothing worth discussing here if you ask me so I'm just gonna move right on huh okay I didn't put the gameplay first because I've kind of been putting it off but there's really nothing else to talk about so we we have to talk about the gameplay now so to start what have they changed since DMC one well in a nutshell everything sucks napped the combat has been significantly downgraded in almost every way it feels slow and floaty there's less variety in weapons and less variety in enemies we'll get into the specifics on those points soon but at some level a lot of the problems with this game are just kind of self-evident from looking at the game in motion I mean just just watch some melee combat for like a second and compare it to DMC one there's no comparison it looks bad and it feels even worse to actually play but like I said we'll get into specifics upgrades have been streamlined which of course by streamlined I mean they suck now red orbs are no longer used to buy specific moves for each weapon instead you just dump a bunch of points into each weapon and it increases their damage maybe they do something else but it doesn't tell you and as far as I can tell it's just it's straight damage boost which is just the most boring way to upgrade a weapon in all three swords claimed to have different properties but honestly I could not ever tell the difference DMC one only had two main weapons plus Sparta by the end but you don't get a whole lot of use out of that on your first playthrough but at least Alistair and Ifrit both had completely different combos and they both felt good to use all three swords and DMC to have the exact same clunky combos so you might as well just pick one at random and upgrade that one because you're not gonna be able to tell the difference same with the guns there's really no reason to upgrade or use anything except the starting pistols unless you're just bored I guess which you will be Auto lock-on is still a consistent problem in fact it's actually even worse now I went over some of the issues with it in dmc1 and those kind of things are all still here but can I point out one problem that I didn't think I would ever have I had a hard time in this game in a few places hitting switches yeah in a couple places the auto targeting made it damn near impossible to hit switches this this is not something that I thought you could mess up hitting a switch to open a door should not ever be the most challenging part of a level and yet here we are these flying enemies in this room are constantly spawning and Dante will automatically swing at them instead of the switch right in front of his face or sorryyou lamp I guess at DMC - that's not that's not a lamp I just don't know why the auto lock on has to be so powerful for lack of a better word okay pause hold on I just found out after a bit of research that apparently r2 is the button to override automatic target lock on now maybe I'm just a crazy casual right I mean if this is some sort of blasphemy I'm about to speak here about early devil may cry then may Argos axe strike me down but why not just get rid of the automatic lock on entirely they put in a button to override it which to me says that they knew it got in the way a lot of the time and then they don't tell you that the buttons they're almost like they were ashamed of it I mean is it crazy for me to want Dante to just swing the sword in the direction that I'm pushing the control stick it's not like that was a new concept games had been doing that kind of combat for years no lock on unless you hit the lock-on button I don't know why that is seemingly a foreign concept to this game like is this actually some sacred tenant of this amazing early 3d action game franchise that I just don't get to decide what direction to attack like when I want to focus on a single enemy that's what the lock-on button is for why in both of these games is the automatic lock on such a consistent issue well for one I actually have sort of an idea why it's like this in this game because the combo system in this game is stupid remember how in dmc1 Dante could execute a couple different combos just by adding in little pauses between the button presses it was a pretty nice little system it was simple it took a bit of trial and error to master but it worked really well now Dante's different combos are done by pointing the control stick in a direction relative to where Dante is currently facing this is stupid one because it would be better to just have Dante attack the direction point the control stick if you're not locked onto anything and - you can't do several of these combos when you are locked on because you'll just use a stinger or high time instead it's just a needlessly unwieldy system that feels like they dug themselves deeper into keeping DMC ones occasionally annoying Auto lock-on system when they could have just changed it a lot of my issues with DMC one would have been easily solved by removing auto lock on and making manual lock on more clear well in DMC 2 they gave me one of those improvements and then they took a big dump all over everything else DMC 2 now clearly tells you what enemy you're locked on to great but now auto lock on is still here and it's more annoying than ever since so many enemies like to just hide off-screen and the new combo system just makes lock-on an even bigger problem than before I mean seriously of all the things to change from DMC 1 why the combo system the combos in dmc1 were great they felt good to use and they injected a little variety into the melee combat the one thing I asked for in DMC one that I actually got was a dedicated dodge button and I know that people made fun of me for that it's sorry my pea brain just couldn't understand why square and circle both need to be shoot gun button in dmc1 encircle couldn't just make you do that quick little dodge roll so hey DMC 2 gives me what I want and oh ok to be clear this dodge roll is not what I asked for it's slow and awkward but more importantly it's almost useless because of the enemy design in this game so I've talked about the combo system and lock-on but to be quite honest those kind of hardly matter a lot of the time because the enemy design in this game is so brain-dead that almost every enemy can either be shot to death from a distance or you can just sit in front of their faces and mash triangle until they die some of these enemies I don't I don't even know if they had attacks like the big golem guys I don't think I ever saw one of them do anything other than stand there and let me wail on him the tanks are I think the most infamous example of this but really this is just standard enemy behavior in DMC - these ones just have the most health and thankfully they only show up like one time every other enemy is just a flying enemy that sits out of frame and has a completely invisible health bar can we take a second to talk about these health bars even something as simple as a health bar is hilariously incompetent in this game the bar itself is practically invisible half the time unless you crank up your brightness setting in the text my God look at this kerning what is this thing's name a go/no finis a ghen of Ennis apparently that's all supposed to be one word so what's with the random huge spaces between the letters and why is there no spaces between the letters in Ag enough and then huge spaces in the best of the wording and so many of the names are like this this one's apparently miss serie but I genuinely thought it was miss IRA like your school teacher miss IRA fury a Taurus how did they [ __ ] it up that's bad look I know this is a pointless example but it's it's just another thing on the pile of total dog [ __ ] that this game is and all of this doesn't even cover everything you could spend hours going in-depth about all the problems with this game the terrible camera the bland level design that honestly pretty ugly overall aesthetic this is just a total [ __ ] show from top to bottom but this video has taken me long enough to make and if we sit here dwelling on every single issue with this game I'll probably die of boredom overall it feels like instead of fixing DMC ones flaws they double down on them and they made them even worse resulting in a game with painfully awkward combat enemy design that encourages standing in one place mashing triangle to win a neutered in boring upgrade system and just an overall lack of polish or anything to engage with and we haven't even talked about the bosses yet if you thought everything up until now is bad you ain't seen nothing yet this is without exaggeration the worst set of bosses or any game I have ever played almost every one of them is a Hall of Fame stinker of a boss and there is not one genuinely good fight among them much like the enemy design bosses in this game tend to fall into one of two categories brain-dead zombies that let you stand in one place and wail on them except in this case you can wail on them with gun or their cheap pieces of [ __ ] that camp outside your range and hit you with knowing attacks and ads and I mean ads like the MMO term you know what I mean not the not commercials like DMC one already had some issues with its boss fights yeah like oftentimes the best way to beat them was to just go into Devil Trigger and spam lightning at them but at least they had some tough patterns to learn some attacks to dodge the ability to hit them with melee attacks if you wanted to here half the time you literally have no choice with most of these bosses but to sit in one place and hold down the square button until their gigantic health bars go away infested chopper is I think something of a meme in the community but it's not even the worst fight I mean in some ways it is because it's the most boring but some of the others managed to be both frustrating and boring at the same time I didn't know that was possible like how do you even do that Triss magia the 3head thing is probably my least favorite because it's okay you've got three heads here you have to lock on to one of them to hit them only one of them is real at a time so you have to figure out which one you need to be shooting but since the automatic lock on is so terrible and guess what as far as I could tell there's no way to switch targets once you're locked on so you have to fiddle with the controls until you manage to lock onto the one that's real and then you just sit there dodging really really annoying attacks holding down the button until it dies it is the most obnoxious boss fight I've ever had to deal with let's just check out some highlights from these fights we have a giant monkey that you shoot with guns a helicopter that you shoot with guns a head that you shoot with guns three heads that you shoot with guns shoot with guns shoot with guns this one's okay the main bad guy the game who sits in one place and doesn't even react while you kill him and then another one that you shoot with guns maybe this is low-hanging fruit with this game right but the emphasis on gun combat just makes this entire game an absolute slog to play I'm sick of talking about this game let's just try and wrap this up ah alright before we finish let's see if I can scrape together a couple positives about this game positives positives uh dante's outfit is cool that's about all there is to say about that I think I like Dante's look here I think it's from what I've seen probably his best look in the series definitely including the reboot where he looks like a nine-year-old boy this is gonna sound like the most backhanded compliment ever but I'm really stretching to think of anything nice to say about this game the combat is so unsatisfying and boring at least most of the time it's so easy that it doesn't usually get frustrating like god forbid if this game was like kind of hard on top of being an overall chore to play like I can't even imagine if your game is gonna be this bad the least you can do is make it easy enough that I don't have to repeat too much of it I died once from the ads of this bug boss yeah I killed it and then the ads killed me that was fun I died a couple times against this thing before I found the magic spots where all of its attacks just can't hit you that's about it if you want to call that a positive I guess you can here's something potentially positive I've heard that the Lucia campaign is or is it Lucia Lucia I've heard that the girl campaign is slightly less awful to play I say I've heard that it's less awful because I didn't play it yeah I just didn't play it I don't I don't care I don't care about it and maybe that makes this review of the game unprofessional but I don't even have 10,000 subscribers I'd do this as a hobby in my free time this entire channel is unprofessional and maybe that makes this review of the game incomplete but you know what this game is [ __ ] incomplete alright so I don't care even if someone told me no seriously the Lucia campaign is so much better it's like almost as good as dmc3 or something it would have to be an entirely different game to be worth my time and that would double the amount of time that this video is taken and honestly I don't believe it's that much better I just don't believe it because to be much better than this game you would have to be a completely different game you can't fix this game with a different move set in a few different environments and cutscenes okay this game is irreparably broken on a fundamental level and that's the most needlessly wordy way of saying that this game sucks and nothing is ever gonna make it not suck end of review please please just let me play good ones now I that's all thanks for watching I'll see you next time [Music]
Channel: Hyve Minds
Views: 563,103
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: devil may cry, devil may cry 2, dmc2, how bad is devil may cry 2, hyve minds, first time devil may cry, devil may cry retrospective, devil may cry ps4 collection, dmc hd collection, dmc2 bad, dmc2 good, devil may cry 2 review, dmc reboot, hyve minds dmc, hyve minds kingdom hearts, kingdom hearts disappointment, dm2 actually that bad, devil may cry 2 actually that bad, devil may cry 2 is actually that bad, devil may cry series review
Id: EQzXqy8XVAc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 24sec (1044 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 09 2020
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