Developers Should be Like Ducks ... NOT Snakes!

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[Music] hey how are you guys doing people going to show up on the stream last minute stream this is a sunday night stream so it should be a good stream hope everything is well welcome uh we're back on the boca camera here amazing hand bokeh all right so um we'll see how many people show up uh for the stream check see what's going on with the stats all right people starting to get on that's good it's good it's good so i hope everything is well so what i'm going to do is i'm going to jump into the subject very quickly give me a thumbs up if you like this stream it's good for the algorithms and um yeah let me just jump into it so this is going to be a piece of advice i think that a lot of people i don't know let me rephrase that this is a piece of advice i think would apply to everybody but it's going to help you in your in every aspect of your life not only just being a developer so in my thumbnail i say be like a duck not like a snake so what am i talking about here so first of all i addressed the snake issue in a previous video where i talked about how if you are an open developer a developer is willing to help others not be a black box by what you're doing the code that you write you're going to be become a much more valuable person in the team so if you want to advance in your career one of the things you got to do is you got to be open about your skills and your knowledge you got to be willing to help out the team to go around and be the one the go-to guy or girl that people respond to so that they're going to want you around so you don't want to be a snake you don't want to hide your stuff and you don't want to make your code unnecessarily complex et cetera et cetera so let's talk about the duck thing so one of the things i've noticed in this uh it goes way beyond coding and stuff people are very very very sensitive these days not everybody but some people are very very sensitive and i'm dancing on the edge of politics here but not really because here's a great piece of advice if you want to advance in your career if you want to be successful in your business in many aspects aspects of your life you have to become like a duck there's an old expression um water off off a duck's back that's actually an old old expression let me just see if i can find it here here it is uh water off the duck's backs you say that criticism is like water off off a duck's back or water off a duck's backs to emphasize that it is not having any effect on the person being criticized all criticism is water off a duck's back to me so what are we talking about here i find that people are too quick to be offended by things if you are like that you are putting yourself at an extreme disadvantage let me say that again if you're somebody who is offended by it what other people say or do you are literally putting them yourself at extreme disadvantage you're putting them in a position of power so um my advice to you what i've learned is that when you want to succeed in life you want to be happy in life whether you wanna you you wanna have just a much more calm uh lifestyle and psychology you gotta just sort of not be offended by things not to be perturbed by things easier said than done my lizard wizard course will help with that training but i'm telling you if you do that if you learn to you know i'm not saying be don't be oblivious to criticism uh don't you know sometimes it's good to listen to criticism especially if we can help improve it but improve yourself but uh i'm telling you as a developer uh or as a human being really if you can learn to be less offended by things you you will be much better off in your life and it's just have it's like having a superpower yeah so that's my advice so number one number one don't be a snake i talked about that in a previous video you want to be open with your knowledge you want to try to help people out around you if you do that people are going to go out of their way to want to help you and they're going to want to work with you and that's how you're going to advance your career and another way you're going to advance your career as a developer is to not let things get to you don't let things bother you you know it's whether you're learning how to code and i i know how that is it could be a frustrating process no question about it um and maybe in the workplace maybe things bother you about what people are doing or saying you know as silly as it may sound people will get offended by what programming language you use or what i don't know what uh operating system you use i've seen people go totally mad screaming yelling arguing about mac os versus windows it was really uh you don't see that these days anymore but boy used to see that back in the 90s it was pretty incredible the apple people used to have a beef against windows people and it probably stemmed from the fact that steve jobs was angry that wind microsoft basically copied mac os in terms of the windowing features but of course steve jobs i guess he forgot that they copied xerox you know so anyway people used to go nuts about that now they don't anymore they go nuts about other things yeah so there you go that's a very short lesson now i'll do a little q a try not to let the little things bother you try not to be offended by things er when you are when you let other people's actions or other people what you hear out there offend you you're just putting yourself under their power they are exerting power over you because they're exerting emotional control over you by triggering you don't be triggered don't be triggered that's my uh that's my two cents of advice there so what i'll do is i'll do a little bit of um i'll do a little bit of q a now and then uh yeah we'll see how it goes all right that's only six minutes see a quick one i'm trying to shorten my streams and do a little bit more so let me just get to some questions and say all right how you guys doing hola how are you how are ya all right what's up i'm pretty good what's up with you henry major i got a super chat so i'll address the super chat what's going on here uh compare yourself to the man you were yesterday and strive to be the person you want to be tomorrow always have realistic goals and do what's best for you as a person and then your family even your community dan gurkovich i never heard of this guy but yeah that's true that's a good advice i heard i think peterson talked about that as well i said compare yourself to yourself yesterday uh because you can't it will drive you nuts to compare yourself to somebody who's been doing something for years and you're just starting out and it's pretty depressing so compare yourself as long as you've done better you're doing better the next day than you did the previous day you're making progress even if you can improve your coding skills your communication skills i don't know your health your weight even if you improve it by point five percent a day or point five percent uh uh you know let's say one percent a week you know at the end of year you've already improved your position by 50 so yeah you don't make you don't need to make these huge moves it's about little incremental moves and you move the ball forward down the field to use a uh a football analogy american football analogy yeah so let me go back and say hey hello scotty how are you how are you hello hello duckduckgo no no hello 169 year old steph hello hey hey how are you yeah trust me i used to be a uh a bouncer and a fighter i've been in a lot of street fights in my day and i used to things used to get on my nerves uh i stopped all that a long time ago the life's a lot easier hello by chance i was reloading youtube and hey you came across the live stream from mr said hey well thanks for joining stream larry mr larry dev yeah no ego when you have no ego it's actually it's interesting it actually means you have extreme confidence the the analogy i like to make is if a little if a four-year-old kid comes up to you and calls you a stupid poopy face are you gonna be offended by that if a little four-year-old kid starts insulting you or is crying you get you're gonna laugh you're gonna a poor kid right if of course if you are offended by that and you're an adult then you've got some major problems but most people the vast majority of people would not be offended by a little kid calling him calling you names right if it's funny that's because you're very confident vis-a-vis the child so if an adult starts calling you names or starts insulting you if you have a if you have a very confident self-image it's like water off a duck's back you know it's old ancient knowledge it works asap mac os or windows i've used both these days they tend towards mac os because of the apps that i use um because of ecosystem onion but i've had both for long i've you know probably equal and i've actually done some linux too uh i found that water off a duck's back is way easier when you do regular cardio training so important yeah being in shape actually helps with your mood it helps to smooth things out so being in shape really helps a lot if you have a bit of a gut you can't run down you can't run a block can't do push-ups uh do yourself a favor and get in shape you know you don't have to be buff but you know just get capable i'm learning c plus plus universe what would you like to suggest write a little bit code every day when you're learning a code the most important thing you can do is write code every day even if you don't understand the code uh good advice will not be triggered you your family community will quack quack hey trey how are you i like your avatar by the way it's cool uh steph here from arkansas by your course on python we'll be starting my third week in the course and i'm really enjoying it once i done with the course we have the skills to get an entry job um see python is such a broad thing that then you would have to find where you're going to specialize in python [Music] potentially but you may want to start what you're going to do do the python course number one finish that and then what i would do is start looking around for python jobs in your area and see what they're looking for because you may find python scripting where then you might be able to do it uh but maybe maybe you'll find python web you know uh python server side with django or for you know what i mean so there is uh it depends on the type of work um but uh doing the python course is the hardest part that the first what you're doing now is the hardest because you're learning new ways of thinking so keep going man you're on your way you're on your way yo yo how are you how are you sups up how are you uh what's that uh how do we say that kapunkap there we go now it's us thank you actually ty good morning good morning hello what do you think of web 3.0 yeah i looked at it briefly um in principle i like the idea uh i don't know if it's gonna go anywhere because uh i don't you know maybe but it's gonna take a while if it ever matures hey how are how old are you really steph 169. i don't know that seems pretty credible to me um i bought your studio of course a few years ago whoa and i've been trying to complete it two times already but i keep getting burned out and don't complete any advice on not getting burnt out yeah what you got to do is you got to implement my 20 minute a day rule uh yeah you know i got i got like a in the mentoring group i added in a section on how to learn effectively i'll see about it integrating that into the standard studio web course material the beginnings of it is 20 minutes a day four to five days a week just go back start over again just discipline yourself i'm going to do 20 minutes a day even on the days you don't feel like it just do that 20 minutes and after 20 minutes if you're like i don't want to do this then you've done your 20 minutes you can go forward come back the next day four to five days a week you gotta get and maybe let's say you do monday tuesday take a wednesday off thursday friday saturday take a sunday off you know you also gotta give yourself some um some breaks similar to mac windows debate is the great ruby scratch debate both are equally great javascript or php it's neither neither it's both once you learn that or write code server-side code in javascript or server-side php for you to pivot from one to the other is not a big deal it's not an either or it's both when you become an experienced developer uh you will say okay what's the job i'm doing here and um given the needs of the job what am i going to do what language are you going to choose for that particular job that's how it works really all right uh let's see francisco says in your experience when is the best time of the day to exercise you know i you know because of what i used to do in martial arts i used to train after work or after schools i would train in the late afternoon early evenings but i don't know what the latest medical science is on that in terms of when to train some people would say it's good to train in the morning i get the energy going in the body i would have to you would have to look up see what the rate is research is i'm sure there's better times of the day of the day to train but i think the more important thing is that you just do a little bit of consistent training you know if you know whether you do 20 minutes in the morning or half an hour in the morning or 20 minutes at night or half an hour it's better that you do something you know let's assume you decide you're going to train in the evenings half an hour an hour let's say half an hour every other day just make it easy to start and you find out that oh no i should have done it in the morning but you know it's better to train in the evenings than than not to have trained at all right so i would say just start training look into it uh i just learned the basics of python with the python crash course book i'm playing learning sql and python libraries anything any dimensions i'm looking for data analyst internship what you should do is jump into this databases sql is the language of relational databases it's short for structured query language which means a language that is structured for making queries now queries is a fancy nerd way of saying asking questions so the structured query language is a language for it's a language you know as i just say it's the language of relational databases so if you want to learn that jump into learning how to design a database first a relational database and then from designing that then you learn the sql language so start with that just basic you know tables and basic uh relationships and so forth and you know keys and so on just basic stuff ah when in rdn studio web mst's coming uncle steph boca club yeah that's it best vocal game in the city hey wait a second they get my hand there we go all right good stuff um have you heard of people making a career in python by automating business process yeah i have actually a friend of mine worked for an animation house and they had a bunch of rendering rendering they had a render farm which is basically a bunch of computers networked and they managed the whole thing via python script so they had a couple i don't know it was two or three full-time python coders who would write python scripts all day to manage the to automate the processing the processes vis-a-vis video rendering and 3d rendering i'm going good paul how are you i recognize you now it's the glasses that threw me off no glasses in the last stream uh i said if i want i want to possibly buy a mac m1 mini 8 gig will this be sufficient for front end development and fuller editing yeah actually more insufficient i would imagine more of insufficient if you can squeak it out to get 16 gig that would be even better but eight gig should handle it yeah m1s are groundbreaking computers no question about that if you like my stream please give it a thumbs please give it a thumbs uh wait but web 3 point already is we don't even finish what 2lf yeah web 3 is a way to get around if i recall some of the censorship issues and so on the problem is it it it the web is so big now web 2 is so big that it would be hard to get people outside of that context could happen though uh hey what do you think about the craig wright case on november 1st proving satoshi's one million bitcoin proving i don't know about that i never heard about that that guy satoshi is a real person he's got a million bitcoins that's pretty good for that guy we're both about to code we salute you ah very good very good he's the comment of the night for the ac dc uh reference i got i approve it's one of my favorite bands when i was first learning thai boxing back in the 80s my god back in the 80s i was uh thai boxing was just coming to north america so i did a little bit of thai boxing i was a kid i was very like i don't know what i was pretty young and uh i remember after thai boxing that's what i would listen to i listened to ac dc all the time including for those about to rock uh yeah strangely strange that you bring that up because a whole lot of rosie is very relevant to me raised recently uh scrapping products to sell is my actual go of python scraping product scrapping why not see what happens uh you know that's a that's the cool thing about that language there's so many uh modules so many libraries that you can leverage there's so much you can do i assume that the sound and the video is clear enough for you guys uh any advice to get a co-op job internship yeah just start applying start applying and just hit the bricks meaning you know hit the street you know and that doesn't sound good hit the bricks basically go out there knock on doors and try to align your resume with the type of work that they want you know what's the difference developer and programmer there's a minor they're used interchangeably today um if i wanted to get nitpicky nerd about that developer versus programmer a developer somebody who literally develops builds a system a programmer may not necessarily build a system they may be just writing scripts and automating systems or stuff like that the developer actually builds a system a piece of software but it's really a distinction without much of a difference i wouldn't be too concerned about that uh [Music] just finished the project two for python class it was a text based game project ah very cool no problem uh we are now working on classes for the last chapter man i don't know if you're talking about my course or not but yeah i teach classes object oriented i teach game creation with text text based game links below how we doing for time how are we doing good good is it legal to scrape companies email and phones from the web that's a good question um i would think so yeah i would think so google does it right you know as long as it's on the public web there's you can access it so if you can access it you know via web browser i wouldn't i guess it wouldn't be wrong to access it by programming well google i think search engine does that so i would think that you are in the clear i'm not familiar with the western governor's university hey steph great to see you always great advice so i appreciate that thanks for joining the stream is it possible to web design with other lower low-level languages um not web design when it comes to web design which is basically front-end um you it's html5 it's css3 and javascript yeah there you go for server side you got a whole bunch of opportunities there you know should i strongly type in apps first pass or save it till two three or fourth pass when using typescript angular i always get lazy before after long sessions of with types that's an interesting question i haven't i haven't used angular so i don't have an answer on that what you're discovering is oftentimes theoretical best practices get thrown out the window when uh you're in writing production code sometimes you gotta write quick and dirty code to get the stuff out uh hey steph do you know much about drop shipping on shopify never done it never done it what is better flask or django as backhand for website with e-com features i i couldn't say but all i know is that flask is much lighter and lightweight and easier to work with i would just do google search flask and ecom i would imagine you can use flash to build most stores that you'd probably be involved with so if you wanted to get something out quick in terms of a new store which you always want to do anything new you want to get it out quick i would probably lean towards flask unless you find that i would be surprised if you couldn't build a little e-commerce shop with flask um yeah yeah do you have any recollection of the old silk road and how bitcoin is used for that black market economy yeah i remember that's years ago i never hear the association today's task talks of crypto yeah because it's gone mainstream speaking of bitcoin and web 2 and 3o makes me think about choosing a node to run as far as consensus and decentralization yeah yeah yeah listen i like the concept don't get me wrong i'm just not sure how widely adopted it's going to be that's all it's very difficult to replace old established technologies with new uh the new technologies have to be significantly better significantly better that's for sure i would say i would say the developer has better software design skills uh yeah you could say that yeah hey morning mr kumar welcome to the stream [Music] all right what's going on here uh like you can have someone who knows how to write python and that's a programmer but a developer knows how to design a python system and and so developer typically delegates to programmers yeah i can live with that uh description i suppose no problem uh i don't know look up the job listing see what's see what's up with that you know uh are you back on coffee thought you gave it up yes i'm able this is not coffee by the way it's just water but i am back on coffee i gave it a break for about a how long they give it a break for a month about a month off all right all right can you patent code you write or the process of doing something with code um i'm not a patent lawyers but i don't think you could patent code but it's definitely copy written so it's not patented it's copy written but how strong that copyright is you would have to they would have to rip off source code from you directly uh or the process of doing you can patent the process i believe but you'd have to talk to an expert about that it's uh i am not a patent lawyer most of the time though these days the uh the value in in the ip is wrapped up with the value of the business you know like for example facebook it's code based it's very valuable but really it's its value is uh the network it's its name that's traffic on its site and same thing with google and so on you know uh what do you think about the fast api framework for python haven't used it so i don't have an opinion i'm slow this week i put in like three solid eight hour days not like not like to be rushed but it was like 20 hours recommended minimum per week uh i say 20 minutes a day minimum uh four to five days a week and then you end up being doing a lot more [Music] yeah you got my little i was playing around with that a little bit developers shouldn't be like snakes is this royal python love the stream i appreciate it yeah yeah so let me just recount that um so what i'm talking about is basically you know be like a duck you know it's an old expression uh water off a duck's back old old expression goes way back and it basically teaches a very important lesson where you live a better life you have more an easier time if you are not so easily offended by things whether it be direct insults or whatever um [Music] if you can develop that thick skin you will be uh giving doing yourself a favor in boxing one of the things we wanted to do with an opponent you wanted to get them emotional you want to get them scared or you want to get out you want to get under the skin that's a classic thing they want to get the opponent angry why because you know when you're you're fighting people who are emotional are at a disadvantage typically so why put yourself at a disadvantage and uh be offended by things or be insulted by things uh be like a duck let the insults drip off your back like water ah yeah yeah yeah uh all right bashar it's the fact i used to code and see in some assembly low-level stuff there buddy when i was a teenager in on linux ah but i've been away for years and honestly forgot a lot since i didn't practice does worth it to start again 20 21. well if that's what you want to do bashar um sure it will come back to you you know once you start writing a bit of code it may take a few days we'll start coming back to you so do you use html templates or do you have graphic design skills for me graphic design is my roadblock use templates you can learn basic principles of design like i talked about and i think i teach it in my courses it's been a while since i looked at them but um yeah i do like alignment white space font use color schemes if you just follow some basic rules of design stay within a color space make sure everything is aligned i'll have lots of breathing room in the space uh proper use of fonts song seti fonts for uh body text you can use seti fonts for headline text these are basic rules you follow these rules the page will look clean and that's the beginning of it i kind of suggest you always like your code you write you design your pages so they're very simple simple layouts simple alignment so all you have to do is put one logo or one image and it sets the whole stage if you have a very complex design then it's very hard to make it to balance it to make it look good same thing in software development by the way you want to have simple easy to understand code how we doing now we're doing okay 30 minutes okay i'm going to be wrapping up the stream uh the accomplishment feeling is worth it super great feeling when you see it coming together take breaks when you need to though sometimes i don't take enough breaks yeah it's good to take breaks remember when you're learning a code or anything else it's like training you got to you know the weightlifting you got to give yourself some time to rest right can you explain methods in js methods and js they're just chunks of code wrapped up in a package um that's it and they do something they have a method they have a function um yeah there you go that's in a nutshell so just a little think of them think of them as little packages of code little engines inside the big engine which is javascript uh take my course you'll learn all about it there uh in your opinion what programming language should someone start with ah i like either teaching the web stacks so that means javascript or python yeah yeah yeah uh okay when do you turn 170 years old that's a secret never about a first job web job job it's entry level but i question my skill even okay nervous excuse me i'm getting a little tired so i didn't read that right let me try again nervous about a first job web dev job it's entry level but i question my skills even though i've been doing html css and jazz every day for months any advice yeah don't worry your first job and your first two years in fact of development are your learning years so just keep writing code don't be afraid to ask questions don't ask too many questions and bother people and research you don't have the answer that's okay google is your friend you'll probably wind up on stack overflow a lot of times and just write the code just keep writing the code don't worry about it it will come and i'm pretty sure they know where you are now i did not watch that fight i intend to watch it though everyone has a plan until they're hitting the fade nose yeah that's true [Music] hey steph thanks for all the good advices drupal developers still a good career today i don't know you would have to look up the drupal jobs see what the drupal drew pow jobs availability as far as i understand drupal has lost some of its some of its old mojo although it's a very powerful content management system i've looked at it in the past so it is drooping in that regard so i think facebook excuse me i think um i know wordpress is taking over there but take a look take a look take a look at the job opportunities just go to and see if there's any drupal jobs you might find a lot of opportunity is web development going to die in the next 10 years no or will demand increase even more i think the demand is going to increase every even more i've been saying this for a while i think it's going to continue to increase because the web platform is universal you can do web you can do responsive you can do mobile cross-platform mobile you can do desktop apps on windows now companies will always gravitate towards a technology where um it you know it has where you can deploy on multiple platforms without having to maintain multiple code bases so yeah i rewrote a python app in c plus plus that does the ansi i guess that's nc conversion i got 50 times speed i consider myself a real-time c plus plus dev and there you go yeah well let me tell you pyvon isn't so quick in fact i'm a lot of python will directly connect to c right and c plus plus where to start where where did you start in self teaching aws i'd probably get a book or find a good course and take it from there you might want to check out amazon's site on aws see what the resources are there hello hello good to see you welcome to the stream thanks for joining uh how difficult will it be for me to go through a python library depends on the library some are very some of the modules very simple and some are very complex second question in the next 10 years will the devs salary increase decrease massively no they will increase i think seems like everyone wants to be a dev now or will the salary increase significantly i think the salaries will increase because voters more people getting into development the demands is is is going up even faster so i think you're a good situation [Laughter] yeah right right thanks for joining the stream uh after my research i think our i think our partner is around 45 years old maybe more i think our partner is around 45 years old maybe more all right so i got to the end of the question that's the first i think that's it so let me just recap what i said at the beginning i said be a um uh what did i say here yeah yeah be a duck not a snake meaning don't let um things try not to let things offend you when people are offending you you're basically relinquishing control over your own emotions you're you're you're giving them control when you get offended by people so don't be offended by people it's going to put you in a much better position your cognitive case capabilities will be will maintain higher will be higher you'll be able to think more clearly and why relinquish your power to somebody else by getting offended don't get offended and don't be a snake meaning be open and free be willing to share information with uh people around you be willing to help people and you'll succeed very much so in your work uh all right i own a pizzeria ewok full time to serve my client in free time i learn programming what do you think i can do to enrich my curriculum without having to run for a tech job right now it's my dream i work full-time and serve my clients i own a pizzeria and work full-time so you want to sell your pizzeria what do you think i can do to enrich my curriculum what i would do is i would maybe think of maybe build a website for your pizzeria i don't know if you have a chain or if you have a franchise in a chain or independent pizzeria if it's independent maybe work on improving your website learn the skills to improve your website do something practical and that will give you some incentive to learn what you need to learn to execute on whatever it is it is you want to do so maybe build a a site for your pizzeria maybe build a mobile app for your pizzeria have something real to do you know what i mean i am not i was very long in the tooth as a programmer before october hacktoberfest ever was invented uh any recursion tips not off the top of my head and just try a bunch of examples and play with them [Music] this guy is a definition of the master senior senior chad developer i appreciate that good thing you said so too uh what are your thoughts on degrees i know degrees don't matter as of now but will a degree be required a few years from now no i think degrees are losing their value in the tech space um i can tell you i'll give you a couple pieces of data point to uh to defend that position number one google came out about a year ago and said if you want to become a developer don't get a degree google said this google a couple years prior to that apple ibm and i believe google definitely apple but a few big tech companies studied their employees and they found that there was no difference no difference in quality with an employee whether or not they had a degree right so um my general advice for people will look at degrees if it is not free don't do it and so if you go into debt don't do it um student loan debt should be feared feared it is pernicious pernicious stuff and uh because you can't get rid of it through bankruptcy and people are trapped in debt slavery it's not an exaggeration there's many types of slavery in history and one of them was indentured servitude indentured servitude and they made that illegal i don't know 100 something years ago um so basically what they would do is they would trap somebody in a debt and they couldn't get rid of the debt so they have to work to get rid of that debt and they couldn't quit until they the job until they finished paying off the debt that was in indentured servitude and there's different variations of it and so forth so student loan debt is is similar in the sense that you can't get rid of it you know whereas if you if you run up a quarter million dollars in debt or half a million in debt and your business fails you just go bankrupt and that's it a year later seven months later you're you're free and clear to debt and you can start again and that's actually a good innovation that created allowed that unleashed capitalism which unleashed modern society but for some reason the politicians decided 30 or 40 years ago to uh to they forgot history i guess and they said they decided to create student loans so that they were non-dischargeable through uh bankruptcy so you have to fear don't go into debt first software development or anything like that don't do it if it's free and you got the time sure having a degree could open up a few doors still but those doors the number of doors exclusive doors rather that you have because of a degree are becoming less and less relevant these days so if i were you i would not do it unless it was free so there you go that's my take on that one linux or windows depends on the apps you want to use it's all app dependent these days i think all the operating systems the major ones linux windows mac os they all have their pros and their cons and really depends on your use case it's kind of like a porsche 911 a jeep or a plane depends what you want to do or a boat right if you're going to drive down the highway you probably don't want a boat you know uh um michelle do a youtube poll for which uh stefan mischer for which commonly used os that would be interesting i did a poll a couple months back and four thousand of you guys answered and 80 said they were already coding which is interesting so only 20 were new to code so i seem to attract a more uh advanced audience here a more sophisticated audience what's going on greetings how are you man good to see you again old faces all right what are your thoughts about code tests that precede potential interviews at big tech companies especially since most positions don't have you explaining a stack cue to a client or a dev team yeah well yeah i never did that kind of code test stuff i didn't believe in that it's kind of like a cheap way for me it's kind of cheap in the sense that [Music] it doesn't necessarily ex express that you have good development skills i would just ask questions is what you do if you have an hr department and you know it depends on who you talk to i was talking to a friend i don't do i don't believe in them personally but some companies do and i remember a friend of my friend of mine he's actually a pretty senior developer a pretty decent sized company and he'll test certain um new recruits but he doesn't believe in tests either he'll put questions to them give them a project to do okay do this little project and come back in four days and look at the cold and so on and other people in his uh company they believe in tests so depends who you catch you know i personally i don't believe in tests what i would do is i would ask you good questions see if you ask me good questions and then if i saw that you were able to give good answers you know verbally you know then i would throw a little project at somebody yeah and do this and see what they do see what they come back with because you know you know you it's hard to test there's so much in software development that you may test for things that this guy or girl never did though and they would fail that because they just never did that but they may be really good in something else that you're not testing for and a lot of times these tests don't align with what they're actually going to do at the job case in point algorithms and data structures a lot of big companies test for this now because i bet you it's because of google google was testing for database uh that excuse me data structures and algorithms why because they're a search engine if you're developing and optimizing a search engine very advanced and efficient algorithms make sense having very efficient data structures and understanding nuances of different types of data the different distribution having a nuanced understanding of data structure makes sense for search engine but for 99.9 of development that stuff is not really relevant at all it's about uh project management it's about code refactoring good design good best practices and that kind of stuff basic security so but a lot of companies because google was testing for algorithms and um data structures they said that's what we're going to do too but yeah you're developing web apps dude yeah but google does that it's not the same it would be testing somebody if they could swim when you want them to run track you know it's anyway don't get me started here um the government didn't forget because it's their money loan sharking well my opinion the uh it's a complex thing um it's a complex thing it's i won't get into it right now uh i'm so lucky there's public education in my country i'm studying computer science now right if it's free then take it for sure can't hurt why people hate php uh because people are not informed um php in early days was a real messy language they favored ease of use rather than clean code and consistency and security and so because a lot of people who got into php they weren't programmers so a lot of php early php code were talking php 3 and 4. it was really messy stuff but that is a long time ago it's everything has changed since then but that was you know interestingly enough that was the good strategy look at php they're so dominant right they're so dominant um so there you go it's kind of like windows windows was a buggy buggy crap uh in the early days like what was the they had the good enough principle just get it out the door you know because they know that once people use a language or somebody uses an operating system chances are they won't switch and it worked well for for windows they became the dominant dominating the dominant operating system and they just got it out the door as quickly as possible do you prefer laravel spring nbc and where and where there are more jobs in spring and where there are more jobs but again just look up where you happen to live in the world new york i don't know dusseldorf germany uh i don't know wherever tokyo japan look just look at the job listings and see where the demand is you know personally even though i wrote a lot of java my day and i even developed my own framework in the day i would not write anything new in java it's too slow in terms of right time it runs fast it's very good language very good infrastructure but exceedingly complex and verbose whereas if you jump into the later nimbler stacks like the lamp stack which is php-based or javascript or with the node express you're just going to be much more productive all right how are we doing all right guys 50 minutes i'm losing my voice and i want to go watch a film all right so i appreciate you jumping on and i appreciate all the thumbs up guys and um i think i'll do another live stream sometime this week still there you go um okay there was one last one here hi i have a question how much javascript should i learn before a framework and what kind of project should i practice before that as a beginner thanks i just do my javascript course and then you'll be ready to learn any framework you want that's it in a nutshell you should understand the basic constructs of the language you should understand the dom you should be able to walk the dom and a few little things here and there and then you're good all right thanks for joining the stream uh i forget that sawatita i forget i forget my my tie it's been a long time cheers code long and profit my friends take care we'll talk soon uh i'll i'll put my little track on hold on where is it here we go [Music] [Music] do [Music] you
Channel: Stefan Mischook
Views: 4,877
Rating: 4.9887638 out of 5
Id: SemO-4orQMI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 9sec (3129 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 17 2021
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