Developers React to Journey to the Savage Planet Speedruns

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uh hi everyone my name is alex hutchinson creative director of journey to the savage planet this game you are now witnessing uh with me today is dennis lano our community manager and james kane lead qa and designer uh and we're excited to see how this individual breaks years of our hard earned work yeah just i can't shatter is our dream before our eyes not yelling that's not how you're meant to play at some point you better choose a dog you better choose the dog by the way oh he's speed running he chose marco whoa there were dev team members so he chose marc antoine lucier as his his 15 year old self all right james you must have seen this 50 billion times this start section yeah yeah i mean like i don't know how you'd break this section so i think you just have to go as fast you can collect all the resources scan the things and get out yeah so fat and juicy puffball birds get some grub okay okay interact with hatch yeah it's all normal so far oh what do you do with something no no no gotta fit through it i was hoping it was yeah i was hoping something would get there all right he's off he's got grub he's got he's a purposeful kind of grub well to start this bit anyway was just trying to get you to learn the basic mechanics so you're scanning stuff you're you know you're basically gathering resources so you can go and craft your first object which is the weapon so yeah there shouldn't really be too many ways to avoid it [Laughter] so normally you're supposed to go in and go right up to the printer and go through a bunch of menu options and stuff to print the gun but it just kind of manifested in his hand he manifested the gun he's like he's like jim carrey he can manifest things he's like jim carrey yeah awesome music he doesn't care he's not even look at the title card no no no all our hard work no i was hoping for this when everyone in the early play test said that the the jump pads were useless i was sure there was going to be a way to bust the game using jump pads so that's i predict at some point a little goo pile used to to avoid half our level it's actually cool that people can beat the game in like 13 minutes and i think that's something we're all really excited to see and like i think it was a conscious choice on our part to try and not disrupt the the speed running community too much with our updates so yeah well then we have the wheel where you actually we put in the timer as well to sort of you can at least have an in-game reference um i think it's really cool i don't think there's any right way to play a game yeah i know for sure and it's just fun to see people break things in weird ways although 30 minutes is a little disheartening you know i mean it feels like you lost between 30 seconds which at least is just so horrific you let it go and and an hour which feels like you got value for money well james you you played this game all like all day every day what was your best time uh when you were i mean i'm no speedrunner but that's still pretty that's pretty good see there we go so that was pretty good yeah epoxy on the people who said there was no point to them [Laughter] if there's fun if they're fun then they have a purpose that's right and they're fun player told me fun points by the way our uh our art director's head would be spinning right now if you had to look at the fov that was true like it was like oh people on pool piece we've got to blow the fov and they the artist cried look at those long arms like like a strange tentacle monster it's cool it was intentional it's crime yeah yeah yeah yeah science fiction yeah we don't know what the the rules are in this fantasy world well yeah everyone's just got really lanky arms yeah that sticks right in front of them okay this is something pretty pretty standard he walks home i still feel like what what is that how is he doing that yeah that's tricky it looks like okay so i think you can access i think you could buy the upgrades from the printer without going to the printer as long as you're in the javelin and i think they're hot when they're doing an interaction they're pausing the game to set up the menu so that they're ready to just spam click it the second they're inside the javelin at least that's what i see the dash used as as a speed maneuver i like it too that's good the door yeah it's pretty cool yeah using the side dodge just to go a little faster yeah a couple of seconds i feel like there is there's if it's a 13 minute speed run there's a lot of time being spent in the start of bio one so there's gonna be some serious maneuvering okay there you go resources yeah i feel like eighty percent of this speedrun is gonna have to be by him one he's just gonna skip the rest of the game oh yes oh my goodness nice well he just avoided that oh well it was like so you know we were a teeny team that made the game essentially and so jeremy price or the artist built all of the base of the world's using five rocks that he rotated and made bigger or smaller so that was from the start away to uh uh ruin levels so it's good that it had a purpose here we go yeah see they were in interaction so they went and they set up their menus it's pretty cool yeah that's very cool that's planning oh we sat there for remember we sat there for two weeks because people couldn't throw that one grenade accurately yeah change the room move the wall oh yeah it's got seven seconds in here's here's a fun little nugget of info there used to be another enemy in this area uh it was a lava shark and nobody understood it and we cut it i love the lavish shark it was cool it was also really weird well it was like it was like that look when it came out of the lava flow around a little bit had sort of bulbs behind it that you could shoot it could have been cool but yeah no time i'm so impressed by the uh the side dodging to move around because like i can't even do that like my brain still doesn't understand this map enough and i was on it for years all this great though the best part about this is all of this is we play this video when people are arguing about features on the next game you know like why is that in there no one will use it we'll just run the video yeah remain styled systemic gameplay player choice that's the side dodging it's vicious all right i'm sad he's not kicking those things though that was a that was a that was fun kicking me out of the lodge oh yeah that was awesome yeah and at one point we also had it so you could use the grapple hook on like puffer birds and stuff uh but it was just like impossible to find a way to balance that i think yeah or you'd have them too close to a ledge with an actual grapple hook and you try to jump and then okay so i'm noticing it's like eight minutes in and things are gonna get weird i love that that's great oh no look at that wow now oh it hurts my brain is what i want yeah right look at this wow oh my god that's incredible i love it physics for the world oh no the sarlacc ruined his whole purpose is a glove upgrade that lets you permanently hold grenades oh wow okay this is bad he's going to dodge no yeah that's not right how's he going to get in this is going this was the uh i think that was that that bug we saw earlier right where there's like a just a random hole you can jump into like missing collisions yeah yeah oh my god that's why and then there's the speed run that's why that's why it's uh we fixed that i think yeah yeah we had a thing where it was like you're now in biome4 so when you die you get reprinted inside right yeah yeah oh my god when you when you died in the final area instead of punishing you and making you go back to the start we respawned you in a uh in a tank in the final part of the game so i guess he got close enough to be dragged into the to the zone for reporting yeah and then there they were on the bottom floor and they shot the harder eye to kill so now it's just get the easy eyes and out lots of smart i love it these guns underpowered that's why he's having to do a bunch of shots oh yeah he's gonna have to fight the boss with no gun upgrades which probably the hardest bit yeah if you have to fight if he has to fight the trump monster with no bullets makes it an admirable speed run because you got to do all that very hard stuff and then you have to prove you can actually shoot and do combat yeah that's why this takes hugely underpowered gun you don't scan the puckered anus that you go into oh yeah that's right yeah spoiler he's good with that pistol all right take it back now yeah this fight must suck with an underpowered gun yeah i think i i think we want painted a bug telling us that way well okay so at one point we got a lot of feedback and we ended up changing it so the the different pustules have different health so the small ones will be a one shot from the even the low level gun right but there are still ones that take like three or four shots if you have the lowest level of the gun yeah the bigger ones so you have the three sides so that one there yeah right okay i never noticed because after all i never played this with no upgrades on the weapon yeah we just made it so i think even at like highest level gun i don't think he one shot the big ones i think it was a two shot okay it was so um deprived at that point i don't remember clearing one side before the other there we go all right all right last phase oh he must have uh no health upgrades either eh yeah it doesn't really have much of a margin of error here no the wheel held right didn't even it didn't even get one uh one health thing so four shots but exactly you know you got one other you got one fruit one we used to have on the gun a kind of uh a mini game for a speedy reload a bit like here's the wall but we took it out and we kept it for the for the charge shot which he's not using sadly i was hoping we'd get validation on the charge shot but uh it takes too long to unlock the charge shot if you're trying to do a speed yeah exactly yeah oh he's got it there he goes wow damn you made that look easy but it's actually doing it with no upgrades yeah it's really hard there we go there we go you didn't get to see the butthole and now we're in post ogn yeah this is poster camera okay so second second run we dodged the start but then okay what's he doing this is this is the i think this is my favorite bit though so far like that though that super boost i'm not sure how he's getting it um yeah normally it just pulls you up to the ledge that it's attached to it doesn't like slingshot you like this yeah we've got some sort of trick there's a way no one found yet where you can stomp and as you stomp a puffer you can kick it and it will launch you like infinitely far that i was using but i was like that it's so hard to pull off it was mostly just a a screw-up oh yeah there he goes yeah that bug was insane there he goes so i'm interested okay so this is how this diver this is a rear it's a relaunch they're doing yeah so this is the second maneuver which is faster because the bug is fixed isn't it wasn't that what we were told a bug that got fixed i guess he's not able to go through the wall anymore oh yeah i think we accidentally fixed the wall yeah we didn't want to like disrupt speedrunners but sometimes when you're fixing other things that kind of happens yeah wow i think that's it you want a legit speeder when you manipulate mechanics as opposed to one where you go through geo that's wild what is he wow so i guess he just did that to reset himself or yeah yeah okay yes yeah awesome chance yeah because they got to get enough fuel tanks to relaunch okay so we're in bottom too at least so bottom two gets a look in and speed run you'll spend approximately two minutes in this yeah that's it it's two months a month oh no this is the getting all of the uh alien artifacts i see where they're gonna get the fourth i just don't see where they're gonna get the fifth without upgrades very curious because there should be another one right around here yeah so in the game there's ways to there's the backstory is you know is obfuscated behind what you need to do to find out so you can finish the game and actually learn nothing about what's going on at all um in the spirit of being a loser explorer or you can invest time to to discover little clues and these are some of those these little alien artifacts and gives you a different uh a slightly different uh experience dude that slingshot so cool i know it's so awesome what's great is that he's it's very he can he can repeat it you know what i mean like it's not it's not like it's it's like he knows what to do we get it a hundred percent it seems very controlled when he does it dude i think he knows how to aim it exactly yeah if i would just fix it take it out because yeah the other one over here you have to you have to stomp a hole to get to so i'm just curious how they get it if that's down there yeah because those are always my five if i want to do a quick relaunch but like i don't know how you get this one without stopping it's a mystery wait is there an is there another one oh didn't did we put an extra one in at some point to like uh to make it easier i can't remember i'm about to find out what game is this by the way yeah exactly it's bad geo again there you go oh but how's this going to lead to he's going to die this is weird oh it's so good this is wild oh my god here we go oh my god wow that's amazing wow wow wow okay that's amazing and then they died and respond oh it's so good okay i've never seen that that was awesome no i have no idea okay so this is the one we have when you recover the part okay yeah because you deposit that then you can relaunch oh that was so cool that's great well there you go boys that's three years of hard work reduced to two steps there's a lot of variety yeah there you go yeah you're right two individual 12 minute groupers at least yeah yeah exactly yeah you get to choose your poison yeah that was that was amazing when you went through the log at the end there i yeah we did every these are features yes right exactly for the speedrun community exactly the deliberate whole we we abandoned for people to find yeah yeah well there you go i mean that's uh that's like i said that's a that's a lot of work reduced to a small amount but that's awesome to see and you know we tried to build the game so that people could use and abuse it uh just like that so also also very satisfying yeah we joke about it even liked our game it was awesome we joke about it breaking our heart but uh it's actually amazing to see how people can just find these things we couldn't even fathom we couldn't even fathom [Music] you
Channel: IGN
Views: 429,206
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: IGN, devs react, developers react, devs react to speedruns, ign devs react, devs react to journey to the savage planet speedrun, journey to the savage planet speedrun, devs react to speedrun, devs reaction, dev react speedrun, dev reacts, dev reaction, ign developers react, ign dev speedrun, ign devs watch speedrun, ign dev react to speedrun, ign devs react to speedrun, ign game devs, top videos
Id: xWe_jCF43lI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 12sec (1212 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 03 2020
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