Developer Stereotypes to Make You Haha

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good morning guys I'm going to share some stereotypes about software Engineers that hit a little too close to home for me you let me know if you think they're true or not before we start a like and a sub would be hugely appreciated also if you're into slightly unhinged the Discord communities I have one for you in the pin comment okay now who are we going to roast first I'm going to cover only the roles either I have done myself or have worked very closely with to try and keep it real and those are Junior frontend senior front end Junior backend senior backend Junior infrastructure and Senior infrastructure Junior front end one word Obsession Obsession with Frameworks with tools which one to pick which one to learn is angular still a good choice what about flutter versus react native regardless server side rendering and incremental hydration for a personal portfolio on versel that handles seven visitors a month is a defining characteristic as well the deepest fear of a junior frontend is calling to SE end points and combining the responses favorite language typescript favorite editor vs code a junior frontend developer strongly believes that the only thing standing between them and a senior role is mastering them the dream of a junior software engineer is to build their own frontend framework senior front end one word for you guys monad if you want to spot a senior front end in the wild look for the following keywords reactive programming rxjs epic reducer signal pure functions you can also look for a project with the most lines of code in your organization that is the front end build configuration from there it should be easy to follow the commits favorite question what are you using for State Management recently most commonly used phrase Cypress tests are down second most commonly used phrase I need a new endpoint for this favorite language haskill favorite editor vs code with Vim bindings a senior frontend developer strongly believes that the only thing standing between them and a full stack is learning databases the dream of a senior front end is to build a front end framework that is faster than react Junior backend a junior backend is typically an introverted person working on a Lenovo ThinkPad most commonly used phrase do you have five minutes second most commonly used phrase no SQL databases scale better third most commonly used phrase HTML is not a programming language a junior Beck's deepest fear is running a migration in production if you ask a junior beckon casual question about the weather they will explain it from first principles and it will take anywhere between 30 minutes and 4 hours a junior beckan knows that the Steve who really mattered is wak a junior backin typically completes tickets much faster than a senior but in the process creates new tickets that only senior can solve a junior backend is overly optimistic when giving estimates on stand-ups and planning sessions as long as they don't involve database migrations senior backend a senior backend is typically an introverted person working on a Dell laptop easily recognized by the following phrases dead letter Q broker Avo backfield producer consumer bus eventual consistency event sourcing but there is a special subspecies of a senior backend developer the senior Java developer they are recognized by a different set of keywords abstract strategy Factory Builder Factory provider simple being Factory aware aspect instance Factory a senior backend likes go but actually works in Java because Enterprise pays better than startups a senior backend's second worst nightmare is the team retrospective the first one is when a junior is doing migrations in production a senior backend typically gives much much longer estimates on tasks than anyone else on the team and this is why they're not really on the best terms with product managers most commonly written slack message it depends closely followed by why do you need that new endpoint most common standup update no updates for me a senior back biggest enemy is an extroverted product manager who wants everyone to turn on their camera a senior backend knows that wnuk built Apple but hates Apple anyway Junior infrastructure a junior infrastructure spends most of the time configuring monitoring alerts and corresponding slack Bots most commonly used phrases cluster Docker Kates bare metal rolling deployment GitHub actions a junior infrastructure engineer's second favorite language is goang where bash is naturally the first the junior infrastructure engineer uses Arch Linux with the I3 Window Manager where the workspace is further divided into multiple Teo pains always favorite text editor Vim favorite phrases dude don't use Nano use Vim but also could you run those tests in parallel senior infrastructure a senior infrastructure spends most of the time resolving monitoring alerts and silencing the slack Bots that the junior has set up a senior infrastructure engineer also uses I3 with TX and Vim but the only difference is that they have a split keyboard preferably with blackout key caps favorite phrase of the senior infrastructure is simply no here's a typical conversation hey I was thinking about adding a new database for this no hey do you have five minutes no do you think it would be a great idea to no a senior infrastructure engineer's second favorite language is Bash where Pearl is naturally the first a senior infrastructure engineer main source of suffering is when people who deployed something yesterday go on vacation favorite interview question what do you do when the server is out of dis space and second most commonly used phrase why but fun fact my favorite phrase is also why are you not subscribed [Music]
Channel: Marko
Views: 41,226
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: software engineer, developer, lifestyle, coding, funny, meme
Id: eRpiRKu-SpU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 52sec (352 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 29 2024
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