Katana VS Longsword... The Truth Ain't so Sad! (Response to @Cerberusarms)

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which sword is objectively better bro you can't be serious with that question everybody knows which one is best the katong sword obviously when you want to sit on the fence so hard you start to feel a special connection to Vlad the Impaler this one's perfect a hybrid [Music] I'm joking of course the only real answer is the Creek's Messer oh yeah which is not a European Katana I stopped calling it that actually I can't even blame you when you see it at first glance you're like oh it's curved it's single edge it's used with two hands it's like a katana not really when you actually look at it construction grip shape guard shape blade shape you know blade geometry it's all quite a bit different and when you actually handle them you feel the difference and when you cut with them maybe it doesn't seem that different by the way if at any time you see the blade sort of partially disappear don't be alarmed it's intentional it's the magic enchantment that allows it to phase through other blades so if the opponent tries to defend you get them anyway so this is a response to a video by Cerberus arms about which is better the long sword or the katana a remarkably fair and in-depth analysis on the topic I have to say and also you gave me a shout out thank you for that okay trying not to look like a sweaty neckbeard while the video lights are roasting me to make things fair I purchased the katana and long sword from the same manufacturer Ronin if I look skeptical I mean um Ronan is good I've reviewed them before it's not really a problem but compared to an Albion the historical accuracy is lacking quite a bit but I I really can't blame you for that because those are like if you order one of each that's like 700 bucks altogether or something like that so yeah but I can't help but notice a hint of resentment when it comes to these comparison videos not to mention obvious bias Europeans have what are you talking about I have no idea what you're talking about in the least [Music] I don't know if I've mentioned it before but believe it or not I used to be a weeb as a teenager I mean weren't we all well technically nobody was I don't remember the term weeaboo being a thing 25 years ago a better word would probably be japanophile you know somebody who buys into the glorified idea of Japan as opposed to the barbaric uncivilized west of the time like you pointed out in this video um it has had an enormous impact on pop culture Katana this Katana that anime ninja movies which you know the 80s were full of and any time you see basically any kind of sword in a modern setting at least in the 80s and 90s movies not quite so much anymore but it always used to be a katana almost never anything else and yeah of course that has left a mark and there is a lot of Fascination to it this glorification of a sword that is probably a little bit more pronounced in Japanese culture I I would argue a little bit how far compared to European culture but we'll get back to that either way the whole idea that the sword embodies the soul of the Samurai and also how meticulous the making process is there is just a whole Aura of mysticism surrounding it like skull admits many are just sick of hearing how over-hyped katanas are a lot of them seem to take it personally yeah part of it has to do with being bombarded with misconceptions over and over again and just seeing constantly ridiculous bizarre claims about how Katana can just cut straight through a long sword blade and through buildings and whatever the hell the sharpest thing ever made etc etc um but that happens with anything that gains a certain amount of followership let's put it that way you know and the same way the response to it the knee-jerk reaction to it is also always the same like for example if you think about anime in and of itself of course it's unrelated but um when back when anime was like a really obscure thing where hardly anybody watched at least it was a very Niche thing um there wasn't necessarily as much resistance to it I would say but as it's become more popular the hate train has gained more and more compartments and picked up more and more speed so now there are people who or like vehemently frothing at the mouth anime haters who sort of by extension also despise the katana and call anyone who likes katana's a weeb I've seen it sadly in the comment section of some of my own videos the katana had a massive impact on American pop culture if you're a gun Toten root and tootin red-blooded American like me chances are you [ __ ] love katanas katana's the most American thing in this short history of this country um now I get what you mean it's definitely had a significant impact and yeah arguably more so than in Europe because well Europe has plenty of its own swords growing up as an American we didn't have a cultural sword of our own which is kind of weird because it really does if you think about the Civil War for example and you know basically ever since the founding they've been swords Sabers in particular but for some reason Sabers have never gained this sort of mysticism and and awe-inspiring presence or however you want to put it which you know they very well could have yes especially in the the age of gunpowder isn't there something even more imposing or maybe just plain crazy about charging into battle with a saber when there's guns everywhere European swords were rarely romanticized in American movies yes I can agree with that I would not agree that they were generally not romanticized because they absolutely were I mean it's caliber there have also been plenty of Hollywood Productions of anything related to King Arthur and Excalibur and whatever there are definitely some magical swords and you have plenty of myths obviously Germanic and Viking legends about magic swords and this and that and the other but yeah from an American perspective the katana probably dominated that whole field a little bit more if the long sword fighter is skilled enough they could potentially stay out of kill range of the katana all while still being able to strike at their opponent and you've seen a bunch of videos that have made particularly lately where reach is a major advantage you know particularly if you have very short weapons like sickles it's quite difficult to really get into your own reach and some people have objected to that and disagree that it's that much of a disadvantage the thing is can you learn to deal with it better like can you train yourself specifically in tactics and techniques against a longer weapon if you have the shorter one sure yes but that doesn't really make the disadvantage disappear you compensate for it but that doesn't mean that the the shorter reach is not a disadvantage and of itself of course once you get to a certain distance the length is actually a benefit to you because then you can do more with a shorter blade of course but you still need to be able to get there so I find that quite often in order to get to into your own reach if you have a significantly shorter weapon you need to be more skilled because your weapon is at a disadvantage and that's really all I'm saying in that regard however when it comes to longsword versus Katana it's not a dramatic difference and also I think that quite often if you wanted to really compare a little bit more fairly I feel like a different type of Japanese sword is probably more appropriate I often think of the Tachi although it can be very strongly curved like a much more extreme curvature than a katana but there are different types of katana there are longer ones as well so if you take a type with a blade length closer to a long sword or simply you compare it to a shorter long sword because there is a lot of difference in variation when it comes to long swords it's quite a broad term really then it's not really that big of a difference the blade is double edge the long sword allows for Rapid follow-up attacks with the back of the blade making it more unpredictable than the katana single edge that is a point that I've often made myself I don't really think nowadays I don't think it's that strong necessarily simply because if you perform the same kind of strike with the the spine basically it's still going to be effective like it depends on the uh the location the hit location like if you smash someone in the head with the spine of the blade with a thwarting cut that you would normally use with the second Edge it's still going to have an effect no doubt at the very least to allow for a follow-up if you smash them with the spine and then come around for a true Edge cut yeah that'll work and it really only takes a an adjustment of the wrist I've shown that before the difference between a thwart cut with the false edge and a cot with a true Edge is pretty minimal yes the thumb grip allows you to to pull it in very tight which lets you perform full power Cuts really up close at grappling distance basically but you can also do it with the true Edge if you absolutely have to it's not quite as effective in my experience but it's not that you cannot use the spine of a single edge blade at all or simply the true Edge instead of the voltage the length of the sword generally makes it slower and less viable in close range combat than the katana at first I I was going to disagree with it but it's a mild disagreement at best I do think there's plenty that a long story can do up close you know particularly when use path sorting and all of that and some grips work cut Etc like I can basically cut my own leg if I wanted it for some reason like this so that's extremely up close however there are situations where a shorter blade will definitely allow you to get away more easily than a longer one particularly if you're bound up you know if your opponent's blade is in the way you may be able to dip under more easily with a shorter blade as opposed to longer simply because well there's less to maneuver around and you know Close Quarter Cuts particularly also with a curved blade are going to be more effective you know slashes and draw Cuts things of that nature at the same time as I said long swords and crazy semesters have large guards and pommals or pommel caps in this case to strike with of course you can also strike with the end of a katana handle so I would agree generally like I I don't think the the difference is enormous between the two I would say yes up close the katana has a slight advantage and at distance the long sword has a slight advantage shorter lighter blade allows for lightning fast strikes but means the katana user will need to close the distance which can be extremely dangerous I can't really object to that for the most part although I think it's still worth reiterating how much variety there is with long swords so you can have some that are very very fast and you can have some that are a little bit clunkier um this in particular right here it's not one of the lightest two-handed European swords but I find that I can swing it at pretty much the same speed as a katana for the most part it's extremely well balanced and Nimble much more than you would expect now of course if this exact same sword had a shorter blade you could maneuver it even faster potentially also you could draw it faster and that's where the katana excels the Quick Draw defending yourself against surprise attacks assassination attempts who knows what quickly drawing and cutting in one motion you can do that with a long sword too but the katana is just more optimized for this purpose a short single-handed Messer was also excellent for civilian self-defense because it was easy to carry and quick to draw in my opinion the biggest difference between these two swords is not their blades it's their fighting style absolutely and even then I've made a video about this topic just recently talking about how a Japanese and European citizenship are a lot more similar than many people seem to realize where you can definitely recognize techniques from one when you've practiced the other it's I mean there are some differences absolutely but I would most certainly say that the similarities are greater than the differences there's also a test cutting comparison in that video which I've always appreciate personally because a lot of people who Skip the Hands-On part this was a pretty fair and reasonable test and I've personally done test cutting with so many swords that at this point I can say yeah it just depends a lot on the individual design I would generally say particularly in the budget range and even still mid-range katana's like reproduction katana's on the market typical be cut better they tend to just have much better edges and better blade profiles this is a fault with a lot of budget and mid-range long sword manufacturers in the high end range you don't encounter that problem really but if you're on a budget and you want to do cutting then quite often you are better off with a katana straight up and it may be easier as well oh my God I overpowered that so much Tana is a pure DPS weapon through and through while the long sword is a more balanced weapon meant for a tank that's a pretty good way to sum it up a katana generally emphasizes offense over defense for the most part this is It's always debatable you can you can argue about the nuances for hours but I think that's a pretty fair General observation it's like comparing a 1911 to a Glock sure there are clear advantages on the surface to the morning wait what did you just say the Glock has an advantage over the 1911 [Music] just kidding I'm more of an m p guy myself of course revolvers I personally gravitate more towards katanas because of my martial arts background and growing up I was a disgusting little weak does that make a katana better than longsword no I'm not self-centered enough to think my preference as fact and neither should you that is very immature so saying one is far superior to the other is like some kid on a playground saying their dad could beat up your cat or that Xbox is better than PlayStation it's completely foolish and generally rooted in childish bias these swords are Polar Opposites I can't really agree with that a polar opposite to me is something much more extreme like say a mace compared to a small sword that's literally polar opposite because the balance is pretty much flipped and the application is very different the pros and cons are mirrors of one another with long story and Katana I mean they're still pretty Nimble agile swords mostly used with two hands even though they can be used with a single hand as well and they seed at dueling more so than on the battlefield seems more like different flavors to me which is why I tend to compare it to the whole Pepsi versus Coke thing they're both fizzy drinks even the same type of fizzy drinks but they have slightly different flavors um okay maybe it's more fair to compare say Cola to Seven Up or whatever Mountain Dew pick your poison either way so once again great video check it out I've linked it down below so there was definitely a fun one to respond to hope you liked it let us know what you think in the comments which better and why and yeah have a good one take care [Music] no no no no no no no no no
Channel: Skallagrim
Views: 655,453
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Skall, Skallagrim, katana vs longsword, best sword, katana, knight vs samurai, knightly, weapon, medieval, European sword, Japanese sword, pros & cons, weeb, weaboo, neckbeard, edgelord, fighting style, reach, speed, cutting power, historical weapon, analysis, nodachi, tachi
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 45sec (1125 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 24 2022
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