Detectives Try To Find Woman Who Mysteriously Disappeared | The New Detectives | Real Responders

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the clues gathered at a homicide challenge investigators preconceptions the evidence now compels them to search for the killer in the last place they'd think to look [Music] an unidentified body is abandoned on a texas freeway investigators have miles to go before they gather enough clues to nail her killer a young woman disappears detectives must weave a missing person's case around a tattered shirt and a shard of plastic big crimes are often solved by the smallest clues every criminal takes something away from the crime scene and leave something behind forensics is the science of building a case by reading each remnant of blame right northeast of atlanta sits the city of sugar hill georgia it's a little city of about 5 000 people but it found itself in the midst of a big city problem [Music] on the morning of april 16 1993 a garage owner found a car abandoned in his parking lot when he looked inside he discovered a terrible crime the body of a woman was slumped in the driver's seat dead officers of the gwinnett county police department responded to the scene from the position of her body and the direction of the blood spatter it was clear the woman had been shot in the head her purse was not in the car police could find no identification nor did they have a suspect but the evidence did point to a motive assistant police chief john latte believed this was a carjacking gone wrong the ignition was on but the engine was off gas in the tank she had power windows and her window was rolled down but she was seat belted in the car in a random crime like carjacking the perpetrator leaves few clues police didn't even know where to begin all that changed with the arrival of a man named michael thompson driving by the scene he noticed the commotion then he saw the car it looked like his mother's to lady thompson's arrival was too much of a coincidence we were interested in him due to the fact that he showed up at the scene about the time we did also he had a shady past he had a criminal history was a suspected drug user and so therefore the preliminary suspicion fell on him michael thompson confirmed what the vehicle registration had indicated the victim was his mother emma gene thompson age 53 when police checked into thompson's background they learned that his mother had called police in early april to report a burglary gwinnett county police officer michael chapel responded to that call he was told that seven of the fifteen thousand dollars the victim kept taped to the back of her dresser had been stolen michael thompson didn't know it but emojine had told chapel she thought her son might have stolen the money she was banking on officer chapel to catch the burglar and if possible find her money she actually showed him up on his request the remainder of the money which was probably estimated to be in the neighborhood of seven thousand dollars and all the money was in new hundred dollar bills officer chapel assured the victim that the money would be easy to find because it was in consecutively numbered brand new bills after the murder of emma gene thompson police discovered that the rest of the cash was missing from its unusual hiding place they believed thompson might have killed his mother for the money they would just have to prove it the autopsy revealed that the victim had been shot twice in the head at close range with a large caliber weapon someone in the area must have heard the shots [Music] police set up roadblocks to question drivers about what they remembered from the night before they found an unusual number of potential witnesses emma gene thompson had been murdered on april 15th traffic driving past the murder scene on the way to the nearby post office had been heavy many of them remembered it because it was tax day and they said we observed a vehicle sitting behind the victim's vehicle all of them said it appeared to be a police vehicle that not only was the patrol car but it was one of gwinnett county police patrol cars and that it was a specific type in the design of a police car so we were able to determine that it was one of ours witnesses pinpointed the police car at the murder scene between 9 30 and 10 30 pm many said it looked as if the victim's car had been pulled over this disturbing revelation steered suspicion away from the victim's son as more witnesses came forward police had to consider the awful possibility that the killer was one of their own the investigation began within the department detectives were aware that officer michael chapel had responded to the victim's burglary complaint two weeks earlier when chief lati looked for chapel's report on the case he couldn't find it chapel was asked about it his reason for not filing a report on the burglary seemed credible of course he had explanations that he thought it was a bs case and that he didn't want to bother with writing a report so i instructed him to gather all the information from that time and to write a report while chapel prepared the related report detectives interviewed the victim's friends they said emma gene thompson had been touched by officer chapel's personal interest in her burglary case during the course of having these conversations with her friends she also told her friends that officer chapel was concerned about her and was keeping an eye on her and that she had observed him following her on several occasions she believed that he was concerned about her and was looking out for to detectives it was beginning to look as though this guardian angel may have had only his own interests at heart [Music] but they had no evidence to support this theory chapel had an alibi for the time of the murder he said he went to the firehouse to watch tv between 8 and 10 30 pm interviews at the firehouse however did not lay suspicion his friends agreed chapel was present on the night of the 50 but no one could agree about when he left chapel's alibi was shaking he still might have had the opportunity to commit the crime a background check revealed a possible motive before the murder chapel had been heavily in debt after the murder his creditors told police he paid off what he owed with crisp hundred dollar bills but this would never be enough to convict one of gwinnett county's finest detectives needed more proof before they could make an arrest they had to be absolutely certain investigators soon learned the victim may have met her death by appointment we did an interview with one of the victims close friends who told us that she had a conversation with the victim and the victim had reported that she was to meet with officer chapel that night and that he instructed her to bring her money because he'd recovered some of her money and could compare serial numbers and hopefully recover some for her i don't envy him one week after the crime officer chapel was called in for a second round of questioning if i'd ever if i'd ever had the slightest thought that i'd be sitting here tonight talking to you about a murder i've stayed and stayed out there chief lady talked with chapel in the police station for hours hoping he could give them some information that would point the blame elsewhere he could not there are no other suspects at this point it was during the course of the interview probably about two hours into the interview that investigator burnett came into the room and informed him that he was being charged with this crime chapel became an enemy of the law he had sworn to uphold he reacted by a slumping side and uh began to talk about the fact that he knew there was no bond for a murder charge and an armed robbery charge and he'd probably be in jail for a long time before it could prove his innocence that's most that is overwhelming evidence all i've got what i know happened and that's not going to do me any good i don't say i have no alibi i have nothing [Music] nothing would make lady happier than if chapel could prove he was innocent but friendship must take a back seat to justice the chief knew what he had to do chapel was relieved of duty and told to turn in his gun and his badge it was important to treat this case like any other only the evidence could prove whether or not chapel pulled the trigger did officer michael chapel kill emma gene thompson in cold blood to find out search warrants were executed for his locker and the trunk of his patrol car chapel's belongings were entered as evidence and examined closely his raincoat was sent to the lab and tested for any kind of trace evidence tests for minuscule amounts of blood were positive the stains were shaped like high velocity blood spatter when a bullet strikes a body the impact creates a fine mist of fluids that often blows back toward the weapon and the shooter while the blood was being analyzed detectives received another lead from a sharp-eyed car wash manager officer chapel had been into the car wash on the day that we had discovered the victim's body and that he had his car detailed his patrol car also that he had paid her with a new 100 bill for the work on the car his patrol car was brought to the crime lab and examined for potential evidence the detailers might have missed [Music] an adhesive strip was used to lift any hair or fibers left by the victim [Music] one stain on the upholstery warranted closer inspection jennifer archer of the georgia bureau of investigation of serology and dna unit was given a head start on her work when i received the car from gwinnett county police department they indicated to me that they had performed a field test called luminol this test showed them that there was a possibility that there was a blood stain on the armrest of the car seat of the patrol car archer tested a swatch from the armrest to see if the stain was truly blood she dabbed the cloth with two moistened cotton swabs [Music] each swab was then treated with a different chemical both swabs changed color confirming the presence of blood [Music] was the blood human scientists had a test for that too [Music] a drop of the unknown blood was added to a sample of human anti-serum an enzyme that reacts with proteins found only in human blood gravity pulls the blood through the anti-serum if the blood is human a white line appears the blood in the police car and on the raincoat was human [Music] only the results of a dna comparison could definitely link the bloodstains to the victim emma gene thompson the blood was placed in a gel medium and subjected to an rflp test in this process mild electrical current separates the longer and shorter fragments of dna into a banding pattern unique to the donor upon inspection the patterns in the victim's dna resembled the sample taken from the cruiser's armrest computer analysis statistically confirmed the match [Music] no more than one in 10 billion people would share these patterns detectives had forged an unbroken chain of evidence between chapel's coat his vehicle and the blood of emma gene thompson the lab confirmed the grim reality one of gwinnett county's cops was a killer [Music] with the forensic evidence in place events leading up to the murder became clear on april 15th chapel arranged to meet his victim to rob her of the money the burglar had left behind [Music] when the victim opened her purse chapel opened fire [Applause] [Music] most of the incriminating blood evidence on the coat and in the patrol car was barely visible to the naked eye but forensic science brought the remnants of the crime into sharp relief in court the one key piece of evidence was the dna evidence there's no question about that it's such powerful evidence and the fact that there was probably some very serious doubt on the law on the in the minds of a lot of people that officer chapel could have or would have committed his crime and so it took some kind of profound or solid physical evidence to link him to the victim's blood as always the ultimate test of the forensic evidence took place in the jury box after 18 hours of deliberation the jury returned a guilty verdict against michael chapel but he received more mercy than he had shown his victim he was sentenced to two life terms plus five years in prison the stiffest penalty allowed by georgia law short of a death sentence chapel disguised his crime to look like a failed carjacking other killers try to hide their crimes by disposing of the body the roads leading to houston are kept as beautiful as the city itself but on march 27 1992 a litter crew on a freeway outside of town made an ugly discovery tv anybody need a tv but when they pulled back the flaps they found themselves staring into that makeshift coffin within lay the dismembered remains of a human being [Music] the houston police department's homicide division dispatched a forensic tune to the scene technicians scoured the roadside for evidence the victim had been dead several hours dismembering the body would have spilled up to 12 points of blood but not a drop of blood or any other clue was discovered in the vicinity sergeant mike peters believed most of the forensic evidence lay elsewhere well the conclusion that we came to is that this wasn't the actual crime scene this is just a place where the victim had been placed by the suspect after the crime occurred police had to rely on the box's contents for leads to the killer besides the body it didn't contain much just an old blue blanket in the crime lab investigators tried to identify the victim but all they had was the torso [Music] and beneath it the victim's right arm [Music] police had to depend on partial remains to tell the full story they determined the victim was a woman in her early 20s the autopsy revealed she was pregnant investigators tried to match her fingerprints but they weren't on file sergeant peters hoped to have better luck with the missing persons reports only the night before police had received a call from a man named oscar reyes he said his wife cecilia hadn't come home from her job at a liquor store police found reyes and his wife's co-worker making missing persons flyers to post in the neighborhood oscares was able to identify his wife's torso from a surgical scar on her neck his wife had been found but her killer was still at large investigators had to consider the possibility that oscar reyes had murdered his wife detectives interviewed him and checked his home for signs of foul play if cecilia reyes had been murdered here they would have found a large quantity of blood none was detected with oscar reyes off the suspects list the investigators had to find other leads [Music] her manager said that she was last seen the night before as she headed home [Music] her co-workers described her as a cheerful open-hearted woman with no known enemies but she did have an unwanted admirer [Music] a man named gerardo marquez occasionally hung around the store they said he enjoyed flirting with the women especially cecilia he often brought her presents though she asked him not to [Music] he seemed strange but harmless enough police paid a visit to gerardo marquez who lived a few miles from the liquor store he was a 36 year old part-time fence builder who had a girlfriend he was distressed to learn of the death of cecilia reyes he hardly seemed like the kind of monster capable of killing and dismembering someone he didn't hesitate to allow police to search his apartment when asked about the scratches on his face marquez told police he'd cut himself while climbing a fence his explanations seemed entirely plausible his manner was completely disarming then traces of blood were found in his bathroom sink marquez said he cut himself detectives reasoned that if a body had been dismembered here much more blood would have been spilled the killer's identity and the original crime scene remained a mystery at the houston police department crime lab technicians looked for clues they hoped would lead to other suspects they traced the box to a manufacturer in the same neighborhood as marquez but there the trail grew cold [Music] attention focused on the blanket that had been the victim's shroud though free of blood it might conceal other clues air fibers and other easy to miss trace evidence are often more revealing than a conspicuous blood stain criminalist raden hillman examined it there were several areas that looked like stains but they were in a in a particular pattern that indicated that maybe a piece of furniture had been sat down on top of the blanket and refinished or painted on top of it she measured the pattern of the dark stains the legs of the furniture that had rested on the blanket formed a rectangle 14 inches wide by 25 inches long while taking the measurements she also noted minute feathers lodged in the weave of the blanket she sent them for analysis detectives made the most of what they had they asked marquez's girlfriend to come to the police station for more questioning she mentioned that marquez did own a blue blanket stained with paint she hadn't seen it recently the blanket seemed to link marquez to the crime but detectives had to be sure it was the same blanket the girlfriend had spoken of the distance between the paint spots would provide the answer so armed with these measurements sergeant stephen shirley and myself went out to marquez's house and measured the post lugs on the base of the bureau and they exactly measured the markings on the blanket [Music] the dark stains on the blanket matched the dimensions of marquez's bureau next hillman had to be certain that the stains came from the bureau following the trail of trace evidence she reasoned that if the bureau left its mark on the blanket then the blanket must have left its traces on the bureau there would be fibers from the blanket stuck on the bottom of the furniture and at least tied the blanket back to the place where the murder had occurred theory about the fibers was soon proved true investigators found tiny blue filaments stuck to the tips of the dresser legs with the fibers and the bureau legs investigators began to build a case against gerardo marquez to make the link between the victim and marquez's apartment iron clad hillman used an infrared spectrometer to compare the paint on the blanket with the paint on the bureau all right we're going to try to match up to some paint that was found the spectrometer shines infrared light on the sample which absorbs and reflects it in certain ways producing a spectrum the apparatus then measures how the sample absorbs the light and displays the measurements as a series of peaks and valleys every substance has its own unique spectroscopic fingerprint in looking at the total spectra we can see what type of pane it is and also we would compare the known sample as this is to any unknown samples the spectra from the paint on the bureau from the paint on the blanket lined up the paint matched [Music] so you already measured this [Music] hillman and sergeant peters compared the fibers on the dresser leg with the fabric of the blanket once again the two samples had come from the same source marquez's apartment he had some questions to answer about why this blanket that was obviously affiliated with the victim was now affiliated with his apartment also based on the information from the lab detectives now believe they had found their man they returned to marquez's home he remained cooperative and made it clear that he was eager for police to solve the case he admitted that the blanket was his but after using it as a drop cloth he said he tossed it into a dumpster the real killer must have retrieved it to wrap the body the explanation was convenient and irrefutable but investigators still had work to do they re-examined his bathroom using leuco malachite a chemical that makes traces of blood glow it illuminated blood on the shower curtain these stains could not have been the result of a minor cut but again marquez had an easy explanation he disclosed that he slaughtered his own chickens in the bathtub the freezer contained the proof and the likely source of the feathers hillman found on the blanket while they were in the kitchen marquez offered investigators some refreshments gerardo marquez was acting like a man who was either completely innocent or totally cold-blooded as police searched for the killer of cecilia reyes they pinned their hopes on the blood evidence recovered from the apartment of gerardo marquez marquez had told police that the blood found on the shower curtain was chicken blood the lab would determine if marquez was telling the truth swabs of the blood were tested with human anti-serum it reacted proving the blood on the shower curtain was shed by a human not a chicken but investigators didn't find enough blood to do a complete battery of tests and not enough to indicate that a murder took place here however there was enough blood and enough questions to warrant another visit to marquez technicians arrived to pull up the floor tiles in his bathroom the room had been thoroughly scrubbed but the evidence remained just below the surface it was obvious that there had been at one point quite a bit there was enough that had soaked down underneath the floor tiles tests on the sample revealed it was type o both marquez and his girlfriend had given blood samples and neither had that type but cecilia reyes did gerardo marquez was arrested and charged with the murder of cecilia reyes when presented with the evidence amassed against him he said that while his girlfriend was out reyes had voluntarily come to his apartment they argued and she fell struck her head and died in a panic he had disposed of the body fearing no one would believe his story investigators told marquez that in order to believe him to examine the rest of the body to confirm the cause of death cooperative as ever mark has led police to a field on the outskirts of houston there abandoned in two more corrugated boxes was the balance of the victim's remains an autopsy revealed a bruise on the victim's head supporting marquez's story then medical examiners found a deep knife wound in her throat the stab wound was above the area where the victim had been dismembered and appeared to have been made by a different type of blade that suggested the wound had been inflicted prior to the victim's death and not during the gruesome dismemberment again the suspect was caught in a lie police pieced together what had probably happened on the victims last night alive leaving work as usual cecilia reyes was accosted by marquez he abducted her and brought her to his apartment there she rebuffed his sexual advances inflicting the scratches detectives had seen on his face during the struggle he stabbed her to death to expunge evidence that the victim had ever been at his home marquez dismembered her remains then he placed the body inside three cardboard boxes in the dead of night he abandoned the boxes miles from his apartment though the suspect's guilt was ultimately written in blood an ordinary blanket propelled the investigation gerardo marquez was convicted of capital murder and sentenced to life in prison often the most grisly murders are solved with the most mundane clues the trick is knowing where to look and how to use them most homicide cases start with a body this one began with a chance observation a torn shirt half hidden in the grass and a dark stain in the road that might be blood when officer kenny corcoran noticed them soon after breakfast one sunday outside his house on smiling acres road in tangapah parish louisiana he knew just what to do call detective chester pritchett hey what i got you after i got blood and road here you got you see the mark of the car as soon as he arrived pritchett wanted to see what corcoran had found there was a stain in the road corcoran explained most likely blood from a deer or a dog hit by a passing car [Music] the torn shirt was a little harder to explain both men agreed they should dig into this a little deeper well i will hear something pritchett was known as a careful police officer before leaving home that sunday morning he had checked to see whether any accidents or missing persons had been reported none had only on tuesday did he learn of a young woman's disappearance on the wall of the courthouse pritchett found a poster of a missing girl rebecca forbes a 19 year old high school student who vanished a mere 48 hours earlier she was wearing a white shirt which seemed to match the one he found on sunday i'm gonna have to go talk to the family get a better picture get an idea what she was wearing for pritchett her disappearance and the discovery of the torn shirt were sufficient grounds to begin an investigation [Music] 6 30 pm saturday april 28 1990. at her home in dedham louisiana rebecca forbes prepared for a night out at the italian festival in nearby independence it was the last time virginia forbes would see her daughter alive at the festival rebecca met a young man they talked and danced and were still together when rebecca's friends lost track of her none of them remembered hearing his name but with the help of police records pritchett hoped they still might identify him from police files one of rebecca forbes friends picked out the man's face his name was kelly trott just 20 years old he was well known as a troublemaker he had been arrested more than once for house break-ins in time bridgette to check his version of events at the festival before that he hoped to have a report on the shirt that kenny corcoran had found at louisiana state crime laboratory pritchett had given the shirt to forensic scientists george skirow and pat lane he asked them to learn all they could from it skiro's examination began with the physical state of the shirt he scrutinized it for what is called trace evidence hair fibers material of any kind adhering to it next the most basic question were the dark stains really blood to determine that skero conducted a cascade of chemical tests designed successively to confirm or eliminate the presence of blood first a cotton swab was moistened with distilled water blood dissolves in water turning the tip of the swab brown then a reagent called phenothalene was added now if blood was present the brown stain would turn green next a drop of hydrogen peroxide blood products produce an intense pink color [Music] finally skero carried out a test to confirm his diagnosis okay adding another chemical he looked for red crystals of hemochromogen a chemical complex formed only in the presence of blood and this is the final step in proving that substance is blood it's not species specific this particular test it just tells us that blood is present for skero this was just the beginning he would schedule further more elaborate tests was it human blood he had found or that of some animal and if it was human whose was it getting answers would grow more urgent as the investigation progressed meanwhile pritchett returned to smiling acres road which he had declared a crime scene inch by inch his men scoured the ground collecting anything however insignificant that could be a clue we've covered cigarette butts there's possibility of saliva off the cigarette butts maybe assistance we've got a couple beer cans and a bottle that could yield the same thing and there was this a tiny piece of clear plastic i'm going to submit that all these other items to the crime lab just see if they can do something with them [Music] was the fragment of plastic just roadside litter or was it a clue several more weeks would pass before its true significance emerged i think we got some good information on friday may 4th six days after rebecca forbes's disappearance detective chester pritchett finally caught up with suspect kelly did he simply have a brief encounter with rebecca or did he know more than he was prepared to say drought admitted to meeting rebecca she bummed a cigarette from him they danced at around ten o'clock she disappeared into the crowd and that was the last brock saw of her what he said casual charmer or not kelly drat's story began crumbling as soon as investigators examined his car in the trunk there was no map no floor covering and it had been pulled out and there was water in the wheel well which indicated us he attempted to wash the car out from and on the hinges and under the tail light we found uh splatters of what appears to be blood tiny specks a lot of them he says that it's deer blood where he ran over a deer put the deer in the trunk and it was thrashing around that doesn't doesn't make a lot of sense pritchett immediately ordered the suspect's car impounded it too would be scrutinized by george skero and pat lane at the crime lab i'll look in the outer way places where for instance if someone tried to clean up blood where would this blood go would it seep down behind the seat cushions would it go into the threads of the fabric i'll look in all those areas i'll look in the out of the way areas as the search continued skero began noticing blood in places inconsistent with someone having hit a deer blood marred the inside of the door jambs and the light switch now the pressure was on skiro had to determine the source of the blood from the bloodstained shirt and in kelly dratz car okay once we determined that there was human blood on the blouse and human blood in the trunk next step was to do an [ __ ] blood type and try and determine what type blood it was when we did the examination we found out that both samples from the blouse and in the trunk of the car were type o blood the test was less conclusive than skiro had hoped type o blood is the most common human blood group here as it turned out both the possible victim and the possible suspect possessed it so it did not provide any information of value the next step was to send it off for dna analysis to see if a more specific genetic profile could be built up on the bloods it would require several weeks for the dna tests to be completed before that the case would take a dramatic new turn sunday may 19th three weeks after rebecca forbes was last seen two men hunting along the tangapahoa river stumbled across a badly decomposed corpse well with the way this case started was with a mystery we had some bloody clothes found in the middle of the road next thing we know we got a vehicle that has blood in it allegedly deer blood but we proved otherwise that it was human blood and the final thing we needed to bring this case together was to find a body that would go that we could link to all these different scenes critical to connecting the elements of the rebecca forbes case was jean screen one of the most sophisticated testing laboratories in the united states the state crime lab had identified both rebecca's and kelly dratt's blood type gene screen was charged with refining those analyses [Music] in our cells we each possess our own unique individual form of dna gene screen's expertise is in testing bodily tissue to reveal its dna fingerprint blood from kelly drat's truck and from the bloodstained woman's shirt had already been sent to the lab the lab also received material from rebecca forbes's badly decomposed body [Music] dna is a very useful forensic tool it's very useful because it's highly discriminatory at identifying individuals in this particular case it was very important because this is a case involving circumstantial evidence and without the dna testing the investigators were not able to link the victim's blood to the suspect's car when the test results were in they could not have been clearer as gene screen scientist judy floyd explains what the dna did tell us in effect was that the blood on the blouse was that of rebecca forbes and we can say that with a high degree of certainty the blood in the back of the car of mr drought was also that most likely of rebecca forbes the victim what the dna did not tell us was what actually took place that night the chain of events that led to that tragic attack one final piece of evidence cemented the case against kelly drop that odd-shaped piece of plastic found near the bloody shirt on smiling acres it was a fragment of crystal from a watch i didn't know what it was rebecca forbes had been wearing a wristwatch when her body was found at the river the broken crystal certainly looked as if it came from rebecca's watch it fit snugly onto its face but lane needed more evidence to prove that the two parts belonged together along the edge of the crystal he noticed a series of pits places where tiny pieces had been left behind when the crystal had been smashed [Music] lane made a cast of the underside of the rim to prove that the patterns on the rim and the crystal matched okay the piece that we're looking at right now is going to be the microcell cast that was done of the watch face more specifically the realm area where the glass crystal would actually have been glued into or onto the face of the watch now lane could make a detailed comparison between the nicks along the edge of the crystal and the tiny fragments of plastic still trapped under the watch rim that that piece of crystal fit in with the little imperfection breaks that had stuck in the track along the margin of that and and really turned out to be a very beautiful fracture match of that crystal with the final piece of evidence in place the investigators were able to reconstruct what took place the night of the italian festival rebecca had met kelly and danced with him around midnight he took her for a ride in his car they stopped along smiling acres road where they argued in a violent rage kelly dratt killed rebecca forbes the victim is dead obviously in this case she can't talk the suspect even though he is talking we don't know if he's being truthful or not the physical evidence will not lie it has the capability of telling us at a moment in time that a certain event took place it may not necessarily tell us a whole sequence of events but it allows us to at least pinpoint at one particular moment in time this event took place that can then be weighed against the statements that have been made by suspect on may 23rd just four days after the discovery of rebecca's remains kelly trott was arrested convicted of manslaughter he was sentenced to 21 years in prison well kelly worked on a construction crew at a local chicken processing plant and he had a disagreement with one of his fellow employees at rides to work with him he told them he told the guy several days ago that if he didn't watch his mouth he'd find himself in the river just like that girl he had dumped in the river [Music] evidence that can be seen by the naked eye is vital to solving a murder but forensic science coupled with rigorous investigative techniques brings the smallest clues to light and brings more killers to justice [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Real Responders
Views: 379,950
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Keywords: Real Responders, case solving strategies, case solving tactics, cold case detectives, cold case investigations, crime scene analysis methods, crime scene interpretation, crime scene investigation, crime solving procedures, crime solving strategies, crime solving techniques, criminal case reviews, criminal evidence gathering, forensic technology, murder investigations, mystery solving, police investigation series, real life detectives, true crime series
Id: eTBRteUO98k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 0sec (3000 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 28 2020
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