When Dumb Criminals Lie To Experienced Detectives

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this is Tracy Jones Tracy is about to be interrogated by the police after she was caught stealing money from a law firm she worked for together Tracy Jones Brett Kelly Keith Dozier and Courtney Kelly devised a plan to steal over a million dollars this plan would include holding a woman named Gail Spencer in her home while Tracy went to work and used Gail's PIN numbers to transfer the money Keith and Brad would watch Gail while Courtney set up a bank account for the money transfer unfortunately for the four criminals things didn't go as planned Brett would panic and take Gail's life because he feared she would go to the police Courtney also panicked after the money was transferred because she thought that Tracy would double cross her and leave her with nothing instead of meeting up with everyone else she hid out in a hotel and spent large portions of the money Tracy would be arrested first because of the money transfers and she would be brought in for interrogation how are you doing today I'm okay I'm tired you tired yeah why are you tired we got some at work at work it's driving me crazy yeah stressful it's very stressful how you been sleeping I sleep I have thyroid disease so I sleep pretty good anyway she hadn't been sleeping very well okay well I wanted to talk to you again um about um Friday morning the 5th of October okay now let's go over what happened with you that morning okay okay tell me everything from that starting okay when you got up and let's go through the story all right I got up and I realized that uh well I realized the night before I didn't have any more Lortabs right okay and I remember my friend and told me that there was a guy over there I might have been on the wrong road I don't even know who's your friend Brandy so you told me that you know that she knew a guy his name was Eric he lived on Holly Mill something she kind of gave me the directions and so I said all right well I'm gonna get up and I'm gonna go over there and see if I if the lights are on or something I'll knock on the door and let him know I know her so I got over there and I'm like I said I might have been on the wrong road I don't know but I chickened out there was no lights on none of them houses on that road so my car went and crying so I walked up the girls because I know Gail lived there I was kind of scared she had seen me ride by and she'd be like what are you doing over here you know what I mean so a knocked on the door she came to the door I said Gail can I have something to drink my car broke down and I gotta pee I had to pee really bad right she said yeah so we walked and she walked me into the bathroom there was no toilet paper and I had to holler at the others no toilet paper so she just cracked the door and you know kind of threw it in there to me well I came out and I said well get me something to drink she kind of stayed in her bedroom the whole time and I got me something to drink and I heard the door shut because I was at the sink and so I hauled her through the door I said yeah I'm gonna go try my car if I don't get back if I don't come back you'll know I got it and but if not I'm gonna have to come back you might take me home so I'm getting ready to come to work and why don't you go over to Gail's I told I just told you that why did you go over there why because I was kind of scared she saw me ride by or something because I knew she was up because she was telling me and she gets up early every morning so if you were scared that she saw you right by why don't you go over there because I because I was scared she saw me and then she'd be like what are you doing over here and I'm not gonna say okay well I'm over here trying to find some drugs all right so anyway you know what I mean so you go back to your car continue okay I get back to my car and I try and it cranks up and so I and I go and I go home I get my son up I get him ready for school I get ready I take him to school and I go straight to work your son my 15 year old okay 15. I thought you said you had two I do but the 17 year old don't go to school what's their names uh Scott and Dominic Scott and Dominic okay um so you get dressed take them to school and then what I went straight to work what time did you get to work about 8 30. okay what kind of car were you driving my car your car and you have what uh Honda Civic okay what color silver all right was there anybody with you when when you went over to where girl lives nobody was in the car did you ever use Gail's phone no I did not use Gail's phone okay all right um the detective uses questions Tracy would have no need to lie about to see how she reacts when she tells the truth later he will use this information when he believes she is lying what's wrong with your car the bat I think the battery cable gets loose sometimes because it does it on me often okay so usually when it don't crank you the first thing you would do is check that battery cable right that or just sit there for a little bit and it'll finally you know finally crank I don't know why it does it but I guess it just it needed tight and then but that morning you decided not to sit there and wait or jiggle around with it you just walked over to Gales yeah I was nervous I was scared because I never knew I never knew this guy I don't I'm not one to go buy drugs I really didn't know what to do with myself you know what I mean so I said well I'm just gonna walk over to girls I was scared she'd saw me give me something to drink I was about to die first and I had to pee really bad so I said I'll just walk up here and I knew she had been sick you know she'll sit Wednesday I didn't get to see her Thursday at work what was she wearing was she in her pajamas no she I think she had no work clothes like what I can't be honest can't remember it seems like it was a tastes like it was like an orangey top or something like that no she had work clothes on she didn't I know it went pajamas okay and she told me she said well I gotta get ready and she like I said she hauled that back to her bedroom she got she didn't want to deal with me or something she got a glass of water right yeah I got me a glass of water okay okay was it a glass a cup it was a green cup green cup okay so you can remember it was a green cup but you can't remember what yeah but I guess because I you know I looked at it but like I said because she came to the door and she like hauled but back to her bedroom okay I can't tell you what I had on that morning well let's do this let me let me go ahead and let you know this okay okay all right and I'm not trying to be rude or mean all right but I'm gonna be firing with you okay all right Tracy um the Lortab deal going over there to Eric's and everything all right I've already confirmed this a lot that's a lot listen listen to me okay listen Tracy I don't know if you haven't gotten it yourself I don't know if you're involved in this from from the beginning or if you got drug into it didn't mean to but your story about going over there to get drugs I've already done I've already done talking to people that said no no it's a lie okay and the fact that you knew where Gail lived at no that's a lie too all right so listen only thing you're going to do is make it harder on yourself so let's stop the bullshitting do you want to help yourself or do you want to go deeper I'm not bullshitting I don't know what happened to her she was fine when I left that's all I know how would I have anything to do with what happened to her I also know that you weren't alone no triceps okay all right okay Okay negative you were not okay you have kids yes I do okay you have a 15 year old yes it is right and how old's your other 17. okay do you your 15 year old right are you still in school still basically a baby everything else okay you need to start thinking about him okay I know that all right so you need to start thinking about him now are you gonna keep lying to me or not I'm not lying why would I have anything to do with anything like we know better Tracy We Know Better okay okay we know better all right we know we know things already all right okay so now you're gonna sit here and lie or not I mean I'm not lying I've I've told you everything all right you didn't go over there to get no Lortabs yes I do yeah okay all right who gave you the information my friend brandy brandy hey fulford okay so if I talk to Brandi is Brandy gonna say yeah yeah I told her she I'm sure she will but her husband don't know she takes Lortabs so I don't know okay but she told me that I'm not I don't have anything to do with none of this and it's really it's it's really breaking my heart that I like Gail I love Gail I don't know what happened to Gail but I know that she's dead I know she's dead and you don't think that'll upset all of us all of us isn't who me and everybody at work yeah it's driving us crazy let's do this Tracy okay let's do this let's put it all right you are there at Gail's house that morning Gail is getting ready you said to go to work it looked like she was to me okay Gail doesn't show up to work all right and we all thought that was weird okay then Saturday morning at 3 3 30 Saturday morning she's found dead in her house still with her work clothes on you are the last person to see her alone I don't mean I had anything to do with it I don't know I know I never have to convince me I know I didn't why do you think I'll look why do you think I was telling you I don't know if there's something that you got drug in I promise you I'd have okay no if I if I knew what happened to her I would be that I would have done came to you and told you because I'm that type of person I would have done came down here and said this is what I think happened or this is what I don't know it was just a coincidence I've got two different versions that you told about what happened that you were taking a friend home and I told you why I told my work that that doesn't make any sense I didn't want them to know I was over there looking for drugs you didn't have to tell them that okay well but it doesn't see let me put yourself in my shoes would that make any sense to you I understand why I don't make no sense to you okay but that was the way I I mean if you think I had anything to do with that why would I even tell my work I went by there I mean that would have been stupid that's right that's right I don't know I've seen a lot of different things to the hands I am all of this is just a coincidence that I happen to be by there of course it is I can never do nothing to hurt anybody I didn't say that you heard it and I couldn't have anything to do with any of it there's no way I could have anything to do with her I loved her I can't even handle that job without her there it's driving me crazy Tracy Trace listen I know okay you don't know how stressed I am you have no idea without her there it's driving me crazy it's driving me nuts I really just want to quit my job because I don't I don't know that I can do it without her there and but I can't leave him there because none of them like we have a closing date at three o'clock none of them know how to do it but me and I just had to walk up and leave everything they don't know how to do it and I can't walk up and leave them like that I promise you if I know anything or if I knew anything I would be the first one down here telling you now if y'all think I had something to do with it I mean what do I need to do first of all he's not saying anything to do with it you're saying you have a lot more information I don't even realize the people that we got in this you know every single one of them yeah you do yeah you do you do yes you do yes you did what did I tell you Tracy I told you we know things we already know okay we already know trace the detective is doing his best to convince Tracy that they already know everything hoping that she will believe him when Tracy continues to deny knowing anything the detective starts to become very frustrated okay I just left the autopsy all right this woman who's never hurt anyone in her life that's done everything and that she's supposed to do she raised a child single mother on her own worked hard every single day to provide a life for him okay every day she's worried she's 58 years old she was still getting up every day and going to work all right hadn't heard a soul never been in trouble in her life paid all her bills done exactly what she was supposed to do and then someone comes inside her house and kills her how does that make you feel it makes me feel awful okay and the last person that was there was you I know okay you think that makes me feel I didn't say that you killed her Tracy I didn't say that I did not say that at all I've never said that but you know more and we already know if you hadn't figured that out by now come on I'm trying to give you a robe to pull yourself out of this girl that's what I'm trying to do I'm not trying to hurt you I'm trying to give you a row now if you can do one of two things either you can take it and save yourself or you can drown with the rest of them I don't know anything else and what I've told you all right well I wish I did I wish I could sit here and tell you something that would help but I don't you want to Tracy I can look in your face I don't know if I had something to tell I swear to God I would tell you because I love Gail everybody that knew you and Gail said that you and Gail did not get along oh yeah we didn't get along with the office sometimes but we talk we talk time you talked all the time yeah we were sit down in there in that break room in the Smoke room and calder's office and she would tell me things about her and her family and foreign I would tell you if I knew more I would tell you you're not telling the whole truth and let all right listen to me now I'm real good at what I do okay and it's always tough in my job when I'm in a room or like this with somebody I know okay because I know where your heart I know you love them babies you know what I'm saying you love them babies everybody's always talked about how you love them babies so there's nothing that anybody's gonna say that's gonna make me look at you like a horrible person you understand yeah people who don't know you don't know you okay but I it's real important we don't want people to look at you like a horrible person if you start if you continue not to tell the truth about everything they don't know you like I do they don't know that maybe you got directed down the wrong path by some [ __ ] that you're not a heinous person okay I can tell them all day long yeah but and they love me you know what I'm saying and they don't want to watch Chapman said it straight you know what I'm saying but at the same time at the end of the day when they know what they know and you're sitting here going what are you talking about it's I'm gonna go ahead and tell you even though I know you it even if I didn't know you that whole [ __ ] about I just happened to be in that neighborhood that morning and my car broke down and it started back up I mean if it was my own Mother's Day coming down you should come up with some better [ __ ] than that you know it really is what happened I understand but I'm just I'm just saying I just said Mom I mean if I'm gonna dig that all alone if I had anything to do with that why would I have even told the same reason that's the same reason they all do sweetheart see that doesn't mean anything to an investigator I'm gonna tell you why I've never interviewed a murder suspect that didn't put himself there prior to the murder you know why because they already know we're gonna get their fingerprints and if they say they weren't there at all and we get their prints they're done yeah yeah I was there I was there three months ago before it was put there yesterday okay yeah I mean we can tell stuff like that so and anybody who watches CSR on TV you know no I mean I hate those shows they tell they tell everybody what we can do yeah but they all say yeah I was there but I wouldn't have when that happened because they don't want to get caught in that lie yeah so they always admit to being there so by you saying if those investors come in here if you say why would I do that sweetheart every one of them always done it they always do that that's all part of it but the thing about it because I know you I know you're not capable of doing what I know happened to this one yeah okay but there's no thing there's no doubt in my mind sweetheart regardless what you say and that's what you know when when they come out they talk to them they tell me and I shake my own head because I said don't even make no sense I don't know why she's saying it like that and I asked him I said I'm gonna go around and talk to him and this isn't my case so I wouldn't be in here right now if they hadn't approved it but I said I know or give me an opportunity to go in and just talking I you know me I I take Lord half I have to take them I have I have us here I mean arthritis everywhere and I have taken a friend of mine still have four times out of my pocketbook two uh I said it was either brandy or it was um Amy my cousin Amy it was either one of them I don't know which one they both have because y'all you met at Wayne be downtown not too long ago yeah see that's what I'm saying we real good about finding out everything yeah you know what I'm saying oh yeah I'm sure you are no if fans or butts about let me tell you why because you're lying Tracy look at me you are lying I know you're lying I know you're lying I know it they know it just sitting around there eating all these sandwiches and Subways just waiting to come back in here just waiting to walk back in here in a minute ago are you [ __ ] [ __ ] you know what I mean that's what they're gonna do that's what they're gonna do why for what help me understand you got a little boy toy who gives a [ __ ] if he did something [ __ ] stupid and if you know about it start sweetheart be real careful about what I know because I've already told you at the beginning of this conversation what I'm not going to tell you everything I know yeah I don't I want to say there's no way Tracy knew he did this I don't believe you well then that's my point that's the point we're trying to get at Tracy you don't believe he did this okay you don't believe he did this there's no point in lying about this right here then you can tell the truth about this if you truly didn't know he did this I don't I mean I because I am telling this as far as I know I am telling the truth I went in that neighborhood to find drugs I had been up late we had been up late who's we drinking the tattoo guy was over there who's we who's the tattoo guy uh Seth Seth Arnold uh my son and some of my son's friends let me ask you this was Brett dead yeah he was there at your house that night what night was that um Thursday night Thursday night sweetheart you're all you're so close to being there it's unreal you're so close to telling the damn truth right now it's unreal I'm gonna ask you a thousand questions that I already know the answers to you the only thing is is at the end of the day when I walk out here and say that girl's a jam up mama she loves her boys don't mind her boy toy or what she's a mama first you understand sweetheart you continue to [ __ ] lie about this and it don't [ __ ] matter how good of a mama you are your kids are gonna be you know I'm saying this is bad you understand because people are going to look at you like you're a monster like you're lying I know they are because sweetheart we know that while you were in that neighborhood it may have been to keep that boy from doing something stupid because you got a win of what was fitting to go down it may have been for this and the truth is I already know but if you don't tell it then [ __ ] it there's a reason why you were there that you lied about it and it's gonna get to a point Tracy well I'm gonna say [ __ ] it because I can only beg you to take this weight off your shoulder so long but I don't understand what okay I can't take him over there can't go here right here right okay when you got back was he still at your house was he with you when you went over there no stop stop he was not why would he be in the car with me oh my God I'm not saying he was in the car with you sweetheart I'm real good at what I do I'm not saying he's in the car with you he could have been right in front of you or right [ __ ] behind you no no not nobody was in front of me behind me sweetheart we know what you were there why was I there why am I going to tell you everything I was there to freaking find drugs who would you go buy Dope From First Day whoever I was what's his name Eric that's all I said somebody named Eric Eric yeah it's a third house on the right I could have been on the wrong road white little Blackboard he's white she said he was white his name was Eric and she had bought tabs from him before Tracy is very close to telling the detective that Michael Kelly was in her car with her and she left him at Gail's house the detective can't get her to make that final confession so he tries something a little bit different he asks Tracy to call Michael and put it on speakerphone most people do come in here a lot one because they're scared okay most of the time they have to be embarrassed or checked or realizes that that it is what it is for them to go and most time I may start crying I'm sorry I lied I was just scared I'm gonna be honestly I told him I said I might have to get that girl to a point where she realizes that she knows and then she'll lie she'll cry she'll say she's hard and it ain't no hard feelings at the end of the day what is it gonna take to get there all right I I really if I'm lying I really okay so if you don't think a Brett had anything to do with this I really don't I don't understand how he could so if Brandon had nothing to do if you don't think Brett had anything to do with this and he knows and there was no reason that he would think that you know that he had anything to do with this right yeah call him I mean why would I want to call it why would I even want to hang on sweetheart if you know he didn't have nothing to do with this and he wouldn't have any reason to think that you would then he'll answer the phone for you we both know one you're not going to want to call it two we both know if you do call him he's not going to answer the phone and then you know without a doubt you can't lie to me anymore he don't always answer okay well Colin let's try why though put the phone down let's call it I just want to get you to that place sweetheart I don't understand the wine about hell called just so I can show that you're being honest and you're not doing things sneaking you mind if I look at your phone while you do it yeah okay foreign did you just delete this number before I looked over uh it's in here all right go to your recent calls I don't have any that's fine I was trying to get my son a ride home baby you deleted all your recent calls before you walked in here baby no girl does that oh look at my messages I even delete my messages the only messages you know why because you're lying no Tracy I think that you're scared that he may have and you don't want to be the one to say it Tracy you just you you've deleted everything I did I did delete everything and I didn't really mean to but I always told how did you accidentally delete everything let me show you how I accidentally delete one thing okay watch let me show you you hit edit and clear and I accidentally hit clear all and I did not mean to okay well then go to your messages if you don't mind because I want to see if you accidentally deleted all them no I didn't I delete my messages after most of my conversations I don't with my son and I just text her earlier because I got to talk to her about a file at work and I don't my daddy's and I didn't this one just so in case I needed it okay so you've been seeing this man since March right when was the last time you talked to him uh earlier today earlier today okay where was he at I don't I didn't ask him where he was at when was the last time you saw him um yesterday you saw him yesterday where were y'all at when y'all saw each other at the apartment yeah whose apartment mom please stop mine stop hang on I need you to stop lying to me okay because in a minute I'm gonna start looking at you like you're a monster okay come on baby that's ridiculous you've erased everything out of your phone I did stop you don't matter how many times you smile okay listen to me you're a pretty girl you ain't got to do that cute little grin or whatever I smiling something I accidentally do when I get nervous or I'm upset or listen to me look at me you know more than ever now I'm gonna be looking at you like a monster when you're deleting all that [ __ ] out of your phone don't tell me it was an accident you're lying out your ass okay you're deleting all that out of your phone okay I asked you to call Brandy didn't drop off a dime I asked you to call him why would I do that I just told you the man's a suspect in a murder investigation unless you're a part of it no what you said why do I want to bring him into all this sweetheart I don't think he's in sweetheart you didn't bring him into this I brought him into this when I talked to you had you said his name or did I say his name you did okay so you didn't bring him into nothing so you should have any say that I said College yourself [ __ ] that my man ain't done nothing let's go we'll call it calling calling bread this is Scott how are you bud just to make sure I'm talking to the right Brett that I think I'm talking to what's your last name Brett Brett Kelly okay all right Brett you in making where you at making are you in making where you at buddy want to Robins where you at in Warner Robins Steak and Shake that's some good stuff man sir okay let me ask you a question your girl Tracy here has been honest with me okay all right I want to see if you're as honest as she has in the last hour how many times has she text messaged you in the last dollar yeah five times okay all right cool let me ask you a question Brett you gonna come see me you know who I am I uh I'm not sure well you know what I am right uh I'm not sure no I'm saying if she's text message you in the last hour you know she's down here talking to the police I've seen the messages she thought she was going to leave them but I got to him a little faster than she could so you know she's talking to the police and I already know you know that all right so you gonna come see me all right you gonna come where you go you're gonna come by here to City Hall um where's mom in the concert all right come to the detective Bureau bread um it's located at the corner of first and Poplar all right whether you show up or not it's going to tell me wonders man how long is it gonna take you to get here my friend 35 minutes all right listen now we're gonna me and Tracy we're gonna hang out until you get here okay you're a good man I appreciate you brother where do you have coffee oh that's not on me where's that honestly it'll probably be in one of my pain I rarely keep up at that time you drove up here without driver's license well and now I'm breaking the wall I got license though so right okay do you have any idea I want to do down here nothing whatsoever not whatsoever okay let me just give somebody some information first name is Michael right Michael okay how old are you I'm 18. 18. cute birthday is January 1994. January 19th to 94. it's a where are you working at now no we're looking thank you how long ago you've been left the Nissan dealership what we can have a week and a half no longer than that what'd you do there I was a technician changing oil I wish you didn't have to worry about commission you got paid yeah a little earlier yeah I got paid hourly but I only got paid eight dollars eight dollars an hour yeah wow where was that the Nissan dealership at um Warner Robins Warner Robins thing is um Thursday okay take me through your day Thursday um because I have no job literally I stay at that house don't do nothing me and Scott and Tom go to school we play Xbox or just sit there and chill that's honestly we know life at pretty much and then when I'm not doing something I'll try to find a job or see who's hiring well I just mean I don't mean what you want I mean what did you do this you know what I'm talking about um let's see Thursday would have been October the 4th at the house playing video again all all that all that's all we do all of that where'd you go that night uh nowhere so you were basically at the house from all day from did you sleep there the Thursday on Wednesday night all day all right if I tell you uh I smoke weed I don't care how many dope cops you know dress is good all right well you see what I'm saying man I don't care that's what I did I just stayed there all day smoke and that's it and just stay there and sleep that's all I did Thursday Friday that's all I did I didn't even go to the club I used to go to Club all the time I didn't go to Club Friday stayed there played video games chilled all my friends because all of our friends come over so that's all I did okay so all day Thursday and Thursday night didn't go anywhere stay right there at the house smoking weed well not at the house there's not weed at the house where'd you go right outside no I mean right outside right just in an apartment complex with somebody all right so let me make it more clear you did not leave the apartment complex no no I was outside because you can't smoke inside now so we got that taken out of the way right Thursday and didn't go nowhere swear on your mother's eyes I swear on my mother's grave eyes hard okay okay now Friday that's too fast into a scratch you get right there on you cheat buddy how'd that happen I don't know you know how you got scratched uh is it this big long one yeah well that was me and a dude named Libby wrestling at work when I worked at five star how long ago was that uh about two two weeks ago okay you got a big penguin yeah yeah that's a do not really scratch them probably did your relationship with Tracy how is that relationship um pretty good what's your name I mean are you guys in a relationship a lot of people ask is that now why would Tracy say I am it's okay I mean you're okay I know that little man I know that all right you don't want your best friend to know that you're painting or not that is you know your best friend's mom all right well no it's not that I don't want no one to know any relationship I just try to keep the word relationship out of it because I don't like that I don't like having a girlfriend so you're just having sex with her you can call okay right yeah okay because she said that Tracy's been out here today all day today Tracy said a lot of things there's a lot of things that I know okay all right now before I go any further everything that I've just talked to you about and spoke to you about your telling the truth on so you swear on your mother so I put my hand on the Bible that's sad that's that's my honest opinion I'm gonna stick to that okay until then all right well let me show you something uh I'm trying to come on you don't want to stay here for a minute okay I'll be right back don't go anywhere bro all right I don't know Tracy Tracy already told us that she drove you up to Atlanta to get the passport son all right then why did you ask me okay that's good I like it I like it I like it okay all right so you lying we already established that one I said you establish it okay right we've established this about that you're lying all right so we know that you're lying okay so are you gonna continue learning you're gonna be honest because you're in a world of hurt okay you know the world would hurt all right so I'm waiting on the questions okay why'd you get the passport I guess because I just got it no what did you tell Dustin when you talked to Dustin I'm about to look about the lady the old lady yes you do no I don't know why are you we already know are you gonna bring another paper out I said I said that time look listen to me Brett do you want to look like a monster on this or do you want to help okay listen I don't know I know that you're involved okay now and you know what I'm talking about I can see your eyes and tell me okay you want to help yourself enough do you want to talk to us about it or not well I got caught up hearing I haven't even told me the reason why I come up here all right so how am I gonna help y'all out what y'all need if I don't even have any help for myself we know like I told you we know that Tracy didn't go to work Thursday all right okay she took you up to Atlanta to get a passport all right all right you were planning on going where tell me where did you tell Dustin you were gonna go I'm gonna tell me why didn't you since y'all say y'all know everything I'm pretty sure you're going to tell me the whole entire story I'm not going to give you everything that we've got because I want to see how much further you're gonna lie and put your dig yourself in a hole okay I'm just telling you what you tell me I ain't gonna answer no father questions until you ask me that question you made eight dollars an hour at the Nissan dealership right how much money do you have in your account zero you don't have any money in your account okay you don't have none you sure gotta if if I got something you're gonna assume telling me I watched the first 48 all the time I met you right here and tell me everything you know that I'm gonna tell you everything yeah since I'm called to do it I'm not stupid I'm not telling you nothing all right well all right I'm giving you a chance to to tell me about what happened over there let me just go and put it down I'm giving you a chance to tell me about what happened over at Simpsonville road with the elderly woman I died okay okay so you want to go and tell me about it no no I don't know anything I'm looking you did in your eyes I don't care what y'all say if I only go down looking like a monster fingerprints you got fibers everything okay all right I just left the autopsy today okay I could see it look look Brett Brett not only cops say that they can see it in my eyes just because I got a weird look in my eye don't mean you're a heart drop when I brought it up son I know you're lying I know you were there now you got the evidence yes we've got evidence I see it and that's it oh okay okay all right unless I see my fingerprints put on something a fingerprint so-called that's mine that was supposedly whatever you found so what should the way you are now and that's the way you want to stay right you're gonna look like someone that don't give a [ __ ] do you not care look this is what you don't care tell me what tell me tell me you don't care about the tiger this woman was 58 years old and she's dated I'm sorry that happened all right you don't care I didn't have nothing to do I'm sorry I did not kill a lady I don't know anything did I say you killed Glenn you said the lady ended up dead why would I be here right did I say that you killed no but I wouldn't be here if you thought something like that and then you'd be bringing up a dead lady I'm not done maybe you were there maybe I was there maybe I did it maybe I did not I don't know but I'm sure you're gonna tell me because cops are going to get whatever they want okay I appreciate you having that much faith in us now Brett I appreciate I do okay but it's a lot of wrong people so I think then do you know something I don't know nothing what did you just sit right here and say bro you just sit right here and you sit in front of this man maybe I did kill her maybe I didn't yeah maybe I was there maybe I wasn't yeah there's a lot of maybes say that though but was I right that's the question but was I there you can answer that question you know are you saying you were not there no I was not there at that house you were not there at that house no even though we can put you there even if you can put me there I don't care what y'all do to put me down I'll show you got a time machine he's a tough guy man yeah were you were you that tough with with the lady do you know what her name was do you know what her name was look at me Brett do you know what her name was okay what was it her name was Gail Spencer she was 58 years old she had two grandbabies small she had a son that loved her she had a sister that loved her okay she loved her job and she had neighbors that loved her okay her name was Gail okay my name is Brett and I don't know how I didn't have anything to do involved with myself with that lady he's right there I don't know before I'm in bed everybody that you've got here supposedly did she scratch your breath no she scratched again no she no all right if she scratched me smart as I am you can pull supposedly the DNA off of her fingernails of my skin if she did supposedly scratch it yeah oh yeah and let me guess you got it oh okay don't worry about that oh you can get it because I got like a hundred people that says they seen the blood come off my face of this big pink scratch of my work of me wrestling somebody so you can do whatever you want with that Michael believes that Tracy has not yet confessed and that his best option is to do the same what he doesn't know is that all of his accomplices have already confessed except for Courtney who would be caught within the next few days after Courtney had taken the money she went out and spent over a hundred thousand dollars using a debit card that was tied to the account the police were able to track Courtney's spending and they would find her at a luxurious Hotel surrounded by all of the things she had just bought well Tracy's already then told us what did she telling I'm not telling you that why are you gonna tell me that and not even tell me well that's like blue balls this is a game bro it is real live now look I don't know if it was an accident or not but I need you to tell me if it was maybe he didn't mean for the lady to die and she did anything she scratched my face why do you think it'd be an accident if you think the old lady scratched my face please you should have maybe be an accident or something maybe it was an accident all right can you tell me that when y'all find the case out or whatever wow there's like no emotion with you whatsoever bro it's like you just can't be is that true I don't know you don't know if you're ampy or not I got a heart like everybody else does you're not showing it oh it's vegan that's about all it's doing we just meet them I don't know man I don't know if he is if he would if he did it man because I think she could what was that as anyway yeah I think so I mean Lenny or whatever his name's already done got a good chunk out of you anyway so I don't guess you could have okay so this is how we're gonna play it right I'm gonna be waiting here for five other questions if y'all gonna ask me anymore if y'all aren't I said y'all got one crime on me so I've got two yeah I guess I'll be doing time for that so y'all know where I'm at most top still yeah you sure you know a lot about the police yeah I do how was that from watching The First 48 no because I don't like them and I try to stay away from them so how does that make you an expert on us because I studied y'all a lot man they're all the same they're all the same too but then you got preachers with tattoos and all that that's right you sure do cops with tattoos you got cops like me that would never get a tattoo so you see my point and I can't judge me because I got a badge and he can't judge me because I got a tattoo that's right that's making you feel that way that's right because that's what you've done to us since you sat down on that chair I don't know you [ __ ] I don't know I don't know Tracy's [ __ ] you don't know you know who I am a 58 year old woman that's who I owe here and I'm gonna find out all right I already got a good damn idea of who killed him all right let me tell you you don't have the skill son to [ __ ] with us down here let me just be blunt you don't have that skill okay so play all [ __ ] day long because we got all night all right I promise you that you don't have the skill to [ __ ] with us down here I don't have a job so I'll be here I'll try and how about you 12 Grand that you put in the bank or was put in the bank guess who's got it all right we do you even know about that I want to tell him I don't know what he does I don't think you do it you do need to make a phone call but marijuana ain't a drug though it's doing Friday you got you wrong with your breath I don't know okay look here you want to make a phone call or something yeah I don't know I'm letting you know I'm trying to be if you want to make a phone call you got to hit this y'all ain't in the dollar number to get out all right so hold tight we'll be back thank you so far Michael has held firm and has not confessed anything even though they have confessions from his accomplices they still need a confession from him they know it's possible that Michael's friends had decided that he would go down for the crime so they leave the room to formulate a plan on how to get his confession they come back with a copy of the text messages between Michael and Tracy that show that he was in fact involved with the crime did you kill the lady of all states of America no I did not were you there no I was not but you were over there with Tracy did you write with you in the car tracks no I was not okay how about you out there call them out there they're saying he's he's a psychopath are you are you a psychopath no that's what they're saying they're saying you're sociopath okay they're saying that you went in there you killed that woman are you there all right when the woman was killed and that you don't care that's that no no no no no no that's not true things happen maybe was it a robbery that went wrong that you couldn't control but you didn't afford to happen right Brett I mean is that a possibility is that a possibility [ __ ] happens right you see what I'm saying [ __ ] happens maybe you're like [ __ ] you didn't mean for it happened I said no he's not he's not he's not that he's only 18 years old he's not a psychopath he's not that's what they're saying are they right Brett are they right people are going to think what they want that's right nothing can do about it but I'm asking I mean maybe they're all right the way that you present yourself to me and and to everybody else down here is that you don't give a chance what did Tracy say ing a lot to you know I shoot straight from there I've been straightforward with it since I think since since you've been here haven't you have I not treated you fair I had a cuss statue I had a dad who called you names I mean the other detectives are talking to trace but it's not good I can tell you that right now I walk down I walked out but look on her face when you when they showed her that I ain't doing none so I'll tag me I'm not gonna attack you I don't have me reach that what are you looking for is that a camera right there no we don't have cameras in here okay this ain't the first 48 Bros the only thing the only people that are talking right now are meeting you in here and can you swear on that yeah I can swear on that the only people that are Andrew talking right now are me and you I can swear on that maybe the only ones talking yes man you'll be the only ones talking and from this point forward look at me buddy from this point forward am I the only one you want to talk to yeah if so I won't say another another damn word okay Brett look at me I'm here with you all the way just me and you okay sometimes a suspect will give the detectives what they want if they receive something in return they want to feel like they are in control of the situation and that everything is done on their terms the detective lets Michael feel like he's in control by agreeing to be the only detective in the room the detective then switches to a softer more sympathetic tone as he realizes he is one step closer to getting Michael's confession but I don't know if I can reduce my time okay we don't make promises here but the fact that you know you're not going forward signatures no we can't finish it I was [ __ ] but it don't say my name here oh yeah you got my sister yet um I think y'all honestly got a Seth up here yes we did and this honestly did happen at work it did honestly happen yeah okay now when I'm looking at you I believe you okay I honestly did as long as I don't get lethal injection I want to treat you right since you treated me right okay that's okay that's okay so you look I am in the night yeah okay um damn I ain't no psychopath I know you're not great I can look at you and tell you [ __ ] just went bad and I just need to know about I need to know why I need to know that come on buddy I told you it's just me and you in the airport come on Michael is looking for any reason to give his confession the detective knows he can't make any promises to Michael so instead he acts like he is on Michael's side and is looking out for him he has to make Michael feel like his confession will benefit him in some way let's just start from again buddy I don't know I'm not a lawyer I don't think I know is I never sit here and I'm not gonna make the promises but I won't because I won't I won't I want you this is your chance bread okay listen to do you can actually do right for this woman by doing this okay that way I can contact her son and her sister and tell them look he told me what happened and I'm not I can't put words in your mouth but maybe I can tell them that you you're sorry for what you got do you understand and if I can do that I know God can forgive you and maybe the family will have some peace okay so let's start from the let's start from how this got started okay I'm right here with you [Music] has Tracy gave in yet construction's down the hall I don't know if she has or not okay I can't say that but uh I know she's let me play just we know she's involved okay I know she is but she's down the hall talking to the other detectives okay guys hold on mom call your mother call your mother here I can't I can't be on this I you want your cell phone huh all right would you want to wait you want to talk first let's talk first and you can call your mom okay all right come on all right you want me to step out all right now now my mom ain't going to get in trouble if she she ain't doing nothing just for Corner no no no no no no no your mother's you just calling me now huh I'm sorry I'm gonna lose a second thank you all right now I'm just all coming mom where are you at all right don't say anything just let me talk I love you I love you Michael becomes very emotional the second he hears his mother's voice yeah I love you a lot I love you a lot going on baby until then I love it and I love you Mom but he's gone that was that was a very manly thing to be done all right okay all right um let's start from the beginning let's start from the beginning okay who was there okay here who else we can't learn a while it's all right it's all right I'm not wearing a wire set okay all right now you've had my word since you walked in the door and I've been spread out with you okay so we're always gonna happen no what I tell you you're not just gonna get up and walk out here listen right the whole thing I'm listening to the whole thing I'll be right I told you I'd be right here with you the whole time keep on going to say you were dropped off over there I was dropped off over there all right well I was dropped off over there after that I was there by myself I had a pistol another awesome I ain't the shooter I know y'all know that I know she died of suffocation wow after asking the detective if he would pray with him Michael finally confessed to the crime Michael Tracy Courtney and Keith would all be charged and convicted of murder and would be given life sentences the following footage is the confession of Michael Brett Kelly can you say a prayer with me first and I'll tell you everything laid it or can you do it please okay um I'm not very good with prayers but it don't matter okay all right um sorry about that all right um oh Heavenly Father Jesus Christ give Brett strength to come forward and uh bless his heart for um for being willing to come forward here today for for he loves you Jesus for he loves his mother he's sorry for what he's done and he's here today to uh to put all his sins on the table and uh and we ask you Lord to um to please forgive him for for his his sorry for what he has done and he's here to put it all on the table today and it's hoping that that even though Society might not be able to forgive him but he knows that that that God can can forgive him and that only God can judge him amen right there that morning all right it's late morning I walked in had a pistol put it to her head I taped her up put her on the bed long and Tighter let her go use the restroom when she asks and whatnot and then I didn't tape her up no more because I felt sorry I cried I didn't want to do it I sat there and let her sit on her bed I let her watch TV I let her smoke cigarettes I did everything she wanted to do a shot of liquor she didn't she just sat there I'll let her do whatever she wants she wanted to go pee she could do that I just you can't want to do it at all and then my sister was involved also but I don't know where she's at honestly I don't that's Courtney Kelly I did I tell you okay I suffocated her what you suffocate her with trash bag what color was it was it like when he goes in a trash can or was it small one like a little grocery sack okay I didn't know that what what how'd you leave I don't know I know what you took her you took a call it's your car did you take her wallet um right no I did I'm not in touch with that did your sister for scales wallets Miss I just want to get it back to the family I really didn't touch none of that I didn't touch none I didn't try to steal nothing what about her cell phone cause it's missing I didn't touch that I did not touch anything I didn't try to steal anything I didn't do nothing what did Courtney do while you're right here while y'all were there according over there I thought you said Courtney was there no she wasn't Courtney wasn't there at the same how was Courtney involved [ __ ] all she was gonna do was leave with me because I needed some family to go okay who you were in the house by yourself just by myself but try season one that led you over there to her all I did was get an address Tracy gave me the address I just got an address all right because Tracy gave you the address Tracy knew what you were going to do right that's a yes right okay so now I know Tracy knew what you wanted to was it just supposed to be a robbery Brett and it end up going too far is that what it is foreign huh Ravel around in the house I did and she she wanted to go look for some little things I don't know literally I let her get up and do what she wanted what was she doing I don't know just looking for George I no I did those and stuff however George what were you looking for money no I wasn't looking I was just looking for like any wires or anything that had cameras or anything she said she had to take some of her medicine or something so I gave her some her medicine what about a closet that's where I look you throw out in clothes out there looking for like cameras or something well no I let her sit down there oh you let her sit down in there when she sat down in there at first because she was and then I get let her get on her bed after she peed and then she stayed on her bed the whole entire day she stayed on her bed the whole entire day now there's some bleach or some clothes rocks that was found in a hall bathroom and it was on her clothes now how did that come did that what'd you do try it where so no fingerprints or anything will get touched okay so you just sprayed it on there around okay round where on the bed stuff like that okay did you have gloves on when you were over there what kind of glove it's regular black glove and everything away too everything burned thrown away that's honestly it's clothes everything where'd you burn them up at you burn them outside at the parks and the trash can in the apartments nobody said nothing huh Now where's that gun at huh he's gone do it Where'd you throw it in the river which river off a house and run yeah all this was just it was It was supposed to be I mean what was all this over I was just totally gonna do it and get my passport by Tracy you know how about Tracy everything wasn't by Tracy by Lisa okay wait who told you to go do it I just was told well Brett he's been honest with me so far pal I mean we've been doing good but now I need to know who told you to go do it he's been on it so far there ain't no need you going down by yourself for this son when he was just doing what you were told to do I mean you're only 18 years old oh it's gone already but you're the one sitting here being honest now who told you foreign yes sir what Tracy Tracy told you to go do it yes yes okay after confessing Michael asks if he can call his mother while the detective leaves the room earlier thank you let me get this out of here huh no no what Hey where's Santa the duty man um the one that bought the motorcycle he dropped me off to the house all right where's she at e he left and it went I guess not to go well the cops know everything one of them someone made a police report and had all the texts and all and the call information very please report a boy of what we did and I just told them that's what I'm saying they know what I've done what did you do I killed somebody okay this lady why I don't know Mom but you are I'm on the phone by myself I think I don't know all I know is I love you I mean unless but one time did you do it by yourself I don't know Mom for money yes something nice yes why would you do that I don't know Mom can you confess yes where's my car fish in a parking deck they made me walk they made me part of the car and walk you'll get it back shortly today or something no I'm going to prison for life you said that they did someone I can talk to you when they get back in yeah [Music] some older lady did you know her no what did you just break in on yourself I walked in I walked in on her and broke in her house they always put you up to that I don't know Mom a game no that's right no Mom but look I might have to go I'm about to call Dad so how lucky please I need to know more than this this does not make no sense no I love you Mom I really do love you Mom I love you too one of the detectives are people here yes [Music] boy do I come and see you and find out what's going on I don't know whenever they get back yes that's when you get in trouble why would you do that oh my mom your whole life is gone I don't know because I was struggling and heated money I always had a door open to you I'll wake you because you get along with it you would get your job any day I'll be struggling when you don't have no food in the family to come look I gotta call Dad and let him know I love you Mom call me I love you hey Dad hey Brad what's going on it's over what do you mean it's over here I'm in a police station oh I already told him what I already told him what happened I killed this whole thing why Wow [Music] I'll never be out I'll be in here for life I do I already told him everything what was it all about well all I tell you to do is don't say nothing else I told everything yeah from the moment I woke up to the moment I went to sleep that day there ain't no nothing else to tell no I was by myself you were by yourself yeah and why did you because I did it Dad I don't hate this is probably recorded or whatever I know it I don't know but I'm on one of their phones I did this isn't you son I know it's not me Dad I just wanted money and I couldn't get it what did you need money for I was broke I barely pay my bills wow son foreign [Music] there's more to it than that no there's not you mentioned something else give me the other night and I'd make more than what they said if you would like to see more footage from this case that includes the interrogation of Courtney Kelly after they finally found her and Keith Dozier then please check the pin comment for a link to those videos
Channel: Red Tree Crime
Views: 4,720,854
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jcs, inspired, interrogation, analysis, psychology, documentary, podcast, brett, kelly, tracy, jones
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 73min 0sec (4380 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 16 2022
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