Mark Ramsey Reveals His Biggest Secret! | Moonshiners | Discovery

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This is how we make the moonshine. That's going to be more than 60 gallons. I feel sure by the time we temper it up, we'll be ready to get this jarred up out the door. Today. Our goal is 60 gallon bees has got 60 sold this legacy liquor. We cannot hang on to it. I mean, it flies out the door. Well, I'm pumped up. I noticed. You look like you've been working out. I did go to the gym. We were there like 30s. I'm like, Dang, honey, that made my forearm cramp. What was it? The doorknob? Yeah. We need to kind of see where we're at in this run. Yeah, that's slowing down. Isn't that amazing? Yeah. That stuff that dreams are made out of. As far as grain liquor goes, this is the best that we've ever made in our careers. I'm telling you that No sells it. Then that taste just locks it in. This is something you work a lifetime to create. Good job, man. We keep this up, we'll be able to get her teeth fixed. Yep. I say we shut it down. We're about that point. Let's get to tampering. All right. Look at that. So now we got to temper it up, get it jarred up, get it out the door to be's buyer. Find this a couple of cards of lids, and I'm going to get us a couple of rags. I can see the end of the journey. I have never seen any spirits sale the way this triple malt has and we're jarring it up. So we are almost with money in hand. You got your location set. Where are you going to meet? No, I've got to touch base with them. Matter of fact, I should do that. I'll finish this up. You know, this is a big deal for us. 60 gallon goes out the door and $10,000 comes back into our pockets. That's astronomical. Make sure about the money. I will. Mr. Beasley. Man, I wanted to talk to you. Look, I've got all 60 gallons jarred up for you. It'll be ten grand. So you're ready for that? Yes. Well, I was wondering, is there a way you could double the order? Double the order? I've already got the 60 sold, and I got people walking down my door wanting more. This buyer has been with me for years, but we don't have 60 more gallons of the triple malt. So you want 120 gallons? And I'm selling this stuff like hotcakes. Hang on one second. Hang on. He's wanting another 60 gallon. Yeah. All right. Tell him we got it. Dagger, We don't have 60 gallons. You just tell him we'll be there. We'll have it. But he'll have to buy jars. Hey, you there? Yeah, I can double the order. That's 20 grand. Yep. Now, look, it's going to be in two plastic barrels. Don't have jars for that. Is that going to work? You all right, brother? We'll see you in a little bit. Well, thank you. All right. Bye. So how do we have that? It's easier for me to show you than to tell you we got this piece I've ever led you wrong. This is going to be a trick. Bees. It's not an easily accessible spot. Where are we going? Can you tell me that? I cannot. When you under scrutiny the way we are, you just got to keep everything on the down low as much as you can. It became evident some time back that David Robertson is trying his best to build a case against us. What's going on, Kevin? Look like he's in into no good today, are you? No, sir, we're not. I'm going to tell you this, boy. Something might have been born at night, but I've been born down last night. Now, how far advanced he is in that case, I don't have any clue. Feels weird not knowing that we had that much liquor still at hand. You know, you don't put all your eggs in one basket. Bees. You got to spread everything out. I get it. I get. It. The next thing I know, we've crossed the state line. We're in the Carolinas going into the mountains. Enjoy the view. This fixing to be the last sign of civilization. You see for a little bit where we're going. It's not on any Southern living tour. You just keep your mind working the way it does and you won't remember where you're at. I won't have to tranquilize you, but you cannot say a word. What you see up here, you know how it goes. Okay. Digger, I think this is the deepest in the woods you have ever taken me. There's a Sasquatch or something. Okay. Wow. Well, I hope nobody comes out and starts shooting at us. It would not be the first time right here. It looks almost like one of those survivalist camps. I'm expecting to see them training with bayonets and throwing axes and writing their congressmen. The only way you can find this place most times with helicopter. Look at this. I am nervous about this. Don't want to spook anybody. That's Kelly Williamson. You would be correct, sir. Okay. He's kind of been helping out. Right. There goes 90 gallons of liquor down the road. Wow. I mean, that's more than I have, And I'm the guy that's been running it. I'll be back. Man, it can't be good news if you're around. Well, I swore I'd stay away from up here, but I ain't got no choice. And he needs 60 more. Oh. So what's going on with this? With Kelly? I can't believe he was so secretive about that. Hey, puss. Oh, my God. Here I am. That's Mark Ramsey. Holy cow. What part of stay in the truck don't you understand? None of it when I see my buddy. Hey, man, how the heck are you? You gotta be hot. Cat's out of the bag. We've been running liquor here for months. This liquor is too good to let up on, and we can't sell a lot of it if we don't make it. So here we are. We're big. As bad as ever. Wow. Now, mystery solved. Now it makes sense to me. I did step away. And this is kind of what I stepped away to. With all the heat that's. Been on me in order to keep everyone safe, we felt that we just simply had to keep this operation a secret. But now that it's the end of the season and we're moving out of here, you know, we finally felt that it's okay to reveal what we've been up to. We're running three times a week. Come next spring, we'll pick up somewhere else. We're making a lot of liquor. Triple malted grain liquor. You know, we knew with your bootlegging skills and your ability to sell mass quantities, we knew I couldn't quit. And speaking of your bootlegging abilities, I hear that you've sold 60 more gallons than you actually have. Correct. Kelly, why don't you show him? Come up here. You're going to love this, buddy. Holy cow. They've got over 600 gallons of the triple malt tempered, ready to go in their shed. All right. Let's load this liquor, guys. Wow. Get her. Done. Amazing. You know anybody that's ever made liquor on a big scale, it gets in your blood. You cannot get rid of it. It's like a disease that's incurable. So that being said, nothing short of death is going to keep Mark and Digger from running liquor. I always love seeing a truckload of liquor drive away.
Channel: Discovery
Views: 281,913
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: discovery, discovery plus, moonshiners, moonshiners full episodes, moonshiners uploads, moonshine, liquor, Appalachia, craft whiskey, whiskey, natural whiskey, tim smith, mark ramsey, steven ray tickle, jeremy schwartz, distilled beverage, Mark Ramsey, Reveals His Biggest Secret, moonshine operation, Moonshiners, discoveryplus
Id: hOOrNOijtgg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 9sec (489 seconds)
Published: Wed May 24 2023
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