Detailed Steps to Manage Sims 4 CC/Mods- 3 Free Programs: Mod Manager + CurseForge + Tray Importer

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what's crack toen folks I'm Gypsy but you already knew that I want to welcome you guys to this somewhat tutorial I guess it's not really a tutorial I'm really just sharing with you guys my own personal method of managing my mods it's also partially in response to a comment from one of my viewers love my life 65 left me a comment saying I would love to see how you manage your mods I have some CC that I want to take out but I don't know how to find them in my mods folder I don't know how to find the name of the CC and that is a problem that I think a lot of us have I use a combination of applications to help me to manage my mods so I'm just going to go like in order one by one to show you what I do and how each of them tie into each other so first and foremost you want to have your game turned off while you're doing most of this uh it will not work properly if your game is on you got your game running so let's make sure that we turn our games off and we're manipulating files and it's okay if you're not a techy person cuz I'm definitely not I'm learning as I go a lot while I'm trying to figure out how to mod my game but you don't have to be some Expert Tech nerd no offense to the tech nerds you don't have to be one of them to for for this to work for you you don't have to understand what you're doing you just have to know how to do it if that makes sense so first of all here's my mods folder okay this is as organized as I think I'm going to be when it comes to my mods folder you can see all these files down here are not in any particular folders those are things that need to be sorted through and it looks like a nightmare because when you click on your mods folder all you see is just what is this you know you there's no way to really tell one thing part from another thing and this is part of the nightmare of trying to deal with your mods so we have a solution for this problem so first let's talk about adding things to your mods folder cuz that's where a lot of us come into problems we just keep adding and adding and adding stuff and we're not keeping track of what's going on but once you see what I'm doing you'll see you don't need to keep track of what's in your mods folder these apps will do it for you this app is called curse Forge and and there's also a website you can go to um to use curse Forge so either way whether you download the app or you go straight to the website you can access everything that's on curse Forge what this app does is it actually reads my mod folder for me so I just I just clicked on this button here The Sims 4 and then it like refreshed everything these are my actual mods that are in my game and I can see their thumbnails which makes it so much easier to figure out what everything is and if I see anything that I don't like I can literally just click on it go here and delete it and it will get rid of it whether or not I downloaded it from curse Forge so this gives me a lot of options and if you just want to use this to help you to manage some of your mods and you don't have a ton of mods in your game then you should be okay with just this and you can just stop right here this is a huge help for a lot of people to be able to see what's in their game however as you guys can see I can just scroll on and on for days cuz I have over 3,000 in my game this is not just the cast mods it's showing me it's showing me literally all of my mods some of these don't have actual thumbnails like this and some of them are just actual game mods so like this right here SMB Bank this is not a cast mod it's a gameplay mod so even something like this if I wanted to get rid of it then I could just delete it that's what I use curse Forge for mostly to import mods the reason why I like to use this is because it eliminates my need to have to go online and then search website after website after website open tab after tab after tab like that is too much and then y'all already know the nightmare of TSR like The Sims resource is a really great website for finding really great stuff but unless you have a paid membership it be taking forever for each thing to load into your your downloads folder and then from there you also have to import it into your mods folder and it's just so timec consuming I don't got time for it what I do here is I'll find something I like I'll just you know you can Search keywords up here I put in shirt and then it's bringing up everything that's labeled with the word shirt in the tag someplace and then and then you can click on something that catches your fancy like maybe something like this very simple hoodie vest I can see from these screenshots that their Maxis match and that's what I'm looking for if I like it then I'll just hit this install button and look at this look at how quick this was a zip file but it opened it up for me so when I go into my mods folder which I'm not going to show you here I'm going to show you in a different app it's somewhere in here right down here it's somewhere in here but we're not going to go in there looking for it because it's too timec consuming literally just click a button you don't even have to click the thumbnail read all this stuff if you don't want to if you have a trusted Creator whose stuff you just like and you're like oh veranka I love their stuff and you see something new by them and you're like I don't need to look at all the thumbnails and pictures like I know what I want then you can literally just hit the orange button right here in thumbnail mode and install it right away into your game and it will just work curse Forge is very versatile for trying to find lots of different creators in one place without having to wait for download download screen times like you don't have to worry about any anything like that I'm just going to download one more thing from here that I know I'm probably not going to want to keep so I can show you guys what I do when I have to delete things okay let's go with this Miley shirt and we'll install this the other thing I do is I'll go to an actual website of some Creator whose stuff I want to perhaps download for example this set here this bathing suit set maybe this is something that I would like to try out I can download each piece here package by package by package but let's just download the zip file cuz I want to show you guys what I do with zip files to make things so much easier for myself I'm going to go to the downloads page I'm going to right click this and extract everything all these files here which are the same files that were on the website I could have downloaded one by one I'm going to go to my second app that I use Sims 4 mod manager in this manager app you can do a higher level of management curse Forge automatically puts everything into my mods folder for me and unzips files but now I have a zipped file that I extracted into my downloads folder so I'm going to go to whatever folder that you have your files in you may not have have this in your downloads folder I'm going to open up this and then click all of these packages right then open and what it will do is if I hit import all it will just automatically move all of these files into my folder but see here I can skip this file or import this file right I can see that there's a thumbnail here that shows me what this is It's a pair of flipflops I don't actually need a pair of flip-flops in my game because I already have some that look identical to these so I'm going to hit skip file that means this file will skipped over and it's not going to be added into my Mod's folder and then I have this little skirt thing here so now I'm going to hit import that file and I'll keep doing that import or skip for the stuff that I want to keep and the stuff that I don't want let's import these pants I know I don't need these pants and I can just hit skip file but for the sake of this video I'm going to show you what I do with stuff after I already imported into to my game then I figured later that I don't want it anymore right so let's import this for now and we'll import this for now and then when I go to my folders tab you'll see here these are all of my mods that are unsorted there's seven pages worth what that is is a visual version of everything that is here that is completely unsorted stuff all this is 180 something files here when I go to mod manager I can actually see every single piece of items that are there in the 186 items so from here if I wanted to I can just look for the stuff that I know I don't want or don't need which I do this often like with hair sometimes you have like hair dumps and it's just a bunch of random hairstyles and you don't actually want or need all of those that's what I'll do I'll come in here and be like oh I don't need this one don't need that one and I'll just click all the ones that I don't need this is a lot more convenient when it comes to deleting then when I'm in curse Forge and I'm like clicking on one thing at a time I can't mass delete stuff here so I have to do literally everything one at a time if I want to delete something but with Mod manager I can delete multiple things at the same time so all I'll do is I'll filter everything by folders right now this is not a specific folder it's just my mods folder in general so everything that's sitting in my mods folder I can see here this top and this bottom I know I'm not going to keep these items so if I want to I'm going to select them they turn green when you select you can deactivate it which means it's still in your mods folder but when you run your game it will not be working in your game you will not see a thumbnail for it it will be as if it doesn't exist in your game that's actually comes in handy for me when I'm trying to test things and I want to see if something works better or worse in my game so if there's like a hair that I don't quite like how it sits on my Sim's head I'll deactivate it and then when I go back into my game I'm not distracted by the thumbnail popping up if I haven't quite made up my mind about whether I want to take that thing out or not or if I'm telling myself like okay I think that this piece of CC is clashing with other CC's I just want to see and then I'll deactivate it and see if it's working better like for example with a gameplay mod it may not be so useful for Cass but for gameplay mods sometimes I need to deactivate it to see if it works when I use the standstill and cast mod sometimes that will clash with updates that are happening in my game cuz you know Sims 4 updates really really frequently so every time there's a new patch update or something it might make something not work properly I don't want to get rid of it because I still need that mod so I'll just click on it I'll DEA AC at it my Sims won't stand still in Cass anymore until I reactivate that thing and you can also look for all your deactivated mods here like when I hit deactivate I got to go to overview first and then hit deactivated then see I have a folder here that has this cims classic cast room it's not activated but if I click this I can activate it if I want the reason why it's not activated is because I have a completely different cast background that I'm using right now and you can't have more than one cast background in your game that's active so this mod manager makes it possible for you to have mods inside your game that's kind of on pause where you don't have to completely remove them Al together from your mods folder and you can just go and reactivate them when you feel like it so when I get tired of the cast background I'm using right now or if I want to use a different one I'll just go and deactivate that one and reactivate the one that I want to use I hope that makes sense what I'm saying cuz sometimes I can get very like wordy as far as deleting stuff this allows you to delete things like this very easily and simply click on the stuff you don't want and go up here and hit the delete button and then when you hit hit delete selected files it will get rid of it for you but I'm not going to do this right now cuz there's another thing I want to show you guys I have the majority of my mods organized so I just put like a zero at the for custom content because I know I'm going to be going into this folder a lot so I needed to jump up to the top of my searches and I can't put everything in alphabetical order necessarily and then down here if I download something new whatever category I want the sub category to be so right now I'm went to custom content hair and then inside my hair folder these are all my subfolders right here I would add simplic hairs right and then when I hit add that's going to create a brand new folder for me you never have to even bother with your actual nightmare of a mods folder creating folders and subfolders and going in you don't even have to do this at all also you got to be careful because I see how right here it says green llamas hair zero but I have a ton of hairs inside this folder you don't why is this in here smarter P menu this should not be in here okay so look so this is here's a great example all right so this doesn't belong in this folder I don't know why this ended up here it's a game mod so I'm going to click this when you go to these arrows it allows you to move things into other folders so I'm going to go to functional mods cuz that's a folder I have for just general gameplay mods right here and then it'll keep asking me if I want to go into subfolders here which I don't need to do for this so the then when I hit move files see how it disappeared now that file is over in that folder all right so then I go to overview right here I'm going to put the word smarter and then it's going to look for everything that has the word smarter in it now we know it should be here in functional mods so smarter Pi menu that's the thing that I just moved in here yeah so this is a great way for me to find stuff when I when I'm trying to look for specific pieces of CC or mods so I just leave everything labeled the way the creators labeled everything so that when I want to go back and find stuff I just have to put the Creator's name and I don't have to remember exactly what the item was that I'm trying to get rid of cuz the thumbnails will show up here and I can just use that as my guide to figure out what I want to keep and what I don't want to keep that's a overview of how I use mod manager in conjunction with curse Forge but there's another app that I use as well that really really like ties in the part where my viewer was saying sometimes I don't know what the file is even called to be able to figure out where it is and how to find it like if I don't know what the P cc is called it's impossible for me even use mod manager to find that item unless I literally go through 3,532 pieces of content folder by folder by folder to try to find something because what if I put the piece in like the wrong folder like that one that I was just looking at that was completely in the wrong folder I don't know how it ended up in there but it did if there's like a piece of hair in here and I'm looking for it and I don't know that I put the hair accidentally into a tattoo folder how am I supposed to find this thing right and then to make it even worse what if it doesn't have a thumbnail cuz some of the files don't have thumbnails to make it even worse what if the Creator either didn't put their name on the tag cuz I've seen that happen before or I just don't remember I don't remember who the Creator is and there's no thumbnail in game to show me what that that Creator's name is well that's where this comes in handy so this is called tray importer I don't know what the function of this mod actually is like I don't know what the purpose of it is or if it's something else people use this for other than what I'm using it for but I'm just going to show you what I do with it so don't come and ask me like what other features does it have cuz I really don't know Honey Boo Boo and when I figure that out I'll be glad to share it with you guys but at this time I don't know I know I can use this to get rid of some CC though so this is what you do right I'm going to come back to this after we start up the game and I'll show you what I do to try to find CC that I can't figure out how to get rid of from here from Mod manager again please do not try to get rid of anything in your game when you've got your game turned on don't change any files don't manipulate anything don't do a thing all this you see here these are all of the CC pieces that these Sims are wearing okay their clothes they hair their makeup I'm going to give my sim every piece of CC that I don't want that I don't like or the specific piece of CC I cannot find my game generated starter Sims are like so on point right now because I have this mod that I'm using that generates specific Sims when you start up okay yeah LLY corn cast starter Sim s this is a great mod that has helped me so much to have goodlooking starter Sims without having to mess around with them up front this is totally a side note y'all know how I am I just be like having tangents cuz I got super ADHD so everything just distracts me but anyway what were we talking about I just recently cleaned all my CC out so I don't really have that much in here that I don't want can we make you bald yeah let's make her bald and then we'll go look for the clothes instead so I can't remember what those clothes looked like what what they look like it was oh yeah it was those bathing suits all right so here's one of the tops that I said I know I'm not going to need okay Just for kicks let me look at these swatches right quick though ooh that's kind of nice maybe I will use this you know what let me stop cuz I'm getting out of control I already have so much CC in my game I really don't need this okay I'm not going to keep it cuz I like two swatches all right so let's take this shirt that I know I'm not going to use and then we're going to go to the bottoms we'll go look for those panties all right I'm not going to ever use these pieces I don't need them I I already have a bajillion things in my game that looks like this you'll dress your Sim in head to toe everything that is custom content that you do not like right okay so let's say she's got on some shoes that we hate and the same with the hair and then for each you can go up here and create more outfits once she's filled up with outfits you're going to go and look for and the same for the boys too so we got satch on Sims here one of my favorite Sim tubers this don't look nothing like him though satch who made this cuz he don't look like you I would have to do some tweaking to him so let's see if there's any boys clothes that I don't like or need you want to go through every single category of CC you have so you have your tops your bottoms full outfits shoes accessories hairstyles whatever it is all right well for the hell of it let's go with this jersey top I feel like I've been contemplating whether or not I should keep this in my game for a while now and anytime I contemplate whether I want to keep something or not I always end up eventually taking it out I mean let's just keep it real most of the hairs in here are things that I don't mind maybe these they're very Alpha hairs sometimes the graphics they look like they're moving like even when it's still it looks like it's moving around does that sound bizarre you know it's very wellmade but it just becomes very distracting to me so I have to either change it out or something like this one this is not a style that I'm feeling too tough it's just too much for me so let's use this one let's go up here and make him a second outfit now I want to put this hair on it CU I want to also get rid of this hair and then I'll make them another outfit and then I'll put that hair on it okay so all three of these hairs looks like it's time for them to go I've outgrown them and then I'll do the same thing if I have like facial hair that I don't like anymore and I'm like eh not feeling it this one to me it's distracting because right here in this section I see little ridges here that look like almost like wrinkles in the skin I have OCD to me this is very distracting and I would not enjoy a Sim walking around with this I'm going to add this to my get ready rid of list all right okay so let's say you have them all dressed up completely dressed in stuff that you don't want anymore right with tray files it also has your builds too right so I think you can actually use this method with builds as well like you can make a build that's filled with just a bunch of CC items that you can't stand you don't want to keep them in your game anymore so I just wanted to add that little tidbit in before I forget so once I get to this stage I'm going to go ahead and save these guys to my gallery so I'm going to save the household all right let's name you get rid of me and then I have to give her some kind of aspiration don't pick an aspiration that is a custom aspiration that you added to your game pick a base game aspiration this one bodybuilder I don't know and then we'll give her just a simple trait that I know comes with the game cuz if I put like this Daydreamer determ these are custom ones I think it will erase that stuff out of my game if I put it there I don't I know for sure but I don't want to risk it so I'm just going to leave it alone let's say she's all dressed is there anything else that I want to get rid of maybe there's some some accessories or something I don't like some random ass gloves like if this was CC that would totally go in there cuz I never use stuff like this all right let's go ahead and save the household get rid of me household save to my library you can stop here or you can go into your game right do the same thing with your builds right so you can just go ahead and make either rooms or lot and save them with all the hated CC the outgrown CC the outdated CC the broken CC the textures you don't like whatever it is that you don't want go ahead and add it all to your build and I think you can do the exact same thing with the build you have to save it to your library now once that's done I'm going to exit out of here so I'm going to say cancel clear out of my game so now I'm going to shut my game down once I've done that when I scroll to the top my latest saves will be up here so now when I click on the get rid of me household you see them right here to use mod manager you have to have a general idea of like what it is that you're even looking for right even the thumbnails the thumbnails are a good solution but if you have thousands of CC you don't have time to be looking through all these freaking thumbnails some items just don't have a proper thumbnail right so you're going to have to use your game to help you to find that stuff this is basically giving you a snapshot of everything that you don't want in your game now what you go here to the CC section and now it's showing you every single piece of CC that is being us used in this household the yellow this means that these are mods they're not actual CC pieces they're mods that are overriding something I don't want to remove this stuff because these are defaults that I have in my game that just shows up for whatever like I need this stuff so we're not going to mess with this but everything that's here that's blue I'm going to look at all of this the blue stuff is the stuff that is actual pieces of CC just so you can double check when you click on each item see here in the corner it gives you the thumbnail nail of each particular item that you selected so you can double check and make sure that that's really what you want to get rid of these two for some reason don't have thumbnails but we know that those are the bathing suit pieces mod height slider that's not something I want to get rid of good catch so now I'm going to go from here and I'm just going to shift click down here this is what I want to get rid of not this height slider anything that's like a slider an over ride a default skin default eyes you don't want that stuff getting deleted if you use that stuff regularly so just make sure you double check we're going to go ahead and rightclick we're going to show containing folder and look at all the folders that open up all right so now it's showing me that this is the braids here so I don't it's already highlighted for me I'm just going to hit the delete button and get rid of it that's simple x out of that and everything that is highlighted is something from this section here that I'm looking at so this is my actual mods folder that has been pulled up for me by this app there's no way to distinguish anything here except for if I memorize every single piece's name right so we're just going to go ahead and Trust the process and delete that that's the mod height slider thing if that had popped up here hopefully I would be paying close attention and realized I made a mistake in highlighting this and not delete that so please pay attention when stuff pops up if it don't look right because there's always room for error so this is a very very good app to use to manage your mods especially if you have no idea which CC piece it is that you're trying to get rid of so all of this is now gone from my game oh you can filter like this too okay that's interesting oh that's makes things super easy okay well I didn't know that this is for households actual Lots it's a little bit of a lag here um your rooms so you can filter here to see and that method that I showed you guys you can actually use up to eight Sims inside that household to do that and they do have Gallery uploaded households for you to do that with that are labeled as like CC delete family or something like that if you look up something like that you know you'll be able to find some people already made that have no CC no clothes no hair they're just completely blank Sims and you can just download them into your your game and dress them in whatever you need to get rid of to help you to do this for Trey importer like I said I don't know exactly what else people use this for but when I go back into my game you'll see that those pieces are all gone and here in the mods manager when I go look for those like let's go look for those hairs so those were black Sims hairs so they were in this folder sorry I got to refresh all right so black Sims hairs I'm going to refresh okay now they're gone all right so now when I go to these folders you'll see that the boys's hairs are gone okay so I don't need this folder anymore I'm going to delete it but you see now all of those three hairs that were showing up here once you refresh it the thumbnails disappear the the files are gone those bathing suit pieces which was coupled in with with this I don't see them anymore so that's all I do to manage my mods doing it that way I never have to bother with this Gastly folder at all like right here I can create folders to help me with managing all of this stuff oh this is another piece that I was going to get rid of wasn't it I don't think I was paying attention I didn't look for it for example this is not a shirt that I'll probably end up using using or needing so I'll just click on this and I can just go here hit delete it's going to ask me if I'm sure I want to get rid of it and I'll hit delete and then now that's gone and if all of these I don't like I can do it in Mass I can just highlight everything I don't want go through all these Pages hit delete and it'll ask me if I want to delete everything I'll just say yes and then I can get rid of them in bulk I think this is the faster way to get rid of your CC that's unwanted and that's why when I first download things I always just keep them here in my mods folder sorted until I have a chance to go into my game mess around with it see if the CC looks good if it looks bad if I don't like something and I'll keep track of the stuff that I don't like and then when I come back to here I'll say oh I didn't like the way this eyeliner looked on I didn't like the way that this looked I didn't like how that looked and then I'll get rid of it then after this folder it's not really a folder it's just the stuff that's in my Mod's folder unsorted once that stuff has been cleared out of this queue that's when I'll go in and actually start to put them into individual folders where I want them to be at right and you can kind of hover over each piece and see it'll tell you the name of the files also there's another feature here called curse Forge and this actually links to your curse Forge account so you can use curse Forge through the mod manager app if I go to updates it'll show me all of my curse Forge stuff that I have that need updates so I can literally just directly update it from here and it'll redownload the files that I need to make sure that they're updated properly automatically will'll just end up in the folders where I already have them saved so I don't have to worry about sorting them later you can go to browse this is like basically CC shopping if you don't want to open up your curse Forge app itself and you just want to do it directly from here then you can just go here oh I like this set and hit download and it will download all of these files for you into your game and see them here and you can sort through them decide what you want to keep what you want to get rid of move them into different folders yada yada yada yeah it's a combination of apps it makes seem like it's more complex because I'm using many different apps instead of just one thing to do this but again I told you guys this is just my process I'm very OCD I need things to be in a specific kind of order so that I can manage these things if I don't I'll just have like an anxiety attack so or it'll be no fun for me playing the game cuz I'll get so obsessive trying to like fix things in the game as I'm playing that it'll slow my whole progress down so this is the way that I have to do it in order for me to be able to like think straight let me know in the comments if there's any specific questions you have that I didn't answer in this video if you need Clarity on something let me know again I'm not a techie person I don't know that much about computers and tech and and all this coding and all that stuff I don't know how any of that stuff works I just know what I need to do to get the result that I want and the purpose of using these apps for me is to just manage my mods I just want to be able to know what I have get rid of stuff I don't want import the things that I do want in a more streamlined fashion instead of sitting there copying and pasting and unzipping and doing this and doing that and it's just too much I can't do all of that and this is also great for if you're like do I have this piece already in my game do I need to download this mod manager is my best friend I swear if I if it's something I see online and I'm like do I have that I don't know for sure I'll just go in here and I'll start typing in the names of certain things and then if I see it coming up then I'm like oh I already do have this cuz you know if I downloaded something months ago I may not remember like do I already have this set of tattoos I don't know that's what I'll use use this for I hope this answers many of questions I hope that I explain these things in a way that it's easy to understand and furthermore if you want to get more information on any particular app that I mentioned please go and do a YouTube search because there's people who have made intricate tutorials now I'm like okay I'm a visual person this just works a lot better for me that's it for from me and I'll see you guys in the next one I hope until then you are having yourself a good day make sure you give somebody a today find someone to give a hug to they need it they need it you need it and I'll see you guys next time my name is Gypsy have a dolly [Music] day [Music] [Music] a
Channel: Broken Dolly TV
Views: 1,563
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sims 4 lesson, sims 4 tutorial, mod the sims 4, sims 4 mod manager, sims 4 curseforge, sims 4 tray importer
Id: HFmbgo538Bw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 10sec (1750 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 14 2023
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