Destructible Mesh Tutorial Unreal Engine 4

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hi today we're going to be creating a destructible mesh and when we interact with it it's going to fall apart and crumble first we want to find our settings so we're just going to go there and then from settings we're going to look for plugins i'm going to look for apex construction so apex and just click enabled and then you only need to restart your unreal engine so this plugin just gonna make it so that we can have destructible mesh within our game and i've also downloaded a vase model that's what i'm gonna be using as our destructible mesh but any model this can be used on any static mesh in the game okay so once that's all there just want to close it and in your model you're just going to want to find it and if you right click and you can click create description this will create our destructible mesh for us okay am i just loading and now i'm now in here okay if we go to enable impact damage this will just allow it so that it can be interacted with and take destructible mess damage and the damage threshold that just controls how much damage we have to apply for it to destroy so once we've got all that if you click fracture mesh i'm just gonna wait for it to load okay so it's loaded and if we go on explode mount and we drag that up that will just show us how our construction mask will explode when it's interacting with it so if we just close this down and if we just drag this into the world that whoops i don't want it it's a destructive mess from the vase i'm just going to scare it out so it looks a bit bigger and nicer just kind of position it okay so if we just go into it and in the description we're gonna want to find and set simulate physics so now if we simulate within the game when our thing falls the tracks because it's got really low damage that should it's just going to break straight away okay so now we're going to make it so when we walk into it or interact with it it's going to break so we're just going to scroll down okay i can't find it so just going to scroll up and go down and we just take off start awake so now um when we first interact with it that's going to be when it destroys so i'm just gonna duplicate this so and now when we first interact with it it's gonna break so i'm just gonna shoot and it breaks and if i walk into it it also breaks and that is how to make some distraction mesh in unreal engine thanks for watching if you enjoyed like and subscribe bye
Channel: Unreal University
Views: 17,678
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: unreal, engine, tutorial, ue4, learning, destructible, mesh
Id: 749IE0m7aR0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 3sec (183 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 16 2020
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