How To Setup Destructible Assets In Unreal Engine 5

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hi everyone my name is payton and in this video what i want to do is go over just a simple beginner technique on how to set up a prop for actual like fracturing almost like a destruction asset so something where you potentially would knock over off of a table or even shoot with a gun and it kind of just breaks apart and fractures like it would probably do in the real world um so for this example at least i'm going to be using this vase here that's kind of on my outside area of the patio and i want to take this this prop and basically turn it into a destructible asset so right now it's just a simple obj that i had brought in it's in my geometry folder down here and so i'm going to go up here to the mode now that i have it selected and i'm going to switch over to fracture and so this fracture mode um this is basically where you can set up uh fractured assets and everything uh there's a large variety of breakup that you can do and different techniques you can use for this but for this at least i want to just do like a cluster fracture almost like it would just see a like shatter like you see in a lot of games so what i'm going to do first is now that we're over in the fracture mode i'm going to hit new and i'm going to generate a new geometry collection asset so basically it's just making a new asset similar to the vase but it doesn't want to override the vase and this is a geometry collection so it's a collection of all these fractured pieces put together almost like a grouping or a pairing of them and i'm just going to place it in my geometry folder as well and it'll be vase you know geometry collection i could actually name it let's say vase a fractured or destructible i think destructible could be a good word for it i guess and then yeah let's do create geometry collection and now you're going to see that the actual materials changed uh slightly so and now over here in the element 2 it's going to say selected geometry material and that's fine right now we'll change the material once we uh kind of have gone through our fractured process but now over here on this left side we will find our fractured types and then a couple of yeah other features this is just all the different details that you can do and like i said there's a large variety of ways you can actually go about uh setting up something like this but what i want to do is i'm just going to kind of walk through a couple of these to show like what they could be used for so the uniform one is just going to be a very uniform it's pretty even how it's going to actually fracture out and so i think what i'm going to do here is going to hit fracture and we can see that yeah it's pretty uniform with how it's kind of broken apart but i think i'm going to control z i'm not a fan of that one let's try out the cluster one and then fracture there this one's a little bit more interesting and i would say potentially more realistic just because it's a little bit more randomized i would say um and yeah that one's not too bad and what we're seeing right now is a preview this isn't actually it updating but then we do have over here on the right side the fracture hierarchy so this is basically the groupings um they're clustered together and they're being grouped together uh so you can have hierarchy of the different bone components of the mesh um and so uh basically i could do this and then fracture again and then you're gonna see that it's going underneath each piece so each uh initial fractured like piece is then additionally getting more uh geometry underneath it as it clusters in that way but i'm just going to ctrl z again and go back to our vase without anything and then now what i want to do is show off the radial one i think what radial is best for uh definitely let me go back real quick and then rotate this a little bit so radial is going to be great for actually using it with i would say like glass if you want to have like shattered glass this would be perfect for that um just because it's gonna give a a radial kind of you know fracturing from one point and breaking apart uh now of course each of these fractures that we're doing has additional details on this panel here before you actually hit fracture right now i'm just kind of showing off the default settings but you can go through here and actually change a good amount of things to really vary it up and break it apart a bit more um but yeah so with this one i think radial is pretty good like i was saying for uh like glass like especially like if you have a glass that's maybe shot um then it's going to like uh basically fracture out from this center point uh kind of like what a bullet hole would do and uh yes i think that would be kind of a good case for this use um now there's of course like a planar as well so you could actually like place it on an exact plane uh or at least to use this plane to fracture it at that point so maybe yeah for whatever reason you had like some concrete you wanted to like slide off or something this could be an interesting way to go about doing that as well so i'm going to hit cancel on this one and then there's also the slice so yeah all of these have a lot of cool different uh you know use cases for them i would say uh i think yeah i'll probably skip actually fracturing with this one um it's gonna be pretty even and then there's the the brick one as well so if you wanted to set up like some sort of a brick fracturing where it's like kind of breaking apart like that that could be cool for maybe cobblestones or so uh or even yeah bricks that kind of break apart and if you set it up properly with the bricks then it could um basically allow them to actually break apart in that way then yeah there's mesh so you could use a static mesh to kind of fracture out of location and then of course custom as well but yeah i think what i'm going to do now that we've kind of ran through a couple of those is i'm going to go back to cluster because i like that one and then i'm going to hit fracture so now you'll see up here that there are a couple of different settings that i can do you can change these and basically hovering over them will tell you pretty much what it's going to be covering so like if i drop these down and fracture it's going to notice there's a lot less and this is because this is the number of clusters max and min so i've lessened it from eight for both of them to two for both of them so we're getting a lot less just fractured parts so if i go back to there you'll see that now it's it's breaking apart pretty decently again but yeah so let's say that we are good with the the actual breakup one other thing you can do too is the explode amount up here so if i undo real quick and then hit one then i hit fracture you're going to see how it's actually kind of being exploded and this could be cool because you could actually just fracture it and then simulate it uh to where it just drops like that and then you have a pile of um yeah just broken apart pieces which is pretty cool but i don't want that for this purpose at least so i'm going to hit zero and i guess i can actually do maybe two different ones so this one over here i'm going to do one and hit fracture okay so yeah it would actually propagate to both of them um and that makes sense because it is using the same collection so you would need to make a new geometry collection asset if you wanted two different ones um but yeah that kind of can help you understand too or you could have the same destructible throughout the whole scene and yeah basically have a destructible asset that's shootable but i'm just going to delete that one go back here real quick and then i'm going to hit fracture of course meant to turn that off and then there we go so yeah now we're good with that um i'm going to say everything is solid with it and what i can go ahead and do also is if i switch over here um right now the color is all crazy but if i go find one of my colors let's say i'm just going to use the metal material that was kind of on it before and i'm going to replace that selected geometry location now we can see that it looks just like uh the bass that we had previously um and let's say i go here and play we're not really going to notice anything with it um it will have the yeah the physics to it so it's going to move now that it's a asset and you can see that i bumped it hard enough to actually break it which is kind of cool now you can control the uh the impact settings to where you know it doesn't break as easily or maybe it breaks even easier but yeah i'm kind of just you can see i can push it around a little bit and it's eventually it gets hit and hard enough to where it actually shatters apart um and then i can also yeah like if i wanted to bring it up here pretty much and then uh let's say play from here it's going to immediately drop and shatter which is kind of cool but this is a cool way to actually um pretty much like have some collision uh let's say i had actually had like a gun in here and i could shoot it uh then it would shatter as well but it's really dynamic and a cool way to add a lot of uh actual interactive ability with your scene um or environment if you're like making a game and wanting stuff to be destructible and break apart uh this is a really simple way and as you saw it didn't take too long to actually set up just at a simplistic manner now of course like i was saying you can get a lot more complicated with it but this is just kind of a basic how to set up a destructible asset but yeah besides that that's about it for this video and i will see you next time
Channel: Peyton Varney
Views: 15,786
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chaos, unreal engine, ue5, ue4, unreal engine 4, unreal engine 5, destruction, breakable, how to, beginner tutorial, shootable assets, video game destruction, game development, environment art, texture art, modeling, fracturing, breakable glass
Id: DXvnjQoayQY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 17sec (677 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 27 2022
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