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so now let's see if we can set off the biggest boom in history and create these secret avatar dummy you guys ready three two one join the project by subscribing to the channel and click the bill icon to receive notifications so you'll never miss a lot of video what's up guys and welcome back to rate room VR today we are going to battle the secret avatar dummy in this awesome new challenge in order to start it I am going to press the button and I want all of you guys to leave a like at the same time okay you guys ready three two one leave a like yeah alright guys we are back thank you all so much for leaving a like and stick around till the very end to see if we can't complete the challenge that's right my dummy friend so our objective is to unlock all of the elemental dummies I'm talking about water fire earth and also air first up is the water dummy let's see if we can deal an awful lot of damage with water weapons to unlock the water dummy here we go far away this is it the stars of this challenge oh boy this is an awfully sad weapon supreme Soaker more like super not soccer man this thing doesn't do anything yes just kill stand damage no we got a deal ten billion damage yes I know what we gotta do we just gotta grab some water balloons oh that is a great idea James well done oh thank you guys so much now let's see I'm gonna grab the same color all right yes a hundred and fifty damage oh that's what I'm talking about that's more what I'm talking about what a balloons are awesome whoa what balloon to the painful area go this more damage no why does that actually deal more damage I can't believe it oh wait hold on we are dealing good damage it go faster more water balloons alright this doesn't work we need a new plan we're gonna put this gear right over here we're gonna make a water explosion something like a like a tsunami oh yes so we're just gonna get a whole lot of these guys and place them around to dummy and what can I do so much damage with these things that he's gonna explode and maybe then we can spawn or summon the first elemental dummy hey dude what are you doing oh you think you're funny huh yeah you think you're funny well we will see what's funny okay once I blow you to smithereens oh that's why we need an egg launcher in here there we go let's take a look at the ah oh oh that's right oh I forgot the egg launch has been upgraded to a nuclear launcher well you know what guys I'm not complaining uh I think we're gonna burn this thing though we don't need this little Super Soaker not super at all no this thing is super oh yes maximum water damage in three two one fire and okay I missed it hold on fire come on Oh guys what an explosion whoa check this out know why we've got the first elemental to me look this is amazing let's go ahead and see if we can wait hold on what is this over here what is this ruin item is this a super soaker when we fire it no this is a super soaker all right far away oh that's better oh this is amazing it's like a super soaker minigun o.o yes dehr wait a minute do we not have an actual minigun haha yes we do have an actual minigun Oh Oh beautiful alright let's first try this guy yeah far away yes nice oh it deals damage superfast right let's find a minigun three two one fire away oh yes that's good wait it doesn't even do as much damage this thing actually do some more oh this stinks I love it Gary another guy hey we've got a blue spotty drone we got a blue everything hello there little guy my name is James and I have a super uber a Soaker yeah come here there you go that over in no time now you can't take this damage can you but now let's see we can destroy this guy you're gonna get in big times dummy guy you know what guys oh my goodness what I was just about to say he can take so much damage but this when he goes down alright guys time for the next dummy right over here we've got this white dummy which very much looks like the dummy of air so we gotta find a weapon that's all about air and I guess it's a bubble gun oh yes these two guys very nice they look kinda Airy right this guy literally shoots a bubble of air through the one and a blue there we go a little blue that's all it does this thing though yes it looks like a fan has been attached to the end so what we gotta do is just much and um we can't try to hit him normally which actually deals well next to no damage oh we can try to spin it to win it and wah whoa oh my okay that was spooky that was spooky hold on right in the chest there we go yes nice you this this crazy powerful who would have thought huh it's just a little grass trimmer accept it now it's a limp trimmer ha the limp trimmer 3000 I love it no it's a string trimmer all right well whatever mayhem war 1000 amateur this thing's crazy I want another one two is always better than one and look at this beautiful green dummy you're so beautiful my friend no take some damage there you go dad's good double the damage was too much I think oh yes it has worked oh look at this thing he's completely out of air I asked my friend I have got the pew pew for you okay we've got all the things that travel through air yo who just threw that in his face this kinda rude huh let me get some bow to the head okay now another one there ya go that's it hey buddy what shuttle right yep you Wow this good amount of damage it's not a lot of damage but let's see we can do more pew okay that's not more that's less pew that that's one less again oh my goodness but it's it's only becoming less guys there we go finally surely this massive golden bow should do some damage right go okay you know what guess we got it just figure something out here hi yes of course the balloon hammer it's literally filled with air wait wait hold on did he just take a poopy over here no wait hold on that's not a poopy this is say that this is a hair blow-dryer thing why is this here what oh I'm so lost okay this is weird we're gonna try that thing in a second however we are gonna try that let's do this thing first it's it's literally made out of air right punk punk just ten damage once and then it's like yeah you know what James what am I gonna deal any damage anymore yes stupid anyway right oh wait there it is hey tiny guy enjoy this thing it's on the house oh oh oh but you gotta throw this thing and go okay never mind we're just gonna try this thing I don't know how though but we're gonna try it should I just so just hit me to face with it go yes take this well you know what it's more than the balloon hammer so it's already improving and I activated go whoa oh oh wait we can hold therefore we can blow them away with this oh yes let's say enter the James face program I don't think actual space is gonna happen guess we get a ceiling and stuff but let's see okay go yeah you go this is good I like it it does look like the tiny guy wahoo yeah that guy flies on what more than this guy come over here my friends yeah Empire yes oh my this is cool man this is super cool you just blow him all over the place but we can't quite destroy him with it can we I've got a plan guys I've got a really cool plan we're gonna get a whole bunch of land mines that are super explosive of course don't throw it around oh okay Wow stuff is exploding as you can see my goodness this is so dangerous anyway I want to make like a pile of these things and then just have the hem get blown onto the power yeah that's a good idea right whoa my goodness this is too dangerous this is way too dangerous why am i standing right next to it then why am i screaming even though it says drop zone this is now gonna be the boom zone oh yes that's the best zone in the world now let's see we can get this guy Oh what show tiny guy but I see we can blow them all today Joe there you go okay alright we've got new land mines and we've also got a guy who doesn't run around like a chicken with his head chopper roadie so let's see if we can go ahead get this guy on to the path come on my friend there you go yeah you could that's good that's good get on to the landmines my friend we're getting nice and close nice a close whoa now that was an explosion whoa check it out guys because of our massive fiery explosion we now have a lock the fire dummy oh my friends you are beautiful oh wait it is a good friend because good friends always bring gifts right and he has brought well this thing Wow this is he scary looking device though is it some kind of gun or something well we're gonna try it out on this guy okay through the one-drop oh yes what is this another laser weapon no way look at this oh okay the thing is ridiculously powerful guys I am a huge fan of this awesome new pew pew Oh beautiful then we got to figure out a way to destroy this guy's so hard that we get the last of the dummies in here what if we combine it with the other laser weapon thing where is it this guy and this guy we should have someone boo combo going right so we're gonna charge the laser and shoot this thing right after three two one for your this thing's big yes okay not a bad plan but not a great plan either I don't think wait guys hold on I know exactly what we gotta do we gotta wait hold on we got another red one and another rant one yo that's a lot of red stuff today here anyway we got addresses guy up here you go my friend oh wait a minute guys we gotta do the opposite we got a kind of cool this guy down a little bit we gotta extinguish him that's a good plan so we gotta go ahead and charge this thing a little bit now we're just gonna like wash him off a little bit there you go cool down you furious red guy there you go are you feeling nice and refreshed huh is this helping justice doing something or maybe we just gotta try some other red stuff let's get rid of this garbage and try this Cal whoo yeah that sounds good I like it and chubby chubby there that's a little bit of a better jumpy right come on oh my god he's just too amor hold the phone I know what we got into in order to assemble the avatar dummy we're gonna combine the elements what if we do the same thing with this guy so we've got the water mini super gun Soaker thing and this guy let's see we can't combine their powers to take him down three two one far away yes yes that is how you combine some powers whoa whoa look at this dude just in case you guys haven't notice yet I love the green dummy sent this guy is the greenest of all the green dummies you sir are 100 percent beautiful and it looks like you brought a little friend over here why did you bring a tree trunk it's here that that's weird am I supposed to hit you with this go okay well it does actually do some damage then again it's a tree trunk to tree tree trunk tree is that instead of word tree trunk anyway yeah okay you know what this is not gonna work right stupid tree trunk I'll show you what I think of this this stupid tree trunk thing whoa what just happened wait a minute guys we just destroyed the fire dummy maybe maybe these tree trunks are explosive wait hold on there there's more tree trunks coming and they're coming from the skies all right this is this is a little bit awkward guys oh my could wow look at this toe wall what you're flying guy he's gonna fly into the tower no way guys check this huh oh one more come on there we go this is crazy oh my goodness I have never seen this before oh this is so cool we just gotta like push this guy right into the tower over there there you go that's it careful I'm sorry buddy I'm so sorry just carefully forward there you to knock over or awesome tour theme but I do when they get this game NASA the boo me or yes we're gonna be with it from the top oh yes oh that's nice there you go my friend stay right there okay so now let's see if we can set off the biggest boom in history and create these secret avatar dummy you guys ready three two one here we go oh my goodness well that was a big explosion but this guy over here is still alive somehow how is that possible you know what guys this is the dude of Earth how about we just hit him with a piece of earth strapped to and to stick of wood that's about as nature as its ever gonna get Wow yes that's the biggest damage we've seen all day go beautiful just one more right oh yes guys that oh that was awesome check it out we have all of the elemental dummies right over here now it is time for the big boom so we're gonna just place a few booming tree trunks right over here there we go then we're gonna grab the water and the fire thing and I guess we're just gonna put that guy yeah summer in the middle that's fine right so let's get them firing away three two one damage damage damage oh oh boy oh boy did we do it woah what is what is this guy know why check it out guys this must be the avatar dummy as you can see he controls all of the elements odet is amazing let's grab the biggest hammer in the world and see we can slap him with it let's slap the avatar yeah go oh my oh okay well they didn't do a whole lot of damage oh yes that's better let's destroy the avatar now we're not gonna destroy the avatar we brought him back and he is gonna fight all of the evil dummies guys thanks so much for watching and check out these videos on your screen right now [Music]
Channel: ProjectJamesify
Views: 1,473,445
Rating: 4.9128327 out of 5
Keywords: projectjamesify, jamesify, rage room vr, rage room virtual reality, rage room vr game, rage room game, rage room virtual reality game, rage room vr gameplay, rage room virtual reality gameplay, vr, virtual reality, game, gaming, gameplay, video game, funny, family friendly
Id: Fl4J2IjlKok
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 0sec (1020 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 28 2020
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