Destroy Every Common Opening With the Missile Gambit Again 😱🔥

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this video is evil and not suitable for the faint of Hearts so if you don't like to see Bloodshed on the board my man in the words of Beyonce to the left to the left again I'm going to show you how to play the intercontinental ballistic missile Gambit against every common opening that your opponent plays be sure to hit the like button and subscribe let's go right so let war begin I'm playing against a 2161 rated opponent and I'm planning to play the reverse tennis on Gambit if white play C4 yep I knew this because of my opponent's rating they like playing Pawn to C4 on the first move so now it's time to go D6 E5 and Knight G5 starting with E5 first so this is simply The Budapest defense guys and it can be another way to play the reverse Tennison Gambit for example Pawn to D6 is not the main line in the Budapest there we see Pawn to B3 I'm waiting for white to play H3 so let me give him one more chance to make a mistake by going Pawn to F6 first yep cuz F6 will kind of force white to take on D6 which is what I want so I want white to take on D6 after which I'm going to take back with my bishop and then anyway so I'm waiting for E takes D6 after which I'm going to take back with my dark Squad bishop and this will probably turn into the Tennison if white plays Bishop B2 I'm going to suck my knight on F2 just removed Bishop takes D6 great so now if Bishop B2 or H3 wow that's what I'm talking about you guys so I just sacrificed my knight on F2 double attacking the queen and the Rook next yeah King takes next I want to go Bishop G Bishop G3 check and then win the queen on D1 so this and my opponent just resigned just like that this is the reverse tennis on Gambit you guys and this is how you play it when you're having black pieces so let me just show you the way we play this if white tries to be a bit more solid so instead of what we saw the game usually starts with Pawn to D4 on the first move then you go Knight to F6 and then they play C4 you go Pawn to E5 the buest defense after they take you go Knight G5 Knight to F3 and then this is when you play D6 hoping them to take cuz after all that's the top plate move by the way no jokes you can check the leeches database so e takes D6 is what most people play in this position after which you take back with your bishop and then all of the sudden they play Pawn to H3 and now this is when you can shock them by sacrificing your knight on F2 and after the king takes you simply go Bishop G3 check or even Bishop C5 it doesn't matter but in this case just to simplify things just go Bishop G3 check and on the next move you're are going to win a free Queen on D1 just like what you do in the normal tennis on Gambit with white pieces so now let me show you how to play the tennis on gbit just in case you don't know what the tennis on gbit is so this is where we just start with KN to F3 and after D5 E4 Pawn takes we go Knight G5 counterattacking the pawn and after Knight F6 we go D3 Pawn takes Bishop takes D3 and after Pawn H6 we go Knight takes f s King Texs Bishop G6 check and then win black quequen on d8 like this so this is how we play the tennis H Gambit with white pieces and that's what I did with black pieces in the Budapest so now it's time to play the next game and see what my opponent is going to do now with white Pieces by the way so let's go and remember to hit the like button subscribe if you like what you're seeing right now and share this video If You Can you guys cuz that's how we grow this Community also check out my free E5 defense course which we are still building with my team it's free with a tiny token of appreciation for research let's go right now with white pieces I'm playing against a 2179 rated opponent okay now he played some kind of the Sicilian transposition it's like the game started with E4 and then black played C5 and after Knight to F3 they then play Pawn to D D5 and that's the position that you're seeing on the board right now it started as a zuka to opening but transposed into the Sicilian so what I like doing is going Pawn to D3 here allowing them to take on e4 so that I can go Knight G5 yep so Knight G5 now if Pawn takes I'm going to take back with my light Squad Bishop yep everything working according to plan if H6 I'll take on F okay there we see Knight C6 so I wanted to sack my knight on F so there's no sacrifice with Knight C6 right cu the Queen's Knight is protecting Black's Queen on d8 so there's no Knight takes F7 sacrifice and you should be very careful you guys whenever you see Knight C6 by black so it's time to reset my brain and play Knight C3 the idea is to go Knight G E4 in case of Pawn to H6 and I also had an opportunity to take on H7 so Knight to F6 now I can just CLE short I think putting my king to safety cuz what else do I know apart from this so H6 now I can play Knight G E4 that was the purpose of playing Knight C3 on the previous move so Knight G E4 is the way to go just protecting my knight okay so Knight takes Knight takes simple stuff E6 and now I think let me go Bishop E3 putting more pressure on the C5 Pawn okay B6 by black I like developing my queen at this stage of the game or maybe yeah Queen F3 first before playing Bishop B5 I'm just trying to put more pressure on the C6 Knight so now I think I can go Bishop B5 is it yep Bishop B5 just putting more pressure on the C6 Knight together with my queen okay so that's a mistake Knight E5 is a mistake by black I have Knight F6 check and then win or Bishop takes first and then if Queen takes I have Knight E5 check sorry Knight F6 check and then win The Rook on A8 okay so there we see Queen takes D7 now Knight F6 check if Pawn takes I'll take the Rook on A8 with check so you will see all these tactics appearing on the board once you play the tennis on Gambit correctly and you guys maybe you can do me a favor just for today you know what just call me the master of the tennis on Gambit I don't mind and I know I sound a little bit bragging but know it is what it is so let's see what my opponent is going to do against my tennis on Gambit okay there we see C shot by black that was just a free Pawn okay so Rook E8 now Rook E8 what can I even do queen queen A4 the plan is to shift my queen to the king side for a quick checkm mhm or maybe Queen H4 in the near future okay Queen B8 by black I guess now I can play wait a second this is a blunder cuz now I can take the dark SW bishop and win The Rook on EA so Rook takes so this is what I'm talking about you guys if you play very good chess it's not you who is going to Checkmate your opponent it's actually them who are going to make a mistake or blender so in this case my opponent just blended with that move Queen B8 okay that's a clever move B5 what can I do here or maybe I can just play Queen H4 Queen H4 with an intention of meting not worrying about my Rook yep so Queen takes D6 now or maybe I can first of all go Queen G3 check directly and then met on G7 or win the queen like this so Queen takes D6 King H7 Bishop E3 okay so black is now down a queen a full Queen by the way and I'm still eating his bones so this is just a matter of me finding the right way to kill my opponent it's just a matter of technique the game is almost over or already over oh but I'm low on time maybe my opponent may win on time so I need to be very fast and the key here when you're down on time is to trade pieces so I just want to find a way of trading all of Black's pieces if need be up taking the Knight so now I have to promote that pawn I don't mind losing my Bishop cut the line 4 seconds okay now this is easy [Music] oh God one second okay all right so this is bicycle M yep right good congrats no time for analysis is let's go straight into another game by the way if you want to know how to play the tennis on gbit very well like this simply watch the tutorial video that I have linked in the comment section down below it's also on my second Channel you guys be sure to support that channel as well it's called Casper chess Clips where I post some of the most exciting clips from my original videos and I also feature in other new videos as well so let's go to another game thank you right now I'm playing against the 22 60 rated opponent higher rated right so Knight to F3 Knight F6 let me go Pawn to D3 this is what I like doing G Knight to F6 so I expect to see D5 after which I'm going to play E4 D5 E4 let's see yes so E4 now how did I know this cuz I have played this several times and so I kind of know the psychology Behind these moves you guys and look at this out of all my opponents it is my higher rated opponent who walked right into this trap wow so it turns out that most lower rated players know these traps very well unlike these higher rated players maybe because higher rated players think they know it all and if black plays Knight C6 I'll play Queen D3 check go Queen G3 check and then that's when I'll take the C7 Pawn there's a reason why we do that to avoid Our Queen getting trapped after Bishop F5 obviously and there we see Knight C6 again the idea is Queen D3 check Queen G3 check and queen takes C7 why is Queen takes C7 a blunder in this position well because black can play PA to E5 and Knight E8 or Knight D5 to trap the queen so Queen D3 check first and then Queen G3 check yeah so Bishop F5 now Queen G3 check and this is when we win that pawn on C7 so Queen takes C7 and boom just like that you learned one new thing today so I'm still wondering how a fully grown bearded man managed to walk into this trap my God what's wrong with this generation uh sorry guys don't take it too personal here at Kasper chess we like jokes and probably that was a bad joke I don't know if my opponent has a beard or not so don't take offense uh this time white played Knight D4 intending to capture my Pawn on C2 and I should do something about this I'm thinking should I go Bishop A4 Knight A3 yep protecting my C2 Pawn First of course I couldn't protect my Pawn with my fingers or my toes okay so there we see Pawn to E6 I think it's high time I go Bishop okay so black wants to take my knight right and next they want to take my Rook so CLE shot first securing my king so that there's no King folk and now I don't have to worry about Knight Tak C2 there we see Bishop takes A3 just like I anticipated next Knight takes C to thank you I have Rook ab1 now okay so my Rook is now safe B6 B6 I think I should now develop my bishop or first of all Play Bishop B2 to put more pressure on the F6 Knight yep so this is how we make plans by the way even if you are up a win in the tennis on Gambit you still have to work for your meal you are not guaranteed to win automatically because black will always be up a minor piece or up a major piece so you still have to work for a meal there we see Knight D5 Knight D5 I think let me resign no let me go Queen E5 intending to M on G7 anyway why am I like this crazy me anyways I'm sure black would do something about that probably Knight back to F6 cuz what else or maybe Rook C7 I don't know I'm not a Sanga I don't use Juju and I'm not a voodo priest ah Knight back to F6 so now I can play something like Rook F D1 or Rook B D1 cuz Rook C1 will run into Rook C5 yep Rook D1 so Rook bd1 okay anyways Rook C5 comes but I have uh something like I think let me just Retreat my queen back to G3 so the target is the G7 square if the Knight goes away I'll M there and I also have plans to go Rook D7 if Knight takes I have Queen takes G7 Checkmate supported by my dark Squad bishop and this is what we mean by great peace coordination you guys attacking indirectly so if Knight D7 or Rook B5 I'll simply checkm on G7 so Rook D7 will be a very nice deflection there we see Rook G8 by black what a second but I can still take on F6 right that's a mistake cuz yeah Bishop takes yeah if point text I have Rook D7 check I still have that move and am I winning or was that a blunder King h8 what should I do now maybe Queen H4 I think Queen H4 yeah Queen H4 attacking two sports oh but black has Rook G6 got did I just mess up things or or maybe I should still continue Rook A4 turning to M that side on B8 ah okay I think let me just connect my Rooks Rook F D1 now still trying to find a way of simplifying this game okay Rook C G8 calls for Pawn to G3 black wanted to take on G2 now I should do something here so Knight takes A3 by black and now I'm thinking of taking on a s with my Rook but there is Knight B5 that's the problem even Knight C7 will run into Knight B5 so let me just play Rook yeah Rook B7 Rook B7 there's no Knight B5 attack unless my Rook was on C7 or on A7 and next I'm planning to go Rook D D7 let's see what my opponent is up to so you see even if you win your opponent's Queen it's not that easy to convert so Rook D D7 intending to M on A7 y so I'm planning to M on A7 how can I M on A7 oh the only piece guarding the A7 square is the bishop sorry the bishop so yeah so I can get rid of the bishop yeah this is crazy you guys so just play your chest very well and okay my opponent just resigned just play your chest very well and tactics will begin showing up on the board you don't even have to stress your opponent will blunder in one way or another just play active chess you guys this was one of my best games during uh these live streams I guess let me know what you think in the comment section and remember to check out my E5 defense course which is free at the moment and which we are still working on with my team so I hope you had a good time watching this video until next time have a wonderful day [Music] bye-bye
Channel: KaspaChess
Views: 80,932
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Chess, Chess Openings, Chess Gambits, Win Fast in Chess, Chess Traps, Chess Tricks, Magnus Carlsen, How to Play Chess, Game of Chess, Beat strong chess players, Beat chess grandmasters, Chess Traps to Win Fast, Fast Checkmates, Checkmate in Few Moves, Positional Chess Games, Best Chess Openings, Scandinavian Defense, Scotch Gambit, Against d4 opening, Beat the Scandinavian Defense, Tennison Gambit, Intercontinental Ballistic Missile Gambit, French Defense Traps
Id: XCRfFX6zhCk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 24sec (1164 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 20 2024
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