Destiny's Child Secrets Exposed (Part II): Rise of Beyonce, Abuse, Drugs, etc.

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previously on Destiny's Child secrets exposed we're looking at each other white seven years down dream you can't see I'm missing shows if I'm no longer part of the group anymore that's a lie bold-faced lie I was told by somebody in a group you know you don't even do enough in this group to even have an opinion from there you were basically just fired pretty much as long as it was Beyonce and Kelly's doing the singing the belief of all of us is that it would make a major difference and sure enough it didn't two of the girls who left the group in a controversy claim that there was favoritism that Beyonce was favored given that she is rising now as a star when you look back were they in some ways right our issue was strictly with management and it had nothing to do with beyoncé and Kelly Destiny's Child continued to succeed and deliver big hits like survivor bootylicious and independent woman the group became much stronger as a trio vocally was stronger than we've ever been because now everybody can sing really well everybody gets to sing lead now because everybody can't see me me [Applause] [Music] [Applause] the former members of Destiny's Child suffered in silence Latoya and Latonya attempted to form their own girl group called angel jagged-edged tried to help them put music out however the production company that angel was under collapsed it was all a complete disaster the group angel ended before it even started Letoya Luckett was devastated that her dreams of singing were over her self-confidence went down and it took her a while to get back up on her feet my self-esteem was very very low Beyonce it's very talented and so I was like well I'm not sounding like that that's not my thing so maybe I can't sing Latoya went on to do well in her solo career she had a number one hit record on the charts called torn and she had two top five albums Latoya became an unexpected success but she's still faced an obstacle from her past yes any truth to the rumors that Mathew Knowles tried to keep you off the BT Awards I'm not sure that I hope not oh I was on their daughter yeah you did do you think Latoya is currently singing and acting and she has been involved in several projects latakia on the other hand had a much harder time after Destiny's Child although she was financially stable thanks to her shared writing credits on Destiny's Child's album she still had personal unresolved issues let's hobby has suffered from depression when she was kicked out of Destiny's Child also Latonya carried a dark secret she was molested as a child and the trauma from that caused her to turn to drugs and alcohol I turned to substances to sort of hold up with pain drugs and alcohol yeah I was dealing with the simple fact of being molested and all of that stuff but then I turned I abuse alcohol to try to self-soothe I got a DWI I went to jail Phaedra it was one of the most horrible experiences of my life luckily latavia turned her life around and with the help of God she was able to overcome her struggles latavia is currently an author businesswoman and public speaker bearer also had a hard time adjusting outside of Destiny's Child fair came from a dysfunctional background and she had to fend for herself at the age of 15 after she left Destiny's Child she attempted to pursue a career in music and modeling but her life took some tough turns Barron was arrested several times for public intoxication and drug possession today Barron is still managing to stay afloat by singing and modeling while Michelle Williams was riding high on the success of Destiny's Child she did quietly suffer from depression so for years I'm in this one of the top-selling female groups of all time suffering with depression when she opened up about her issues to the group's manager Matthew Knowles he kind of brushed her off our manager at the time bless his heart he was like I just signed a multi-million dollar deal you were about to go on tour what do you have to be depressed about I think he wanted me to be grateful which I was but I was still sad fortunately Michelle conquered her battle with depression and suicidal thoughts today she is in a much happier place and she established a great career for herself in gospel music and in acne Kelly Rowland is successful in her own right but her life wasn't a complete fairy tale when Kelly was eight years old her parents separated allegedly because of her abusive alcoholic father sadly Kelly found herself in an abusive relationship around the time she was in Destiny's Child she was allegedly abused by kuden love in Kelly Rowland song dirty laundry she revealed the sad details of her relationship it was an emotional rollercoaster a piece of me which is go away every time he would say something she said in her song he pulled me out he said don't nobody love you but me not your mama not your daddy and especially not be the relationship played heavily on Kelly's insecurities her former group member latavia pointed out that kelly was very timid growing up and she would cry whenever Matthew gave her harsh criticism Kelly also had a stigma placed on her for constantly being in Beyonce's shadow even though Kelly had a breakout hit called dilemma with Nelly and had numerous hits on the pop dance charts it was clear that her manager Matthew invested more energy into Beyonce's career because of this Kelly's music came out of standstill a few times she said in her song dirty laundry while my sister was on stage killing it I was enraged bittersweet she was up I was down I feel good for her but what do I do now meaning wow this dude is putting his hands on me Kelly also had struggles with her brown skin tone even though Kelly is loved for her flawless complexion due to some colorism in the music industry she didn't always appreciate her shade I remember I went through a period where I didn't embrace my chocolatey news and I remember Tina knows B's I remember being out in the Sun and I was trying to show myself from the Sun and she said are you crazy she said you are absolutely gorgeous and just told me how beautiful I was with brand new confidence Kelly Rowland is living happily as a singer mother wife author model and a spokesperson for several brands Beyonce is the main superstar that emerged from Destiny's Child her accolades and accomplishments are numerous and her performance skills are impeccable she is one of if not the greatest entertainer in her generation most would say Beyonce got an easy ride in Destiny's Child because she was always in the forefront and she was surrounded and cuddled by her family former group member Farrah Franklin said that she envied the fact that Beyonce had the comfort of being around her family 24/7 family on road with you it's coming right because you have a mother who is a hairstylist and also the clothing stylist a father who's the manager and you have our other her other cousin I'm sorry I got I'm saying my cousin now you have her cousin who was our attorney and also have another cousin who was our road manager and you have her other cousin he was our road managers assistant and you have our sister salon she was a background dancer right right right basically everybody that works with us it's a family member and if they're not they become oh he was thoughtful Oh however life wasn't all peaches and cream for a massive pop star like Beyonce Beyonce started singing at an early age and she always had dreams of being an entertainer she auditioned and joined a group called girls time later known as Destiny's Child her father Matthew Knowles observed this and he was intent on supporting his little girl however Matthew took his support for his daughter much further than the average parent would he wanted hands-on involvement in managing the group Destiny's Child / girls time was originally molded and created by and Retta Tillman she put in years of groundwork for the group and laid the foundation for their success however Matthew sought to have full control over the group because his daughter Beyonce was in it the reasons for this was that he was very protective of his daughter but he also saw that managing a group with already established music connections could be lucrative down the line the former co manager of Destiny's Child Brian Moore revealed in his book the makings of Destiny's Child that the group basically was hijacked by mr. Knowles so Matthew was not involved the way he eventually became involved in fact Beyonce was not even the original lead singer - Ashley Davis was and then when we came back with the attention turning toward Beyonce Mathew then started to wanting to get involved and we would kindly deny you know say no no no we're good we're good because the last thing we wanted was a parent to be on the management team but but as we progressed and Beyonce became more of a focus and more of the lead Sanger after Ashley left the group he then started to maneuver his way on tried to get on to dimension team ultimately with threats of removing Beyonce he was able you know we had to agree to let him be a part of the management team which started you know as minimal capacity then to ultimately where you know we moved the recording I mean rehearsals and everything from and read his house to his house and just let him and Lonnie who's the producer and David Brewer who was a vocal coach you know work with him over there at her at his house so it appeared if all appearance it would appear that he was more of a part of Management because the rehearsals at his house but all the business was still happening at end redis and she and I was Hamlin that as far as talking to the record labels getting the record deals and things of that nature and the events putting on everything make sure everything stayed afloat so all the way up to and Retta died in 1997 after he had signed to Sony she worked to something the Elektra deal she got us to Sony Columbia deal that they're presently on and after her death and some things happening that I found I could no longer be a part of it I walked away and Matthew then took over the group so his him being in charge of running the group was after the record it was done after the first album was complete and you know the train was going downhill well this C's child was still developing Matthew made serious sacrifices he left his corporate job for unknown reasons to invest in Beyonce's career this decision put his family in a financial hole Beyonce's mother Tina Knowles almost went broke because the money was taken from her account to support Beyonce and Destiny's Child the family went from living in a nice luxury home to a smaller quite home it was really hard trying to pay the bills and and optional so it was a little bit traumatic well we had to get sell a house this drastic transition forced Beyonce to work harder in her group even though she was a young teenager there was a lot of pressure riding on her to make sure Matthews investments weren't wasted Tina silently endured a lot and there was a heavy strain on her marriage this is all 100% alleged but the co manager Brian Moore revealed that Matthew allegedly had a serious drug problem it's the possibility that the family's finances were eating up to support his expensive habit according to Brian Moore Matthew was known to go until miss garage to do cocaine or other drugs during rehearsals for Beyonce's group he claimed he would come back ranting and raving yelling and carrying on and would attend important meetings about her future career high as a kite even though the round Noel's begin to notice his frequent drug induced and rages he only increased his drug use Brian Moore wrote it was getting out of control he started lying even more to Tina and given her the impression that there were meetings going on Matt being used them as a cover for extramarital affairs with different women once again this was all alleged Tina dealt with severe heartache and allegedly fought often with her husband behind the scenes all this was happening during the early days of Destiny's Child while Beyonce was upstairs rehearsing in her room Brian Moore was disgusted with some of the things he saw Matthew Duke and bride eventually walked away from the fruits management he goes into detail about it in his book the makings of Destiny's Child despite Matthews negative antics he did a great job in making Destiny's Child a success after their first album he also helped make Beyonce the star she is today both he and Tina were excellent parents who made sure their children stayed grounded Beyonce strict upbringing kept her from acting wild and developing a huge ego like other teenage stars and my mother took me to a record store and she was talking to me and I started thinking what she was talking and she was like you better listen to me when I'm talking to you don't sing that's disrespectful and she was telling me something and I started singing again my mother slaps the mess out of me in front of everyone in the store and it was like young guys and people that knew who I was and they were playing the record because they saw me come in she smashed the fire out and said do not forget who you are if she wouldn't have done that who knows what would have happened absolutely Beyonce's talent and diligence took her to superstardom but at one point her rising superstardom was threatened beyonce faced extreme criticism it was blamed for all the problems in Destiny's Child even though the management team was the culprit the blame was unfairly placed on Beyonce when latavia and latoya were kicked out of Destiny's Child's the media blamed Beyonce when Farrah left the group the media blamed Beyonce Beyonce was targeted because she was the lead singer which was typical however Beyonce was very sensitive to the negative press on the Destiny's Child websites the hate mail completely and totally targeting Beyonce specifically we wouldn't even tell her some of the things we read she would just get so depressed when people would make judgments on her she was so distraught she was like Tholian tears I couldn't even understand what she was saying someone can dislike me for whatever reason just make up things and there's no way of controlling that and I had to deal with that from that age which is really really really hard especially for someone who's as sensitive as I am because I'm a people pleaser I want everybody happy Beyonce being only 19 years old got the reputation of being a diva and it tainted her image take sights were made against her and hate mail was sent to her she became very self-conscious about how other people viewed her it didn't help that Beyonce was being shown favoritism at least still people thought two of the girls who left the group in a controversy claimed that there was favoritism that Beyonce was favorite given that she is rising now as a star when you look back were they in some ways right I give no special treatment as a matter of fact I get the worst treatment because when I'm at home on my days off my father is harassing me to do interviews and work it was undeniable that Destiny's Child was a vehicle used to help Beyonce solo career Beyonce's father did go out of his way to snack sole deals for Beyonce and she wasn't always happy about it started going to studio on my off time and just me alone and writing my songs and my dad was secretly playing the phones for record labels and I was really mad because you know they were just for me and because of that I got independent woman placed on on the soundtrack and ended up winning songwriter of the year allegedly Matthew would sometimes make extreme request on Beyonce's to have which made her seem like a diva well Beyonce Janet and Mary apparently the behind the scenes controversy subsided at Beyonce reportedly only agreed to the shoot if she could stand in the middle for the cover but the editors had already promised the position to Janet Jackson before my father was a manager I was the lead singer and it's hard because I get used as the punching bag for everything that happened and it's because my father's a manager I wish you know I knew he was my mom despite his shortcomings Matthew was a good father and he wanted the absolute best for Beyonce even though Beyonce clashed with him she still loved and respected him very much however Beyonce fired Matthew as her manager being the last member of Destiny's Child to do so Beyonce fired him allegedly due to some failed negotiations it was also alleged that he was stealing money from Beyonce additionally Beyonce was fed up that he was cheating on her mother with close associates unfortunately just like her mother Beyonce dated men who both cheated on her included her teenage sweetheart lyndale and her own husband jay-z Beyonce rolls above to personal drama and put her heart and soul into her work perfectionist and she constantly challenged herself to be better her incredible work ethic brought her to where she is today fortunately Destiny's Child does not have a dismal ending even after Beyonce became a soul star she went back and recorded another album with Destiny's Child called Destiny Fulfilled this album was actually not required in Columbia's contract however Beyonce did it anyway because she loved her group all of the former members and current members of Destiny's Child hit along today Latoya became friends with Michelle and rekindled her friendship would beyoncé and Kelly we just loved on each other you don't shop and you go to Krispy Kreme there's no bickering there's nothing mean or evil to say about anybody this is this is fine I'd also like to thank the original members of Destiny's Child Letoya Luckett and latavia run tommy had told a touching story about how she and Beyonce reunited it showed that they grew up from all the drama that they went through as teenage girls and they embrace each other again as women actually saw Beyonce here in Atlanta in world 5 Pointz miles out shopping with my friends and I ran into her she's like way across the street at my friend's house I was like that's me and I think that she can see you from way over there she came all the way across the street and we embrace and we and you know I told her how much I loved her and how much I was proud of her and then I missed her and you know it was the same as an exchange but I wouldn't say that we were trying to avoid each other but it might have been too emotional to run back into each other again but I'm glad that at least I got to hug her once everything was over and just let her know you know that is the story of Destiny's Child anyway I hope you all enjoyed this video please comment down below and please please like share and subscribe anyway thank you all so much for watching and I'll see you next time bye
Channel: Empressive
Views: 2,889,623
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: destiny's child, beyonce, kelly rowland, latavia roberson, letoya luckett, michelle williams, farrah franklin, shady moment, shadiest moments, beyonce knowles, matthew knowles, survivor, say my name, independent woman, bills bills bills, superbowl, beyonce shadiest/diva moments
Id: bSvX4Wbw-CI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 46sec (1306 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 23 2017
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