Beyoncé's Most Memorable Moments on the 'Ellen' Show

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here she is one more time the birthday girl Beyonce I am so glad this is our fourth season this is your first time on the show it is my first time I have wanted you on the show before I even had a show I thought if I ever have a show I want Beyonce on the show what what's taking you so long I don't know what's taking you so long I have been asking for you for you know I've been asking for you I'm such a big fan I always said I I couldn't wait to come out and dance with you guys you know but I didn't do it just now yeah I'll dance with you before the show's over I'm dancing with you I promise so and happy it's her birthday today happy birthday Beyonce you now this is special enough I think to be in the park it's a special thing for you to have a birthday like this to have this big a celebration but we have a a big surprise that is going to freak your freak A little later I promise you that okay big big one and you can cross it off not that it's on your lifelist we've been talking about this a lot we started talking about yesterday Justin talked about his life list he wants to start learning a different language he wants to to be better at golf what is on your life list I have many things I want to learn Arabic you Arabic that seems very hard it is very hard I tried do you know any words at all not at all no no I want to learn how to um cook cook definitely when when you have time to cook I don't that's why I can't cook uhhuh I'm terrible um I want to learn how to skydive really you want to jump out of a plane I do yes I I used to want to do that and now I've I've kind of gotten over that really you may get over it yeah maybe yeah I want to also learn how to B um do point ballet dance you just go like that look just follow me you point okay what do you mean you want to do ballet like stand on your toes yes I tried I actually went to have lessons at Alvin ay and I'm thinking you know I dance I'll be able to hang so I I didn't tell anybody it was me I went and got my tights I walked in and I was completely embarrassed I was horrible really terrible I would think that you you took dancing did you take dancing all I did but it's it's it's way I'm too old to learn how to you have to start that when you're like 5 years old and that that's very very hard to stand on your on your toes like that you have to get calluses really hard yeah so now you don't want to do it that was enough well I still would like to yeah I know a little ballet I can piche but um you canich okay yeah I mean that's all I can do really is the clich show the cliche uh not right now okay no that was great I even know if that said all right so again I talked to Justin about this yesterday I uh I have very little time so I need to know ahead of time should I get a bridesmaid dress ready for your wedding with Jay-Z are you marrying Jay-Z I'm not engaged you're not engaged I'm not it's a big fat rumor it is a but but do you think it's a possibility that you will be engaged one day I hope to be to be married you know eventually with children I grew up with both of my parents and my sister and big family it's important to me so I'd love to have a family yeah and so uh when will you and Jay-Z get married then I don't know y'all seem like a great couple thank you and he as sweet as can be isn't he he's very sweet very smart I met him very smart yes I he came up to me outside of a sushi restaurant uh years ago and I couldn't believe I was seeing Jay-Z and he walked up to me and said he was a big fan and I just thought I didn't even think he'd know who I was a big F he's a very cool guy I like him a lot now describe it for people who don't know what he's like cuz he seems you know kind of tough and everything but he's he's a sweetheart isn't he he is very sweet and you know he's he's a businessman he's very intelligent very talented very gifted and so is he influencing I don't know if this is right but I read that you want you're 25 today yes you want to retire at 30 well I don't want to retire at 30 30 but I want to be able to to relax and take it a lot slower than I I work really hard now I want to be a lot more picky and just kind of chill out and calm down when I'm 30 yeah I think we're going to be disappointed in that I don't think we want you to slow down no I still want to make albums and do movies but just at a slower Pace yeah yeah so that's a that's a great goal I think all of us should put that on a LIF list to to slow down at 30 all right we have to take a break and uh we have a big surprise I believe it's coming up uh maybe next I don't know yeah we'll be right back with Beyonce we're back with Beyonce I'm going to wait one more I'm talking to you uh this segment and then there's a commercial I'm waiting one more segment for the surprise I decided I'm drawing it out oh God I am it's going to freak your freak though all right so not only we're talking about how busy you are not only do you have this new CD out you have Dream Girls the movie is getting so much Buzz already yes I had the best time doing that movie I bet it it's changed my whole life it was the best experience I learned so much about you know it's exciting when I do music but it's a whole new excitement when I do movies because I'm like a kid all over again and I'm just as anxious to learn and it's excited as I was when I first started this so it it just you know made me appreciate music even more and I just had I fell in love with something new and I for the first time got a chance to to show my chops at as an actor which was really exciting well I'm hearing great things about it so I can't wait for that to come out and you lost 20 lbs to do that role I did I did did and what did you do to to to lose the 20 lbs well I did um for two weeks a fast um it's you did did you I heard you did the master cleanse I did the master cleanse I don't know if anybody knows what that is I did the master cleanse also I did it for 10 days well you know my pain well I didn't think it was Master Cleanse is it's not we shouldn't call it a diet it's not really a diet you do lose weight but it's a cleanse yes and it's uh you can go on to some website and find out what the master cleanse is but you don't eat for 10 days yes I did for 14 days you did it for 14 days and you got in a bad mood you said yeah I was very hungry therefore I was evil yeah well everybody told me you know for the first three or four days you're cranky and then you're not hungry anymore and I never for one day was not hungry I was hungry the entire 10 days me too and everyone around me they were eating crispy creams every day so when we wrapped the movie I was so excited that's the first thing I did I ate a whole dozen of Crispy Cream Donuts it did deceive a purpose but it was fun you know what's good is when you add vodka to it I like it it's that next time so this album uh bday is uh you this is amazing how did you get away with you recorded this secretly how how did you do that well when I wrote independent woman and Survivor all the first the the big Destiny's Child records a couple years ago it was when I was a new song writer so no one expected anything from me and I just did it for the love of music and I said I want to do that again I don't want to tell anybody I don't want any pressure so I did and I got in the zone and where do they think that you were I was supposed to be on vacation it only took two and a half weeks to do the to do the record and I told them don't call me let me rest and they didn't know I was in the studio and I did I think the best record I've ever done I I love everything I've heard so far and I I love this song Thank you that one you're doing a little bit later yeah fantastic all right uh and you have an all female band which I love thank you not too many people do that yeah well I know with armb music it wasn't many female bands for me to look up to and I figured if if this generation could see all these sexy strong talented women playing these these you know instruments it would Inspire them I'm all about female empowerment everything I couldn't choose I only wanted eight members but I have 11 girls cuz they were all so fabulous it was tough you went on like a search to to find them from all over I went on a search um I have you know one one of the young ladies is from Japan it was people from Russia all over the world that came to the to the auditions it was fantastic I love the band and I love what you're doing and you you're you're very very smart very smart uh all right the the surprise is happening right after this we have to take a break and we'll uh freak or freak right after this with Beyonce it's Beyonce's birthday and we're going to party like it's her birthday so Beyonce we're going to show you I this is I just saw this a few minutes ago this has never before seen footage of you at at some age because we're talking about when you started singing take a look at this and tell me how old you [Music] were she think she's bad bab bab don't make me ready to go we here ready go to Michael Jackson concert oh yeah you going to the Michael Jackson concert yeah all [Applause] right how old are you there I must have been about what six or seven or five or something like that so you just were you started just all of a sudden that Talent just came out of you and your mother said oh my God you're going to be a big star well I always loved to perform I always loved Michael Jackson and dancing to his songs and and I loved having a mic in my hand and and performing in front of an audience and who first like you did you just sing to people and people said oh my God you can sing and you just started no I was really shy my mother put me and my sister in dance classes and my dance teacher um her name was Miss darlette she was like baby sing sing for me I heard you over there singing to the track sing for me and I did and she was like like you can really sing and she told me to perform at at a talent show and I started performing I fell in love with the stage she told you to do it and and that you all of a sudden went well that lady said I could sing well yeah my parents were in the audience they had never saw me perform before and I so you owe a lot to that lady that actually got you started yeah I do actually come on out I love it I love it now how smart are you to all of a sudden spot this had you ever seen had you ever seen anything like that I mean I just see that video and I but I knew from little bitty she would be a star I always told him I knew it pretty smart lady pretty smart lady I mean you must be following this going I said it I said it but she worked very hard yeah yeah well that's why she's going to retire at 30 she's tired yeah no this is pretty exciting yes it is yeah I can't believe she's here she's here and now so you you discovered her how what were you doing well she was at the studio and um she was the last one and her parents always come get her to pick her up and I was just kind of sweeping around and she was I was singing and of course I can't sing so so then and you hear her and I was singing a song Out Of Tune and Beyonce finished the song for me and she hit a note I said sing it again and now remind you she was a very shy girl and how old was this she was about maybe six or seven uhhuh and she sung it and when her parents came to pick her up I said she can sing do you know she can sing they like yeah you know she sings around her house said no she can sing she really can sing and I they convinced me to let me put her in some singing competitions and dance competitions and it's been history since yeah well it certainly has I mean have you heard anybody now do you kind of look for people to are you are you trying to spot somebody now trying so hard yeah and then you sign them and manage them that's what you should do management yeah you should be well now what should there's only one Beyond F there's a well yeah that's the truth she's a triple threat as they say so what should I'm sure a lot of parents go my kid sings and but you know what did what do you think was special about her that you said well no but she sings Now remind you when her parents enroll her they enroll her for dance classes had nothing to do with singing she was out a dance studio right but I knew from when I heard that child sing and then when I saw her on stage for the first time I knew it without a doubt she was going to be a star yeah and it's just something well you can see that in the video that she's so special you have that like that's that's adorable that's adorable you got to be looking at that going yeah I was something right it's it's a kind of embarrassing actually all right let's bring out your birthday cake and celebrate your birthday birthday and uh I'm so glad you celebrated with us thank you beautiful is that red red velvet I hope it's I love red velvet that's my favorite too love to youy birthday dear beon Happy Birthday to you our first guest is one of the biggest stars on the planet please welcome my friend Beyonce oh Beyonce yeah yeah right thank you oh and even though this is uh Tuesday today right you must still be recovering from Sunday I am yeah I'm still not recovered actually I mean that's uh you got to be tired you put so much energy into your performances every time I see you that you just give it your all I do I do when I get home I'm like completely lazy I don't want to clean I don't want to do anything but but try to recover it's it's my job to give 100% And and I feel like you know I've been allowed to do what I love for so long I love my job so the least I can do is give my all you know you do the same we well yeah but now are you like me where you you want to relax but then after just a short amount of time you can't wait to do something again I don't know how to relax absolutely I don't like to get a massage I don't like to oh I like to get a massage I'll go a little far I the only time I can really relax is on a boat because then I have no excuse I'm stuck and I have to take care of myself and and eat good food and I don't I can't escape I did that for the first time this past summer really and I went along the Italian and French Riviera and it was just amazing did you like it I loved it but I thought I was in the middle of nowhere and just swimming and the paparazzi got me there was no one around and they were photographing me I don't know they're like in Dolphin suits or something they're I don't know where they came from that that's the craziest thing my mom always I I call her and she's like oh I didn't like that outfit you had on yesterday I'm like how do you know they they tape everything that's the only thing yeah because you never know it's one thing when you're prepared but when you don't know it's that's a thing I was looking around I thought for sure I was kind of but anyway but that's so now you and and speaking of that congratulations you got married and you did that without anybody knowing congratulations to you thank you yeah we were talking earlier it it feels different to be married it really does and it feels good doesn't it feels great and how long were you and Jay-Z together before you got married oh gosh listen to me I'm about to start yapping um we've been together a long time it's been about seven years wow yeah seven years but it does feel different doesn't it feels great I I really I really love it so uh seven years and was it something that y'all talked about or you just all of a sudden decided let's let's do it I mean it's different for everyone I was really young I'm only 2027 so I was really young and you know I feel like it's important for for women and men to have their goals in their own life before they can can complete someone else so you know we took our time he must have been pushing on getting married to lock you up though he must have been saying come on I know you're young but let's just do he must have been like really pushing to you know come on I mean not that he's not a great guy and that you're both both Lucky but you know he must have been come on let's do it he's a cool guy he's cool he's patient he's a great guy he is I really like him a lot and I got you a wedding gift I got you some towels and uh just what I need oh this is hot thank you oh man I'll get you something yeah you know be nice for the boat to have some nice house nice coffee make for the boat all right let's talk about uh the difference between Beyonce and Sasha Fierce there's uh in Sasha Sasha Fierce is uh she's on the CD are you on the CD at all because the CD is I Am Sasha Fierce and it's someone different did you make that name up I did uhhuh yes it's actually two it's two CDs it's a double disc and half of it is really natural and the songs are all love songs and really vulnerable and more closer to who I really am and that's why it's named I am and then the other half is Sasha Fierce who was basically who you guys saw in is that's her that's who y'all saw singing Single Ladies it's very different from from who I who I really am and I think people expect me to be more like Sasha F when they meet me so this is really more of of an introduction to to me you know I know when I was speaking with you during the commercial you you really like flaws and all and those type of songs I love to sing more than the Up Tempo so yeah I do so I was able to to do what I really wanted to do but still give the fans what they want yeah well I like all your music but she's going to sing a song uh really because I've asked her because she knows it's my favorite song um flaws and all and she's going to sing it at the end of the show if if you haven't heard the song it is so so beautiful but that's what I was saying it's like you have so many different sides of you you know with those ballads and with with that kind of energy and so Sasha is something that you can turn on and off or does she just show up sometimes when you're um no she stays I'm not asking if you're crazy I'm asking no because people are like okay I don't understand this Sasha Fierce thing it's for fun it's fun and it gives me an excuse to blame anything really bad on Sasha Fierce I say yeah I say well she's doing she's doing all right right now and and Sasha is someone that uh that has Jay known Sasha longer than we've known Sasha J know Sasha [Applause] yes all right I have an alter ego also it's uh my name is Richard Simmons and I uh yeah all right we have to take a break and then uh we'll be back that's Beyonce as Eda James and Cadillac Records when does that come out December 5th uh-huh that's fantastic love that James I do too I love her even more I when I was a kid I I listen to a couple of the songs that my mom would play around the house but I wasn't as familiar I mean her and Muddy Waters and Little Walter they they started rock and roll and that's what this this movie is about it's a story that has to be told and I'm so proud to be a part of it yeah that that must be amazing to be able to play these people and learn more about them like that definitely she has such an interesting story I mean they could do a whole movie on just her life M um it was very different from from my life and it was crazy having to to do the research and figure out how I can have the same pain in the psychology of her where it came from um because at one point in her in her life she was addicted to heroin so I had this really dark scene and I've never done drugs so I just you know needed to understand her need to to heal that pain and it was very dark how did you do that where did you where did you find that well um I I visited the Phoenix house and I spoke with a lot of women that were recovering tried to understand the addiction and of course I read her book it was the it's the most honest book autobiography I've ever read and watched some of her performances just tried to understand you know she had a tough life um and you know I don't want to give too much away but it it was hard for me to be in that space because I'm a naturally happy person so I would come home with the swollen eyes and I was really really different because I wanted to even the physicalities are very different I don't I don't walk or talk anything like the character um and the best part was being able to to say all the profanity because I don't curse so that was fun for you oh yes it was so much fun get all that out of you I could get it all out yeah I had an excuse my mother and father couldn't visit the set they were like no I don't know who this is we can't see this it's crazy but it was fun well who's that called do you have a now now you have that's but that's more impressive that you're not anything like that and you were able to capture a different walk and a different feel and embody that that whole thing um and I don't know if y'all got to see Saturday Night Live when when Beyonce was on with Justin but it was oh my God now you know I just adore Justin he's he's a friend and I it was this is a peie out if you haven't seen it J is crazy isn't he hilarious I just can't believe how hilarious he is and he wasn't he I didn't even know he would be there and they asked me to do it and I was like I don't no and then they said Justin's coming I'm like you're lying there no way he showed up he had his leotard his pumps and his robe and he opened it up and just let it all hang out I'm like okay Jus with I know I mean uh just the leotard alone but in those kitten heels and heel oh he told me that his ankles were so sore the next day they were why are his legs like more beautiful than any woman's I I know they really and it seems like he shaves it does I think that they didn't look carry at all they didn't they were very smoth no no oh God that's hilarious all right and now uh cuz with your spare time you decided to do a clothing line as well right yes because my mother um of course in the beginnings did all all of our hair and she would design all of our costumes and our fans would say can we get clothes we we want to you know look like Destiny's Child so instead of me just putting my name on the line I wanted to really be involved and and my mother is so talented so we partnered up and we're doing um a clothing line and it's named after my grandmother because my grandmother used to be a seamstress and she taught my mother how to sew so it's three generations of and it's called House of Darion House of Darion and uh I think we're going to give some uh close away the audience right we'll be right back with more Beyonce after this we're back with Beyonce she's watching people interpret her songs and dance to her and it's fantastic yeah it was fantastic what happened to the left to the left I don't know I don't know we had different endings we kept doing different things I like that you like that one better the the awkward don't know where to look nobody's paying attention to me think I like that one that was great so what are you doing for Thanksgiving I'm going to try to cook for the first time really it's very scary very first time yeah yeah how many people um it's probably about eight or 10 people not that you better learn how to cook I know yeah does JayZ care about that he doesn't care if you don't cook he actually after me cooking a couple times just says don't do it it's okay yeah yeah that's the way you get out of it just do it bad on purpose a good little trick that is a good trick now are you all going to uh you think you're going to have lots of babies um or just one well one day maybe one day I have my nephew and I was there in the delivery room and it kind of traumatized I was going to say that that's enough to you you don't you shouldn't be there to see that I told my sister that I said please I'm telling you don't have me in the room she's like you have to I'm your sister stop being so silly well I was right I'm traumatized yeah now you're never going to I'll have I'll have one even a couple maybe y' y'all would have uh some pretty and and talented babies that would be good I encourage that okay I think I think go ahead and do it
Channel: TheEllenShow
Views: 44,030
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ellen, degeneres, ellen show, humor, comedy, funny, celebrity, television, music, interview, tv, ellen degeneres, the ellen show, daytime tv, talk show, elen, degeneris, game, season, fun, the ellen degeneres show
Id: 96BX6tUBFT8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 47sec (1607 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 29 2024
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