Destiny: The Movie (2014 - 2017) [All Destiny 1 Cutscenes + DLC]

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[Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we called it the travel and it's arrival changed us forever great cities were built on Mars and Venus mercury became a garden world human lifespan tripled it was a time of miracles we stared out at the galaxy and knew that it was our destiny to walk in the light of other stars but the traveler had an enemy a darkness which had hunted it for eons across the black gulps of space centuries after our golden age began this darkness found us and that was the end of everything but it was also a beginning [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] is possible there you are Guardian sign up Aryan it worked you're alive we don't know how long have been looking for you Chico's actually now I'm your ghost and you well you've been dead a long time so you're going to see a lot of things you won't understand just a stolen territory we aren't safe here I have to get to the city look guilty don't worry and so it's mutable fast it's been here a while kind of made a jump it's centuries we're lucky to follow them completely predict take will it fly I can make it work [Music] okay it's not going to break orbit but it just might get up to the city now bringing it with [Music] we can come back to them when you're ready forget you [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] welcome to the last safe city on earth the only place the traveler can still protect it took centuries to build now we're counting every date stands and this tower is where the Guardians lives [Music] [Music] there was a time when we were much more powerful but that was longer until it wakes and finds its voice I am the one who speaks for the travel you must have no end of questions god in its dying breath the traveler created the ghosts to seek out those who can wield its lunch as a weapon guardians to protect us and do what the trouble itself no longer can what happened to it I could tell you what the great battle centuries ago how the traveller was crippled I could tell you the power of the darkness it's ancient enemy there are many tales told throughout the city to frighten children lately those tales have stopped now the children are frightened anyway the darkness is coming back we will not survive it this time it's army surround us the Fallen urges the beginning what can I do you must push back the darkness Guardians are fighting on earth and beyond join them your ghost will vote I only hope your trance wine [Music] I did I'm sure we're in this together I used to look up here at night and wonder what the hive were doing but the only activity I could ever pick up was hazy like it was blocked or buried there's nothing left not even the light where's his ghost we may want to move back you're interesting not entirely interesting but you have promised who is that I don't know losing suit Guardian I know what you're about to do it's brave there are enemies out here you would not believe out where go down face the high and if you live come find me [Applause] signal drop I have some broken coordinates Venus northern hemisphere Ishtar reaches great what do we do now we go down this colony was built by the Ishtar collective records say they once studied ruins older than humanity itself we thought this was all lost in the collapse [Music] well fought you're here we haven't got much time who are you why are you been watching us I don't even have time to explain why I don't have time to explain I will I will I know well what I wasn't talking to you little light I'm a ghost many Guardians felt strong ones but you made it here yes I'm listening they are here with me we should told you - understood you need my health guardian is that why you brought us you they brought us here the vex evil so dark it despises other evil you're not a guardian now I was not forged in light but I believe where our paths cross around [Music] have you heard of a black garden we've heard the legends the greatest threat to us all lies there where these machines are borned find the blacks garden without its heart only then will travel to begin to heal can you help us find it by past my own I can't if we're going to find the black garden we need to see the office ah yes be woken our wavering between the light and dark aside should always be taken a little light even if it's the wrong side [Music] too late returning how many hold position kill the engines and don't let them find you so how do we find the awoken they live all the way out at the edge of the darkness last night the light touches [Music] can I just stay here with the murderous robots no little light don't do [Music] where is all this come from every ship that can escape fled earth during the collapse they made it this far I guess they died out here it's a graveyard how did the a walking survived no one knows intruder bearing one to seven you have crossed into the realm of the awoken state your business will be fired on by order of the Queen oh look a need better season we are from Earth we are here to seek the counsel of the awoken conform to my trajectory any deviation will be taken as an act of aggression looks like we're in the right place why is the right place always so terrifying so these are the trespassers demanding an audience we didn't mean to trespass the Queen herself judges who may or may not enter the realm me I see no reason she should be available for whatever washes up at the week but here we are we've come to ask for help it is afraid of the phone [Music] it does not understand these ones are mine apologies your grace I am a guardian from Earth we're searching for the black garden boy we seek to destroy the darkness at its heart you want to turn it into a battleground how unimaginative being a rarity everyone knows where it is the hard part is getting in can you help us and why would we do that the Queen requests counsel with her brother [Music] that's good why not [Music] we'll make you a key how's that all we need is the head of a VEX gate Lord gate for ya why do you want to vex head oh we don't and I doubt we'll get one dragon but it's your only hope of getting into the black garden we will return or die on Venus either way [Music] it is alive and still has its ball there is no shame in running away going apart from the cowardice and failure of it it's an excellent strategy we didn't run was no game Lord slain brother oh we slave gabled ghost we need to find the black garden they don't even know where it is let us tell them search the gate Lord for that which gained some entrance why if you wish them certain death just kill them here often when we get at others notice to be revealed only our own my motive is simply loyalty to our people our queen and a sister then please take what is required [Music] dead unfortunately a wasted journey I'm afraid but I think these ones are forceful we gift it in sympathy for their traveller Mars 84 North 32 East Meridian Bay I have shown you benevolence Guardian should be a walk you'll never need an ally I will call on you and expect you to answer she's saying you owe us Guardian I understand your grace good luck getting through the exclusion zone these coordinates put the gate of the black garden near the lost city of freehold it's been buried in the sand since the collapse now the Cabal occupied the area in most of Mars no one gets through their exclusion zones you [Music] so much think you can kill God don't think I have a choice for centuries we feared the forces of darkness massing against us we sought to hide and cower beneath a broken God no more these guardians show us what we are what we have always been and what we will be again we are what remains of the light and we will not stand [Music] it's a day for pretty speeches and medals but we know the real fight takes place out there take this so much more Guardian I've seen terrible things going out in the darkness every moment bring some clothes up [Music] well in the beginning [Music] - carcinoma [Music] [Music] six of us went down into pitch only one called out I am owed the light I have teamed with the hive called a god crota an Oracle he took everything from me [Applause] he will turn his eye to earth and only the true weapon of the light can stop is grass now you must face what lurks in the dark below when the Fallen thought to destroyer I protected the reef in the end they all loved the for me we showed them mercy and after them a home amongst be awoken [Music] they make that message [Music] with the tile now they will feel my wrath open the reef to the guardians offer the riches of our realm as bounty for these traitors let the hunt begin once I looked up at the stars I was a guardian I stood against the darkness my eyes our hope and a future full of light six of you went down into the pit you sought revenge for those I lost Youssou god crota with his last breath he reached out across the night and now the night has answered oryx quotas father he smells the blood of his son on your hands [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] yes lanes is wounded we have murdered his son and now the taken case comes for us all I was born the moment the traveller died as everything collapsed around us before that day there had never been a ghost there had never been a guardian I don't know much about the traveler but I know it made me to bring you back and I spent a really really long time searching for you the Cosmodrome not the first place I looked as I saw the other ghosts find their Guardians and the centuries went by I wondered if I'd ever find you and then I did I remember everything about the day I was born I still wear disguise the awoken are my family now and I am their queen [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] we fought to keep our beautiful creation safe and now this beast has come claiming to be king mara solve vows to no one [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you and I know how this ends we've known since you escaped from that pit you [Music] the awoken have played their part [Music] Greece was all part of the plan guide them my hidden friend it is all up to you now Gauri this is commanders Obama the Cabal based on bubbles is blasting a signal across all channel they're willing to break transmission sir this could be a pretty to full-scale so we're setting down on Phobos now I'll be monitoring your feet ghost good luck hvala we made it to our chef we're heading home the rest awaited stephanis it no gather them I will take them all my contact near Saturn say the weapon fired only once it's not like the Queen to attack a superior force how could she have known how could anyone we need a warlock inside the dread-nots here we go our first priority must be to protect the city our Guardian got a good look on Phobos whatever it was it turned the ball against the ball wiped out that base in minutes how long would we last until we understand what we're dealing with they are taken eros get your rock off my map it hasn't spoken since crota fell it speaks now because Oryx has arrived come to fulfill the final covenant of his son but why fight the Cabal not fighting taking controlling their you so we focus on his army kill these take him until he's over to left whatever you kill Oryx will replace the dreadnought then how do we get past that weapon without ending up like be awoken I gotta go see about a ship key our discussion that not yet concluded oh I know that's why I'm leaving you [Music] maintenance pending requesting visual confirmation yep that's last one portside confirmed interested in tech Cade this is this Eris morn ship is it huh you know you're a true artist can't even see the join cute but Savalas got sign off on all launches needs a log where I'm letting it go stargazing to her okay how about an unsanctioned on using modified stealth tech to infiltrate a dread not above Saturn's rings so we can knock out its weapons create a transman zone and send in mechanically how about test flights we'll be waiting for you when you're ready me I'm not flying that thing [Music] it only took one blast from the dread-nots when you're through it will never fire again just don't forget to plant the transmat links where the guardians can land not everybody's got stealth tech and a ship that smells like hive good luck guardian activating stealth drive I'm picking up fluctuations in the power country relax modified the tech myself probably just Saturn's radio storms running interference keep malfunctioning did you break my stealth Drive [Music] legacy [Music] what happened everything over why wouldn't we be alright we're just stuck here with no ship and no transom great told you my still driving work you [Music] what does it mean to be on her I say it's all about where you belong warlocks have their libraries Titans have their walls but hunters belong in the wilds out there you want to live you better have a quick shot or a sharp blade a lot of us are loners but that's not the only path some of us know the difference of fireteam makes some of us we touch the void make it a part of us and then we take a name like stalker on from the shadows pin them down never let them see you coming Teves is gone but the light in his bow still burns we'll stay live forever make it your own [Music] what does it mean to be a Titan as a Titan you are a part of the city in a way no warlock or hunter could understand the dream of the city rests upon our shoulders then there are those that find a path outside our walls those that take up with leaders they barely understand so it has ever been with the sunbreakers the hammer of Sol is a flame of the darkness but fire burns without thought it is time that fire came home to keep the city and her walls warm throughout the long night fire born of man fire of the light ask yourself what power do you seek from the Forge guardian can you bring life to where only darkness survive you [Music] what does it mean to be a warlock power only warlocks understand true power true power lies in knowledge and understanding power channeled not controlled the stone is raw power the trance is true understanding both are required the storm color then is both the question and the answer and thus what it means to be a warlock you it began with quota but quota was only a servant of his father sent to extinguish the last of the light the great battle fought for the soul of our world ended in slaughter the son was dead and we invited the wrath of Oryx destroyer of light taker of will only ascendant hive moves between ruptures to reach Oryx you must walk in the dying footsteps of his son you must become ascendant [Applause] [Music] [Music] my queen you were right the guardian was the key for the first time the whispers are silent it is done I have accepted my fate I will not fail we thought we were indestructible the Lords of iron we swore we would do anything to protect the last city some of us paid the ultimate price I am all that remains stand with me Guardian it is time to avenge my brothers and sisters prove yourself worthy and the iron Lords will rise again in the years after the collapse the world had no Guardians it had only iron Lords immortal fearless we fought to protect the survivors of a once great age our battle was about more than crawling back from the shadows the iron Lords would give humanity back its future [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] some know the legend but no one truly knows how the iron Lords died their final deaths that was something you had to be there for to witness to remember - no even heroes can die and survival is not always a victory now I am the lone sentry and my watch is eternal waiting for the day when whatever we disturbed awakens [Music] the iron Lords are gone but our fight is far from over [Music] Hausa Devils is back and they're digging into old Golden Age research labs all across the system this isn't a simple smash and grab they're on a mission at first the Vanguard wasn't particularly concerned at least not until the devil's decided to move back into the cosmic level now the Devils are shifting a massive amount of resources to an area nearby that's been dark for centuries normally I'd say it's just another day except what's really got everyone talking is that Lord Saladin has left his post at the iron banner to take charge of the situation personally only rather than go straight to the Cosmodrome Saladin wants us to investigate an abandoned Observatory in the mountains it's very strange a group of fallenness captured salvager people my team and I are on roof but we won't get there in time I need you to secure the observatory at the top it is imperative to fall and do not establish a foothold on that mountain all this trouble to break into an old temple [Music] even old wolves still bite zero what's your status circling around to make sure the area is clear be there in a sec well done Guardian the temple is secure now we can Cyril get a lock on I just picked up weight multiple impacts near the wall in Sector 17 they're attacking the sensor grid they must know where Seva is Guardian go to the cosmodrome immediately if septics escapes the fallen won't be our only problem this may not make sense to you but it took your flight to remind me immortality is not the same as invincibility I don't understand when the ghosts first found us those who were chosen were blessed with power but not wisdom the iron Lords came together in search of a solution to mankind's struggles instead we found Siva we dreamt of using Siva to build starships colonies we would become what the traveler always believed we could be but something happens Siva had been lost to time when team attracted to the Cosmodrome we thought our quest was finally over Siva would be ours for the taking [Music] Rasputin responded more than a hundred iron Lords entered the plague lands only nine reached the replication chamber but since we were chosen by the traveler and our cause was just we were certain the day would be ours until Ziva took control [Music] it infected our weapons or armor the corruption puppet us against one another in the end the older sealed the chamber with the iron Lords inside rather than that Siva escaped a battle was won heroes died and our mistakes stayed here but rescue to survive this is not Rasputin but neither is it something I know how to fight they are using Siva in ways we never even imagined out of the Fallen have learned more about Siva than the iron Lords or better yet where did Ahlers they have a mastered sefa yet this is all still new to them see Tyra she studied Sivas origins if there's a way to track the fallens discoveries she will know where to look [Music] you [Music] the Sina replicator is destroyed we found this merit thank you she would be honored [Music] my brothers and sisters I will see you again someday [Music] you've given them back to me [Music] you [Music] approach there was a time that only iron Lords carried these blades there are many like this in our armory but this one is new it is yours young Walt you are the first of a new generation take your place as an Iron Lord [Music] [Music] no statue for me I see the statues are for the dead and I always hoped you were not among them [Music] the city's holidays are like the city itself people from a thousand nations coming together to create something new these days Ramayana tea that either when all seems lost there is always a chance of joy now at the year turns the city celebrates with gifts and games and Guardians unite in the spirit of competition pushing one another to become legends just for a moment there's peace harmony hope this is the dawning it is a time to honor all that humanity has built and all that it will create and rejoice in the light from the day your ghost woke you your light has been our beacon you defended this city from the worst the darkness sent against us at the on crota Oryx axis when you are called on you will do it again the city's children tell your story to each other pretending to be guardians they grow braver and more powerful with each retelling they are no longer afraid you have shown them and you have shown me what it is to hope you have led us to a new age module an age of triumph and remembrance today and tomorrow and every day you fight for us you fight for the travel you fight for those who fled here from a thousand nations looking for refuge we thank you Guardian and we will never forget get back to it
Channel: xTGE
Views: 1,261,731
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: xTGE, Destiny, Destiny House Of Wolves, Destiny The Taken King, Destiny Rise Of Iron, Destiny The Dark Below, Destiny Cutscenes, Destiny Every Cutscene, Destiny Story Recap, Destiny Every Cutscene Ever, Destiny The Movie, Destiny Every Cutscene 2017, Destiny Dinklebot Cutscenes
Id: O6N7h1F92Qs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 41sec (3881 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 16 2017
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