Destiny Conference 2021: Pastor Duane Sheriff - Day 2, Session 4

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[Music] hello good afternoon everybody can we start making our way back to the auditorium please we've got part two of pastor dwayne sheriff everybody good i have to say i've restored the relationship with mr gelato we are all good he delivered he's back in town so it's going to be good i told him it can't happen again you can't stay away for more than one day i saw a whole bunch of people out there getting that all the students please get back to the auditorium everybody's on lunch now so okay if we get everybody to come in we don't want to go ahead and start with the wayne until everybody comes in here so if you're out in the concourses and can hear me please come in i tell you for everybody who feels important you ought to try and get people to come back in after a break it'll just put you in your place it's like people ignore you look right at you and ignore you praise god so i'm sure many of our students probably went to work this afternoon they were here because it was their regular class time so may not be as many but i know there's a lot of people out there praise the lord i tell you dwayne and sue have been a real blessing if you ever get a chance you need to go check out victory life church they have 12 locations one of them is here in colorado spring i mean in woodland park and they have them scattered all over their main campus is in durant if you're from oklahoma it's durant not durant did you know that that was the name of a general civil war i believe yep it's awesome all right is this everybody's coming in that's going to come all right dwayne we love you brother you too man give us heaven amen amen well we thin the crowd hallelujah this is how you find god's will [Music] all right get that out of your head dwayne praise god amen more came back than left thank you jesus father we love you today and i thank you for your purpose in our lives i thank you for how simple you've truly made it help us to not complicate it help us to cooperate with your your purpose your plan your good will for our lives and lord as we search the scriptures today i thank you for the great teacher the holy spirit the one that you sent to lead and guide us into all truth may we not quench or grieve him in our hearts or in our midst in jesus name amen and amen we'll go ahead and turn in your bibles to colossians chapter one i want to continue to share on the subject of destiny or we could say god's will for our lives we could say god's predetermined plan and when i say that i hesitate to stop there because when i talk about god's predetermined plan i'm talking about nothing but good for you i'm talking about nothing but victory for you i'm talking about nothing but but god's blessings for you god doesn't have a plan that's bad for you god doesn't will anything bad for you you know that jeremiah 29 11 i love it so much it says for it's almost like god's being defensive i know my thoughts towards you says the lord it's almost like the lord is saying i know you heard someone say and i know someone else said my thoughts are this but he says i know my thoughts toward you says the lord they're thoughts of peace and not evil to give you an expected in or a future a hope god has a plan and that plan is nothing but good for you and while everything in your life may be warring against that plan god is for you and his plan for your life and so what i want to do in this session is talk about the primary purpose of god our destination our pre-destination and again if you start talking about predestination it's just amazing the different schools of thought it's it's amazing how confusing this has become and i'm going to make it so simple that i'm concerned for at least half of you you're going to miss it it's just too simple and we want to make things difficult it's got to be deep it's got to be you know heavy revvy and and yet even god's predestination is spelled out simply in scripture and we've made it out to be something god never i believe intended it to be so there is a predestination there's a destiny there's there's an appointment we have with destiny and on the road of that appointment with destiny god's primary purpose in our life there are encounters with god there are markers i believe there's markers in our life if if you could sit down and just spend some time with the lord and shut everything down you would discover markers that was an appointment with god and destiny that it was a a crossroad in which you had an altar experience with god i can go back and look at my childhood days and see so many appointments with destiny if i'd have had a believer around me if i'd had someone that really loved the lord and and knew the word of god it's amazing what could have happened to my life early and yet god has even made those things up to me so we're going to look at the primary purpose then we're going to look at our secondary purpose that is an outflow of our primary purpose and this is what andrew spoke on i'm going to give you some different scriptures and some things god's done in my life but there's a primary purpose that god has for each and every one of us as his body in the earth and then there's a secondary purpose that your individual vocation your calling god has a specific individual purpose for you that's unique to you and he wants you to discover that but you will not be fulfilled as andrew stole my message in a profound way what good would it be for you to find your vocation what you were created for and i mean right in the middle of god's will and and you don't understand the primary call so let me let me talk about the primary call and then i'll come back i'll come back to that until we perceive god's will in terms of being versus doing going and having we're going to have a lot of problems with our doing and our going and our having but once we perceive god's will as being united to christ and that it's no longer you that live but christ is living in you and christ is flowing through you now that brings clarity and prosperity to your secondary role a pastor a teacher a lawyer a doctor all of those kind of things but until we understand god's primary will is that we be so united to christ that every circumstance we find ourselves in every surrounding issue we are to be salt in that we are to be light in that we are to be a blessing in that we are to be united to the life of christ and the life of christ be seen and known in our lives no matter what circumstance we find ourselves in that's the primary purpose of god look at colossians chapter 1 and this is very difficult to jump into this thing but we'll just jump into verse 24. paul just had this thing about being long-winded amen and it's like you try to go back to where the man starts and then you're in another chapter then you're in another book and there's a point where you can't go all the way back to genesis but in verse 24 of colossians 1 i now rejoice in my sufferings for you and fill up in my flesh what is lacking in the afflictions of christ for the sake of his body which is the church now that's just heavy of which i became a minister according to the stewardship from god which was given to me for you to fulfill the word of god the mystery which has been hidden from ages and from generations but now has been revealed to his saints and what is this mystery that had been hid from previous generations but is now made manifest to his saints to them god willed to make known what the riches of the glory of this mystery among the gentiles which is christ in you the hope of glory him we preach warning every man and teaching every man in all wisdom that we may present every man perfect or mature in christ jesus to this end i also labor look at this striving according to his working which he works in me mightily paul basically is saying that all of my doing comes out of christ and the holy spirit working this new life of christ on the inside of me and now through me the life of christ and being united to jesus and no longer living unto myself but christ living in me now that's driving me in all of my doing it's driving me in all of my goings it's driving me in all i have until we understand our union with christ and how that god is living in you god is not just living in you for you but god is living in you to live through you then these other things really don't matter okay he responded to andrew a little bit better when he said that because some of you think wait a minute it does matter what i need to be doing and that's what i'm here for is to find out what i'm supposed to be doing and don't tell me it doesn't matter where we go i'm trying to figure out where god wants me to go and don't tell me it doesn't matter what we have my name is jimmy give me give me give me my name is jimmy and my last name is more and i know where jimmy came into my mind just then and that's a private joke and it's stay in private in jesus name you think god's will is all about how much stuff you are going to have and call yourself blessed or you think god's will and primary will is where you need to be going throughout this life or god's primary will is what you're doing when in fact all of those things are a byproduct and an overflow of being united to christ being in love with god being a living sacrifice and from that position of being your mind now as you choose to hear god follow god read his word which is his will you'll find transformation being supernatural from the inside out and you'll find yourself doing the right things out of an understanding of being right with god going into the right places out of this leadership of the holy spirit that is forming the very life of christ on the inside of you and now through you and having i mean that that is the least of your concerns that at this point in knowing god's will for you and understanding god's will for you and being filled with the knowledge and spiritual understanding of his will for you like paul it doesn't matter if you're in prison or in the palace i've learned whatsoever state i'm found in therein to be content how could he say that how could he be the same in the palace and the same in prison is because he knew my circumstances are not defining god's will for my life god's will for my life is that i shine as a light in the palace and i shine as a light in prison that christ is going to be seen and known in me everywhere i go everything i do and with everything i have he got to a point where he was just saying hey for me to live is christ and for me to die is gain that i don't even live by faith i die by faith now in my union with christ in my relationship with the lord and that's our primary call look at a look at another passage here philippians chapter 2 philippians chapter 2 verse 12 therefore my beloved as you have always obeyed not as in my presence only but now much more in my absence work out your own salvation with fear and trembling for it is god who works in you both to will and to do for his good pleasure man that is so powerful king james bible i like i like how it says work out your own salvation with fear and trembling one of the problems many christians have in discovering god's will fulfilling god's will for their life is they're trying to work everybody else's salvation out it takes fear and trembling to work yours out what makes you think you can work mine out amen and notice we have to work it out see god's will can't be perceived as out here god's will has to be perceived as in here and that's powerful that didn't fly but i mean everybody's thinking of god's will at large in terms of what do i need to be doing over here um where do i need to be going do i go to school here do i do i marry this person do i do i take this job do i and and what can i have what does god will for me to everything kind of thinking external when god says look you've got to work out your own salvation with fear and trembling for it's god at work in you see god is working in you both to do and will of his good pleasure one of the things that i'll share in my last session or tonight it's one of those sessions is how do you discover how do you know i'm in god's will and this is this is deep so i'll say it now because he just said it and i'll come back to it and and and try to try to help you believe it in that session just hear it this session but one of the ways i know i'm in god's will and this is a place you grow into you can feel the good pleasure of the lord you can feel god's pleas i feel the good pleasure god's pleased with me you know he's not pleased with my flesh he's not pleased with some of my thinking he's not pleased with anything i've done that contradicts his word he's pleased with my union with his son he's pleased with what he's doing on the inside of me and me working it out with fear and trembling and so i can i can sense the good pleasure of the lord now talk about that as a sign and a symptom when you know you're in god's will just like people don't understand i don't know what's wrong with everybody but very seldom have i really stepped out of the center of god's will i've done it a few times just stepped over and then and and god's okay with that and he's going to correct me but then you take another step and there's a grieving of the holy spirit on the inside of you i don't understand how others don't feel this i mean i'll be talking to people and they'll be doing things and i'll say things did did that grieve the holy spirit did you feel the the heart of the holy spirit grieved in that what holy spirit grieved you can literally if you was to get away at all from the center of god's will like andrew was saying the holy spirit will be grieved on the inside of you and you'll sense that and i'm telling you there's a point where you keep you keep developing this and developing this you you just move a little bit boy you're back over there you're quick to become that living sacrifice because you you you well i don't know how to say it this won't go over very big in colorado but you get addicted it's legal and an addiction to the good pleasure of the lord you can feel it you can sense it i'm not talking about my flesh i'm not about deep in my spirit and so he's saying that look god's will is on the inside of you we're here just to draw it out of you and and andrew i don't know if he knew what he was doing i'm not saying he doesn't know what he's doing that didn't come out right i don't know if he knew what he was doing in talking to that woman but as a pastor i can't tell you how many times i've sat down and helped people in just a matter of minutes discover god's will in them by by digging into what is already in them asking them questions and they know god's will even when they don't know it and my job is to help you know what you don't know that you really do know i'm serious that sounded terrible but it was awesome go to first thessalonians this is one of my favorites the lord really just changed my whole attitude in his will out of these passages first thessalonians chapter 5 verse 15. again no matter what's going on around me regardless of my circumstances man i help me jesus to communicate better to people to quit discerning what is god's will based on everything around you there is nothing going on around us that's god's will i explain that how that you've got to go back to the garden to find god's will all around us all around us are forces and people yielding to flesh self demonic powers and this is not god's will but regardless of where i find myself in this life i know god's will and am fulfilling god's will in being a light and being a blessing in people seeing the life of christ in me flowing through me and this is what paul is saying in first thessalonians chapter 5 look at verse 15 see that no one renders evil for evil to anyone but always pursue what is good both for yourself and for all rejoice always pray without ceasing well there is so much before we get to the main one but let's get to the main one dwayne in everything give thanks now i don't know what bible we're not reading so is everybody reading the bible for this is the will of god in christ jesus for you pastor what's god's will for my my life rejoice always pray without ceasing that doesn't mean you're praying 24 7. it means when you pray and you believe god for something don't give up on that prayer stand and keep praying until you see it manifest pray without ceasing and then in everything give thanks for this is the will of god in christ notice it's in christ jesus for you well pastor what's god's will for my life i'm just i'm just saying well i won't know god's will give him thanks yeah okay okay but what's his will for my life thanksgiving let me try it backwards a little dyslexia here see if that clicks a evidently we don't believe it b we believe it but we're not doing it see we're not doing it because we don't understand what it really means that it's god's will that in everything i give him thanks i'm not giving god thanks for bad things in my life i'm not thanking god for evil i'm not thanking god for satan i'm not thanking god for cancer i'm not thanking god for sickness i'm not thanking god for for for poverty and on and on we could go boy i i i'm resisting the temptation i remember saying this publicly try to do it quick dwayne and and a lady jumped on me and says well the bible does say we are to thank god for everything because i said we don't thank god for everything i don't thank god for what somebody just did to me i don't think god for cancer trying to strike my body i don't thank god for a heart issue i don't think god for any evil or bad i thank him in it for my victory for my deliverance for me being a blessing no matter what's going on around me and so this lady jumped on me and said well the bible does say and she took me to ephesians 5 where it says give thanks unto god for all things unto god and the lord jesus christ and i'm thinking do you not understand that just said give thanks for all things unto god you'll have to look that up it's in ephesians uh chapter five and uh just go wherever andrew hadn't been [Applause] but it says thanks thank god for all things unto god and then you and then you look at jesus's life and he was asked about taxes one time and he said concerning paying taxes we are to render unto caesar unto caesar the things that are caesar's and render unto god the things that are god's we don't we don't render thanks unto god for rape and for murder and corruption and thanksgiving those aren't unto god they mineral me those are fingerprints of the devil and we're supposed to submit unto god james 4 7 and resist the devil not thank god for the works of the devil and so when he talks about in everything giving thanks this is the will of god you cannot sincerely give thanks to god if your mind and heart is on your problems you can't sincerely give god thanks if you're looking at all the bad all the evil all the corruption all the death that's around you and paul is saying look there's a place in your walk with god that his will is giving him thanks in it because he has not forsook you he has not left you he's not doing this to you he is your deliverer he is your savior he is your lord he is going through it with you not abandoned you in it amen and yet it's like we don't get it well you don't unders i can't tell you how many times as a pastor i've been told i don't understand it is amazing how much i don't understand i mean i don't know how i've survived i just simply don't understand well you don't understand what i'm going through no you don't understand who's with you going through it no you don't understand jesus told you that he gave his gave you his word in john 16 33 that you would have peace and then told you and warned you in this world you shall have not might have not if you're have little faith or no faith he says in this world you shall have tribulation but be of good cheer i've overcome the world i can remember in my immaturity i remember reading that and i talked to god sometimes i don't know who you talk to but i talk to god sometimes even when i'm reading the bible i'll be talking to god and and i'd read that and i'd be of good cheer in this world you're going to have tribulation dwayne you're going to have issues you're going to have problems you're going to be attacked you're going to be rejected you're going to be hated you're going to be persecuted but be a good cheer i've overcome the world and i remember i hear it in my ears right now i can remember one time going good for you jesus [Applause] i'm proud of you good job what's that got to do with me see that's how we think it's like why would he tell us to be of good cheer in all these issues and problems and evil all around us because he's overcome it but listen i can be of good cheer because he didn't overcome it for him jesus did not die for him he died for me he wasn't raised from the dead for him he was raised for me his victory is by victory his overcoming is be overcoming and he moved on the inside of me to empower me to overcome it no matter what it is i gave you in my first hour i met our last enemy face to face with the lord right there with me and it wasn't god's best what i went through and i can't explain it all but i know this greater is he that was in me than he that was in the world i know this i had a demonic assault on my life it was demonic and those who know me know i don't give the devil credit for very much i think we give the devil far too much credit some of you the devil's not your problem you are your problem so when i say it was demonic everybody that knows me pays attention i remember i'm i'm i'm having a a heart attack i'm collapsing and i don't believe in heart attacks and so i'm praying it had happened at the house and sue prayed for me and it left and i'm in perfect health and i'm headed to meet with a senator or a a a state is he is he a state senator our state senator because he and i i had the privilege to help draft a bill that would take oklahoma one step actually a huge step closer to becoming a sanctuary state for the unborn and it was huge it was a big deal and i was meeting i'm driving to meet with the senator to finalize the bill before it goes to the congress and then the governor so this is a big-time meeting and and i'm i'm i'm i'm unable to drive all of a sudden i'm on the phone with andrew and later after what happened to me happened andrew said you were on the phone with me when this was happening to you why didn't you ask me to pray and i said andrew sue already prayed i didn't need your prayers [Applause] i mean when sue prays all hell gets shook i mean so i mean i was standing i didn't anyway what was my point before i got on track i was talking about a demonic attack and and for me to go through this with the lord so close again i can't explain everything but so close and then to step over into eternity and he's right there then face to face has given me the confidence to know that i guarantee you if he has the keys to hell death in the grave and i'm here to tell you firsthand he does he's there with you right now whatever you're going through and if you'll get your eyes on him you may go through some things you don't understand you may go through through some things you can't explain but let me give you some good news you will go through it and i guarantee you you're going to be stronger than horseradish on the other end amen and yet i can't have any people well was that god's will and and did god do i mean all caught up in an exterior external explanation of god's will missing the whole purpose of god's will how the life of christ was worked in me how the life of christ was worked through me how that i am closer to the lord now and and never dreamed i could be this close in the sense of that union with him and that power of the resurrection and knowing it like i know it now again in everything give thanks for this is the will of god concerning you if you can't give god thanks for where you're at right now what makes you think god's going to take you to where you want to be if you can't be grateful for god's will in your life right now where you are what makes you think when you get somewhere else you'll be grateful when i talked about romans 12 again these are things andrew and i may say differently and i think we're still on the same page though it sounds different i do believe the will of god is progressive in our lives and that we're going from from glory to glory faith to faith one measure of grace to another measure of grace i do believe there's principles of of god's will in your life that is like first the blade then the ear then the full corn in the ear i believe those things and and i operate in those but i also believe that right now for instance i believe i am in the center of god's will for me and because i'm a living sacrifice and my mind is being renewed not having been renewed being renewed i'm experiencing the good acceptable and perfect will of god for where i'm at today i'm in the good acceptable and perfect will of god now i know that i'll be somewhere else in a few more days in a few more months in a few more years but i also know i'm going to get to what god has for me in the future because i'm celebrating the grace of god in the now i'm celebrating god's will in the now i'm enjoying god's good and acceptable and perfect will for me right now which is preparing me for whatever else he has go to psalms 139 real quick and we'll talk a little bit about the little book and and how we're created by god but i need to give a quick illustration that just came to me it wasn't until just a few years ago i knew it was god's will for me to be an author it came into my heart it came out of my heart that i'm to write books that i'm to be an author and god had put that in my little book before i was even formed in my mother's womb but i didn't know it but because i am celebrating the will of god today in my life i'm enjoying the will of god i'm not saying oh i'm in some inferior or pro-rated will of god and one day boy one day i'm really gonna be in the perfect will of god one day i'm gonna be i can't tell how many people i've met that are unproductive unfruitful unhappy because they think god's will and even perfect will is still so far out there that they're dissatisfied where they are with an ungodly dissatisfaction instead of realizing man you're you're right in the middle of god's will i was in the middle of god's will in the first grade learning my abcs i'd never been an author if i hadn't learned how to write and that will in the first grade of learning the abcs and maybe i forget what grade you learned the abc's in but i hope it was the first grade hope it wasn't kindergarten bottom line is i was in the will of god there and it was good it was acceptable and perfect but it was preparation still to be an author one day i can show you the progressive will of god in my life all through my life but i can also also show you appointments with destiny that had i not made that appointment with destiny celebrating the new life of christ celebrating this amazing grace celebrating a god that is working in the now and using me right now to the praise of his glory and i never got to where i am today andrew said it about a ladder i had a vision of ministering to thousands of people 40 years ago and my first church was eight people i take that back my first church was three people and i used to say and it was rude and so i don't say it anymore but i used to say they were three snaggletooth old women they were just old i won't say that now but it's amazing how god used me and how i was in his will at that moment in that day that was good it was acceptable and perfect in the sense of i was faithful to abide in my primary purpose united to christ letting my light shine being a blessing wherever god has put me and that church exploded then my second church was eight people and it exploded my next church was the one that that i'm in now 35 years ago and we started with 30 people in a double-wide trailer what if i'd have just been saying well that's not god's will for my life i've seen myself ministering to thousands of people no that was god's will for my life at that moment at that time and i had to be a living sacrifice there and renew my mind and have it being renewed to the will of god the word of god and i'm telling you it was good it was acceptable and it was perfect at that time at that moment in my life with god had i not been faithful there i wouldn't be here now there's no doubt in my mind about it amen am i helping anybody all right psalms 139 i knew we both would be here but that's all right psalms 139 we'll start i think i got that wrong 139 dwayne verse 13. again it was paul that taught us in everything give thanks for this is the will of god what you're experiencing may not be god's will what your circumstances are may not be god's will what's going on around you may not be god's will but in everything give thanks for this is the will of god in christ jesus for you man acts chapter 16. just write that down paul and silas are in jail they're they're imprisoned and and says when you when you read about people in the bible being imprisoned we're not talking about what we have today with hbo and weights and basketball we're talking about a bad bad dreary place a cold dark place and they have been imprisoned listen unjustly you're gonna have to deal with flesh over that and god's will they were beaten before imprisoned that is so wrong that's wrong on so many levels and can you imagine struggling with is this god's will for my life is this what i get for obeying god and following god and it says at midnight they began to sing or sing i'm southeastern oklahoma you're just gonna have to live with that amen and i mean think of all paul has gone through and and and now he discovers silas is tone death this is terrible everything's terrible but at midnight they begin to give praises to god in everything give thanks paul didn't believe that was god's will and that god was doing that to him but he believed god was with him and that god was going to use him and that he was to be a light in that and that the life of christ was to flow in him and he'd be conformed into that image and that the life of christ flow through him and it says that place got shook and and all those that were imprisoned the change fell off of these people this is incredible this is a huge miracle and the jailer that had fallen asleep assumed everyone had escaped and in that kind of culture if the prisoners escaped the jailer was executed and paul says look look don't do yourself any harm here we're all here you know what we've missed in many of the circles even i've been in i've heard people teach that they were singing and praising god and giving god thanks to get out of jail if they were singing and praising to get out of what they knew wasn't god's will at that moment in their circumstances why were they all still there even the prisoners they didn't sing praises with a motive to get out of jail or they would have fled they sang praises to god because in everything you are to give thanks and they weren't thanking god for all the bad that was happening to them they were thanking god in all the bad that had happened to them and god's faithfulness to bless them and to use them and the jailer wound up getting saved in his entire home isn't that pretty powerful how many circumstances have we been in that god wanted the life of jesus to flow in you changing you conforming you into his image and flow through you changing other people's lives but you got caught up in is this god's will or not and i don't believe this is god's will what's happening to me and on and on we go with how we judge or discern god's will in psalms 139 is where we get into the secondary will of god and that is your vocation that is what you're created for look at verse 13 for you form me or you form my inward parts you covered me in my mother's womb so god is forming our inward parts in our mother's womb i praise you i will praise you for i am fearfully and wonderfully made marvelous are your works and that my soul knows right well we are god's workmanship we are created by god and are the marvelous works of god god has fearfully and wonderfully made you you are unique you are special in the eyes of god and there's no one else like you saints and god has a specific will for you as an individual that he created on purpose and for a purpose this gets just so good my frame was not hidden from you when i was made in secret and skillfully wrought in the lowest parts of the earth your eyes saw my substance being yet unformed and in your book they he talked about his substance there they were written the days fashioned for me when as yet there was none of them how precious also are your thoughts to me o god how great is the sum of them if i should count them they would be more in number than the sand when i awake i am still with you man god has nothing but happy thoughts for us and if they could be numbered all the happy thoughts god has for you it would outnumber the sins on the seashore saints and how many people really grow up thinking god's thoughts toward me and again god says i know my thoughts towards you they're happy thoughts their thoughts for good their thoughts for peace and yet people have not been renewed most of god's people do not view god and how god views them as a creation of god you're special you're unique there's no two human beings on the planet like you no two even even the world understands uniqueness understands how fearfully and wonderfully we're created a stupid phone recognizes your face think about that facial recognition on your iphone that's a miracle that's incredible no two fingerprints alike there's no such thing as is uh identical twins they're not identical there's differences even in so-called identical twins why did god make you this way why did he create you so unique because he has a specific and a special purpose for your life and he has created you to match that purpose and one of the things i'll come back to this in one of my points later but one of the things in regards to his book many times we think of his book just in terms of the number of our days which he did say and how god has a plan and god has it mapped out for us and has given us the holy spirit the gps of the spirit world to navigate god's map but he also put a little book on the inside of you as a unique creation as his workmanship and in that little book is everything god's plan for your life and you just have to learn to unlock that little book you your very dna genetic code is created by god and in that genetic code that dna is god's will for your life god is the one that created you to have hair like you have it took me years to believe that it used to be worse my hair used to be worse in controlling it and i'd have people come up to me every single meeting and ask me is that natural i i wasn't being mean but i look at them and think you mean to tell me somebody'd pay to have this done to their head that's not real smart used to be thin i did i really used to be thin hated my size hated my hair god created my hair god created my bone structure god created the color of my eyes god created the color of my skin god created everything about me and he did it on purpose for a specific purpose and inside of my little book or certain gifts that god put on the inside of me god sovereign sovereignly wrote the first chapter of your life in your mother's womb and put a little book on the inside of you and he sovereignly declared your end your last chapter while you were yet in your mother's womb and you can see that in jeremiah chapter 1 verse 5 and you can see it in galatians chapter 1 verse 15 and 16 that's already been covered by by andrew and and so here god has written sovereignly the first chapter of my life he formed me in my mother's womb a specific way for a specific purpose and then he declares by end my last chapter at my beginning and then he invites me in christ to by grace and faith in partnership with him right a number one bestseller called my life hallelujah god wants every person within the sound of my voice to be a number one bestseller and he's written your first chapter he's declared your last chapter and now he invites you to seek him he invites you to know him he invites you to his primary purpose in this new life of christ and out of that little book out of who and what and how you've been created will you find your secondary your secondary will man that excites me beyond measure because i'm not looking for god's will out here i've discovered god's will in here amen ephesians chapter 2 very familiar we are god's workmanship created in christ jesus for good works you've been created in christ jesus recreated in christ jesus for good works that god ordained that we should walk in those good works let me give you four things that i'm going to build on in my last two sessions number one we got to go quickly everything has a purpose everything has a purpose ecclesiastes 3 1 to everything there is a season and a time to every purpose under the sun there is nothing god's created that doesn't have a purpose even the nose hairs that are a pest god created those and they have a purpose now it's okay to trim them some of you've been looking like you're sniffing rogaine but your nose hairs what did i say you're you're i better keep going your nose hairs as insignificant as that could seem have a purpose and at how many years was i frustrated with everything about me that god made me a certain way he he he put in my little book what bit i would have in life he put in all of your books some of you would work and labor with your hands others would work and labor with your mind that everything about you has a purpose that god preordained that all you have to do is discover it is discover it b purpose creates passion when you are in the center of god's will and you're living life on purpose with a specific purpose it creates passion i submit to you go find people that are totally out of the will of god and they have no passion for life they've lost passion and i submit to you find people that you trust that they know they're in the center of god's will they are filled with passion at least to see real quick see is that purpose creates energy for life we we attribute too much energy to age in our culture i mean i meet people all the time said man pastor pray for me i'm just exhausted i'm so tired man i just don't have any energy for life dear god you're 19. [Applause] what is wrong with you people lose their energy when they lose purpose that's why you'll see people retire if they have missed god in thinking that their career was their primary purpose when they retire you'll see their energy level and energy for life just plummet that's why i don't believe in retirement uh our purpose don't go there purpose gives you energy for life it's like when you find people that are living on purpose and with god's purpose in their life when they walk into a room it lights up other people when they walk out of the room it lights up it's the truth there's just something about purpose that creates this passion there's something about purpose that creates an energy for life i used to travel a whole lot and staying in hotels and sometimes after i minister i just get all worked up i get into what i'm saying i'm sincere about it i'm hearing it too i'm excited faith is coming my hearing and hearings i'm just i'm just glad sometimes i come and and and so i can't sleep it's like i'm just wired and you'll just dumbest thing you can do turn the boob tube on and you just start channel surfing but then you come across some guy cooking at two o'clock in the morning a guy cooking at two o'clock in the morning and you find yourself watching a guy cooking at two o'clock in the morning then what's even worse is you want to get up and cook that's what passion does that's what an energy for life does when someone's in their purpose listen there's a gravitational pull that others around want to be a part when you are walking in the center of god's will and you have this passion ignited and this energy for life it will draw your family in time in it will draw friends in it'll have a gravitational pull that is irresistible because it's a part again of of destiny this is so important last one let me be teaching on this in detail if you don't know and understand purpose if you do not know and understand the purpose of a thing you will misuse it and abuse it and frustrate the original purpose that is a universal statement when you don't know the purpose of a thing you will misuse it you will abuse it and you will frustrate the original purpose worship team guitar player i love her she has such passion and she just ministers to the lord and there's a purpose in that guitar and we've got all this construction constantly going on around here if we take that girl's guitar and try to drive a 16 penny nail into a two before how many of you know it wasn't created for that that's a misuse but you can do it you can get her done you can get a 16 penny nail driven but you're misusing the purpose of the guitar you're abusing the guitar and now you frustrate the original purpose let me tell you why we have a whole generation out there that is so frustrated when you don't know your purpose you abuse it misuse it and others will abuse you and misuse you and can frustrate even your original purpose things are created for a purpose and you have to discover what it is or you'll misuse it abuse it and frustrate the original purpose how many of you young people are still confused you don't know what a marriage is much less what the purpose is if you don't know the purpose of marriage you'll abuse it misuse it and frustrate the original purpose i can't tell many people i have to slap them in love i'm running out of time so i'm getting short but i just have to slap them in love they're wanting to get married and i'll ask them well why are you getting married well i want to be happy dear god go to disney it's a lot cheaper than alimony do not get married to be happy that's not the purpose of marriage now i see i'm out of time i'm not saying god doesn't want us happily married i'm saying i didn't get married to be happy i'm saying happiness is of overflow of the purpose of marriage and fulfilling the purpose of marriage in the covenant of of marriage let me just end i got to quit i'm not doing well here i labored maybe on a couple of points let me close with this predestination i'll pick this up tonight romans chapter 8 verse 28 let's turn over there real quick and we know that all things work together for good to them who love god and are called according to his purpose so what then is this purpose that we're called to verse 29 for whom he foreknew he also predestinated that's destiny to be conformed into the image of his dear son that he might be the firstborn among many brethren god's primary purpose is that i be conformed into the image of his dear son god before the worlds began preordained that i would be conformed into the image of his dear son that christ would be formed in me that christ would flow through me paul prayed and travailed in prayer for christians that christ would be formed in them once i abide in my primary purpose conformed into the image of god's dear son secondary image not only begins to be unveiled now i'm not just a teacher in my secondary calling i'm a teacher that's being conformed into the image of christ i'm not just a teacher i'm a blessing now everywhere i teach amen we'll pick that up in the next session i hope you got something out of that thank you pastor dwayne man wasn't that good did you guys write down what pastor duane was saying there i like that last one as everything has a purpose purpose creates passion guys that is just awesome so uh pastor dwayne is going to carry on later on this evening and then andrew's back with us after the next break then the break is until 2 40 so please guys get back here in time so we can listen to andrew again thank you very much [Music]
Channel: Charis Bible College
Views: 1,309
Rating: 4.9411764 out of 5
Id: IBMHVOj6ap0
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Length: 56min 40sec (3400 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 17 2021
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