Destiny C3 | Embrace The Wrestle | Ps Jake Betlem

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a chosen generation [Music] is [Music] your name is [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] in every season on every mountain through every struggle and every car we're gonna lift you [Music] gonna lift you high and glorify your name you call this [Music] gonna lift you up [Music] is [Music] [Music] wow [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] your love reveals your wonders [Music] as creation stands in all foundations laid before [Music] proclaiming you are god you are god [Music] [Applause] [Music] the fullness of your [Music] to redeem and make us yours [Music] you call the sons and daughters [Music] your spirit leads a song gonna lift you [Music] glorify your name [Music] a holy nation we declared [Music] is [Music] your name is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] is [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] in every season [Music] in every victory every failure and every wall that will surely fall but we're gonna lift you gonna lift you high glorify your name [Music] you call the side of darkness into light a chosen generation a holy nation we declare your mighty love [Music] and glorify your name [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hey a very good morning to all of you tuning in today we are so glad you have logged on come on are you ready to worship our god he deserves all the honor and all the glory and all the praise come on let's put our hands together [Music] wandering into the night [Music] [Music] he told me that i was not alone [Music] he changed my name forever free i'm not the same i take the master i take the savior [Music] i cannot deny what i see no choice but to believe my doubts are burning oh [Music] you just keep on moving hey now you ain't welcome here [Music] this way [Music] i thank the savior because he healed my heart he changed my name forever free i'm not the same i'll take the master i take the sick he picked me [Music] he changed my name forever free i'm not the same i tell the master i take the savior [Music] [Applause] [Music] i [Music] i [Music] every i am free i am free i am free [Music] i am free [Music] he changed my name forever he pick me up [Music] [Music] i take a savior [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] i thank god [Music] [Music] hallelujah father thank you thank you that it was you who drew us out of dark waters it was you who pulled us out of destruction and despair hopelessness and it is you who set our feet on solid rock again thank you jesus for making a way where there wasn't a way for paying the price that we could never pay [Music] for willingly sacrificing yourself on that cross today we can have living hope living hope a hope that is a life hope that can never perish or fade away [Music] hope that is found in you jesus our living hope jesus you are the anchor of our soul lord jesus jesus beautiful is our savior [Music] hallelujah hallelujah we give you praise we give you honor we give you thanks come on let's sing this song how great the chasm [Music] how high the mountain i could not land in desperation i turned to heaven and spoke your name into [Music] your loving kindness tore through the shadows of [Music] jesus christ [Music] who could imagine [Music] so great a mercy [Music] stepped out from the old [Music] [Applause] [Music] savior [Music] jesus christ [Music] hallelujah [Music] jesus christ hallelujah [Music] [Music] jesus christ [Music] your buried body [Music] [Music] has no claim on me [Music] began to breathe [Music] jesus yours is a big [Music] praise the one who sets me free [Music] salvation christ [Music] [Music] jesus christ jesus christ [Music] [Music] you are [Music] oh jesus jesus hallelujah church are you so glad that jesus didn't just die for our sins but he rose again that he is victorious over sin and over death come on let's give him praise hallelujah [Music] let's seal the promise you'll bury [Music] the roaring lion [Music] come on do you believe that this morning [Music] begin to breathe [Music] jesus jesus [Music] [Music] who set me free [Music] jesus [Music] who sets me free [Music] jesus christ [Music] jesus christ [Music] jesus [Music] victorious hallelujah you are victorious and you reign over all we declare your greatness oh god let your glory be known among all the earth let it cover the earth the way the waters covers this sea hallelujah are we gonna partake of communion right this moment right this moment as we declare that jesus is our living hope that here is alive and he is well that he is mighty and he's victorious that he is ruler over all come on let's grab that grape juice and let's take that piece of bread let's get in the family together as we remember as we remember the great sacrifice that jesus did for us through the heart of a loving father in john in chapter 3 it says no one has ever gone into heaven except the one who came from heaven the son of man only jesus has authority to speak what he could speak to reveal the father because he himself was god in flesh just as moses lifted up the snake in the wilderness so the son of man must be lifted up and he was talking about his death on that cross that he would hang between heaven and earth and not just that it wasn't just his death that he also rose victorious from the grave amen if he didn't rise from the dead our faith would be futile and we would forever be lost in our sin but jesus has risen from the dead he is lifted up and he says that everyone who believes everyone who believes do you believe this morning maybe it's the first time or for you to listen to this i pray that you would believe you know all it took for the children of israel to escape the punishment that was upon them to escape the suffering that they were enduring was not to do this or that it was simply to look up at that bronze serpent the bronze serpent represented jesus jesus who bore the sins of the world jesus who was sacrificed for the sins of the world and as the children of israel looked towards that bronze serpent they were healed and in the same way today as we look as we simply look to the cross as we look at the sacrifice that jesus did for us as we believe by faith hallelujah sounds too good to be true it sounds too simple but this is the eternal truth that as we believe as we look salvation becomes ours healing is ours amen for god so loved the world that he gave his one and only son that whoever believes in him whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life for god did not send his son into the world to condemn the world but to save the world through him through him he is the way he is the truth he is the life church salvation is found in no other name but the name of jesus he came to this earth to save the world through him for whoever believes in him is not condemned that is good news right there do you agree this morning you and i we are not condemned but whoever does not believe stand condemned already because they have not believed in the name of god's one and only son this is the verdict life has come into the world but people love darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil everyone who does evil hates the light and will not come into the light for fear that their deeds would be exposed but whoever lives by the truth lives by the truth comes into the light so that it may be seen plainly what they have done has been done in the sight of god and so we come this morning into the light once again where there is cleansing for our sin where there is restoration for brokenness where there is healing for sickness and disease thank you god that you so loved us oh let it become fresh revelation to every heart this morning [Music] every life give us eyes to see how great the love of the father is that he would send his one and only son [Music] that through jesus christ we have a way to eternal life yes i believe yes i believe as for me and my house we shall serve the lord [Music] for me and my children and the children that comes after we shall serve the lord is that your prayer this morning just lift your voice [Music] say i god i believe i believe in the son of god i believe in you jesus i believe in that name that was given god's one and only son jesus jesus jesus o blessed savior blessed redeemer blessed restorer i yield to you i surrender to you wash me and cleanse me break the yolk of bondage over my life break every curse release the presence of the holy spirit into our lives thank you god let's partake of the bread [Music] thank you god for this bread we hold in our hands it represents your body that was broken for us broken so that we can be made whole and we receive by faith healing over our minds healing over our eyes over our limbs over our backs over our organs over our blood over our sugar level over our pressure over every part of our being we are healed and made whole for in you we live we breathe we have our movements in you and you alone thank you jesus thank you god power of god is flowing through your homes right now it's flowing through your body just receive we're gonna thank him by faith thank you god for my healing thank you god for a new heart thank you god let's partake of the bread [Music] thank you father for the cup that we hold in our hand oh god what a sacrifice you made your blood was spilled for our sins you are sinless you are perfect you are holy ned you willingly stood in my place you stood in our place to receive the punishment that was rightfully ours thank you jesus father if there's ears in our life if there's sin that we've taken for granted father i pray that there will be a holy conviction within us this morning [Music] that we would not compromise that we would not be complacent with sin in our life that we would quickly run to your throne that we would quickly say god help me forgive me cleanse me strengthen me make me whole i refuse to sin i refuse to live in my sin today i run to you jesus make me whole i want to obey i want to be cleansed i want my heart to be yielding i want my heart to be soft before you have it all you can have it all you can have it all i surrender all just yield your heart to him right now surrender it all surrender it all that's my take of the cup [Music] thank you jesus you have broken every chain there's salvation in your name jesus christ [Music] praise the one who set me free hallelujah [Music] [Music] jesus christ jesus christ jesus christ [Music] to thee how great [Music] how [Music] my soul my savior god to thee how great [Music] sing it out all across every room [Music] god [Music] [Music] how great [Music] god how great [Music] my right now [Music] dances [Music] to leave [Music] now [Applause] [Music] now [Music] is [Music] come on with one voice [Music] [Music] we [Music] oh [Music] [Music] we [Music] we exalt thee we exalt thee we declare your greatness come on let god arise and let his enemies be scattered enemies of depression enemies of lack we command you to flee as we lift the name of jesus over our homes over our lives over this nation enemies of corruption and injustice oh god we exalt the name that is above every name we exalt you jesus king above all kings lord above our lords you are whom we desire and we invite you come take your place be enthroned in our lives be exalted be lifted high hallelujah thank you jesus we're gonna continue to worship our god and through our giving let's exalt jesus without giving let's give him a magnificent offering he is worthy of all that we are so all the details are on the screen come on let's pray church god we want to exalt you through our giving through our life through our time with everything that we are we want to exalt the name of jesus in this land and beyond and so we pray that as we give your name will be magnified that as we sow into the kingdom of god that power will be released into the offering into our lives that there will be a flow of an abundance that we will lack nothing [Music] we can trust in you you are adjure i provide as we willingly bring an offering as we bring it with cheerful hearts we know that you are pleased we know that you take delight we know that you're so proud of each of us thank you jesus thank you god thank you father for your blessing that is being poured out upon all those who sow into your kingdom we give you praise and glory in the name of jesus we pray amen and amen come on let's give god a clap offering [Music] amen amen what a beautiful and powerful powerful time of worship i trusted you just having great and god encounters right where you are at home wherever you're listening from listen just enjoy the presence of god there's no [Music] there's no special requirement that is laid upon you that you should fulfill certain conditions before you're able to worship him or just enjoy his presence just come as you are he's a good god he has made available his grace for you and i that we can boldly come before his throne as we are not afraid not come you know with condemnation or heaviness just walk into the presence of your loving loving father and he delights in encountering you as much as you delight in encountering him he delights in encountering you just give yourself to him come on just for the next few minutes come on just lift your hands to god father we thank you father we thank you he wants to encounter you whatever's been holding you back every form of heaviness to the person sitting on the couch with a bit of a grouchy face because of a heaviness that is on you listen just cast it upon jesus he loves you he's smiling upon you now he's smiling upon you now father we thank you thank you for your great love [Music] thank you for your goodness thank you that while we were yet sinners you reached out to us a lot none of us would be here but for your grace but for your effort a lot because of all that you have done father we thank you that we can come into your presence and receive the fullness of all that you have for us alone we thank you that is healing in your presence we thank you that is deliverance in your presence we thank you that in your presence is fullness of joy in your presence is peace let your peace and your joy that fullness of joy fill every heart right now father we thank you thank you lord where there's been heaviness father i pray that people will start smiling even right now as they encounter your joy you are the god of joy fullness of joy fill their hearts it's a supernatural thing it's the ability to smile in the midst of a storm no matter what hurdles we see that's ahead of us we can be at peace we can be in joy because our eyes are fixed on you because of all that you are doing in our lives because our trust is in you your word says you keep him in perfect peace the one whose eyes is fixed on you father we thank you we fix our eyes on you jesus name above every other name god of all creation lord of all we fix our eyes on you above our circumstances you are lord you are lord over this nation above this covich situation you are lord our trust is in you god we thank you thank you lord [Music] let your presence fill every home fill every heart let the shalom of heaven come we welcome you spirit of the living god we welcome your spirit of the living god come on put your hearts in a position to receive and say we welcome your holy spirit say to the holy spirit we welcome you holy spirit i welcome you holy spirit hallelujah there he is father we thank you thank you for your spirit hallelujah hallelujah we love you lord we love you lord we love you lord hallelujah amen amen amen come on let's give a clap offering to jesus right where you are praise his name come on shout his name jesus you know there's power in the name of jesus when you speak his name something shifts in the atmosphere in your home over your life in your heart just speak his name because there is power in the name of jesus hallelujah i declare the power of its name over you right now in your home wherever you are even as you speak his name jesus darkness will have to go heaviness will have both demons will have to flee in jesus name amen amen and amen hallelujah father we just thank you lord for this powerful powerful time that you are here even right now in our midst you know i want to thank you for your continuous generosity giving and trusting god's word for your finances and sowing into the into the work of the kingdom and just to let you know by this week we have given just about 3 900 free meals mostly in india and some in malaysia as well and the very fact that we can be a huge blessing to this community to the needy is because god is working through your generosity through your heart and through your faith so i want to thank you all for being a huge blessing not just to the church but for the people out there people whom you don't know who are thanking god because of what you are doing your giving is causing praises to rise up to god among different communities even among our refugee communities right here in malaysia people are praising god because of what you have been doing so we want to thank you and say we love you and we appreciate you and if you need any form of prayer or ministry right after this service the moment the service ends right we will have a team which is basically if you were in church physically it would be like the prayer corner in church but since you're not in church physically we have a prayer corner but only thing it is happening on zoom so what you got to do is you got to type the word prayer as you know every week i share this it's on your screen right now type prayers send it to i send a whatsapp message to that number right there and the moment you send it out you will get a zoom link and through that zoom link the moment you click on that zoom link you'll be taken to a room and there will be people there who will personally stand with you in prayer minister to you and speak to you so if you need prayer just click just type prayer send it to that number and you'll get a zoom link and if you want to connect you want to find out about jesus you want to find out information about the church about our ministries just type connect send it to that number and someone will get back to you and if you need assistance of any type just type assist send it to that number and we'll get back to you and we're ready to help you if you're going through a tough time don't go through tough time alone we are here for you and here to be with you through it all and you if you have kids uh and uh you need you're looking for a sunday school you're not at a part of our sunday school i just wanted to know 2 p.m we have sunday school happening for our children uh we've split it up in different small groups so it's not like a big class with one teacher you've got probably about four to five students to a teacher so there's a bit there's a focus on your kids and uh get your kids involved you know you you never know what god will do to their lives and the seeds that are being sown right now through sunday school are going to fall on fertile ground and they will bear good fruit so get your kids involved in sunday school as well and if you're a young person a youth you're listening to our services and you want to get involved you want to get connected with other people just as crazy and just as out there as you our youth are like that they're crazy they're out there but above all they love love jesus so i want to encourage you get connected to a youth connect group we have youth connect groups going on uh little youth events that happen on zoom as well for now uh and if you want to find out more just drop an email to info or if you know any of us just send us a whatsapp message and we will get back to you and give you the details just a great get connected don't be alone don't be a loner don't be a square come get connected to the youth and you're going to have a lot of fun and grow in god at the same time every thursday night we have a prayer zoom meeting that goes on you know we started the prayer meeting on thursday probably about 11 years ago now and uh we've never stopped the hour of prayer so it's still been go it's been going on and now that we you know because of the whole mco lockdown thing it's moved to zoom you know i thought it was going to be terrible on zoom because it's so hard to play on zoom initially it took some getting used to but i there's more people joining the prayer meeting than ever before because in the physical prayer meetings it's sometimes hard to get there work hours traffic it is happening on a tuesday night at a particular location in church but now no matter where you are you can join the prayer meeting at a click of a button and you're in and you know it's just a powerful powerful time we're here we pray for different areas and we hear great testimonies of what god has done in the lives of people and it's just a fun atmosphere as well i want to encourage you be a part of that zoom prayer meeting happening every thursday 8 30 p.m and a lot of people have been asking me about when church is opening if all goes well we'll be opening church after the james series or even latest by november we'll start uh you know it will follow the government protocols church will be open for fully vaccinated folks and you know all the protocols will be in place social distancing whatnot masking whatever it is but we plan to get people back into church because there's something about being in each other's presence and just being in the presence of church happening physically just something powerful happens i mean it's like you know going to a football game you can watch a football game on tv and i mean it's exciting and all it's powerful you know you get moved you shout goal especially when ronaldo started scoring but there's nothing like actually being in the stadium something happens in that atmosphere that you don't get on tv that's just a whole different atmosphere so the stadium is going to be open to destiny c3 stadium is going to be opening soon guys and uh if you're fully vaccinated we're going to send out the registrations and we want you to register and show up at church and it's going to be powerful and uh we as i've been announcing and you've probably seen on social media we're starting the whole james series uh just a powerful powerful series from the book of james five chapters in the book of james and each chapter is going to be covered one week [Music] by one speaker from our global exec team in australia next week you're gonna hear from pastor pat and cliff pat and cliff was the principal of c tree bible college you can see him on screen and he's going to be teaching out of james chapter 2 and it's going to be just a great great time he's such a phenomenal teacher of the world and the week after that you're going to be hearing on james chapter 3 and the title of the sermon would be speak it and we'll have none other than pastor phil pringle bringing that chapter to life right into our church and the week after that we're going to be hearing teaching from james chapter 4 and the title for it will be patiently enduring done by none other than pastor mark kelsey an amazing teacher and preacher of the world and the final week you're going to hear how prayer works and that's going to be from james chapter 5 and we'll have none other than pastor amanda and cliff who's the wife of pastor pat and cliff and she's just such a great teacher a prophetess and she's going to be bringing that chapter to life and ladies and gentlemen today today we're going to have the opening of the series james chapter one none other than pastor jake bedlam he's going to be our speaker for today and he's going to be bringing this chapter to life to you so i want you to get your notepads ready your your notebooks your ipads your phones you know get the chapter out and ready and he's going to bring the word for us and pastor jake bedlam he's going to be introduced by pastor phil pringle shortly so get ready ladies and gentlemen coming to you live right now pastor jake bedlam on the book of james hey c3 family well i wanted to introduce to you a series that we have prepared that we believe is really poignant and applicable at this time right around the world and so we have selected our great teachers jake betlam mark kelsey pat and amanda and cliff and myself and we're going to bring this series to your church over the five-week period of these five chapters now this is a great opportunity to invite friends and family don't miss one week of this series take the messages talk about them in your connect group talk about them with your friends study it as we go through it each week you're going to find there is so much gold in these messages i know you're going to be blessed each week it's going to get better and better and better as you consume and meditate the word of god in your life look forward to doing this series with you i'm going to be doing chapter three but today we have jake betlam kicking us off with james chapter one let's go to the word hey c3 family so great to be with you and i hope you're keeping well i look forward to being there sometime again soon today we're looking at the book of james and i'm looking at a couple of verses in james chapter one but i just like to lead in with a verse from romans chapter 12 and verse two do not conform to the pattern of this world that's talking about the fashion and not the clothes we wear but like more the culture and the way of thinking and says it says but be transformed by the renewing of your mind then you'll be able to test and approve what god's will is he's good pleasing and perfect will it's really important that we are able to test what god's will is in this hour this is really about thinking biblically and acting accordingly this is foundational to our christian identity and the way that we can therefore influence culture rather than culture influencing us we're not called to be christian thermometers where we're responding to the temperature of the world's culture but we are the thermostats we are the set the culture and that is a biblical culture as believers we do have authority in this world jesus delegated that authority to us the enemy understands this and therefore wants to influence us to bring about his plan but let's not be deceived through fear and intimidation in this hour aim is his aim is to influence us to depend on something other than jesus our trust needs to be in jesus christ set aside preconceived ideas and hear the voice of the spirit this is a challenge for all of us that we don't lean on our understanding but we are open so that god can make adjustments in our life the solutions always come from the word of god not man's opinion right now too much of man's opinion is being elevated above the word of god i would like to encourage you today to allow scripture to challenge us and adjust us the way that we think and act in habakkuk 2 1 is a very famous verse about vision and that's the right uh application but we really need to understand the context of what's happening here we see the prophet is expecting to be corrected by god he's removed himself from his daily activities he's up on what was called the ramparts a place that was high up in that particular area that city and the reason he was there was he was waiting to see what god would say to him and how god would adjust him it was an adjustment of his vision it was an adjustment of his worldview if you like and so habika actually means to embrace and it means to wrestle and we also need to embrace the wrestle of adjustment by god the way that god adjusts and refines our life is through trials and the purpose of trials is to test our trustworthiness where is our trust is our trust in jesus allow god to bring adjustments to you and me through trials to bring that trustworthiness back on him in james 1 2 and 4 it says count it all joy that's a big challenge to counter all joy my brothers when you meet trials of various kinds for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness and let steadfastness have its full effect that you may be perfect and complete lacking in nothing and it says meat trials when you meet trials well that actually means when you fall into something that is all around is not suggesting that a trial is incremental it's something that we plunge in it's surrounding us there is no escape possibly we could all feel a little bit that way at the moment the types of trials that we experience the first is loss this is usually of someone or something we love it's change that challenge our sense of security and safety restriction i think we can all experience that one or are experiencing that right now where we're trapped by circumstances that could be other things as well it could be financial circumstances relational circumstances or other prevailing circumstances like a pandemic but then there's also consequence and that's more from our own bad decisions but the purpose of a troll regardless of how we landed in that trial the purpose is that it produces and this is uh basically so that we are dependent on the right attitude what trials produce is dependent on our attitude and so the goal is that it produces steadfastness not a passive this is not speaking about a passive waiting but an active endurance so steadfastness another word for that is patience and it's not about a passive waiting but an active endurance it's not about sitting quietly uh waiting to be served but the quality that helps us to finish a marathon the meaning of steadfastness means to remain under it's about carrying a load it's a frame of mind that endures and endurance can't be shorter than the time of affliction if i'm going to do a 45 minute workout at the gym i need to complete the 45 minute workout to get the full benefits of that particular workout the same for us we need to go the distance in a trial to really reap the benefits it's like a season you can't change the time of the season i don't really like winter personally but it doesn't matter how much i pray or in the seed winter is going to last three months the same with seasons in god the trials that god allows us to enter into they do have a start and they also good news have a finish so we can't change the time so trials are essentially a temptation for us to give up are we going to give up our trust in god and i would say we're definitely not going to give up our trust in god the response in trolls is either to eliminate the trial by faith or persevering by faith most trials it's about persevering in that trial by faith wisdom is needed to which gear we need in terms of our response to a trial the aim is never to get out of the troll the aim is to locate god within the trial and ask him for wisdom help us to make sense about how we should respond and what we can learn at that particular time good understanding of how to adjust i remember a time when i was in business before becoming a pastor i had made a bad decision in 1990 i went backwards about three hundred thousand dollars it was a lot of money for myself and my wife and our young family at the time i remember sitting by this lake and saw this bird right in the middle and really could identify with that bird i felt that that was me i was so far from the shore there was so far from any sense of trust or other options that i had the only place i could put my trust in was god and that's when he spoke to me he said to me it's not about what you do for me because i was trying to do some things for him it's about what i do in you and what i do through you it was an important lesson for me at the time and really matthew 6 33 became a key verse that seek first the kingdom and his righteousness and all things will be added so coming through a trial in victory in james chapter 1 verses 2 and 4 it says count it all joy when you fall into various trials don't you like that various trials like there's a huge variety of them know that the testing of your faith produces patience or steadfastness but let patients have its perfect work that you may be perfect and complete lacking nothing the first thing is count count it all joy have a joyful attitude the word count here is a term meaning to evaluate and our values will determine our evaluations if we value comfort more than god producing something of character and capacity within us then we're not going to like trials but if we can see that god is working in us we can count it all joy we can we could evaluate that moment as something that is going to be beneficial to our life the next one is no count it all joy and then it says no have an understanding mind there is a purpose behind our trials and our difficulty testing works for us never against us rightly responding to test controls they produce maturity it's the only way that god can develop character in our lives is through trials steadfastness cannot be attained from a book it cannot be attained by listening to a sermon or praying a prayer it actually requires endurance and the last one is let there needs to be a surrendered will let god cannot build our character without our cooperation paul outlined three works that needs to actually happen to complete our christian life in ephesians 2 8 to 10 you can find the verses that this supports first there is the work that god does for us this is salvation second there is a work that god does in us which is sanctification and it's about developing our character so we become more like christ so that we're conformed to the image of the sun according to romans 8 29 and third there is the work that god does through us which is service for his purpose to bring about his will on planet earth we are created in christ jesus for good works that is when we are surrendered to the will of god and so 2 corinthians 4 16 18. i want to finish off with this i won't be finishing off in one minute but it'll be a few more minutes but let's just finish off with these verses it says that is why we never give up guys i'm encouraging you never give up never give up on jesus jesus the plan of the gospel the plan of god's purpose on this earth will come to pass never give up though our bodies are dying our spirits have been renewed every day for our present troubles our present troubles are quite small and won't last very long they're not large and they're not permanent let's define them the way that god defines our troubles they're quite small and won't last very long in in in light of eternity it is just such a small moment of time yet they produce for us trials produced for us an immeasurably great glory that will last forever so we don't look at the troubles we can see right now rather we look forward to what we have not seen for the troubles we see will soon be over but the joys to come will last forever let's embrace the wrestle so that we can reap the benefits every moment every situation is an opportunity to respond to god right now we really need to discern the will of god to test things about what is his will his good pleasing and perfect will and where we look matters we don't look uh at the troubles but we look forward we have a vision we have hope for the future what where we look really really matters at this time don't be immersed in just the news don't be immersed in just a narrative that is coming across through the media but be immersed in the word of god be immersed in prayer be immersed in praise and and prophecy proclaim the truth of god's word into your life your family your circumstances where we look really really matters at this time i want to encourage you to look to him today to give yourself some time to be still before god to receive from him to just hear that quiet soul voice about letting you know it's going to be okay and also guiding you in scripture to give you some insight about what you need to do what you need to declare for your loved ones for the people around about you for your world that you have influence in in jesus name we're going to pray right now and uh we're going to just commit the rest of this day into god's hands and our future together father we thank you for this opportunity to come together lord we thank you for your blessing and for your peace we declare in the name of jesus your will will be done on earth as it is in heaven we declare that right now your will be done on earth as it is in heaven i pray for your will to be done in every person listening to this message i pray that we are not a people that will be deceived by the spirit of this world but we would be moved by the holy spirit that we our eyes would be opened up to the truth we would have clear revelation and insight and understanding about what you're doing in our lives at this time that we would not fret we will not fear because certain things have to happen and jesus declared don't have to fear those things you have overcome them all in him for his glory and for his honor god bless you great to be with you today thanks for having me and i really do hope to see you real soon thank you so much pastor jake bedlam just for that great word from james chapter one i trust you were blessed and you were blessed by that prayer as well a prayer blessing for you ladies and gentlemen don't forget next week we're going to be hearing pastor pat enclave from james chapter 2. listen if you if you're being blessed do invite someone to church online to online service be a part of what's going on and listen have a great great week ahead we love you we miss you and we look forward to seeing you soon the band's going to close us with the song take it away guys [Music] i just can't win the fight i'm slowly drifting this just when i turn round and roll come on [Music] he changed my name free i'm not the same i take the master i turn the savior [Music] come on stick with us [Music] [Music] i am free i am free [Music] [Music] i'm not the [Music] i [Music] oh [Music] god bless you church and we will see you again next week [Music] you
Channel: Destiny C3
Views: 215
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: #destinyc3, #psjakebetlem, #embracethewrestle
Id: fwctcL5lQy8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 83min 54sec (5034 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 18 2021
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