Destiny Addresses Lav's Allegations And Exposes MrGirl

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now that I trust you like oh my God we can share in these experiences like I'm about as willing to engage in any experience somebody wants to I said I'm not going to get like destroyed or something like I'm not gonna buy a house with you or something but you know and basically everything else is on the table I think that's a great idea then we would have to trust each other go to Vacation House yeah what maybe yeah just let me save for uh five years gotcha okay so yeah that that makes me sad well I'm sorry don't be sad because I I I I actually trust you you should I'm a pretty trustworthy person I have a long history of I don't [ __ ] people over unless they attack me publicly I'm like a pretty helpful yeah but it's pretty it's one way though right I mean like I trust you in the definition of even if you had a lot to gain by taking me over I don't think you would yeah I don't think I would I think I'm a pretty trustworthy person you know you know what the problem with your calculation is what's the problem you only um you're assuming everyone uh is a sociopath because you're when you weigh what I have to gain versus what I have to lose you place nothing on uh the emotional pain it would cause me to hurt you you place nothing on me caring about your well-being you place nothing on morality that is not factored into your calculation it is uh subscribers money at social standing things like that that is the only thing that factors in so you so in your evaluation of who to trust you assume everyone is a a psychopath I think that or morality is nothing nobody thinks about morality they might have like an intuitive feeling of what might make them feel good or bad but nobody's thinking of like morality when they think about somebody over I think I do at one point in time I considered this you might but you'd be the exception so at one point in time I considered how I associated with people because um when I associate with people something that I've learned through my 20s is I have to kind of make a lot of guesses about the emotional states of people and how that will influence how they make decisions because I think I don't make decisions in the same way sometimes but a lot of other people seem to so for a while I think it led me to be a little bit um i i people acted in ways that I didn't expect it's like well hold on how can this person [ __ ] me over like I haven't done anything like that [ __ ] up to you or how can a person do this this is like really weird to me I feel like I've done so much but I think what I've kind of learned recently is when somebody's putting somebody over the reason there aren't any bad feelings that they have to deal with because in everybody else's mind they've always convinced themselves that they're in the right for doing so so they don't actually have to deal with those types of bad feelings because they're always the hero of Their Own Story and they always have good justification for the reasons they're acting so I think it's a little bit of a waste of time for me to try to guess like okay well objectively I've done like a decent amount of [ __ ] for you how the [ __ ] can you do this to me because in their mind they've already convinced themselves well Destiny's a horrible person he's done this horrible [ __ ] like I do this and it's actually okay one rule that I usually have that I think I'm going to break for this one so I usually take time to like get everything in a row have all of my sources My Links my docs my Manifesto and I think I'm a little bit pressed on time for this one for reasons that will become apparent and I don't think this one is quite as complicated and sprawling as they tend to be we're gonna wing it so that doesn't work we'll come back and do a formal write-up I guess but actually okay let's see if we can trying to think if I should smoke some weed first that's what that's the only thing debating right now should I should I smoke a little bit or should I just go trying to trying to think actually you know what before we do this let me see how this is gonna go let's see how this is gonna go hold on if I get over a 900 we're gonna do fine okay here we go foreign oh no all right that's a bad Omen boys all right well if we get all up we'll know why now this situation uh actually really sucks generally we're going to go back let me take you back a few months generally when I meet people online there is very limited interaction that I have at such a level to where I couldn't cut a person off I wouldn't care um it's incredibly rare there's like three people in my life where it would affect me um but after a few months ago um after a few months ago I had a tumultuous uh interpersonal thing that happened and I was like okay well here's like a lesson I think that I've learned for myself I'm gonna reach out and talk to more people offline to try to have more like human friendly-ish type relationships uh because that's what like um that's what human beings do maybe it'd be good for me and one of those people was our good friend Max and another one of those people before she became a streamer was lav um spoke with her like a few months ago she wasn't really into the whole streaming thing um so I didn't really think much of it I was like oh random person I was talking to before whatever and uh yeah yikes where do we even begin what happened um am I crazy to think that live has hope so here's here is the issue um I don't have perfect transparency okay I don't normally make so here's something that I've learned in my life okay one of the reasons why I think I am quite intelligent and quite good at dealing with people generally because I'm usually pretty humble about the extent of my knowledge on a person so like I might say or think that I have a person like 90 figured out but I'll really only act on like 50 because like truly you don't know like I'm not gonna sit here but like oh I've mind read you completely I figured you out 100 blah blah blah usually I get an inkling ask more questions interact with somebody more if somebody would ever ask me and I've said this a lot on stream before somebody asked me how well how do you know if you truly know a person how long do you need like I can do it in 10 minutes and some people can do it in hours usually when I say is well if I've gone through like a really big situation with somebody and they could have [ __ ] me over if not then I'll know like what that person was like that's generally like my Approach I usually wait to see until big situations happen and then I kind of get like a handle on on what people truly are like um so that being said generally when I'm like reading people on stream I'm usually pretty reserved in what I'm saying I usually don't give like all of my thoughts on on those people um just because I don't know 100 and because just whatever but uh I'm gonna be a little bit more candid with my Impressions now um I don't actually think that lav or Anna or shaylyn are that much in the wrong I think that Max is actually like a full-on narcissistic manipulator who's abusive to every single person in his orbit probably worse than any other person I've ever seen in my entire life um I kind of got that inkling over the shalin videos but truthfully I'm willing to extend like well maybe there's stuff I'm not seeing maybe there's something I don't understand yeah you know like maybe there's something going on behind the scenes or whatever um so I'm like willing to wait for data to come in but especially watching him interact with lav on his stream and then seeing how lav has changed her disposition and then seeing the types of messages that Anna sends me now and then hearing about what shaylyn is saying on Chad logic stream now I understand way more like what's going on that Max has a certain impression he's able to emotionally abuse or Gaslight or manipulate people around him into feeling a certain way and he draws them in in such an unbelievably effective way that he can get them to feel almost whatever he wants them to and I think that um I think that he's done that now with uh with a with people in his and people in his immediate orbit so where do we go it didn't work on you though well because obviously I'm not I'm not manipulatable not like that okay um let's I'm trying to think of the order I want to do this in let me put together what I think what I think Max's mind looks like I think okay that's what I think I think that Max is extremely narcissistic and when I say narcissistic what I mean by that is I don't know if Max can ever be wrong about anything I don't know if he ever sees himself as being in the wrong I think that if something happens and it is wrong it's because other people either don't understand or other people are trying to abuse him or other people are making mistakes that just puts them outside of the ability to understand what's going on inside of his head I've noticed this conversationally when he talks to people he seems unwilling to ever back off a read he has on somebody and I've noticed this when it comes to settling in her personal drama with the stuff with Lex Friedman or that Professor that he blew up on a stream or that he blew up on Twitter seems like he can't ever take any kind of feedback there and I've noticed it um oh there's one more thing I was gonna say I think um what was I gonna say professionally um it happens interpersonally happens in during conversations oh we're gonna get to me that where um and anytime anytime something negative happens it's it's always some other person's fault it's always like another person that's making these mistakes um so I think the scary thing is that in Max's mind uh Max is the hero of his own world and nothing can get in the way of that like if he's on a mission if he's on a crusade he has to like he's the only one that can like be tasked with figuring things out and if you misunderstand you just have to talk to like his most loyal fan so they'll tell you you're not smart enough to understand if you don't otherwise right so damn I'm trying to think of how much I can even say um a few days ago I started to get a whole bunch of messages from people saying that I'm not going to say who but it's been a lot a lot of people have been reaching out to me saying that Max has been contacting every single woman I've ever had in my Discord in the background and a whole bunch of men trying to get lists of women that I've ever spoken to and in his mind he's built up this idea that I have a essentially the following fetish that I approach a woman I float the idea of her being on my stream she [ __ ] me the woman then I bring her on stream and I have my entire fanbase attacker because I get off on that and then I run her out of my community and I think he's built almost this entire narrative off of mining Anna Vienna personally for stories and information I don't know when they started talking but I think that he's really good at talking to people and building them up in the ways that they want to be built up so that he can get the information from them that they want to give him and yeah him and Anna have been talking a lot in the background he's got this archetype or narrative in his head for how I treat women on my stream and he's also got lav who I guess lab reveal that we hooked up now you know how irritating it was every time she would claim that I'm only defending a woman because we hooked up on the blah blah but I can't be public by the fact that we hooked up um so between him lav and Anna now he has in his head he's built up this archetype in his head up this is what Stephen does to people I've got two women here who maybe feel abused or mistreated by his community and then what he's doing is he's trying to find every other girl that I've spoken to to see if um to see if that he you get like similar stories out of them now I don't know how many women he's talked to so far um 10 or 20 or 30 or more I know that he's been trying desperately to get in contact with people like denims and Bad Bunny I know that he's like messaged a ton of people asking for lists of women that he's that I've spoken to I know that when I found this out two days ago I started going down my list of friends and right clicking and doing the properties and I suddenly started to notice that Mr girl was mutual friends with every single girl on my friends list that I've like ever spoken to and I think what he's doing and I can't prove this I don't know but if anybody wants to come forward or sure I think what he's doing is and he's calling all of these people in the background and I think that he's asking them through long conversations or trying to convince them that I'm doing something improper or wrong um this is extra frustrating for a few different reasons one is because there are some people that Mr girl I think can only confront because of very personal and very private information that I've told him so he's taken that information and he's basically used it to lie to other people or attack me in the background which is very frustrating because it's very rare that I share a secret with somebody don't have very many um so that's one thing that's very irritating and then two because I think I was genuinely like a pretty good friend to to Max and lav although I guess they both don't feel that way because my subreddit [ __ ] on them for a while um but like yeah I'm not sure I guess in the future I need to write like strict rules for um I need to write strict rules for how people are going to interact with me on stream or something because I guess if the subreddit is mean to them for a few days they're going to lose their [ __ ] minds but yeah um that entire [ __ ] stream with erudite was [ __ ] disgusting where he was pushing you to share [ __ ] with him to prove that you're living on yeah it's pretty weird but um I think at the end of the day I think that he's just like again highly narcissistic highly manipulative and [Music] um yeah that's kind of what that's just what he does how many different people did you confirm that he contacted I'm not going to release numbers because I don't really want him to know what I know is he doing this because of the subreddit stuff I don't really know what flipped the switch in his mind do you have any evidence or receipts I have a ton of evidence and a ton of receipts of course I'm not gonna go public with something like this with somebody that's shady without obviously having some idea what's actually going on in the background um I don't really want to quote any of these in particular because I don't want him to know who sent me stuff but he's used phrases alluding to the fact that I like very carefully choose which women I want to victimize um he's repeated this pattern that like my goal is to abuse women by bringing them on stream and having my community make fun of them after I [ __ ] them you had lav today alluding to the fact that I guess I'm Harvey Weinstein on stream because I have sex with a lot of people that come through my community which I mean I do but um the the way that I always kind of saw it going in my head is if anybody ever tried to me to me um all I would ever say to that person is like Hey listen oh you think I was improper okay well Bleak all of our DMS or if you don't want to I will leak our entire DM history [Music] um because I always figure that like obviously um I I usually have really candid conversations about like my expectations for people like sexually or whatever um so like here like for instance these are messages that I sent back to lab in August okay early August I don't know how many months ago that is so like I'll literally say things like oh hey just because you've been on stream more and whatnot I know we've had some kind of sexual conversations in the past but you being on my stream or the way they interact with you never has anything to do with any of that kind of stuff just being clear on that she says something and I say I'm just saying don't feel like any of your interactions are contingent on anything like that you're fine doing whatever just want you feel like I'm keeping you around for anything related to sex Etc like I usually have very very explicit conversations with almost everybody about stuff like this um I'll say it I've said it a million times if anybody out there any woman ever feels like I'm being improper feel free to like show in DMS where I'm pressuring you or grooming you or do any weird [ __ ] like that those DMS don't exist because it doesn't happen um the only thing that I'm a little bit worried about when it comes to Max is because he's so manipulative the the um the struggle that I have is that I think he probably could get like two or three girls like that of their head and like try to get them on stream it's like oh yeah actually you know when I think about this this kind of feels like really bad because his community made fun of me or some [ __ ] and even if I have a really good response if I get like three or four girls in a row that all have these types of like emotional stories it just makes me look bad no matter what I will say that it's extra frustrating that Max is trying to do to me basically what cherry and stardust did to him except on a much lesser level where he like talks to people Hypes them up tries to convince them that they were abused and then tries to get them out I also think it's really gross that despite me and Anna's past [ __ ] me and Anna have been like relatively chill I think for like the past year I haven't had any complaints about her no problems or whatever obviously I think she did bad [ __ ] in the past she thinks I've been batch in the past but I haven't really had any problems with her for like for I don't know for like a year or more but Max has been talking to her a lot in the background now and I noticed that she's starting to Echo a lot of what Max's told alter to me and to other people in DMS so basically her Max and lav have been running around in DMS in the background basically talking to a ton of people to try to see if there are people that I've like sexually abused or manipulated or anything like that but um do you regret giving Mr girl a career um I don't know uh I'm actually really surprised at this I'm not gonna lie I feel like Max has so much to lose but I like I don't think I'll pull the plug in a site because I'm just not that kind of person although I think if I did I don't think anybody would think that I was in the wrong to do so like I can see his income I see like everything he does on the back end of his site that is like running my [ __ ] like I could have just pulled the plug on that I don't know why I don't know why he would think it like but then I guess even just saying that does that make me sound abusive like I have no idea I don't know what the expectations are um something that I was going to go off on um something that I was going to go off on related to the conservative [ __ ] is that I'm really really really tired and this has like been wearing me down a lot over the past few months the reason why I have good conversations with people is because I have to try exceedingly hard to meet them where they're at which is oftentimes years behind me in in terms of emotional maturity and it is a struggle day in and day out to baby walk people like lava or Mr girl through conversations to show them like this is like this is why everybody hates you this is why you're contradicting yourself that's why we're wrong here and to be doing that at the same time that they're like constantly attacking me and [ __ ] on me when I'm applying like every [ __ ] ounce of good faith and charitability I possibly can to these people and then they're like turning around and like calling me an abuser or saying that I'm this or that is um is very [ __ ] frustrating to me um I'll probably go back to my bunker in a day or two and I'll probably try to like reconsider the amount of charitability that I extend to people because it's um it's just it's it's a that's a huge burden um are you afraid that he would leak your secret I mean like he might the thing that sucks is that like technically none of these leaks really hurt me they just hurt other people who want to keep their business secret which I'll always respect if other people want to keep their business secret um I like I'm always cool with that but I mean I guess at this point it's up to those two um who seem like they have no boundaries for any of that now [Music] um but yeah the um the Mr girl Shaylin laugh stuff is incredibly creepy uh I'm assuming that Shaylin is a victim of Max instead of assuming that she has any agency at all uh that's just the Assumption I have because she's so caught in his orbit but um the max conversation with laugh was actually unbelievably [ __ ] you've been sexing consistently with Anna for a year me and Anna don't have any problems we're fine you have been you have been sexting consistently with Anna for a year everything you say about her is alive Max what have I said about her that's a lie tell me that she stalked you she did stalk me that she locked okay then why are you sexting with her still we're cool we've been cool for a year Max okay so you acknowledge that you've been sexting with her for a year I think yeah we've had on and off sure consistently this entire time every single day no but Max listen to me do you understand that we've been fine for a year when you say we've been fine that that includes that you have been sexting for a year sure yes okay so when you're saying that she is locking you in the basement of her mind or that she's this traumatic stalker person who's your victim you have all these people can you can you acknowledge that I haven't said anything bad about her for a year I said we've been fine I've said that the last time I talked to you about her like two weeks ago or 16 days ago or something you said that she locked you in the basement of her mind and it was a traumatic experience for you yeah because a year or two ago she spent two years non-stop talking about me no matter what I did you understand that that was a year ago if you pull up clips on My Stream ever since I've moved to Miami I've always said me and Ann are cool it's chill like she used to be I would say a stalker or she used to be like creepy whatever but we're cool we've been fine for like a year literally okay so this the the fact that you've been sexting with her is is already absorbed into your narrative about this yes absolutely I think it okay have I talked [ __ ] about her this past year yes the last time I talked to you you said that she locked you in the locked me in the past in the past Max oh okay why tell me Max why hasn't Anna come forward with any of this information now can you tell me or do you want me to tell everybody why uh I don't want to speak on her being okay I will it's because she said she literally wants to remain friends with me and she said that and I've had that conversation multiple times are you sure you want to be friends are you sure Kevin's and she's like yeah this is fine it's cool she talks to me we talk about her chip she sometimes she loops on stream sometimes she talks about her [ __ ] Loops like yeah that's fine but that's why she won't go public it's because she's literally told you and I know she's told you this and actually somebody was like yeah I still want to be friends okay fine whatever I don't really care that much that's fine that's cool if you've got a problem she Loops sometimes she talks to me about it and then that's it okay you've built your entire narrative on this one story and again to repeat I'm gonna ask you something third time hold on this entire narrative that I'm like abusing women sexually but I'm gonna ask you again have I said anything bad about her over the last year I've said in the past things were bad but this I have seen I have seen the the logs dude I have seen her asking you hey why are you calling me a stalker on stream what's going on why is that I haven't caught yeah when she gets into her Loops but I don't call her sorry I said she used to and then within two more two more lines you're saying you're sending her videos it depends our conversations move back and forth sure okay so hey do you want to be friends do you not want to be friends do you want to do this but like yeah we've had plenty of conversations and you can go and ask her where hey have you wait have you hold on no no hold on because you're I know the narrative you're trying to sell where she's explicitly saying what narrative am I trying to sell what did I say that I'm like that I'm keeping her on like some weird like sexually abusive string when I've asked her plenty of times like do you still want to talk to you want to do whatever whatever and she's like yeah sure I'm like okay well as long as you want to sure that's fine but I haven't [ __ ] talked her on stream sometimes she loops on her stream about me I don't respond to it on my stream and I say everything's cool like we're pretty chill and then boom that's it well the narrative I have is that while she is getting publicly dogpiled by your community and is labeled as a stalker why is she getting publicly dogpiled by my community and she's labeled as a crazy person and a stalker that no one is allowed to talk about now the lab even mentioning her to you made you threaten to cut laugh off permanently why is she considered a crazy person in my community that's not the I'm not answering that question that's all I'm talking about it is it's important because you're blaming it implicitly on me me and Anna have talked about this before explicitly it doesn't matter it matters where the facts come from so something that Anna that Anna is labeled as a stalker in your community okay hold on I'm meeting you for a second okay so what's happened is is when Anna goes live on her stream and then she starts looping that gets attention on places like kiwi Farms oh he left okay easy boom interrupt every time we sell a false narrative or changes [ __ ] lights to manipulate there was like a point in time where it was almost the case that like Anna publicly had like redeemed herself like we were on like a panel everything was chill everything was cool and then she like uh and then she keeps and then she just keeps looping but he just wanted to drop that bomb and leave true I wonder if he's gonna have any luck getting of the uh any of the other 20 girls that he's trying to contact to flip against me Jesus he literally does not know that everyone saw the entire history of Anna yeah the problem is that he thinks that she is a that she has a bad reputation in my community because of me but that's not the case like I literally banned all mentions of like talking to her Loops reacting to her Loops or anything like that um yeah for the most part like we didn't talk about her except for whenever she would go like on her like crazy Loops or whatever foreign trying to think if I should read any of the uh this was some of the messages that he was sending to other people if it gives me permission I can prove that almost everything Destiny said about her is a lie he's mentioned to people I have to move fast because Stephen is going full Attack Mode on me when I haven't attacked him all at all on stream ever I think he's just mad because I'm reacting to his videos where he's talking to laugh about me oh this is where he paints out the um this is the uh This Is the destiny pattern one bring on female Orbiter two or three trash her with the community and four discard her I would like to stop this from happening but I don't think I can do it unless Anna's willing to come forward oh it was this message he's starting the anti-minster girl hate train pretty hardcore now to be clear I never even really said anything about him except for reacting to the videos that he was doing with um this is exactly what lav said yeah because lap because Max has sold this message to lav and to um Anna and I don't and probably to Shaylin too so like all of them are on 100 the same page when it comes to uh I guess me being this like crazy manipulative abuser or whatever this is him he keeps messaging all these people he's like I'm trying to but none of these girls are getting back to me because nobody's responding to his insane [ __ ] A lot of these people like are coming to me and message be like hey this guy's like message me asking me weird stuff he seems to have this idea that I'm like do you think he's nuking for Content or he actually believes this narrative no I think that for Mr girl in his mind I think he actually believes all of this I think that he really does believe because in the mind of a narcissist you're never wrong he thinks that he's like the hero like saving these people From the Ashes or some [ __ ] shout outs live for an example of one thing they disagree on and she paused for like a minute before going on a tangent about gender identity that she said they'd probably agree but haven't talked about oh blav will lab has been obsessed with Max for months I think so she'll agree to with literally anything literally with anything Max says so yeah do you think he's trying to do this to contact with Alex podcast despite you both I don't think it has to do with the Lex podcast I think it has to do I think the subreddit stuff like his mind like really hard lab on her stream said she thinks it's hypocritical for you to call Max a narcissist um that's because she probably doesn't know what a narcissist is I don't think lad has very much people experience in general which is probably one of the reasons why she's so easy to manipulate which is kind of what Max has done through it's like I said like I don't really blame love much although it kind of hurts because lab is one of the people that I was um lab is one of the people that I was talking to on a more personal level but um there's I've always said something that like when I see people like turning against me I never like fight for relationships because it's weird I don't want to be in some weird like manipulator game back and forth where me and Max are playing like tug of war over the mind of like a vulnerable 24 year old I think the thing that bothers me the most is that Max aside from like being like a literal rapist like talking about like oh yeah when women say no I them anyways because I know what they really want it's irritating that he's the one at the end of the day and then watching him manipulate and guess what the [ __ ] out of lab on his stream and like the pictures that Shaylin is drawing of him and Max adopting her and then like him on stream trying to like pull her like you've got to leave Destiny's Community I love for you I should uh I should leave Steven's orbit because it's uh and put first in some in some way bad for lab if I say did he leave my Orbit for a laugh or well I'm so confused what is the because I'm supposed to set a [ __ ] example for you holy [ __ ] you're gonna make me kill myself no you know mags you're not my dad I'm not supposed to just set an example for you I'm supposed to set an example for me and and the audience and just people and you you made it very clear that you think we're self-harming the exact same way so like what yeah I I'm not saying that this is necessarily abusive but like I left that community so that you could be smart enough to leave that community so that we get that seems a little weird but okay I don't know about that one makes you I left for you lab no you didn't [ __ ] you left because you got ass mad and now you're trying to suck more people into your orbit um to see somebody that manipulative and that abusive like I said and I'll say this a million times um if anybody wants to leak DMS if they think where I'm being a manipulator or I'm being feel free to do it go for it like like I said I'm usually really upfront with everybody at anything if I feel like somebody is like oh Dusty I don't like this okay fine then if I want to talk to you anymore like that's it um yeah has Anna matured a lot off stream from what we've seen she never seemed like somebody can engage in casual secretary I think she probably can like I said me and Anna buying clothes doors have been chill for literally like a year every now and then she'll have a cycle on stream and then her and kiwi Farms like [ __ ] egg each other on and then sometimes she'll like spam messages at me but then like usually in a day or two I should be like oops I looped I'd be like okay chill and then it's just whatever like that's been more or less like the past like eight months of our conversation foreign sex slave what do you want sure go for it okay find it in credibly abusive and manipulative the fact that he's using Anna as the foreground his battle just for his benefit and yeah it's also really fun too because she started to message people now using a lot of the language that he's used yes and I can tell that he is like getting in her head and like hyping her the [ __ ] up on everything that he is saying about um other people yeah exactly and she's gone through uh you know rough [ __ ] and this is him bringing her back on making her go back through like back through everything that she's gone through before so this is ultra [ __ ] up and I don't think people are realizing how [ __ ] up that is yeah like like I noticed this when she sent me this message like a day ago where she's basically saying that like um I get tons of hate and harassment from your community you know this and you exploit this and you face no consequences um uh big streamer news networks repeat your words articles get written because of things you say like a lot of it is the same talking points that I see Max and lav and probably Shaylin are like echoing so I know that they've been speaking through it oh actually I'm sorry I know that I can't reveal that I know that Anna has been speaking to them a ton and I know that Max has been like mind [ __ ] her a ton on a lot of this [ __ ] yeah yeah so oh like she just told me right now sorry to leak the DM from Anna um Anna just said okay fine Max is telling me that you're going to go nuclear on me and got me scared I'm not gonna go nuclear and Anna because me and Anna don't have any problems we haven't had problems for literally a year sometimes she loops on stream about me and it's annoying but like I ignore it my community doesn't respond to it and then like a day later she's like oh [ __ ] I looped and that's it boom I haven't talked ship to Anna for a year that's it we're cool everything has been fine there for a long time but Max is like digging in and he's like trying to like because the problem I think the thing that happened was after Max built this Narrative of Anna he realized that he couldn't find a single other girl to reinforce this story because it's [ __ ] um and now he's like desperately trying to like hype the Anna [ __ ] and maybe try to like get lav on it as well but I don't know that's the only thing I can think of and so the other thing is this is one of I guess I don't know this is me this is not you from your words or anything but I feel like like the situation with Anna was a big vulnerability for you because it was a part of your life that was really tough and the and not only for you but for Anna as well sure like a year or two ago when she was streaming like every single day talking about me and when Circa was farming or whatever yeah that was [ __ ] annoying but yeah but like for over a year that's been like done no yeah so everything's like chill now and you and her like on you know decent terms and just talking his friends and stuff and now he's bringing it bringing it back to make it like go absolutely Bonkers yeah I think another issue is I think somebody must have brought it up to them I don't know how many people know this but it was brought up to either lab or Max then they brought it up on stream and then Max posted like was it like a hundred times in his subreddit defending his characterization of the Anna stuff and I think that somebody can tell me if they were watching the um watching the subreddit but uh yeah Max started to post a ton in his subreddit like attacking me like over all the Anna [ __ ] so I think that he wanted to um yeah I think that he wanted to like bring that back up to like prove some [ __ ] about me basically but yeah also something else I want to say um blaming you you for what did he say just now he said that the fact that your community attacks her is because of the [ __ ] you say about her but and Anna and I have been very friendly in the past like I have no personal issues with her the thing is I've said this to Anna directly as well the more she speaks about it and she loops on stream and all of that the more your community and even other random people are gonna [ __ ] on her so it's not what you say about her like and you've stopped saying things about her when she asks you to stop saying things about her it's because she talks about you on stream all the time so P like you know yeah and it's not even my community it's usually like uh the Kiwi Farms is who she goes back and forth now but yeah yeah so it's not I don't it seems like he knows like surface like he probably knows the situation but he got blaming everything on you is just it's just bad faith it's completely fake excuse me we do not sound the same that's why we don't even we're not even from the same country nope close enough Molina sounds like Knute woman true yeah sorry you sound like a you sound like a baguette that's what you sound like oh yeah I have a it's it's a big um I I got a strong baguette I am a strong baguette French baguette but yes okay so that's all you guys done yeah okay bye foreign yeah I don't know if there's anything else to I don't know if there's anything else to go over but I don't know if uh Max is planning on dropping a Manifesto or some [ __ ] if that's his like [ __ ] goal I know that he's getting really frustrated because in the background he's like he's saying that like none of these girls are getting back to him he's not getting the stories that he wants maybe now that it's all public you know if you feel like you're a woman and you've been abused by me or if I've been uh sexually manipulating you feel free to go and talk to Max in the background and he'll give all the publicity to your story that you need um yeah watch The Shaolin interview I don't really want to because like I said um I'm trying to view Shaylin as more of a victim than like anything else uh from what I heard I saw people in chat typing things it sounded like Shaylin is basically like just 100 a micro or a megaphone for Max she's just repeating all of his exact same talking points of verbatim she's probably been abused by him for years now um I don't know if there's anything else I don't really I'm not going to sit here and attack like a victim of his you know for days or hours like that just seems kind of shitty but I mean I feel the same way about lab too even though I had higher expectations but once you're going to post logs um of the things that Mr girlis and other people the reason why I don't want to because I don't want to reveal who they're coming from um because if I start posting exam I mean like if Max challenges me on anything I'll just start licking because I guess who the [ __ ] carries and I don't think any of these people um I don't think any of these people care Jesus what did um there's like clips of like um lav like almost comparing me to Harvey Weinstein oh Jesus his framing on this is so crazy sorry just reading through some of these DMs I thought you and destiny were friends while we're friends um I guess I'll just read it um I stopped working with him because I think he's abusive to his orbiters and then I found out he's been lying about and smearing the women he and then someone told me that he said he's aroused by psychologically tormenting women so I guess we're friends but he's also a sociopath and I'd like to figure out what's going on I the thing is my hands are always tied because I don't I'm not going to reveal every single person that I've had a sexual relationship with because it's for their respect for their privacy like there have been quite a few for sure but like there are girls that I don't have sex with anymore because of reasons and they still come on the stream everything's fine some of them get girlfriends some of them get married some of them like there's plenty of girls that have been on that I've never interacted with sexually there's been plenty of people that have blown up that I have and haven't interacted with sexually like it's just like the craziest like story in his mind I've had issues with guys not issues with guys like but I guess it's kind of hard to prove a a negative well I don't have to prove a negative actually he would have to prove the positive huh Max really ended up becoming your super villain yeah I just feel like I I feel like I put so much out there for him it's actually insane I was the only person that was willing to listen to him after the weird like [ __ ] with vosh I still man the [ __ ] out of like his like basically pro-rape videos um are you worried that Max is never going to stop I'm worried that I'm going to become like a new doctor k for him and now he's just gonna go like full this is gonna be what he spends the next like three months on is just basically publishing Anna videos about me but oh here's another person Mr girl dude reached out to me for an introduction to denims and or Bad Bunny I've never spoken to him before but I have no interest in engaging with him so I just said no this is what he said to me I'm interested in talking to them about some disturbing Trends I've noticed and how dgg treats female streamers do you think him joining was calculated is he super pissy you leave it um he's probably somewhat stressed out right now I'd imagine because I think they probably wanted more time to get all of their ducks in a run this but unfortunately one of the people that missed a girl I probably would have waited a little bit longer but Labs started to go crazy on her stream today and if I was gonna go crazy then I'm just gonna come on and say some [ __ ] um so it's probably loud that [ __ ] things up unironically Mr girl needed better control why is there so much obsession with DGA as a community so this is something that I thought about a little bit but I'm gonna have to think about um I have to consider this more going forward I like interacting with smaller streamers um so that I can sexually reasonably no I like an American small streams because it's fun to have like anybody on I don't want to just be like a clout shark person I don't just want to be somebody like oh I only interact with people my size are large I only interact with like huge streamers but I guess something I haven't considered before this might be a possibility if you're a smaller streamer and you've been in smaller orbits you're probably used to like a certain level of feedback maybe when I interact with smaller streamers maybe it is an unfair expectation to bring them on stream because they just can't like mentally handle like the level of public pushback if they say or do something that the community considers wrong or dumb which is like so maybe maybe actually maybe I just shouldn't interact with any smaller streamers at all maybe that's just like always a mistake because it's always going to break their minds but but I mean like that seems shitty that like I can only basically be like uh clout shark here's another it's just somebody else can you help me make a list of women I should reach out to Stephen is going into full Attack Mode on me and I need to move fast if you have a list of names to suggest please let me know oh my god oh oh hold on okay so there might be more maybe this will get interesting he also linked up with claw Mr girl did hey man I don't want to read all this but yeah someone asked on your kiwi Farms yesterday too oh I wonder if it was him on another account foreign it was some no name account with one post oh yeah I guess in a way I guess that makes me feel good one of the things that I was like a little bit worried about was that like he would be able to find like some girls who are like oh [ __ ] yeah I don't actually like Destiny anymore and he could get in their head enough where they're like man maybe something wrong did happen there but I guess um but I guess like literally nobody flipped but I the the reason why I've always felt comfortable is because like there are people that have had sexual relationships before that [ __ ] hate me now like Bad Bunny and Merrick are two people that absolutely [ __ ] hate me but they've never said I was like Rapier or pushy or anything real like that ever so that's why I've never really been worried about anything because it's like foreign I feel really bad going after somebody shut like that but yeah well foreign league for 12 hours I didn't do any progress whatsoever today on my Factory unbelievable oh this was him posting on kiwi Farms is there a running record of what streamers he successfully or unsuccessfully trying to [ __ ] nice based covert Ops post nice job I have one friend that's hated Max for so long and she's so happy that the bridge is burning makes me feel bad I almost want to keep it up just to spite them but okay well um probably gonna primer ban all mention of like lav I'll mention of Mr girl I think I'm probably going to not interact with anybody that interacts with them so put this message into the ethers um well I should think about that I really do want to blackball them from everything because like they they they literally are trying to do they're trying to do what like lab was almost crying saying that like you're such a bad friend to Max letting cherry and start as it was when like the communities weren't even with them like and now they're literally trying to do the same thing to me but worse you understand how weird that is that like lavender live was so upset about that you're such a bad friend to Max blah blah blah blah blah um and they're literally trying to do not even the same thing to me way worse like holy [ __ ] I feel like I've lost all the friends I've made this year no that's not true we still have Abba we still have Brittany I think those two are still good they haven't done any weird [ __ ] um oh erudite is cool Pisco is cool no we're good we're still up friends snako is hanging on there I think low tier God I don't know about that one dude all the no jumper guys apparently oh Lex Friedman that's getting posted tomorrow at 9am true do you remember your first Mr girl talks I want you to know that you can always trust me I will make you have faith in me true what a manip what a Wheezy little manipulator UPS to him though he's probably one of the most manipulative people I've ever seen it's kind of funny that I made fun of um I think I made fun of bob7 but bob7 grows up to become somebody like Max I think maybe I don't actually know if Bob seven could ever be that manipulate manipulative because Max is definitely like the like one of the highest level manipulators this makes your girl better than you at manipulating obviously not I hid those Powers a long time ago where is the uh arcadeum Speech me at full power as an evil person is a force the world's not ready for find me the arcadeum speech foreign but um no again like I said I usually don't care like the problem with like manipulating people and this is like what Max has to worry about um and he'll learn or maybe he won't learn I don't know actually maybe he's past maybe this is like his final level he'll never like grow from this the problem when you manipulate people is that's like a Perpetual process and when you're trying to like control people for years that like for weeks and weeks and months I think it's exhausting that's why I'm usually just honest with people like if you don't like me then leave you know if I don't like you [ __ ] it like I'm not gonna sit here and like fake [ __ ] because it's just exhausting oh this I'm tough well if I wasn't tough I would have died long ago you think Mr girl is knowingly very manipulative I think he does know I think so I think he the word choice and the way that he acts comes across is very intentional I really do think so yeah once many years ago I allowed myself to become arrogant and I became the most evil version of myself that I have ever witnessed it disgusted me because imagine you know me enough now that you know what my abilities are imagine if they had no Temperance and I was selfish imagine the destruction that I could wreak I was not a good person I wasn't true did laugh open her relationship just to hook up with you and then close it again who the [ __ ] knows I don't know oh but that's actually that's another example blab close to relationship meaning we're never gonna have again but I still had no problem with her coming on stream that was fine well maybe she thinks then that's why my community turned against her that I'm like subtly turning them against her I don't know subtly it's so annoying too because there are even times where I think the thing that usually pushes me over if you're ever trying to play over in the future I'm giving you advice right now the thing that usually puts me over the edge is when I'm defending somebody on stream and I'm getting attacked by my community and the other person um that the um so I would like defend lab on stream like oh well lab brought on Anna the black Anna the other night so that was cool and Anna's putting a lot of sports are mostly coherent lab is pretty smart like I'd usually like be like pretty charitable on stream and then like um yeah but then she still says it I'm like turning my community against her and [ __ ] which is Jesus are we okay to tell people you're a blackballing lab and Mr girl oh that's what I'm trying to think of I think I actually have to I think at a principle I have to because lav called me Harvey Weinstein like I think I kind of have to that's just insane who joined oh is it already in time for one of our weekly powwows be clean yeah I think it's more like buying monthly maybe three months four months hold on I gotta play the uh I gotta play the lav Weinstein clip how do we treat men in positions of power like this does it remind you of any stories that were in the news how do you think that we should react to someone with a big platform sleeping with people in the same way that he does how should we react and again and then also the Anna [ __ ] doesn't even make sense because I've never even brought her back onto my stream but Hey listen I will say that if love or Mr girl if either of them want to leak me being improper with a woman who I've brought on stream in exchange for sex or any of that [ __ ] you are you have my full permission and consent and leaked the logs and figure that out whatever you want to do everyone's coming and tell their story knock yourselves out because it's not out there there's a reason why he's building that entire story off of one person but oh part two if the shoe fits hold on did you feel this way before today yes once Max started talking to her about it I did not allude to him being a Harvey Weinstein but if the shooting fits I didn't even say those [ __ ] words but if you're thinking about it all right what's up real quick what do you want to talk about yeah I just want to uh I want to parse through a couple of these thoughts you're having right now yeah uh two in particular and then maybe there's there's one thing that I I want to say about Anna in particular um the first is uh you had a knee-jerk reaction there where you said I don't really want to bring small streamers I don't know if they can take it well not it's not a knee-jerk reaction it's kind of like thinking like maybe it is the case that when small streamers come on like the tidal wave of like pros and cons is too much for any small streamer so I should just not do that at all which sucks but like that's just like a thought I don't know if I would like commit to that but that's a thought I I think there's a there's an awful lot of small streamers you've had on it over the years who have benefited greatly and really don't lose out on much at all uh I think if you're if you're kind of pointing to two people laugh and Mr girl who are very different people as the prime example of a small streamer that can't handle it I think that's it's it's less about the size of their stream and it's more about the type of person they are yeah I guess it's really hard for me to parse through [Music] um like who can do what so like for instance Max has been pretty inner not International but he's had like a lot of national media attention for a lot of really weird stuff he um he has a very provocative attitude when he does his content and those two facts combined with the fact that he hasn't changed his style and I continued forward I was like okay well this is probably a person that can handle the ups and downs that would be my assumption and then same thing with lab lav does she's younger um and maybe a bit more emotional I don't know but she did like online sex work and she has a huge Tick Tock so I figure like okay 700 000 follow Tick Tock she brags about it all the time she did music and she did like only fans this is also probably a person that can deal with like the ups and downs of online communities the guy would have been my guest like if you were to give me a handful of people I'd probably pick those two as like my B tier or a tier people in terms of people like so your metrics are on their exposure to public engagement yeah like are you like battle tested basically have you launched it yeah yeah I don't know that that's a good metric what is then well it's not that uh I think there's there's a lot of people who have a lot of exposure to the public who handle it extremely poorly uh just in the normal celebrity sphere you know there's a bunch of celebrities who are perpetually uh train wrecks um I don't even want to start naming them but I'm sure names start to come to mind and in the twitch sphere as well I'm sure you can name a couple uh people who have a similar characteristic but you you have to admit I like Mr girls content sometimes I think it's pretty fun he's interesting but he is a very uh sensitive person um yeah that's true but I don't think um I don't think sensitive precludes you from being able to handle online hate right like you can be sensitive he's a very sensitive person and he's also someone who has a history of extreme found out for the Dr K stuff yeah that seems like it although um I could buy that though given his background and everything right I I just don't think it's like think about it this is how I'm thinking about it if someone is willing to uh if someone feels so convicted that they're going to devote hours and hours of their time to bring someone down and they're sensitive I feel like if you've rubbed them the wrong way they might just feel that way about you um yeah it's just a matter of what does the wrong way mean so if I take them at face value and I assume that like okay well his issue with Dr K was that he said he was a therapist he was being highly immoral um and then that's kind of his issue and like reckful committed suicide and everything but you wouldn't take him at face value um well no but in terms of digging through like so here's something that would have dramatically changed my engagement with that right like if I would have found out that Dr K had personally slided Max then I would have been like ooh maybe something else is going on here but I don't think that ever was the case right that they like had a personal interaction or whatever no he just felt very strongly convinced that this person was doing wrong and I and I would call it sensitive but it and it's it almost feels like an obsession uh yeah I mean it does he comes across as obsessor for sure right and what I've liked but I've just I don't see myself ever Crossing him in a way that but you did um right or did you wait oh sorry Jesus um okay oh sorry I just had a thing okay sorry say that last thing again repeat that but you did cross him in a way where he felt convicted yeah um [Laughter] hold on I'm sorry I don't think I I don't wanna this is kind of funny right am I missing it's that's pretty fun okay so since I hit 30 okay I'm trying to that's pretty bad here's something that I've done a lot okay in my mid to late 20s um especially as I became more uh emotionally mature and I stopped being as much of like a manipulator to people and weird and evil and all that [ __ ] um one of the big changes that I went in my thought process was that I need to stop um I need to stop looking at other people that's worse than me and I need to look at them as different some people might be emotional some people might be less rational some people might be whatever but it doesn't mean they're worse it's just everybody has like a different frame of reference or how they view the world so as part of that um as part of that process something that I've tried really really really hard to do is I've tried really hard not to mind read people even though I generally have a really good feel for things I'll try really hard like you're gonna do this I know this I know about it but I'm generally like okay hold on I'll give you a shot whoever you are right Ari Nina um max any of these like people that have got like crazy but you know what listen I'll give you your fair shot because a lot of people say a lot of crazy [ __ ] about me and I don't think I'm crazy and I want you to give me a shot so I'll give you a shot I'll extend to you the same credit as anyone else um it's exhausting to me that because like here so the way that when I look at Max in my opinion now I'm a subjective human so you know what the [ __ ] what am I to say this but like if I zoom out I feel like Max has every reason in the world to love me and very few reasons to hate me maybe a couple reasons to be a little bit irked over the subreddit stuff but yeah objectively speaking no shot but like should I just be moving into that subjective frame around so it's like okay hold on I know what Max is like he's a little bit of a crybaby I need to like basically be a dad to him through all of these like interactions and then like assume like okay well that subreddit [ __ ] is actually probably driving you [ __ ] crazy so let me do everything I can to kind of like you know burp you feed you put you take a nap like sorry I just I mumbled a lot but like yeah I don't know what how much responsibility am I recently supposed to take over like another another [ __ ] adult these people are adults yeah I don't think it's I don't think you're supposed to be taking responsibility but like let's you just came on stream and you said yeah a bunch of things about Max sure uh you know that he was in a very good manipulator yeah that you know and that he's uh he's a very he's very uh what's a what's a good word he's very good at convincing other people of things and um now that he's heard you you're not really giving him the benefit of the doubt anymore well it's not so much that well I guess we're gonna put it away that's fine sure yeah if somebody's gonna like start to try to like [ __ ] me over then yeah I'm not I'm not gonna that's like the charitability is going to start to dramatically decree although like I still it's not like I don't know if I'll pull the plug in a site or whatever but yeah yeah yeah so I think I think like what I'm trying to get at here is your sort of framework here for like I'm going to give everyone the benefit of the doubt and uh and I'm you know I'm not gonna I'm not gonna read into these things I'm sure you were feeling these things like Max's manipulator and you're giving him charity anyway right yeah especially over all the videos with him and Shaylin and [ __ ] yeah yeah yeah yeah and so you're you know you don't want to read into it and then once he hurts you now you're like oh [ __ ] I gotta stop talking to small streamers that's you know that's the only solution I just feel like that's uh maybe you could be maybe you could be a little bit more guarded um yeah maybe maybe instead of giving people all the benefit of the doubt maybe you could just you know be a little more guarded and trust someone just a little bit less and read into how someone is uh if someone seems like a manipulator maybe just feeling more cautious about praying to my stream because the answer certainly isn't well now all small streamers should stop coming on stream because for these guys yeah maybe what about a little bit about like somebody like laugh for instance I I don't I don't really watch we'll have a lot but because like so like in this instance I don't like I feel like if Max wasn't here I think live would still have some complaints about like the subreddit of course which is reasonable especially because they do post a lot about her but I think that her mind has been like Ultra [ __ ] hijacked by Max yeah from what I've seen lab is um I mean you know her better than I do I'm sure you can everyone has things that they're dealing with emotionally and even though she's got a lot it seems like she's just got a lot going on uh yeah maybe but that's fine right those are interesting people right I agree that they're interesting people but I I uh they're so like with the Anna thing because I want to get to the end of thing this is a good parallel it's a good it was a good time to draw it in Anna is uh Anna's a really interesting person to you and you actually like talking to Anna yeah it's interesting for sure and we've been chill for like the past year yeah absolutely and and you you know we talked a lot about Anna in the past yeah I'm pretty years ago yeah yeah yeah I'm pretty intimately familiar with the situation and I I actually found it really empathetic and um one of the most empathetic things I've ever seen when you when you kind of figured figured out what she was dealing with in her head and then you explained it to your stream and then and uh and then he moved on and you stayed friends from that uh I think that's you know that's kind of the opposite of hurting women and it's also um but Anna's also hard to understand for a lot of people sure which is right I think a lot of people are hard I think most people are hard to understand for most people but yeah especially people that are further along okay Anna is yeah is more off the norm than most people yeah yeah not that not that Anna's any any worse or any you know I think Anna is a fine person but it's hard for people to understand someone like Anna and it's hard for people to understand why you would have the relationships that you do with Anna and I think that the same is kind of true for lab and I think that you know that Anna and lav are not like compare Anna and lav to someone like I don't I don't mean I guess this is just the easiest example because people on stream like holy Peach you but compare them to like peachy Lily Pichu is a much more um you know kind of what less contentious person oh sure yeah that's probably true yeah yeah and so with two very contentious people it's gonna be a lot harder for people in your audience to understand which is fine but I'm actually I'm okay well I personally am okay with that because like like I said I've never ruled my personal friendships or never dictated by my stream I don't care if people get triggered or whatever that's always kind of thing but I guess if they're ever going to be involved with stream then they get um there's a chance for them to get irritated by it but yeah and so I think when it comes down to like Okay small it's not small streamers you have to be careful with people who are contentious very contentious I feel like it's not even contentious so because I was contentious and like I did have to take a step back from my mental health but it didn't become what has happened now and I I feel I don't know personally I think a better litmus test is just seeing if people feel like they have to be superior to others like and the reason why I say this is because not to get to armchairs psychological or whatever but both lab and Mr girl have admitted that they have problems when it comes to this right so Mr girl or maybe Mr girl hasn't admitted it but he's always talking about like how other people are stupid or they don't understand him and like you know they're just not smart enough right so he puts himself in this higher class and like lava has talked before about how she feels like she has to pull a woman down or whatever or like be better than like the other woman or whatever and I think that the reason why this is so important is because when you break those people's egos or when those like people's reality is shattered or is what is it confronted shaken whatever um they're gonna try their [ __ ] hardest to bring you down because that's the only way they're gonna be well I don't feel like that's like a normal human response I feel like that's like it's not it's the streamer response it's the cycle you go through with every person you bring on it's not the fact that they're small streamers it's the fact that any it's the cycle like I think a ton of us are surprised we were talking about this earlier that Mr girl was the one to go down this path because Mr girl was so adamant about how loyal he was to you how appreciative he was to you and then the moment it's like hey man I'm not going to cater to you I'm not going to acquiesce to your desire to not be [ __ ] on by community in my community this is the internet like you are going to get a reaction from a lot of people who have a voice they have a voice in your subreddit they have a voice in your chat and they have a voice on Twitter it's going to happen and these people can't handle it you're going to deal with this no matter who you deal with you all right I can't lose the next Orbiter to fall then let's make I I can't think of it anyone off the top of my head but who's a big Orbiter big one I don't know if I or but it's gone down that's turned on you someone that had a following either whether or not what do you mean yeah there you go vosh like someone like Bosh like people are going to react this way regardless so big people are small people you're going to get people that regularly engage with you and then when [ __ ] turns sour either they look bad in from front of their Community or in front of yours they're gonna get pissy about it and behave in this juvenile way and I have to come to terms with it because it's annoying to watch because it's [ __ ] not normal human behavior but these people just turn tail and go to the people that are going to reaffirm them it's going to happen no matter who you engage with I feel like that's huge with some certain extent but I feel like there is something like pretty nefarious about Mr girl in love that oh yeah I feel like I want to say when I say nefarious I want to restrict that to Max I don't think that the other people that have been like sucked into his gravity well are I think that he's the one that's driving all of it the other people are just kind of like being used and and I think I think it's important to point out that as you said he feels like he's being the hero yeah I think so yeah so I think Lincoln is right in the sense that like obviously when communities when you step on someone's toes they react a certain way they back and forth fighting but I feel like there's a big difference between that and between somebody trying to purposely like tear down your career or like make false sexual harassment allegations about you because that's just like another level that I think has to be addressed I don't know [Music] um yeah you had friends who you you have friends your close friends well not anymore no I saw them yeah some close friends I think in my life sometimes I have some friends who turn out to be really good people readers and um and over time I start to trust their judgments a little bit more as time goes on so you know if you're if you're like yeah I don't really know how to judge people here on who to bring on stream you know look to those people I suppose yeah maybe I don't know personally I just think you should yeah but we're in the streamer world doesn't everybody kind of yeah everyone's like really yeah I think so it's hard to avoid I could never be a streamer I don't think it's so much superiority complex as it is fragile ego um and that sounds really [ __ ] stupid to say I think that's out loud I think those are the same thing someone with a superiority conflict fragile ago yeah yeah like I think Max said on that stream where he was like mind [ __ ] lav one of the things he said I think specifically was that like oh do you trust me and she's like I'm not sure and I think he said I found that if people can't trust me they can't trust anyone I think he said that I think everybody in this room is kind of looking for a metric um or like a way to judge people I think we're all kind of looking in the wrong spot I think that one of the best things to look at in a person is how they deal with criticism because being in the sphere is highly contentious and it's not whether or not is this person contentious or not like pixie was alluding to I think it's well how do these how do these people engage with criticism obviously Max is somebody that doesn't engage with criticism at all or very well um lav same thing um I think you could find that similarity in a bunch of others yeah but I'm sure there's probably some people have interacted with that I still like that don't engage with criticism that well I'm sure that's yeah like Mr moon it's it's it's not just like well does this person engage with criticism in a way that is productive it's like do they engage with criticism in a way that's destructive right well right so I don't I think that it's consistent first of all is that the sweet voice of Mind waves I hear it is okay yeah so I think it's pretty consistent that anytime Destiny goes up up against someone that even if they've been around a long time the moment he turns on them even if it's just political debate we can point to Hassan we can point to vosh um the moment that there is that heavy disagreement these people don't handle it well and I think in real life like let's get out of the [ __ ] streamer space when you have a fight with a friend I don't know about you guys but I have a lot of friends that like I had a guy that I used to go down and get the [ __ ] dollar burger night on Monday nights and we'd shout this was back when I was conservative he was super liberal and we would fight and then the beers would come we'd have the burgers and we'd walk home because we were roommates and all that and it was fine that doesn't happen in this space because you then have thousands of people watching you as that unfolds and people feel the need to defend themselves in super aggressive ways they feel the need to lick their wounds in public and it doesn't lead to like a healthy um assessment of the situation so everyone just decides to turn towards those who are comfortable and try to find a way to be okay and it's in its consistent throughout I can't think of too many people that Destiny is really severely disagreed with that have stayed or stuck around it's usually the [ __ ] conservatives that keep coming back for more Nick and him have fought how many times about how many intense subjects and so many intense ways with screaming matches and all this other [ __ ] and Nick still comes around but these other people it doesn't there are very few I can't think of I can't think of too many that that stay around after a big Destiny blow up can you guys well I'm not sure about that one but I think that like it's not just because it's kind of two things right that you have to deal with in these sorts of in the in these situations as a I don't know person in the sphere orbit or whatever you want to call them it's the interpersonal aspect right feuding with Destiny right for instance and it's also the community aspect as well right because you might be able to like handle that one-on-one sort of like heated contentious conversation like back and forth or whatever but like when it comes to okay well how are you gonna handle um all of the pushback that you're gonna get from the community the lashback all you know all that [ __ ] that that's that's a whole other beast and I think that just looking at the size of somebody's platform is one way to sort of gauge that like all right well does this person have experience with dealing with pushback having a large platform um but okay okay everybody wrap it up and hit I want like 30 people in here this isn't like the panel on discussing extreme relationships okay like in final words final words are just that don't don't ice out random little streamers it's not that big a deal you just have to accept that people are gonna respond this way it's a nature of the business but you're gonna [ __ ] yourself if you forego those people that's it okay love you buddy mine waves final words nah just love you guys sorry for my money in the waters have fun um okay Linus anything else for me or keep going what's up yeah uh see I think I think he'll he'll find a metric that works for you I feel like um I just I feel like from the grand zoom out perspective you can tell me if I'm crazy but like Max's response is unhinged right like the only way to make sense of that has to be through the lens of some type of I don't want to say Mental Illness but like some extreme like mental aberration right like he's got to be way off [ __ ] Baseline I don't well I don't want to read minds but I'm I'm not trying to say yeah but like a normal person I I just want to say that he's being crazy or whatever right well that's kind of important for me because I have to evaluate from my behavior going forward so yeah I'm not saying that he's not doing something ex abnormal uh I don't know like that it's mental illness is basically what I'm saying but if somewhere in my life and I I'm not a streamer guy so you know this stuff doesn't really happen to me but if someone in my life were to go after me or try to get at my friends or try to dig up my past as a way to hurt me or attack me or my livelihood I would cut them out of my life you didn't answer my question I did what he's doing is horrible yeah but do you think it's warranted is this like a like if I treat somebody in this way should I always expect this response no okay how much responsibility do I scribe to like lav or Shale in here did you see shaolin's thing with chudlogic I didn't I don't have the clip but somebody said that so somebody said that Shaylin said that when we first met I was like incredibly rude or something I I don't have the logs because it was one of those temporary rooms but I think Max said oh hey if you ever want to talk to Shaylin I'll add you guys to a room and he added us both to a room and I put like the little sweats to any guy emote because it's funny like oh no what's happening and then he put us in a room and then I think I friend requested her and then I left the room because that's normally what you're doing Discord you're like oh you drag them into a room you friend request and then you're like out and I did that but then the way that she was talking about it was she was like oh he was incredibly rude and or apparently that's what people said in chat I couldn't listen because I was playing d d but I'm like what I don't know how that was incredibly rude at all was that the classic gaslighting maneuver um oh wait hold on let me listen to this real quick I'll just ask what are your thoughts on Destiny oral beef personal beef with Destiny um which I thought I don't think he knows about this maybe he does um have you ever spoken by the way we were in a group chat at one point and he was terrible um not directly terrible but just like really dismissive uh Max was just trying to like introduce us to say like hello and he just posted the sweat stinny thing Meme and left the group and I was like what a [ __ ] douchebag like just ask and I might be crazy but that's like that's how it works for email that's what we're usually like oh you drag to people in a group and then you add friends and then you leave like that's it and I we're friends we like I friend requested on Discord and we're friends now I think she's cheap yeah we're friends on Discord like that was the point yeah I I I think um maybe she didn't see a friend no she did see it because we're friends she accepted me so we're friends on Discord now like I mean if you're putting a hit piece out on someone you're not exactly gonna speak nicely about them on to the public yeah I guess Jesus um yeah I the the responsibility that you ascribed to love and Shaylin the wait the what to laugh and Shannon say that again yeah you're asking about responsibility he described to them foreign if it were me um it would hurt a lot if someone was trying to hurt me and then I had friends who I thought were close regardless of whether or not because of whether or not like I felt like they were manipulated or not I I don't know that I could be friends with those people yeah that's generally my experience is that I think I've said this before is usually when somebody in the background feels like um when somebody's like fighting for somebody in the background I just give those fights up a minute because I don't want to be like I don't want to feel like I have to fight for somebody's friendship against another manipulator it feels so stupid to me like I'm not gonna waste my time that you either like me you don't yeah yeah it seems pretty simple I think I think you got it all figured out well yeah I guess after another episode 12 of I'm gonna go full heart and backstab Destiny as hard as I can over the dumbest [ __ ] in the war over a subreddit band yeah well maybe I don't know who knows why he decided to do it he might have actually legitimately uh felt like this like that might have pushed him a little bit or something I don't know but you can you can imagine a world in which he just like stumbles onto the Anna story and then starts to dig in a path starts to dig in a tunnel yeah but I don't know it's always hard because it seems like sometimes when it's related to him there's like he's got like an infinite amount of nuance to explain why a woman can say no directly to his face but he can still [ __ ] them and it's actually A-Okay but then in other situations like Dr K is the ultimate abuser like it feels like when you reach a certain level of intelligence you can craft these narratives that make any action you want like post hoc either excusable or inexcusable uh well I I mean I I think what you just said is pretty uncharitable he just has one video about that right well but he'll he's defended that take a million times and he'll continue it's a one incidental experience it's not just an incidental experience it's a defensive experience didn't he literally say like sometimes when a girl says no she means yes that's a pretty [ __ ] wild statement to make no I don't is is it though I mean I would say in the context of that video yeah I would say it was a pretty well statement I don't I don't sure okay I have the same I would like I I can't imagine literally having somebody say to my face no and like I think you want it and then you then you're like yeah I think generally sometimes that's the case but maybe that's just me I might just play it on the cautious side I don't know um I do agree that there's like a Nuance to take that you can have about like I do agree with that well hold on I'm sorry let me back up I do agree that there is like a really complicated nuanced take you can have around that conversation it's just irritating that it seems like he is selective when he applies that like lens of hyper Nuance you know yeah that is irritating yeah that's the irritating part like if he had that same lens through all things it was like okay yeah I can follow you on this because the conversations are interesting or whatever you know um relating to like yeah when it's his nuanced lens that yeah makes his point and then when it's time to come to the applying the Nuance to your point oh it's right you know it's there's no room yeah I think it's pretty difficult yeah I feel I feel more responsibility to laugh but I feel like you should um and the reason why I say that is because I feel like she's willingly like going like ever since like he decided to leave the orbit she's like continuously gone back to him even though like he does enable her behavior and I feel like she she kind of knows that to a certain extent because I feel like otherwise she wouldn't like keep running back to his stream right and I think like on top of that I think she shares that same mindset that he has of always being the Savior somehow um well I think if I had to guess the way that the interactions go is on the on a really basic level she probably enjoys the attention that she gets on the stream everybody I enjoy the attention like we all extremely as well like the attention it feels good to talk on a big platform a lot of people are here so that's probably one on a slightly more deeper level at least at one point in time I know that she was close friends with me or closer friends with me and I also know that she probably enjoyed the conversation she was having it there were like some really complicated like really challenging really critical conversations she was having so those two things were probably fun but every time she had a negative experience here of which there are going to be negative experiences of course I think that Max was capitalizing on that every time basically saying like oh oh my God look at that negative experience you had like see it's because you're being abused it's because these people are abusers like let me save you I left that orbit just to bring you out like I left just for you love I knew that I had to leave because it was the only way to pull you out and come join my Orbit like it's like the standard like isolate the victim narrative and [ __ ] to prove that everybody else is abusive and they're the one that are going to save you you know okay I guess my question is do you think when she was talking about um because I feel like she's trying to offload all the criticisms that were given to her as basically misogyny as an extension of that and I don't think maybe I'm wrong that Max put that into her head I feel like that is just the narrative that she took because it was what soothed I guess her ego the most and I feel like when it comes to people like that like that's dangerous because they'll just find anything to basically latch onto so that they don't have to take that criticism to heart and change um yeah do you think I should Blacklist them or should I like actually do you think by Blacklist I mean I won't associate with anyone that Associates with them so I basically say if you've had like Laver mystery girl in your show I'm not so single with you for at least 30 days after the last appearance or do you think that's like actually abusive that feels spiteful to me it is that's what I mean like they're literally trying to [ __ ] she's calling me Harvey wife people you want to spite people I'm just saying that's just it's spiteful no no I know if that's what he wants to be that's what he wants to be but it is spiteful oh I think these people obviously have like some sick obsession with you and I think honestly it's not even spiteful I think it would be good for their mental health to have like some level of like complete disengagement because I feel like otherwise you're gonna keep trying to claw back in one way or another and I feel like in the upcoming like it's not that you shouldn't talk about anything relating to them but I feel like they're going to try their hardest to I guess bait you in a way because it feeds into their delusions I think that's just called Boundaries I don't think that's spite-based Behavior well but it's a little bit of it's a boundary and I have them on my stream it's more aggressive to tell other people that I don't want them on their streams like that's that's not a boundary that's like me trying to like turn up yeah he's trying to hurt people yeah maybe it's very very one of the weird things that I don't like and this was the case for Bob seven it's still the case for [ __ ] denims um and it's the case where a couple other people lurking in the background it's very irritating when I have people that are like actively working in the background to turn people against me on some really weird [ __ ] it's very very very annoying so like it would be irritating if if lab continues showing up in these circles that I show up in and then she starts to make friends I can be friends with anybody and if I don't like someone else that's fine that's chill but I don't think they can I think that if they're friends with these people they're always going to be trying to turn them against me that's the that's the only worry that I have when I play neutral there it's kind of like a game theory thing I feel like I always get over not a game like a prisoner's dilemma thing like if me and lav and Mr girl are all part of any Mutual group of friends I'll be I'll be chill with them even if I don't like them but they'll constantly be trying to tell those other people he's a sociopath he's an abuser like blah blah blah you know does Mr girl have a ton of friends oh okay I'm shocked yeah but lav does maybe kind of kind of I don't know I feel like people like that are going to have a very hard different time ever having true friends because it feels like they only surround themselves with other people who agree with them and that's just dangerous well how about those midterms [Music] I I miss the politics streams [ __ ] you um this is kind of like a Walmart Bob seven no it's not no it's not no hold on bob7 is the Walmart Mr girl okay okay but she goes way better at being manipulative and [ __ ] foreign for me tonight so I'll see you later boss yeah have fun I'll just show up in the dungeon later okay to see you and all the other female orbiters I have chained up down there bye okay bye yeah the big secret the secret are you worried about that um do you know you know what that is don't you yeah um let's [ __ ] it I mean it's I mean it all right man [ __ ] it I mean it would make me look bad but it would suck but you know I don't know we'll see yeah I mean at this point there's not much I can do and I don't respond to blackmails so that's a good stance yeah plus if people find out that I [ __ ] your mom yeah yeah she's she's kind of losing it so it would be true that's pretty weird I'm sorry no no that's probably pretty weird okay um geez I'm trying to think it was in it because I once I'm once we cut this stream I'm doing a Content ban on all of their [ __ ] I don't want any of them getting any attention from my [ __ ] anymore I think I think maybe if you want to get ahead of things a little uh well I don't feel like there's no I don't feel like I have to get ahead of anything the only story that he had was Anna's I don't think any other girl I don't think it's gonna work well that's what I'm saying I was actually uh I'm about to say uh explaining how you feel and how your relationship with Anna evolved um I think would probably be a good idea because doing wait say what say that our last product just talking about how your relationship with Anna evolved over time I think a lot of people in your community um are very confused as to why you would have been messaging Anna for the past year yeah I mean we were friends up until I left Pennsylvania then began the two years of like back and forth in San Diego was it two years I think I don't even know I think it's like two years ago yeah and then I think about a year ago it started to get things were chill like she hadn't talked about me for a while I think there was even a panel that we'd all gone on and I think she like even me about Dan I think for the most part I think actually things are fine because I kept telling like bro like if you just like stop obsessing about it publicly like people will move on like it's fine just like chill like nobody the only reason people keep talking about is because you bring it up and she seemed to agree with that um and then I think about a year ago I think that like it was basically chill we weren't ever fighting purpose uh personal anymore we started talking privately friendly uh sexing whatever the [ __ ] um and then that's been chill every now and then um she'll have like a loop stream where she'll see something on kiwi Farms or she'll see something on a subreddit she's like oh somebody call me stalker I've got to correct the record she'll do a stream I usually just ignore it and then she'll message me later about it and she's like oh what about this and this and I'm like bro none of this matters and then like a day or two literature like oh okay I looped whatever and then that's it and that's more or less than like a relationship for like the past year like I don't think it's like absent like Max none of that is like ever gonna blow up again like I think she's like generally like okay like pretty chill especially after I tried to make a better Faith understanding of like the OCD stuff um that's all been like pretty chill yeah yeah so the OCD stuff was something that was causing a lot of turmoil causing a lot of argument causing a lot of uh it wasn't something you had to deal with it wasn't something you were aware of but you still liked her as a person uh yeah I mean she's interested to talk to yeah yeah and then once you understood the OCD stuff and how to deal with it then your relationship was better basically yeah yeah I think it's I think it's still going to be hard to be able to kind of understand because yeah but it goes on stream was it was really intense right of course we're going to agree to stop being friends we're done and then behind the scenes you're still talking but I think yeah I mean I think you find you really like her as a person uh yeah she's interested in a chat with everything yeah for sure and like generally aside from like that whole blow up of like all the crazy [ __ ] probably like there's not we don't have like any problems chatting whatever there's not like weird [ __ ] going on or anything yeah okay I just have two things before I leave um or two more possible litmus testes I don't know if these would work in reality I don't know enough streamer personalities um I think if somebody is consistently not being charitable towards you and picking like the worst interpretation or taking what you're saying to like extremes basically then you know that's probably personality type that you should be more suspect of and I guess like also people can't let others go because same thing with Anna and lav and Mr girl it seems like they get stuck on this idea or on this want and they just they don't know how to let it go and that's why they keep bringing it over and over and over and over again instead of taking a break so maybe those two things are things that you should look out for yeah maybe although I think Max was pretty terrible when we were talking usually wasn't he yeah yeah I think so all right it's hard I guess you have to repeat things a lot but you know I don't know I'm calling you abusive over stuff was weird to me but I'm not in the space enough to know if that's just him being him question mark or being charitable or not yeah maybe uh the only other thing maybe that you might want to quote unquote get ahead of is you you kind of always had the image of you trying to sleep with all the women on stream okay hold on here is the natural progression of things okay generally if I'm friends with a woman and generally if she's single usually we'll start flirting and usually there'll be some secretary it's not like I'm bringing people on to [ __ ] them or like I'm trying or whatever like there have been some people that I flirted with yeah they're like oh like I don't know it's like okay cool and then there have been a lot of people that are flirted with me and it's like okay that's cool like there's a lot of people that reach out to me first even and then absolutely yeah and then but the meme is that you feel going on sure that's the meme yeah but I don't that's honestly not all of them right there's at least like three or four yeah I mean I think I think after this the memes is going to be bigger probably sure but so you know but oh yeah yeah live openly admitted that she flirted first yeah so like one of my yeah like I'm not gonna I'm not gonna turn somebody down like that damn what do you want me to do yeah I know people people feel weirdly about people that have a lot of sex with people sure a lot well the issue in my mind comes from when people start treating people differently because of it like I think that's the big issue but like and like I said I always welcome because they have sex with you because you're having sex with a lot of people no no because I'm having sex with them that so one of the things that triggered the [ __ ] out of me was when lab would come on and she would imply that I was treating Cherry like differently than her because me and Chariot hooked up that was tricking the [ __ ] out of me because the only reason she could use that argument publicly was because nobody knew that me and her hooked up so she was making me look less credible and then people were looking at me like oh wow well maybe that's true because Destiny you know slept with that person blah blah and it's like okay well what am I supposed to say you know but I think I like generally like I'm pretty good at separating out like sex and no sex like there have been people I don't have sex with other people I used to and I don't anymore but like they can still come on they can go out whatever the [ __ ] they want to do like I think I'm pretty fair to most people and usually like a lot of people people accuse me of simping for are people that I'm not like for instance like I guess I'll I don't know if this counts as a league or an anti-league like me and the Britney girl Brittany Simon we've never done anything or even had a sexual conversation ever not even a single time um and if we ever find the future she can link all of our games never ever but I bet there's a lot of people that would assume like oh he defends Brittany so much he's probably somewhere no not at all nothing even remotely sexual with her um but like yeah so it's it's just annoying that like if people want to assume that I am a lot of people that's fine but when they jump to like oh the only reason he's defending that person because I'm excited no that's not true why the [ __ ] what I do I'm not that I don't need to be that desperate for people yeah yeah I I I don't personally think that you're sex with someone has any bearing on how you treat them on stream thanks that to me I I just feel like that's it's very easy to paint that narrative yeah of course though it's also ridiculous the one narrative that I was scared of that Max could do that would be hard for me to speak against is there is going to be like a natural pressure or not an extra pressure a natural pattern of like somebody comes on they're on stream more we start talking we start flirting and we have sex or whatever some [ __ ] like that and then eventually like we just we talk less they show up on stream less we don't do anything sexual or whatever and that's like the natural like pattern of like people coming in and out of my life but if you could find like five or six people you might be able to paint the story it's like oh my god well look as soon as they stop [ __ ] he stopped bringing them on stream when in reality we'll know it's just like we stopped talking like we just talk less and then they just don't show up anymore like that just happens you know but but yeah I guess if you have enough you can always like paint like really weird patterns and [ __ ] yeah I think you have a lot of relationships with people that involve sex yeah maybe yeah like more than the average person certainly maybe yeah yeah and and I think that's just is just going to be a side effect of being that type of person yeah maybe at the same time I guess if you have a lot of sex with people and you hang out with a lot of the people you have sex with you're just gonna look that way yeah maybe true well it'll be hard to be able to understand but you know that is what it is it is what it is anyway anything else for us any other wise words from Linus on our by month uh Call of Duty war zone Launches on the 16th be sure to you know preload that all right see you later yeah have fun peace out wait would you pull the plug on Max's side if you were me no you wouldn't no okay no I I um foreign I don't like hurting other people because they hurt me yeah I generally don't but I have my my Approach is way more Machiavellian and that's that like leaving his side up doesn't really hurt me at all and if I leave it up man I look really good faith yeah I think you look I think you'd look like a very compassionate person yeah but it is insane and then I have to worry about like in the future like if he grows more and he like manages to turn a world against me and I'm literally like and I like platformed it the whole time am I like making a stupid mistake I don't think so you don't think so yeah no I don't think so if that if that happens I don't think that you can look at that and be like that's a mistake because if you value being a compassionate person you are being a compassionate person yeah I generally do um I don't think you should somebody over if there's no like there's a lot of people that I like vindictively could have there's a lot of people that could have vindictive looked over but I don't I typically don't do that unless you know but damn your little [ __ ] is literally trying to like multi me to me I know Jesus Christ yeah I know Jesus um have you talked to him about it try to talk to him about it privately um no I was gonna message it but he's like he acts cool in DMS and that just drives me crazy but um yeah I don't know what I'd have no idea what a private camera look like but lab started like basically um leaking like every single thing tonight and if she's gonna like go public with everything then I feel like I have to I feel like I'm gonna go live and just start talking yeah yeah I mean I I think if yeah you've yeah I agree I'm not saying that you you should have done that or you could have done that I'm just I'm just wondering anyway I'm gonna head off okay I love you buddy have fun see you later see you later bye oh what's up Bing dude the empath Olympics are over who won none of them it's a cancer oh Linus misdiagnosed you I'm sorry man there's only one way to fight this cancer you need you need radiation you need [ __ ] chemo it's time to hit up the rift mate no okay you're gone get out of here okay [Music] foreign true I'm gonna be honest with you guys none of this [ __ ] happens on the rift you never you never see stuff like this on the rift guys how responsible are people who get manipulated for their actions it feels like you're giving love a lot more of a free pass than she deserves I get dgg is pretty unsully sometimes but this feels like an example of benevolent sexism from where I stand If This Were a dude would you be giving them this level of Charity I really think that this is just the other side of the same coin if this earns me a band's opiate why why are you such a martyr shut up you [ __ ] loser um for a lab I um foreign it's not a sexism thing I mean it kind of is because her background is sex work I guess which could only work for like a woman but um I sincerely think there could be men like I think a lot of I think that Mr girl in genders like a certain type of relationship with his um with his fans that a lot of men could very easily fall prey to as well but it just lab just happens to be a woman I think what techniques does Max use to manipulate well it's a little late to analyze now I was finally starting to go over some I don't normally Point them out as I see him because I don't want to be like weird but I started to point out a few that he did in that last conversation um I think that it's hard to put into words um some things are hard to put into words he's very good at being emotionally vulnerable I would have to think about this a lot this is the feeling and these thoughts are not like solidified um oh [ __ ] hold on ah I'm gonna that'll actually make me lose my mind I'm sorry let me let me let me refocus who just who's here uh some viewer Collins now or what well no [ __ ] you get out um trying to think of how to phrase this it sounds so weird because all of this [ __ ] is so schizo I need to have a stream where I like where I just like mind [ __ ] somebody um and then I can because I don't think anybody believes in ice I used to do all this [ __ ] in my like early mid-20s so when I see it I see it it's very very very easy right it's very easy to pick something out like this okay let me walk you through a type of interaction that you can have with somebody okay if I'm trying to get somebody to be close to me one of the easy this is one of the reasons why I hate when red pill losers say this [ __ ] too because it's exactly wrong if you show vulnerability to somebody they feel like they're getting a certain level of trust this is a behavior that I think Max does a lot what you do is you show vulnerability to somebody but it's actually a false vulnerability you make it look like you're very vulnerable you're very sensitive you're very on edge anything they say could push you over you don't really have even control of your own emotion right now but you're actually very in control but they think that they've stepped into an area where they have a lot of control over you well you're the one that's very sensitive and when you've got them in that sort of interaction and Max does this a lot when he talks to people when you've got them in that sort of interaction it's very easy to control the flow of the conversation in such a way that it it it it makes them feel like they're in charge and they're in control and they're getting a very vulnerable side of you but in reality they're manipulating you like the entire time um if I was having a conversation with somebody and I'm like let's see it's so hard if I let's say that I really this is something Mexican before let's say I want somebody to really trust me okay um like I might have a conversation where I talk about how hard it is for me to let people to get close to me and and I feel like I want to trust this person a lot but it's really really really hard for me to get to that level where I feel like I can kind of share something but if they're willing to if I'm gonna open up to them I just hope that they understand that that level of vulnerability that I'm showing is something that they can appreciate because I don't show that everybody you can do [ __ ] like that and when somebody hears that and their mind they're thinking like holy [ __ ] like he's showing something so special like yeah I do trust you and in their mind they're in charge of the interaction they feel like they're the one that is like holy [ __ ] I need to take care of this person here and I feel like they're the ones that are making the decision to actually get close to you in that situation this is something that Max does a lot to people and it's a really effective way at like bringing somebody like into your bubble and now you've like now they super trust you you super early everything is super cool and you've played them the entire time and he's done that interaction with people a lot I didn't point it out because it feels shitty it's like oh he's fake crying because it's more than just like it's more than a fake cry like it's a it's a whole process of showing a fake vulnerability to somebody to bring them in really close and then present them with a list of options like they have total control of you but you're walking them through the steps of how you want them to behave the entire time these are like these are are like Advanced manipulator tactics like you don't normally see people do this but Max does this openly to a ton of people um a really really good example was with lav when he convinced lav to leave my community but he did the thing where he pulled back right at the end where he's saying you should lead you should leave you should leave and then like right at the end where she's like I think I should leave and he's like you don't have to and now she's like she feels like she feels like she was almost there but now he's like trying to pull back the feeling in her mind is oh God he doesn't want to control me he wants me to choose my own but he doesn't want to he he doesn't want to feel like he's forcing me to do something yes I will make this choice I like it's that kind of feeling that you're like pulling in their mind um I should uh I should leave Steven's orbit because it's uh and first in some in some way bad for lab if I say did he leave my Orbit for a laugh or I'm so confused what is the because I'm supposed to set a [ __ ] example for you holy [ __ ] you're gonna make me kill myself no Max you're not my dad I'm not supposed to just set an example for you I'm supposed to set an example for me and and the audience and just people and you you made it very clear that you think we're self-harming the exact same way so like what yeah I'm that's not saying that this is necessarily abusive but like I left that community so that you could be smart enough to leave that community so that we could that seems a little weird but okay I don't know about that one makes you uh you think I should leave um I can't though I can I don't know what I'm gonna do I think um I think I'll leave but I I think I think I'll leave but I don't want to make like a stink of it that's impossible yeah I do like Stephen A lot um and I like his message he's a lovable guy he is uh-oh but I'm an abuser this is a lot though the whole thing's a lot hurricane local statement wait is there another hurricane coming to me tropical storm gotcha what how is he crying what's happened did I miss something you don't have to leave foreign and like watching it happen to somebody else is like yeah he did that while crying oh it's so [ __ ] annoying to watch [ __ ] like that platter and I want to say something but maybe I will um maybe from now on I'll start pointing [ __ ] out like this when I see it but I don't know it's a it's just dumb because it feels mind ready from my perspective like I don't want to like point this out I'm like but like it's ugh have you always noticed these tactics only recently no I especially noticed them when he Max okay the first time I really paid attention to Max doing this is he made an observation about Dr K that I only think somebody can make that observation if they are aware of the tactic and it was the idea that like if you apply enough pressure to somebody when you let up off that pressure it's always gonna feel good if you lean in and apply pressure If you make somebody uncomfortable if you move them enough any time you pull back and give them space to breathe they're always going to feel really good about it this is like the classic good cop bad cop played by one person and when Max was able to point out that essentially that's what Dr K does in his conversations um I noticed that I was like that's very true and it's very astute that you notice that but you do this in every conversation you do you always try to get somebody off edge emotionally you always try to push somebody to the point of crying and then once they're crying you ease up on all the pressure you have a nice moment of silence to let them reflect process their emotions and listen and then you re-engage in usually a more calm manner afterwards because now you've pushed them to the place to where they were emotional and they've come back and now in a way they've shared something special with you you're almost actually having sex with them mentally or emotionally and now they feel like they've kind of like they trust you a little bit more but yeah I noticed that he does that a lot of conversations with people but but whatever I don't want to [ __ ] all these things this is why I get traded when he says like I'm an empath like you're a little bit I think to some extent sociopaths from all these people probably are to some extent pretty empathetic because you have to be able to understand how other people feel or at least how other people respond to feelings in order to control them right like you're not you're not going to be a really good manipulator if you don't understand how people think at least a little bit but um yeah but that's I mean what are you gonna do anything else any final warbirders want to step in and enter their testimony before we before we chop it all off the neck before we go media blackout mode on Max and blav foreign what do you have oh wow my mic was muted you couldn't hear me um I can hear you now what's up oh cool all right so oh wait wait wait wait wait hold on hold on hold on hold on one second okay [Music] hold on I just whoo I just gotten a little I just understood where something else came from or whatever um but okay what's up what do you got for me no no it's just it's really quick so like I can't believe we are where we are I actually bit somebody that there's no way Mr girl backstabbed you and they were like they were right and um so I can't believe we're here the only thing I want to say is I know you said like you might do the blackout thing I specifically want to have a conversation with him to kind of understand some of this so I want you to be Mr girl yes he's just gonna lie to you he's not gonna be honest no no I I I I I I feel like I'm intelligent enough to to to not be sucked in by by tactics so I'm here asking you for immunity in case a conversation does happen there is a problem I don't want this to like snowball into like 10 hours of like content a day for him to talk about all this [ __ ] for sure if you want to go time okay fine you've got the one if me and him talk it'll be within the next 24 hours and it won't yeah you know if you want to go knock yourself out dude okay yeah but um you were talking earlier you were talking earlier about like how to know when this might happen and I'm gonna hear Max out I don't think there's there is no way he can convince me for sure but I'm gonna hear him out but I think that like the difference between like my relationship with you and I think other people's relationship with you is I'm not like primarily a content creator right like I have a great cushy life so our interactions are authentic and I'm gonna say what I feel you're gonna say with your field and that's like there's no possible other motive like I don't care to hey I want to get a million Subs on YouTube like I don't care about any of that like I'm doing very well for myself so I think what you have to look out for is how big is your connection to them in terms of what their future thoughts are for their like content creation careers and I think those oh yeah it's easy so like there are certain people so like Abba's a really good example of this I don't think Abba feels any pressure one way or another because I don't really have much of an impact on his career right yeah exactly yeah exactly sure yeah I know but I mean like that like basically this is it kind of this is a roundabout way of what I was saying before where it's like should I only interact with people that are um should I only interact with people that are my size or larger or like different platforms which feels like kind of sad but I don't know oh yeah I'll think about it all tonight yeah yeah and that's what I was saying in chat like you miss a lot of like authentic conversations doing that so I agree I understand your hesitancy to not not want to do that um and I'm not saying that because it like selfishly helps me like I said I don't I don't I I join here once every like [ __ ] three months all right but um same I I um I I like your interactions with a lot of smaller screamers um so I I do think it would be like a degradation and content somewhat but um I understand your frustration and repeatedly being in this place but I think it's just try to try to gather from people how important is y'all's relationship and I don't mean y'all's relationship on like a you know social level I mean in terms of like their future economic games because I mean somebody said it there's a threat on Twitter and somebody said it and they were like hey it seems like as soon as Destiny like you know wasn't willing to go back on the on the Reddit stuff I mean the subreddit stuff um this is when you backstabbed them and it does appear to me this is in this is just how I feel about it he saw that he was going to go through some loss of either viewership or loss of eyeballs and blah blah blah and that's what fueled this because it's too close I don't think no I don't I don't I understand why you're saying that but I don't think that's the case at all like if he was if I was in Max's position and I was a sociopath or I was more manipulative or not manipulative Machiavellian like less narcissistic I would have just rode the wave and then like you kept kept writing because like from a business perspective like I'm the I'm the largest like Creator that's ever going to give him the time of day right like there's no like from a logical business point of view he can ride my coattail especially as I'm on like the cusp of like blowing up and [ __ ] like he could have been on all these black panel drama streams like saying some crazy [ __ ] like he could have been all of that so I don't think he's making decisions based on like oh he thought he was gonna lose eyeballs on his stream I think it's coming from a deeper place like genuinely a huge place of of like he's narcissistically thinks he's the hero that's going to save the [ __ ] world and [ __ ] but all right any final thoughts no that's it okay I feel like have fun buddy all right you too uh one of my earlier victims Kelly Jean what's that that's a nice introduction yeah well why are you focusing on like the size of the streamers when that's not really the [ __ ] that they have in common like well that was Max's spin was that like well because we're all smaller streamers you have so much say over us and maybe not the problem that's not the problematic thing they have in common is because [ __ ] emotionally unstable and like just borderline bananas like it feels like watching or observing like clowns in a mental hospital sometimes and all these people around like I'm sorry but like no one else has said it but a lot of these people have open like mental health issues that's a nice way of putting it and uh not not trying to be like oh no the mentally ill or evil or anything but like that seems no problem and it is the same type of behavior as well so it's not like dealing with someone that is like I don't know a bit anxious or a bit depressed whatever this this is people that spend like eight hours talking about how their feelings are constantly each time and every time and that's like the biggest red flag and that's the thing they all have in common sure I feel like if if you want to use a barometer to like avoid people that just blow up it would be this and I mean isn't Bridge burning like part of some of the issues some of these people have right it's like part of something you know what whatever at the end of the day it's all good ass content for me so thank you Max thank you baby lament meal it's all good it's all fun and games at the end of the day you know what's a little bit of me too between friends I appreciate it it's all good [ __ ] it's all fun memes yeah why not the only thing that upset me about today was I really wanted to talk about this Saint and sinner guy and I didn't get the chance to but I'll probably do it tomorrow he's an actual scam artist and we didn't get to go over it um but I'll probably do that tomorrow oh [ __ ] his life is so interesting he's a scammer he's like everything about his life is a lie but you don't know anything about him but tomorrow yeah oh damn oh but talking about his life is a lie true anything else in what capacity in every capacity well I mean also I mean if you know that people are like a bit weird a bit unstable a bit problematic with a type should you really be sexting them as well yeah is that really a smart decision I'm sexting I'm doing it right now to you [ __ ] me I will block you yes yes I can't wait to see your next twitchcon yes yes okay last twitchcon you told me to kill myself well you probably were saying something really dumb you probably said something dumb okay so okay are you done leave what I literally said oh I met Lily she was really nice and you were like kill yourself you must have said something no I'm pretty sure you said something different okay you were just salty because I saw her and you didn't wow thanks for leaving my private life details stream anything else you want to leak while you're here you good or so I hear that there is a program for uh women in this community that have been through trauma is there a monetary value to this uh no but maybe I should start one actually maybe I need to get Mr girl he can head up my rehab program for all of the abuse and the collective streamers that come through here so how much do I get for my PTSD from League game six years ago well you were playing crossover so you were probably one lagging so if we lost games it was probably your fault okay that was gonna be my fault anyway one last thing what Obama out of here okay any final Orbiter thoughts speak now or forever hold your peace who joins who enters do you think that there's a conflict of interest between her husband being the CMO of Rich wallet and giving anybody else you already said your piece what yeah do you have time for one more um yeah go hit me up what do you got let me get short um all right my question is do you think that there's any chance of rehabilitating a lot of like I don't I don't know I don't care maybe but I'm not like I'm not Captain can I say that thing or is that bad I don't know do you know what I'm gonna say no go for it no don't no I can't say that um no I just I can't I'm not here to save or fix people let's just jump out what I do yeah well no no Rehabilitation no no this is the thing I'm trying to get at it I actually am at the hospital okay bye I got it what well so like I don't know if this is coming from a place of malice or if she's just too ignorant or like I hate to say it but like stupid I don't think she's stupid or ignorant I think the problem is that Max was like obviously very manipulative and she's probably a little bit obsessed with him so it's very easy for him to get like under her skin very easily do you think it's worth it for you to try to counterbalance that like maybe have a direct conversation with her about this yeah I'll probably talk with her after the stream but I'm not here to fight for people ever I won't even do that with my own if Molina were to come up to me she's like a few people are talking [ __ ] and I'm starting to wonder about you then I would say well I wonder why you have a book tickets home yet [ __ ] like I'm not here I don't I don't if if there is a way that I am there's a way that I present myself and then there are things that I do with people that I'll do together or with or whatever and if that's not enough if you're if somebody's talking to you and gives you a different impression then you get actually hanging out with me then go be with that person I'm not I'm never ever ever in the game of playing the weird like anti-counter manipulation [ __ ] I super don't give a [ __ ] sometimes it cost me friends especially with all the weirdos on the [ __ ] background that are trying to like turn people against me but I just I don't I don't care I think my record speaks for itself like I said like Max is one of 50 people that have tried to come out and cancel me online and prove that I'm a rapist or an evil person or horrible blah blah blah blah blah but Max is literally streaming from like the beta website that he's like working off of from my platform like yeah the way I see it is I I don't see any uh Redemption for Max at this point um not unless he's it was a full [ __ ] rehab yeah yeah but love I feel like um I don't know I I feel like she's just um yeah being manipulated to a certain extent yeah um maybe a little bit naive as well I think probably and [ __ ] Shaylin and [ __ ] and I am yeah and I I think you're right it just comes down to like how much do both of you guys uh value each other's friendship or whatever and I guess for her demonstrably it's been very little also I don't know yeah whatever okay I love it all right that's it okay well wait quick is it something relevant or what yeah it's relevant so um I I guess it's a nuke time right so I just wanted to thank you on behalf of the orbiters who have some level or who aren't completely [ __ ] so for the past couple of years you've been one of the larger creators who has been able to facilitate a lot of really interesting oh yeah it's not time to Dick ride what up do you got anything else for me [Music] but I'm not trying to no I'm gonna say for you because I because I love you and I think this is kind of [ __ ] and I like not a lot of people provide a ladder for other people to create content so I'm saying I'm not saying this because I want the and I give about anybody else I'm sorry that you're going through this and I'm sorry that the people that you try to help out end up looking over all right so well I look forward to the day that you do it to me I'm gonna Drive North and you're gonna kill me it'll be on a range I want you to backstab me really hardcore okay only only if it's a suicide pact video game okay all right gotcha all right bye okay well that's it what don't what you still have people who are friends who love and care about you thanks but you know what else we have we've got an unbanned list that's three weeks old Nano what are you doing about it wait that's not true oh well someone in chat said it so yeah it's because they didn't get on Ben and they're pissed true okay all right have fun bye evil [ __ ] excuse me can we get the biggest don't know is in the chat evil fossil 111 what an amazing donator thank you so much you are the biggest boss of the day thank you so much evil fossil rtba and me love you you're just the best Dono guy in the whole stream what else you got what do you got Mel my the best or the closest Orbiter if I'm the sun you're my moon what's up exactly that's what it is what have you learned from this you tell me okay just like we all just want to know what you learned from this okay because we all been watching this for months we all have had the same [ __ ] opinion orbiters need to be kept at a distance that's it I just shouldn't trust anybody especially you not even you me yeah what why not me because you're the one that could backstab me the most the most liability in what way in every way how you could literally kill me right now you're living my apartment you could grab a knife and kill me can break your [ __ ] yeah that too it's even worse yeah you don't have any more League of Legends or factorio what the [ __ ] is that when you even done with that [ __ ] game Factoria before next year I hope maybe we'll see this is actually oxygen included same [ __ ] game okay and I remember that it's imprinted in my soul okay good okay anything else it's not anything else um well you're never having these people on again right uh definitely not Max probably not lav or Shaylin yeah yeah you're trying to find better people for you that's not just insane well the insane ones are the most fun though you gotta admit hold on bro let's wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait you have to smoke drugs okay before you start a [ __ ] you were [ __ ] nervous as [ __ ] I didn't text you yeah because you started fighting with me too okay I think this [ __ ] yeah because you don't tell me what's going on yeah well because you're on a need to know basis okay you can't handle my life you can't handle the truth okay listen Okay but I need the truth that's why I'm with you yeah you got it that's why you're in the other room watching my stream and you'll figure out everything that's going on I'm not I'm okay I'm not in your walls okay I'm your [ __ ] wife I'm not just gonna sit and watch the stream and find [ __ ] out listen what the [ __ ] if you're talking to Anna for a [ __ ] year yeah yeah we're chill we're cool now me and her are chill all right we can all be we can all hop in a group DM listen next twitchcon Mel the three of us next switchcon the three of us are gonna go walking down the streets it's gonna be awesome okay she might even join us in the polycule who knows you know oh why do you do this we'll see who knows maybe Laval even join in maybe her and her husband it'll be all five of us it'll be amazing okay oh no you got okay hold on though retrospectively you gotta admit the past month been some good ass content it's been a lot of stuff going on here Max's content has been good there's been lots of subreddit posts lots of [ __ ] the lab stuff has been good it's been lots of [ __ ] it's been a lot of good ass content now listen sometimes that Battleground has to be my life but I'm okay with that because at the end of the day it's all some good ass [ __ ] you know what's gonna happen we're gonna go to sleep we're gonna wake up tomorrow and everybody's not gonna give a [ __ ] because we're going to be watching me build my family yeah you know what we're going to therapy okay that's where it is it's therapy's time okay after this one you need some therapy okay Steve it's good for you only we can stream it okay you want to stream therapy I mean that would be really fun do you think she would ever actually do that she's pretty funny um you know she might actually but she might actually do it I don't think so I'll even encourage that'll encourage Mr Gill even more to make videos on us Jimmy he might start making videos on our therapist so uh maybe but what are you gonna do okay well love you bye what what are you doing now I'm saying goodbye to my stream I'm trying to cut them out you trying to cut them out yeah I want to be done this is this Arc is closed the book is closed we're moving on to full-time black issues okay Lavin Mr girl need not apply okay just let me know if you need someone to cry into your shoulder again because last time this happened you did cry quite a bit for over these people no good one good one Mel that's a good meme though people probably almost believed you but nice really yeah really feelings in there okay I can know you because I am an empath I know what you're feeling right now and I know more than anyone else okay leave bye love it okay wow Mel you didn't even say you love me okay didn't you retire what are you doing in my chat Is the destiny Lex cast in person it sure is it airs tomorrow morning at 10 A.M DSP interview when he stopped returning my email so I don't know if I'm actually going to I don't know if I'm going to do it or not he might have found somebody who thinks is like nicer what happened to the no jumper bridge I don't know apparently all those guys watch My Stream where some of them do I guess so who knows we'll see I think we're going back on the 28th to debate Nick I think I guess the Nick's back on the menu now that Mr girl's out I I actually stopped talking to Fuentes and all the groupers just because of Mr girl's platform getting nuked I was getting 14 15 000 viewers doing streams about them and with them and I actually dumped that whole Bridge just because of um I dumped that whole Bridge just because of them attacking Mr girl's Channel Jesus how insane how insane well thank you This Is Why Us Hispanic people stick I'm just kidding in a video game okay um I love you guys it's been fun I think um what do we have tomorrow um I don't know if I can reveal people are moving around tomorrow I don't know if I can say who but I'll probably I'll stream at least in the morning um afternoon early evening and then we'll see what's going on but ah for the final for the final meme okay are we fully if I get over okay if I get over a 900 lav is Gonna Save herself if I get over 900 okay this is the tap for left Soul okay let's see here we go foreign [Music] I believe in her okay oh oh [ __ ] you guys can't see it oh my God oh my God it's real it's it's real guys it's real okay if we get over a 900 we're shutting down his website let's see what do it [ __ ] you you [ __ ] me hard okay well good job you single-handedly saved as well said okay what's that what do you got oh it'll drop tonight so how you doing how you doing buddy how you doing what do you mean how am I doing how are you doing um uh you know I'm just chilling it's just one thing from the next and you know what in two days we'll have all moved on to the next Arc okay we need to listen to your wife uh you can't do it yeah it's [ __ ] right you gotta go to therapy I mean this is like this is like the maximal I know you want to probably avoid Fifi's as much as you really think that like okay therapist let me fill you in on what happened on my life over the last like three months and she's gonna be like oh actually you know I I actually have the perfect thing for NPD schizoids that enter your life through the public sphere of being on YouTube like let me tell you what I told my last client that had this exact same problem okay but there is there is an element where you're right she's not going to be able to map on perfectly but you seem to have like a unique pattern of having specific people in relationship with you that will obviously [ __ ] you over now I understand that you would say streaming is different but do you think that there is like any other element to how you pursue or establish or create relationships that like facilities the problem is that I like crazy people and I'm Never Gonna Change okay I love them all they're all it's my collection because they're stimulating yeah yeah they're interesting it's like Pokemon that are like undergoing nuclear Decay and every time you bring the Pokemon out of the ball it might actually detonate on you and that's what I am doing and I love it I like it you're lit you're basically saying that you you gamble with relationships like you're looking for the relationship where it's like Russian Roulette this time exactly it's not a gamble it's a certainty the only gamble is how long it'll take to self detonate that's the only Gamble and oh yes I love it it's so much fun I live for this [ __ ] okay I believe they came for me imagine if they would have two or three more girls who were ready to jump in here crying I would have been over maybe my whole streaming career had been done but they didn't have it they didn't have it because I didn't rape anybody that they found out about so now who wins okay what Molina you have to stop crying about it in that case I'm not crying about it we came and did a stream about it yeah sure but you were you were upset okay you are telling you're upset I'm not upset I'm happy how are you not upset why I'm gonna be upset I get to cut two people out that I don't have to DM anymore two people I'm ready we just had a whole thing we just had a whole thing on stream we just had a whole thing on stream where it's like damn there's so many people coming into rooms talking I don't know how to get rid of these people it's so awkward right now two people just self-selected to eject themselves from orbit that's great that's problem solved baby Steve do you care about actual relationships that does not do that because you could have yeah not really you like I don't care I don't need them I want like a do you know what I mean I need my stream I need the gym and I need you because you're my wonderful wife and then I need to go see Nathan when we travel that's all I need in my life boom that's it and video games and factorio yes that's all I need and I'm I don't even friends that's for [ __ ] losers okay that's what we learned today we reinforced that theory I took a dip in the friend pool and I realized you know what friends actually are for [ __ ] losers why would I waste my [ __ ] time we're just gonna churn them and burn them that's what we're doing back to what we used to do before it's okay but the other way around yeah well I'm not an in-cell because I'm [ __ ] all your friends I am a friend cell that's true they think they can be friends with me but no I'm swearing up all friendships if you see me quest for another friend yeah true and then I'm never finding another one again no more friends yeah that door is closed I I I am very sad that when you like took a step forward and trying to be like how do I be a little bit more functionally human probably friendships and vulnerability is a good choice which I would argue is a good choice that you got [ __ ] over in like the most disgusting and intense horrific way hold on you're being a little dramatic okay no I'm [ __ ] I can think of like three things that would be worse okay so okay good job good job because you said the worst he could have showed up in real life and killed me he could have showed up and killed my kid he could have started mailing dead animals to me um he could have swatted me multiple times he could have made bomb threats my like there's a lot of things that have been worse okay so this is like this is like pretty bad it's pretty bad world country [ __ ] okay we're living in America okay so this is the this is the hardest we can get okay at this point maybe maybe a gun would show up that straight but hey okay I'm just European we don't we're not using that [ __ ] I just I feel like for somebody with like trust like specifically like struggling to like let people in the fact that like you said that he like weaponized something that you shared with him privately is like oh like I didn't even say that on a stream I think but yeah you did I think oh did I oh a little bit yeah it was the worst part like yeah but what are you gonna do man sometimes you it's a shotgun okay you do a wide blast sometimes there's some scatter you miss think about it logically do you think if this were anyone else how do you think that this would disrupt their uh self-growth in the friend and vulnerability Department I don't need to grow there I'm already perfect okay I'm the perfect human okay you [ __ ] I'm not I'm not human I'm better I'm better than you okay you need me to be better than you okay I'm like the guy who's the guy in the superhero show okay I'm homelander that's who I am that's who you need me to be and that's who I am okay I am out here sexting crazy girls I am out here talking to crazy guys I don't go to therapy okay and I do it all for you okay this is what you need you need this for me you need this for me please and you like to cuddle and you're just no rainbow that's only when I'm with you or your mom you say what you were saying again I want to think about that again yeah you saying cuddles um yeah stop okay what I think remember that movie everything everywhere all at once yep I think look that movie didn't have any friends I just had family members hold on hold on slow down before you try to reject it you're about to lose your only family member me okay you're not my only family member I got Nathan I made him made in my own image okay otherwise she's going to leave she's like your mom is Never Gonna Leave Me Okay signing I'm signing him right now okay okay clear is the path to your mom it makes it even easier I don't have to sneak out to go [ __ ] her now sorry what I'm saying you know I just genuinely hope that you do find your joy and I think this situation made you move further from it and that's I disagree I know you're just so happy you're just so good you know those colors don't exist but I I do mean that genuinely and you can mull over that with Molina stream when you're willing to be emotional I guess okay you need to be more emotional okay you can't become a male cell that's not okay yikes you want to say something yeah next up we have Luna love and on Deck is little e Fox for the Orbiter uh two cents people that I am on very good terms with but thank you oh are were these people that were dm'd um I don't know [ __ ] why did they turn against me there's no way about it I'm on good terms with both of those people I don't know bass to loremaster yes that's that is I shut up are you good yeah okay anything else are you done with your emails or what nope I gotta do all my emails and messages for today and I got a lot of them now so I'm out of you uh would you give the advice that you're giving about how you're responding this to any of your fans or anyone no but I'm different than all of them okay I can't give people advice you're so [ __ ] cringe you're just like everyone else okay really do you think anybody Mel you think anybody else could do this yeah yeah you think anybody else could handle this lifestyle the lifestyle that I live you're gonna sound like an empath right now no one of those a little bit more narcissistic do you think to be honest be honest no no I want to hear I want it no no I want you to answer it honestly you're speaking oh you're not gonna answer it honestly because you know that's true nobody else can handle this life what is the question but I do I'm gonna be streaming tomorrow at noon like nothing ever [ __ ] happened I'm gonna turn my stream on tomorrow I'm gonna go guys how do I start space science too because that's the kind of [ __ ] I am I don't give a [ __ ] okay boom that's it that's we're gonna start waking up with me early in the morning and just have something once no see you can't even do that you [ __ ] no you wanna wake up at like seven a.m yeah that's like what normal people [ __ ] do okay you want me to start streaming at 4am California time you're actually unhinged right now you're unhinged right in between who knows nothing yeah foreign think about your European viewers okay the Europe the Euro cups okay we need you you're married one you know that if you have a kid that kid is gonna be European okay okay you okay with that uh no okay anybody else are we good I'm just waiting to move on I think Tyler was on something really good yeah I get it Kyla is doing it to like go to the gym get the therapy delete your Facebook would you give what can you just like say what advice would you give to your audience because in my position yeah what do you mean there's so because the issue is is that all these people have an up polyamorous relationships and they're all just crying because they can't [ __ ] handle okay don't just because you're I've already I don't tell people that we I don't tell people I don't tell people to do I don't tell people to do what I do I never see I know but when you're talking about the way you're functioning you have to be be very clear that hey don't do what I'm doing don't do this at home kids you know like this is what you should do in this situation so if someone else was in the same situation as you in chat what would you tell like what would you tell them to do like Mel when you say same situation as me there's like 50 million things that go into my situation is this assuming they're like a relatively famous streamer with like a ton of people in their orbit in a poly relationship autistic just a normal person let's say a person okay if a normal person asked me what question okay and then it's having some weird [ __ ] happening like why would they probably get away from get away from the weird people that's usually what I say to people get away from the weird people okay but I love the weird people I want to bring them all under my cloak you're insane I love them I am insane ruminate what are you doing here you're my politics friend how you doing exactly I'm true I'm here to offer you some perspective I have no idea what happened I am sorry it did but I want to remind you of what's truly important we have less than four weeks to save the Republic from a regression is there a conservative cult is it guaranteed that there's a runoff for Georgia yeah yeah it's it's locked in did bobert end up losing or she's ahead now by like more than a thousand votes so it's not looking good okay so I just want you to Channel all that rage and hurt and whatever else you're feeling okay I'll fire up the boys okay all right uh fire up the bass signal okay I'll see what we can start to organize okay that's good see I raised money off of this that we can do important work like that that's why this is so important exactly your your pain is is gonna be very productive we're gonna show for democracy there's gonna be we're gonna be their 300 dgg or strong they're gonna see us oh my God the legions it's going to be unbelie we're gonna roll over these neighborhoods like they've never seen before three canvassers to a door people are gonna be so intimidated they're gonna have to vote Democrat I'm excited I you know uh erudite I know you're Canadian but you should help your your neighbors you should go down to Georgia I think that is election interference don't even joke about it uh if you pay for my ticket they're all looking to report us what there's Republicans watching right now that's not election interference I think it might be maybe it is Canadian like this Canadian Invasion it would be all over the place all right well I'm glad I contributed to this so all right okay you guys have a good night bye well way to go ruminate you contributed to the toxic masculine response of when feelings are happening we diffuse through jokes and uh politics so John Hey Stephen okay hold on hold on erudite I just want to know that you are safe okay uh-huh say from what you're I'm just telling you you're safe okay I appreciate that do you feel safe um wait are you gonna say something are you about to say some dumb ass [ __ ] like when you [ __ ] [ __ ] lied and and then shifted the goal post when we were talking about Fitness because yeah one night okay I just want you to know that your spot on the destiny team is safe okay but if you ever step out of line in the future I'm joining you guys don't have like a restraining order me an or anything right like if I go to this Georgia thing if you guys end up doing it like it's like it's not gonna be there I don't want to like make things weird you know what I'm saying like I gotta want to show up and then it's like I'll just you guys will be in separate neighborhoods don't worry it'll be fine okay gonna pin me out like do I have to go to like I don't know any other part of Georgia but you guys gonna be in Atlanta I'm in some other part like I don't know City or some [ __ ] we'll figure it out okay okay just just let me know uh and also dude it's crazy your discoverability on YouTube I was listening to the stream uh in uh Walmart and this guy stopped me and he's like oh dude that's the destiny guy he's going crazy on sneako and [ __ ] that's [ __ ] nuts that's bazonkers and I was like oh yeah dude I was on here a couple times he's like oh you're the yellow guy and I'm like oh I'm like yeah yeah I yelled it's [ __ ] crazy dude that's that's bazonkers compared to Twitch you would never get that that's [ __ ] wanna okay thank you goodbye have fun bye neighbor my one friend only friend what's up oh and and end of an era who would have thought the Mr girl Bridge would go this is like why I can't say I'm surprised I will but it is surprising that it was as magnificent as this right like I think every year like a new thing that's Crescendo yeah and I'm like this is actually the craziest thing that's ever happened to me and this is kind of like having a bunch of people in the background working to try to like group like me to me like that's pretty insane I don't think I've ever his biggest mistake is thinking that old of a Playbook will work yeah but he's like she's very close to you I don't know if Chad remembers he's been very close to you since the week of Christmas last year that's when he first made his appearance yeah and we didn't even make it one year he no not even a year very few people make it a full calendar year jeez uh um you literally are retired why are you don't you have a kid what do you want oh okay yeah well what else we can say Taber sorry go ahead I'm just saying I I will yeah not yet I uh you know what's weird about this whole thing is like after your first he's not he can't even hear us he has to stream on the background that's what he's responding oh my God now he's turned me off because he hears his own voice it's all right he'll be there hello hello oh he's listening to this yeah yeah oh you know what though you know what's real funny you know he's gonna be real happy Tabor who [ __ ] Dan steps away for a week comes back yeah two of his most hated orbiters are gone we prayed for this holy [ __ ] and prayed for this what was Dan doing I'm gonna be honest Mr girl flipped like three days ago in real crazy [ __ ] and it's actually like one Jew against like two others there might be some weird like Jewish magic or some [ __ ] going on in the background he literally has the Star of David on his back it was like a it was like a power cell charging up [ __ ] God grammier but Yahweh Grammy your power bro that's actually insane damn and he was right about the verified Twitter Bots Dan just keeps winning Dan doubters and shambles Danish is he ever wrong about anything no Twitter Bots verifying for eight dollars two orbiters burnt to a crisp and he's been AFK the whole time he's going to come back he's going to turn on streams like ah what's up guys how are we doing today just another day his stocks only go up there's something going on there we'll bring him down somehow there's got to be something we'll again there'll be some Arc we'll get him on something okay I'll call it like is wheel or something [Laughter] Jesus we'll get him on the middle we'll get him on the Moose speak when he comes back oh him did you figure [ __ ] out what's up sorry bro um yo I wonder you know what's funny about this whole thing is after your first conversation with Mr girl do you remember we chatted about him what about him I don't know I kind of was like I saw these red flags and then you were I guess like you didn't see them and I was surprised because you're usually a good judge of character I think well I knew that he was crazy I just didn't think he'd be interpersonally crazy that was uh how many people have perms to this room who is this there's like 200 people with notable perms okay chill oh my god I've never Destiny universal life listen am I are we good are we all are we all ready to sleep is it good no I'm not even talking about I'm talking about what oh this is my friend Emily it's random neighbors and stuff yeah a lot of random people stop okay I am coming journalist and nice no hold on no memes no memes I have a serious questions for you yeah I know but this is not we were gonna I was originally I think I told you to do this today but I think it's got to be tomorrow because yeah no not that okay you have one serious question if you meme hard though you're ejected into the sun go that means okay and so as you know people in your orbit like they tend to get relevant by engaging with you or your community or by antagonizing you on your community aren't you scared that if you're blacklisting so many people you're creating like a rot pile of people that purposely just antagonize you um to stay relevant on the internet um yeah that's always the issue is that like let's say that let's say that I do Blacklist them and then let's say that like Chad is like well I still want them on my stream and Destiny's man from twitch and like Labs not well now I'm like literally creating like a dedicated hate group that can never interact with me it's probably not a good idea so yeah I probably I probably won't do that look the question is more how well do you think you can restrain yourself from um engaging with them and when they antagonize you on purpose or try to create drama in the community around you well usually if somebody is like intentionally trying to just get a rise out of me um usually I don't interact with that person so like for instance like President Sunday is somebody that I think is only trying to like be antagonistic so I just don't um well when somebody's online presence is basically just how much they interact negatively with you and how they can get you to react to them say for example the NR class lasted a long time because she would just constantly antagonize you and your community wait which person so Anna which one black Anna or what yeah the original Anna oh the original oh I don't think she was trying to antagonize my community she just gets upset when she sees people writing things about her that she doesn't think is true okay yeah but Victory I think you I think she's sick that's why your voice you would yeah I'm sick I'm sorry yeah okay but uh how are you gonna handle uh Mr girl's appearance on Hassan's stream uh yeah true I don't know but okay listen it's 11 o'clock for me it's an hour past my bedtime I'm going to sleep it's been fun do you have any final words for us Taber let's be a pawn chat the two villains are gone mashallah praise true our leader Destiny for getting rid of the film community for four four long months oh thank you and good night have fun buddy bye man what's the next Arc gonna be what's the next drama gonna be who knows guys who knows where tomorrow will take us oh I didn't get a chance to do this guy but this dude is a real life scammer the saint listener guy also [ __ ] this guy he clip-champed my [ __ ] hard and he tried to get me banned before we even spoke to two hours in right and there's still another look at this clip champ hold on watch this Saint and sinner says you're stupid it's two hours in right and there's still another hour 40 minutes and here's the funny thing no one made a penny from the whole thing except the bisexual white dude who's been playing video games the whole time everyone's supporting their passion their arguments their solution their thinking and the gay white dude playing video games look he might not know how to live his life in terms of morals but he knows how to get to the bag shout out to him because he didn't use it who is this degenerate loser I'm gonna start calling black people out these [ __ ] we're going Defcon five on black people Saint and sinner says here so what was that [ __ ] rapid fire edit what was that rapid fire edit this is the same kind of comment Kanye got canceled for let's see if the powers that behold consistent for those being intentionally blind to the racism here it is start railing against black people because of what one man says is clearly an indication of racism it would be sensible to respond to the individual not attack the group holy [ __ ] but dude oh my God there's so much fun [ __ ] I don't want to get into tonight I'll save it for tomorrow okay I love you guys it's been fun um jeez uh no more all Mr girl all love posts banned from the sub no more free clout for those two demons and we are um yeah oh yeah we're running into that area remember we're fighting with too many people so when you fight with too many people [ __ ] gets chaotic okay Mr fanatic is going a little crazy okay we need to be closing some of these chapters before we open new ones I don't know if he's gonna hop on the Mr girl lab train and there's gonna be like a multicultural Manifesto coming out of uh anti-density [ __ ] but we'll see we'll see what's going on we need to do the peace Arc okay ripporino cappuccino papacino happy Channel cappuccino Apple Channel Apple Channel my deuterinos tomorrow we're going to be back to factorioino okay I I want to I feel that I can trust you thank you okay that's good so I like I like the um intellectual uh and maybe emotional trust that I feel here and I'm not going to stab you in the back okay that's good okay have fun peace out all right all right peace out all right bye bye
Channel: Destiny
Views: 579,312
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: steven bonnell, destiny, destiny streamer, destiny debates, destiny twitch, destiny vods, politics, news, livestreamfail, lsf
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 161min 47sec (9707 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 11 2022
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