Destiny 2: Act 2 Sounds Solid Enough As Episode 2 Drops Some Timegating

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[Music] all right I am back with another Destiny 2 video first time back on camera in a little while uh we just got finished with the Act 2 live stream from munie about Echo I was kind of surprised they were doing an act two live stream but there was a good amount of stuff to talk about actually so we'll go through it here uh I'll try to go in order here based on what was discussed might not get to everything but the kind of main beats here uh speaking of Beats the uh I forget I think they said episode two story not act two uh when episode two rolls around they are going to experiment with dropping uh all the story Beats at once I think I'm a little confused I think this is episode two and they're going to do it per act and I don't think this is starting with Act 2 in any case to some extent whether it's per act or per episode I think it's per uh they are going to start putting all the story beats in at once so you don't have to time gate the story as much uh right now it is three weeks on three weeks off three weeks on three weeks off and three weeks on three weeks off there's there's nine of those total it seems and uh that's been a little bit of a strange setup it feels like the existing seasonal story structure but with more time gting obviously uh this runs the risk of going in the opposite direction where people beat the story beats immediately and then complain that there's nothing to do for uh the next 3 weeks or 6 weeks rather uh until the next ACT launches I get that that's a risk I'm not 100% convinced that this is the right path I know a lot of people were complaining about this I know that there was maybe some expectation this was how Acts were going to work that you dro the whole act at once and uh then you could you know that was playing at your own pace if you wanted to space it out you could if you want to be all at once you could um but it you're you're right it does leave a lot of downtime and I don't know I I I think the 3 week on 3 week off thing is kind of hard to get used to but I'm not opposed to it being broken up over 3 weeks but like given this is my job I got to play everything all at once and you're going to beat that in a couple hours maybe so I don't know I'm curious what the overall Community reaction is going to be with that because it is something a lot of people wanted but is it the best thing for the story I don't know we only heard a very little bit about the story um pretty much along the lines of things start out more light-hearted and jokey with you know seeing fail safe again but things are going to take a turn toward the dark and we got a little taste of that with Saint in this existential crisis uh we didn't learn anything about the identity of the conductor which everyone thinks is Maya underes at this point um but uh we're going to go kind of down the nessus rabbit hole quite literally in fact um before we get to nessus they said that we are going to briefly revisit one of Destiny 2's most stored locations I don't precisely know what that means um I'm trying to think of what would qualify as a story location my first thought was Vault of Glass cuz like you associate the Vex with Vault of Glass is the most story location but like we have the raid there in the game we've had other story missions in the Vault of Glass so I don't think it's that I feel like it it could be something we don't have yet from Destiny 1 which I'm not 100% sure what that would be or something that was vaulted in um you know Destiny 2 I don't know we'll see they're not bringing back a destination obviously but we may have a a mission that takes place somewhere else uh the biggest news probably of this whole thing is that um they promised they were bringing new activities and guess what they are brand new activities well you know it's an old kind of activity but it's it's brand new in the sense that there are three new Battlegrounds um I was wondering if they were just going to expand on the current activities which is what's it called breach override I don't know the Vex one that's pretty Bare Bones existing Patrol space and nessus collecting the farming mineral things samples and then the one time trial race my worst case scenario was maybe they would add a second time time trial race no they're not doing that this is very significant content um it's not just that there are three Battlegrounds coming it's that it's the fact that they're being described as almost strikes uh it's it's a really interesting format because they're all on nessus and the whole the plot there's actual plot where the plot of the Battlegrounds are that they take place all in a row so where you end the first Battleground will start the second one uh and then the second one ends you start the third one you're going deeper and deeper into the core of nessus and you're trying to track the flow of where radian is being drained to uh and this is sort of part of uncovering the mystery of what's going on here and what the conductor is doing with apparently a ton of radian um that's a that's a neat idea and they did talk about how I think it's at least just halfway through the first one or second one they're doing all new uh nesus geometry so some of it takes place in Old spaces most of the old Battlegrounds took place in entirely old spaces outside of uh a few Arenas here and there they had like the one boss room that was shared but that's another thing there is no One Singular boss level variant they said there are three uh unique bosses for this including one that has quote unquote uh the largest Health pool I've placed on a boss ever that was from the activities designer um so that's interesting I mean obviously you know it depends on on level scaling and stuff but I think that's one with no no gating or invincibility gating at all which is uh interesting and this is also these Battlegrounds are also coming with the arrival of new weapons they showcased the uh solar sidearm when you was coming which can have heal clip incandescent the famed solar combo there it can also have pugilist demolitionist I think and since you're racking up so many kills with that could be good they had a uh Arc pulse rifle that looks really cool um all these weapon designs are awesome apparently this can run uh do volt shot Eddie current someone told me Eddie current got buffed is that a real thing um they lower the time you needed to get the benefits so when you are Amplified you always have them no need to Sprint basic amplify 60 reload and that helps with volt shot volt shot makes you Amplified on Arc or Prismatic okay that's cool you know I I'll get that roll that sounds pretty good oh sorry I'll craft that roll yeah what what else am I going to do um so that is uh and then we get um perfect Paradox the singular uh per the singular season of dawn weapon that's coming this season we have martyr retribution coming next ACT we are not getting steel feather repeater I guess they couldn't slide that one in there is that the only one that I don't have from season of the Dawn I can't I don't remember any others but I I could be forgetting at least be a breach light that's all that matters just breach light um also besides that oh I did miss one story thing sorry I'm just reading my own tweet thread as I was live tweeting this uh one more aspect of the story all these Battlegrounds and in the Vex poot line they are disconnecting some Vex from the hive mind in this story to act as individuals I would argue that this has been the single biggest story problem with the Vex this entire time in Destiny not just Destiny 2 Destiny 1 to where it's hard to make compelling stories surrounding the Vex cuz they're just sort of this nebulous force of Destruction and like yeah sure I can buy the idea that they're the most dangerous race technically uh and their creation of the dark future and whatever whatever but only rarely do we get sort of personal Vex stories like the LA Me 2 thing and then that appears what to be uh that's what they're trying to do now here with the conductor create an actual Central Vex villain that will talk to us like a normal villain I assuming uh and it's probably my indes but like whatever I I'm excited for this aspect of story development because I think this is one of the biggest things that the Vex have been lacking this whole time uh what else okay oh so they're adding a new row of artifact perks which we knew that is along the bottom not a column I definitely knew that from the beginning um they are almost exclusively centered on sniper rifles and solar damage so it is sniper rifles are anti-barrier they can solar swans can Scorch targets you can make your um explosions from uh Scorch ignition yeah ignition uh bigger and there's some sort of like sniper rifle stacking damage or reload or something thing at the end where you have you have to sacrifice a lot of other things on this thing to go pure sniper rifle because I don't think you get any more um assignments so you're going to have to delete a bunch of other stuff but if we're doing solar sniper rifles that is obviously still hunt the one that just launched that is an extremely powerful weapon and then uh in the when they were doing the playthrough of Battlegrounds they were using Whisper of the worm obviously a big uh heavy weapon and one that benefits from this greatly um not just in terms of you know eruption application but it benefits more from uh the the sniper rifle bonuses as heavy than the others oh and they reduced uh Flinch by 50% in PVE that is very big it is very annoying to use sniper rifles in PVE most of the time because of that Flinch so that sounds like a uh a huge buff to PVE snipers they talked a little bit about some other PVE Buffs not a ton but they're they're buffing um Tex mechanica like speed load Scout rifles by 30% so that includes both things like um Dead Man's tail the one from the dungeon I can't remember the name of and then the seasonal one there's the seasonal one right now that's solar uh you can do incandescent on that and that will be buff too dead man's tail especially that may be pretty good because that also obviously gets the 40% Red Bar buff and now it's being buffed by 30% these are supposed to be the highest damage Scout rifles in the game now um what else they talk about Buffs Ariana vow is getting buffed to have like a 67% damage buff or something um I think it can two it's supposed to like twoot all barrier shields in everything um it it you know even Grand Masters so that gives it more utility over other anti stuff I'm assuming the damage thing applies to everything so you know get out your Ariana vow they did not really talk about Solstice they said it's going to happen in act two I don't think it's launching with act two I'm pretty sure I think that's in August uh they showed off the armor sets which are based on adventuring lot of leather lot of leather jackets and things I don't know it's a little hard to tell what concept art sols armor is generally really good and I think they've kind of done the same theme a million times at this point so I'm not opposed to them kind of going down this new route called it Restoration Hardware Solstice armor but um that is the gist of it they talked about some other balance things some PVE Hunter annoyances will be uh nerfed and then it's w it's it's pouring now here I don't know if that's showing up on Mike uh and then they are taking away what is it the Cascade Point andv assassin grenade launcher thing I thought saw salt and grao salty grao is very excited about that cuz of course that's his takeaway from the whole thing um you know I'm guessing that's you know big deal for endgame boss DPS but uh generally speaking I'm I'm impressed with this I this is a lot more than I was expecting from you know new activities in act two I didn't know if that was just going to like add more maps to something else but three new Battlegrounds and ones that sound uh as significantly improved over past Battlegrounds as these do I'm looking forward to that I don't know how I feel about the weapon gating thing like I get it like there's something to go for but we'll see um also the ter in terms of the story stacking I've never really been a person that says you need to stack all of the story at once I just thought it was a little weird to do the three on three off thing in the new EP uh episodic structure it is going to be a little strange to log in every week and not really have a new story beat if you finish them all day one day two week one you know but we we'll see how it goes if everyone loves it sure um if not they'll probably just change it back act three they didn't talk about at all we know we're getting some sort of big exotic Quest there I'm assuming the story continues then I'm not sure exactly what will happen with new activities added then they are adding another row of artifact perks and some more weapons I don't know the I will be a little bit surprised if act three is as significant as this one outside of the Exotic Quest that seems like that's definitely going to be the main draw as they've already hyped that up as being um one of the biggest exotic quests they've ever done I think the Exotics been data mind I don't know I haven't looked at it so don't talk about it um yeah so I I'm I'm impressed I I think this was solid I don't know if I'm still convinced the ax structure is is Meaningful better than the seasonal structure cuz we are getting more stuff but don't forget we're also losing a whole season here and they're you know spaced out there is a little bit more dead time because we're doing three episodes It's supposed to Four Seasons so you do expect a little more but still I I you know I think this was a solid showing I'm not disappointed by anything here and I'm looking forward to playing in is it a week I it's a week right not two weeks anyway uh I will log in now and see if anything actually changed and when nothing changed I will go back to playing the first ascended so yeah thanks for watching and I'll talk to you soon take care
Channel: Paul Tassi
Views: 19,659
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: knVhyWwexfE
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Length: 14min 39sec (879 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 09 2024
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