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we are trenton alley and building a house without any experience in the middle of a pandemic has been a wild ride siding roofing insulation lumber everything to build a house basically is in short supply and high demand and it's causing all kinds of issues but even though we're running into problems on the build today we're finally bringing our old girl home it's an uphill battle literally the sharp right hand corner we have to take right here and it's really gravelly and really gnarly oh see this is pamela's biggest problem but even with some major setbacks the real problem is the drywall we had an issue yesterday we are loving the silver lining how are ya how are you we're so excited [Music] good morning guys the very best thing about today is we're not actually working on the house i'm really excited to do something a little bit different we are actually gearing up to bring back our most beloved family member that we haven't seen in quite a while it's gonna be great [Music] so this family member has been with us almost the longest i think probably the only thing that's been with us longer is frank and it's really exciting because the roads are actually in good enough shape that we can bring her home we don't have to worry about her getting stuck or not making it up the mountain to our house just like a it's a bittersweet trip down memory lane every time i get into pamela [Music] look at this it's our baby oh we're taking pamela home and i could not be more excited there's a couple minor fixes that we need to work on with pamela there's a slow leak in one of her tires that trent is filling up right now there's a couple of recalls on the engine and stuff that we need to take to the dealership to have them repair and there's just a couple technical things that we need to spend some time on and get back to working order before we can take her out on another adventure which i'm sure will happen on another day but for today we're just focused on getting her back home all right so if uh you guys caught our video when we went down to moab in the van we do have some repairs fires right up we have the water pump that actually needs to be replaced i have the spare water pump i just didn't have the proper tools to do it so now that we can get the van up at our house it'll be much easier to uh get it in tip top running shape like ali said earlier it does need to go to the dealership and have a couple of recalls done on it and the back tire has a slow leak so we either have to keep continually pumping it up or we need to take it to a tire shop and get it fixed but as for right now we're gonna hit the road and see if uh pamela can even make it to our house in good conditions there are some steep gravelly roads which has been pamela's uh pretty much her absolute nemesis is steep gravelly roads so let's see if she can do it [Music] it's so crazy how all i have to do is sit in this driver's seat and the second i start driving it immediately just floods my mind with all these memories of central and south america and all the ups and downs and the good and the bad and the exciting and the scary like just all the different things that happened in this van that really have like shaped ally and i into the people that we are and that's just like something that i'm so grateful for and it's been such an amazing experience and i'm like almost so sad that we don't take the van places and we don't live in the van every day and it's like i guess it's just one of the growing pains of life and things change and you always look back and you miss things in the past but i'll never forget what we got to do in this van and the things that we accomplished i mean we drove all the way to the very bottom tip of south america usually in argentina and that's a huge accomplishment no matter who you are or where you're coming from that's something that i'm really glad that we got to do pamela is doing amazing we just made it up two of the big like really gravelly washboarded out switchbacks that it was actually the first little hurdle that i was worried about family crushed it we have all this anxiety about the van being able to make it up like steep gravelly roads because i think it was costa rica was the first place where we just tried to go up a deep like like dirt and gravel road to go visit a friend that we had made and let's just say pamela did not make it we ended up having to get towed up that like steep dirt gravelly road just to like make it up to our friend's house and not only was that embarrassing and frustrating but just really sad and uh now pamela has a little bit bigger a little bit wider tires so she does handle the roads and the dirt a little bit better animal's doing great [Music] well i would say we're probably about a little over halfway there and we only have uh one more little gnarly section that i'm worried about being able to make it up it's coming right up all right so here's the culprit there's this sharp right hand corner we have to take right here and it's really gravely and really gnarly [Applause] [Music] yeah baby probably doesn't look like much on camera and honestly it probably did a really bad job of filming that corner right there but it's super deep gravel and when trucks and stuff start turning around it uh it gets really rutted out and like the beginning of the season it's not in that bad of shape but the van being front wheel drive and having to pull the rear tires through the ruts and up the hill where it's really gravelly can be really gnarly and also this road is really washboarded and really gnarly so it's really noisy and i apologize for that we're in the home stretch baby all right well we made it to our driveway now we've just got to make it up here around the shelter logic and over by the star link without getting stuck or any problems like that and since it's not muddy and the ground is rather dry and hard i don't think we're gonna have any issues or i hope anyhow and there's a perfect little spot right here just gotta narrowly miss the shelter logic [Music] oh man see this is pamela's biggest problem see if i can back us out of this [Music] oh boy what are you doing we made it oh my gosh this is the most unlevel parking job i've ever seen out of pamela what do you want me to do it's ways as much as a killer whale it's like loose unpacked dirt that's like a little bit wet underneath so as soon as i drive into it it just sinks eventually we will regrade and flatten out this little parking spot area next to the shelter logic for now i'm just excited that she made it home all right so now that we've accomplished the task of getting pamela up here to her resting place next to terry and next to rusty we have to take a little trip down into the valley because we got to go to my grandma's house and i know a lot of you guys are probably excited to see my grandma but today you won't be today is just a day of non-stop action and even though we're not working on the house there's so much else in our life that i feel like we let kind of fall to the wayside because we're so focused on getting this house built quickly but today we have a couple reasons why we have to be in the valley and that is giving us a good excuse to get the rest of our life in order a little bit so a lot of people have been telling us for a really long time that they've been having trouble getting appliances because of the pandemic and all of the other shortages you guys already know siding roofing insulation drywall lumber everything to build a house basically is in short supply and high demand and it's causing all kinds of issues so we had people months ago telling us hey guys it's taken us six months to get the appliances for our house and so we were like we don't want that to happen to us so what we did was we ordered all of our kitchen appliances way back in february it's now almost june now most of the appliances that already showed up at my grandparents house but our dishwasher and our cooktop they said oh it'll be there in two weeks well guess what when two weeks came the day before it was scheduled to be delivered they would say hey guys another two weeks the day before it was scheduled to be delivered hey guys another two weeks and like after three months of them extending every two weeks we were like uh are these things ever gonna show up well guess what last night they didn't say hey guys another two [Music] weeks [Music] all right so we just made it to my grandparents house and like i said you're not gonna see my grandma or my grandpa because my grandma who is 90 years old actually has an older sister that i think is 93 i can't remember but they're both really really old and my grandma's sister lives in oregon and she never gets to see her and so my mom and my sister and all my sister's kids took my grandparents on a little road trip yes to 90 year old people on a road trip for multiple days all the way up to oregon to see my grandma's sister and i think that when they get together they are just like two little peas in a pod it's the most adorable thing ever but there's basically nobody here at my grandparents house right now by the time this video airs this will have happened like a month ago but as of right now nobody is here and we're here to kind of keep an eye on the house and keep an eye on the front yard because supposedly the rest of our appliances are getting delivered today and we're really really excited about it i'm excited to do some laundry [Laughter] grandma's not here to help with the laundry and to fold the laundry but allie is more than capable and my grandma probably doesn't want us using her washing machine when she's not here but we're just going to do one little small load [Music] hello how are ya how are you we're so excited oh my gosh thank you guys so much this is the last pieces of the appliances that we need for our kitchen and i could not be more relieved that it showed up before we need it yeah unfortunately it's gonna have to hang out for a minute before we take it up to our house but we've got everything okay so now we have fridge dishwasher oven cooktop and microwave we haven't had a microwave in like five years so this is really exciting for us thank you for being a home depot customer home depot all right so now that all of our appliances have showed up we even got terry up to the property no we're going to uh pamela all these ladies around here you know we're just gonna kind of kick back and relax at my grandparents house take in the luxuries of a finished home let the dogs run around in the grass in the backyard we'll probably see you guys in the [Music] morning what's up guys and good morning we had an amazing night's sleep last night didn't we frank yeah lika slept through the night which was a huge relief we got a nice solid eight hours of sleep i'm energized i'm ready to hit the ground running ready to get building on the house but before we do so i wanted to let you guys know today's video is sponsored by omaze and omaze is actually giving away an airstream caravel and a brand new f-150 lariat so we actually love working with omaze not only are they donating a lot of money to a lot of good community organizations but they're giving away these awesome prizes so last month the winner was robert from charleston west virginia and he won a fully converted sprinter van and i'm sure he is super excited about it but this time you guys can win the f-150 this thing's got the ecoboost it's a twin turbo v6 it's got like 400 horsepower and you get to pull the caravel airstream so for your chance to win the airstream caraval and the ford f-150 and also support a great cause the independence fund click the link in our description or go to omaze.com trent alley thanks again to omaze for sponsoring today's video i'm gonna finish my coffee and then ally i and frank and lika are gonna get inside and get to work [Music] if you guys have been following along for the majority of this build you've probably seen that along the timeline there's been a lot of ups and downs this morning brandon has two young children and one of them needs to go to the doctor and they were saying that he's having trouble breathing which sounds a lot like covet and ally's pregnant and we don't want to expose her to anything that could maybe damage the baby or maybe give her a fever or cause any issues so we told brandon don't come up um see what's going on with uh with your son connor and also we do want to make sure that brandon's kids are okay so if brandon needs to stay home and take care of the kids that's totally fine as well the problem that that presents is i can't do this insulation on my own it takes two people ally can't do it either come on i'll say it's because she's pregnant but anyway the real problem is the drywall didn't tell him about what happened yesterday we had an issue yesterday all right so we've been trying to work with a company lkl they are a really big drywall distributor in the area i called a week ago and i placed an order or i tried to get a quote from their sales rep and he took down all of my information and then he said i'll call you he didn't give me a quote number he didn't give me his name and i thought it was kind of odd so then maybe three days later i called back and i was like hey i was just curious if i could get that quote back and the girl said well who was your salesman and i was like i don't know he didn't give me his name and she said well what was your quote number i was like he didn't give me a quote number he didn't give me anything she's like okay let me try to figure out who it is and so she came back and she said uh they said that it takes about a week to get a quote back she also didn't give me any information so i said okay so i waited for about five days called back again i talked to a gentleman and he said well who was your sales rep and i was like he didn't give me his name he's like what was your quote number and i was like they didn't give me a quote number so he eventually tracked down using my name so he said oh i found out that was your sales rep and he said to take down your name and your phone number and he'll call you back so i wait for two days i don't get a call from i try to call two times in one day and i can't get through to this guy so in his voicemail it says to give him a call on his cell phone so i call his cell phone can't get through the voicemail of his cell phone says to text him so i finally text him this has been like eight or nine days since i placed this order and we're working on tight deadlines on this house i text him and yesterday he has the audacity to text me back and say hello sir my management has told me that i cannot fulfill your order because we're in a drywall shortage and we have to give all the drywall that we have to our contractors and that we can't take care of customers like you so needless to say i'm really irritated i'm very upset and now i guess we're probably just gonna have to get drywall from home depot because we were planning on lkl delivering the drywall up here to our house and now we're going to have to deliver it ourselves which is going to be a huge pain in the butt and really i'm just mad that when i called the first day this guy couldn't say oh hey sorry if you're not a contractor we can't fulfill your order because there's a shortage he just said okay i'll call you back so i feel like he had no intention of fulfilling this order and he basically just pushed our drywall out an extra week so i'm upset we do need some exterior foam and so i think that's what ally and i are going to do today we're going to go and buy more exterior foam at home depot bring it back up to the house hopefully by monday today is friday hopefully by monday brandon's household will be a little bit healthier and brandon will be able to come to work and bring the rock wall and we'll be able to finish some of the exterior insulation and maybe start to go get some of the drywall today is just a little bit of a frustrating day also we still have about a thousand pounds of rocks in the bed of the truck and so i've got to go move all those rocks out of the bed of the truck before we go get foam and i think allie's gonna hang out in here and make some breakfast obviously trent feels very passionately about the drywall situation and i don't blame him i totally understand where the drywall company is coming from that things are super busy right now and it's totally fine that they can't fulfill our orders we just wish that they had told us that either way we talked to them initially or like as soon as they realized that they couldn't help us instead of waiting for us to like reach out multiple times finally get through to someone for us to just realize oh they can't help us so we're moving on it'll be fine i think we haven't had breakfast yet either and trent gets a little hangry so before we do too much else today i'm gonna try to fix that by making us something delicious to eat for breakfast [Music] dogs are absolutely loving it now that it's summer and they can go outside and i feel like almost every time we walk outside there's literally like deer over here in this little meadow eating all the fresh vegetation they want to chase everything which really has me worried because the deer are terrified as soon as they hear the jingling and the dogs running the deer just like hop and they can hop like 40 miles an hour they're insanely fast they get away no problem the dogs chase them for a minute and then once they get far enough away the dogs are like you know to heck with it and they turn around that's not a problem um what i am worried about is if the dogs chase the moose i'm afraid that now since they're like this little tag team that if they come across a moose they might try to like chase and and scare the moose and guess what the moose are not scared of dogs the moose will trample the dogs and could hurt them or kill them and we absolutely don't want anything to happen to the dogs so i'm trying to work on recalling them when they're chasing things which worked with the gopher just a second ago we definitely don't want them to get into a scuffle with a moose and also i've been seeing porcupines around here lately and the way that these dogs chase every little thing that runs around i know they'll chase a porcupine and i do not want to have to take them to the vet to get porcupine quills removed out of their mouths that's just some of the stuff we're dealing with right now i'm gonna head up to the house and grab my sun hat because the sun is really bright today and i'm gonna start shoveling these rocks out of the bed of the truck got some uh fun activities for me this morning [Music] ultimate sun protection this bag of rocks right here still probably weighs several hundred pounds and i need to put this over here underneath the deck unfortunately i don't have a way of picking it up or moving it but unload the rocks one shovel full at a time into a wheelbarrow and then go and dump them over there so that's what i'm gonna do now [Music] there we go remove uh several hundred pounds of rocks check now i'm pretty winded i'm gonna go in and see uh ali's got breakfast ready hopefully she does we can scarf it up and then head to home depot and get some exterior foam maybe look at some drywall prices because looks like that's where we're going to be getting it from [Music] it probably looks like i only worked for five minutes and maybe it was like 20 minutes but it was just like a nice way to wake you up i'm like feeling exhausted after working for 20 minutes which is mildly embarrassing but i'm gonna load up on some fuel and we're gonna head to home depot [Music] you know today is just not really going to plan and it's just one of those days where things don't go your way and pretty much most of my life or maybe my entire life i've usually been like a pretty patient confident person but i've always held myself to really high expectations so i have a high expectations for myself and that's made me really determined but if there's one thing that i've learned in the last probably five or ten years is that you can't let the little things and you can't let the details dictate your mood or stop you from achieving what you're trying to achieve and i think today is a perfect example of that because brandon's not able to come up he can't bring up the rock wool we're going to get foam right now but really like today is almost kind of a stalemate as far as like progress on the house goes and that's just the way the cookie crumbles it's just kind of the way it is and we just have to be patient and accepting of that keep a positive attitude and get done what we can get done but just know that if you're living your life right now and you have high expectations for yourself and things aren't going according to plan it's okay there's always tomorrow i on the other hand i'm really excited because this is like a date day with trent i get to just kind of come along for the ride and help him way more than normal since usually i kind of take a step back and let him and brandon do all the work and it's kind of nice we haven't been to home depot just the two of us in a while we used to come here just the two of us every day yeah it's true and uh i kind of miss those days but it is uh more proficient when brandon's here and we can get stuff done and you're always there it's not like you're not there but uh you don't have to get your hands dirty well at least that is a really good site right here i was actually really worried that they were gonna be completely out of drywall when we got in here because there's such a shortage that lkl can't help any customers out unless they're contractors so as you can see home depot must have some insane buying power because they've got tons and tons and tons of drywall we probably need at least like three or four of these bunks they've got quite a bit so there's some positive news for the [Music] day [Music] remember how many do we need there's 11 we need like 30. oh boy maybe they have more somewhere else a secret stash or something i think that like did have some stuff in the back as people like to call it but uh this is the default it's kind of already in the back you know hello how you doing i have 11 of these [Music] beautiful day in the neighborhood day in the neighborhood beautiful day to start drywall but we have to wait [Music] let's see what we're working with here we made it all in one piece that's good and we didn't lose a single piece perfect all the sheets made it here in one piece now 11 sheets is enough to do half of the back of the house the back of the house it's 20 and then the upper gable up there uh needs like another seven or eight i think so cool that was all home depot had and we can go to some other home depots and get more oh what we got two sheets right there so we have 13 sheets so we have uh quite a bit and when brandon shows up with the rest of the rockwool we'll have enough to do the majority of the back of the house before we need to go to home depot and get more foam that's going to take place next week as far as working on the house probably done for the day okay we are going to go on a little jaunt and get the dogs some exercise just don't mind me as i walk down our freshly carpentered car built upstairs look at that work down with your eyes closed i don't suggest that for anyone other than trent [Music] [Music] i will have to say living in the mountains is really nice and even though through the winter it was super super challenging to be removing snow and driving through a ski resort basically it was pretty challenging but it's so rewarding and on a day like today normally we'd be loading the dogs into the car driving for 45 minutes or an hour to get to an amazing trailhead where we can get out into nature and really enjoy the outdoors but since we live up here all we got to do is walk out our front door we get to experience the forest and we get to see wildlife and the dogs get exercise we get exercise and it's our own backyard i really could not picture myself living anywhere else well trent ran off to go do a couple errands in town and i was going to take you guys along while i cleaned all of terry and got so much productive stuff done in the trailer and around the trailer since we're not really working on the house today and instead i took the most beautiful nap you could ever imagine i am not an afternoon nap person i never sleep during the day and uh i guess all that kind of changes when you're pregnant so i just passed out for about an hour and a half and i feel incredible it made a big difference i felt good this morning but um maybe just the thought of cleaning made me really tired and i just immediately fell asleep so i think we're going to probably not clean terry today but we are going to pack the dogs up into the car and go meet trenton town how are your errands pretty good how was your evening i uh had all these ambitious plans i was gonna get so much done and i took a nap a nap of course you did it was great but it's okay she could take a nap she's growing a human being well i guess today wasn't necessarily a productive day as far as building the house goes but i feel productive i went and got a little bit of exercise i had some fun ellie took a nap the dog the dog seemed to be mildly exercised i had a great day i wish every day could be like this anyway i hope you guys enjoyed coming along on this adventure if you did make sure you show us by giving us a big thumbs up on today's video consider subscribing to our channel if you haven't already thanks again to omaze for sponsoring today's video click the link in our description to check them out and we'll see you guys on the next [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Trent & Allie
Views: 345,121
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: van life, vanlife, trent and allie, eamon and bec, trent and allie van, homesteading, red poppy ranch, tiny home, tiny house, off grid, wild wonderful off grid, tiny house tour, do it yourself, diy, life uncontained, building, building a house, framing, framing a house, cabin build, building our own home, snow in the mountains, building our own house, off grid living, inspection, construction, tiny, baby, pregnant, burnout, a huge disappointment, disappointment, disappointed, trouble, sad
Id: acfeVijRIJg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 35sec (2015 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 14 2021
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