Netdiscover - an open source tool for finding device IPs on your network regardless of subnet.

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foreign [Music] Source Advocate and I'm back with another video and today we're going to talk about a really great tool called net discover I want to give you a little background here I started actually setting up pfSense a while back and I did a video on it so you guys can go check that out and I haven't really done much with it since then because I've been kind of waiting to get some networking stuff done around my house which basically means I've been waiting to run the ethernet cable through my attic and around my house which was not easy by the way um I don't know if you know but in in southern parts of the United States at the very least most houses don't have finished attics and they're really just a place for the contractors to run vents for your air conditioning or your heating and to run wires for all of your electrical and really it's extremely unfinished it's just got a bunch of uh insulation and other stuff that's blown in it's not even like the rollout insulation so it's really not intended for you to get up there and do things for the most part occasionally which I have this as well you'll have a little bit of flooring above kind of the garage space where you can store things in the Attic if you want to but that's it so if you try to move away from that there's no flooring there's nothing you'll step right through your ceiling if you don't step on the actual girders or the beams or the joists or whatever they're called anyways I got up there I crawled around I I finally kind of got to a place where I could run some cables and they're also running a big mess so if you have ever seen the inside of a Mac machine you'll note that all of the wires were nicely run and clean this is not how my attic looks my attic looks like a PC that was built by a seven-year-old in the 90s it's just a big mess of stuff so it was it was not easy to climb around up there but um yeah so moving on I want to say thank you to all of my subscribers and all of my patrons over at patreon seriously you guys make this so worth it for me to do these videos every week I really truly enjoy it and I just can't say thank you enough if you're enjoying these videos subscribe let YouTube know that I'm doing a good job by subscribing to the channel plus you'll get notified when I have new videos coming out and finally if you're enjoying what I'm doing give it a like just click on that thumbs up and that way YouTube knows that you like it and they'll pass it along to other people that might enjoy my content as well I really appreciate it thank you again let's get started the next thing I need to do before I can put PSNS to use because I have my network set up in a very special way I want to make sure that I have all of the IP addresses that are associated with certain devices the same I want to set all those things up before I even connect up the psense box because psense is really going to sit behind my modem and it's going to act not only as my firewall but as my main router so I've got this kind of network setup that basically I've got the internet here it comes into my modem which is provided by my cable company and then that's going to go to my firewall pfSense and then PS sense is going to go out to these routers now they're not actually Linksys routers but you get the idea so they go out to these routers these routers have Wi-Fi hotspots APS access points and then they can also be wired access points as well so really I had to run these cables through my house in order to make this work because I want this to be wired I've had Euro for a very long time and Eero uses mesh Wi-Fi and when I got Euro back in 2018 it was really great it was the top of the line kind of mesh Wi-Fi it was probably one of the best ones out there just from all the reviews from my own personal use it has been tremendous but it has been slowly getting worse and it's gotten to where it's not as reliable and I don't know what the purpose is or the reason is behind that it just for whatever reason I just I have lots of interruptions and things and I don't think it's my cable provider it could be but I really think it's the Aero system and and I just need something that's got a little bit more stability behind it which is going to be a wired setup now the one thing I don't show here is that I actually have a fifth Branch off of this thing that's going to go out into my office where I am recording right now so there's a lot of stuff and I have a lot of devices but I don't know how to get all these devices information without just manually doing it and I don't really want to do it manually so I thought okay there's got to be a tool and I was using a tool not long ago to find the IP of a camera and I figured out this is a really great tool and that tool is called net discover so if you've never heard of this this is a tremendous tool for finding things on your network now there's angry ip scanner it it may use net discover under the covers I don't know but it finds some really great stuff but net discover even found things that I couldn't find with angry ipscanner net discover found things that I didn't find with Wireshark net discover found things that I didn't find with ping or ARP or any of the other normal things that I was using now let me use all those things under the covers but maybe whoever writes this knew more about those those tools than I do so it seems to find them with less effort uh whenever I use it so I wanted to show you guys net discover today because it's really awesome um there's a GitHub project it hasn't been messed with in years but it still functions it still works you can still install it and you can still use it which is awesome now this is the Kali Linux page but I actually just am running pop OS in my in my house where I used it earlier it's Ubuntu but I'm going to just show you how to install this thing real quick so you just open up a terminal so you're going to use apt if you're using a Ubuntu or Debian based system if you're using a red hat system you're going to use RPM or dnf for Fedora you might use yum if you're using Centos and then if you're using Arch you're going to use Pac-Man if you're using um open Susa I believe it's zip zipper zypper I think is the tool that they use so you have to kind of check that one out because I'm not familiar with that one but there should be a tool to install this and it's just sudo apt install net discover Dash y make sure you spell install correctly because I didn't right there and when you do this it's going to ask for your super user password so type that into your system it's going to go out there and get it and it's done that's it there's nothing else to do to install this thing now if you do net discover I think we can just do help yeah it'll give you the help now you have to use sudo if you want to run the actual command to do something with it but for the help you can just run it without the sudo but right here so you can see who who this guy is and you can see his gmail which is kind of cool uh you know don't spam them or anything but yeah so netdiscover Dash I so this is the interface you want to use to run the net discover process so just you want to use what you know Wireless or do you want to use your wired connection it's completely up to you which one you pick but there you go you need to use that one for sure so the add Dash I then if you want to set a range of IP addresses that you're looking in specifically which can make things go faster than you would use the range and this is the the way you would do it which slash 24 means all of the things with a DOT six address and then every every address after the dot there if you did 16 then that would be all of the range from here 0 to 255 and here zero to 255. and again if you did dot eight zero to 255's or to 255 so it is 255. so you can do some really massive scans through ranges if you want to use the range stuff the cool thing about it is if you don't use the range part it'll just kind of listen for traffic and show you traffic that's how I found this IP camera that comes from the manufacturer with a static IP set that is the weirdest static IP on Earth I have no idea why they do this I don't know if like their QA people get them and they set it and then they forget to send it send it back to the hcp or something I have no idea but the weirdest thing on Earth and I could not find that camera so I found net discover and it immediately found it like in no time so it was awesome um so you've got a few other things here you can filter the scan you've got passive mode which means don't send anything just sniff which means just listen for the for the connection um and then M you know file so scan a list of known Macs and host names if you want to provide a file you can filter customize a pcap filter expression I don't really know how to do that so nothing I'm going to do but um then you've got time so how long to sleep between each ARP request in milliseconds so you can set some timing to kind of slow things down if you're afraid it's getting skipped over somehow uh the count number of times to send each ARP request so if you think something won't respond the first time and you want to run more than once you can say a number of times you wanted to send that the node so the last Source IP octet used for scanning from 2 to 253 so if you want to scan a specific node you can and then D which is ignore home config files uh or ignore yeah ignore home config files for auto scan so basically ignoring config files in your home directory and then F enable fast code or fast mode scan which is kind of cool you can save a lot of time that way and then P which is and this is capital P print the results in a format suitable for parsing by another program this is very important to me so this is why you're going to see why this is important to me here in a minute and then Dash L which is similar Dash p but it also continues listening after the active scan is completed and I'll tell you there's a difference between these and it doesn't look like it on the screen but whenever you try to actually use the the results there is so we'll go through that as well and then Dash in do not print the header that's fine and dash s enables sleep time suppression if you use the capital S so I don't know why you would use little s and then capital S but maybe there's a reason so just keep that in mind that you can do that so I'm going to clear out the terminal here and we're going to do sudo net disk actually first we're going to do IPA show so I need to find my my interface name and on Ubuntu it's always kind of a weird name it's never just eth0 unfortunately so we're gonna go back to the top here it's eno1 on this one this is a papa West machine I also have a wireless interface somewhere right here so wlp2s0 I mean why wouldn't it be that set of just wlan0 but yeah wlp 2s0 is my wireless interface or I can use Eno one so I'm gonna use you know one because that's my wired interface so we'll clear this out and we'll do sudo net discover Dash I and we're going to do one uh eno1 let me make sure I spilled that I didn't spell that correctly let's go back there we go net discover Eno one so now we're going to do Dash p for print the results basically and then we want to do the dash R and that's [Music] 24. so my I know my Subnet is on dot 10. so I want to find the devices that are on Dot 10. so I'm going to hit this and let it start running and you can see it starts coming up pretty fast and it shows me all of these devices that are running on my network and it gives me a nice table readout of the information so I can actually grab this I can take it and I can copy it all the way where it ends right here and I can copy this with a right click if I want to or Ctrl shift C if I want to and now I can go open up calc from LibreOffice here oh it opened up on the wrong window that's okay and then I can right click and do paste and it's going to come up with the import Wizard and you'll notice right here it's got this as a single thing it just sees it as one big block of stuff we don't want that but in calc you can do fixed width if you try to do space it doesn't work it just gets ugly if you if you undo space it doesn't work tab it doesn't work if you do space without tab it still doesn't work but if you do fixed width you can start to tell it hey this is where I need this thing to be and this and you may want to move over a little bit instead so if we do I think we do clear if we undo this it'll clear it if we do it I kept them okay I don't really like having those I don't know how to get rid of them though let's see can I get rid of it oh I can move it there we go now we can go here and then we can get another one and then here so if you look at the the length of these things you can break this apart pretty easily you just want to make sure you didn't cut off any of your numbers that all looks good we're going to hit OK and it brings it in it puts it into columns which is great this makes it really easy for me to go grab this stuff so now you can just kind of highlight all of these headers up here of course let me do this again and then double click on that line it'll spread those out where everything kind of fits the way it needs to and then you can delete this row if you want to you can delete the row above it at the top if you want to you just want this row here that's the important one and then of course all of these things what I'm really interested in is what is this device and what is its Mac address and I didn't even get the IP address what did I do hang on let's go back it does have the IP did I miss it I must have missed it okay let's go back and try again but you get the idea so I'm just going to hit uh don't save and so you can see here everything that it gives me it gives me all the IP addresses all the Mac addresses and this is stuff that we'll need whenever we're trying to actually set up our PF sense box so I want to set a bunch of static addresses PFS doesn't really let you set static addresses but it lets you do a DHCP lease or I guess uh you know a saved area where you can set these addresses and they're kind of static it's kind of weird but anyways we'll talk about that um so I'll show you real quick the difference between the p and the F though so if we go do or L I'm sorry if we do that same command and now we do l so you notice P it ended and it gave me back the command prompt so this one's going to scan it's going to go find all of these devices it's just doing an ARP search basically and you notice now it says it found 78 hosts okay and it says continue to listen and it's so still listening for things out on the network to start talking so it found one and this is one of my uh I believe this is going to be one of my bulbs or something like that basically that it found that's one of my Shelly bulbs so all these ones that say espressive I think are Shelly things so you can see up here all these things it's got a lot of espressos so I want to know what those are because I have those set with specific addresses or IP addresses and I need them to get those IP addresses again because that's how home assistant works with those Shelly devices it says hey this thing's going to be assigned this IP address and home assistant is that okay and I have to say yeah let me go set it static so these need to be the same so these ones especially with espresso need to be the same I've just set up a lot of stuff on my network to be static the bad thing is with Eero it's in a phone app and I have found nothing and no possible way to export that data from their phone app which I guess for them is smart because it makes it a pain in the butt for me to switch away from them just like you're seeing right here so I have to go find a tool like this where I can actually get all of my data and try to go put it into the system unfortunately for me that means that it's a pain I have to go do a bunch of work but there are nice tools like netdiscover that lets you kind of figure out what these things are so this is a short video today I just wanted to show you how netdiscover works and kind of show you what what function it does and what function it serves I've already got this saved in another file I've got all my devices so now I can actually go start filling everything out in my PF sense before I go hook it up into my network and when I hook it up and start everything up everything should get the same IP it already has and I can just continue forward I don't have to worry about going and fixing a bunch of things now there may be a few things like here where it says unknown vendor I don't know what this is I don't know if I set this static or versus the DHCP address but the easy thing for me is I can just grab this go paste it into a browser and see if I can browse to it or I can paste it into an SSH command and see if I can SSH to it and that that'll tell me what this is if I need to know what it is most likely if it says unknown vendor I have not set it as a static address and it's just an address that kind of changes on its own at some point so you'll you'll kind of notice those things come up as well like this one says zero zero zero zero I don't even know what this would be it's nothing so nothing I need to worry about but these other ones I might want to know what they are and find out what they are and then give them that specific address so I can list it properly inside of pfSense I hope that netdiscover helps you with something I hope this is a useful tool to me it's been invaluable and I was super glad to find out about it so you guys go out there get it grab it try it see if it helps you out I really like it it's really been great if this video helped you like subscribe tell your friends about it so they can come along the journey with us and I'll talk to you next time [Music]
Channel: Awesome Open Source
Views: 71,381
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: open, source, opensource, open-source, self, hosted, selfhosted, self-hosted, free, libre, software, server, web, internet, browser, linux, mac, macos, os x, windows, microsoft, ios, android, pi, raspberry, desktop, digital, ocean, digitalocean, vps, tutorial, how to, setup, installation, instructions, cli, command line, terminal, interface, open source software, open source news, open source projects, angry ip scanner, nmap, netdiscover, arp, ip, subnet, dns, shcp, find, locate, tool, utility, nmap-ng, anry ip, ip scan, scanner
Id: yMSq7QzQcX4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 1sec (1021 seconds)
Published: Tue May 17 2022
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