Designing an Autumn Studio Ghibli Film in Miniature

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Some of you will already know this because  I've already talked about it on patreon  Back at the end of September, I suddenly lost  one of my cats to a super unexpected heart issue  To be honest, it kind of um ruined my life And I really wanted to make a project for him I would really like to believe that he is now  living like one of the cats in a Ghibli film so  I've been wanting to design a Ghibli  film set in autumn- adding him to it just   makes it that much more special In a cookie tin of course  which is extra fitting because- I'm sorry, I would love to give  them to you but they're not-awww Starting by coming up with our concept There are two main things about him that  I wanted to incorporate into this project First of all, I wanted it to be a dessert  shop- whenever desert came around he was ready   to try and snatch it from us  I don't know why he was so obsessed  with sweets- it was kind of adorable. And he absolutely loved going  outside and being in nature,   which I thought was very fitting for a Ghibli film He could totally be a Ghibli  character and the best one at that~ The concept that I wanted to do was  essentially the back of the dessert shop   with a whole garden area There's not gonna be that   much to signify that it's a dessert shop, but  that was the concept- so at least you know So of course we're starting with the base Now structurally, this is very similar to the  Spirited Away project, but with like an added   deck area so a lot of how I built the  base was pretty similar- I'm just using   a lot more wood elements this time- I'm  throwing some popsicle sticks into the mix Pretty much all the base structures were  made from paperboard, cardboard, chipboard,   and some popsicle stick elements where  it needed to be a little bit more stiff Essentially the same sliding system it's  just a little bit better done this time  A lot of this was just texturing things,   so I did texture the inside floor to look like a  tatami mat- you never see it, but it is in there The whole entire thing was really inspired by  traditional Japanese architecture, of course,   again much inspired by Spirited Away  and some of the other Ghibli films Now one of the most important  elements for me that I wanted   to include was this bottom koi pond  to include as much nature as possible Look at the shadow and tell  me it doesn't look like Totoro The doors are one of the most  important parts of this project-   pretty similar to the Spirited Away project I was extremely lucky to  get a Dremel for Christmas-   thank you to my family, of course, for that <3 So I wanted to try doing some wood carving with  that- Should I have done more of it before just   going in on a project with it? Yes, but I didn't. You'll soon  find that that is a trend with me With this piece, I wanted to focus on the  four seasons- wanted it to be a seasonal   garden and then my wonderful kitty is the sort  of seasonal spirit lives in the dessert shop  On the bottom there will be a small carved wooden  area each door themed with a different season,   so for example- for summer I have the  waves, winter snowy mountain sort of things,   for spring I have a lot of flowers, and for  fall I have of course the falling leaves  I really just wanted to add lots of different  small elements to add to the story (so graceful)  Before we put any of this stuff  in, I need to paint this back wall I decided that I wanted to do mango print  wallpaper because my cat's name was Mango  A light purple background  with some leaves and mangoes  Now a lot of what I had to paint on this,   of course, was wood so obviously  a lot of things got painted brown Then to weather all these things- Studson's  destroyed Howl's Moving Castle video just kept   running through my head... or maybe hobbling? So I finally pulled out one of my cheesy makeup  brushes to dry brush on some of the texture,   which worked very nice- I'm sure you've  seen a lot of people do it by now And, of course, we want to paint absolutely  everything before sticking it in to the   tin pretty much all the wood, I'm  using a relatively dark brown base In a lot of areas i varnish over the top to  make the wood look a little bit more shiny  Now one of the focal point pieces  of this whole project were the   stained glass designs for the sliding doors Again, they're going along with the seasonal theme  Drew the designs on paper first, flip  it over and use that part where it's   bled through to see the mirrored  image to be able to transfer them For the fall, I decided to do a koi fish in a pond   with leaves- inspired by a bunch  of stained glass pieces that I saw ♪ Singing Ventura Highway ♪ There's a ton of different  methods to color the stained glass  I thought it would look the  best and I wanted to try doing   it with lighting gels from previous projects Used that paper that I had drawn as a template   to know what shape I needed to cut out for any  super small or thin pieces, kind of like the   flower stems, just colored them on with permanent  marker- a really easy option, it just gets a   little bit streaky when it's a big area Attach them onto the door frames  To create the outside border of the windows, I  painted all around the edge- made that top long   window above the doors a more simple stained  glass window as well with an old shower loofah  Turns out it's just one giant long tube Cut a piece of that, stretched it out, painted   that black, and laid it onto the window coloring  in random diamond pieces with permanent markers  Stippled on some mod podge to give that sort of  textured stained glass look and I think that this   honestly really made a pretty big difference The bottom area is where the koi pond will   be and I'm going to be using resin for that, so I  needed to seal everything super well at the bottom   to make sure that the resin didn't leak in places Then I started layering on some terrain,   which will be under the water Rocks, trying to paint on some moss   while also gluing on different pieces I glued in the floor and   the deck supports underneath it I need to have everything line up correctly for   both of the tracks and push it in at the same time The benefit of using the wood is that it's   not flexible, but the drawback  is also that it's not flexible I'm a little impressed that I got it  to fit in there and they can still   open because that... was not easy I am including some lights- created a hole in the  back of the tin to thread the light strand through   so that the battery pack could stay on the back  of the tin and have the switch easily accessible  I made the roof super similarly to  the one in the Spirited Away project,   just with some added stick width variation So essentially I just lay all the sticks down,  lay cardstock over it, trim off the edges   to make the roof the right shape to fit in the tin Painted it a really dark red and, of course,   painting on highlights and shadows on  the high areas and low areas of the roof As with everything else, painting  on and putting actual moss pieces on I painted the inner sides of  the tin fall, leafy colors  I also made an upper roof piece that  you won't see at all (what else is new?)  Like the Spirited Away one- we are going to  paint a night sky, am I making that video again?  This night sky is going to  be a slightly different color  Ohhhhhh no Is this telling me not to do the sky?  Is this a sign? If it was, I did not heed the warning I've painted night skies in too many of my  videos and they all look exactly the same,   so... here it is  After the sky was painted,  I could stick the roof in Yeah that's about as well  as I thought it was gonna go Another really important element of  this project was the tree- pieces of   sticks to glue into sort of the shape  while also fitting it into the tin  For the leaves, we had had a whole bunch of  fall flowers grow in our garden right over by   where Mango used to sit Using those as leaves on the   tree- it doesn't exactly look realistic,  but we can add a little Ghibli fantasy All of the little petals that I pressed ended  up looking so much like tiny phoenix feathers  I went in and added moss, put  some tiny leaves on some of them,   just starting to work in some of these details Then it was time to start making all of the props That also means that it was clay time  I wanted to make a bunch of statue sort of  things that I could intersperse throughout   the project with different little faces  all super inspired by Spirited Away and a bunch of the other movies Sculpted them out of sculpey   and did my absolute best at that scale and with  my... somewhat regrettable sculpting skills  I also made the mask for the  seasonal spirit- like everything   in this project inspired by Spirited Away! It's a little bit similar for sure to no face  Went ahead and made the koi fish- probably the  most difficult thing that I had to sculpt because   it had a lot of really small thin pieces for the  fins and they needed a decent amount of texturing  Cutting out the tail, adding on the  eyes and like the little mouthpiece  I also made a little gecko- he  always really liked chasing them The most important piece of this entire  project is making my little Mango cat I love you, I love you so much~ Now this was not easy I did have some practice   recreating him recently in that I painted  a portrait of him for my mom for Christmas,   but honestly I don't feel  like it helped me that much Yeah it was just uh really hard to sculpt him at  this scale and to get the likeness right, which I   did not so... we're just doing our best, as always Making the tail and all the little ears and one of   the hardest parts definitely shaping the  face, which I didn't quite get right but  After that I had to paint all of them, so the  statues of course I'm just painting to look like   stone and adding some moss with some green paint  and also laying on really tiny pieces of moss   I painted the mask, I also used a bunch of  those dried flower petals to bring more of the   seasonal fall theme into it- kind of reminded me  a little bit of a lion's mane which he kinda had?  Painted the koi fish- I did use some pearl  paint to give it just a little bit of sort   of a metallic shine for the scales and then  I also painted on details in orange and black Then I painted my little Mango figure  with different shades of orange,   putting the white around his nose area it doesn't  look like my cat but it looks like a cat so-  I do want to add some fur- I feel like this is  going to be really weird to a lot of people...   this is my other cat's fur my  other cat is a very similar color  Cat fur is a very plentiful resource in my house No pets were harmed in the making of this,   in fact they were extra loved,  so if you think that is weird... ♪ Look away look away! ♪ And then the final thing that I had to do was  create the whiskers, which I used white thread for  One of the things that I really wanted  to add were the Japanese wind chimes  They have like a glass dome at the top with  a metal piece that hangs down and makes   the bell sound as it hits against the glass So to make those I'm using transparent beads   as the glass top and the bottom pieces that hang  down are just going to be made of cardstock and   everything will be hanging by a piece of thread The bottom pieces that hang down usually have   designs on them, so I went ahead  and painted them on some cardstock One of them was a purple  flower theme and the other one-   you all knew there would  be a moon, let's be honest Of course we want to add as many  plants as possible to our garden  The acorns are back from the Arrietty project,   I love using these acorns for stuff- I  don't know why it just makes me so happy!  Painted the outsides of them- don't mind me, just  changing my mind about the color about 400 times  To make the ropes for the hanging  ones, I'm using yarn separated into   four strands to go around the pot part At the top, I also threaded a tiny little   seed bead onto it that ties all of the  separated strands together in one spot Then of course we had to fill our little acorn  pots with moss and cut flower petals- the yellow   sunflowers that I pressed at the beginning of the  video are actually ones that my friend sent me   when we lost him, so I had to press some of them  to include because they just meant so much to me If you're wondering why I'm wearing  these- I'm just taking after Wybie   (I'd wear gloves next time) I also added a birdhouse-  it's all made of cardstock,   relatively simple construction just cutting  out the shapes and gluing them all together  Painted that and also added a  thread so that I could hang it,   then I had to start working on the resin koi pond To prepare for pouring the resin, I needed  to make some holders that would hold the   entire project in place and level I also had to glue the koi fish onto the  two support pieces so that they would   stick in the area This is my first   time using resin so I'm not exactly an  expert, however- resin is a chemical! Make sure that you're taking after  Nausicaa- you want to have a respirator,   do it in a well-ventilated space that  is not your living area, wear gloves,   safety glasses, and fully cover your arms-  this stuff is just as toxic as the forest  Please watch some videos on safety! Now that I've said all that, I am  using just one glove in this video-   only using that hand to touch  near it however- don't do that! Every project that I use resin in in  the future, I will have both gloves~  The surface of the resin that  touches whatever your mold is   will mimic the surface of whatever  that material that you use is  If you want to be shiny, you have  to use a shiny material or polish it There are so many different kinds  of resin and the one that I'm using,   I had to do three pours to  get the depth that I wanted In one of Real Terrain Hobbies' videos, he  mixed the color into one part first and stored   that for each pour so that it's consistent  throughout when you mix the hardener in  To color mine, I am also using a method that I  saw from Bentley House Minis to create essentially   what is an alcohol ink- I was a little bit  heavy-handed with the color- it was my first time! One of the most important things  when using resin is to mix   everything super super well I'm scared. but here we go!  This was a relatively tiny  space to be pouring resin into  I poured it extremely messily  because that was very difficult,   but the good news- I literally mixed exactly  the amount and I don't know how that happened And then it was time to de-mold and  we'll see if everything falls apart!  I was not expecting it to go  this well to be honest with you  I did make it a little bit too dark The final thing that I needed to do  before assembly was the outside of the tin  Sort of a combination of the two past tin  projects that I've done, so I did a collage   in the background and then I  painted scenes over that as well  So I divided the outside into four  sections- trying to transition the   colors and just blend all the seasons and of  course- I had to add mango onto all of them  After all of that was done,  it's time for final assembly So here is Mango's dessert  shop, inspired by Studio Ghibli This was an unbelievably long  project for me and to be honest,   it was not the easiest for me to work on sometimes I miss him so much! Definitely the most   special project to me that I've done- it  just feels like I have a little piece of him I love him so so much and I just  hope that I've honored him with this And everyone out there with pets give them  just a little bit of love from me today <3 I would love to see other people  design their own Ghibli films  Let me know if you would watch my  Mango's dessert shop Ghibli film~
Channel: MechanicalFiend
Views: 19,577
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: MechanicalFiend, miniature, craft, diorama
Id: HyFR8yYlnqc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 53sec (1373 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 05 2022
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