Writing My Friends Victorian Letters

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I have always dreamed of opening  the mailbox and just finding   a Victorian letter calling me on some kind  of adventure and alas I'm still waiting on it So I decided to be the person that makes that  happen for my friends' birthdays this year,   even if they don't share the same dream I do Christmas cards every single  year, Halloween cards, letters  Like most things in my life, it started pretty  simple and then it just spiraled out of control   into how much stuff can I put into an  envelope and still send it with one stamp!  First I'm going to collect and make a couple  of things that we will need for this process These ones are really pretty The purple ones definitely  lost a lot of their color I like to include a painting  in every letter that I do  Some kind of little art piece-  completely not my sketch at all  I did go out and do a couple  of floral, botanical paintings  Does it look like it? Not really  I added some leaves, but now I'm like...  it kind of looks really Christmassy so... To you add a little bit more to them,   I did put some of the dried flowers  that I had left over on the paintings I don't know I think that um the sort of  scrap booking, found objects probably not   really of the time, but when I think of  that time I do think of things like that I just made a frame- is that gonna  help save it? I really don't know  I can't decide if the frame is really  ugly with this, I kind of feel like it is  I watch all these videos of like fun stickers  and memo pads and washi tape on everything   and um I don't have that really What I lack in monetary  value, I make up for in effort There's actually a lot of methods for aging paper We're doing some tea dyeing here today folks!  Starting out with a white piece of paper I went into this with the thought that I   was going to make it look more old and sort  of like a letter that had been lost perhaps  Make a big folded crease- this  is really nice with tea dyeing  Tear an edge off- super scrunched, less scrunched Sometimes it's fun to have more of a scrunched  area and then less of a scrunched area I actually did tea dye with iced tea this time Essentially just put it into a pan that your   piece of paper will fit into, submerge  it and leave it for a few minutes I'm trying not to get tea everywhere  although I will say, it's not the worst   thing to get everywhere- I'd rather have  tea everywhere than super glue everywhere  It's like a spa treatment, don't they do  tea baths? This is basically that for paper I treat my paper better than myself To dry my paper, I made a  makeshift clothesline in the shower  I tied two of my graduation ropes  together and pinned all the paper in there After we had some paper to work with,  it was time to write our letters Dearest friend, As quick as the wings of a hummingbird, it  seems another year has passed us by again.   Each season rears its head only to give  way to the next before the blink of an eye.   So then, finally we have come upon the  most splendid season of all- yours.  It is almost laughable to see people rejoicing  spring's daisies or summer's hush warmth,   for how could they possibly compete with  November, which has given the world you? There are many reasons to love the familiar tones  of autumn, but perhaps no greater than this.   It is with reverence that I ponder the fate  that has brought our lives to become so   intertwined. Although there are days in which  life's song seems to be absent of your melody,   I am reminded that even in the most  distant echoes are the greatest impact. Astounding even more is your generosity, kindness,  and heart. It could perhaps be likened to a hidden   waterfall- not easily found, but once earned,  unceasing and with quiet beauty. Without much   to offer in return, I gift a few words in exchange  for each ray of sun your friendship casts on me.  In return for every enrichment you have provided,  I wish you a return tenfold in favor and fortune. Happiest days of November  and the ones which follow! With warmth and longing, Lady Devon of the Night I did also write sonnets because I uhh... I love poetry Here I am writing Shakespearean sonnets  because I can't afford to buy them a gift~ Traditionally letters were actually not sent in  envelopes, the actual letter that was written   was folded and then sealed itself with wax. You would just write the address on the back  Decided I wanted to fold them into sort of like  a fancy shape because they wouldn't have fit in   the envelope if I had folded them normally So I found a method of folding that leaves   you with a tab that you can pull  sort of to unravel the letter I also made envelopes to put some  little surprises in, I guess? Probably not surprises because I send the  same things in most of my letters, but-  This is my go-to envelope folding technique, I  love it, I do it for every envelope that I fold  Of course very characteristic of the time, I  really wanted to do some wax seals and include   that, however- the postal service does  have issues processing those sometimes,   so I decided a good solution would  be to make a smaller envelope on the   inside and put the wax seal on that  so it could be in another envelope I made my own seal by sculpting a little shape  out of sculpey and attaching it to a cork I'm obsessed with Avatar: the Last  Airbender, it has shaped a lot of my life  I decided to make the image on the seal the symbol   from the Order of the White Lotus I don't know, secret organizations-   kind of lended itself to being sealed  and it also went with the botanical theme I put the seal onto an ice  pack to make sure it was cool  Put some low temperature hot glue  onto the back of some sticker paper   so that it would come off easily Press the seal into the hot glue, wait  for it to cool, and then very carefully   peel it off from the seal and then  you'll have the image on the hot glue Different colors of wax were used- for informal  correspondence usually blue and green was used,   for more formal correspondence red was very common Black wax was used to signify bad news Painted most of the seal purple  and then I did details in gold  Not a common wax seal combo of the time,  but I just wanted it to go with the theme Don't know if I ruined this one, I think it looks  better- way more like the Order of the White Lotus To bring back the shine that a wax seal  would have, I varnished over the whole thing Usually I include a bag of tea and some stickers I don't really have many stickers that match  this theme, I don't have many period so-  As I often do, I did some hand-drawn stickers  I'm using label paper and just  drawing all of the pieces on  We're going to color them! Kind of sticking to a   relatively autumny color palette- maybe  it doesn't look like it, I don't know. Coloring them with markers and cutting them out  I use these in various places and  then I also included some for them Stick it to a piece of paper, stick  it to their face, I don't know? So I made some little containers for  those out of plastic sheet protector  Fold it up into sort of an  envelope shape and tape the sides  And then I just stuck the tea inside I drew some little floral designs on the outside,   included some instructions  about how long to steep the tea What am I doing? Minutes is not spelled  like that, we'll make that into the t Just stuck it closed with a sticker of course Drew a top piece with some of the tea dyed paper  Of course labeled it because I don't think  it's always that obvious that they're stickers  Stapled it shut to make it look  a little bit more professional For the outer envelopes, I used a base of a  normal envelope just so that i would have the   sturdiness because they like throw stuff  around in the mail I'm pretty sure so- Covered that with an old newspaper-  New York Times - January 2008  All the movie times and there's Gandalf It just gives that old like paper texture  that I really like- I'm all about textures! I don't have a brush so I'm  just gonna like use my fingers  Actually I do have a brush, but I  just don't wanna have to wash it I made spaces for me to write the address  lines by using some of the tea dyed paper  I just ripped off pieces and glued  them onto the front in those areas I wanted to sort of tie the  whole thing more together   so I did paint some botanical sort of flower,  grassy plant pieces on the outside as well I went ahead and put a bunch  of the stickers on the outside  Of course put our stamps on so that  our letters can actually arrive And then it was time to put everything  together, seal the back, and send them off! If there is one thing that I love,  it is looking at beautifully done   penpaling letters- it's just  so aesthetically pleasing If you are like me and don't have a  lot of money, hopefully this can give   you some ideas of things that you can  do without going and purchasing things You can make a lot of things  that you already have work  I hope you enjoyed!  Write your friends Victorian letters- who  doesn't want to get a fancy letter in the mail? I'm hoping my friends think the same
Channel: MechanicalFiend
Views: 550,205
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Keywords: MechanicalFiend, penpal, snail mail, diy, tutorial, letters, victorian letters, tea dyed paper, wax seal, stickers, envelopes, pressed flowers, pressing flowers in books, tea, traditional letterwriting, sonnets, cheap, inexpensive, on a budget, Harry Potter
Id: Pd-M9U00Ais
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 19sec (739 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 05 2020
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