Designing a Simple Part in Fusion 360 Full Walkthrough

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alright hey everyone welcome to make anything I'm doing this as a live stream but really I'm just kind of trying to do a more of an online lecture type thing so I'm not gonna be interacting with the chat like crazy more so I just wanted to show you guys the full process of me designing a very simple part in fusion 360 and I figured the easiest way to do that is just to stream it live so that's what we're doing today and yeah this is pretty much an impromptu stream I was going about my day filming things for another video and here's my camera rig just so you guys can get an idea of what I film on it's a Panasonic gh4 maybe about a year I think less it's got a Sigma 18 by 35 millimeter lens it's got this rig with an extra battery a big old monitor I made the classic mistake of a newbie building a camera rig which was to just make everything big and impressive looking even though that makes it a lot heavier and sometimes inconvenient although I'll say I do like the monitor this size and I do like the workout I get from having to carry this big thing around anyways I know most of you probably don't have a camera rig like this but that doesn't mean it won't be a useful stream for you guys today because this is more just about my process of designing something so where was I getting with this well yeah I was filming with my camera rig as I always do and for the second time this part that locks the monitor to my rig here it's got this big screw that you kind of just tighten awkwardly and it can get really tight but it'll also loosen on its own and that happened so the entire monitor slipped off and crashed to the ground it got caught on the cable and luckily it didn't smash to bits but I'm not gonna test that for a third time so I decided I would stop everything today and design in part to lock this into place to make it a lot safer so let me take off the microphone and kind of make this a little easier for you guys to see Oh is there sound delay as always sorry about that guys but hopefully uh it's bearable tell me if not I'll take the time to fix it but anyways here's the Mount it's got a standard what's called a cold shoe mount it's just a something used very commonly in photography this thing slides on and screws into place works for a lot of things but for a heavy rig like this apparently doesn't work that well anyways I noticed that on the front of this rig there's all these holes there's this huge threaded hole in the middle I don't have any bolts that size then I notice there's two smaller threaded holes just above that and I went ahead and rummaged through my pile of screws and I realized they're m3 size so I've got two m3 screws here let me see if I can get those in there it's hard to get them threaded but anyways there we go so as you can see we can screw two m3 screws in there and that gives us a way to mount something in a very strong way you know I don't want to make my entire part 3d printed printed threads while they work in a lot of cases but when I'm trying to lock down a $100 piece of equipment or something like that I'm gonna try to play it safe and I'm gonna use metal hardware but the rest of it we're gonna 3d print and that's what we're gonna do right now if I think anyone should be able to follow along whether oh is there some buzzy gosh I'm sorry guys that's what happens when you do a stream impromptu like that anyways so yeah let's go ahead and jump into fusion 360 the only thing we're gonna be doing is measuring parts as we go along I have my digital caliper this thing cost about 25 bucks this specific brand I can't find it anymore at least not this model but there's plenty of good rated electric calipers on Amazon or wherever you buy things online it's pretty much the only way to buy things right now anyways this is the handiest tool if you're interested in designing 3d printing I'd say this is probably the first tool you want to get before you even get a 3d printer I always encourage people to learn to design before they actually get a printer just because you can do so much more when you can design things yourself that's what we're gonna find out on today's stream because I'm gonna do a very simple design and it's going to be helping me protect a very expensive piece of equipment so that's pretty cool so really all we have to do is measure a few things we want to make a cap or at least I want to make a cap that matches this profile but it's just a panel that I'll be able to screw down and it'll go up a little bit higher so that it covers that cold shoe mount so the part can't slide out even if the screw becomes loose it would require all three screws to come loose and it's very unlikely that that will happen without me noticing so we're gonna jump into fusion vision cam Wow technology almost almost good technically there's okay yes technology alright so we're in fusion hopefully you can see me good enough here in the corner because I will be measuring things at the same time but I'll tell you guys my measurements and stuff oh okay I'll turn down the mic oh yes yes yes mic volume was way too high sorry guys alright mic volume is lower I don't think there's any quick way for me to fix the delay so just unless it's really do bad tell me if it's like really bad but if you can still follow along I think a little bit of delay is okay so here we're in fusion 360 I have another video showing you how to get it for free you just needed to sign up for an educational license the process might have changed a little bit but if you google how to get a free student license fusion 360 I'm sure there's an easy way to do it so we've got it now and I'm gonna go ahead and start by starting a new sketch which is almost always how you start because to create a 3d object you first must create a two-dimensional profile so we'll create a sketch and here we have the three different planes X Y & Z sometimes I'll design things based on how I want to print it on the build plate other times I'll design it based on how it would be on the actual part cuz this part is gonna be stuck on like that but when I print it it'll be lying down flat I'm gonna go ahead and model it as if it would be printed because I'll just make things a little easier so select the top plane we're looking straight down from the top and now I'm just gonna start measuring the profile of this front part so that I can match it with my 3d printed part so let me try to get this rail up close start by measuring the width of this whole thing we're gonna measure the height of the whole thing and then I'll try to get in and measure just the little chamfers as well I can't exactly do that in front of the camera but let's see the width it's showing me 25 point seven five twenty five point seven five so I'm gonna go ahead and create a center rectangle here click on the origin it snap their and then I'll create the rectangle now I can hit D to open the dimension tool or you can click it right here I guess I'll not use too many shortcuts today just to make it nice and easy and here I can click on this line and give it that dimension that we just measured 25 0.75 there's one locked in and you see how those two lines on the sides turn black that's because they're dimensioned they're locked into place the center is locked to the origin and this width is locked therefore these black lines are fully defined these blue lines can still move up and down because we haven't told Fusion how tall the part is this will go ahead stay in the dimension tool whoops with this line selected we can hit the dimension tool and we can click and now I have to measure the height so I think it's a square actually maybe not I hope you guys know how CalPERS work oh yeah it looks like it's 25 I'm getting 24.9 this might just be my janky measuring I'm pretty sure it's 25 by 25 but um well let me measure it back here it's a little easier to measure it's a little easier to measure on the back it's the same same height and everything but it's just less in the way so I'm getting 25 and yeah measuring it a little more carefully I'm seeing it's exactly 25 by 25 usually if your caliper is showing 25 point zero 5 or something it's usually the caliper that's wrong and usually the part is pretty accurate especially with a aluminum cast part like a camera rig anyways we've got that let me switch back to dev camera quick so I could show you for the chamfer this isn't really the most proper way to do it but if you just kind of try to go from point to point you can measure the length of that side and I get 4.75 four more like four point five four point five is the length of the diagonal so that's not equal to the length of a chamfer if I were to use the chamfer tool it would it would be like I can't point at the screen here will select the line tool um well anyways I'm gonna make the diagonal line here I'm gonna do the chamfer within the sketch and as you can see I drew it at about a 45 degree angle and it already figured out what I was trying to do it created a perpendicular constraint so this and this are perpendicular so that's actually exactly what I wanted let's go ahead and do it on all the corners so you can see it kind of snaps into place with that square showing that it's a right degree a right angle right there so boom boom will do all of these not worrying about the measurements let's just make sure they all snap perpendicular there we go now what I can do is hold ctrl and click on each of these lines to select them all at once and then I'll let go of control right click here and I'm gonna select equal so now these are all the same size I'll hit D or click dimension up here and then I'm gonna click this and drag out diagonally the dimension will actually change what it's measuring depending on where you move the mouse so we can measure the just x-direction here or just the Y or we can measure the width of the diagonal which is what I measured with my calipers so really you can use any of those measurements and it would define this I'm just doing it based on what was easiest for me to measure so there we go four point five so that's the profile it's the outer outline of this thing Oh switching cameras ok good job thanks for the reminder guys let me undo that again it's a super easy anyways so we're gonna click the line tool click from one edge here to another edge and we'll just bring it until snaps into that right angle as you can see with that Square Boop and then you could see the perpendicular with that icon right there that means it's perpendicularly constrained I'll hit L or click the line tool here and make the others sorry guys I'm gonna hold ctrl now select each of these lines 1 2 3 4 release control right click on this line and then go up here to constrain them to make sure they're all equal to one another now I only have to put in the measurement for one of them so I'll hit dimension and I'll select this line and drag out diagonally as I was saying when you couldn't see you can measure the X dimension you can measure the Y dimension or you can drag out diagonally and measure that diagonal width which is what we measured with the calipers four point five millimeters and since these are all constrained to be equal they all lock into place when I just adjust this one and that's why constrains are nice constraints are nice if I did this whole design and then I realized oh wait these were actually five I don't have to go back and change everything I just have to change this one value to five and they'll all adjust make it 15 but we want it to be 4.5 okay so that's already a good part of it we could do the entire model within this one sketch or we could do it in several sketches it's not too complicated yet so we'll go ahead and include the holes that the screws are gonna go through to mount our little plate onto the front of this camera so to do that we have well let's switch back to this camera and I'll make sure to switch back again when we go back into fusion but if you look you can see that hole I'm pointing to and then one on the other side those are the two that we actually want to include everything else I'm just going to cover it because I don't need those we just need holes for those two which are the ones that my m3 screws are going to go through and it looks like they are symmetric you know which is pretty standard if you drew a line down the middle the left and the right one would be perfect mirrors of each other and hence we're going to use the mirror function so here I still have the line tool selected so I'll drag up and draw a line by the way when I'm drawing lines oftentimes I just go here and click the check mark but another cool little thing I learned is that if you're really quick and double-click it'll just automatically come in to your line like that oh I did it again the camera thing what I was saying is hey exit line tool okay in the line tool instead of clicking the check mark to end a line you can just double click it's a nice little trick that I'm still learning to use anyways as I was saying we're gonna make this a mirrored function so I'm gonna create this line from the origin we know the origin is in the center so if I go from the center drag straight up and that triangle means that we're locking to the midpoint of this line so we know it's just going straight up vertical line that's gonna be our mirror plane so if we draw something on one side we can mirror it directly to the other side and that's what we're gonna do with our two holes now first off I've got the circle tool here I'm just gonna draw a circle make sure it doesn't try to lock to anything and if you want to make sure that it's not locking to anything and creating constraints that you don't want you can hold down control and now even if I go right to the midpoint it won't try to snap to it as long as I'm holding down control it'll not create any constraints which can be nice so now we have a circle here I'm going to use my calipers again instead of using this part to measure the outer dimensions of something I'm gonna use these little parts which allow you to measure the inner dimensions of things so I'm gonna go ahead stick that little point inside the hole I can't do this in front of the camera I'm just gonna go ahead and use that tool like so and that lets me measure the inside actually no forget that I don't have to do that because I have the screws that are gonna go into that hole it's way easier to just measure the screw instead of trying to measure the hole so if I measure this screw it comes out to just about three point nine I want to have a little bit of clearance so I'm gonna go ahead and just make that 4.1 millimeters so we can hit that dimension tool select the circle give it a dimension of 4.1 and as soon as I frickin forgot to change the camera again maybe I shouldn't do this anymore in the future we'll see or I should just get better okay circle tool create a circle and while you're creating it if you hold down ctrl it won't snap to anything that's what I was saying it won't create a dimension darn it guys I'm trying here I was like I'll get this tutorial done in like 30 minutes easy but then I have this whole camera situation so I selected the dimension tool here I'll select the circle click and enter the dimension which I said was 4.1 millimeters it locks that into a four point one millimeter diameter but as you can see the circle is still blue because we need to position it on here this might be the trickiest part as you can imagine using calipers it's not easy to measure from the center of a circle like this you can't really measure from the center point down to the bottom or something like that it's it's hard to get the center we actually have to measure from the bottom of the circle to the bottom of this part or something like that so to do that what I'll do is like the line tool and create a line from the center here and just drag it straight down until it snaps to the bottom and that'll create a point here that we can reference so now I can select that bottom of the circle I can select the bottom of this profile click and then I can measure yes I can measure that exact dimension in real life on my part here from the bottom of the circle to the bottom of the part boom I'm not gonna switch cameras this time I think you guys get the idea and that dimension turns out to be well it's kind of hard with the monitor in the way let me get that out of the way that dimension turns out to be I'm getting 8.4 it's probably 8.5 but no 8.4 looks like a pretty solid 8.4 so I'm gonna change that to 8.4 hit enter and it adjusts yeehaw wait a minute that is so wrong it's definitely higher than oh I was measuring the wrong I was measuring the wrong hole okay it's fourteen point two five there we go always measure twice they say so now we have the height locked in and now we just need the what's it called rift locked in so I'm gonna do the exact same thing let's zoom in here again create a line and this time I'm going to take the line out to the side and that way I have another point here to reference from this side of the circle to this edge of the part so I'm gonna repeat do that exact measurement that you're seeing they're doing it in real life on the part here and I get six point three six point three millimeters six point three enter that and now it's black it's locked in awesome what we can do now is select that circle you can go to create mirror we've got that object selected and then the mirror line is gonna be this line we created at the start flippity-flop there we go that still looks kind of off I'm gonna do a another measurement just to be sure so let's see we can do that again in this direction we can measure the distance between the insides of the circles and also just this see this is splitting the circle up into a bunch of different profiles that could be annoying so we can select these lines and hit X to make them construction lines which is exactly what we're using them as they're just references for making measurements and things like that so now if I click between these two center points it's already dimensioned here but it'll tell me what the math says that it should be four point two and if I measure it in real life I get five point two five so I did something wrong let's see what I did wrong I'm gonna delete this and delete this I kind of trust this in your measurement more five point two five that just looks more right so I'm wondering I either got the measurement for the circles wrong or I got something wrong so let me measure these circles again right three through about three oh because I measured the bolt versus measuring this the hole and because the threads the threads make it look wider gosh I don't know I'm pretty sure by measuring the distance between the Centers that'll be accurate enough right a bit of clearance okay I see what it is see I made these circles larger than the actual holes because I want to give it clearance but that screws up my measurements so I have to create the actual measurement which was three point eight five something like that whoops three point three point eight five and I'll mirror that as well now I can go to the point tool and I'll add points right there right there and I'm gonna measure between those lines that measurement is five point two five there we go and those are construction lines too so I'll select them and hit X gosh this is a simple part but it gets kind of complex huh when you're running through it all but actually that's the part it's a plate with some holes in front of it now we can go to solid hit extrude click on that profile and make it as thick as we want and I'm gonna go ahead and make it three millimeters thick cuz that's just a good number first a good number I do want to make sure that the screws can actually tighten that much I didn't test how far and they can go oh yeah it looks like they can go all the way in so three millimeters will work screws will run through that and hold that plate against this thing and cover the cold shoe mount so that my external monitor can't slip out this is really the whole part I don't have to do anything else I'm just gonna add some chamfers which help it print a little more cleanly make it a little easier to drive the screws through so I'm gonna select all of these top and bottom edges with the chamfer tool selected sorry I did that really quickly or now I hit the shortcut for chamfer you go to modify chamfer right here it's hard to do tutorials when you're at my level and you've created custom shortcuts for a lot of the functions you forget not to use those so we'll make that point four millimeters and as you can see that kind of gives it a blocky rounded look that means if the first layer of the print is a little squashed it won't go over the dimension same here it won't make the hole smaller than it's actually meant to be that's it that's the whole part I told you it was simple guys now all we have to do is go right here on the body we can right click it hit save as STL and although the default settings here are fine we'll hit OK I've got my camera file we'll name it monitor saver actually we'll leave it the monitor Savior because it's gonna give my monitor eternal life I'll go ahead inject that file and my slicer is on my other computer so I'm not gonna show you guys the slicing I just wanted to show you the fusion 360 process I will show you I will go ahead and get the model printing right now so you guys can watch it as you saw I accidentally switched to the print cam a few times but yeah slicing I'm not doing anything crazy anyways there's nothing special I'm gonna do a 100% infill part because I want this to be strong it is just PLA which some people would say oh that's kind of sketchy using PLA to hold in an expensive piece of equipment but there's really not gonna be a ton of stress on this part I think it would be clear that the part is gonna fail before it actually fails and I'm also using I'm gonna be using poly Alchemy's elixir PLA which is like they're really cool shiny silk PLA it's really fancy looking but I'm using it because it's a little more flexible than regular PLA so instead of just it's more likely to bend and what do you know it's an 8-minute print even printing a solid it's such a simple part that it'll be done really quickly which is awesome alright I went ahead and sliced it and I've ejected the flash drive I'm gonna mute my camera a bit cuz I'm gonna stand up and switch the print cam let's plug this thing in and get a print started you alright I'll turn the mic back on might be kind of quiet oh not doing anything special I'm just gonna hit select the file and hit print I've already got that much left so there's a nice little part to get rid of the last of it and it's already not for some reason as soon as a hit print you can see the the bar down there it's it's already showing that it's up 4% you see the little progress bar there's some green there ah let me use my computer mouse yeah if you look right there you can see it went straight to 4% I don't know if that's just because it's such a quick print that it's like alright I'm heating up I'm already 4% through the file I guess that's it sometimes if if I eject the file too quickly from my computer and I create a corrupt g-code file when you hit print you'll see it start progressing through the print without actually starting that's a pretty telltale sign that you made a mistake hold on you all right Mike's back in yeah so now that we're waiting for this to print I actually can hang out and chat with you guys for a bit this is the artillery genius it's not the Sidewinder printer that I've reviewed before this is the genius which I will be reviewing very shortly along with a few other direct-drive printers if you saw my Sidewinder review I got pretty excited about direct drive because it's a it's a cool cool cool technique for printing technique strategy mechanism I don't know my first 3d printer was direct drive and then almost every printer after that was a boat in style printer just because I tend to review the lower cost printers and Bowden is lower lower cost for the parts I believe alright let me try to focus this a bit more there's a little bit of filament dangling off of it hopefully that won't be a problem I'm gonna try to let it go on its own usually when a print starts I'm standing there with some pliers to pluck away the little bit of excess stringiness that comes out at the start but I think it's doing alright this printer is pretty self-reliant drone beatboxing I don't know if you want me to do a tutorial for free CAD because I've never used it so it would be a pretty bad tutorial I mean look at me today I know a fusion 360 like the back of my hand and I still stumbled through this tutorial a bit more more so just my production production needs work but hey so seeing you a chat it's very late for a lot of people I'm in California it's six o'clock in the evening here so it's actually a perfect time for me but I understand the west coast is usually behind everyone else the problem is I'm behind even the west coast I stay up late wake up late so my brain isn't is in a different time zone than my body all right it's printing look at it go pretty zippy and yeah like I said it's a super quick eight minute print not only because it's so small but also parts with very few flat faces will print quicker whenever there's a straight line the printer can accelerate a little bit while it's traveling that line all those little things add up to quicker prints yeah I can show you this like this is my astral Abuk con I actually haven't shared this version yet this is the pro retro style as you can see it's got those retro lines but it's also got that swooped shape of my new pro version of the astrolabe ikonn puzzle and yeah so this version with all these ridges compared to the exact same model without the ridges same size and everything this one takes like twice as long because it's got to do all of those little bumps instead of being able to just do quick swoops so it's not just size that affects the print speed yeah Colin way to notice that I am pointing behind me I am using the lights that I made using just standard shop lights mounted them to tripod stands and now you can see there's a little bit of a diffuser on them which I recently added that's actually just the diffusion sheet that's on the inside of LCD TVs I had an old TV that was getting thrown out I took it apart and I found that sheet inside and it helps diffuse the light a bit and that's how I get this green screen effect Joe will your stock see our 10s produ flexible filament I think it'll depend on this element it should be able to do like a Shore 90 or sure yeah like something in that range some of the less flexible flexible filaments one of the most flexible filaments is ninjaflex that would have a hard time printing on the see our 10s pro i think you could do it but you'd have to print super slow compared to a direct-drive printer like this thing or the side winder direct drive and flexibles that's kind of like where they shine when they're paired together what's my favorite thing that I've 3d printed I think I get asked that question in every stream which I understand it'd be cool to know like the very coolest thing I've ever made but that's something that changes all the time I'm super excited about my astrolabe at con puzzles because not only do I think they look very nice but they're they play well they're like an awesome puzzle and it's pretty exciting and they always sell out pretty much as quickly as I can make them so I'm making more guys Francisco how did I get the commission for the numbers so yeah I'm not I'm not like a full-time freelancer I basically do Commission's and freelance work to fill in any extra time I have because being a full-time freelancer is really hard work to get constant jobs you know you might be able to get paid more per hour but there's also a lot of time between jobs where you're just trying to get another lead that's hard work so I try to not do that and that's why I'm trying to keep YouTube going because that's more my speed that's more my style but this job I actually got from my sister he worked at an interior design firm that needed the numbers and so she referred them to me so unfortunately I can't give you that advice doesn't really apply to any other situation that was kind of just I happen to know the right people which actually is quite frankly kind of how it works in the real world if you're gonna freelance you kind of just have to make connections and you have to have to do a good job that way you maintain the same clients you want to be able to have repeat customers because it is hard to get to get new people but the numbers yeah that was this is all just knowing the right person or the right person knowing me in that case have I ever had a really bad accident with 3d printers not in the not in the sense of going to the hospital or anything I've definitely been to confident and left huge prints to just have a massive pile of spaghetti afterwards I think everyone who has a 3d printer has been through that and I've definitely burned to my fingers more times than I can count on my burned fingers no I haven't had any serious accident on the 3d printer to answer that question Vanessa where can you donate face fields in LA I'm not sure about LA I no matter hackers in Lake Forest they just put out a donation box in front of their office so now you can actually just go there and drop it off without having to interact with anyone I'm sure you can mail it to them but as far as locally in Los Angeles I'm not sure it does seem like there's kind of faceshield operations popping up in every little in their own cities basically which is kind of how it has to be and at this point honestly a lot of people have gotten to the point where they're injection-molding them now and that is just so much faster than 3d printing that I have a feeling there won't be too much demand for 3d printed face shields in a week or two but definitely keep making them if people are I've had people coming to me like begging for them so they're definitely in demand I'm not gonna try to tell you to stop 3d printing them just yet but keep an eye on that keep an eye on the demand because as soon as companies are able to injection mold them and make 10,000 a day instead of printing like a dozen a day yeah it's clearly gonna help out in that situation 3d printing saved the day because you could start you could design something and print it the same day like just like I'm doing right now and you can't do that with an injection mold but once the mold is built you can make way faster parts which is why the world is not completely dominated by 3d printing just yet Wow Michael printing 3000 for hospital in Miami that's awesome yeah it's really impressive I know matter hackers I read today that they shipped out 12 and face fields already it's super cool how how big of an impact you can have when everyone comes together because it's not like it's just people here and there with one or two printers printing out 30 maybe a hundred face fields if they're really working their butt off but 120 people do that and you've got 12,000 face shields it's pretty insane hey our part is done all right let me go ahead and grab it he's special usually you'd want to wait you usually want to wait for the plate to cool down a little bit and would come off easier but this is such a small part that I can just pop it right off I was like that hey there it is looks a little dirty for some reason I think that's just the last filming I had still nice and warm alright there it is super simple part I'm a little bit worried about how it's gonna align because I didn't measure those holes super perfectly but a pretty good feeling about it that's all I got to do now is align that plate like that and as you can see it covers that slot that's really all I wanted to do cover that slot let's go ahead and get this screws in the other thing that's fun about 3d printing is you get to choose cool colors even for a boring part like this now I have a cool shiny aqua accent on my camera rig alright yeah it's not perfectly aligned but it's what's going in there oh no it's good let me grab my allen wrench to fix it finish it off got my swiss army allen wrench tighten it and like I said this is just backup I have an actual screw here but as I said at the beginning of this stream it's come loose twice I've dropped this thing twice and been lucky both times that it didn't smash the screen or something so there we go I'll make it nice pretty tight but not too tight yeah nice and how long has been not even an hour even with me failing to switch screens and bumbling through that tutorial I was able to have this part designed and printed in about 45 minutes I think if I really just sat down and did it I could have done it in about 15 minutes 20 minutes maybe with the printing but that doesn't show you the power of 3d printing I don't know what does anyways that's it for the livestream I know it was a kind of a quick little fun little thing I hope you guys enjoyed it yeah smash that like button if you liked the livestreams show this video some love maybe leave a comment after the livestream because every time there's a live stream everyone's chatting in the chat and then I end it and then when it goes to the replay or whatever the comments are empty because it doesn't post them there and then my video is sad and lonely so come back in about 15 minutes and give the video a comment or a like and let me know did you guys like this was it helpful should I keep trying to do it should I should I just like get better at switching back and forth between camera shots or did you prefer of my rejected animal stream the other day drawing things or should I do something else if you guys have any suggestions for different types of life streams you want to see from me put them in the comments now I'm the chap put them in the comments cuz otherwise it's hard to see okay anyways I've got the part I need so I can go back to filming now and back to making some more flashy exciting videos for you guys anyways it was fun to fun to jump on the stream and say hi to everyone I hope you're doing alright on this Saturday morning Saturday night Sunday morning depending on where you are shoot it's Easter time for some of you already happy Easter alright till next time I'm Devon does make anything and there's always stay safe wash your hands and stay inspired
Channel: Make Anything
Views: 24,196
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 3D printing, fusion 360 tutorial, fusion 360, fusion360, F360, walkthrough, demo, livestream, live, stream, make anything, fusion 360 for 3D printing, designing functional parts, designing functional prints, functional prints, camera mount, small rig, cold shoe lock
Id: E9rrCgbd2N0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 44sec (2744 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 11 2020
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