Inkscape Beginner Logo Design Tutorial

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I'm Rick Johansen and this is iron Echo design and today's inkscape tutorial I want to show you the basics of logo design if you follow along you'll end up with this high contrast logo that will make together today's video partner is mint mobile premium Wireless for as low as 15 a month and it's easy to make the switch just like each of these steps is going to be easy I'll show you how you can wrap text around a circle we'll take this anchor graphic from the public domain and create a vector asset out of it that we can use and I'll show you a cool feature called pattern along path where this rope circle on the Outer Edge is actually pulled from the Rope on the anchor graphic then we'll actually use paint bucket again too so let's begin we'll start by setting up our page go to file document properties on the pop-up menu we want to be on format A4 it so we'll all be on the same page the same scale because we're doing a circular design it'll help with the process if we make a perfect Center that we can visualize so go to extensions render guides Creator in the pop-up you want to be on columns 2 rows to apply and there's the guides that pop up that's what we want to have on your page last part of the setup over here this magnet with a lightning that is snapping enable snapping by clicking on that also hit the triangle you want to make sure for this exercise you have on the bottom guideline selected also other points object midpoints and object rotation centers now we can begin let's go to the create circles tool and if you hold shift and control you can draw open A Perfect Circle looks like I have a white fill and a black stroke here go to object fill and stroke this will pull up your fill and stroke menu so we can change the colors on the fill tab let's X out of it so it has no color on the inside and for stroke I brought these colors in here why don't we do blue today hitting the eyedropper lets me choose the preset blue and I'll have these color codes in the description if I want to make the thickness a little thicker go to stroke style it says width 0.7 millimeters let's make it an even one now here's where the snapping comes in if I go to my selector tool I can drag it towards the center of the page and you see that it clicks right in scale it down a bit and we'll do control D which duplicates it because I want to cheat and have another Circle slightly in but for this one we'll do 0.5 millimeters maybe 0.75 this is the basic structure of our design and we can build from here I've got the inner one selected I'll do Ctrl D again to duplicate that one and let's bring this in very slightly I want to add a fill click over to the fill tab enable the flat color we'll do eyedropper the blue here's a quick trick if I want to slice a circle in half without using the different path functions with it selected go back to the circle tool and this circle right here I can click on it and open up the circle like a Pac-Man or just take it down to half let's go ahead and lock that in on path go to object to path and I will say if you forget that you did this step the next time you go to inkscape and you use the circle tool you'll make a circle it'll be half and you'll go crazy if it ever happens to you up in the modification area you can click on this icon and make it a whole circle all right let's bring in that anchor graphic it's coming from the public domain I'll have the link in the description I got it from it's a PNG image so I can't modify it too much as a vector let's make it into a vector asset first reduce the size a little bit this is one of the best features in inkscape go to path Trace bitmap in the menu you want to be on the single scan Tab and detection mode brightness cut off what Trace bitmap does it looks at the image and it says I'll create a vector based on this here's the preview in this case the default 0.45 works perfectly Speckles smooth Corner optimize all selected I have several other tutorials on this channel if you want to get into the real details about trace bitmap and what it can do for now just hit apply and this is what you get looks exactly the same but instead of it being a PNG which we can delete now this is a vector so I can change the colors on the Fly and if I hit edit paths by node you can see that inkscape created this design by making lots of little nodes which in turn allows us to do some pretty cool things with it first let's make it the same color as our design we can scale it down and see where it falls actually why don't we change it to something so we can see where it's going to go I want to leave space for the words so we'll bring it down to about here originally when I was sketching up this logo for the tutorial I had the anchor just floating there solid but I wanted the high contrast to be a key feature in the design because I think it aids in communication and if you want to save money communicating we should talk about our partner in today's video mint mobile so they hooked us up with a new line for our kids I have a seven-year-old and a three-year-old and I was curious to see if they'd notice a difference in streaming quality and they didn't mint mobile is fast they offer premium wireless service for as low as 15 a month and you don't have to sacrifice coverage speed or data and all mint Mobile plans include unlimited Nationwide talk text plus lightning fast 5G and free mobile hotspots this has been huge for the kids in the car I was worried there might be be some dead spots around town but it's been working great and if they're happy we're happy switching to Mint is super easy thanks to their digital e-sim cards you can sign up and activate immediately right from your phone the whole process took about 15 minutes and if you get stuck mint has great customer service to help you get it done so if you want reliable coverage and fast data at a fraction of the cost go to iron Echo now I don't own a British football team like Ryan Reynolds but I do coach Town soccer so take it from me make the switch thank you mint mobile let's get back to it having this anchor in a vector format lets me do this particular move that I want to make I want to Stamp Out on the bottom half here I want this to actually be negative space so I want this anchor to be gone and I want this part to turn blue if you want to split something very simply like this there's a cool path effect go up to path pathfx sidebar menu pops open hit the Plus at the bottom to add the path effect you're going to get this pathfx menu and you want to find one called slice here it is right here slice click that the default will have it be on a vertical which we don't want so instead click on horizontal it's going to naturally cut it right in half perfectly and we want it to be at this line so go to edit paths by node if you zoom in you'll see this tiny little Diamond that lets you control where the slice happens to get rid of all this business I'll go back to a regular selector tool and that's it it's now in two parts the top half and the bottom I'll do Ctrl Z I want them to be perfectly where they were top one very simple I can now change the color to the blue but I want to lock it in as its own independent piece so you've got to go back up to path object to path that removes the path effect and it also frees up the bottom part which now lets me select it hold shift select the half circle I can go to path difference and it looks all messed up don't worry that's just because the default will take a long stroke information so to fix it up and make it look nice and clean go up to stroke stroke paint X out of that and there you go you've got your two halves I want to make the Rope perimeter now and we'll use an element from the Rope itself I should have actually kept that Vector asset we made if you need to make another one go ahead and do that so this part right here let's grab this rope link just like that if I double click on it or if you hit edit paths by node you can try and select just those nodes a little bit tricky this is an example where you can use good old paint bucket so if I click on the paint bucket tool your default might be visible colors threshold 25 change the fill by to Alpha I can see the Paint Bucket graphic shows blue it's going to dump out blue that's based on whatever the last fill and stroke thing you had set and I'm going to click right over the part that I want and that that's it I just got the vector asset I need now I can delete this thing and the path effect we're going to use is called pattern along path it does exactly what it sounds like so first let's make the path that will act as a guide I'll open up a circle this one will take the fill off and for stroke we'll do green because it's going to be a throwaway let's make it bigger and it should click right into the center right there this will be our guide now we can modify our rope link first I want to make it wider and straighten it back out click on your guide Circle that you made go to path pathfx add a path effect by hitting the plus and look for a pattern along path click on the Rope part that you want to use right click it and do copy that puts it on the clipboard now you can go back to your guide Circle and under pattern Source you want the far right link path the clipboard but before you click on it under pattern copies let's do heated stretched that's going to repeat this all the way around until it completes now I'll click on the link to clipboard it actually adapted that green let's change the fill and stroke on that so fill and stroke menu stroke off fill we'll do that blue go back to the pathfx menu we can change the spacing to get it tighter together so it looks more like rope by adjusting this but first I want to hold shift and control and get turn snapping off if it does that shift and control and get it to be right about here is where I want it to sit now let's get the spacing right right down here spacing we'll try a negative four it's better but we'll do negative six right there you can play with it some more but you can see it's a pretty powerful tool that lets you make a repeated pattern along a path I like how this could actually be a template now for lots of different designs I'm going to do well Fleet Wellfleet Massachusetts beautiful spot on Cape Cod we're going to write Wellfleet right here another guide circle is needed we use this green guide Circle snapping back on so it clicks into place right there and I'm going to size it so I don't write on top of the top of the anchor you can select the create and edit text tool well Fleet but I don't want to use this font instead I'll highlight it and we'll choose one called babis enter I like this font because it's tall and if I add some spacing up here in spacing it could be 35 it gives a nice stretched effect I can already tell it's going to be way too big why don't we start with the hundred and go from there the way it works to wrap the text around a circle you have to have your text like this hold shift collect your guide Circle then go to text put on path and it is curved around the circle upside down so we're going to click off of everything just grab the circle hit it twice until you get the Turning handles and you can put it into place now you can change the font just like it was straight across normal try 75 75 is a better size spacing is too much up to spacing we'll try 25. there you go visually if you want to be real accurate you can bring down another guideline why don't we change the color while we're here I just tweaked it off camera ever so slightly the reason is once you have it the way you want it you need to lock it in so I have it selected I'll go to path object to path now I can get rid of this guide Circle and it won't affect the text anymore that's how you curve the text over the top like this what if you want to go down here it's very simple just one extra step go back to text Cape Cod Massachusetts all crunched up like that we'll change the spacing to maybe 10. a new guide Circle this one I want it to sit inside here so let's make it larger grab the text shift grab the guide Circle they're both selected text put on path and it's going the wrong way until you go to object flip vertical when you're this deep in the design if it's having trouble snapping click off of everything just grab the guide Circle then go to object align the distribute this will give you the lineage attribute menu you can change it relative to page relative to page Center vertically Center horizontally and wherever the guide Circle goes so does the text because they're connected now I can double click get the handles and bring my text down it's not going to be yellow I just change it so it's easier to see what's happening let's lock it in go to path object to path now I can get rid of the guide Circle and if I change this to White that's fine right now but I want this graphic to actually be able to be placed on other backgrounds so I want this to actually be negative space I want to punch it out of this bottom Bowl just like we did the anchor text is funny when using path functions first you have to take it and ungroup it so object ungroup so each one of them is its own thing then you have to combine it path combine so that puts it all into one path and will allow me to hold shift and get this bottom bowl with both selected go to path difference there you go now if you had something underneath on the bottom them for example the entire design is one color with negative space but you don't want too much negative space I think I'll put the dates here the date of incorporation 1763 and group the whole thing actually just forgot remember these path effects if you don't lock them in you see my path effect is still there path object to path now I can group everything together and if I resize it's not going to affect anything that's it for today thanks for watching if you have any questions let me know in the comments thank you to Mint mobile and we'll see you next time
Channel: IronEcho Design
Views: 13,596
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: IronEcho, Iron Echo Design, Rick Johanson, Logo Design, Text around Circle, Wrap text, Anchor, inkscape tutorial, beginner
Id: 2MWKoDQea2U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 10sec (850 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 05 2023
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