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Channel: TOOL - Topic
Views: 2,610,863
Rating: 4.770503 out of 5
Keywords: TOOL, Fear Inoculum, Descending
Id: crI1ApHQXO0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 38sec (818 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 29 2019
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One of the best songs on the album in my opinion.
I think this is my new favorite Tool song.
Adam fucking Jones and Danny fucking Carey are killing it in this one
This is my favorite song of all time. Getting to see this played live in Chicago was so special. I wasn't even into tool, I went to see Gojira at Chicago Open Air. I just remember them playing through this and my jaw being on the floor half the time.
Anyone else hearing Salival's version of Pushit here?
Best song on the album, probably my favorite Tool song song ever.
The build up after the lyrics into Adam Jones going ham on the guitar and then soloing into the “jam”.....musical fucking orgasm
Whole album is great but I’ve had this on repeat for the last day
Huge cums.
Fantastic song, easily my favorite from the album. The part that starts around 6 minutes into the song is brilliant.
This song (lyrically/thematically) is like Tool's addition to the Ayreon sci-fi universe - I can imagine the people on Planet Y rocking out to this song as they froze themselves for eternity...