#Descendants2Tag with Dove Cameron, Sofia Carson, Cameron Boyce, and Booboo Stewart | Radio Disney

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[Music] as questions about the girls yeah Oh cuz they answered about us oh this is gonna be amazing Sophie is the best to take a group selfie I've got the week you got that angle that not long arm half side that's the thing guys and they tell us our size like Cameron its you're right okay move your face yeah we have the opposite selfie size which is this my side is this gate and that's hers dubs favorite snack okay depends on your mood anything green actually we always just share always you're telling me bucho oh that's so nasty or like raw vegetables with mustard a big big one in sentence one yard dry fruit yeah so then Sophie I'm sorry you would be in fashion I beat you ready I've been fashion or I'd be like a journalist I love writing questions I would either be in fashion or I'd be a lawyer I can see that right um what profession did they say dove if she had to do another job she had to do another job a healthy Baker remembers like Sophia would be like she always wants to teach me how to salsa dance oh I feel like she could be a dance teacher like she's always like alright no you got to do like the left and then you got to kick your foot performing a cheaters Sophia in one word why were so many there's so many words I'm gonna go as happy dove in one word would be like intense intense in a good way yeah like Mighty Mouse that's two words yeah intense meet happy say she's a feisty feisty feisty and my life and regal that's so far away fellas Oh things that Duff says a catchphrases are just little things too so she has so many like them what does the one you do really sure what it means but it's usually a good sign yeah she does that all the time I'd make noises she words or catchphrases then Sophia says to us what you love more than I to be funny yeah he tries to make said she thinks her funny always trying she goes I'm not funny like wow Sophia that's horrible and then we all says that when I don't try that's when she's am funny yeah the four of us went to high school together Sophia would definitely be the first one to finish down yeah I would be the first one to finish my you'll be the first one 100% and I'd be the one in class a big teacher you didn't collect the homework last person to finish their homework if we win eyes honestly I feel like either me or bow tie between us I think it wouldn't be goo I think Buland you know he does the fun with like working out yeah I would be I've been like 2:00 in the morning like it would be the last time to finish their homework I would be the last one to be done radio disease sounds of summer I think she would also be the one who till I teach who would convince a teacher that she had a reason why she couldn't finish the home absolute why any other shady no no it's good cuz you're an actress
Channel: Radio Disney
Views: 7,343,526
Rating: 4.954083 out of 5
Keywords: Radio Disney, Disney Channel, Radio, Disney, Music, descendants, dove cameron, sofia carson, cameron boyce, tag
Id: mHt6QD09BCk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 3sec (243 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 14 2017
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