Dove Cameron and Sofia Carson Funny and Cute Moments (1/3)

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you know what this isn't inaccurate it's just a literally brown-green Joey nice girl thank you know your mom yeah I do they're like this color the color wait a second so we're Maleficent sighs the color of evil is it the color of evil though I mean literally only her holy they have the green ice though yeah that means [Music] we've got all the way to be basically I was in the woods filming a part of if only in descendants one that never will be seen I was like walking around a log and they never chose it for the film they had walled off the whole set like there was nobody who's coming and going it was a completely quiet set it was very intimate there was like 10 people on the crew that day and nobody had been coming and going and it felt really still and we were in the middle of some very far away for us and Kenny invited the whole cast that day too apparently rush me when I was doing my most intimate ballad moments and he had gotten all the takes that he needed and he had them run up behind me but in my survival reptile brain I thought it was a large animal because what else would be in the woods we had walled off the set there was caution tape everywhere and something I could hear something fast approaching and it sounded really big and I think if I loved a lot that was pretty embarrassing and I think it's on camera somewhere hopefully you guys will never see looking this way so she'll have no idea that you're coming okay cool Kenny was always pulling pranks on [Music] it was Cameron and Sophia and boo-boo and Mitch just coming in to crash my my really big emotional ballad [Music] it's a kind of time time very comparison oh really I was gonna say Paris or a staycation at home I want to trouble you wanted to travel yeah I'm never home so I would be home that's true I would say a shopping trip in Paris here we go together let's go together let's do it okay it's a date he always considered of everyone else's feelings or D always the first to suggest a very mischievous are you yeah you're d.c i think i've seen d cuz - oh my god let's do this - I absolutely you also see and I haven't made you are a yeah it was after a lot of looking for the right dress and this beautiful girl right here but yeah we she was austere to me all week like what are you wearing a house like I don't know I don't know yet and I had a fitting this morning I was like okay I think this is gonna work do you guys coordinate outfits we didn't but it kind of it kind of works no one I saw her in the carpet though baguette no not to your face no I would never do faces behind you she's really mature I'm really mature um no when I saw you on the carpet that Cynthia Carson here and my wicked trick or eight in talent you ever have a menu I think I'm a video this is there a long time and you guys know all of my hidden talents you know I can do the warm with my eyebrows which is obviously the most impressive thing about me I can do a really good imitation of the little girl from monster game [Music] I'll never burn your popcorn I'm a poison it though hey that's okay hey I'm Sofia Carson and I'm Doug Cameron and we're the cast of Newsies ascendance and we'll be on Good Morning America Monday morning so don't miss it everybody always asks see what it's like the music's might use their buttons who is your favorite Disney villain of all time and why the Evil Queen I genuinely like Maleficent only because I really not know what to be but I'm just letting you know I don't know can it connect call a friend and can you give me a hint can you sing it for me sorry cork no I'm working on my roar I'm so from LA I'm working on my color working on my roar okay now we're gonna take which Disney princes are true of you guys ready you got a leg are you happy about the way no I'm glad I don't be the one in the club with Beast over sideways and under on this magic carpet ride home you because it lightens my booth Sophie is the best to take a group selfie wild goose is attacking your friend do you will read you Robert scare it away or Freebirds either your friend no birds you have my friends while the goose is attacking or shooing away basically said they're really good friends that's that Cameron try the next one okay you know the answer to this um anyone in the cast it's you guys Thomas Sofia or booboo well it's not booboo or me or you I know what is that I know exactly who it is um I'm gonna guess it's mm-hmm that's correct yep it's often eyes I myself competitive I hate it I'm like yeah it's either Thomas's yeah would you eat a poison apple to save your friends yeah a cat dies okay that's the catch jeez shrimp help me sweet just like you just like have oh okay you know I am a more of a dog person this is not a problem mr. Bassel so why not your cat yeah do you ever think maybe that's the energy you're giving off for me just kidding bye wig you were good to me well should we name her him it's a him what's this Tana watch my wigs name she's so over this is mr. moe for sure all right bye mr. boat you were good to us I sold away your face lights up when we walk through those now Wow Evie Oh don't eat so I'll finish i saw the way your face lit up when we walk through those doors for their finale sorry Sofia I saw the way your face lit up when we walk through those dorm rooms for the first time mouth there's a video of me when I'm - my sister was sleeping on the floor and I kept dropping a shoe on her face and my dad you just show my dad behind the camera go honey honey honey you can't do that and I'm like staring at the camera like hahaha yes they keep dropping things on her face I was fourth or fifth grade and I was like really talkative and talking to all my friends and my teacher gave me a pink slip I was terrified to tell my mother so I didn't tell her and I had never lied to my mother ever and literally 15 minutes after she picked me up she knew and that's how I said I was like I'm never lying to her again because she knows everything she has spies or something because she knew it all super low murmurs so I lied time mom and I felt really bad wow you sound like pure evil [Music] any celebrity as your babysitter who would you choose and why Angelina Jolie first my mine I would choose Beyonce just because that needs no explanation [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] and I'm gonna so what's happening cuddle time [Music] Hey [Music] no I'm gonna cry yeah yeah Neely look how much we love each other [Music] we're not permanently not okay from now on
Channel: tnyjt
Views: 1,957,368
Rating: 4.9368696 out of 5
Keywords: dove cameron and sofia carson, dove cameron, sofia carson, sofia, carson, dove, cameron, sofia carson funny moments, dove cameron funny moments, mevie, mal, evie, malvie, descendants, descendants 2, descendants 3, sofia instagram, dove instagram, space between, descendants 3 trailer, descendants album
Id: QCd406B8zEE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 56sec (656 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 28 2019
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