Deorro - Five Hours (Static Video) [LE7ELS]
Video Statistics and Information
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Channel: PRMD Music
Views: 189,904,207
Rating: 4.9010563 out of 5
Keywords: deorro, five hours, chris brown, syn cole, prmd, Electronic Music, Dance Music, Independent Label
Id: K_yBUfMGvzc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 29sec (329 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 18 2014
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Great track. Although the Chris Brown version is really shitty
That intro tho
If you like this track, check out his remix of Beautiful Heartbeat
Honestly I'm still waiting on him to follow up on this. Track is incredible.
A really great track. Deserved all the success it got.
proof deorro used to make cool music
A lot of hate on the Chris Brown version but I will say this... when I'm DJing a party, I will always play the Chris Brown version over the original. I personally like the DyCy vocal mix out of all three of the versions but Five More Hours always kills the dance floor.
this is honestly one of the best songs to pregame to. although it gets annoying when the girls at the pregame as for the version with chris brown
I was going to object to the simplicity of this video until I realized that it would be perfectly probable for me to play a song like this while driving through that :)