Denver Broncos at Pittsburgh Steelers - September 15, 1986

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[Music] [Applause] Denver's defense was third in the AFC and exists the ball away 35 times the [Music] ability to turn defense into offense has always been a Bronco straight but a poor defensive touchdown to 1986 none was more important than the one that sealed a weak 9 victory over the rival Los Angeles Raiders [Music] we're golden [Applause] a 15-yard line passes [Music] Denver's D was built around nineteen interchangeable players but the offense was built around just one quarterback John Elway number seven three wide receivers a couple of running backs and Elway who could be a little bit of everything and hand the ball to Siouxland shoul wants to throw the pass to John [Music] [Applause] no other quarterback can beat you in so many different ways and he is the master of the inconceivable pass thrown to the unreachable spot Elway's legendary arm strength allows him to throw the ball between the tiniest gaps in a defense [Music] [Applause] [Music] with John Elway each play has two lakhs there's the one he calls in the huddle and the one that he runs when he's out of it quite often this second is not the same as the first but more often than not it succeeds Elway has won more games over the last three seasons than any other quarterback but in the second half of the season the rest of the hub of that defense the 12th ground graphic a couple of years ago and he's turned into a fine Provo football player it's an exciting football team the team that's turned on Denver over the entire existence of this franchise and they have fans from the blue-collar workers to the very famous to celebrated Leon URIs recently wrote a guest column in The Denver Post in which he said being a Denver Broncos fan is like being married to my lovely wife Jill it's a whole lot of happiness if sometimes agony the baby is never gone it sounds like a good marriage and you know after an exciting football team we think really too much happiness for the Pittsburgh Steelers following that opening loss I don't have to tell you what the radio call-in shows sound like in this town at this time part of the problem of course is that there is such a high standard the Steelers are the only team in NFL history to win four Super Bowls last year with a losing mark their first in 71 we missed the playoffs for only the third time in the last 14 years they had a very bad preseason winning only one game and then they were embarrassed last week by Seattle final score 30 to nothing they are probably not that bad but the people around here want to know if they're any good at all and if they can contend in the relatively weak but improving AFC Central Division I think the key to any Steelers success this season will be the quarterback mark ballon he's been here long enough and it's time to prove himself he was the number one draft choice out of Arizona State in 1980 he had to wait in the wings for years for Terry Bradshaw to retire and now he's finally been given a shot in the last couple of seasons but has yet to develop the consistency necessary the Steelers are hopeful he can begin that guy he's tight and the Steelers to receive the opening kick as Rich Karlis picks off for the Broncos that exciting 38 36 victory [Applause] [Music] here at Three Rivers Stadium blows the ball [Applause] [Music] to a very limited extent inauspicious beginning for the Steelers time forward [Applause] [Music] for good he'd kick and takes care of it in the end zone and here comes Mark Malone now to leave the Steelers Malone this 50% of his passes last season [Music] 40% of the year last week a terrible week at Seattle he was not mad at 27 worse start of his career and the Steelers last week generated only 146 yards total offense here we go as Collard and abacrombie the running backs in its Abercrombie on [Music] it'll be second down Louie Wright comes up to make the tackle so in Malone the quarterback the Denver defense with Rulon Jones my trip problems the good linebackers Mecklenburg [Music] secondary offense penalties decline second down rape any [Applause] legal motion on the first plane who was declined since there was no game Denver takes the play and the Steelers have a second down [Applause] Oh [Music] only to arthroscopic knee surgery as mecklenburg makes the tackle and Abercrombie had a septic meningitis earlier this year and a hip pointer al I think we should point out very early on so much was made of the surgery the ruptured disc of Joe Montana the San Francisco 49er quarterback we have just been in touch with officials on the west coast the damage to the disc is not as extensive as they thought it might be they had a back replacement into reserve and if be back later in the season we'll update that if we hear any more from the down in a Stallworth emotion [Music] Simon number seventy-three the second-year man out of Houston and it doesn't take long for the bullying to begin home opener first series and the fans let them have it watch number 73 and this is what Denver likes to do Danny Simon Fletcher here he is getting a sack and great Kragen on a stress situation and it pays off here last week had a lot of time to throw the football he just didn't connect those against the kick away [Applause] into 2:41 but a flag was thrown back near the line of scrimmage and the referee tonight is bob nickel we as usual have the man downfield and I would suspect that Denver will want the football they are in Pittsburgh territory at the 43 yard line so McElwee has given us the call they discussed the options with Tom Jackson and he said how the offense takeover I'm a 36 on the kicking team peneleus decline first down [Applause] so the Broncos take over at the 42 yard line the penalty was against David use the runningback just picked up [Applause] the other 43 yard line [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] please Sampson who is they place and they were not on the same page Sampson was going in Steve Watson was going deep in Elway through a sideline pattern there are John's figures for last season when they threw more than 600 passes when you take a bath Johnston out of the outfit says he was taken out with that knee injury in the opening game against the Raiders you lose a lot of things one of them is the speed watch action working they do have some speed but they'll have to think differently without over here second and ten the Broncos out of shotgun Elway roll comes finished the other way [Applause] he's gotten out in front David little meanwhile put the pressure on Elway and dictum is John got rid of it and watched in the intended receiver covered on the play by far V Clayton John Elway bought the time back there as he will all night he'll move around there he got the time even under the pressure to get the pass off Watson never known for his speed this couldn't get there and also shaken up on that play and still limping the thing in the ball game is Gerald will hide and Elway is also smashed so third down can L wave [Applause] [Music] if families receive school the football you see hit goes behind the screen coming to c41 coming on the safety cliff now Sheffield the rookie that way had to throw the football he tried to hurry it into the tight end and it was almost picked off there's tool working along the line it got into the pattern ER chute was open and Eric Williams with the pressure almost picked that off so the Broncos can't pick up a first down Rick woods with Jack wheel standing in his own 43 yard line tangling it for the near side and it gets there and the steelers will take over at the 13 yard line so the Steelers take over again we're just underway at Three Rivers Denver and Pittsburgh and we're scoreless introducing McDonald NFL kickoff takeoff collect trading cards of all your favorite NFL stars cause the winner win a McDonald's sandwich fries or coca-cola [Music] legendary Mercedes Benz SL coupe roadster - every reason you never had a wanting to drive you can now add one five point six leader light-alloy v8 engine 227 horsepower infinite driving excitement 568 down for three years Bryant has been paying people back for their highest month's gas bill this year we're doubling the yield two months of free gas when you buy our +90 gas furnace we can do this for two reasons gas is economic and the plus 90 is so efficient it uses less gas so cash in on our double deal call 800 hats sale for your Bryant dealer and if you get a busy signal call again gas America's best energy value [Music] so no score early on first quarter as the Pittsburgh Steelers were forced to putt the Broncos took over in seal the territory they could move Chuck Noll in his 18th season the only coach before super zone but that's to be expected society I suppose someone under fire at least by the fans here [Applause] season [Applause] Louis [Music] hard to believe he was shut out because he was one of the finest receivers to come up in many years and here he works against Louis right and makes Louie back up and think deep and then plastic breaks get me out right there the cover designer factor [Music] because if you do not cover him that way he's going to be too deep he is the big man now John Stallworth mostly works underneath and he has adapted also to that role meanwhile they are going to review when you see that walkie talkie that's the cue that al Conway who is the umpire is talking to Paul for Penske upstairs and again this does come under the auspices of the replay official as his call to make two things to remember here did he come down with both feet inbounds and was he hit that forced him out of bounds and he was unable to come down with both feet inbounds I thought both feet were in we'll see it again from this angle I thought he quite a replay official the placed and first there it's the right boy you can see it nobody is better by the way doing that than Lois lips he does it well in the end zone they like to when they get down around at the 20-yard line they like to use it in the end in his brief career Jackson makes this stop they are not what you would call simulating running backs here in Pittsburgh Frank but they do get the job done Pollard an Abercrombie the question is help the last year they came over 1,800 yards to clean them that again it is health Abercrombie of course with a hip pointer coming into tonight and you already mentioned the fact that he had meningitis Pollard recovering from July 5th Denver wants to do is to stop the running game if they can nevertheless this pork is being able to move the ball and if they can stop the running game they can take away [Music] but it was right there [Applause] [Music] as we said cold without a reception for only the second time in his three-year pro career last week at Seattle again lui ride covering in right there bump and run now he has to let go at five yard just the last area which he can hit him with his kind of head again Hui right with good coverage on one of the best receivers in this game so third down and six and rich Ehrenburg comes in that she and the slot to the right and he's playing with a slightly separated shoulder small worth tons of motion [Music] he goes Louie's way three times on this drive but the Steelers are forced to punt again this was getting single coverage on all three attempts to him so Malone was going to the right man he just did not get the ball there on that occasion and the time before it was a pass the lips should have caught will hide back to receive new samoan a bad year last year but won the job back or kick butt it takes a good seal or bow [Applause] but or have a yesterday have at the 22-yard line he dropped the beanbag so even though the Steelers down at the 13th Donny elder winds up costing them nine yards as he makes contact at the 22 yard line and back comes Elway and the Broncos eight long years of development have created the mercedes-benz 300 E it means from 0 to 55 in a stunning 7.5 seconds sedan engineering into a new dimension and it returns to zero with computerized ABS anti-lock brakes the 300s sedan [Music] where I come from [Music] Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] where you were [Music] Miller contains no additives or preservatives here you can see quality you can see [Music] the Cincinnati Bengals guarded by the hot hand of humanity the freaking ground she can master fire bow in PDC Thursday night NFL special the former mr. everything that was cowboy back in a long time there knows that Pittsburgh Steelers they are not flamboyant but they can beat you he was 13 and 3 in 84 at the Denver by 15 [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I passed the 32 the 31 yard line we know about Elway of course and we know about the Denver receivers even - Vance Johnson as laying goes hobbling off the field the big question about the Denver offense of course is the running game can they get that in gear winder had a thousand-yard year a couple of years but is received by here is your ROI the tailback why there should be a free play unless it was whistled dead as Wilhite takes it out to the 36 in any event it should be a first half at Denver nine yard run by the way by Jeanne lang [Applause] off the Steelers so they'll back to Broncos up at that 9 yard pickup by Lange a moment ago was longer than any room they had in their Raider game it'll give you an idea tough that game was you know one of the odd things about that game Frank is that when you look at the score 38 36 you figured that the Broncos must have picked up 450 500 yards total offense actually only 290 Jackson breaks ran a fumble in for a touchdown [Music] [Applause] [Music] verse one here he's at the school this way takes it to the 35-yard line where he stopped by hearty plate so school the man who threw the option touchdown pass back to Elway last week he can do a lot of things out there good all-around athlete at Oklahoma number one Kraft took a year ago he can throw the ball he can catch the ball he can run with the football and Danny Ruiz believes in the gadget plays he has several of them you're going to see them in almost every game what it does it makes you think it slows your defense down in their pursuit they can't look at a play developing and think it's going to be a sweet to go something like that [Applause] fifty-fifth hesitate for just a moment and sometimes he can get a big play on [Applause] the during all hiding the 43-yard line a good receiver David little number 50 the linebacker out of Florida the man building the spot was occupied by Jack Lambert makes the tackle Elway was thinking deep he had Flint's absent on a fly pattern watched the develop e at the time when when he ran out of time and the coverage was on Sampson he just dumped it off underneath the Willie Rocko's and with no score nine minutes and 25 seconds to play in the first quarter [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Danny winder [Applause] so a big break as Eric Williams comes up from the safety spot there [Applause] the intersections of four lines up for the fumble recovery look at it again is trying to get through the line of scrimmage and all that traffic winder tries to break it loose Hinkle was there batted it out of his hands and Eric Williams was all over angle a sure there's a handoff anko coming from his linebacking position on the right side what's a hand in there cons and Eric Williams there the Steelers they can you page out of the play of the Denver Broncos defense Vegas [Music] 47-yard [Applause] he goes in motion [Music] [Applause] another looked at Williams big claims already tonight the miss intercept and in the fumble recovery [Applause] he had an interception last week against Seattle in a game in which the Steelers as you see were across the 50 yard line only twice never so much a detective [Music] live took them over the deepest penetration [Music] the 40-yard line the former Seahawk waved bye with Abercrombie and fowler hurting and Arenberg with that separated shoulder they had to go to the waiver wire for use out of Seattle and then they picked up another running back this week cept Sanders who've been released by state of the a go moves uncharacteristic except though it is he had no other choice we've already talked about probably the as he is that [Music] [Applause] running back [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] and a Steelers convert on third down is first and ten Peter that was the faster section they gave him a long time watch Petey he's land the man now with Louie right number 20 they're working on Luiza they are getting in a man-to-man situation that drive to the inside by Ouija just carried Louie with him he was able to break it back out at the time Malone was given him to complete that off [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] McRobbie is incomplete as malone goes down Tom Jackson who is the oldest starting linebacker in the league at the age of 35 deck them a couple of gray hairs and Doni shell the strong safety for the Steelers is also 34 he's the oldest starting defensive back Steelers at the Bronco 33 [Applause] [Music] Bobo by family lawyer over Townsend is their number 61 the third Mississippi and use comes back in poor Pittsburgh along with Aaron Berger's Abercrombie goes out at the 32-yard line [Music] he's why [Applause] Aaron [Music] it was nearly picked off by number 22 Tony Lilly the Nickelback Lily who has really been pressing the free safety Steve Foley was right in there he should have picked it off there's no question but I really was was a trailer underneath the Arenberg he was coming in behind Louie lips and John sour sour actually was the open man and Malone again could feel the pressure you saw it coming in from behind him on the right side he could feel the hot breath and he knew he yeah the best the 50-yard a chance his career basket 50 [Applause] [Music] [Applause] the distance could knock the accuracy [Applause] come off the field not able to capitalize on the winder fumble 6:20 to go in a scoreless first period [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Miller contains no additives or preservatives theory you can see quality you can see [Music] no boundary opportunity there were to help you maybe to make to them because it merrily we believe your world to know [Music] the mercedes-benz driving simulator a laboratory that moves computerized hydraulics producing realistic driving forces computerized projectors creating a lifelike thriving world allowing engineers to analyze the responses of ordinary drivers in X's for ordinary moments duplicating any driving situation in total safety mercedes-benz continues to learn the secrets of automotive science and the automotive world continues to learn from mercedes-benz I'm David Hartman in the Philippines now that Marcos is gone can Corazon Aquino make democracy work here we'll learn more this week on Good Morning America quarterback Mark Malone probably talking to Tom more the offensive coordinator upstairs a double cover wide open [Music] almost had a picked off long field goal down first antennas Elway throws on first down to Stanton [Music] in the 40-yard you will see a lot of Acts in Johnson Texas he got a change to start a couple of years back but couldn't maintain it drop passes and was pretty much relegated to a reserve role but the injury has never changed and he did have a good night against the Steelers last year in the meeting between these two teams catching four passes including one for a touchdown they have him in there when they were I think primarily because he has the extreme [Music] goes back to school and it's the first down well-designed play that was designed for the touchdown but it also as we mentioned earlier being where the gadgets lives it had a check off airway looks quickly to Watson who had taken the deep first look up you'll see alway take it downfield that was to see Watson he was well covered there Cedar's reading it all the way but he had that check off man other words he didn't have to throw it away and he was able to go to the check off man Doolin still get the first down gotta love the Broncos already tonight worse [Music] hesitate on defense [Music] [Applause] David little is there and also Edmund Nelson 50-year man out of Auburn you know the Steelers were seven to nine losing season for the first time since 1972 last year but they were rated six defensively in the entire league where they have their problem getting the points up on the board there's 12 against the rush but they were second against the past yes they didn't do that well in Saks I was having only 36 fans the Giants led the league with 68 because you team great linebacking on the outside [Music] [Applause] whistle alone fans all excited they thought they never got the football back too soon the fact would be back at around the 40-yard line this time John couldn't get away he's Robin : over 56 is there the students are using a lot of blitzing is dangerous because that way can spin away from it and you will usually find individual coverage arey done covering the call whistle at blown when that way is in the grass on the way [Applause] to be heard [Applause] [Music] it looks like sort of an uncoordinated snap and I'm wondering if the crowd didn't have an effect right there you can see Elway shouting to be heard and offside is the call but it's against Pittsburgh that's where Chris coming with a safety blitz if you will actually they were bringing Chris Sheffield the rookie from Albany stay watch 41 bottom of your screen now somebody got a little jump on it I think it was the rookie Sheffield 41 defense he was just a little leaguer filling in for a Twain whipper and that will keep it alive for Denver we saw Woodruff get hurt and that preseason game we did in Dallas he got hurt [Applause] [Music] [Applause] he puts it back funny the best a great opportunity for young Christian feel [Music] all the safe 14 late again [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] the other left Steve Watson he doesn't have the speed to be doing what he's been doing now this is a from the reverse angle you'll see watch to come back to that play designed by the way to get Elway out in the flat the coverage there by Harvey Clayton is a ball he certainly should have caught because he came back in Clayton head over run the ball but again the play designed well were so unusual officer glides by Denver but I said at the very top of the show there and I use your football team that was a rolling pocket if you will in Elway was behind it this couldn't get the ball quite far enough to watch it Jack wheel and that is the way he pronounces Allen Rick woods is back to receive at his own 15 yard line 343 to go in [Applause] [Music] the woods thanks to 20 pounds [Music] and the Steelers Gover with 3 minutes and 33 seconds to go in the first quarter in Pittsburgh the Broncos and the Steelers nothing nothing IBM presents you make the call Jim McMahon of the Bears passes to Dennis McKinnon who to flex the ball into the end zone where it is intercepted by David Greene one of the Buccaneers who then rolls untouched into the field of play now you make the call where do you spot the ball computers who's got time to figure out how to use them that's how the owners of the clothing store father and son felt about personal computers until they got and the catering business until they got we're IBM and we've seen some very skeptical people become very enthusiastic and that makes us proud because we have more computers helping more small businesses than anybody IBM personal computers small business is getting big what call did you make when a defender intercepted in the end zone and rolls into the field of play the ball has spotted him the field of play [Applause] you've got energy from a hundred percent whole week [Music] [Applause] no Danford Finch burgers scoreless the Steelers take over at their own 25-yard line Chuck Noll took over in 69 they won in 13 Frank and then all of a sudden the turnaround not bad trainee he played for Paul Brown at his first coaching job at the tip guild on the San Diego and then work under Don Shula before he came here nobody to championship Steelers bursting ten for 25 yard line [Music] [Applause] one was Steve Wilson [Applause] Louie lips again the intended receiver Steve Wilson with five coverage chased out of the pocket there by the linebacker Tim Ryan and then just under throwing a little bit that's tried to get back in it Wilson 25:10 is able to get up and knock see it again there's underthrown a little bit with Malone under pressure chased out of the pocket by Jim Ryan blitzing out on the court second and 10 with stallworth [Applause] anyway the quarterbacks very much in the news we told you about Montana and if you've not heard yesterday the Indianapolis Colts were picked up Gary hull gaboom from the Dallas Cowboys in the offseason the second game of the season Orange Bowl the fumble right there and then Holga boom as it turns out on very unfortunately for him and for the Colts picks it up turns it into a good game but then Lyle Blackwood wrestles him down and as he turned out even though it doesn't look like it was that serious when he got up on the sideline a separated shoulder and enough of a separation that he's gone for the year that's a real tough break friend Annapolis and of course ho kaboom he he had a great opportunity there unhappy of course in Dallas for the past couple of years and Indianapolis a much improving football team meanwhile the referee has just informed the crowd that the clock is not it is stuck on three thirty teach and the time is now [Music] [Applause] [Music] greenish [Music] Bloomberg number 77 robbing sailors coming with the screen trying to make the defense of the Denver Broncos fake a little bit he got the plat pass specially that they anticipated they were get but they were also able to cover the screen and once again is Carl Mecklenburg who is literally all over the field for the Broncos well hide his back at his own 30r [Music] erotically outside he gets and he takes it back out to the 39 yard line where car is in on the tackle so thus far it's been a Ziegfeld Follies first quarter one-two-three 52 yard punt 12 yard return same here as that way with six number one by Baltimore Mecklenburg was six number 12 now there are very few 12th round draft picks still around but Nicklin burg is a Pro Bowler from a year ago led the team in sacks a year ago they moved him all over from linebacker the event inside [Music] method player he gets excited he fires up the entire defense [Applause] [Applause] Sammy takes it out to the 45 yard line for a gain of about sectionally second and four just good running by winder we mentioned he was a thousand yard rusher a couple of years ago here he is taking craps a little too wide but breaks it back against the grain got a black guy mark Cooper out in front of it the flag is down but watching winder as he's fun and twisted for about seven yards illegal block number 30 offense still first down that Steve Sewell so that negates it and it will be first down back at the 29-yard line can yards march off first and 20 Thursday not far from here Cleveland where the Browns who gave her behind yesterday and over in Houston meet the Bengals who came from behind to win in overtime over Buffalo eight o'clock start Eastern Time Thursday he goes our quarterback [Applause] his healing right there for Darrell seems a disappointment last year the number one pick in 85 out of Wisconsin put the pressure on Elway forcing him to get rid of it I know what you can do if your quarterback he can't gets it for him and when he had it right on target gonna put it out in front of a little bit but one you most certainly should have caught probably safe quite a shot Dean lying did because Brian Hickel one of the heavy hitters for the Steelers of the 53 with p20 you know [Applause] the very slow start soon as in mark environment way under pressure again in shul well way is three out of nine with a couple of errors and about four drops on him now Watson had a deep when a while ago few moments ago he was Lang and now at Hsu Danny read misty be involved in a lot of option plays with the Dallas Cowboys he was a University of South Carolina quarterback in their Hall of Fame down there went on to become a player-coach that's hard to do for the Dallas Cowboys in 1981 was tapped capable [Applause] protected this time great ankle by Brian he Co got his foot and got him and so the Broncos that no way see helpful as he comes off the [Applause] Rock Casino shutout and I'm sure they watched it on television 30 to nothing first shutout in the opening day for the Pittsburgh Steelers what 53 years and here they really making the noise water history their friend real to check for the third time [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] where is in fact Ankush you're wondering because of the hamstring of Loui lips on the dangerous return men in this game they decided that just let him work at the wide receiver position and so we're watching whoops back on the pumps tonight USC and Frank effort is no longer there to take on 9th ranked Baylor or Clemson taking on Georgia RCF a presentation college football today begins at 3:00 Eastern Time on Saturday that approaches did rather well for you on Saturday night all right [Music] we have told in 54 seconds remaining official time being kept on the field of world stay as close as you can do it first at 10:00 again the field [Music] to the 40/40 [Applause] never throw to the tight-end did only a dozen times last year with a smile is everybody deep with timers there's a tight end they didn't want to them either fur-covered downfield [Music] he wants to use a pass man has been tonight sparingly with a very sore shoulder defense see when you asked him about the production of his tight end really like to get into defensive he could cook or seize on you feel like an idiot [Applause] here is blown forced to take it so I say I think because maybe it's the end of the quarter it is a time out again with the clock not operating we have to rely on getting our information from the field and so even though the clock shows zero a few seconds remaining in the first quarter talked about Chuck null he's right at the middle with the headset there and all his years here with the Steelers he has never been one who has gone out and made the big trade and when you asked him about that say why do you want to inherit other people's problems and that's what you primarily get when you make the trades and the draft has not been spectacular over the past few years in a lot of that has been because well the amount the players who have been maturing right now came out of the years when Chuck Noll was one two three or four engrafting way down on the list you'd be grafted 25 26 27 and those are the kinds of players that while they are number one draft picks a they are not the top picks in the country so he'd build their defensive about it I like what he says about defense we asked him about that how important he thought defense was he said well before you win it you have to not lose I think and you look at a chuckhole team you think defense first and outfits later been that way for years meanwhile running and chasing oddly enough tonight the ball has been in the air 22 times and on the ground there are three seconds they are telling us three seconds left in the quarter [Music] [Applause] have crossed in there otherwise you acquittal at the quarter run out here while they get the first down McRobbie takes it across the 45 in the 47 yard line but Malone unable to see a clock had to take a timeout before the quarter and there's the gun so we played one Pittsburgh our score list of Three Rivers fifteen minutes is what it says right now so we'll keep an eye on it at the outset here is it and while we have her 22 passes about first quarter let's take a look at the numbers very close had the one journaler first the one long field goal attempt on the part of a good food sealer coaches will always tell you that when you ask him what do you want to do all we want to establish the running game [Applause] [Music] maybe not for ya please lift reaching for it he was covered by Louie right that's a pretty good matchup right there you've got lips emerging as a superstar and Louis right he's been around for 12 years good coverage now watch Louie right he's right there lips had given him an in move just prior to that and right didn't buy it at all that they continue to work on Louie right and he has had a lot of single coverage and he's come up with a good job on almost every occasion terms of injuries to the Broncos missing means back there he's on injured reserve they should get him back in a couple of weeks on third down and eight it's below [Music] they love the defense only the tearing has been to the but go to the old 9 of 27 as the loan was a week ago those passes you have to complete hey that's good as well been a first down they should have been a first down strange sort of reaction wasn't it was that a grin as he looked at Ehrenburg when you have serious a 16-yard line Wilhite receives the punt and from there we'll the broncos commence their next drive as Joey gets the final word from Reeves and heads back in I have Scott Campbell the backup quarterback and there he is or they also have a rookie bubby Brister who's number three alone for 12 31 yards one sack Rocco's habit at the we're in the first minute of the second quarter Al Michaels and Frank Gifford with you from fifth grade to the 33 Sammy winder Southern Mississippi fifth round choice and 82 got a couple of guards out in front of it in linear mark super good block over in the left side by kin linear spring winder out for a nice pickup up at the 32 yard line [Applause] Samson goes in motion of the season [Music] in fact there are two flags down and at least one of the calls is holding the other was going into the pile at the 40-yard line and it's a face mask against Pittsburgh so holding against Denver face mask against the Steelers here's McElwee holding down to be really is on 64 that's Billy Brian we understand we're on backup audio at the moment rectified would you another plumber I am gifted to the 42 and very close to a first down we talked about a strong arm you thought right there Elway just whipping that ball he has one of the strongest arms I think I've ever seen that was a little short out and he just had it on a line all the an official timeout here for the teams be broad and the thing about Elway he was a great star and in high school in Southern California highly recruited went to Stanford and continue their great quarterback tradition and they knew he was gonna be a star from the outset there was never any question as a freshman as you can see they're just shy in the first down but Elway went to the farmers they call it at Palo Alto with glowing credentials and he certainly didn't disappoint he can watch him grow up as we have over the past four years he came out of a wide-eyed kid with great raw talent Danny Reeves kind of took him under his arm nurtured him along and all of a sudden he has become kind of a quarterback that reads much more quickly he knows where to he can take a look at a pass pattern and see he can make his quick read that he couldn't [Music] [Applause] the scene [Music] so the Broncos are on the move 12 minutes 35 seconds remaining in the first half a scoreless half thus far in Pittsburgh and any reasons getting what he wanted to have happen again centered left guard Keith Bishop the right guard they're leading on the opposite side as winder at the 46-yard line and this is what Daenerys wanted to do and in motion so he and Sampson are on the same side and coming across with Gerald Williams the rookie out of Auburn so first you might say why the coaches like to run the football replicas don't follow this game is quite simple if you can hum the football you literally can do just about what you want with it it means you can slow down any kind of a pass rush if the defensive linemen are thinking well I've got to watch the run I've got to play my position more than that you can come back with a play-action taking the run and going to the receiver you can be just about what you want to do if you can establish a running game so we kid about it but it is as we go through his hands la gets dropped as the pressure was put on that time by Keith Geary out of Oklahoma and again another error on the receiving you gotta catch these and always had about five of them now Robin kolba the way on the hit Cole probably lost in the outside linebacker thing with Brian Hinkle [Music] [Applause] [Music] and watch it is [Music] close to the first and that's the 303 of Steve watching career he puts on that late form just fires it in there uses the body Harvey Clayton not bad coverage but that ball was there in an instant we can be covering the receiver well as he got a quarterback they can gonna like he's gonna beat you in most occasions and Elway loves to force that ball in here first and 10 from the 43 yard winder he gets team takes you to the 41 yard line as we come down at the 11 minute mark and David little is in on the tackle for the Steelers David little alternates with Dennis Winston at that strong inside left side linebacker position he was the leading tackler on a team in 1985 or the Larry of course played guard for the Dolphins very second date with school going in motion Elway [Music] tremendous pressure being pursued by Keith Gary sort of a designated pass question for the Steelers take a look at him 92 away with a little fake Gary steps inside the block and Elway just flips it on the dead run didn't even turn his body was set up and gets it out to Kay he's impressive al every time you watch him he gets better in his fourth [Applause] over the right side inside the 30 to the 28 yard line second down and seven is Mike Merriweather makes the tackle Meriwether and is worth here out of Pacific and one of the best he's not big at 6 2 & 2 15 but he is by far and away the best pass rushing wine back to the state of have years ago we had 15 sacks they eased off on it a little last year that they are using an aggressive way this year as the Broncos have rounded the most impressive drive and it's Gary Dunn pointing across the line and saying that he was drawing [Music] Mack Oasis not a good enough acting job twice now the Steelers have been tough you wonder maybe Billy Brian might have a little something going in there maybe a little extra grunt strategy played out in the middle that offensive line a lot of funny little noises and a lot of references to your ancestry all those things taking place down there the place not to be [Music] 23 [Music] yes a couple is seen ylang-ylang getting close to the first down at the 21 yard line laying slightly shaken up earlier but missed only a couple of plays and Louisiana State where he did a lot of blocking down there he was a couple of years ahead of Dalton Hilliard and Gary Jean [Music] as a rusher but they in reason [Music] [Applause] [Music] first again [Applause] [Music] cinnamon Samson both end up holding the left side they both ran what appeared to be post pattern wasun really sold it to the defensive back covering him which was Harvey Clayton he sold a post pattern all the way Elway gives him a little pump fake 81 is Watson now dive to the inside even looked to the inside and he's fun plating right around and again it's that strong arm Clayton got back into it he covered well but Elway had it on a spring tipped it out there there not many people who can run that pattern hardly anyone who became a football on that kind of a line extra point is perfect and so watching who will really have to pick up the slack in the absence of Johnson [Applause] [Music] brand-new Pontiac Grand Am got the injected 3 liter v6 he thought that headlamps Ford suspension this special buckets the big analog gauges the whole enchilada yeah you big ham you [Music] around here raisins are big business so until I started putting two scoops of raisins in the Raisin Bran I knew we had problems it's simple the law of raisins you put two scoops of these spots you stellmoor boxes BAM raisins shortage I respect you lies but that's a lot of raisins you know what I tell people you got a backyard plant raise me fiber-rich kellogg's raisin bran two scoops is a lot of raisins nobody but General Motors offers so many deals on so many 1986 cars for so many people the big one choose 2.9 annual percentage rate GMAC financing on all through 1986 GM cars and most light duty truck and flash your monthly payments or choose rebates up to $1500 depending on maker model selected the big one only from General Motors [Music] to firebomb in DBZ Thursday night NFL special [Music] in Pittsburgh Al Michaels and Frank effort with you 10 plays in a drive that consumed more than 6 minutes in a 21 yard touchdown pass from Elway to Washington [Music] to receive and he takes it a yard they were right he takes it back only to the 13 yard line look at watch news catch again that's a little fake now Elway will pump they can trick look the Watson has given him a look as if he's going to turn to the post breaks it back out against Harvey plate and hit Clayton spun completely around a man who is very responsible for getting Denver in position to get that plenty of yard touchdown [Music] look very [Applause] so the Steelers trying to generate something first and 10 from there to go on the man the Steelers shutout last week and they've been shut out now for an excessive 83 minutes Mexican Burak makes the tackle he's everywhere Mecklenburg lining up here at linebacker going down the line of scrimmage staying out of the traffic and then stepping into the hole as it develops a of getting in there for the stop then a couple yards out of that we mentioned earlier the damage to Joe Montana the 49ers necklace why to be heard through the day we're going to be talking to 49er head coach Bill Walton [Music] we'll get a full report down [Music] and the crowd is ready for Campbell crowd didn't like it start with of course one of the heroes around here for many a year he took quite a shot was up for the ball and Mike harden put one right on him one that could have attracted the flag it was late night up into the chops the role of the underneath man brother well he used to be the deep fly man Terry Bradshaw but now of lips taking a deep bow earth has a whole new career working underneath third down and that one is in who was covered by Louie right rights having a big knife they keep going against him and he's always there around awhile twelve years started out Bakersfield College's to San Jose State with a 9/6 printer so he could lose a couple of steps ins make up for it with the experience that he's done that and again but that's the ball should have been caught on a drop off tonight on the part of Malone is 4 out of 14 as will Hank is ready to not very high in a run back for Wilhite but he slips down mr. break for the Steelers because he had a little bit more room which he takes it back to the 45 yard line but look there at Louie right who's Broncos lead 7 nothing 651 to go on a half they've still drawn a blank offensively this year at least tonight a moral victory of sorts a Anderson did attempt the field goal and Malone has had a lot of drops tonight as excessively warm that you from the humidity or the sweat [Music] facing with his facing stop they took it right in the face mask all right whether they are using him a little more on the Blitz now this year there he is only 57 he caught it right in the face sacked him more than anything I believe they got away from him a little bit with the Blitz a year ago after 15 blitzes in 1984 now they are using it much more at least they plan to the season [Music] and the craw gives you the Sammy winder to the 49-yard it'll be third and six and that's Keith garyun there's a man who could play a key part this year if he can give this fielders the pass brush that was so lacking at times in 85 it was a number-one draft pick a few years ago went off to Canada to play a couple of years came back 1983 and he is kind of their designated Pastor Gary they bring him in they dropped it at their four men which they are playing a lot of this evening flag was thrown and McElwee indicating second down and 20 back at the 35-yard line on a holding call yet a whole lot of folks changing in the Denver huddle as they get long yardage we get Lange back in good receiver out of the backfield there were pointer watching split left [Applause] thus the pants is thrown away season couldn't get free case by nel see what I mean about our growing up Elway probably as a rookie or in his second year would have tried to force that in there he felt he had to do it all have to live up to everything that was said about him his great career at Stanford at that time he very wisely did not have a receiver he could get it into safety so he just dumped it off and kept the drive alive third long service at least he didn't turn it over put a good weekend all ready for the Elway the head coach at Stanford his pride will put care of the Texas Longhorns 31 to [Applause] receiver sent to the right side going in the middle to Sampson at the 47 yard line shy of the first down 20 and it's a four thousand seven and they'll have to kick it away with 552 to play in the hand conservative call but you don't turn it over you get it to Sampson hoping he can break the tackle good enough with about a 12 yard reception then hope you can break off the run to get the first down what you don't do is you don't turn it over that's Rick woods back to receive [Applause] Jack wheel [Music] kick fair catch is called for but which lets it bounce and it will come back after the 20-yard line so let's see if the Steelers what did I do and below you can get things going it was a artistic success but it round up the touchback Cincinnati and Cleveland in the Battle of the Buckeye State Boomer Esiason and the Bengals coming from behind winning in overtime yesterday over Jim Kelly and the bills and then next Monday the fair's escaping yesterday with an overtime win over Philadelphia - and all still - Rick man against the who are really staggering first from the 20-yard line [Music] [Applause] [Music] the screen you're supposed to invite the defense to come on in when they pass the offensive line you dump it over them but I'm when you invite Mecklenburg in there he'll he'll take everything with him he pressured Malone into this into an early screen he got in there a little too tight right in Malone's face when we got the information because that screen was really well set up second down and ten what could have been a big play look like it was catchable but still not a very good throw bottom alone is hollered at a report [Music] continue [Applause] and it ruled in fortunately for the Steelers they're wide receivers in there a quarterback put the ball up that hide the wide receiver because he knew he was going to get popped that have wide open John Stallworth who lit up for it he took the shot from my cart let's take a look at it again and they are just dropping a lot of footballs tonight six consecutive incomplete passes Hardin and Lily they really sandwiched our [Music] going throws over the middle and [Music] we'll be playing for you pittsburg in the shadow of Terry Bradshaw we did it all and did it all so well gets into this and should have picked it off [Music] the cutting unit seven [Music] and at the 10-year I run back as he brings it to the 44 seven to nothing danger with 447 to play in the first half and coming up on CFA college football a couple of regional battles for you this Saturday as the Trojans off their win against Illinois take on the baylor bears 9th ranked Thor Clemson taking on Georgia between the hedges in Athens and college football today begins at 3 o'clock Eastern Time first down Blaine me 46 Denver coming right back to the ground game they used the very successfully on their drive that took them in for the touchdown even though they has the Elway to Watson combination to get the score they moved it on the ground very well on that drive and they're coming right back with it the 46 yard line [Music] decoe covered there's one thing that John Elway is not captured yet as a pro quarterback and that is to take something off that ball a little bit he can sing your hands that he often does just that Lange had a little bit of a edge on the linebacker that was covering him on it defensive maneuver that was a safety blitz he was 1 for 1 but Elway just had too much on it to him which quarterback had the best touch you ever witnessed it's hard to beat Dan Marino right now and he'll touch Montana they're different quarterback [Applause] soon he was covered by God al does not throw that out to the right as long as you go to the left let's take a look at it again Samson taking it down selling it to Donny elder just picked up the majestic the beginning of the season they let him go over in there defensively for the Steelers but it's hard to throw to your right because you really throw to your with your arm unless you turn your body and then get the follow-through Elway gets it naturally when he throws to the left under threw that ball [Music] and it's made at the 24 yard line by woods then long will stay in there and how much longer can NOLA Ford to go with [Music] choice I think he certainly does not want to totally shatter a very fragile ego [Music] Malone took quite a hammering in Seattle a week of 27 Chuck Noland all the way with him stayed with him he's very patient Jeff no lost one of his great virtues and you needed to coaching he's a fine teacher but behind them is a six-foot quarterback named Scott Campbell rookie behind him Bobby Brister who do you guys they broke that pattern pure and simple power was right in front of the other Steeler receiver they don't line up like ducks in this game there it is this had set into a hitch Pollard moved right into the pattern set up right in front of it I think her lips number 83 here he is collards got right into the pattern a little bit a disaster deflected and picked off a two-second of incompletions 354 to go in the half Denver ahead 7 [Music] complain to the 35 brush steering working against see Wilson they've open 510 wasn't bad coverage former Dallas Cowboy found a home saw worth driving Dean Wilson right with him right with him too long the official photograph of father [Music] contact for five yards for about twelve of it first and ten from the 36 yard line [Music] [Applause] [Music] funnily is right there along with Steve Wilson they pay the price with wide receivers they turn it back inside [Applause] and they're a little slowly hold on to you like this one John Stallworth again Wilson is the man they're working against Bowers knew you were going to get that child [Music] and it's Arenberg and that sort of stops the flow of this drive momentarily it'll be second down and nine with a fall right at the 50-yard line that's Darren : get a runner once in a while to keep him semi honest really relying on their passing game now here in the late [Music] the first half but you got to keep it on the ground watch the model at least to keep those defensive linemen [Music] can you believe that they line up and it wasn't as if they were waiting for the two-minute warning they were unaware of exactly what the clock was seeing as it rolled down - exactly - in the staff was me that it was too late 7 nothing Denver remaining the wall is at the 50-yard line his club trail 7 nothing it's second down [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] in volleyball away Louis right covering on the play along of a wasted play you have to have a check off there they have double coverage all the way Louis riding great position Dennis Smith a Pro Bowl safety man and lined up had him covered inside out Malone just threw the ball up in the air he he actually was throwing the ball away but he almost had it picked off but it's a folly were you you don't throw you've come into an underneath man keep something alive get something out of it he knew as soon as he looked up this was going to be double coverage he couldn't have missed it 49 and 20 there there he got [Music] Steelers deepest penetration tonight was the 32-yard [Music] it's incomplete intended for rich Arenberg and another drop they would have been short of the first down but again another draft form alone maybe understandable in Ehrenberg was really questionable coming in tonight he had a slightly separated shoulder of a week ago and obviously the man who forced the loans to go to Aaron Berger John Sawers and Malone is jawing on him right there that wasn't a smile right there he came on running before 1:42 go on the hand control hide at the core team [Music] so temper will begin to strive from there you know Frank you Maksim you and you're right you're dealing with go you've got Malone who's your guy but you know if you're an owner you go back into the locker room right now you're looking at a gay man and you've been shut out and you really got nothing going he's gotta start thinking about at least thinking about candles they were stuck in their final preseason game against the Giants they have been struggling ride-alongs but nevertheless I think that when you think about what you do to your number one quarterback if you pull him out of there you it becomes you well how do you trade off hurt me or maybe really ruining a season fine reading the strength to go to on the bench and I don't think [Music] over the middle it's watching and he has a first down on [Music] the Broncos have all of their timeouts left and they spend their first right here that stops the clock Denver has it first and ten at its own 31 yard line with a minute and 25 seconds to play in the first half well quarterbacks the topic tonight with Elway one of the maybe and as good as they've been tonight and of course the other story this weekend is Montana and we'll be talking to Walsh the head coach of the San Francisco 49ers so there's no way a high school coach and then a college coach at Cal State Northridge and remember when John was recruited by Stanford there was some rumors at the time it maybe his father would come along and get the job and isn't it ironic that Elway went through his whole career at Stanford mainly under the tutelage of Paul Wigan and then John leaves and his father doesn't get the Stanford job quite a family - I've had an opportunity to meet them very involved a lot of community affairs on the bay or as you well know house and they have to be proud of this genetic Marvel because he has that he is one of the fine arms and as I said earlier tonight he just keeps improving almost with every game at the size 46 threes - 10 got the head for it he's got the mentality or something the ferns in taiga the chief Sewell who takes it just about back to the line of scrimmage hurry up offense they've called a couple of plays in the huddle with on the thought that it would not pick up good yardage the strike but read quickly by Elway that so he took it he has plenty of time here's a couple of timeout so he took the 11-yard pickup gets the first down and also stops to climb here at a rot away didn't fool around beat because the ceilings were both the wives deep two timeouts remaining for the Broncos first and ten at the 41 one [Music] and incomplete intended for Sampson and he was covered by Harvey plate in the corner that one that could have been caught it was and a difficult catch but it was certainly one that could have been caught in a way I think is blaming himself now look at it again Sampson with the drive making it look good blatant on the coverage goes up got his hands on it but it's incomplete stop the clock 58 seconds [Music] second exam Broncos from [Music] [Music] [Music] the timing fans Jocelyn the speedster who went out to the Raider game at the knee injury would've been coming back for this one Samson has good speed but is that at the blazing speed of Avast Johnson Elway has worked all through training camp we're [Music] and he put this pass up under tremendous pressure with the full safety blitz had a bin Vance Johnson I think he got six points as it was it was a great effort by Clint Sampson timing is so important between the quarterback on the receiver and you saw it right there [Music] in the 41-yard line [Music] be barreling Elway again wanted to go downfield has to settle for this gets Brian in front of it and a good play by Clayton who says appear as if the Denver Broncos are working on this evening [Music] defense again for Pittsburgh attention they were second in the NFL against the past a year ago they were good strong defensive team all last year they just couldn't good points up they were 6th overall in the league a year ago they're playing well tonight Jack wheel hunting for the sixth time in the game [Music] as the crowd boos they wanted the sealers to take a timeout on defense at least to have some sort of opportunity and Chuck Noll figures I better go back and come up with some new X's and O's through the third period in the rookie out of Purdue and Kim Bell Bell is on the left rookie out of Boston College [Music] I believe the Broncos get it at the 2017 swine alertly there is packing the back up tight in number 85 Joey Hackett look at it again that ball bounced out of that it could have been a big break for the Steelers they'll hit very hard and fortunately for Bronco the broncos they had a sure-handed receiver type there to cover 10 Hackett so Denver first and ten from the 27 yard line [Music] we're a gain of about three out to the 30 and it'll be second down seven inverse coming right back with what worked for them in the second quarter that is the ground game featuring winder again coaches both telling us before the game we've got to get the running game going you get it going and you have a tremendous edge because you can move the ball keep control of the game and come with a play-action pass if you want to [Music] during motion Elway look toward Wilhite [Music] 37 yard line he now moves past Haven Moses into number 3 on the Bronco all-time receiving list behind Lionel Taylor and Riley Odum it's an amazing watching it drop one earlier deep downfield one hands this one pulls it in makes a tremendous catch out of it gets the first down sometimes the easy one he doesn't drop many I can tell you that he came up with a free agent eight years ago and he has been spectacular for catchy and straight up the middle dose Sammy winder for a gain of a couple the 40 will be second down there are the numbers in the first 30 minutes Denver 52 yards 266 for the Pittsburgh Steelers Denver picking up their scoring drive that led to their time on yard touchdown pass Elway to Watson but one turnover in the game he was one scoring opportunity along that was longer why'd [Music] [Applause] [Music] the 46 yard line [Music] rook ray tonight Bob McElwee [Music] all going against Pittsburgh well the crowd with its ups and it's downs tonight it is so quiet here right now relatively speaking and then there are those bursts normally for the defense they've had very little to cheer about offensively tonight the options are now being explained to Elway here the play took it out to the 45 yard line contact was made by Michael Meriwether beyond the five yards in which he is allowed to harass the receiver on the tackle wife me I don't know what that was they said illegal contact Merryweather came into the play late unless it was indeed on so a first down for dinner forty-eight he is stopped there by Gary the University of Miami you know there are 23 former hurricanes currently playing in the NFL and in of them are defensive linemen and both men denied rubin carter and there's campbell who's shaking his head but he is warming up on the side but you've got the two nose tackles in there tonight jim Burt would be another from Miami [Music] at the 46 yard line by C Washington with a sigh of a first down Harvey Clayton providing the coverage now they're fine catch by Watson in Brenda's short yardage we mentioned that Campbell was warming up he's warming up at mark below yeah I'm just looking down there right now and he is and it appears to be the loner fascism in Japan in the hall bathroom his way for the first good hard running by winder getting of black from Brian Cooper they've been using him almost exclusively on the ground game enough for the first down barely but he keeps it going and the ball is at the 45 as you look over the shoulder of newest list Pittsburgh offensive unit [Applause] [Music] [Applause] okay inside the 20 [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Clarence K for the second time tonight wide wide open that's what Elway can do for you watch him spin away a lot of quarterbacks for the gone down on the safety blitz Donnie shell he spun out and quickly had his composers back together again he finds Kay he takes a play that could have been a sack back of midfield all the way to the 11 yard line that is the extra bonus and plus you get with an athletic John Elway first and ten Rocco's at the 11:00 opening drive [Music] [Applause] and the versatile one thank you to attend for a gain of one and it'll be second down and nine now I know why Campbell was shaking his head when we got the handheld honor they were saying no no I'm not coming in I'm just warming below [Music] la now he'll come back with the past he's gonna put watch it on some left box it is very good down in the [Applause] he also has the big high end [Applause] [Music] fires in behind the intended receiver Sampson he's covered on the playa by Eric William so it'll be third down and nine from the ten yard line Elway have to release that and there was good coverage by Williams but my wife felt the pressure and turned it loose [Music] offensive calls he is working with mike shanahan the offensive coordinator up in the booth Elway very happy the place called and very satisfied with that situation [Applause] screams [Music] forcing the issue forth on comes Carlos he had the right man he wanted to get to Willie and you can see the Rick woods trying to get back into the coverage that was his man will hide all the way Elway read it beautifully and just did not put it where it should have been that was six points Woods was coming up and it was bread well by Wilhite we got to the outside that way just didn't get it there the backup QB Gary Kubiak comes in to hold and he'll spot it down at the 18-yard line 28 yard chip shot for rich tireless [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] but they get to be an easy three and the next thing you know back on the Steelers still down by only seven high snap but were able to get it down field the punter had it down in time and they missed from close down 30 nothing by Seattle they have had little or no office here tonight they had one opening drive against Seattle they took remove the six yard line they failed his for on that and that's been happy leaving their final preseason game against the dancer in so they're on a pregame roll [Music] [Applause] [Music] because you have power [Music] [Applause] power run he was wide open and you would think he could just move right down the field but that is not been the case tonight there have been drop-off [Applause] and they generated any kind of rise 35 yard line and [Music] [Applause] [Music] what you should expect from these two applied receivers to perfectly time plays at two first down [Applause] louia rain again the defender but you just have to respect lips going deep right went to a full sprint with him this plan at the foot came back he was wide open you're not going to cover him one-on-one a good quarterback has time to throw the football and they're giving Malone time to throw the football first in tan Pittsburgh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] the 43-yard line there by tom jackson by the way as you look into the middle of that Pittsburgh line tonight and you see something unusual and 51-day in Cirque is the center you know who's always there of course is Mike Webster who has missed a game since 1974 but he's on the injured reserve list [Applause] [Music] his first guard completely [Music] which here it's so easy yet they have struggled with it not only through the shadow game at the first half of tonight through outstanding receivers you protect your quarterback they're doing just that on a simple Oh slamming right in front of Louie right and you got another first down and you move right down the field where was it earlier [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] and everything in Arenberg with a slightly separated shoulder but still in there about four or five plays and said we're going to make [Applause] why she resistance hours if you get better coverage out there and that's all they've done wants to see the basic foot [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you [Music] Jews who has recently wave [Applause] grew up in Hawaii played his college ball [Music] see those insurance [Music] receiving single game workers [Music] this time as he runs into at the 25-yard line he runs [Music] and now that the call meanwhile here come gamble and Anderson a beautiful drive they get it into short yardage situation and they didn't even come close to making that they repeat off the line of scrimmage a good defensive team but it's not a dominating defensive team Danny Reeves will tell you that Pittsburgh Steelers were blown they didn't get the offensive penetration you think you should get certainly when you're trying to keep your onedrive the night five is hardly where Denver is slow getting up the because he cornerback looks to be alright however so you have to bring out the placekicker and what appears to be settling for three points instead of trying to keep a step point driver line Gary Anderson who has led the AFC in four in the last three years as mr. 50-yarder tonight this is the second attempt that comes at an angle of [Music] the placement [Music] after Lippi it would be a hundred minutes and six seconds the sealers core they knew right away he grabs the best in the game today Gary he certainly will be when he kicks five more tonnage of accuracy leader [Music] when it comes time to take your business on the road the m'lady problems can arise the information can disappear time can be lost in the shuffle and can take a tumble presenting the IBM PC conversion a powerful personal computer that easily converts to a full function portable an IBM PC continues on a train a plane at home even in your car it runs many of today's most pure business programs and is available with a mobile to let you communicate with other computers and a snap one pretty to let you print reports on this fine all to make you a big deal on the road and a big hit back in the office the IBM PC could burn be one computer the people who really need to see your authorized dealer or call IBM this is Jeeps fall new 4 litre six cylinder engine it has sequential multi-point electronic fuel injection it puts out 173 horsepower and 220 foot-pounds of torque but most important if you put this new engine in a Jeep Cherokee or Jeep Comanche you're going to see more speed and power than you've ever seen from vehicles like this the Cincinnati Bengals guarded by the hand of precise the Cleveland Brown those are hopes he can match the firepower competing scene Thursday night in the barrel special [Music] [Applause] Anderson takes off in a few after his 42 yard field goal the Denver Broncos take over at their own 20-yard line first and 10 and here comes Oh away you know Frank we talked about obviously what a great athlete he is and I think most people know Elway was drafted by the New York Yankees and spent one season playing minor league baseball of course I think for football but there's an interesting little thing Elway and Dan Marino of course coming out of the same football Grafton three but they were in another graph as well first down [Music] way [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Dixon at Purdue we stopped by Mike Merriweather Goodspeed Mark Jackson he just does not have the experience and when Vance Johnson went down a week ago they felt they better come back with Clint Sampson who had worked on the flanker side they moved him over but they want to take a long look at this youngster a rookie six round draft pick with the good speed and obviously some pretty heady running thanks 20 runs and he gets the first down out of the 37 first in San Rocco [Applause] [Music] [Music] anyway Frank in the 1979 Baseball Draft faced Wallace is now Jay Schrader who's now the Washington quarterback was picked in the first round by the Toronto Blue Jays and there it is Dan Marino people forget about this the Royals picked them in round four John Elway was picked in the 18th round opted knock the side and look at the bottom of the graphic all those guys will pick the head of thon man [Applause] [Music] clearly beaten by Watson earlier on a 21-yard touchdown catches I leave just getting enough too much ground plagues a better football player then he's giving himself credit for he was off Watson by about eight or ten yards you don't even see him in the shot Watson does not have that kind of speed you don't have to worry about Watson going that deep he'll go deep but I mean you can run with him he was so far off him he just terrified of Boston after getting turned around Zig out that Watson put on him for the touchdown they only touchdown the game he knows it also meanwhile david little linebackers shaken up on the play he's interchangeable with Dennis Winston is in there right now first [Music] 43-yard line Winston follow that all the way for this inside linebacking position but these are good plays to run particularly when you have a lead it keeps the defense honest it keeps the pursuit down bring it back and gadget plays are cute and fun but they meet they're also meaningful you take everything to the right and you don't do something to bring it back you're going to have that constant pursuit and it's hard to turn the corner we do that once or twice and the pursuit is going to think the defense is going to have to take just a moment [Applause] I think I said double reverse there was a single reverse of course madding leave name appeared and I thought about double defense still second out Gerald Williams with the encroachment clock stopped right now for the past quarter 153 to play in the third Broncos on top seven to three good to know they can play a fast quarter trying to do is keep the drive alive and get out of here by midnight we were sure beginning to wonder where are we in the punch in motion the middle charging ahead close to a first he takes it to the 33 yard line Sammy winder trying to get the tough yardage he was very instrumental on their Drive it culminated in the only touchdown of the game the pass to Watson in the second quarter winder going back to last season and coming into tonight's game had averaged only 2.8 yards for rush in his last 18 [Applause] things in here on the grill [Applause] [Music] almost looks like it was in slow motion good eye great call coming down from the box the Daenerys and we assume call for the fake play-action well hidden by Elway just like he did a week ago when he went there for that touchdown pass he handed off to school it sort of went out to the sideline before he put on the strip but look how open he is and what a nightmare of a night it is for Harvey plate be watching his been spinning like a top and this time he was looking at Elway grabs Elway's fake and Sewell went right fine gonna be a tough day at the movies for the videotape for Harvey plate great watching that play is is if all the action just froze outside of Elway and Sewell and of course lately in furious machine Rocco's now lead 14 three the ground one a 12-yard round the other a 2-yard run he catches one tonight and fireless kicks off within four had 14 to 3 and as a short kick the 14 yard line by the war incites a tight end by trade and some time running back as and for the 27 now sign our way is off to a tremendous start last week it was 21 the 35 240 yards 139 yards against the Raiders no interceptions a couple of touchdowns he's already 19 to 30 for tonight 227 yards in a couple of touchdowns hard to say just how give this youngster can be so see have one more time on a month never at the jet in October 27 yard line [Music] they are pulling he was open but what Malone saw was double coverage out there and he had double coverage hit right underneath and he had jennasmith deep Malone thought I guess maybe at this point the way things have gone last weekend thus far tonight he little bit gunshot he could have got it in there but it hadn't taken would have taken a very confident quarterback and I don't think that's what he is right now he threw the shaken quarterback [Music] but he still comes up about five yards shy in a way though Franken you could really see this coming when we saw the Steelers and preseason even though on the night we caught on they scored a lot of points against Dallas but you knew they were very concerned about the offense they had the talent outside but the other parts the other component parts were worrying them and they had the injuries they they now have the injured players back particularly Abercrombie and Pollard they're playing better they have more ease back rim stare the rookie is playing but they have not played long enough together to be effective suddenly at the beginning of this season the banner said what about Campbell Scott Campbell they're talking about a six-foot quarterback out of Purdue that ranked solely behind mark Herman up there he started a couple of games last year it is camel ooh a lot of people electracy come into this game now relieved the Redskins Giants game we lost both of those games I think worried about the fertility of the ego and [Music] the Steelers that I have converted on three so they keep the drive going on the initial play as the fourth quarter behind mark Scott Campbell would be Bobby Brewster rookie out of Northeast Louisiana we saw him down in Dallas Allen here [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] GUP and still makes the catch tell you how open he was the flag is down [Music] of course looking at again as works we rewrite to the inside slips wide open Louie again respecting that speed the holy call is going to bring it all back when the wheels come off they all come on back to the 31-yard line to the 10-yard penalty first in 20 [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] another stealer at number 82 it'll be second down and five he was actu'ly that big boy to the side in he guitars though some blues and sours into great stock inside of him desired even I think got a finger on that ball so very fortunate reception for the Steelers [Applause] second down and four from the 47 [Applause] [Music] [Applause] for scores [Music] [Applause] roasted almost piggybacking them runway to cover him having a tough time otherwise they'd Wilson look to the outside broke it to the inside [Music] ham quality and he knew he was peeping he was beaten actually to the outside he was beaten back to the inside they just grabbed on took the ride the Lexx not a play subject to review by the replay official but that is what you call indisputable visual evidence [Music] the forty-three [Music] in complete over the middle looking for doctors a tight end let's remind her out tomorrow a Good Morning America special program coming up David Hartman talks with President Corazon Aquino about the future of the Philippines and its importance to our country so watch David tomorrow his report from the Philippines on Good Morning America pittsburg second down and ten at the Denver 43 yard line 1308 to play in the fourth bakudo [Music] [Applause] at the 30-yard line he's got scores first firstly sanika 30 he Wilson again and this time Steve is slow getting up but again when you're covering a legend it is difficult as he goes from his has his problems tonight just as Harvey Clayton is that his troubles for Pittsburgh so an injury timeout it comes with 1250 to go in the fourth game Pittsburgh where the broncos lead 14 2 3 3 o 14 3 first and 10 from the 32 you [Music] look for a movement and just one of the officials began to reach forth and then thought otherwise who we write is the air with LOUIE LOUIE LOUIE ride did a good job on Louie lips got in that five-yard area hammered him around he released us after he had been with him for five yards Malone it under pressure had to throw the football Louie Wright's been around a while it's got a little bit of a lesson there a sixer had it been able to get [Music] second and ten Pittsburgh December 30 [Music] [Applause] he's looking toward left [Music] just short of the first down a good call to come right back to lips playing to keep you from getting outside so take what you can get inside and they are using right almost exclusively in single coverage on his side trying to protect over in the other side now let's that tells you double tried in [Music] [Music] who's gone it looks like the Broncos have it but let's see about the penalty Louie Wright has the football but the official has a decision here the recovery is made however offside against Hamburg [Applause] let's take a look at it again they're moving at the lower right defensive left end he means him Ryan [Applause] and they keep the drive live playing the short yardage beast account and the Steelers keep it alive it's their deepest penetration of the night as they go to the 25 the last time they had the football industry check the 42 yarder [Applause] to play in the fourth [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so instrumental here in the second half after being so relatively silent in the first half and they basically forgotten about Abercrombie and hollered they've been going with Aaron Berg and used for better blocking and occasionally going to the tight end move the football with some authority in the second half right is covering Lilith individually and that is a tough role he's done a good job he's been far headshot demoness hour after the copy is grainy at the white top [Music] it'll be third and one he is stuffed in the middle by Greg Cragen [Music] [Applause] [Music] here's where that Bronco defense is tough he watched him year in and year out as we look at Chuck no love to see that first touchdown of the season go up on the board you see noise come up with the fumble they get to turn over they do something down here [Music] [Applause] double play situation if they don't make it on this down if they run the ball [Applause] [Music] [Applause] what also should have been gone difficult catch but it was to cut the Quitman way then it could have been a first down when I say you're down by 11 and down by 2 vaccine issues what your sound by with 10 minutes to go you need to touch down on the touchdown on the field goal you got going twice so it's four to one [Applause] and they give it to Aaron Berger [Applause] picking Griffith took it to the outside and gets the suitors on the scoreboard inside the contain man was worried right [Applause] well got to the outside I guess the touchdown so it's 49 going on 10 with Anderson who had 121 straight to the point we'll we came close that's but Samba was able to get it down nice goals by 14 with 9/5 [Applause] the sealers finally score a touchdown [Applause] giggity around the back here you can run back kick good running back he's all about a moment new life and worth noting again we mention it for the TV he's swinging in a separated shoulder is Aaron Burr looky to the 21-yard Friday's really car makes detective so 14 became [Music] 45 remaining and you've got a fired-up defense this defense has played well all night the criticism of course had to go to the offense that really came out of play-doh the second half with the Malone thanks to his outside receivers get a good running from Arenberg getting out the tasin situation is totally different team offensively here in the second half but the defense's best setting throughout the game and they up kept the Steelers in it 9:45 who maybe they had a shutout [Applause] there's Elway and the Broncos have done it again a forward pass and no throw allowed by Wilhite that's the ruling [Applause] [Music] think again pixel video becoming operation very shortly you know you wonder did I say the play in a 49er Rand game yesterday everybody's talking about the pants at the end what about the shovel [Applause] [Music] [Applause] all right you good here I thought it was instalay by the naked eye but if he across the line of scrimmage no is it a fight looked like it was a lateral look here the line of scrimmage is the 21 that's one thing you have to keep in mind two Elway to the 13 and 1/2 he throws to the 12 fifteen even though he came forward he's behind the line of scrimmage I'm sure they are ruling it that it was a double pass [Applause] it would be very close look at it on video it is second down [Music] Elway throwing and that will the replay booth for you means as we go along here there are plays that are and are not under the jurisdiction definitely throws a laterally go away that's a forward pass and Wilhite is behind the line here at the 15 well try and get it cleared up how are you whether or not they said he was beyond the line of scrimmage which he was not or whether the with a couple paths and appear to be but again it could have been [Applause] I think what's happening here is that the untie they're in freedom together they couldn't stop the play before that last flag and tell you exactly what I think is happening all of a sudden he got buzzed there's a beeper and he was told and sure enough there's the walkie-talkie but they got the play off before they were able to stop it here's what they saw they are seeing with the same angle and a rule at two forward passes and we are again this is why video replays are always going to be quested this is an angle that the officials are looking at just as you looked at well if the our understanding the ruling was too forward possible he here is the oddity right here here's where this is different than any other you're supposed to come up with a ruling for the next play and obviously they are talking about this right now but there has been a play wrong in the mean time meanwhile here's la there's no doubt this is not a forward pass that's a lateral what are they do about the timing they've run another play already now he's roaming hey he's 5 yards behind the line raphaël way there's watching for the touchdown they've already run in history [Music] of all the things we thought would happen I suppose everybody his fear that something like this if you were an illegal office you feared there's something like this my sake please and it just took place and they are going to rule it is further down [Music] a double pass most certainly was not over the line of scrimmage pebble Bobby [Applause] I was about to cut info [Music] very disturbing and will be even more so when Daenerys looks at the replay again this is a major concern of the video replay they do not have they saw exactly what you saw and we were looking at it from an angle it did however appear to be a lateral three there was a legal play the problem is that they had run the inter [Music] from the 39 but the video replay is not the ultimate solution hardly as the saying goes not yet anyway 1410 Bevers [Music] and we'll be Tripoli so if it's for a twin [Music] after requesting 250 in the first down now we sit with the replay both false 250 is the replay official he agreed it was a legal play and the problem was as you'll see right here it's a legal play in every aspect it's a backward pass and then we'll hike this rascal past the line of scrimmage and the problem was they were ensuring the replay both what was the call on the field and in the meantime they let the Broncos run another playoff and by that time it was too late and then they're losing 79 yard touchdown they sure did the pass intended for Stallworth by humbly on the play and it's against Denver holy 8:22 play in the fourth here's the call from Nikoli number 52 defense you know it's funny we started it the rains 49ers games there was a play at the end of the game involving whether or not the defensive back and made contact with Bobby Duckworth the rams wind up taking the field goal anyway but I thought more importantly in that game and there is Reed and you know he's angry because he knows what's going on about that qualies angry about a lot of things on the return yesterday by [Music] [Applause] [Music] move over to the left side the Denver Broncos have they have Mike Marshman working over the right side and you can't hide out there however the Steelers find him meaning Steve Wilson they come right back and work on and once again [Applause] second down and one left is now clock 6-4 68 yards so it's only an average they sending them on shorter rocks tonight and [Music] [Applause] [Music] can't believe he didn't get the call and he goes right up to the side guy loyal Malone might have had an argument they have moved hardened over to the right side replacing Wilson but they come back against hard single coverage da worth was right there and [Music] no question a couple of years ago that would have drawn an instant flag any kind of contact that you can you can move him around out there a little more [Music] [Applause] [Music] as he stirred to thee you second effort burst forward loses the football and Ingrid gets it back that's Denver defense they do it over and over and over they strip the ball better than anything and that silence is this frog was 724 to go in the fourth picked us from Seattle again because we the problem they look for reserved help and falling on a football recovering it is Mike harden number 31 he breaks up to the outside he not only gets to first down he probably gets good yardage he put the hip down close the eyes and well rounded up a stack could have been an easy first down to the outside Rocko's if their own 35-yard line [Applause] [Music] they send him up the middle to the 39 yard line either catch her throw fatty gain of four second down and six well that was one of the problems that that's going to be all year long and it's a feeling don't really get thought about and that is what happens if that intervening play gets run and once that that next play is run before you have a change to determine whether all [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] and Steve Sewell goes ahead for a couple Kenny Wolf our producer makes a good point what about the coaches in questions to call a timeout to allow the replay booth more time are they advocated bubble is opposing the official on the field and then they have the capability of talking with him but the buzz came too late and you can't take the second topic take away the 7-yard pick up those two bucks in it to say the least again the bangles a very disruptive [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Sammy winder Edmund Nelson number 64 is their penalty marker is down gonna be against the Steelers and that's a first down so instead of having the punt they keep the football with 601 to play in the fourth outside left tackle first down dealers have been plagued with that all night long and this really comes at a tough time they would have gotten the football back in pretty good field position he said left tackle I think that was Keith Gary 90 kill first and ten from the 49-yard line soon as the man in motion and away [Music] 15:49 for a gain of the path to each seam as we head down towards the final minutes with all of their timeouts remaining and a little shoving going on we will hike [Music] so Pittsburgh tonight and then across the border to Ohio where the Bengals meet the Browns in Cleveland [Music] [Applause] a week from tonight green van Chicago our first look at the taco [Music] right it was Keith Bishop the man that was in the area but unfortunately for the Broncos being eligible [Music] liberalizes gave him these guys to do all the work catch the ball once in a while picks up discipline to put those hands down he Elway under a lot of pressure that time Rives with a backup quarterback Kubiak and Elway was able to seize the moment to confer aurélie with him as the penalty was marched off we'll be third down [Applause] colossal down which is kuleana 12 Elway's dancing trips on the seam at first face I take out he in Harvey Clayton and it's very possible the the seems over the infield cutout take a look Clayton will not sleep much tonight tried to get back inside again effort by oh way just to flip that ball about 50 yards in still didn't get it deep enough Samson had Clayton so Pittsburgh will get it back as they hold their midfield Rick woods is back there to receive and wield a kick [Music] 4:53 left in the fourth Bracco's on top 14 to 10 and should be on top 21 to tear I almost appeared as if the officials were consulting a video replay for something on that plane they huddle together held up for several seconds and then let it go so wheel the khakis back at his own 35 [Applause] [Music] and it's out of bounds before bouncing back in market at the 17 45 to go Steelers trail by for scent of the National Football League is strictly prohibited so here are the fielder's now at their own 17 yard line [Music] 445 ago [Applause] behind who was covered and its second down and ten would like to have that back yeah no check off at all out of this the two wideouts all worth and lips were both deep they were both covered he had no place to put it berg had not even turned around to look back at belong second and ten just outside the 17 Rocko's downtown 14th [Applause] [Music] looking forward interception is a 35-yard line Tony [Music] we got into double coverage on both outside was inside apartment open the other side they were also double covering em alone did go to try to get it to sour that Lily picked it off and Harden Lily on the inside forty thrown football and picked off by Tony Miller only Lily tank top at all every game - he is really putting the pressure on Steve Foley the 11-year veteran that free safety position at the 31-yard line [Music] for what 11 games and didn't make the playoffs and the Cleveland Browns who won eight in there because of the playoff process and I'm just thinking if Denver were to lose this game could you imagine in a situation as we had tonight if the Steelers were to come from behind it would be the toughest lost of all to think that you had a situation where because of the implementation of the replay they were denied a touchdown it's interesting so much made about indisputable visual evidence what is it [Music] without the 3-play except we were just to where who the replay it should have been used winder picks up a couple and takes the ball to the 23 yard line as the Broncos q up the clock which is now bound 48 ticking [Applause] it's funny that octopus it's ironic Broncos were one of four teams to vote against replay system this year just for the record the Giants the Cardinals abroad to achieve voted against it the Steelers have seen [Applause] [Music] so the 20 goes winder and he should have the first down so Sammy with a tough yardage here and we'll see where they mark it it's going to be very close they need to get to the 21 enough first time you know how you talked about looking back at the end of the year the schedule for both these teams is really a tough one Sunday on a short week the Denver Broncos go home then they come back a play philadelphia philadelphi and they also have a tough tough teams out of their division they play the giant we play dallas they play washington and they also play the test so it's not an easy road another 1105 season that are reading tough one - what they did in 84 when they were 13 and 3 one thing in their favor though last year they were basically kept out of it by the 200 team losses to the raiders and they've already taken care of the raiders and washington helped out [Music] course there still is Seattle Seattle is going to be tough and of course San Diego down a few seconds and one second before that way when plate president mind right there let the clock run all the way down to one second have a ball snap gave it to winder and now unless the Steelers want to stop it and they do they'll take their timeout right here their first of three so they'll take the timeout here get the next break at the two-minute warning and we've got 2:17 left on the clock tonight on Nightline the new drug law proposals is the concern over drugs causing us to go too far that is the subject tonight on Nightline following your late local news [Music] they are scheduled as follows [Music] to be a benefit Denver's of entropy at Philadelphia Danny Reeves done a great job bringing along John Elway UCLA or a US Senate sorry truly private ones public that yeah and Clemson Georgia are our two presentations for you Saturday at 3:00 Eastern Time I mentioned Danny Reeves and the way he has brought along John Elway I guess it's not too big a task because everyone knew exactly what he was in Baltimore drafted him number one back in 1983 and Denver acquired him for other expensive graphics what did they give first couple of first leg s for him to bring him to Denver if they knew they had a talent it was just kind of in a raw form as any quarterback coming into this league as a rookie they're going to be raw they just do not learn the same things at the collegiate level is that always the the situation you're a Superman then you become the savior of franchise and the fans getting pshew Elway I believe made his professional hey they're regular season debut in look for mark yeah had a terrible day they've got it figured out they're just going to cover up the football taken down for six at the 17-yard don't waste a goal emotions you can Wilhite ASA to the 13 yard line and somebody wasn't on the same page in the Bronco huddle oh he was the wing back that way when did he become in motion is now always giving him a little bit of a lecture there he saw his sweat blooming and that tells the man get in motion which he never did come on let's go he could not have missed a good you that's almost a legal procedure we've got the two-minute warning Reeves in the Bronco over the line 1410 Denver on top 14 to 10 two minutes to go it is third down and a warm yard [Applause] [Music] always [Music] stealers the outside one running plays fair touchdown for the bar game [Music] Mike Shanahan the offensive coordinator having a lot to do with it good play action right here gave it a good hand and wide open Elway didn't fool around with it he got it out there quickly and Donna she'll just over Anna [Music] three touchdown passes tonight start for the season after last week 21 of 35 259 yard with no interceptions against the Raiders big start and a touchdown catch as well as Carla's kick is good we went around he made it looks like running playas who says hello to everyone back in Mississippi he looks like he plays in the National Hockey League put the hand in there and Elway read it right away it's a good thing he did because he was he had to be 50 men right in his face it was totally unattended we aligned your shock absorbers if you don't get rid of it to short yardage plays [Music] dealers think he run all the way Denver gets a pair of touchdowns we're going to be strong the Broncos you know what they're fun to watch to it so they've led me up [Music] and all the above what about dad [Music] dad and the Stanford Cardinals leading Texas the other day happiness was being a winning quarterback - no throwing no interceptions in the world in front of your TV and elway's contract doesn't hurt either he's always been that way if I remember they signed him they have the interview and he gave a big up the valley boy treatment yes sure [Music] he play this game tireless kick shot through the end zone so the Steelers will take over at the 20 yard line and the Broncos will have a nice flight home and then they'll come right back to the good old Commonwealth and go cross state to Philadelphia for the Eagles next Sunday 31 yards and six plays and for the Steelers they're regrouping and a trip to Minneapolis next Sunday for the Vikings [Music] to line only how things running cycles for cities to are thinking about Pittsburgh right now and then the Pirates have had a bad year and the Steelers are off to it skort other locales is below makes the catch out of the 40 [Music] Frank in the fact that the one season of storage the Patriots go to the Super Bowl the Red Sox are on their way to the Eastern Division title the Celtics of course and a few years back LA the Rams going to the Super Bowl and then the Dodgers winding up in the World Series and the Lakers having a great year and Philadelphia in the seventies at one point with the 76ers and the Flyers and the Eagles going to the Superbowl the Phillies winning a world title and then all of a sudden you've got that then you've got what you got in Pittsburgh right now it can change so quickly one or two key players and of course the 28 teams you no longer can if you finish on top you have a tough time drafting here the champion you're going to get the 28th player picked in the draft the next time around you're going to get 256 and it compounds itself and put the Steelers were faced with a few years ago now the city has certainly seen his good times along the the line that I just spoke of when Eric's won the world championship in 79 the Steelers will the process of winning more Super Bowls and the Pitt Panthers and the Tony Dorsett in the mid-70s he knows who win some football games are solid if very solid defensively you have to question the quarterback [Music] the fairly good protection is great outside receivers so indeed fit incomplete intended for Arenberg Smith covering on the play ABC's NFL Monday Night Football being produced by Ken wolf and our director Jeff 40 technical director Joe Sabo associate director noubar stone reco Kolski our technical manager Bob Simon our unit manager Frank Bulger our telecommunications manager jazz Weissman Bruce Clark assistants to the producers information and statistics from the impeccable one Steve hurt back thanks up here as always to Malibu Kelly Hayes for the spotting into George Hills a quick look at Chuck no what is going through his mind two down 14 to go the way it'll be fourth down your son coming on in is Cleveland very much improved as is Cincinnati and I mentioned earlier on their schedule out of the division they play teams like the fairs and New England the two Super Bowl teams should be one of your basic long ears watching who got things started by catching the touchdown pass to the first half Watson trails only one receiver since 1981 in total yardage this is a slow free agent out of temple that one receiver [Music] those two Stallworth and he just does get the first down to keep it going that receiver James we'll see in a week some debate against the Chicago Bears clock running down 48 seconds on first down [Music] we've got a marker down 33 illegal usin a hand hands to the face sixty-five offense totally will be declined first out and he don't even have a sec with the captains for the options thought that baby and that will write a finish to this one rape any was the man 65 their Sweeney the intended once again Thursday night we'll be in Cleveland the Cleveland Browns with Bernie Kosar against the Cincinnati Bengals Boomer Esiason happy folding goose console and they will defensive back is just that his record time eighty-three career interceptions and a man on the field has more tonight Johnny shell with 27 Mecklenburg snow goose happy on one side and all the emotion being played out on the losing side part if alone with two games back to back that you could not be terribly proud of happiness as I said is the winning quarterback to an old football team with everything in your career ahead of you Rocko's on top AFC west along with seattle steelers drop to home to Al Michaels break everything tonight Denver is heatman Steelers 2010's ABC Sports exclusive has been brought to you by Buick and your for comfort innovation and a real commitment to quality it's today's Buick v Miller Lite for great change there's only one light beer by IBM and the growing family of IBM personal computers and by Wheaties the breakfast of champions energy for 100% whole wheat Wheaties what's the big Boise travel arrangements made through and promotional fee paid by United Airlines United flyers more people to Hawaii than any other airline nobody knows Hawaii like the United this has been a presentation of ABC Sports recognized around the world as the leader in sports television [Music] at the 27 and the ball deflected incomplete darris again fine young athlete he is he's 10 pounds heavier than last year as a rookie [Applause]
Channel: The Sports Archive
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Id: 2uN3Ovymo1g
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Length: 158min 7sec (9487 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 05 2019
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