Play Doh Dr. Drill n Fill Dentist & Operation Clinic Double Playsets!

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hey everyone welcome back to the awesomer prop channel today we'll be doing a play-doh double set video dr drill and phil and classic clinic all right got both sets out of the box let's start by checking out the drill and fill set i'm sure everyone is familiar with mr plato head we can use play-doh to make all of his teeth here's the base and it comes with two different tooth molds we can also put all of our tools on the space as well this set also comes with a pair of tweezers we also get a toothbrush extruder we can squeeze out the play-doh toothpaste we also get this dental excavator and we can roll out braces for mr platoad this is also a mouth mirror too and we also get this electric drill all right now let's check out the classic clinic set we get this blue syringe extruder we also get this clear syringe extruder here's a slicer tool and the handles have a few half molds as well we get a pair of white tweezers here's a doctor's mirror we get a pair of green scissors we also get this purple clamp here's a green stethoscope and we can use this to stamp out a band-aid and a heart we also get this half mold palette and it's double sided we can make a bunch of wacky shapes and here's our patient we can call him mr doe alright let's play with the drill and fill playset first we'll use this ball of red play-doh to make a tongue we can insert the play-doh from the back it's actually easier if we take this apart first all right the red play-doh is in now let's attach the top part of the head and we just pull it back like this awesome mr play-doh head has a tongue now okay now we need to make all of his teeth let's grab the base we can make his front and back teeth using these two molds we're going to need a lot of white play-doh split this in half so that we can use both molds perfect now this will only take a second [Music] here's a closer look at the first tooth and here's a closer look at the second tooth the bigger tooth will go in the back and the skinnier tooth will go in the front i went ahead and made more let me quickly finish the bottom part now let's work on the top all right now let's use this mouth mirror to see if we did a good job start by checking the bottom yep everything looks good now let's check the top so far so good perfect now let's use this excavator to see if anything's wrong with his teeth uh oh you might have a cavity here the other three are okay let's use this tweezer to pluck his tooth out i hope you're okay mr platon now let's use this silver play-doh to make a silver tooth perfect let's replace this rotten tooth with this one excellent we can also use this tool to drill out the cavities here let me show you let's drill a hole here as well and let's drill one more hole here now we'll use this silver play-doh to fill in the holes all better that one looks good too perfect now mr play-doh head has no more cavities now if mr plato head's teeth aren't straight we can give him braces let's roll out some silver play-doh now let's use this roller to make the braces here's a closer look now we just have to attach these pieces onto his teeth attach him right on the center awesome we attached his bottom braces now we have to choose a band color we'll go with red let's roll this out into a thin string perfect now let's attach the band onto the braces you might be in pain for a few days mr play-doh head now let's tighten the top perfect now don't eat anything hard because your teeth will be sensitive for a while but check it out mr plato head now has braces you'll have perfect teeth in no time all right now it's time to brush mr plato head's teeth use white play-doh okay mr plato head here we go now open your mouth awesome your teeth are sparkly and your breath smells super fresh now let's check out the classic clinic set here's our patient mr dough let's fill mr dough's body with all sorts of stuff we'll use this syringe and let's grab some pink play-doh squeeze it out we just made his large intestines now let's use this blue syringe use yellow play-doh and here are a small intestines now let's use this half mold palette to make a bunch of weird and normal shapes give me a minute here's a pink liver here's a yellow human here's a blue butterfly here's a white bone here's the green horse well just ahead here's a green tooth here's a yellow frog and here's a red fish now let's make the shapes on the other side here's a green germ here's a white wishbone here's a brown big toe here's a red heart here's a yellow caterpillar here's a blue screw here's a pink heart with arms and legs or it could be lungs here's a red ham and here's a brown band-aid now let's make the molds on this slicer here's the green bacteria here's a red bacteria and we can call this one the green virus now let's make this shape here's the pink tapeworm all right now let's put all the shapes inside mr doe's body and we can put the bone right here okay now we need to cover up his stomach so let's roll out some peach colored play-doh that should be big enough let's put this on top now let me use my fingers to seal his stomach remove all the extra play-doh perfect now it's time to play our patient has come to the hospital because he has an upset stomach let's start by using a stethoscope okay his heartbeat seems normal we're going to have to do surgery let's use this slicer to cut his stomach open all right let's see what's inside oh my gosh he's got a lot of weird shapes inside his stomach no wonder he's hurting oh yeah we're gonna have to remove a lot of these items he's got bacteria and a bunch of no-nos in his stomach let's use this clamp to pick up all the shapes a butterfly should definitely not be in there here's a green virus how did he eat a big toe that's just disgusting here's another bacteria he ate a yellow frog too oh a horse's head okay mr play-doh head has a very weird taste oh he also has a tapeworm wow he even ate a blue screw he swallowed a whole ham he ate a whole fish he ate a caterpillar and here's a giant germ that's been growing in his stomach okay whoo we cleared all the bad stuff now let's ditch mr doe back up use this band-aid awesome you'll feel better in no time mr doe well hope you enjoyed this video if you did be sure to click that subscribe button for more awesome videos see ya [Music] you
Channel: AWESMR pop
Views: 14,461,000
Rating: 3.8882146 out of 5
Keywords: awesomedisneytoys, awesmr, awesmr kids, asmr, play doh, play dough, dr drill n fill, play doh operation, mr play doh head, toys, kids toys, playset, play doh dentist
Id: lECjI6mgNTc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 11sec (671 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 15 2020
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