@Numberblocks | Four’s Quest | Learn to Count

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one two [Music] and again one two [Music] your turn i can't do it what was that that way come on [Music] looks familiar [Music] are we playing musical statues a painting a painting before i knew that but what's that [Music] welcome welcome welcome to my new stumpline park don't you mean trampoline no no no look [Music] oh that was fun oh is that you of course it is one two three four four blocks see [Music] whatever way round i go i'm still four look at me i'm still three [Music] not bad you think that's amazing you should see fine five did you make all these shapes i did so the more blocks you have the more shapes you can make [Music] oh my turn [Music] bad of course they're not really different shapes are they it's the same shape one going up and one going across oh that's still better than me look that's all one shape not very exciting compared to all of you now now now you're forgetting something one two three hey one plus one plus one plus one equals four every big shape is made up of lots of little ones so lots of little ones can make every big shape look what i can do [Music] and just in time for the grand finale what better way to celebrate opening my new park than with fireworks may i present the sky at night [Applause] [Music] [Music] you see one when we all work together the sky's the limit great how do we get in maybe if we pull that handle [Music] if only i was a little bit taller five's taller than four so how do we get five [Music] four plus one equals [Music] [Music] dead end six is good with dice how do we get six [Music] plus two equals six hello friends here's my advice it's time for me to roll the dice watch me give a little throw and you'll know which way to go [Music] one two three [Music] seven doors which door is right maybe seven can help how do we get seven [Music] four plus three equals seven oh i feel lucky this way easy peasy look up easy we're stuck no we're not we could swing from the flat poles we need someone with very long arms to stretch that high eight how do we get eight [Music] [Music] five six [Music] [Applause] squares are strong let me try no no we need a bigger square nine how do we get nine [Music] four plus three plus two equals nine [Music] one two three four four crowns [Music] oh how are we gonna get out [Music] if ten was here we could rock it out through there how do we make ten all together now four plus three plus two plus one equals ten ten nine eight seven six five four three two one blaster four three two one what an adventure we may be little numbers but when we work together we're still the kings and queens of the castle [Music] [Applause] wow cool court let's play ball one two two sides we need two teams great i'll start one team i'll start the other we can take turns one player on my team then one on yours three you're with me oh you're on my side five with me six in the mix seven over here eight great nine yay last but not least ten [Applause] picking sides and playing games both our teams need funky names that's a great idea sex each team think up a name we can be the yellows huh but we're not all yellow oh right hmm hey look roll roll easy watch me see [Music] not fair we don't all have big flat even tops like you that's it when we stand two blocks wide everyone on my team does have an even top see so let's call ourselves the even tops [Music] none of us have flat tops we've all got one odd block sticking up hey you know what i mean all right then let's call ourselves the odd blocks [Music] let's play boat ball oh evens over here wait wait wait who's gonna keep score i know [Music] what's this one for the odds two for the evens let's play we're off to a great start the ball is with the even tops and it's two four six eight ten [Music] shots two points to the evens now let's see that again in slow motion look at that two two lots of two three lots of two in fact each of the evens is two more than the one before [Music] amazing two points to the odds that makes the score to all it started with one and there she is again on top of two making three and again on two twos look each of the odds is two more than the one before with an odd one sticking out on top [Music] with a score level it's all to play for what can they do now [Music] [Music] we are odd and we feel fine nine seven five three one gods are having so much fun [Music] the odd blocks beat the even tops by a magnificent three points to two [Applause] [Music] what can i say even we couldn't beat the odds well if you can't beat them join them [Music] [Music] me like big things which is bigger tree is bigger than flower be like trees nice to meet you tree will you play with me [Music] this apple is bigger than this one and you're bigger than me so you have it three thank you too i like apples i like to munch them and crunch them and double them up [Music] three has more blocks than two three is greater than two greater means bigger so me like three yeah oh me no eat you silly me like you i like square cheese i like it in my tummy [Music] oh look a cave we can hide in there you go first one you're smaller than me ah we should be saving here one is less than three huh me like bigger numbers show me like three may i stars to meet you not eat you go [Music] where can we hide look a cave you go ahead too i'm bigger than you we should be safe in here four is greater than two so me like four like i like square cheese in my tummy [Music] oh dear scientists if we need a planet three is less than five me like five ah [Music] me mean five is greater than three me like five three is less five is greater [Music] ball [Music] play with us five is greater than three so block zilla play with five what block zilla play with number blocks three is less than three [Music]
Channel: Numberblocks
Views: 39,041,232
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: number blocks, numberblocks, numberblocks full episodes, numberblocks episodes, cbeebies, learn to count, learn maths, maths for kids, learning cartoons for kids, cartoons for kids, basic maths, sums for kids, easy sums, alphablocks, numbers for kids, count to ten, count to five, quest
Id: KX5Don2MEVs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 58sec (1078 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 24 2021
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