Denny Hamlin Fights, Arguments and Temper

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on lap 203 chase contender Denny Hamlin made contact with Kyle Petty sparks flew both on and off the track I watched the Busch race they said he was sick so I guess the whatever medicine he's taking mixing hallucinate because he needs three lanes to get around somebody on a race track let's look at my career I've never wrecked anyone my entire career has anybody spun off my front bumper so it ain't like you know I'm a guy that runs into everybody I mean it just got to use your brain you got to calm down this is not over for us a lot of guys had trouble today and we're gonna we're gonna bounce back from this this is just one step of this uh 10-week chases watch on the caution lap Denny Hamlin in the 20 ooh whoa you think you try tires I didn't see him out there kind of think something crazy lots crazy right there I can't believe Hamlin with his turned into him he might have been trying to swerve back and forth like he's doing now Denny and didn't see him and just run into Mack 83 looking out for his teammate not gonna take it gonna go up there and then let Denny handle and know that he didn't appreciate that little tap on his car yeah I don't know then he did that on purpose like precious it's almost crazy looking the way he may have been trying to weave awesome tone they're mixing it up down in the pits there his team is mad at the 20 team fourscore of an end to him a lot of heat right there Tony Eury senior down there somebody's got to punch somebody NASCAR officials trying to get in between these two teams I'm guessing that contact over Iraq was not actually and what that's what happens here at Charlotte this a home track and these guys are all here here we go you don't think it's means something these guys are very upset about what happened on them from the race sharking and NASCAR trying to get into what's been going on the 88 tonight um well hey ain't nothing we did to him until the very end right there you know there was a several situation saying I think it's just you know him right shouldn't race in Nationwide Series not having any Cup experience learn how to let guys you know go at times and those many times certain race were I had them cleared except for maybe two inches instead you know it hangs on my right rear quarter and then goes in the corner right on my door and that pisses drivers off it's especially guys that know you know patients a little bit better than that and we had a position on him late in the race and he came from the bottom all the way to the top and cut our nose off just the Pacus and we just don't we just don't roll like that it's not the thing to do and you know you learn one way or another but then it you know I was still fine with that we're gonna do anything I was just gonna talk to them after the race and and then for some reason he picked my back tires up in the middle of one and two pulled up beside me so I'll retaliate so you know you you throw a rock you throw a rock I'm with the concrete block back so you're gonna have to deal with it you know don't impress me about having your whole crew over here you know bring the driver over here and let us talk about it they certainly will talk at some point denny finished his second crew chief Dave Rogers has been called to the NASCAR trailer closing down the contact Denny ends up into the wall the inside bikini was just driving this car it is a go around the lap car and then after the race it just comes to pit road just a few moments ago whoa we are 3-1 Keselowski runs it up high down the backstretch here we go Denny Hamlin and it's Clint Bowyer here comes Comte Oh Brad says excuse me pardon me I want to place yeah and here comes Kyle Busch these guys have history from the board he keeps it off the wall all right yeah well that's let's keep a camera on this because I want to see what happens when the 20 and the 88 get together guys you know it's like I said hits and her to get into the pits is here comes Hamlin we're going to keep an eye on all this yeah I don't think there were the only ones looks like NASCAR officials around the 88 car Denny is coming on down we might want to get a camera here fellas they're coming up side-by-side on each other there he is is he gonna do anything no holds on by so we'll find out if he has any words for Brad afterwards I'm sure if we give him a camera at a microphone he'll have own words here uh you know I don't know in the last three start there when I could tell daddy got in the back of me and push me up the track and I was gonna return the favor and when he did to me I saved it and when I did to him he didn't save it so you know we just got in a pushing match I don't know I don't really hold any grudges I don't know why he wanted to do that but whatever you know it just it's just the way racing is I guess with the history between the two of you and what we saw today how long does something like this continue it doesn't to me to me I was over I'm focused on running the 80 Adrian Motorsports car and trying to run up front and chase down Carl and try to finish second and points I haven't put any thought into it and apparently he has I sit here and bash him for the next 20 seconds or so and give you a bunch of sound bites and everything but I'm just happy I signed up for next week's Nationwide race and you know in in turn you know there's a lot of guys that uh that Oh him there's a lot of guys that have a lot of chips that they're gonna cash in I'm just gonna be the first to the pay window you think that nascar needs to get involved with Brad now at this point now now I'll take care of them stumpy I got let's see what happened right here now here he does it right off the corner no not much doubt in what went on right there guys I guess we need to get a camera on the 11 car and we see Carl Edwards on pit road see totally break this hold the brake egophony Hamlin is going to get black flag and held one lap for aggressive driving so it is going to cost him a chance at possibly winning this race his best finish in six starts and Oh nine was 11th last week and this isn't going to help it at all you know I wanted to finish it out and keep the top ten straight going but the self-inflicted damage there I lost it and tore the right rear quarter panel up and just that hurt my car and couldn't really recover from that nobody on my team's father's trying too hard so one of the stronger finish but pushing any one of the storylines we talked about coming into this race was some of the history between yourself and Denny Hamlin and lap 35 he put the bumper on you just give us your reaction to what happened well I mean I kind of laughs in the car that was a little funny but you know I don't really hold any grudges and I'm ready to move on uphill I've already moved on so um hopefully he feels the same way I don't know I got a feeling when he wakes up in the morning that on and off the racetrack and I don't think spending me is gonna make him happy so that's just my take on it and I moved on I'm okay I'm not gonna go out and recommending like that just go out and do my own thing so Brad just said he has a feeling when you wake up in the morning you're not gonna feel better about yourself what do you think I feel great right now it was well worth it you know his son was bad at that point and I'll use that as my catalyst for excuse but the fact is I wasn't going to give him an inch and you know I thought after I went down pit road I'd won the race I've never seen so many crews uh it just shows you all the cars that feel a little Redemption anyway but you know we'll never be even in that sense but you know I just got things cjm for all that they've done giving me this opportunity to race this weekend and you know pay back my debts I know and listening to Brad Keselowski it sounds like it's not getting across there's no point because he's just kind of brushing it off do you think you're sending a message on behalf of the veteran drivers out here I mean you have to listen to the stands I've never seen so many of Paul's and everything mile in my entire life and I think it's just everyone understands in this sport it's a self-policing sport NASCAR did what they had to do they you know on it they got it penalize me there's no doubt about it so you know it wasn't mad about that at all with just you know my objective today was try to win the race first and take care of him second and you know yeah it's going to be other days we're gonna be racing and he's still going to think about it when I'm in his rear view mirror because obviously you know the scales are tipped a little bit more and my favorite but still still tipped a little bit too much watch his head coming through three and four here and you know it's a good thing that Brad Keselowski got a little loose off of whoa full right there may had to lift up a little bit code in he just squeezed right in front of me that was really way too close all right we're going back to green flag racing this time Clint gets collected trevor bayne hard licked right there mccumby in the o9 also involved I'm not sure Clinton spin the tires women restored either that or didn't could have missed a gear let's go back and see if we can see what happens here there's Hamlin here comes Boyer he's coming out of the pits from where they were working on the car makes a hard right right here huh show his displeasure what happened on that last all-star as intentional I don't know that he saw it as much intentional but something that could have been avoided you know that that wasn't something that had to happen the 21 who had pulled back out on to get to the trailer and he's been told to take it to the trailer so Clint Boyer retaliates against Denny Hamlin now here's a Kyle's onboard cameras roof cam yeah you can see right there no contact this is just this is just a agony right here this is a little more misery for your evening and kasey kahne another driver like Jeff Gordon who keeps finding himself at the wrong place at the wrong time yeah I knew he wasn't going to be happy with his teammate so that's what created this whole mess there's Kyle Busch climbing out that's actually the 11 hauler he's bought up into in the garage everyone's known it for months it's not two weeks old this is something that's been going on for months they've been worn for a long time way before Richmond so this is not something that oh man we got you know they just told us half way after Richmond and going into Loudon that our cars wrong they knew it was wrong way before that you know and I felt like they just they wanted to get everything they could you know that what do they have to lose really so you know you can't you almost can't fault them for that flash forward to Saturday morning to practice Kevin Harvick one of the children's drivers follows Denny Hamlin out onto the racetrack and basically appears to be trying to send a message he is upset I don't like what you said I think was the message little contact a little more contact a little more contact out on the racetrack both drivers call off the track by NASCAR into the garage where discussion ensued boys have a little bit of a heated debate on territory there and you know it's very difficult when you're making the implication that someone else's cheating it goes to the corn you remaining and we can't totally oh here we go Denny Hamlin three team and his Danny Stockman there in the glasses that's he's the crew chief for Austin Dillon there's ty Dillon in the mix as well Austin's brother well he's got to give room that's why he always gets wrecked at Bristol and a couple other racetracks roars all right got his rod because of the name the second Maul you got to take advantage of the opportunity if he's points racing you can't crowd a guy that's running I'm on the bottom I'm all the way to the apron so I'm doing everything I can then I'm after the checkered flag he wants to run into me so I run him into the fence so Danny says look he ain't got to fix it lady needs to take us away Oh fixes race cars if he wants to keep record so he's learned lesson all right there's Denny's side of the story Marty and very outspoken going for anything I didn't have much all day I honestly picked crew and Darian really care to carried us today getting some track position and gosh it's just so hard to pass now you're gonna hear it a lot this week that got a lot of work to do to get these cars to pass each other and things like that you know really is arrow type is a huge huge deal and it's just this tire so hard and the surface is new so it would be interested in once we get to some racetracks that got a little bit more tire wear but you know really you could run a whole race on left-side tires and it's not supposed to be that way so it was a good day I was happy for that run we definitely we overachieved today and that's what you got to do when you're when your car's not all that good Gordon slipped up and turned to when Logano got right along but could go no further and coming off for Logano jumps up in the groove right foot and Danny Hamlin and wait for it wait for it what did we say we were watching this if he doesn't Jeff Gordon somebody's going to move him that's exactly what happened with his ex-teammate from Joe Gibbs Racing Denny Hamlin in the 11 but there you see that little tap and how absolutely on the AG's cars are all right we've had some pit stops under this caution Krista live in Bristol Tennessee moments ago post race that's Joey Logano remember who got bumped by Denny Hamlin going over to Hamlin's car and wanting to talk with Denny about it you see the crew from the Joe Gibbs team they were former Joe Gibbs Racing teammates and Michael Waltrip you said that the Logano wouldn't take the apology over the radio lately and the bushing is coming to shoving here yeah we can see what happened Joey Logano pulled up in front of Denny a lot of conversation a couple weeks ago after phoenix on twitter between yourself and Joey was this a carryover what took place today um no I didn't have anything to do with that really I you know got to control your car and he slid up into me and really he would have been in the garage with no radiator and it had I not checked up twice so you know I just you know I meant to run into him didn't mean to spit him out but his date was fine he still had a bad day anyway for whatever reason so you know it's just uh we finished bad he finished bad it's uh you know it's even what did he say beside the car I say who's coming for me so I usually don't see him so it's usually not a factor all right thanks Denny Chris Wow a shot date well in California next Sunday we'll see if Logano can catch up with Hamlin who led the most laps Kyle Busch is one second back Earnhardt second and a half he's there he's darkening Hammond's us ghosts better it seems like he has a bit of an advantage down turn one and two teammates last year rivals this year friends maybe never to the toilet on oh and any hand other than a for this right now Jimmy doll Joey got loose sideways there you go gave him a shot Hamlin there Logano to the bottom trying to hold his ground it's going to be tough though with but he's been running good on the bottom if he can just clear Hamlin right there no way he's gonna lose his momentum to come in touch horns are thinking there's again what's out there laughter nice car Kyle Busch he's looking they touch be nice to each other damn packed on the 11 car head-on I don't like the looks of that are into the inside wall for Hamlin a bounce off the outside wall for Logano and it ends in a shower of sparks I am not surprised I was hoping that wouldn't happen but I'm not surprised my frustration is Kyle's never showed his face in the garage in 10 years he's he's an analyst but it's not a very informative one because he doesn't know anything so my love with cows he has a lot of opinions about a lot of drivers but he's never once talked to any of them so it's being analysts you got to be in the trenches finding out the stories I got here on hard work and winning I didn't get here like he got here I mean at least we know he watches race day which is great Thank You Denny Hamlin for watching race day now when you get ready to talk use some facts I have been in the garage area in the last 10 years I know more about this sport then you'll ever know about this sports so let's be real clear about that too the second thing are the last thing I'm going to say is this if you want to have a dialogue if you want to argue a don't go public on Twitter B come talk to me C have a valid point and don't go personal because he just went personal just like 90 other 90% of other people on Twitter yes I know I have long hair yes I know I rode my dad's coattails yes I know i'ma never was and yes I know I suck I got I get that all the time well I let's base this argument in fact then the fact of the matter is you don't suck and we loved watching on the track and we loved having you here speaking your opinion really this whole thing started it was something really silly actually you thought he was saying he was the face of jgr when really he was just saying it's really hard to get me out of the 11 FedEx car although I might be hurt because I'm the face of the team and that's a valid argument and I said it yesterday when talking to general fryer and talking to POTUS he's exactly right that is a valid argument I misunderstood what he said and the other things I said as far as him being irrelevant to the chase and irrelevant to the championship at this point in time in the season is a fact sorry that's just the way it is but you're right I was wrong about the other part sure whether you look at points already rips off four or five wins and maybe it's too late for Denny Hamlin Oh contact for the lead Hamlet into the wall oh man collects another one that's junior up and turn one I believe not paying attention he didn't know that how to cut tire last year and he just thinks he knows everything and probably thought he knew everything again and I just wish I had some kind of car lesson I could show them the favor back but I mean we're not even halfway we're racing for the lead I don't know just it's a misjudgment I mean he's a good driver II knows battery just uh any mistake laps to go watch the 2 and the 11 here for about three-quarters of a lap yeah they're up here battling for a top five spot see the 11 gets a little bit loose there little contact not much move up and it goes for wide for a minute now on the cooldown lap yeah I can understand them a little bit they were having some contact at the end of a race I'm sure about some of this other stuff I didn't say a whole lot that Denny Hamlin did wrong in that in trying to race in that that scenario there yeah we were on that green white checker we had Brad behind us we knew he was going to be aggressive because it's his only shot but it's a you know he just ran right into us to knocked us up the racetrack and I showed my displeasure on the cooldown lap and I brake checked them down the backstretch to give everyone the whole story and then he tried to spin us out then we got to pit lane and he just plowed into the 14 in the twenty20 he was his belt trough and I ran into him and then ran into us again coming on pit road then he went through the garage and did burnouts and he knocked somebody's transmission cleared through somebody else's pit stall so he's just out of control and we're we're just you know we got to think about us here going forward that's the important thing but NASCAR said no tolerance for stuff like that and you got to just be a little bit more mature but I'm proud of my fedex ground team we didn't have the greatest car today but we battled back and we had a top five car there at the end and just you know got knocked around on that restart so it's unfortunate but still overall decent day for us so with what nascar is telling you this can't carry over this has to stop here NASCAR's has told me anything they told me don't go after him you got too much to lose I if I would have wrecked he have been in big trouble I've been waiting for him but he cost the six spots but what goes around comes around well I think first off Detroit genuine parks board was good today we're probably going to have a fourth or fifth place to run and just didn't catch a break in so many different ways but I'm really proud of running Team Penske and then you know through just this whole sequence of events you know I think the 20 car gotten back to me I'm one of the restarts just a racing deal I wasn't mad at him but when the last yell came out he got the waiver on when he came by he came by and swung at my car and tore the whole right front off of it and when we're restarting fifth with no right front on it we fell away back to 16th and ruined our day and gave us a big chase hurt which is unfortunate and then for some reason after the race the 11 stopped in front of me and tried to pick a fight and I don't know what that was all about and he swung and hit at my car so I figure if we're going to play car wars under yelling after the race I'll join too so you know those guys can dish it out but they can't take and I gave it back to him and now they want to fight so I don't know what's up with that all right Patrick's on the outside third car in line Yeah right over here is for Danica's and she starts to come yes she's turns jump down onto any left in there Denny Hamlin that's this her into the outside wall and then her right in the middle of it look at Edwards lock up the brakes in that yellow car all but squeak through and he does yeah accidents live Kenseth in the 20 car disk we enter there yeah yep and yeah that was that was almost disastrous for a bunch of good race cars yeah it looked like Danica Danica started left I'm not sure we'll watch right here again see her back there and here comes Denny I think Danny dope out from behind her she didn't realize he was he had moved out from behind her she started to go left and he was there and that tries to go high and I believe he had a push from behind I take a look at it yeah is it oh my gosh I don't know how he missed that in Carson 42 just just as well you know the thing about Danica Patrick Michael Annett and Jeff Burton as far as headed into the duals tomorrow by no means of those three drivers safe on speed our owner points Mike Wallace on the bottom Denny Hamlin behind Danica give her a little shot there getting in the corner but and it sorta it's this in that spot is what Kevin Harvick was so upset with the Joey Logano about you can bump me some places but there are some places you can't do that it worked as long as they were going in a straight line you're going straight yeah but I just all right watch the 11 he'll write on the back of a patrick count and just a little just in the road a little bump in the wrong place Bobby Labonte absolutely just nowhere to go or Ryan Newman in the 31 just barely gets through there but Darrell if Hamlin slams on the brakes Reed Sorenson to the 44 it's going to run right over time seriously the same thing in practice you did the same thing you got you get out my left rear and it spins me out you did the same I think they'll tighten up listen to me nobody has your back look I haven't stopped listen to me on this one what I can't stop you and it's for two feet because you give me nothing you give me nothing it's fun but I don't around understands because you're loose is no no lose them yes absolutely you were loose entering the corner so you went up it happened twice the same person same way that's what I didn't hit her either time I didn't hit you either time well then parry you don't have to actually get me he'll make a move on a turn underneath Austin right in the middle corner Austin gets up the racetrack just a little bit gets tight right there looks like a loose actually the 20 of Denny Hamlin drives underneath him we've seen this picture before now he's in a tough spot he's the spot only spot he can take one good reason I hadn't raced him all day he was nervous or something gotta get back around me just moved me up the track I never wanted to race side by side for level anybody wrecked his teammate we get in the race target we got plenty of races left it'll happen again in you talked about tomorrow what would you like to see in the form of repayment I don't know I'm not gonna talk about it he won't be ready to jump the restart for one you know you got on the control car but that's fine and eventually I was going to get back around him anyway but same thing I was a fender head and he drove in there knowing that you know he was going to have to hold me low to hold the position and I just washed up into him but that's two guys on a short track race for when he spoke after the race it sounded like he did not agree with it didn't think it was clean racing and stopped short of owing pay back but it sounded like there may be that coming
Channel: Ryan Holman
Views: 110,227
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Denny Hamlin, NASCAR, Car, Cars, Car Racing, Auto Racing, Racing, Stock Cars, Stock Car, Stock Car Racing, Fight, Argument, Brawl, NASCAR Fights, Temper
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 56sec (1736 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 19 2016
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