6 Guns (2010) | Full Western Drama Movie

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[Music] bring it out boys [Music] be really quiet [Music] hey how's it coming well it's coming thank you [Music] your back's still bothering you yeah a bit can give it a good rub in this evening yeah that'd be nice you mind coming inside with me for a minute what for i gotta hang that window for a nightfall well i can't lift the crockpot all by myself all right [Music] [Music] happy birthday my life we love you people i love you guys too all right davey how many cards do you want huh uh uh uh auntie not your turn we go this way no no no no no remember sorry it's this way we go this way remember this way we go this way it's all right davey how's my cartoon here one oh all right gunslinger one card how many cards do you need three okay and i'll take two okay no no not your turn again remember it's brother's turn all right let's see what you got here oh get a pair that's pretty good what do you got a flush a flush what kind of gunslinger has his mom help him cheat hmm where's that poker face [Laughter] we're gonna have to watch him let's do it again all right bring your cards in here we go oh yes god hands and go mrs stevens oh how much work do you still have yeah i get to replace all the shuttles and windows due to the winds that are coming in and then i'll probably have to start working on the roof it's not raining for a while i am you know it's going to take a while to fix that ride you got me in the boys to help you yes i do yes i do [Music] will boys breakfast are you done with that window yeah i'll finish that one i'll make my way around the back of the house and hopefully i'll get started on the roof by the week's end yeah you have all summer you have to do it all by yourself not me and the boys i'll help you pop what's that it's horses don't go up stay put you expecting anyone no unless the sheriff bar he said he might drop by to help out come by today but but i don't know who else he'd be bringing with him boys go to your room now will do you know those men never seen him before they're just here to get some water just make sure they keep moving along you get the boys and you go get hit [Music] who is it i'm looking for mr william stevens who's asking [Music] so [Applause] so [Music] hello will who the hell are you i asked who you are mister best be watching your tone sheriff no okay what is this okay what do you want revenge sorry i don't recognize it did i do something to wrong you son huh the only person who had the right to call me son was my father who you shot in the back and killed in cold blood who is that just me here i'm all by myself will you lying to me sit him up in that chair this is somebody's birthday will i'm out wherever you are must be somewhere else in the house who's your father shout horn not thee john horn indeed that make you a suddenly boy the apple didn't fall far from that tree [Music] you hurt my family i will kill you and tell you to get up who do we have here now tell me which one you handsome young boy's birthday is it today [Music] thank my partner the birthday girl are you all right honey i didn't tell you to speak will you what's your name young lady don't answer him will you're being very rude my name's lee horn what's your name when someone sticks out their hand it's polite to oblige and shake their hand my name is lee horn what is yours [Applause] nice to meet you selena i'm sure you already met my good friends this is one of the famous bell brothers chris that's his big brother joe rush and pete and tommy cliver the el paso kid didn't know you had such a beautiful daughter will i die i was wiped well you are quite the stud for a broken down old cowboy i mean happy birthday darling birthday it's your birthday today had i known i brought you a present what is it you want okay i'll get it for you i told you revenge i've got like thirty dollars all right and i've got a couple horses and i've got some guns that are still working replacing the value of human life on guns horses and 30 mangy dollars you have nothing to offer will if i want something i'll just take it keep my wife out of it shut up keep your mouth shut [Music] what are you doing with a broken down cowl the old law man like this for anywhere i find no coward [Music] [Applause] shooting a helpless man in the back killing him in cold blood my father said you were tough tougher than that you weren't afraid of anything you may not be afraid of what happens to you what you leave my kids out of it [Applause] me you laughing at you think that's funny let's see what's funny [Music] this is funny how about this huh let's have some fun let's do it let's do it let's have some fun will lee what are you doing [Music] you should have killed me when you had the chance when you killed my dad i'm sure he doesn't come after me [Music] planned this day for a long time will i grew up hearing stories about you how fast you were you never missed i always got you man i've been waiting a long time for this and it's turned out way better than i expected let's have some fun though they can watch [Music] who's next well i'm next boss get in there take my hand over this one [Music] i think we're just about here what do you think will look at me will i know you got some life in your man look at me look at me get in there chris [Music] [Music] give me your pistol what in the hell are you doing i said give me your pistol [Music] [Music] [Music] get away he's away from me [Music] oh what's the matter you drunkard you drop your hood [Music] oh smell that stick you ever hear a stove you son of a [ __ ] come on did you get up you drunk hey easy mister she's just a town drunk help her up pick up them groceries now apologize sorry ma'am sorry [Music] well how'd it do frank i haven't seen you in the coons age been out on the trail have you running down those uh cattle rustlers and murderers i guess you'd be getting a room over to billiards we had some trouble yonder a few months back bad bunch of boys came through here and raped a woman killed her whole family husband and kids frank it was an awful mess i i wish she would have been here so how long you plan on staying this time how much let's see that'd be uh 26 cents i always feel safer when you're in town frank not be my name's frank allison how are you frank suppose you'll be needing a room same as usual corner room upstairs around the back the money's always good here frank you stay as long as you like town always feel safer when you're here frank good talking to you frank [Music] [Music] so [Music] so i can't help you none frank i haven't seen half these men before haven't even heard well you think they know better than come with me trouble this now though huh hold on a second i know this song [ __ ] that's lee horn he come through here a couple months ago this gang killed the whole family in the outside of town raped the wife left her for she's still alive yeah he's in a real bad way now though drunk all the time understandably so what'd she look like he looks like a drunk i reckon she still lives on the outskirts of town she comes into town maybe twice a week pick up her hooch mind your own business you don't bother nobody i was to help her husband that day on the house my wife sick on the count of being pregnant and all so i didn't go when i went the next day i found her lord what a mess she said lee horn come and murder your whole family frank you're welcome to stay as long as you like always feel safer when you're here [Music] so what is it saw movement in these rocks i don't see nothing look at that they saw movement over near the rocks [Music] hold it right there lee you and your boys are under arrest let's take this nice and easy what seems to be the problem deputy plenty their latest transgressions were robbing those banks down in benson and douglas the worst of all was the murder of will stevens and his boys most recent transgressions those are big words boys means this man is educated makes him even more dangerous [Music] let's not have no [ __ ] in there lee enough people been killed indeed why would there be more shooting we don't want any trouble sir [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] they want us to grab their ammo interesting what he said what he mentioned will stevens and the boys didn't say anything about the wife you did do what i told you i told them to lee he wouldn't do it [Music] well he didn't even have his time with her like the rest is that so [Music] was no need to kill her we were there for the sheriff you never said nothing about him having a wife of kids and what difference does that make they were children lee well now come on now boss i mean don't matter none of we we didn't kill her right yeah it does you idiot she's a witness how the hell do you think that deputy knew better in the first place we go to mexico what difference does it make [Music] yeah you best get going boss do anything like that again and i'll kill you [Music] i'm just not the way to next though not going to mexico we're going back to [Music] bisbee [Music] who's that not theirs frank allison best bounty hunter in the west hey hey can i get you anything frank samuel got any of that stew sure does i'll tell him to get you a bowl anything else you want so [Music] good ma'am i didn't see you there [Music] how did selena suppose you'll be wanting your usual [Music] her usual being whiskey frank she's hurting it'll keep it liquored up all the time isn't gonna help her it's what she wants frank bring her some soup see it you should get yourself cleaned up you're the lady whose family was murdered i may be looking for these men what to talk to you about but here you are talking to me i have some pictures you can look at them if you want tell me if the same men [Music] can you tell me how many there were [Music] five there was five of them everything okay here there's your soup selena [Music] gonna get cold you're not a law man you're a bounty hunter i want you to teach me how to shoot pardon me teach me how to shoot no why why not you want to protect yourself we're one of them garters on your leg under your skirt keep a small blade in it for me and the lady wait why don't you teach me to shoot don't follow the man you go back and sit down and get something to eat in your stomach beside whiskey like mr allison said [Music] how many more i'll take two sheriff i'll take two also get a movie henry how many you want i'll take two [Music] right [Music] i'm telling you guess what friends [Music] check check uh how's that look looks good to me 40 cents frank's probably gonna bump it up just call him huh all right i'll call i got nothing he's got nothing [Music] henry three jacks [Music] i got a string what do you got frank [Music] flash [Music] [Music] hey you uh you hungry it's lena no that's it for me fellas i'm out take care we're playing with you all right not much fun just the four of us i can play you know how well enough you got money looks good to me frank you uh you all right lady playing queens well i got you beat frank because i got three jacks two tents for me i got you all beat with a straight that's it for me fellas lady has broke me yeah it's getting late better be heading home all right back to work for me fellas ma'am you're late frank i cleaned up what did you say i cleaned up good you're gonna teach me to shoot i can pay you give you back all this money you lost today i don't need your money besides what do you want to learn how to shoot for please frank please teach me how to shoot well i'm supposed to run it out in the morning but suppose i could stop by for a bit sheriff says you live on the outskirts of town yes about a mile west stevens place you can't miss it thank you frank [Music] okay said i would i did what you told me that's good am i going to teach you or not come in please i haven't kept the place as clean as i should have past few months that's your husband yes will stevens right you knew him new of him law man not a texan would you like a cup of coffee that'd be nice please thank you thank you all those years married to a law man he never taught you how to shoot wasn't no need to but now there is why is that i ain't got no one protecting me anymore fair enough first things first your grip you got to be tight you can't have a loose hand you got a loose hand you ain't gonna hit anything i said tight all right hold it out there don't lock your elbow but don't bend it too much either gonna kick right back and hit you in the face little fella broke his nose like that once in a gunfight made a mess i'm gonna look right down your arm and down the side there pull the trigger no not yet let's start over why pulling the trigger is the easy part learning how to draw how to aim that's the rough part we're going to do it learn that i need to learn how to shoot frank won't make any difference you don't learn how to draw properly you'll be dead already i don't need to learn how to draw i need to learn how to kill a man all right then you can draw quicker shoot before me then you're ready to practice shooting what are you waiting for pull through that weapon when you're ready draw if you beat me shoot me dead i'm not going to tell you again [Music] but i've never shot a woman before i'm not planning on doing it now but if you're going to be stubborn you best beat me to the draw if you want me to keep practicing [Music] where are you going we're done what do you mean we're done just that wait wait where do you think you're going wait wait mr allison will you just wait for one moment where are you going mr allison said i was sorry i'm sorry okay i will listen to you just wait mr allison please don't leave me frank you in there frank frank they're coming back they killed deputy thompson they killed him and his whole posse on the old spanish trail they're killing everybody frank everybody in their path who's that sheriff lee horn what are we gonna do what are we gonna do frank how many men can you round up oh i don't know folks are scared to death after what lee horn this gang done to selena and her family how many well i think none frank i can just have to be you and me hold on now why don't i get on the wire to tucson see if i can get us some help get on the wire then but if porn gets here before help arrives you better be ready for them [Music] [Music] good way to get yourself killed thought you were leaving [Music] what are you doing here [Music] i want you to finish teaching me how to shoot [Music] well i'll be back by tomorrow [Music] this holster you're gonna have to pull straight up and out else it's gonna hang up every time try it all right well let's try shooting all right remember arm out in front both eyes open don't cross in front of your body or you won't shoot straight now we're going to squeeze the trigger don't yank it but make one fluid motion don't pull it halfway commit to it you yanked no i didn't i sweet you yanked okay okay can i try again give you something to shoot at maybe that'll help trying to remember everything i told you we expected to hit it yes take you 100 tries and that's if you're lucky what are you waiting for you got three more shots in that gun shoot [Music] all right you're reloaded you know you're holding your breath no i told you it would take a while yeah you said that already how many men have you killed 12. i've killed 12 men is it hard to shoot someone shooting him is not hard killing him is something else entirely [Music] but you only kill a man when he tries to kill you or maybe he deserves to die would be my right to judge that but what if they'd done something so horrible that like what lee horn did to you yes be my duty to turn him over to the law but what if it was your family your life you'd kill him mr allison you know you would yeah yeah i'd kill him [Music] damn it see you tomorrow morning [Music] i ain't learned to shoot yet all day and i didn't hit a damn bottle said you teach me to shoot tomorrow then [Music] foreign so nice frank selina how are you frank can i can i talk to you for a minute once you reload and uh keep practice tucson dispatched a couple of u.s marshals and a couple of deputies to come out here after they got my wire well got word that they found lee horn so they set up a whole ambush in this place called dog creek on the gala trail about two days ago yeah i know the place well a male messenger found on the dead oh the two u.s marshals and the deputies gail of trail that is the main road into town yeah well any idea how soon they'd be here if they was to come from dog creek about two days i reckon what about tucson they sending anyone ah they got half a regiment tracing some apaches of a of the cyber mountain they said they can't spare anyone for a week anyone else you can call on well that would be deputy thompson but lee killed him they're all dead frank there ain't nobody left hey lee horn don't kill them all so what are we gonna do why don't you stay here tonight barton you're just gonna be back here in the morning done your things i'll make us some supper don't reckon i've ever had a roast that's good before pot roast is favorite he'd eat it every day breakfast lunch and supper stick his nose in the kitchen say cooking a roast no well vegetables chicken bread he always thought he smelled a pot roast you have everything you need mr allison you can call me frank good night frank [Music] [Music] so [Music] howdy cowboys welcome to the bisbee saloon samuel we got customers what's your name good looking john well i'm scarlet it's a pleasure to meet you and who are your friends their names are important samuel you got customers howdy gentlemen where can i get you give my boys a room and there's more of that came from raquel girls get over here and where's your room darling see you boys later let's find out [Music] all right now i want to try and move and shoot those bottles are too far away you can't pick your distance in a gunfight that's the idea but you're trying to find a spot fire two shots from cover just keep their heads down and then try and get closer go on [Music] from behind cover you fire from behind cover only otherwise you're gonna get shot you understand all right go on [Music] damn it it takes time what am i doing wrong just a lot different you're moving now it takes a lot of practice when you get the cover take a second don't rush your shot know where you're going to shoot before you do see it without looking then shoot that makes sense this is what it's like in a real gunfight [Music] go [Music] gonna shoot you gonna answer my question no matter what this is what it's like in a real gunfight can't answer that why not because each one's different that's why bottles don't shoot back can't walk back sheriff barr why don't you come on in and have a drink that's all right samuel maybe later we're here [Music] sheriff bar is a good man he you don't mind strangers stopping over him down again [Music] sheriff y'all do name's joe hey how are you nice to meet you hey sherpar how are you i hope you don't mind me and my boys stopping in for a bit of a rest we've been on the trail a few days so oh yeah right where you all from we're on a cattle drive up near douglas we're just on our way back down to nakos welcome to stay as long as you need okay samuel here he's got some of the some of the finest rooms in town so make yourself comfortable all right [Music] thank you sure do like reading don't you why i educated myself it helps me relax [Music] now we should get back to shooting [Music] frank sheriff selena sheriff barr it's good to see you again frank i need to speak to you for a minute [Music] selena would you uh excuse us for a minute please [Music] how do you know which horn in this game they got that look frank they're murderers i could see in their eyes you actually see horn frank i'm telling you did you see lee horn no i did not see lee horn but i know he's here i know it's them frank i know it i'm sorry but i know it's them [Music] you're not thinking of taking them on all by yourself are you not here in bisbee i reckon i am you're not gonna help you son of a [ __ ] you son of a [ __ ] selena lee's here lee's here that's why you stayed that's why you stayed we don't know that for sure selena i don't know how you must be feeling right now don't you dare tell me i'm feeling if it is horniness man i will handle i'm gonna help you you want a what i'm going to help you i don't need your help well you're gonna get it selena this is what frank does let him handle this these men killed my husband and my little boys in front of my eyes and they raped me and loved me [Music] celine there ain't nothing you can do to help well then i can die trying you don't know what you're talking about please then they took my life away from me well look i'm gonna i'm gonna head on back to town and uh keep an eye on these fellas case it is lee horn selena you're not a gunfighter selena please i can help you no but you've been teaching me to shoot look teaching you to shoot whiskey bottles is not the same as taking on leigh horn in this game the murderers they'll kill you like i said i can die try no but i can chew as good [Music] what are you doing where are you going right damn it answer me where did kill me babies they killed my baby [Music] [Music] hey we need to talk darling give me a moment with my friends all right just a moment we need to get out of here right now the sheriff was in here i'm telling you he knows who we are let's go visit the sheriff boy hi the sheriff howdy good afternoon to you give me a fight there i understand you met one of my boys but i wanted to personally assure you that we're not here to cause any trouble in the sleepy little town of yours one take a night off the trail be gone tomorrow morning well that'd be fine then you okay sheriff yep yeah i'm behind just you know looking well i've been a little under the weather [Music] lately there's nothing over there hey lee come take a look at this [Music] look like anyone you know [Laughter] you're sure i'm positive i like this guy i really do anything else i can do for you [Music] ain't you boys missing one of your men scarlet so when your girl's down to see the kid where is he at he's keeping the sheriff company see a good little girl and send one of them down just do what he says scarlet last round boys move the horses around back and get to bed we got a long day tomorrow thank you mr bartender man [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] uh ugh [Music] i wouldn't do that [Music] you better cover yourself miss who the hell are you where are the rest of you boys well why don't you tell me who you are first you killed will stevens and his boys raped his wife and left her for dead now the sheriff [Music] [Music] deserved it wasn't me i didn't touch it i didn't touch my paperwork why did you come back to bisbee we wanted to finish we wanted to finish finish what oh my god is he dead not yet now i don't much like words so you're going to be quiet you understand else he'll end up just like him what are you doing back in a while unless you make a racket then i'll be back soon just leave me in here [Music] hey pete you're right wake up you drunk bastard hey what the hell did you do sleep down here all night no actually well hurry up and get ready we're right now soon gotta go let's do it [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] so that's a mighty nasty trick missy point that gun at me i got no truck with you you raped me and you murdered my family i had lay to he would have killed me killing me won't bring your husband back [Music] put the gun down i will give you something your husband couldn't [Applause] what's going on out there where's pete he went to the crapper where's the kid last i seen him still banging away on vilma go get him please let me out of here you just open the door i've been checking for hours you give me a name i remember his name you give me something else but i will shoot you where you lie all he said was about some man killing some man and ripping his wife that's all i remember so i know i swear it let me out of here please kill emily you shot tommy we're talking about will stevens i think it's that brownie hunter one of the sheriff's talking about that frank allison lee we need you to go find pete we still alive we're gonna need him what i'll go i told chris too and i'm telling you i'll go i need you on the balcony with that rifle you can pick off anybody and the rooftops are down the street this is twice as fast as us i'll be down there half the time if you do this for me get going i'm going [Music] so [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] the hell are you doing i killed him i killed two of those bastards frank well i got tommy cliver that just leaves horn we gonna go get him i'll handle him you've done enough but frank no warren's a cool killer he's not like the others he'll hit what he aims at so stay here and stay down when this is over i'll come back for you [Music] frank be careful [Music] [Music] oh hello darling you're not going to be needing this anymore now who's your friend up there go back only murder instead of a that's where you want to play hello out there i got something i think you're gonna want you know it's a pity that's come to this my friends would go where they were supposed to in the first place we wouldn't be in this predicament [Music] apparently there's a peaceful resolution we can come to i got a lot of money nobody to share with so let's work something out shall we the only peaceful resolution is for you to throw down your guns and come out with your hands up lehorn [Music] i got a better idea i'm gonna count to five and you're gonna put your guns down or i'll put a bullet in her head one two three here i am horn i don't need to shoot her let her go the famous frank allison will indeed sir it has been an honor now just like the last time [Music] go to hell [Music] [Music] break break [Music] ah [Music] we got him will we killed every last one of them and they rot in hell for what they did to you and to my boys we got him how you feeling [Music] this is for you what is it it's the award money for lee horn in his gang lee alone was worth over 500 a big one he never raped me supposed to kill me but he didn't i reckon it's better i killed him then take this i can't take it that's a lot of money you can rebuild your life live easy for a long time [Music] where are you headed up to naco after a man for robin a bank and douglas and back to tombstone the way you from
Channel: Western Central
Views: 883,439
Rating: 4.4762793 out of 5
Keywords: watch, western, movies, online, free, download, classic, old, spaghetti, westerns, full, films, film, school, hollywood, american, bonanza, clint eastwood, DVD, 60s, 70s, 80s, 40s, 50s, cisco, kid, cowboys, f-troop, wild, west, indians, sheriff, world, apache, chief, western movies, western movies full length free, classic western movies, western movies full length, free western movies, best western movies, western movie, cowboy movies, western feature films, free westerns
Id: Jh9wz4gi18w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 88min 39sec (5319 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 20 2020
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