Day of Anger | WESTERN | HD | Full Movie | Spaghetti Western | English

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DAY OF ANGER DAY OF ANGER Morning, Mr Corbitt. Have you got anything for me today? No, Scott. And push off with that barrel. My nose can't stand that awful stink. Why, it's all from the respectable citizens of Clifton. Beat it. Hey. You see that, Scott? Even though I'm considered blind, bet there's no-one with an aim like that in all of Clifton. In fact, in all Arizona. You bet, Bill. You're the best shot in all of the West. You filthy tramp. How many times do I have to tell you... not to dirty my bottles? I have to use them again. And you know it. Now, get out of here... or I'll get rid of that other eye for you. Bill didn't dirty 'em on purpose, Mr Murray. I'll wash the bottles. Don't ever touch me again, you... You ugly son of a bitch! - I wonder what's up. - Uh-huh. Why, it's years since we've heard any shooting like that in Clifton. Who fired that shot? A bonehead or a boozer? It's nothing serious. Mr Murray sizzled buckshot in our old friend Bill's behind. Where are you going? There's the barrel to empty. Don't pass this way. You'll stink up the saloon. Back the other way. Mr Murray, I thought I heard some shooting. It was me, Nigel. To clean out the barrel. You should do the same, every so often, if you can still find your gun. Well, I'm the law here. This, in Clifton, is worth more than fancy hardware. Whoa. Morning, doctor. Where have you been so bright and early? I had a rough night of it, between a birth and a bad case of diarrhoea. No complications, I hope. About the birth, I think you should ask Hart Perkins. His wife had two little boys. As for the case of diarrhoea, it was that old mare of Judge Cutcher's. Scott... when you're finished your rounds, take your broom and go and sweep in front of Skill's house, you hear'? Yes, Mr Miller. - Hiya, Gwen. - How are you? I haven't seen you for a long time. Show too much and you can't sell it. And you... Have you come here to gawk? Now get busy with that broom. When you're finished, come to me. I'll give you a quarter. Thanks a lot, Vivian. I don't want anything for doing it. I don't forget how much you did for me, when I was here. You were just a babe in arms, Scott. Are you looking for something? A stable. Ah, yes. There's Miller's stable at the far end of the street. You can't miss it. And where can I sleep... and sleep good? There at the saloon. You passed by it just now. Gambling house and hotel, bar and a restaurant. You'll like it. You want to earn a dollar? Take my horse to the stable. Yes, sir. What's your name? - Scott. - Scott what? Only Scott. Because of my mother. I never did know her. And what was her name? Her first name was Mary. Mary. It's as good as any other name. Why not call yourself "Scott Mary"? They'd all laugh at me, if I said my name was "Scott Mary". So what? Who knows for sure whether they'd laugh at it? When you get my horse settled, come on over to the saloon and pick up your dollar. My name's Talby. Another job, Murph. Take good care of him. I've already earned a dollar just for bringing him here. Look at that saddle. First-class leather. Worked by hand. What are you going to do with that dollar? Why, I'm saving it. With this, I already have eight. And when I save another ten, I'll be buying a Colt at the emporium. And what will you do with it, sonny? The days of fast guns are over. Once upon a time, a good pistol was worth more than money in the bank. When Doc Holliday of the OK Corral died, there was a real massacre of people trying to get hold of his gun. Doc Holliday was the best shot in all the West. Him, not his pistol. Him AND his pistol. There can be the experience of a lifetime in a gun. It's not enough to be able to draw faster than the other guy, if the other guy knows a trick that you don't know. In my day, we had to either learn the tricks or we gave work to the gravediggers. I'll buy myself a Colt and I'm going to wear it. I want to see if anyone'll still have the courage to call me a bastard. The one I got now is wood, but it's better than pushing an old broom. Right, Murph? Sometimes I wonder if I wasn't just damn stupid when I taught you how to draw. Do the job well, because this Talby might give you a dollar... Talby? Yeah. The name of the stranger. Talby? I think I've heard that name before. You have, eh? Not in this town, though. Not in Clifton. They're very pretty. Too bad. In a few days, they're gonna be dead. My pa doesn't want you to speak to me. Ever again. There's your dollar. Sit down. It's all right. Sit down. Would you like a whiskey, Scott Mary? Yeah... What are you doing here? He's my guest. He wants a whiskey. You're not from around here. He cleans the toilets. And collects the garbage. Why, he sweeps the sidewalk. Sometimes even the saloon. He can't sit down here. So, if he wants to drink, he's got to go to the kitchen. - He ain't the kind of customer... - A whiskey. All right. Chuck him out, Abel. Or should I do it? You don't want to make us drink with that garbage man, do you? Didn't you hear that? Get outta here! Scott Mary is my guest. My guests drink with me as long as I or they please. Listen, stranger. Clifton is our city. We don't want anyone to boss us around. If you don't watch out, I'm gonna punch your teeth out and throw you outta here. - Get out! - You'll have to use your gun. - Right now. - No! You'll testify that I fired only after he aimed his gun at me. Having heard the witnesses, I, Judge Cutcher, in the name of the law proclaim that Hart Perkins died in the course of an unprovoked attack, during which, Mr Frank Talby exercised his right of self-defence. We'll teach you to keep in your place. Just one more question. First man you ever killed, Talby? That is, I mean, in self-defence, uh? No, it wasn't my first one, Nigel. You want me to put notches on my gun? The hearing is closed. Just a minute, you... Wait... and hit him outside. What the law doesn't see, it can't punish. This'll teach you to keep in your place. And don't dirty my saloon with your filthy presence. You'll be needing lessons, Scott. For your own good. And this is for poor Perkins. Those twins were born just yesterday. Hold it, Murray. The boy had nothing to do with it. Go back to the stable, you old fool. Come on Sartana. Let's go. Damn it all, Sartana. It's because of you we lost him again. - Come on, you stupid mule. - Hold it... I don't like people to mistreat their animals. But... You been following me, kid. You better come up with a good excuse or it may be your last one. I had to escape. They were out for my blood. Now that's no excuse. I want to get to be like you. I know how to draw, but I've never had a real pistol. If I'm taught right, I'm pretty bright. I'd be useful to you as a sort of partner. Maybe. All right. First lesson... Never beg another man. You'll take me with you? How much money you've got? Eight dollars. Give it to me. It'll be useful for your second lesson. Second lesson... Never trust anyone. Come on, Sartana. We gotta go and hear that third lesson. What's that? Tequila, señor. You see, it's the only thing we got here. It wets your throat. Round here, everybody takes a glass before taking a trip. Well, my trip ends here. You go tell that to Wild Jack. My name's Talby. Right away, señor. Hey. Listen, stranger... - What town is this? - Bowie... - Bowie. At least for now. - For now? Why? Because it's gonna be hell here, pretty soon. Wild. Wild. Wild. Third lesson... Never get between a gun and its target. Hello, Wild. Come on in. You're back, huh? It would've been better if you hadn't come here, Talby. Don't be a pessimist. You never can tell. I said that for your own good. I'm not after revenge, Wild. Give me my 50,000 dollars, we'll be friends again. You can believe it or not... I don't have one lousy, stinking dollar. I just got outta jail three weeks ago. I know that. I've been waiting ten years to give you the bill. You lost your money. I spent ten years in jail. That's your business. In order to pull this deal, I had to bring in certain people from Clifton. If you're gonna tell me your life story, why don't you sit down? We were all set to pull a job in Abilene. The Clifton people had clean hands. They only passed on the information. They said they were going to alibi for me. Everything was perfect, there were no risks. We were to split the money down the middle. And those clean hands tricked you. You're damn right they did. They testified against me. The money disappeared. Well, what could I do? My word against a banker? A judge? The rest of those... honest, rich bastards? And, so, my 50,000 ended up in their pockets too. Exactly. Well, why don't you go to Clifton now? Take your revenge, if you have to. But get the money that's owed to you and then you can pay your debt to me. I got a price on my head. They're looking for me all over Arizona. I'm here in Bowie... but I got one foot in Mexico. All right... I'll tell you what we can do. You get me the names of those people in Clifton and you go on down to Mexico... and you stay there. What are you gonna do? Let's say I'm buying you revenge for $50,000. Then the honest people of Clifton can owe their debt to Frank Talby instead. How's that? Or else? Or else... you have to pay. One way or another. All right, Talby. I can't argue with you. You're too fast. Drinks for everyone. I want to celebrate the return of an old friend. Everybody drink. You ain't drinking? Not yet, Wild. Maybe you're telling the truth... and maybe you're not. If everything goes all right, I'll drink to your health. In Clifton. You think you're pretty funny, don't you, Talby? Well... we'll drink, amigos. To Wild Jack's health. Here... No. You ain't drinking either? No. I'm with him. We'll teach ya how to drink in Bowie. That's enough, Wild. <i>Vengan.</i> Fourth lesson. Punches are like bullets. If you don't make the first ones count, Scottie, you might just be finished. I'll remember that. Wild. You're forgetting something, Wild. I still want the names of those people in Clifton. I ain't forgetting nothing. There was Turner, the banker. He knew about the shipment of gold. Judge Cutcher. He was gonna alibi for me. Abel Murray. He was driving the train. Bill Farrell. He was in command of the garrison. He's got a ranch now. Out Stafford way. No. No, Frank. Don't kill me. No! You can't kill him. You can't kill him. Fifth lesson. You wound a man, you better kill him. Or sooner or later he's gonna kill you. Bill Farrell? Put your hands up. If you make a move, you're a dead man. Wild Jack responsible for this? And you're gonna be next. Your gun. Come on. Now you're going for a nice little ride. One more time! Well, turn around! Turn around! Whose mule is that? Sixth lesson. The right bullet at the right time. And well-aimed. Bravo, Scott Mary. Bravo. Looks like I owe you my life. You owe me nothing. But... take me along, will you? Seventh lesson... If you untie a man... take his gun before that. Eighth lesson... Don't give a man any more bullets than what he's got use for. Very good. All right, Scott. You can come with me. But don't get your hopes up too high 'cause it's a dirty life. Mr Turner. Well, welcome back, Mr Talby. And what brings you here? It's a matter of money. You wish to make a deposit? No. A withdrawal. But... you've no account. You've no account open here, Mr Talby. I don't, but Wild Jack does. But, er... - Well, Wild Jack... - Sh... Wild Jack is dead. But the account is still open and I've come to close it. Er, what do you mean, sir? Bill Farrell is dead too. But before he died, he signed a confession in which he listed all the names of his accomplices, including yours. Mr Talby... What's the... the amount of the withdrawal? A thousand dollars. One thousand? Gimme a thousand. Here you are. And... now may I have that... that document? For so little? What do you take me for? Thank you. My money's safe with you. Something wrong, Mr Turner? Go call Abel Murray and Judge Cutcher. Immediately. Yes, sir. Wait. Just a moment. For Abel Murray, it's much too late, I'm afraid. Go and call the judge. - Tell him to get here right away. - Yes. What does that mean? We're partners. Fifty-fifty, this whole place. For a thousand dollars? I know I'm generous. I'm paying for something that's already mine. But Mr Talby... If this is a joke... This is no joke. I lost my sense of humour. I inherited my half from Wild Jack. I'm somebody in Clifton now. I've got a bank account now... half a saloon... ...and these scales of justice will be leaning the way I tell them to and you just watch the way I tell them to. Now sign. What... - What is this? - It's a contract of partnership. - But... - Bill Farrell talked. And you sign it or tomorrow you end up in the gallows. Good. Got a room for me? - I'm boss now. - Number seven. What did you make me sign? A nice, complete, detailed confession. They're coming, Scott Mary. All those people that are locked up in their houses. The Perkins ranch is to the north so they should be coming from down there. Scott, remember... A man on horseback has to divide his attention between his horse and his gun. So you cannot let them dismount. Now, find yourself a spot in the shadows over there, where you can't be seen. - You want me to shoot? - Don't shoot until after I do. And when you shoot, shoot fast. And hit your target. Uh-huh. Your boys on the watch, huh? Where have you put your little errand boy? You'd better step aside a little. They're coming. Give yourself up, Talby. Listen, men. I want you all to be law-abiding. There's been a trial and Frank Talby was acquitted. You're putting yourself right smack against the law. So clear out of here or I'll put you in jail. Since when you protecting killers with your shiny star? You'd better listen to me, Mackenzie. Remember what happened to Hart. He met the wrong man and had a bad end. Why listen to this fool'? Let's get it over with. We didn't come here to listen to his blabber. Come on, let's make this Talby dance! Better get out of here. He's spread his men around. He's set a trap. Go to the devil, will you? You stay back. What are you waiting for? What's going on here... Good work, Scottie. Now, nobody will dare get in your way. - Not in this town. - But... you're wounded. No problem. It's just on the left side. Four dead and two wounded. I want to know what the devil you want, Talby. I only shot after they knocked you down, Marshal. Scott... I think this town is ours. Nothing more to be done for these two, Judge. Absolutely unbelievable. - Unbelievable. - Aye... You'll have to acquit him again, I'm afraid, Judge. Where is he? You've taken plenty of time. My friend is wounded. This one's much worse! That's one of the men who attacked us. Scott. You've been drinking. Don't touch me, you bastard. I'll not be sweeping in front of your house again. You can bet on that. Now, get out, you bastard, you! What did you do to him? He's acting like some rabid wolf. He was born a wolf. You made him rabid, not me. Good boy, Scott Mary. You've always been underestimated. I'm the first to recognise it and to ask you to excuse me. Bring me the broom. - What? - I said the broom. The same one you gave me to sweep this pigsty. Scott... go back to the stable. After you, Marshal. Pigs go before. - I'm gonna show you... - Marshal... Don't go anything foolish. Not now. What you been needing is a beating, Scott. With a big, big stick. A big stick, huh? I used to have one once. Watch this. Hold it, Murray. No! Mm... Scott... This isn't what I wanted for you. Come away. Go to hell. All of you! You're pretty damn fast, Scott Mary. - Not bad. - May I go and take care of the other one? Go ahead. Was he your friend? He the one that showed you how to draw? - Yes, that was him. Murph Allan. - Murph Allan? That's right. He works in the stable down the street. Ron Miller's. Murph Allan SHORT. NOW I remember. He's gotten so old he can't wear a gun anymore, huh? - You know him? - Yeah, I know him. He was a marshal in Abilene once. Ran me out of town with a rifle at my back. It was a long time ago, but I won't forget it. You know, maybe he was right. I should take your gun away and send you back to the stable. Don't try it, Talby. It's too late. Yeah. It's too late. Oh... You've made yourself a lot of enemies, Mr Talby. Thanks. Been hit, Talby? The old wound hasn't healed yet. Who was he? Is he with us or against us? Why did he save your life? Pretty soon we'll find out. Gentlemen... Owen, what's the idea? Why did you save the life of that man, Owen? We've brought you here to kill him. I've travelled for 500 miles to get here. And I couldn't let a barber steal my work from me. Then you must have known it was Talby. - And you went and saved him. - For my $10,000. Well. Since you're so sure you're gonna kill him... here's a third of it now. - The rest after. - Mm-hm... It may cost you a little more this way. Drink to my health, Nigel? Now... this was Corbitt's. Now it's yours. It's a great rifle, in the hands of a good shot. I gotta warn you: Owen is able to shoot ten buffalo, riding full speed. Poor old Corbitt was an expert only with a razor. Nigel... the weapon that's gonna kill me hasn't been invented yet. Who knows? I've heard that you're pretty quick with a pistol. And I don't want to question that... Talby. But who knows if you'd take on a real duel? You mean one of those games where they count off paces? Almost. Except on horseback. And with front-loading rifles. You got a reason for this? I've already told you once, Talby... - You've made a lot of enemies. - I know. All right. I'll kill you any way you want. Tomorrow morning. At sunrise. No.No, no.No. No, please. Don't do it. It... it... it... it wasn't my idea. Oh... don't. No, no... Don't ruin me. No. It wasn't me. I didn't want to. I'll do whatever you want. You know something, Murray? - I don't like this place anymore. - No? Pretty soon, I'll be opening up a new saloon. You know what I'm gonna call it? The Forty-Five. In honour of this one. Uh-huh. I'm dissolving our partnership. Now I want my half. Your thousand dollars? Now come on, Murray. You know this place is worth at least 40,000. Now, I'm not good at mathematics, but I'm sure you can figure it out. But you gave me... No, no, no, no. Whatever you want. $20,000. But I don't have it on me right now. I... - A note for payment on demand. Sign it. - Yes. That's it. I'll fill in the amount later. Mr Talby... Here's your receipt. Where did you find that pistol? That? Oh, the marshal gave it to me. Huh... Who are you now? Murph Allan Short? Or are you simply plain Murph? One day I made my choice. You can never go back. Tell the truth. You don't like my being with Talby. You watch out. They've been saying that you're faster than him. You may be faster and quicker with your eye and your hand, but... in order to survive, you need something else. - Experience. - You're trying to turn me against him. Talby should be about 45. That's a bad age for a gunman. Every day you feel yourself getting slower. Your muscles still react, but your reflexes aren't as quick. Talby's done the same as a lot of others before him. He's taken a helper. Somebody young who shoots for him when things get too difficult. That's a lie. But even if it was true, what's bad in that? The day will come when you'll be throwing too big a shadow on him. This is his last chance. His last city. Either he sets himself up here for life or he leaves his skin. I don't believe anymore in your ridiculous fairy tales. Scott... Never hammer a hammer. Just... caress it. And that's just what Talby said. - I don't get it. - Have you ever seen him draw? But, Murph... What's the point? That's one of his tricks. You shoot like this. And he shoots like... this. But if you hold the barrel like that... you'll make sure... that you don't stop the drum. Of course, that's why Talby's modified the hammer. He can fire six shots in the time it takes you to fire... three. And he's more accurate. It's all in the gun. Was it he who chose your gun? Yeah, Murph. It's a beautiful weapon. Beautiful, huh? But the barrel is seven inches long. Huh... The best size for me. Have you seen Talby's gun? Yes, it's one like mine. Erm... only it's missing the sight. Exactly. It hasn't got a sight because he has sawed off the barrel. You have two more inches of barrel. Two more inches to draw. You know what that means? Look, I've had more than enough of this talk. But you think you're putting me against Talby only because of a pistol much shorter than mine? Think of me, when the day comes, if you find yourself face to face with Talby. - I'm going. - Listen, my boy. If anything should happen to me, I've hidden a package there, in that box where you used to keep your money. Bah... Take it... if you remember me. But leave it there, if you still think I'm an old lunatic. Forget it! Place your bets. Place your bets. Fourteen for the gentleman. - Deuce or house... - Round and round and round she goes. Where she stops, nobody knows. Get your bets in, please. Bets in. Next round. That's right. Right in. Looks like you won, sir. Well... you're very lucky. Here you are. Two deputies are outside. They'll get what they're looking for. Thank you, Gwen. Two deputies are outside. What do we do? Stand guard at the upstairs window. You can go out the back where I came in. Be careful. These guys aren't just cowboys. You go ahead. What do you want? You are going to get yourself killed Scott. Shut up. I don't believe you. Wait and see. He'll step in just one second to late to be in danger. Look I'm going. I had enough. Listen, nobody is gonna shoot at your back. I just wanted you to know that. I'm not afraid of anyone. Hey, Cross. Looking for someone? What do you say? Want to leave things up to the pistols? You begin, Cross. I'm a deputy. You got that clear? I represent the law. You're just like any other gunman paid to kill me. All right. I'm ready. Scott... everything all right? Put away your spitfire, Talby. It's all over. In this town, there ain't no more deputies with a fast pistol. Come on inside. We gotta celebrate. His songs were sad... but he knew how to play. He won't play anymore. I don't think this is a night to celebrate. When did you get so sentimental, Scott Mary? Beginning now. Scott Mary. Will you come with me? My father wants to talk to you. Is that so? I remember being chased away. I know. You're right. But it's different now. Will you? They're waiting for us at the old mill. Please... We want you to come over... On our side. So we can bring... some order back to Clifton, which is just as much your town as ours. I've known your order for more than 20 years... but you're wasting your time. You're right, Scott. But you know me well. And you should think about the fact that I'm on this side. Our worst problem, at the moment, is Talby. Eliminate him and then we can think about the rest. No, Murph. As far as I know Talby's done only justice. He may have killed, but only because they made trouble. He'll kill anyone who comes between himself and his goal. Good or bad alike. But I'll chase him out of Clifton, like I chased him out of Abilene 20 years ago... Scott. I don't want to see the two of us... face to face. Then just forget Talby. Step aside. Scott. I told you he wouldn't accept. Much worse for him. The bastard is about to die. And then... it's your turn. Why, you son of a... - Eileen. - I'm here, Scott. I made it. I killed Scott Mary! 'Got him! - Scott. - There. The two of them! Ah... the plan worked out. Come on, let's go. Murderers! I hope he's dead. The bastard. You're going to hell, Turner. Find out down there. No! Well, this time it's nothing to do with self-defence, Talby. It's murder. Hand me your gun. We'll see what the jury has to say, Nigel. You won, Talby. Obviously, it wasn't just luck. This country is developing. And Clifton along with it. But now, maybe more than ever before, you need a judge... as your friend. What's done inside the law is sometimes safer than what's done outside the law. And I'm to believe that this Scott Mary passed from broomstick to pistol, huh? Just like that. Absolutely. When Scott Mary used his pistol, boy, what a spectacle. Scott Mary, the wonder boy. Last three weeks he's been enjoying over at Vivian Skill's house. Doctor Cullen says, in order to extract the bullet from his right arm, he had to cut a muscle. In fact, we'll be holding the glass to his mouth, this great gun, so he can drink. It's a lot of bull. When you drop dead or become too feeble to shoot, you get a name as the greatest shot in the West. Yeah. Just like Doc Holliday, for instance. When he died, that gun of his became a legend. You know, if Scott Mary should stay paralysed, there's lot of folks gonna think he was able to light a match at ten paces' distance... One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. Champagne. We've got to celebrate. You're looking good. How's your arm? I can take care of myself. You're faster than before. Because I exercised. I pushed myself out of bed to do it. To your recovery. The marshal's star. Who did it go to? There is a new marshal, ain't there? Yeah. Murph... Allan... Short. He... might make a good sheriff. A tough one. In Clifton, I owe nothing to nobody. But to Murph, I'm very indebted. Talby! Talby! I hear you. As from today, it's forbidden to wear firearms in the city. Unbuckle your belt and let it drop. You better come and get it. I'm coming. I may not be as fast as I used to be, but you could lose again on account of me. No! I gave you plenty of warning, Talby. Now I'm gonna get you. "Dear Scott, "When you read this, "I will be dead. "The only thing I can leave you "is this pistol. It's an old one, "but it belonged to Doc Holliday. "It's also been mine. Now it's yours. "It's endowed with the tricks of three generations of gunmen. "The firing pin's been modified "so that all you have to do is think about shooting. "The trigger fires immediately. "This pistol is now in your hands, Scott, "but if you still think the way Talby does, "I beg you: Throw it away." Scott. - Hey, Scott. - I'm here. They're coming over here. You're surrounded by the gunmen of Talby, Scott. They might kill you, Scott. Don't be worried. Come on out, Scott Mary. Talby wants to speak to you. Now, are you coming out immediately? Or must we beg you? I'm coming out... but you'd better not shoot. You never should beg another man. That's the first lesson I learned from Talby. Don't move. Drop your gun, Scott. Yeah, friend. You mustn't trust anyone. That's the second lesson. - Did you see him? - No. He's not even at Vivian Skill's. Never get between a gun and its target. The right bullet at the right time. Talby. Now it's your turn. There's nobody out here left to be killed in your place. A challenge shouldn't be refused, no matter what it might mean to you. Remember saying that to me? Sure I do, Scott Mary. You sure you want it this way, Scottie? You saw what happened to Murph. But you won't do it to me. Tell me: Did you go to church to pray? If I waited for you in the saloon, the sun wouldn't be in your eyes. I don't believe your tricks will be enough. My gun will do it. That's where you're mistaken. If I was alone, maybe you could've done it. But not against me and Murph. Now I got a pistol that's equal to yours. Sight missing, calibrated perfectly. Your last lesson, Scottie... When you start killing, you can't stop it. Any time you're ready. Find me a horse, Scottie. I'll get out of your way. No. I'd be stupid to help you. I've learned your lessons like a good boy. When a man has been wounded, you've gotta end it. Or it might be that later he'll try to kill you. You won, Murph. Scott. Scott!
Channel: Grjngo - Western Movies
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Channel Id: undefined
Length: 86min 11sec (5171 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 06 2019
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