Demolishing a trailer

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I'm on this job here today I got my Bobcat in my llamar excavator and the plan is to clean off this area over here so I guess at one point while I'm standing there used to be a garage here and there's not much left of it now but I want to clean we're supposed to clean up these cinder blocks and there used to be it this garage used to have a pit and I think this was it here so the area in between these two steel beams you could pull a car in this garage and work on underneath it and it's kind of just filled in right now but the way that you would access the pit was down from this little building here which there's not much left of it and it's uh it's kind of really an unsafe thing right now because someone could maybe I don't know if they would but someone could walk on that wood thing and fall through this so being that this is pretty much mostly collapsed this needs to go so my plan is to just kind of smash this all up here and kind of bury it into the side of the hill and just slope to the side of the hill and the other thing I'm here to do is get rid of this trailer here this is so let's let's go inside and check this out all right so the plan is to get rid of this trailer so I'm getting a 30-yard dumpster delivered and I'm gonna smash this stuff with the excavator and all the garbage you know like the water and everything all loaded in the dumpster and all the scrap metal I will load up my dump truck and paste to the scrap yard for a recycling [Music] you [Music] you all right the other thing that's interesting here is there's all these partially buried cars in this hillside so while I'm here at the excavator already already having filed a scrap metal from this camper I'll pull these out of here too and I used to get like real excited on jobs like this once scrap metal was high you know you find stuff that's partially buried sometimes you'd find like a pile of engine blocks or something and it'd be you know you'd make out pretty good so I I don't can't really tell how much is in here I know I don't want to like search like dig a lot to search but I'll start pulling these things out and see what I find you know at least to make this you know he'll safer because having a bunch of rusty metal stabbing out of the side of a hill just doesn't look good all right so I'm gonna get my dumpsters not here yet but I'm gonna just get started smashing up this trailer and I'll sort everything into piles I'll have a scrap metal pile and I'll have a garbage pile [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] you I'm back here today to finish this trailer so I just called the scrap yard in the past you know there's a lot of aluminum here and what I would do is take like a hammer and crowbar and separate all the aluminum out to get like a clean metal price for the aluminum I just called the scrapyard aluminum is at 40 cents a pound for clean aluminum if if I don't take the time to separate it I kind of get like ten price for it which is that six cents a pound so to me time is money I'm not going to take all the time to separate out all this aluminum I'm just gonna clean you know clean it off most of the wood off of it stack it right here then I'll use the skid steer to bring everything up then I'll pretty much have three different types of materials I'll have the aluminum which I'm pulling out now or tin technically so like that refrigerator and a lot of this stuff looks like aluminum the roof that's not aluminum it's galvanized steel so you know separating this out for me isn't worth it so all right now I'm pulling out all the tin then I'll have a pile of garbage and I'll have a pile of steel which I'll break up into pieces and not be number one steel and a little bit of rain we got last night was nice because this I was working here yesterday and it was you know working on top of that with dust is pretty nasty so I picked this up this morning and with the rain there's not that much dust anyway so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I just finished separating out the different types of materials here so this pile here that's like my light metal and I'm gonna load that's pretty much got to go in the truck right now it's like ten and some aluminum and that's gonna go for recycling this is all the garbage which is pretty much everything else that's not metal then over here I have the heavy metal which is the frame and anything that's just the thicker metal so that will be a separate load now you wouldn't want to mix this metal with that metal because that metal would actually devalue this because this they're gonna pay hopefully nine dollars every hundred pounds that over there I'm probably gonna get six dollars a hundred pounds for so if you mix them you'd lose money on this metal so then also I'm looking forward to start pulling metal out of here it looks like there's cars and stuff buried in this so I guess I'll see what I find but I mean here's this is like a you know car frame obviously that looks like a rollup garage door so there may be a bunch of sheet metal in here I mean I don't want to make like a huge mess or anything here because I'm but I mean if I'm pulling out scrap metal it's worth it and then there's a little bit more right here too so but yeah this looks like that looks like a car right here you know because you can see the seat belts and stuff so this would be fun digging through here so all that all this material here now needs to get up here and this hill is a little bit probably too steep to drive up and down it so probably what I'll do is use the skid steer to carry everything up I got my new demo bucket here that I haven't even tried yet and what I'll do is I'll probably push over that dead tree and just grade this out so it's a little bit less steep I may even try to drive my truck my dump truck down here but I'm sure it's not going to drive back up but that'd be so much easier just to put the dump truck right here and then use the excavator to pound all that metal into the back of the dump truck because it'd be nice to get that all in one trip but I don't know if that's realistic or not [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you you [Music] [Music] [Music] I was just able to stuff that entire pile of scrap metal in the back of my truck that's cool I didn't think I thought that'd be two trips and it's not even loaded like dangerously it's like loaded easy you know I could probably even put a little more in there so I think next I got to I'll start cleaning this up and I'm thinking about pulling that dumpster down here but I don't know I don't think I need to I mean it's only right at the top of that hill and the skid steer with the grapple should probably make quick work of this and then plus if the dumpster was there it'd probably be in the way all right let's see if I can make it up this hill I'll need some speed [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you you look at that Explorer right there that guy scrappy what's that comes a time when you gotta let things go look at this part of the skyscrapper yeah that thing he says it needs attorney but he's dogging her [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you you I'm at the point where I'm calling this job finished so do a walk around here I just put this tree back or put a new tree here to kind of block this temporary access road I just made I just fixed this drain pipe that could probably be cut shorter though that's just like an outlet for a gutter so this is the area here where that concrete block thing was so that looks a lot better and you know that's good that that was done because that was pretty unsafe you know someone could have walked on top of that and fallen right through it plus the block walls were like they fell over like nothing to so you know that that's good that that's that's gone because that was that was bad all right so here is the area where that trailer was so I can't even tell it's there anymore or it was there I can't even tell it was there so that looks nice so I started trying to pull scrap metal out of the side of this hill because it looked like there may have been a bunch in there but I was kind of finding more garbage the garbage the metal ratio wasn't good enough like all the metal I was finding was just like tin so I'm sure there's more stuff in there but it wasn't worth it and one of the neighbors came over who had been living here 60 years and he said I was opening up a can of worms by messing with that because that was all fill and there was a it was a bunch of junk in there so it's not worth trying to get scrap metal out of it so but this site looks real good now so you I just brought my dozer here this is on like a dirt road that's shared between like seven houses and the roads in really bad shape there's a little few sections that are all potholes so I got the job fixing that too so I'm gonna make that its own separate video because this video was getting pretty long you but yeah the road that's pretty messed up so I'm going to smooth this all out with the dozer then bring in a bunch of loads of gravel and tailgate it on top of it [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Andrew Camarata
Views: 938,706
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Demolishing, Demo trailer, mobile home, camper, excavator, Yanmar b50, excavation, skid steer, track loader, dump truck, scrap metal, scrap yard, grapple bucket
Id: y7amU1aNj-4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 7sec (3187 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 28 2018
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