DeMarcus Cousins Gets Real About NBA Future, Epic Tim Duncan Trash Talk, & Infamous Pelicans Trade

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[Music] welcome back to another episode of podcast P presented to you by prize pick a wave sports and entertainment original I'm with my guys Dallas Rutherford Jackie lone right now we are here representing Allstar Weekend down at the punch bowl social what an amazing venue here in Indianapolis and we got a special guest ladies and gentlemen who we got B who we got who we got this man right here is someone that I think is one of the most dominant not just big man but basketball players we've ever seen he's in my draft big Boogie cousins yes sir thanks for com what's up with it bro bro hey bro I'm cooling man living life bro how you bro love that feeling good you're not too far from uh you know college days right down the road oh yeah we right down the road yeah y'all wether Sim in Kentucky how it is right now in Indie yeah it's brutal bro it's the same it's the same I never get used to this [ __ ] Bro promise this is a bull I was just in Cabo hopped off the plane I was like you was in that sun wasn't you I was in that sun like that in that sunight we just going to ignore that quick Flex though you I was in Theo and all that [ __ ] I I I didn't pay for the flight yo oh he Flex on us again Boogie do you golf do I golf no but I'm trying and I got a lot of potential okay lot like how many times have you played about four okay about four time outside I'm talking like outside of like top I don't consider top like actually going about you're already a step ahead in my book knowing that Top Golf isn't like golf I think that [ __ ] golf you do hell yeah well [ __ ] I'm a professional you said Top Golf go top golf go BR in I'm in that [ __ ] we got to take on the next one when we go on on on a trip P was in Cabo and he said that he shot aund this week so like that's a big step if you shoot underneath 100 or 100 you're better than been like 120 130 I've been in that range for the longest see I'm not even at that part I'm not at that point yet you keep SC I'm just trying to make sure I can hit it with a little distance bro like I'm at that stage in my golf career just a little bit H yeah man hit that [ __ ] consistently you know saying Pete he got to get special made golf clubs cuz he's so tall the same thing I Haven even got to that point yet man I'm still trying to find my passion for it but I'm taking the steps forward so yeah it's like that okay let's get right into it a lot of people don't know you got your own comedy brand the Boogie Comedy SLAM yes where that inspiration come from with you starting that off I know one of your most popular ones is is naptown own Mike EP in it absolutely um honestly it started from childhood uh I was that kid that you know stayed up I was watching Comic View like uhhuh was my [ __ ] like me late night I'm late night you know what happened after that's after that credit card that credit card TI drill Tip Drill you making that call but no I was a huge comic fan growing up uh obviously growing up playing a game of ball I was I'm a huge fan of Shaquille O'Neal so uh he was actually my inspiration with trying to you know come out with my own comedy series and things like that I was a huge fan of all his Allstar special uh he's put out a few comedy specials so I'm going be honest I basically took this whole play idea I thought it was brilliant and uh you know I just tried to come out with my own version of it so uh that's kind of the backstory with how I got started with that well congratulations appreciate that hey funny enough cuz you said that what's you know you know how they do the uh so after you watch Comic View the late night stuff right they do the the whole like the ointment right what the the ointment like the the the the Jesus like okay okay okay like sprinkles water so funny enough bro you I I called in I got my ointment sent to the house I did a prayer sprinkled that [ __ ] on my forehead prayed to get in the NBA that [ __ ] work that [ __ ] work I swear to you were you all by when you I was all by myself I took the call you still got that [ __ ] n was you put this on youread I put [ __ ] on my forehead was praying like man I want to get to the N I wish godar God is good funny that you brought that up that's crazy God is good and my ass was skipping over the commercial pay you messed up on that one oh these [ __ ] scaming man so buy it's it's obviously All-Star week in here and you were lucky enough to be an All-Star four times throughout your career but your first Allstar was at the mecca Madison Square Garden in New York City Walk us through or walk a fan through what that moment was like for you being selected for the first time as an All-Star honestly my first selection came through uh being a replacement uh it was for cold when uh he blew his Achilles so um I got in in that way but you know at the end of the day being an allar we allar you know what I'm saying so uh huge honor you know I was hyped excited all those things and um obviously like it being your first time around you kind of got this expectation in your head of what Allstar Weekend going to be like but it's usually based off what you saw not like being behind the scenes so we get there and I'm like man this about to be a flash I'm about to tellar this city up man it was so much work bro oh my God it was it was just media just media all day long then you go from the media you got an event then you go from the event you got a sign and from the sign you got a meet and greet from the meet and gree you got a Q and and it's just every day is a stack day dang and you're in ending your day with whatever you were coming here for initially which is the the dunk contest the allar whatever the case may be by the end of the experience I'm just like damn like it was it was nothing I thought it was in the beginning wow and it I'm like man and i' I've been on record saying before like we got to come up with a system to like it's not it doesn't really make sense because you're Allstar you've done all this hard work throughout the year right everybody else in the league is rewarded by getting this breakout exactly and you go do over time work just to then go right back to the season and go be a allar again so it's just like it got to be some type of a or bend in the in the break to where we actually cater to the allar right but uh with all that being said man it was obviously it was a dope experience like I'm blessed to be to to uh be able to even say I am an allar but um yeah it was a lot that came with it that I never expected like initially becoming well speaking of your first allar you just let us know that you replaced Kobe you know what I'm saying but you had two other Legends on there that you played with which was Dirk and Tim Duncan do you have any like I say favorite moments that you can share with us with those two particular I got actually I got two and it's crazy uh obviously the uh first one is with Timmy D I was a rookie like he he humbled me he he humbled me he so you know me P like if I'm a bad game I get myself going by I'll just start some [ __ ] like I got to get myself going like walk by me just bump your punk ass [ __ ] you know what I'm saying I got to get myself riled up and going right so Tim Duncan I struggled against Timmy de like early in my career but he was Notorious for when he went to contest your shot he would pull you down by your shoulder so you wouldn't be able to jump so he would pull you down with one hand and use the other to block the side wow ain't that cheating that [ __ ] drove me crazy I'm like yo you gotta call this [ __ ] bro he [ __ ] I'm shooting like two for 18 and this dude done block me eight nine times like so I finally just you know I muscled up I just started bodying T and it started working but it was excessive as [ __ ] like it was excessive bro like so I got me a couple baskets now I'm like like I said I'm trying to gas myself old ass [ __ ] yeah young [ __ ] coming right right Tim just looked at me like then respond just looked at me was like did like shook his head like this on my head I'm like damn what the [ __ ] that mean like like this dude ain't going to even say nothing back like nothing so now I'm I'm I'm [ __ ] up he contemplating on what he about to do to you Tim ran off 18 straight 18 straight straight fundamentally too I'm I'm bet quiet didn't say a word after the 18th basket smacked me on my ass good game fell I just walked away just like that he walked away way just feeling like [ __ ] like I really just got played and the [ __ ] didn't say a word to me like but Tim did that and and Dirk I think I got one of my my hardest dunks in my career like it was an n one break I it was an N1 but it was on a break and I caught Dirk uh I bed Dirk so crazy and they called it a offensive foul like you know DK ain't taking no charges just in the way old ass in the way sitting here they had I dunk Dirk so crazy and they called the offensive fou bro I was sick Bro sick and they actually ended up getting a picture of the dunk so you know I grew up we all had the posters and [ __ ] and you remember they always caught somebody and they most iconic dunk right right so on my head I'm like this that's right there this it I got Dirk ass like it's up took the picture I see picture fire bro yeah don't count don't even count it doesn't even count bro when you explain it don't even count yeah so in those two moments like being able to you know have those moments with those Legends it's always a cool thing and you was young too was baby man you got to learn from him and it's like come on him dunking in Dirk can't beat that you dunked on Dirk let's just call it what it is no fou I'm taking that with P I'm claiming that bro take from that was a fun eror though cuz you get the you got to see Kobe four times Durk four times Tim Duncan four times like that [ __ ] I wish I had I mean out east you don't I was seeing Braun and you know what I mean different cats but like the opportunity to see you know those dudes I mean I was seeing kg Paul Pierce Ray Allen I was seeing him four times out of the year but for me idolizing Co and and those guys like talk to us a little bit about that like you having that opportunity to see those dudes that often man it was crazy uh honestly I was stressed out cuz it was never a night off like every night it's a legend yeah out west it's a legend every night but just just being able to learn from those dudes from afar like seeing the habits seeing the the The Way They Carried themselves before games the preparation just I mean we all got stories with Cole just that that militant mindset like and you can put it into how good he was how talented he was but I think Kobe's best skill set overall was his work ethic and that is a skill right so uh just being able to see these different things from a far on a nightly basis and then seeing these guys go out and then perform like and it's just it's like it's it's like riding a bike for them like because they've done it so many times they prepared so many times and uh they became creatures of habit so uh just trying to learn from afar pick up those habits and uh obviously you you see these great and you look at them as great you see how they car of themselves and you try to you know put that put that same stigma on yourself so uh I wasn't always I I wasn't in a you know situation where I could you know have personal relationships with these guys some of them I did some of them I didn't I mean that's just how this [ __ ] work right but uh the ones I did like you know I I'm going take that to the Grave because you know those are real opportunities that's that's [ __ ] you can't it ain't no different than me Jay-Z and being able to you know you know what I'm saying these are dudes that have done this [ __ ] at the elite level so uh just being able to have those type of relationship is always a dope ass thing we wanted to take a brief break from this episode to let you know prize picks has got you covered when it comes to helping you make some money during the NBA season that's right prize picks is helping me cash in baby prize picks is a daily fantasy app and with the NBA season in full swing you can select two or more players pick more or less on their projected stats and turn $25 into 250 prize picks is really simple to play I can make my picks and submit my entries in less than 60 seconds it's also that time of the year where many sports are happening at the same time and of course prize picks allows you to pick combo projections across all sports with specials so you can support all your favorite teams while still cashing in look I know for me I've been cashing in I don't know about you Dallas but we get that on another day be sure to visit podcast p and use podcast P for a first deposit match up to $100 and you already know what time it is now back to the show Boogie I got to ask just because we're on the subject of trash talk but a a clip that has always stuck out to me in your career and again you know physically you're very gifted and you would bring it to people but when you were playing against uh Zack Randolph and the famous line of like yo where I'm from bullies get bullied like when he told you that like for a second were you like oh man maybe that was the wrong one or like what was that were you kind of like oh he's capping or were you like uh maybe I should C it down a little bit hell no uh I want none of that like you know I mean Bo was bro you know what I'm saying and um he the camera some he said some slick that sh was I thought it was dope as hell I'm like damn that was some good [ __ ] like you know me P I'm always trying to say some slick [ __ ] so he called me with some slick [ __ ] it was dope but I mean obviously being on the outside you see that type of [ __ ] you think it's way more than it is but I mean that shit's basketball we talk our [ __ ] and we ho like some better at it than others you know what I'm saying some guys don't take that route some guys do it's just that's how the league works but uh outside of that that's just some ho [ __ ] Zebo had a Zeo had a [ __ ] throwback game that night so he was Juiced up anyway it's feeling good yeah I put I put a 40 on his head so it's cool ah there we go there we go there we go it work out it evens out shout out to man sounded good it came with a 40 shout out zbo man we do want to fast forward we want to talk about Allstar Weekend 2017 you actually played a hell of a game that Allstar Weekend I remember that you was with the Kings you didn't get traded after the allstar game you get traded to the Pelicans bro what like walk us through what the hell that felt like that had to be like hell of a emotion cuz I think it was in New Orleans too right but what like all and all I felt stupid as hellz it was like it was like one of them situations where I felt like everybody knew what was going on except me everybody was looking at me so it was just like like damn what just happened something just happened yeah and and it's like it's like confusing and it's like I don't really know what to believe right now and uh obviously you caught up in the moment is unexpected but I mean in that moment of that video I just had to tell like just hold yourself together until we figure out what the [ __ ] is going on you know what I mean but uh that [ __ ] was embarrassing as hell like like you like they ain't come to you at all like listen I had no clue I found out in that video right when the at the time uh the pr guy Chris Clark I believe some some [ __ ] like that so uh that's the guy you see come tell me in my ear like that's found out that's [ __ ] but I mean I'm sure cuz you know how they do listen bugs we who you looking at who you want to pair up with like anybody you you like I'm sure they had that conversation with you to make you feel secure not being traded and then next thing you know you're getting traded so uh it wasn't anything about you know who I wanted to play with or anything they weren't and I ain't going to say the Kings I'm going to say Vlad I'm this some vad [ __ ] you know what I'm saying way to be direct yeah yeah yeah yeah I'm going to be direct with M y'all know that but um I it was it was some slick [ __ ] you know and um I was in conversations about my extension at the time all of those things so it was more so about securing that so in my head we well we had a handshake agreement we agreed on it told me the rumors were rumors you know how this [ __ ] go like y so uh I had no choice but to trust those words like we had a real meeting agents involved all you know how it go you know the whole process right so in my head like all right we done we got that done after the break I'm going get ready to sign it I'm on with my future you know what I'm saying so um I was completely blindsided and I mean that's just kind of the results of what y'all saw yeah yeah so and and and in that day that's when you learn this [ __ ] really is like it's a business but it's a dirty business you know what I'm saying like that's crazy but coming but being in sa I know Sacramento was a little dysfunctional at the time but then getting traded going to uh New Orleans playing with ad was it kind of like a weight lifted like you kind of out of a bad situation into a newer situation that you had some positive outlook on honestly for me um I didn't really look at it in that moment like in the head space I was in I didn't look at it as like a new opportunity I kind of felt like I was thrown in just thrown to the W in the begin I'm just like why would you trade me with ad and we like play the same position so in my head I'm just like they trying to like kill me out and uh obviously uh ad was younger he was a younger Talent so it just didn't really make sense like so um you know once I kind of spoke with the organization and they kind of told me what their plan was I'm like well damn this could really be something special cuz throughout my career so far this is the most talented guy I've ever teamed up with right and all I've ever wanted in my career was a a guy that I know I can go to war with exactly I told myself [ __ ] we could just make this [ __ ] something special like we both got a different skill set it's something like the league hasn't seen we had the perfect coach and Alvin Gentry who isn't afraid to experiment and try things you know what I'm saying so I'm like this [ __ ] could be this [ __ ] could work we had Drew holiday we all know what Drew can do on the floor so I'm like this [ __ ] can can be something like I and in my head I'm like I know I got to take the back seat to this young bull cuz this is Anthony Davis you know what I'm saying so my whole mind how can I make this kid better how can I make his job easy right so once I kind of put myself in that mindset it was a it was a rough patch cuz it was a half a season in the beginning right so it was a rough patch was just trying to figure out the space and figuring out his you know his habits him figuring out my habits making sure Drew is always involved because he's that good of a player so it was a it was a weird balance in the beginning but towards the end of that season we we started getting a little flow so ending That season I believe we we ended up being maybe three games out of the playoffs so uh I season ended early and and but with the way it ended like I'm like I'm excited for this like going into that offseason I'm like I'm really really excited for this like I'm like we going to do we going to do some damage bro and it's going to catch [ __ ] by surprise right we had a little cap space in the summer so I'm like we going to I know I can get some dogs in here with me like that's why I reached out to Rondo got Rondo in there with us we added a couple other pieces so um it was the right situation going into that offseason I probably trained the hardest I've ever having like throughout my career I lost a gang away was in the best shape of my life like because I was that like ready to so uh obviously you know things played out the way it did and um you know that's unfortunate that's the nature of this business that's the nature of the beast that's going to always be a what if for me in my career cuz like what me and bro built in that short amount of time I knew it was gonna be something really really special you know [ __ ] happens do you think you just didn't have you didn't get enough time like you didn't get enough time with ad to really like [ __ ] we was rolling bro yeah no y was yeah I mean y'all was a tough cover like you got to double both of y'allin enough people on the floor and every night it was like pick your you want to stop you want to try to stop him tonight me like right exactly which one are we going to be cool with getting for and I definitely think we could have had like a Tim Duncan David Robinson type if you know obviously everything I don't see that I don't see them ever trying to break that duo up like I believe we were that dominant so sure live but you know that's small simple size was epic for sure I got a question for both of y'all any of y'all can answer it first because I know y'all both played on Team USA okay and they always show videos videos of y'all bonding overseas and [ __ ] so I want to ask y'all this question what's a better moment to bond allar or Team USA Team USA but but tell the people she don't tell tell me I mean for one reason alone like Team USA and and I'm not going to discredit Allstar Weekend but Team USA obviously has more meaning behind it you represent your country you together a lot longer like you going to build great memories and moments you know what I mean you would say it's two days and you out of there and it's you know you competing against each other all year long and then now you got to be cool for two for two days like whereas Team USA we going against everybody else you know what I mean we competing against everybody else and you feel that like you feel that Brotherhood forming once you together and you going over and playing other countries so yeah hell yeah it's more fun I thought we had a blast like bro about what you think I'm agreeing with P I'm with USA just everything he said that honestly it's it was better for me because it came with like a huge responsibility and obviously it's not as severe as going you know to war or anything like that but to go somewhere and be the representation of your country that's like the ultimate H you know so it was a big responsibility that came with that so the only way we knew we were going to succeed is if we had each other you know what I'm saying and the worst failure of anything was to come back short of a goal like ain't nobody trying trying to hear that like we knew that a nobody trying to hear that bro so uh I'm rolling with USA for sure sure and I thought it was just cool cuz like you get to see how like this person trains you get to see how this person prepares like what he eats like it was so much [ __ ] that I was taking away like yeah let me let me add a little bit of that to what I'm straight up so I thought that was like just a cool like environment to just learn like you know what I mean we wasn't like we wasn't too big I felt like for us not to still get better and want to learn from one another so yeah Team USA heavily weighed more than it seems like with Team USA it's a little bit more you know competitive and you know over the last couple years Allstar has kind of had of a a lackluster performance from the competitive side but just because you brought it up earlier I'm curious like within the Team USA as far as the media obligations for you guys is it just more of a a fun time with not as much media obligations cuz you know like you said Allstar you're doing a b c d is Team USA just less media obligations we're here to hoop we're here to compete is that kind of even more so why the the Team USA is a little bit more fun for you guys well one thing that kind of changes that is the fact that we're in a different country so the media that we're accustomed to here or or Allstar Weekend all the members ain't getting out there you know what I mean it's only it's only the top dogs of the media game that's going to be able to follow us like internationally right so uh when it comes to the media it was more so it was it was way more chill like think about it was way more chill and it was more so like we get selected on different days like exactly one practice it may be you know KD Draymond and Steph and then they don't have to do it for the rest of the week and then it's another group and it it kind of alternated like that CU you got to think it's so many of us you know what I mean so we was it wasn't like we were like you said it wasn't like we was doing it every day right it was they might have it then we might have it and then somebody else might have it it was kind of like just piggybacking but then you got to think like these people don't ever see us yeah no it's probably got to be crazy though you know what I mean like but but it wasn't it wasn't but at the in the same sense it's like okay this person had his time with us all right cool they got their little sound bites or whatever all right now let me go talk to p on this day you know so it it was they did a good job of making sure that [ __ ] wasn't too much I got you that was dope so P we got to talk about it obviously we're in Indiana back where it all started I know have a ton of great memories uh from you starting your career out here but what does it mean to you to be back home uh just kind of where where the NBA and that that life all started for you uh I mean obviously it's dope to be back here this where it started nine Allstar appearances um I mean appreciate that apprciate upside down it's a um no I mean it's it's cool it's cool I mean I got some booze earlier today yes get out of here I got some booze earlier the day so I don't bro I don't know what to expect tomorrow you know what I mean but I'm have a good time they booed me I didn't even see that why they at the practice at the allar practice it was some boobs in there a but you saw when like I walked in here it's it's like a general like warm welcome welcome but you know when you get amongst a bunch of them they a going to do it where I can see them going do it collect I like the practice you know what I mean yeah it's crazy coming out but Boogie kind of touching on what Paul said like when you got traded from Sacramento what's it like coming back to the team that you originally were playing for cuz obviously you guys were both involved in the communities in Indiana and Sacramento is there a a a sense of like maybe a little bit I'm nervous like are they going to accept me are they going to praise me cuz again booze cheers what's it what was it like for you to come back to Sacramento and play for the first time well for me I'm an emotional player any anyway so I was definitely emotional about the situation how everything kind of played out so for me it hit a little different so uh early on I I I had a fire to just destroy these [ __ ] every chance I got like if I didn't have over 30 with a w i i had a horrible night like that's that was my mindset when it came to you know facing the Kings but honestly I I think it also goes to just being a competitor like when you go through these different things like aders in your career and things like that a competitor and also athlete right when you go through these different obstacles you go through this that different adversity in your career uh for most athletes it's either used to help motivate you and build you up or it's going to be the point where it crumbles you and defeats you yeah so whenever I went through my situations or things I just didn't agree with it's going to always be a form of motivation for me and maybe it didn't it it wouldn't come out the same the correct way or the right way but that that motivation is what helped me become what I was on that floor you know what I'm saying also when it came to just being a competitor I feel like you have to know your your strengths and your weaknesses and I knew with myself like I would get bored like not to sound arant but I I was like that bro and it was and it was nights where it was just like it was boring to me like so I would have to use different things just to get myself like going and I knew that about myself so I was always trying to you know counteract that part knowing like hey hey you you you real lack ofical today hey man like use something like you ain't yourself today so yeah coming in on those nights against Sacramento I always had I always had some motivation I always had something to get me over that H I know what I'm about to do tonight and once I knew I had my mind made up I already knew how my night was going to go yeah so uh I was that guy I always had some type of form of motivation and that was just another that was just another moment yeah I gotta ask bro do you think you get like cuz we see joic right yeah but watching him he not the first to do what he's doing like I I I think you kind of like for a long part of the time after the Dwight the shaqs the hake like you kind of reinvented that Center position with scoring with passing with rebounding do you think you get that credit that you deserve from that Center like because we see how good yic is like I said I don't but it was also and I'm okay with that like cuz one that's just how this [ __ ] go like you ain't going to always get your flow it just is what it is right and it may be the opinion of of of like you know the majority whatever the case may be but long as my peers know what I'm about and what I brought to this game that's the part that validates it for me like I'm securing myself knowing that part yeah but at the same time it was like I I did come into the league it was at a weird time because when we came in it was still too big it was a it was a real power forward that [ __ ] going be 610 26 you have a 7 Foot Center back that 280 right so we came in that ER and I came in as a in an era to where I really didn't have a position they really didn't know they didn't even really know what to do with me it was and and I understood why because I wasn't the traditional big I wasn't out there you know me I wasn't out there trying to shoot no [ __ ] Skyhook right I'm trying to cross a [ __ ] up and fade like you know what I'm saying comp that yeah but um that was always that that's how I wanted to separate myself in this game so um I grew up being a fan of Shan Williams like that's Sean Wills that played at Memphis played New York all that that that was kind of how I wanted to you know carve my way in this game so to go back to you know getting my credit like I kind of blame it on the time and the things it's always a player that came before his time that don't get the credit he deserves like you know what I'm saying and I just feel like I'm one of those guys which is fine like you know what I'm saying long as my peers know what's up and then it's the fact that you got these two young boys I did it on the level that I did and we thought it was incredible these [ __ ] to a whole another level bro like so in my mind it's just like I can't be mad at that [ __ ] like these [ __ ] are cold [ __ ] started it but they finishing it you know what I'm saying Jo man these dudes incredible bro like we ain't never seen no [ __ ] like this like we got a [ __ ] the size of shot with kobby feet like exactly Nimble it's crazy so I've already like I've grown like it's just it's always that player that's ahead of his time that that'll never really be recognized and like I said I just feel like I'm one of those guys that kind of fall in that category and it's cool like that's just how this [ __ ] go you know what I'm saying yeah I do want to ask too have you came to terms or like found peace of where your career is now because I know the injuries suck right and that's always the wh ifs you had the Achilles injuries like what if that never happened where your career would have been you know what I mean cuz that just you being out alone you lose timing you lose Rhythm you lose little confidence like being able to do [ __ ] you used to be able to do when you were younger like did you come to grips with yourself with your family of where you was in your career um cuz I struggle with that like I do [ __ ] sometimes like damn man I used to be able to do this that like now I got to reinvent myself like time time after again um did I ever come to grips with it I guess you could say yes and no um I never accept the fact that the label is that I can't play the game anymore like as a competitor as as as as driven as as driven as I've been in this in this game since I've stepped foot in it like the Blood Sweat and Tears I put behind this [ __ ] I never accept that like and I could be completely [ __ ] wrong yeah and that's cool too but I'll never accept that cuz I know what I can do when I get on the floor right but I had to come to a piece with it when it came to my family and my situation at home and honestly being home and and and and being able to just sit back and and people don't realize like when it comes to this career like this [ __ ] take all our time not a little bit not most of it it takes all of our time being a father being a husband being like a family member [ __ ] [ __ ] be going through it at home bro like it's not the it's not the normal situation like being in this career right like so is is is it's a lot of stress on your family it's a lot of stress on your home and it's always it's always us in a position of trying to play catch up or play fix it because it's going it's never going to be right because all your time is going to this yeah you know what I'm saying so me being home and me being able to just you know get my household under control like set the standard like being a everyday dad like that [ __ ] meant the world like just being able to wake up take my kids to school pick them up like I wasn't able to do that [ __ ] in my career bro cuz we always G we always got prac it's always something else this we got to do this here make to everything so a lot of [ __ ] as far as being a family member gets put on the back burner and not cuz you want to it's cuz you have to like have to cuz at the same time you're the bread winner you taking care of home you know what I mean once I was able to like experienced that part of my life like I fell in love with it bro so and that part helped me really shift my entire mindset so now when it comes to me doing work or or or or doing business I'm doing it off convenience and when I mean convenience if I can't do it where I'm still able to be home or be away from home only a limited amount of time I ain't really trying to do that [ __ ] you know what I'm saying because now home is my number one priority so honestly when it comes to answering that question did I move on from it in a way I did I never accept the excuses and the narrative that comes with it but as far as moving on with my life bro absolutely and I'm happy as [ __ ] about it like you know mean awesome that's is awesome I 100% vouch for you we had our conversations when I'm trying to get you back with us in the Clippers I 100% vouch he can still who he's still one of the best bigs when you was out there still demanded double teams it just I know how this [ __ ] go and so it was it was a tough battle for me to have but um I'm I'm 100% with you I think you still productive still can produce in this league you still can be one of the top bigs that we've seen in this league so I mean uh I'm I'm W to give you your flowers here firstest flowers bro well I wish it was 2021 again with the team that the Clippers got right now because that's when y'all first played with each other and I just want to know from up is there anything specific that you learned from Boogie that you didn't know because you know y'all would have boy just tell your body this [ __ ] been knowing me a long time long time I mean honestly and it was something I knew already but like the his level of competitiveness is is beyond his beyond what I already knew you know what I mean like he literally wants to win every time he on that floor when we was watching them play ones they play Stay Ready games he want to win at all costs and like that was that was one thing that I was like when I was vouching for him like are y'all serious like we got somebody that wants to win going to compete every possession and we going to let that just walk away like you want that in your locker room so I mean it it was nothing that like I said we we go way back is he a little bit like your like your teammate now Russell just like just like it just like it that that fiery competitive that edge literally on the court I got to Edge I don't want to be homies I don't want to be friends it's me versus you nothing else we be cool later bro we beol exactly exactly but that's how is you one of them people like I say Lance in that same Lance St I just going to say Lance competitive on the floor the second you get off that floor you want to be right on their own like hey what we doing dog so we now we both in this media game right we called the New Media you got your show with Rachel Nichols the bully ball talk to us now like did you always Envision yourself being a part of the media and doing the podcasting and and this media space hell no hell no I never imagined this [ __ ] at all and I'm going say it kind of stem from I would say like a a trauma aspect like you know being in this career being in this in this league and [ __ ] you don't get to really control your narrative you know what I mean like in a way you can say this [ __ ] is like scripted and all that and what I mean by scripted is like they create their characters right in a way if that makes sense so y [ __ ] you might be the bad guy of this movie you know what I and I know you can you can testify to that because it's been a time where P was at the top of the mountain top and then it was days where they should on this guy like he was the worst player in the league and that's what I mean by controlling the narrative like this [ __ ] has been cold since he Ste Foo in this [ __ ] you know what I mean so it doesn't even make the guy just said is a nine time all like first ballot Hall of Fame all of these things but still in all that they're going to find a way to make you the bad guy at times and then you're the Savior at other times so facts for me um I never [ __ ] with that [ __ ] like cuz me coming in like my whole mindset is I want to come in do my job be myself and just dominate like I want to dominate and win games and I have to be myself in order to do that right right so the fact that I feel like I can never really be myself and on top of being myself it then became where I was demonized for it like I ain't [ __ ] with that [ __ ] so you know it also came with the you know how my career played out towards the end and I would just hear these different things of why I'm not in the NBA and outside of me just being injured [ __ ] got hurt [ __ ] that's how this [ __ ] go but it was so many narratives like I'm a cancer in the locker room I'm a I'm this I'm a distract and it's just like God damn like how [ __ ] get 12 years and he all of these things you know what I'm saying [ __ ] don't make it that long in this league if they any of that right you know what I mean right so for me it was like I got to a point where and also just coming in this league when I came in it was a shut up and dribble League like we don't want to hear what the [ __ ] y'all got to say right right you going to hear what the [ __ ] I got to say bro and that's one of the things that did bite me in the ass being in the air so now I'm at the point where if there is a narrative I want to be able to create it myself I want y'all to know who I am strictly from the horse's mouth you know what I'm saying you ain't going to be able to get it misconstrued or or confused cuz you heard it here first this is who I am you know what I'm saying can't nobody else tell you who I am cuz I'mma tell you who I am you know what I mean so it's finally and early on I wasn't a [ __ ] that like to talk like if I'm comfortable with you and I rock with you you going to get Demarcus you know what I mean right if I don't know you and I ain't comfortable I won't say two [ __ ] words to you like and it's going to remain that way you know what I mean so in the beginning I was a guy that didn't quite talk and things would be said and you know I just kind of let that [ __ ] roll off the shoulder or you got to ignore it or act like it don't happen be the bigger man and [ __ ] like now it's to the point where you going to hear what the [ __ ] I got to say yeah yeah and you can still disagree but you still going to hear what the [ __ ] I got to say you I'm say so that's kind of how I ended up in this space bro yeah that's why I [ __ ] with you since day one cuz you ain't never ever since I known this man been afraid to express the same person for real you always say what's on your mind you do what you want to do have you found it difficult at all to potentially be critical of peers you competed against me meaning at this stage I'm at now at this stage now um honestly like when it comes to doing this side of things like um I understand the side of being a player like I'm I understand that firsts hand so obviously I'mma always be biased but uh learning this business and [ __ ] you also just being in it you going to learn the other side of it so obviously it's going to always be some type of a balance it's it's it's a balance of being a professional it's a balance of being under organization so it's a balance right when it comes to just being critical like I have no problem being honest because that's who I was when I was a player y hey if you [ __ ] up bro I'm going tell you [ __ ] up but guess what when I'm [ __ ] up I need you to come be honest with me bro cuz that's the only way we going to reach this [ __ ] goal is being honest and holding each other you ain't taking it as he bringing you down you like [ __ ] tell me coach me up bro hey hurt my feelings right but hey don't be no when I come back and do it to you you know what I'm saying because at the end of the day it's about reaching a goal right so um it is a balance um it's sometimes it's it's difficult to to keep that balance I never want to be the OG where it seems like I'm bitter or I'm hating on the young guys that's never my purpose I want to uplift all these young dudes I want to drop as much knowledge as I can to all these young boys I want these dudes to succeed I want them to figure out this game because it is a game within the game you know what I'm saying and my mistake shouldn't be yours or his mistake shouldn't be yours you know what I'm saying and that's also our Purpose with you know moving through this [ __ ] you always got to help the next young [ __ ] up you know what I'm saying fact so uh like I said it's it's it's hard trying to find that balance but when it comes to it my you know my intentions going to always be the pi [ __ ] and if I am talking Reckless then it's probably something we got to figure out anyway you know what I'm saying but for the most part I'm here to uplift these young dudes man I'm here to tell our our side of it I'm here to help control their narratives and uh we got to get away from that old school [ __ ] cuz that [ __ ] that [ __ ] outdated and it need to be updated bro even iPhone get updated you know what I'm saying it's time for this [ __ ] to be updated and that's just where I'm at with it and Boogie one thing like I don't know if you've ever thought about this but you mentioned young guys but I think you're going to have an opportunity not only to encourage the young guys but even you know guys your age of your peers cuz you know obviously I think that you could still be playing in the NBA and for whatever circumstances you know you're not but I think that's going to be a huge opportunity for you and as one of Paul's regular friends I can't really relate to p on everything you know I can only be as much of a friend as I know how so when I see stories of of guys like you who you guys do have a relationship coming from from P's like childhood friend I'm glad that P has people like you in his life because there's going to be a time where where he's going to go through some of those same emotions that you were just talking about so I think that you're going to be able to help out not just the young guys bro but even even people you know like pee and be able to give some guidance and stuff like that so it's just something I want to I think that's a that's a great Point absolutely yeah I agree have you ever thought about getting into a coaching man I keep getting asked that bro I don't I don't know man I don't know if I can deal with a Paul George but uh you know um I think you have a great presence in it though yeah I I I wouldn't I would shut the door on it but where I'm at right now probably not like later on in life I it's it's a yeah they do yeah to be they going to have to they going to have to in my house and it's not cuz I want going have to play sports in his house and it's not because I want I need them to go be a a i I believe in the structure and the discipline that come with sports so you know what I'm saying like I'm big on that part so I want that for my kids so that's dope my kids going to play sports it's going to be some type of sport some type of sport exactly Little P play too ain't he yeah he my man little little Paul my son 2 years old but man he love Hoops for real he love Hoops like all day he play all day that's hard bro celebrating he'll go dunk like he doing all type of [ __ ] he got a iPad yet yeah which one he love more he like I tell people this all the time he don't watch cartoons he want to watch highlights of basketball you got you got on you got to put the tooles on and S them at the table now I want to watch basketball he going to the league yeah and he'll just sit and he'll that's he'll eat and when he'll watch me like I put on Kobe stuff if we dunk he he yeah got I might need a Sprinkle myself I need to go get some of that bro I said holy war still working still hey Jackie we need to get on that hey can y'all give me that [ __ ] to the it is do it is dope please give me that today that's crazy I love good sign right right I know uh you still hooping you playing over in Puerto Rico you played in Taiwan talk to us about that experience playing over there man that that [ __ ] different bro that [ __ ] different and uh and what like which way honestly it just gave me a brand new perspective on hoop in general like you know uh I was blessed enough to be in a situation where you know I I came up to high school I did my one year in college went to the NBA yeah like that's his perfect of a route as it'll ever be with becoming a professional athlete so you hear the stories and and and you and you meet these different guys that have have gone through a completely different grind the pat Beverly the the the PJ Tuckers and and guys of that nature and you hear the stories and you can hear but you can't really like feel it or understand it completely so me then going to the other side of [ __ ] I just got a brand new respect for this [ __ ] in it's some [ __ ] dogs overseas like hoopers yeah like real life hoopers bro like that's why they need to hurry up and start add another team add more yeah y'all need if they got all these players overseas and all this stuff Vegas can need a team need about four to six more team I mean we saw last night the the the g-league team actually beat one of the the the rookie Rising Challenge and there's a lot of guys that can play so that's crazy just that whole exp like realize it's so much talent and we so brainwashed like I said we came up the perfect route so all we know is the NBA like that's all we know so in our head this is the top of the top like and I'm not saying it's not all I'm saying is it's so much [ __ ] Talent out there that's undiscovered that's unheard of that went under the radar and I'm I'm looking at these dud like there's no way you like you're supposed to be in the NBA bro like like seriously like so uh it was it was more so that and just gaining a new respect for these dudes with that overseas grind you know what I'm saying we got it so good when it comes to this NBA [ __ ] like like it's on some Diva [ __ ] like we we pamper hand and feet like for example my experience in Puerto Rico um every game you're driving in that [ __ ] so it may be a game five hours away what you got drive it you drive to the game what you go play like y'all in high school drive back then you drive back drive back wow and it could be five hours away five hours away bro and you imagine we six ling up bro that Carin it ain't no car perfectly comfortable for us like at some point that [ __ ] a so you sitting for five hop out go play a full game 38 minutes full game five hours like this like literally like this they probably some boo boo buses too they a you got a driver over there oh you that's man I gotta be ready man I gota be ready hey who was that that got in your car zubac right when zubac got in your car when that zubac couldn't fit he couldn't fit in his car was oh my god look but at the same time like just experiencing that [ __ ] seeing it like over the course of a season is I'm like man this this grind is like no on top of them putting in the work being there for practice the two days the the uh the training they doing everything we doing in the league yeah except they it's it's it's it's a whole another layer added to it on top of their grind so like I said just just seeing that and experiencing it I gained a whole new respect for that overseas gr cuz them dudes putting their [ __ ] work over there bro and they don't get no credit quarter of the credit that some of these guys that don't put in that much work do teams to the league NBA damn I do want to just on a small note of that because I know I've been to you know Philippines I've been to China just talk to us a little bit of just the appreciation that they have for you like it's on a whole another scale of what you'll see in the NBA just how much they they enjoy and they appreciate the game of basketball and you specifically being in the league like talk to us a little bit of that a a little appreciation of it well one it helps it helps because like I said earlier when it comes to this this league and and in the game like like I said they they control they control the narrative they control their characters they control when you at the top they control when they ready to tear you down you know what I mean with that happening the Casual fan follows cuz we've all seen it like I said P was at the mountain top when he was going through his dog days these mother the Casual fan was on this dude it was crazy and it's just like it don't even [ __ ] make sense true but that's just that's how they control that's how they control their product you know what I mean that's how they control their market so with that being said you go to these places overseas that don't have that same influence over them you get the genuine appreciation of them as a fan for your game like you know what I mean like yeah so the hate that comes with you don't really experience that over there and don't get it twisted when it come to the to the game you know you going to have your guys out we hope you miss you suck but the verbal assault that comes with it over here you don't experience like it's real genuine love and even after the game they gonna let you know man hey you lost or you may have won but hey man I really appreciate you and what you bring to this game bro you know what I'm saying and I think that's the part that kind of get lost on our side that makes sense what there you have it we want to rap right there big cuz we appreciate you my dog we got go be we got to go I wanted DeMarcus Cousin to be my cousin [ __ ] man hey we appreciate you bro [Music] [Music] apprciate
Channel: Podcast P with Paul George
Views: 167,454
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Paul George, Podcast P, Podcast P with Paul George, Jackie Long, Dallas Rutherford, Paul George Podcast, NBA, Clippers, Los Angeles Clippers, NBA All-Star, NBA Podcast
Id: _qJphZ1Zajw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 46sec (3166 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 26 2024
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