DELTARUNE / What is Ralsei? / A Horrifying Theory

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hello my name is jaru today i am talking about deltarune there will be major spoilers for both deltarune and undertale so please play them both before watching this this video is the fourth in a series so i highly recommend you check out my previous videos in order to get some important context today's video will consist of me discussing and analyzing one of the most puzzling characters in deltarune i am of course referring to the lonely prince from the dark ralsay i will go over all of the options regarding rousseau's true nature before i end the video by discussing my personal theory regarding what rousseau truly is you'll want to stick around for that part as my theory is one that you've likely never heard before not only will i be giving what i think is a rather shocking answer to the mystery of ralsay i will also be giving you two more revelations that are so important that they could easily have been given their own videos in total this theory might have even more insane ramifications than even my theory on the angel which was pretty insane in its own right but i'm getting ahead of myself let's start by discussing all the options regarding what exactly rousseau could be the broad categories are that he is a lightner a darkner or something unique however we can further subdivide the lightner category into a couple more specific options within the leitner category rousseau could be a human a monster or he may literally be asriel that gives us a total of five possible answers to the question of what israel say however before we can even begin considering these options we first need to define exactly what darkness and lightners are as well as what attributes they possess let's start with lightners lightners are humans and monsters they live in the real world aka the light world and they have the power of determination naturally this also means they have souls souls haven't been brought up too much in deltarune but based off the way spamton talks about it it would appear that darkness do not have souls while lightners do have souls this is backed up by the fact that the queen was under the impression that only lightners are capable of creating dark fountains which makes sense since she believes that determination is needed to create such fountains and determination is generated by souls the next lightner attribute is that when in combat in the dark world lightners can be brought below zero hp this does not kill them but instead just seems to knock them unconscious or something similar to that this is supported by the fact that susie's sleeping pose is the same as the pose she has when she's below zero hp furthermore when chris gets knocked below zero hp and this fight with birdly he says that chris is down to which noel responds that she can still hear their voice despite this similarly if chris is downed in this fight suzy talks about chris as if they weren't able to hear her or respond to her this seems to imply that under normal circumstances being below zero hp prevents you from talking which further supports the notion that being below zero hp is the equivalent of being unconscious for lighteners notably lightners have monochrome character portraits no matter which world they are in and lastly lightners are different from darkness in that lightners can travel in the world of light lighteners only change slightly upon switching between the light world and the dark world and thus still retain most of their normal attributes no matter which world they are in as for the lore regarding the lightners sham says the lightners created the darkness and gave them purpose this is likely referring to the fact that the lightners are responsible for creating the inanimate objects that would later become the darkeners speaking of which let's talk about those darkeners originally darkeners were simply inanimate objects sham was a stuffed animal lancer was a playing card queen was a computer and so on however if an inanimate object is placed within range of a dark fountain it is brought to life and granted a brand new form take lancer for example he was originally a simple playing card but through the power of a dark fountain he was granted life intelligence various supernatural powers and a brand new humanoid form all darkness received similar blessings although the specific powers and body shape that darkeners receive can vary quite widely for example lancer queen and sham are all roughly human shaped but clover mouse and task are all distinctly not human shaped as i mentioned before darkners don't seem to have souls this makes sense as darkness aren't really living creatures they are inanimate objects that have been granted unique properties as a result of being exposed to a dark fountain why do dark fountains bring these objects to life well we don't know for certain but here is what we do know dark fountains are created using determination in undertale we know that injecting something with determination will grant that thing the will to live as such it stands to reason that whatever substance the dark fountain is pumping out involves determination in some way as determination is the only source of power that we know of that is capable of bringing something to life darkness cannot be brought below zero hp in most circumstances and will instead run away however upon using snow grave on a darkener they turn red and disintegrate this is different from the monsters in undertale as monsters would turn into grey dust upon dying as opposed to whatever red substance makes up the darkness notably darkness have colored portraits as opposed to the black and white portraits that lighteners possess and lastly upon leaving the range of a dark fountain and entering the light world a darkness will revert back into an inanimate object when this happens the darkness loses all of their powers and abilities until such time as they return to a dark fountain that said according to rao say each darkener is a reflection of the will of their fountain which means that if a darkness travels from one dark world to another they may not be compatible with that world and will thus turn into a statue as for the lore regarding the darkness they are said to have been created by the lightners and they derive their purpose from said lightners rao say tells lancer that the purpose of darkness is to assist the lightners and that doing so is the only way their kind can feel fulfilled similarly he tells queen that their purpose is to make lightners happy so that is the gist of what lightners and darkness are lighteners are regular people while darkners are inanimate objects brought to life through the power of a dark fountain with the preliminaries out of the way let's start going through the options regarding what exactly rousseau could be let's begin by considering the option rousseau claims to be is ralsay a darkner there is a fair bit of evidence in favor of this interpretation he repeatedly implies that he is a darkner and while rousseau is a very suspicious entity i don't think he's the kind of person who would outright lie as for physical evidence we have only ever seen rousseau in the dark world and while that's not concrete evidence that he's a darkener it at least leaves the door open if rousseau had appeared in the light world at any point that would have damaged the theory that he's a darkener as darkness referred back into mundane objects upon entering the light world continuing with the physical evidence the fact that rousseau completely disappears upon dropping below zero hp definitely works as evidence of him being a darkener as both susie and chris simply fall down upon losing all their hp the fact that rousseau behaves in a way that is different from both a human and a monster suggests that he is neither of those and as a result supports the idea that he is a darkner then there's the fact that his description literally refers to him as a dark world being it is somewhat suspicious that it doesn't just refer to him as a darkener and instead uses this more vague wording but still this at least confirms that rousseau is not a light world being more evidence of rousseau being a darkener is the simple fact that he knows so much about the dark world he knows the prophecy he knows how dark fountains work he knows how darkners work and he knows how separate dark worlds work to be blunt rousseau has proven to be more well informed about the plot than nearly any other character pretty much the only darkness who may have greater knowledge are jevel and spamton but both of those characters are insane and speak in riddles so rousseau still gets bonus points for being the most knowledgeable of the sane and comprehensible darkness some more evidence in favor of rousseau being a darkness comes from his appearance while it's strange that he looks so similar to azrael there are some key differences for one rousseau has a coloured portrait which is normally only possessed by darkness but most notably rousseau has these bright pink horns glasses and wears a green robe with a pink scarf toriel at one point mentions that chris used to have a pair of red horns that they love to wear and she doesn't know what happened to them darkners are created when mundane objects are exposed to the power of a dark fountain so it seems probable that those red horns were one of the objects used to create rause furthermore it is specifically mentioned that the green crayon is missing from the dreamer household and rousseau predominantly wears green so it seems feasible that this green crayon was yet another of the objects used to create rause maybe someone drew a picture of asriel wearing this costume and then that picture was brought to life by a dark fountain we do see several drawings of various characters throughout the school after all all this conjecture seems to further support the notion that rousseau is a darkener however there are issues with the rao say is a darkner theory for starters rel say disappearing when he gets knocked out and dropping his clothes on the floor is largely unique to him and while neither chris nor susie do this when they lose their hp no other darkner does this either even when using snow grave on a darkener they don't drop their clothes on the floor the way rousseau does furthermore while rousseau being informed about the dark world is interesting the fact that he seems to know way more than any other darkness is rather suspicious why does rao say know all this stuff about the prophecy and about how fountains work while neither the spade king nor the queen have any such knowledge those characters are also royalty who rule over dark worlds just like rousseau so why do they know so much less than him also how does rao say know chris and susie's names if he was a darkness who had been trapped in his castle town for ages then how could he know the names of two specific lightners that is suspicious is all get out then there's the fact that rousseau can cross between dark worlds which is a power that no other darkness has demonstrated technically lancer crossed over into rousseau's castle town at the start of chapter 1 but this is implied to only be possible because those two dark worlds are physically adjacent to each other in the light world the grand doors that we see here are pretty strongly implied to be the dark world equivalent to this door that we see in the light world my point being the only time we've seen a darkener travel between dark worlds that are not directly physically connected in the light world was when rousseau traveled from his castle town all the way to the cyber world which is inside the library why can rao say do this but no other darkness can we never see any other card kingdom darkness show up in the cyber world so why is rousseau the only one who makes that journey lancer and rules card were only able to show up because chris carried them through the light world so overall this seems to suggest that rousseau has some unique powers that other darkness don't have this seems to include his ability to not turn into a statue while in other dark worlds both lancer and rules card turn into statues while within the cyber world and rousseau states that this is because they are from a different dark world and thus they don't belong in this world this seems to suggest that rao say who does not turn into a statue has some special property that protects him from this effect that might work as evidence that he is not a darkness however rousseau specifically says that a darkener may not belong which seems to imply that certain darkness could travel to other dark worlds provided they were compatible with that dark world's theme for example the cyber world was all about robots computers and the internet so lancer a physical playing card did not match the world's theme and thus turned to stone same with rules card however the thrash machine that rules brought with him never turns to stone despite being directly implied to be alive the reason for this could be that the thrash machine is compatible with cyberworld due to it being a machine and thus it never turns into a statue as such you could make the argument that rousseau is such a submissive character that he can conform to the will of any given dark world case in point he allows queen to turn him into one of her butlers by contrast lancer and rules card are such boisterous personalities that they could not fit in although i think it's interesting that rule's card turned into stone much later than lancer in fact rule's card never fully transforms at all his head never turns to stone this could be because much like how rousseau allowed queen to make him a butler rules card just wanted to be the queen's head minion as such since rules was at least trying to fit in maybe that's why he never fully turned to stone by contrast lancer clearly has no interest in conforming so he turned to stone rather quickly once he left chris's pocket of course i could be wrong about why they turn to stone when they do but my point is that the way rousseau phrases this line leaves it very open to interpretation as such we can't outright say that rause not turning into stone is proof that he's not a darkness however there is still one rather big piece of evidence to suggest that rousseau is more than what he claims to be and that is the fact that he looks and behaves almost identically to asriel no other darkner that we've met thus far has looked so similar to a character from the light world in fact people specifically comment on the fact that rousseau looks so much like the dreamer family noelle grew up alongside azrael and thus has a line where she seems to make note of how similar rousseau looks to asriel susie also has such a line as she outright states that rousseau looks a lot like toriel why would he look like that if someone made a drawing of asriel and exposed it to a dark fountain would that create a character like rossei we see multiple drawings throughout the school so it's feasible that someone like chris made a drawing of azrael wearing a halloween costume and then it got exposed to the dark fountain but even if that was used to explain rousseau's physical appearance what it doesn't really explain is rousseau's personality rousseau has a nearly identical attitude and world view to that of azrael they both advocate against violence they're both sweet and kind they both befriend the player and they both seem to know what saving and loading are my point being that rousseau being some sort of alternate version of azrael definitely makes it feel like rousseau either is not a darkness or that he is some sort of very special darkner speaking of which let's talk about the opposite end of the spectrum is ralsay a lightner well right out the gate we can safely say that ralph say is not a human so the real question is whether or not rause is a monster well obviously rousseau looking and acting so much like asriel who we know is a monster definitely supports the idea that ralsay may be one as well in fact a common theory is that not only is rause a lightner but that he is literally asriel of course there are issues with this theory most notably there are significant physical differences between the two well with ralph say having pink horns and glasses which is something azrael does not possess there's also the fact that queen rather blatantly does not have a room for rousseau despite clearly having a room for azrael also noel grew up alongside ezreal and she barely takes notice of ralsay which implies that rao say looks so different from asriel that the idea of him being asriel never even crosses noel's mind so while there is some room to argue that rousseau is a lightner i think there is much less room to argue that rousseau is literally asriel he's clearly connected to azrael in some way but i don't think they're the same person given what we know regardless raul say looking like a lightner definitely works as evidence that he may also be a lightner even if he's not literally asriel rousseau can wield magic just like susie and noel and he even directly teaches susie how to use healing magic which pretty much confirms that rousseau uses the same type of magic as the monsters there's also the fact that thus far we've only ever had lighteners in our party we've never had any other darkness if you don't include rao say so that could be interpreted as evidence that he just isn't a darkner then there's the fact that he clearly knows what the layout of the school is he might just know this because he's seen the layout of the school in the dark world but it could also be evidence that rause has been to the light world which is something that a darkness cannot do then there's the fact that rousseau traveled all the way to the cyber world at the start of chapter 2. as far as we know there are no pathways in the dark world connecting the castle town to the cyber world which may suggest that rao say traveled to the light world in order to reach the library that would explain why when we see him for the first time in the cyber world he appears coming from the west as if he entered the cyber world through the same entrance that susie and chris used remember that the castle town is to the northeast of the library so if rousseau had traveled to the cyber world by using some sort of path through the dark world then shouldn't he have approached chris and susie coming from the east and not from the west it's possible that dark world travel is more complicated than what we've seen thus far but based off the way the card kingdom is physically located to the east of castletown and thus reflects the light world layout it seems probable that the cyber world would be physically located to the south west of the castle town so if rousseau approached from that direction through the dark world why did he show up coming from the west furthermore rousseau shows up extremely quickly in the cyber world we know for a fact that traveling through a dark world takes a significantly longer period of time than traveling through the light world case in point the card kingdom was so big that it took the entirety of chapter one to travel from one end to the other by contrast once you're in the light world it only takes a few seconds to walk across the classroom that the card kingdom represented and the cyber world is much farther away from the castle town than the car kingdom was as such if rousseau really did travel through the dark world to get to the cyber world then how did he get there so quickly does he secretly have a teleporter that he hasn't shown us if not then the most logical explanation is that rousseau arrived so quickly because he traveled through the light world which would imply that he might be a lightner in fact now that i think about it how did rousseau get back to his castle town at the end of chapter one we left ralsay right here walked a few feet sealed the fountain and then returned to the light world once the fountain was sealed lancer and all the other card kingdom darkness were stuck as mundane objects in this classroom and chris had to fetch them at the start of chapter two and yet chris does not have to fetch ralsay rausay just shows up back in castletown in fact after you seal the fountain in the cyber world rousseau once again just teleports to his castle town we don't carry him in our inventory and we don't see him in the light world so how on earth did rause get back i'm beginning to think ralsay really can teleport well regardless of exactly how rousseau is getting about it's clearly something that no other darkner can do which works as evidence of him potentially being a lightner and lastly ralphs say knowing so much about the light world could definitely be interpreted as evidence that he's more than a darkness he knows the school's layout he knows about the concept of homework he knows enough about technology to make a sleep mode joke he calls spamton a corrupted program he knows something about the angel he knows what guns are and of course he knows susie and chris's names without them ever telling him that's a lot of knowledge for a darkner who has never left his castle town before rao say being a lightner would provide an explanation for a lot of this knowledge however that's where the evidence starts to turn against the ralsay is a lightner theory for one rause is literally referred to as a dark world being in his description and we have only ever seen him in the dark world furthermore the fact that his knocked out animation is so different from the other lightners makes it very clear that rousseau is something different from them in addition darkness are constantly recognizing susie and chris as lightners on sight yet nobody ever addresses ralsei as a lightner the queen pretty much ignores rousseau and clearly does not consider him a candidate for becoming the new knight and the spade king rather blatantly refers to rousseau as the lightner's patsy which would be a rather strange thing to say if ralsay was also a lightner furthermore if rousseau really was a lightner just like chris and susie then he should have showed up in the empty classroom at the end of chapter one and in the computer lab at the end of chapter two the fact that he doesn't either shows that he is not a lightner or it shows that he has powers like teleportation that no other lightner possesses throw in the fact that rousseau knows way more about the dark world than the lightners do and the fact that rousseau makes it extremely clear that he's been living in the castle town for a long time and the fact that everything is a first for him and all that just sort of combines to show that he probably isn't a lightner it just doesn't seem to add up given what we know and if he really was a lightner from the real world then we would have to explain why there's this random monster in the world that just so happens to look nearly identical to asriel and happens to have a name that is an anagram of azrael raul say may be more than just a darkner but it just doesn't make sense logistically for him to be a lightner not without some crazy plot twists like asriel having a twin brother or something like that so let's summarize the options for what rao say could be are as follows a human a monster asriel a darkner or something unique relsay being a human is so absurd that it can be ignored rao say being asriel has so many problems that it can also probably be ignored that leaves us with rousseau either being a monster a darkner or something entirely unique the main focus of the discourse in the community has been over whether rousseau is a monster or a darkener and as we've just seen neither option really works perfectly there are a lot of things rousseau can do that neither a monster nor a darkner can he implies he's a darkener and he's described as a dark world being but that doesn't explain all his peculiarities as such i think it's safe to say that the correct answer to what is ralph say is that he's something unique that conclusion that rousseau is a special entity is not a new one many people have theorized that since he's the guardian of the grand fountain perhaps that grants him some sort of unique powers after all if rousseau's fountain can bring any darkner to life then wouldn't it make sense for rousseau the guardian of this fountain to be capable of living in any dark world it has some narrative logic to it his fountain can help a darkener no matter what dark world they're from and rousseau can go to any dark world to recruit those darkness relsay is the one who introduces the recruiting mechanic so it stands to reason that he may have been created with the specific purpose of recruiting other darkness to his castle town and if that was the case rousseau being granted the ability to survive in any dark world would make sense however the idea that rao say gets all his unique attributes as a result of being the guardian of the grand fountain has issues namely it doesn't answer all the questions it doesn't explain rousseau's connection to azrael it doesn't explain why rao say behaves so differently from other darkeners rousseau said that darkners reflect the will of their fountain but what will could the grand fountain have that would justify creating an entity like rousseau furthermore who created the grand fountain has it always existed if not then who created it was it made by the knight if so why would the knight want rousseau to exist and if the knight didn't create rousseau then who did and why needless to say there's a ton of unanswered questions here and none of them have any clear explanations which brings us to the final theory i will be discussing in this video this is the theory that i personally came up with this theory that i have makes a lot of sense given what we know about undertale and deltarune and i feel like it works on many levels i think my theory potentially explains what rousey is why he looks and acts like asriel why rousseau seems to possess the powers of both a darkner and a lightner and also why he seems to be so interested in chris specifically first off let's have a closer look at what a darkener actually is a darkener is a sentient life form that is created when an object is exposed to the power of a dark fountain dark fountains are created through determination the fact that dark fountains bring mundane objects to life makes perfect sense given what we know about determination in undertale it specifically states that imbuing something with determination will literally grant it the will to live so the power of a dark fountain basically just showers everything nearby with the power of determination and as a result everything in its radius is temporarily brought to life so long as they continue to be showered with the dark fountain's power in short darkness are mundane inanimate objects that are brought to life through the power of determination but wait doesn't that all sound eerily familiar where have we heard of this before a mundane object that was granted intelligence by being exposed to determination a mundane object that gained incredible powers after being brought to life a mundane object that was granted the personality and memories of asriel dreamer have you figured it out yet we're talking about flowey the similarities between flowey and rousseau are numerous they both teach you about the nature of your soul they are neither human nor monster they are the first members of their species that you speak to they are both introduced only to get interrupted by an interloper using fire they are both alternate versions of asriel dreamer they are both clearly hiding something from the player they are both princes of their respective kingdoms they both know about the saving and loading feature and they both ultimately befriend the human protagonist while embracing a pacifist philosophy the similarities between flowey and ralsay are overwhelming this leads us to a very important question why why are they so similar well to understand the answer you must first ask the correct question the correct question the question that needs to be asked in order to understand any of this the question that i believe could solve everything about rousseau's confounding existence the horrible question that will lead us down a path of tragedy and misery is this if a darkener is created when an object is exposed to a dark fountain then what would happen if that object was imbued with the essence of a monster in other words what would happen if an object coated in the dust of a dead monster was granted the will to live there used to only be one answer to that question but now i believe there's two where i'll say isn't just a darkness ralsay isn't just a lightner he is both he is the essence of a lightner given the power of a darkener he is the product of a mundane object combined with the essence of a dead monster being brought to life through the power of determination ralsay is literally the deltarune version of flowey that's why they have so much in common they were both mundane objects coated in monster dust imbued with the power of determination and granted the personality of azrael that is why rause is labeled as a dark world being and not just a darkness it's true that ralsay is from the dark world but to call him a darkner wouldn't be accurate he is more than any darkner just like how flowey is more than any flower of course you may be wondering why does rause have emotions when flowey didn't why do any darkness have emotions if the process that created them is so similar to the process that created flowey don't you need a soul to feel emotions well to put it simply no you don't need a soul to feel emotions despite popular belief flowey did have emotions he struggled to feel love and compassion but he demonstrated a variety of other emotions during his time he laughed at things he found funny he enjoyed the company of papyrus and found him amusing he felt fear at the notion of dying and he felt enough compassion to help out his mother when she was blacked out drunk as we see in the alarm clock app flowey always had emotions he just struggled to feel love why did he struggle to feel love it's because of how he was created flowey was created when a nightmarish machine forcibly extracted the determination of murdered human children and injected it into a flower he was created under hellish circumstances so obviously he would struggle to feel empathy it is well known that traumatic experiences occurring at a young age can cause sociopathic tendencies and guess what not only did flowey have the memories of azrael a murdered and traumatized child he also had the determination extracted from several other murdered and traumatized children and that's not even discussing the trauma that likely resulted from having the memories of asriel while being stuck in the body of a flower flowey is a cocktail of pain trauma and misery harnessed from the corpses of dead children no freaking wonder he struggled to feel love and empathy anybody would become a sociopath after experiencing something like that by contrast the process that creates darkness imbues them not only with life but with a full personality complete with love hopes and dreams while dark fountains are strange and mysterious it seems certain that they are not created using the essence of murdered children and as a result darkners are not sociopaths that's why rause is a sweetheart while flowey was a nightmare the process that created them was drastically different now i could end the video right there but you know full well there's still more to discuss there's an issue with this theory of mine an issue that you've likely already noticed rousseau isn't just any dead monster he was created using a very specific monsters dust just like flowey he was created using the remains of azrael dreamer the issue i can hear you saying is that asriel is not dead he's away at college everyone says so this my dear viewer is where i blow your mind for a second time have you ever wondered how people keep up to date regarding asriel how they know that he's away at college how they know he's coming home soon it's simple they ask chris chris is specifically well known for talking to asriel on a regular basis but wait how does chris talk to azrael do they use their phone well no asriel is not a contact chris has in their phone menu furthermore if it was possible to use a phone to contact azrael then burgerpants someone who clearly has a phone would not need to ask chris to tell azrael about his new girlfriend no instead chris communicates with azrael by using their computer that's why alphys says that the internet being down is preventing chris from talking to their brother chris keeps in touch with azrael by using the internet of course this raises the question why doesn't asriel have a phone we know toriel happily gives her kids phones so that way she can check up on them she even did this in undertale so it seems certain that she would have given her first born child a phone as well so why can't anybody use their phone to contact asriel the answer or at least the answer that chris has told everyone else is that asriel's phone is broken as a result nobody can call azrael to check up on him and thus everybody has to rely on chris for status updates chris is the only member of the dreamer household that we know is the owner of a computer toriel uses one at work but we have no evidence that she knows how to use email older people often have a hard time using modern technology especially if that older person is a boss monster who has lived for thousands of years as such the only person that is capable of contacting azrael via the internet is chris or at least that's what chris wants everyone to think the truth is that chris was never in contact with their brother chris has not been staying up late talking to azrael every night that was a lie they told to cover up the truth the truth is that asriel never left to go to college the truth is that asriel will never go anywhere ever again the truth is that azrael just like an undertale is dead here is how the story played out several months ago right before asriel was about to head off to college chris late at night went up to the school why did they go up there well chris had seen this really cool video where a man created a super sharp knife out of jello and that gave chris a great idea for a prank they would dress up like a monster using their favorite plastic devil horns and a green robe and would hide in the closet at the school chris would then jump out and startle someone with their knife much like how they jump scared noel in the past asriel noticed his younger sibling sneaking off and since he was a responsible older brother who did his best to make up for chris's bad behavior he followed chris to make sure they didn't cause any trouble and so sneaking into the building asriel discovers chris inside of the closet at the north end of the school asriel barges in intending to interrupt whatever prank chris was performing only for something terrible to happen chris startled by the sudden appearance of their brother trips and falls and in doing so accidentally stabs their beloved older sibling asriel grievously wounded by chris's knife dies in chris's arms with his dust scattering across the costume chris was wearing chris horrified at what they had done abandons their dust covered costume in that closet and runs back home desperately trying to think of a way to undo their mistake the next morning chris trying to buy for time lies and says that asriel left for college and that asriel's phone was broken as a result if the family wants status updates about asriel they'll have to get them from chris chris is panicking and is desperately searching for a solution to their dilemma they needed to resurrect their brother from the dead how could that even be possible under normal circumstances it wasn't but that's when the thought hit them if normal methods could not bring azrael back then maybe magic could maybe magic could bring their brother back to life and so in the following weeks chris stays up late every night searching the internet for information on magic people notice that chris is staying up super late as chris frequently falls asleep during class at school but they cover this up by claiming they're staying up late talking to azrael chris even consults catty as she claimed to have learned spells from studying the occult however none of this works despite their best efforts it seems like chris's brother is well and truly gone so imagine chris's shock when one day upon going to that dreadful closet chris stumbles into a whole other world and in that world they discover a person that looks shockingly similar to their dead brother how could this be chris is completely unnerved by this entity and so even though rousseau is extremely friendly chris remains deeply suspicious of them and as a result chris receives less healing from ralph say tea than they do from their other friends but more importantly the more chris learns about this dark world where magic runs rampant and inanimate objects are brought to life they start to get hopeful they smile for the first time in a long time and celebrate this discovery by eating an entire pie for they have begun to realize that maybe just maybe there might be a way to revive azrael after all as a result chris is more than happy to go back to the castle town and later to the cyber world for this magical dark world holds their best shot at saving their brother and once they learned that it's possible to create more dark fountains chris knows precisely what to do they create their own dark fountain right inside their house something that you guys brought up in the comments and which was a major point in a video by andrew cunningham is that it doesn't make sense for chris to make this dark fountain if you partake in the snow grave route after all if chris saw such horrible things happen to noel and birdley wouldn't they avoid creating a dark fountain wouldn't they want to avoid risking the lives of more people it seems irrational for chris to do this however once you take into account the death of azrael this scene starts to make a lot more sense chris as horrified as they may have been by what happened to noel and birdley would still insist on creating a dark fountain as this is the only chance they have to revive azrael from the dead furthermore chris is running out of time because someone probably toriel asked chris when asriel was coming home for summer vacation chris had no idea so they looked it up on the internet and told their family when asriel should be coming back but because chris told them this their family and the rest of the town is expecting asriel to come home in a couple days so chris only has until then to bring their brother back to life as such even if they were terrified by the snow grave route they really don't have any other option except to create more dark fountains if they want to undo their mistake and save their brother to be clear i know that i am filling in a lot of gaps in order to justify my theory and that my evidence is limited but you cannot deny that my theory answers so many questions my theory tells us why rousseau looks and acts like asriel why chris has been studying magic why chris sleeps through class why chris stays up late on the internet why chris looked up when the college summer vacation is why chris looked up kitchen knife jell-o why azrael is completely absent from the story why burger pants needs to ask chris to communicate with asriel on his behalf why raul say has so many similarities to flowey why asriel isn't in our phone contacts why rousseau has chris's plastic devil horns why toby fox bothered telling us about chris playing pranks with bath bombs and jump scares why rousseau has such mysterious powers and why chris would create a dark fountain after the events of the snow grave route my theory could totally be wrong but please tell me about a single other theory that can answer so many questions and connect so many pieces of evidence all in one go but wait there's more at the start of this video i promised to give you three insane revelations and i've only given you two thus far i've revealed the true nature of rao say and how he came to be and then i revealed the tragic fate of azrael which is likely going to be the core source of drama in this game but there's still one more insane revelation for me to blow your minds with and this revelation might just be the most shocking of them all as i am going to give you an answer to the greatest mystery in deltarune the mystery that has been confounding us ever since chapter one was released i am going to give an answer to a question that you have all been asking and that question is this who is possessing chris if i had asked this question at any other time almost everyone in the community would have given the exact same answer the player the player is possessing chris obviously after all we are the player and we are controlling chris so surely the player is the one possessing chris right no this answer that the player is the one possessing chris has never sat well with me why because the player easily controlled frisk in undertale frisk the most powerful wielder of determination in this franchise was completely helpless against the player's control not once did frisk have the opportunity to defy our command so tell me dear viewers how is chris able to rebel against us how is chris able to do something that even the most powerful human in the franchise was incapable of doing the answer chris has never rebelled against the player rebelling against the player is impossible the reason chris is able to rebel is because we have never been controlling them in the first place chris is not the protagonist of this story chris is not the character we are playing as toby fox has tricked us this entire time we have actually been playing not as chris but as the character hiding in chris's soul and who is controlling chris from inside their own soul you already know the answer my dear viewers even if you had never watched this video you would still know the answer because undertale spoiled the answer a decade ago a human cannot absorb a human soul a human cannot absorb a regular monster soul either because regular monster souls disappear instantly upon the monster's death the only kind of soul that a human can absorb is a boss monster soul because boss monster souls can endure just long enough to be absorbed and guess what there are only three confirmed boss monsters in this franchise it can't be toriel she's still alive it can't be asgore he's still alive there's only one possible boss monster that chris could have absorbed one boss monster who has yet to make an appearance in deltarune chris is being controlled and possessed by the soul of the brother that they killed the brother who they held in their arms as he died the brother whose dust went on to create ralsay the main character of deltarune the one who chris is rebelling against in these scenes and the one who we the player are actually controlling is none other than azrael we should have seen this coming the answer is so obvious now that i see it toby fox that sly dog is telling the exact same story again in both games toriel and asgore had a human child and a monster child in both games one of their children tragically died only to be absorbed by their sibling the one difference is that in undertale the human died and was absorbed by azrael whereas in deltarune azrael died and was absorbed by the human and best of all do you remember what happened after azrael absorbed their siblings soul in undertale azrael's will proved to be stronger than his siblings and so asriel ended up taking full control of their shared body and guess what in deltarune the exact same thing has happened again after fusing together will prove to be stronger than their siblings and thus azrael has taken full control of their shared body azrael is the one controlling chris it never made sense that chris was rebelling against the player because there is zero evidence that rebelling against the player is even possible but do you know what there is evidence for rebelling against the person who has absorbed your soul asriel did it to kara the human souls did it to flowey and now chris is doing it to asriel my theory not only explains what rousey is it not only explains what's going on with azrael but it also explains who is possessing chris it makes too much sense heck even the fact that chris is able to remove their soul at all could be explained by this theory we know that a monster who absorbs a human soul gains unfathomable power but we never got to find out what kind of powers a human would gain if they absorbed a boss monster soul but now we do it seems almost certain that the reason chris is able to remove their soul without dying is because they are no longer just a human they are more than a human they have the combined power of a boss monster and a human which grants them the ability to survive just for a little while without their soul also no wonder chris is weirded out by ralsay they know ralsay is not asriel because asriel is literally controlling them from inside their own soul oh my god think of the ramifications of this if this theory is true then that means there are two versions of asriel at play in this story there's the soul of azrael who is currently controlling the body of their sibling and then there's the body of azrael which has been reanimated through the power of the grand fountain wait wait oh my god oh my god rousseau is a nobody from kingdom hearts ralph says literally a soulless body that has been brought back to life oh my god that's why rousseau has the black heart-shaped hole in the front of his chest it's because he used to have a soul before he was killed by chris oh my god rosse is literally a kingdom hearts character wait wait it gets even better andrew cunningham was wondering why chris would create a dark fountain after experiencing the snow grave route but this theory perfectly explains that from chris's point of view the snow grave route is asriel going off the deep end and committing atrocities using chris's body that would terrify chris and would make them scared not of dark worlds but of their own brother snow grave wouldn't have pushed chris away from creating dark worlds snow grave would have made chris even more invested in creating dark worlds than in the normal route because now chris's loved ones are in danger after the snow grave route chris would know that asriel is willing to use their body to commit atrocities so chris would insist on creating dark worlds in order to find a way to get asriel out of their soul before they kill more people oh my god this is literally kingdom hearts okay okay calm down calm down everyone there's still an issue with this theory i can hear you all saying now but charu if your theory is right then that means asriel would be responsible for the snow grave route and that doesn't make sense because asriel is a good boy asriel would never commit atrocities right also noel said the person commanding her had a terrifying voice and asriel doesn't have a terrifying voice right oh wait yeah sorry but we all know full well that asriel is capable of things much worse than the snow grave route with enough trauma azrael can commit genocide and i'd say being murdered and absorbed by their own sibling is pretty traumatic now to be fair the trauma that deltarune azrael has gone through is much less than the amount of trauma that flowey went through however you have to understand that this is on a sliding scale on the one end of this scale is the regular uncorrupted asriel this version of the character has experienced no trauma and is thus pure and kind and would never hurt a fly on the opposite end of this spectrum is flowey who has experienced all of the trauma and is thus capable of atrocities on a global scale the deltarune azrael exists somewhere between these two extremes as he is traumatized but not to the extent of flowey which means that his corruption is not guaranteed that's why snow grave is an optional route as opposed to a guaranteed route asriel's humanity so to speak has not yet been lost so there's still hope for him to recover from this trauma or maybe he'll be consumed by his trauma and go full sociopath both options are still on the table now i can hear some of you saying but jaru even if getting murdered by chris was traumatic that's not enough to justify asriel doing the snow grave route he's still too good of a boy to do something like that and to be honest you might be right however there is one factor my dear viewer that you are not taking into consideration the player the player is not controlling chris but we are controlling azrael which means his fate is in our hands frisk was in all likelihood a really good kid who didn't want to hurt anyone but that didn't matter frisk was under our control and thus was capable of committing horrible evil the same is true for asriel whether he is aware of it or not he is under our control and is thus quite capable of falling to the dark side if we force that upon him i really do have to apologize for making this video i know that this theory and this idea will upset a lot of you because it's so horrible and tragic but the reality is that alphys anime was a metaphor for undertale and deltarune the first anime was cheerful and optimistic just like undertale because that was the timeline where it was possible to give everyone a happy ending but deltarune is not that timeline deltarune is the darker sequel that isn't afraid to treat you like an adult i hate to break it to you folks but this is toby fox we're talking about did you really think he was going to let asriel have a happy ending did you really think he'd let you have a happy magical undertale au where everybody's safe and secure of course not this is the timeline where mettaton's dreams never became a reality this is the timeline where gerson never got to be a legendary hero this is the timeline where noelle's dad is dying and there's nothing she can do this is the timeline where asgore is a disgraced former police chief struggling to pay rent this is the timeline where undyne and alphys don't even know each other this is the timeline where the amalgamates never got closure with their families this is the timeline where grillby's went out of business this is the timeline where you don't get to see papyrus because papyrus would give you too much hope there's a reason sans says that we'd get to see papyrus when we get to see our brother we aren't ever seeing our brother and we aren't ever seeing papyrus this is the timeline where your choices don't matter this is the timeline where things are darker yet darker this is the timeline where asriel is secretly dead i don't know the specifics of how this story is going to play out but i can tell you one thing toby fox will be breaking your heart into a thousand tiny pieces before this story is over and he'll do it using a remixed version of his same old tricks of course that's just my interpretation and for everyone's sake including asriel's i sincerely hope that i'm wrong this is a truly horrific story if my theory turns out to be true and if my theory about the angel is also true then that would make deltarune far too dark for a lot of people i think i'll enjoy it no matter how dark it gets but i can understand why some of you will find my theory displeasing to put it lightly again i hope i'm wrong but this is how the puzzle piece is lined up in my head and i just had to get my thoughts out there i could be wrong of course i can always be wrong but i do sincerely believe this is the truth behind asriel and raul say in my last video i said the truth of rause was at the heart of this story i bet you never thought that i meant that so literally oh man toby fox what a mad lad i hope you guys enjoyed this terribly dark theory video and if you disagree with it feel free to share your own theories in the comments below i'm certain there's details that i missed and i'm certain you can come up with theories that aren't nearly as distressing as this video's theory although since i can already tell this video will upset people please allow me to request that you keep things civilized in the comments you guys have been wonderfully polite thus far so i'd appreciate it if we could keep that up and with that i think i'm just about out of things to say i'm not sure what my next video is going to be about which is the first i've almost run out of topics to discuss regarding deltarune but i still want to make more videos so maybe you guys can help me out with that what would you like my next video to be about there's certainly a lot of options i could discuss who the roaring knight is and what role he plays in this story i could discuss what i think is going on with sans and how i think he fits into this and of course i could always do a video on gaster i've actually already written a script from my gaster theory although i'll need to drastically rewrite it to account for all these new revelations but still if you all wanted to see that i could definitely throw something together or maybe i'll want to see something completely different whatever the case please let me know in the comments down below and with that i think we're done for today like if you enjoyed the video comment if you've got something to say subscribe if you want to see more and as always have a fantastic day [Music] [Music] you
Channel: JaruJaruJ
Views: 268,928
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: DELTARUNE, UNDERTALE, Theory, Analysis, Timeline, Alternate Timeline, What is Ralsei?, What, is, Ralsei, Lightner, Darkner, Unique, Asriel, Flowey, Possession, Horror
Id: 9UKQ_9y4bdw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 77min 41sec (4661 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 11 2022
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