Delivery fail: Customer doesn't understand his driveway is too small to fit the decking HE ordered.

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uh we're back so uh i got some 20 foot even it might even be 22 footers i'm not sure i got to double check uh but the guy it does not have a driveway built for it so we're going to just do the best that we can do and see what we can do for him so i already made him aware of it it's gonna come off like wiggles on an airplane so i think he just asked the neighbor if they could move their vehicle which that would have been a big issue because i could just back the rope down the drive down to down the road so so all right but leave it down in the comment section how your day is going if that card doesn't move uh we'll just end up backing the rig down it's not that big of a deal it's only a little bit it looks like she's coming out now all right here we go i don't know how far she's gonna move her vehicle but we'll see i don't want to put my phone down just because i drop it yeah this stuff is heavy [Music] [Music] wow put my stabilizers down [Music] roof you want to move that board forward i don't want to snap snap any branches off the tree [Music] um you might want to take that out because it's going to put a big dip in it huh hmm all right that pretty much concludes this delivery hang on one second all right he's all set all right bud you're all set have a good day all right so that all that decking he wanted it as close as as close as i could get it to the house but that wasn't gonna pan out that well so i let him know before i cut the camera on that it was a curved side delivery and that i'll do the best i can with without what he's given me to work with but anyway leave it down in the comments section what you think of this delivery and uh i'll check out the comments and i'll see you guys on the next one have a good day later
Channel: Safford Delivery and Transportation Services
Views: 392,046
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: hSnbLhg9hBw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 36sec (396 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 12 2021
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