Confused Angry Customer Story! He thought I wasn't giving him all the product he paid for!

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uh with that we back uh today is a beautiful day today is uh friday uh i think april 30th uh time is now 9 52 in the morning good morning um so i know i said it numerous times before and it always seems like the deliveries that don't look like nothing exciting is gonna happen or any nothing educational about you know low security or or like the do's and the don'ts are gonna come from it you know and uh so for those of you who are new to the channel hi good morning my name is mike uh and i run this channel but you know it what i do on this channel is basically i just record you know cruising videos i record educational videos some you know videos that you can actually learn from or you know have some type of entertainment value to them or uh you know just um what do you call that tips and tricks you know just and i always want to kick myself right in the butt because i never get the good drama on video and i know you guys hate it hate me for it but here goes this story so i just left the customer's house and uh i went to go drop off i think it was like half a skid of rubber mulch or something like that i don't know i don't count the bags for those of you who know i pull up to the shipper they load me i strap it down they give me the paperwork and i'm on my way i pull up to the customer's house and it's a small skid of rubber mulch and uh so he goes the customer points inside his garage he goes yeah i want him like right about here and i'm like uh i back after i drop off the skid right in front of his garage i didn't go inside he goes you can't put him inside i said no sir it's a liability he was like well the last guy did it i was like i understand but you know we're really not supposed to because if we damage the garage we own the damage you know and he's just like well he did it anyway i'm like okay well i i don't know what to tell you i can't help you there and he goes yeah i'm supposed to have two skids and i'm like two skids and he goes yeah supposed to have 40 bags i'm like okay just call you know call call the people you ordered it from and he's like well i want to go inside get my paperwork and call them to make sure i got 40 bags i said sir i don't work for the shipper i just deliver the product that's it i have nothing to do with the quantity the color if it's the wrong stuff just call them sorted out with them work out the bags and then just make sure you got what you got you know but i'm in the meantime i'm not sticking around for him to verify quantities and stuff you know so he was just like well you wouldn't freaking help me by putting it inside the garage and you know it's really not that big of a deal like sir it's a liability and his wife comes out and she's chill as a cucumber she's like man it's not his job it's you know i'm like sir my job is to leave curbside i brought it up the driveway which by the way is like 15-20 feet long it wasn't nothing you know outrageous you know and uh i said sir i i already did beyond what i was supposed to do have a good day and he was just like you know i just find it funny how i'm supposed to have two pallets but you have a second pallet on your truck and you won't give it to me i'm like whoa like easy easy all right let's back up a little bit you you ordered what he goes rubber mulch i'm like okay i can see from here that's a different name on that tag i can't give you someone else's product he was just like yeah well i just find it funny how i ordered two pallets and you only left one but i see a second one right there and then he storms up to my trailer he's like yeah this is my stuff right here he's like i don't care if it has someone else's name on it it's my stuff i'm like that's not how that works i just can't give you someone else's stuff dude i'm like what else did you order he goes rubber mulch i said is that all he goes yes i'm like sir i can see from here those are bags of quick crete pebbles those are pebbles he goes they're what i'm like those are pebbles even his wife said it she was like those are pebbles john those are pebbles and he was just like all right so i effed up i'm like so i'm trying my hardest not to laugh i'm trying because it's kind of like one of those things where i told you so but you know he's just going off on a tangent and i'm just like oh man you know like this guy he really needs to like take a step back and really like look at what he's so he's like telling his wife he's like well i can see what side you're on it's like dude she's not even picking sides it's just if you're wrong you're wrong like i don't know i just say that out loud but man just just i think just some people is just they they're just having a rough day and i just i just let them go through the motions and stuff you know as long as no threats are being made or no one gets physical i just i'm just like whatever so i called the market manager gave them the heads up i'm like yeah the customer is really upset uh but i explained to him the whole situation i was like dude i i tried so hard not to laugh but it's just i'm pretty sure i walked away with a smirk on my face and we might get a bad spore or something he's like okay no problem i'll handle it i'm like all right you know just want to keep you in the loop he's like yeah dude i appreciate that that's crazy i'm like yeah that's that's nuts so but yeah that's pretty much it and uh yeah the guy uh when i was leaving here something yeah it's nothing for you to slide inside the garage the other guy did it you just don't want to do it sir it's not my job he's like oh you just won't help me i'm like yeah no i can't so sorry and he's just mumbling more stuff under his breath as i'm leaving i'm just like okay have a good day ma'am have a wonderful weekend like i don't know i don't know what else to what else to tell them you know so you know customer service can only go so far i mean it's not my fault that that you know all his product was put on one pallet and i'm sure i'm sure that if they if if all 40 bags of uh rubber mulch wasn't on that pallet they would have told them you know but i can't see how there's a shortage of rubber mulch so oh yeah and the weather was nice today but it looks like it's gonna pour so i don't know i don't know what else to do but yeah that's all the time i got for right now i got i got another funny story for you guys in a in a few minutes after i get done with this uh with this order i might have time before this order i don't know we'll see but yeah i'll see you guys on the next video thank you guys so much for watching thanks for 3 000 subscribers you guys are amazing you guys are the best make sure you guys smash that like button and uh yeah let me know your thoughts down in the comment section i'll see you guys on the next one later
Channel: Safford Delivery and Transportation Services
Views: 44,857
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: SxaeM3krw0w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 44sec (464 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 30 2021
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